TEN Offers The Fo >i )i K Auto Agency, Fai )( ) ( able to extend X X X Saw-m X X X X ill Business ar 11 A!! Farm Tracl 11 Service. )( )( Thomasbor j| good Natural I )i !! more new farm i 1 part of the corn it . II bound to incre; I! i )! ) I )( )( )! )( )! )( )( )( j For r I )( I COR? it ii Mail I II II II II I I II 11 II There has beet ii during thi I '1 i * . THE STATE PORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. Unusual Oppoi blowing m rmer's Hardware Supj credit, Drug-Store ai ill and Shingle Mill, T id residence sites, also Farm Tracts are now I ts front on State maintained Highways and ha o is destined to be one of the best business cei .ocation in one of the best farming sections o development around Thomasboro during the lty. Now is the time to buy while prices are rc ase greatly in the next few years! Particulars See MELIUS T i Address: Shallotte, i more new Farm Developmc e past year than in any other WEDNESDAY, AUGUST >< [unities For I businesses: I )Iy, Large General More I nd Doctor Combined, I ourist Home I for sale at reasonable prices, I ve Rural Mail and School Bus I iters in Brunswick. It has a 1 f the county. There has been | past year than in any other | lasonable. All land prices are ; or Write MUMA5 I , N. C 1 nt around Thomasboro I part of the county. I