I \lost Of The News I All The Time t [^LUME TEN NC Serious Effc a Made To C I Taxes Due ^fciiceable Increase Noted |n Amount Of Taxes Col |ected From July Thru October This Year Over BrEATEST INCREASE made in back taxes B:jreclosure Notice Have geen Started By County I Attorney In Clearing Op Bunch Of Old Tax Accounts > EFFORT BEING 80 - llections from July iber 31 this year H v3.Ki12T greater this year - they were last, according secured from the tax pi is an Increase of eighH h-tenths per cent . . : r.:ent tax collections over according to the figI . : !i showed S7.507.26 col : 6 compared to 513,v this year. ; collections for 1936 .. . -- > oq as romnared with In - ?x the same four Erctlis period this year. I ibis concerning the serI nt to clear up many of I tax accounts due be dispelled by K last week County I S B. Frink started I. closure notices pre-. tjt?y to making the final sale I perty described for I : .xcs. J This, he said, is just the fore I other suits that will I to a close within the I (eks unless taxes are Little Bits Oi Big News News Events Of State, H&lion and World-Wide Interest During Past Week - , . *Press Jury Five newspaper reporters who sr. week decided that Brady Usrer.ee. Iredell county negro, tonld serve a life sentence in rsor. instead of being executed " tile murder of a white man. Saturday that apparent lack ? "'Icr.t'o of premeditation cau - them to reach their decision. HU::er,ce was convicted of the of Clyde Edwin, a bro" of a county official of Irc-1 and Governor Clyde R. and his parole commissionI' : n Gill had studied the Has for months. BDqk'h To Business I gislation, with econ| "v trimmings, was virtually BMonday to provide the idle restless congress "with the ial session's first real task. H',:' the senate listened to the cadences of its first femB^* filibuster, the agriculture Nmittces of both houses reprogress and promised to H p control bills ready for n this week. Thcpre"t economy impulse bobbed both committees during the Ito write a $500,000,000 limi " upon the cost of the proH' :ar.d veto proposals that the I Processing taxes be revived ' ' it in part. I M ry Kirk Kaffray bcH * 'hf bride Thursday of Er';'1 A. Simpson, the divorced H ' her childhood chum, H ' Duchess of Windsor, Balti ?.M'ike the former Wallis Wield, who after her divorce London ship broker, ' '1 England's . abdicated I card VIII, Mrs. Raffray 1" nearby Fairfield with 'Pwn for the wrddilig. B^r'/iV Barker l\irolc Revoked l'arkcr, aged Bruns county woman who was H,ctc'i on a liquor charge at Btjrt term of court, is lifli. " t0',S 0t the 'aw ? ''cing granted a parole. I.jj out at the county home. .. is being detained for w?atwn of hcr onEinaI H;; and pending her trail Bit' ?r'tv'' charge cf violation of I " exhibition law. THE ). 44 4-PAGES TODAY >rt Being Collect The ThisCouny : k- I i RESIGNS I 1 CS: J. E. CARE J. E. Carr Will Quit City Posts ?; . T Popular Auditor And City Tax Collector Has Ten- ' dered His Resignation, Effective December 31; Will Be In Business Here J. E. Carr. for the past seven] years auditor and tax colector lts for the city of Southport, has er (tendered his resignation, effective T1 j December 31. 'n ! Mr. Carr in his statement to s.8 sii | members of the board of alderj men said that he planned to go m; into business for himself in South- Vf ! port, and desired to be relieved ^ I te I of his official duties on the last ! wi | day of this year. Iiz. He , will assume the manage- j ch I ment of a local insurance agency. I*0 Mr. Carr said that he will conwl tinue his duties as secretary of m, the Southport Building and Loan j ro Association. (da During his term as city auditor | pr and tax colector Mr. Carr gained I a the respect of all with whom he TI 1 came into contact, and he was izl (easily one of the most popular sti | public officials in the county. tic | or E. M. Hall Will r Remain As Pastor E Man Who Has Served For Past Two Years As Pastor Of Trinity Methodist Church Is Assigned This I Charge Another Year The Reverend E. M. Hall, who I j for the past two years has serv-1 J ed as pastor of Trinity Methodist church, has been returned here J I for another year. j fa Only one change resulted from (he I the assignment of minsters at af I the annual conference of the of 1 Methodist church held last week wi in Raleigh. The Reverend C. N. re I Phillips, who for five consecutive j da i years was pastor of the Methjodist church at Hallsboro, has wi ; been given the Shallotte charge. w< The Reverend W. A. Cade re- of j mains as presiding elder of the wj (Continued on page 4) Letter From Ne\ Renews Friei The wholehearted, coopera| tive and friendly spirit shown by the Carolina Yacht I Club of Wilmington during the past summer went very far to stimulate and encourage | friendly relations between Wilmington and Southport. I This fact was recognized the | past week by Robert Strange, the new Commodore of the Yacht club, and one of the most outstanding public spirited citizens of Wilmington. Two weeks ago Mr. Stj range was elected Commodore, succeeding Walter W. Storm. Commodore Storm's administration fathered the big race of the past summer and Mr. Strange, as a member of the club, was one of the most active of the many who contributed to the success of the event. Commodore Strange, writI ing W. B. Kcziah of the Civic Club the past week, called attention to the wonderful cooperative work in putting I over the first gTeat regatta and establishing the fact : STi A Good s COW FISH BROUGHT IN BY TRAWLER The trawler, Ray Stubbs, Captain James Arnold, went nto fresh shrimping pastures VIonday and captured a tropical cow fish. The bovine was promptly presented to the southport Civic Club and this organization promptly named t Susie. Unlike the barnyard cow, Susie has six horns, four of Ihem being abaft the binaele, Iwo evidently being rudder fuards. The two forward horns %urmount the pilot house, just over the lookouts. In place of lair and hide, Susie has a frame covered with a bone-like mbstanee. Her tail is the only flexible thing about her and the evidently used it as a rudler while navagating around. lave A Look At Holiday Menu For Camp Boys oys Of Camp Sapona Will J Profit From Annual Cus- 1 torn Of Uncle Sam In 1 Providing Bountiful Re- past For His Men \ME TREATMENT FOR CCC BOYS | i i with i Udimsgiviiit; i/iuubi . Ml The Trimmings Will Be Served The Boys At Noon Thursday At Camp Sapona A tradition as old as the Army self will be "carried on" at evy Army Post and CCC camp lursday noon when every man ( the fighting forces or Uncle im and the lads In the CCC down to a meal fit for a king. "] According to an announcement iule by Major General George in Horn Moseley, Commanding e Fourth Corps Area, the quarrmaster has contracted for and ill deliver to the various organitional messes, some 11,750 ' oice turkeys weighing from S t 21 pounds each. c The company mess sergeant, 10, under supervision of the j ess officer, provides three well funded and balanced meals per e y on a daily allowance of ap- ]( oximately 50 cents a man, has lot to be thankful for an lanksgiving Day. Congress, real- f ,ng that an Army fights on its y omach, has provided an addi- c )nal allowance for each man g i Thanksgiving and Christmas, hen "Chow Call" is sounded t (Continued on page 4.) c' f Excitement Is Fatal To Man \ i jsse Cox, Of Exutn, Died u Instantly Wednesday Afternoon While Witnessing Heated Argument At . Shallotte Jesse Cox, 56-year-old Exum rmer, died instantly from a art attack suffered Wednesday ternoon as he sat on the steps the Shallotte Trading Co. and * itnessed a heated argument that suited from a case tried that ,v in Recorder's court here. The case that was being argued is that of two Stout men, who ;re found not guilty of charges t timber theft. The elder Cox p is not involved in the row, f (Continued on page 4) v Commodore I idly Relations that Southport was the s logical place for such big c events. He predicted a wonderful event for 193S and f gave his assurance that f Southport's friends up the river would be with us then ( and thereafter. 1 j When in the course of cv- f cnts Commodore Storm was r replaced as head of the Wil- c mington organization, South- ( port people were greatly pleased at the choosing of Mr. Strange as his sue- , ccssor. In the regatta tinpast summer Mr. Strange, and J. Lawrence Sprunt were both tireless workers, giv-1 ing liberally of both their time and money . Both of I them earned the lasting i gratitude of Southport people, t "We arc with you in 1938". \ So wrote Commodore St- I range in his letter to Mr. t Keziah. These six words convey the most gratifying assurance that Wilmington \ and Southport will, have a ] great regatta at Scuthpcrt < in 1933. I VTE News paper I louthport, N. C., We TOMORRC PROUD?Lord of the gobbler during these brisf ,akes his place as the cent joard. Farm Program T< Senefit Consume] Well As Farmei Adequate Supply Of Food: Curbing Fluctuation C Supplies And Conserve tion Of Resources Cor stitute 3-Point Argumer COMMODITY PRICES TO BE CONSIDEREI The Welrafe Of The Cor sumer Vital Point In The New Proposed Federal Farm Program The consumer, whether he iiv( n town or on the farm, has hree-foUI interest in the agr ultural conservation program. First, he wants adequate su| ilies of food and fiber to suppl lis needs, said E. Y. Floyd, AA xecutive officer at State Co cge. Second, he wants these su| dies to remain stable year afti 'ear, avoiding as far as possib Irastic shortages such as droi ftt years bring. Third, he wants to know thi he ability of agriculture to pri luce adequate supplies in tt uturc is being conserved throug rise use of the nation's land ri lourccs. Achievement of these goal iMoyd said, is not only in tt OllSUmer s mu:iL'?i, uui ii. to ait n harmony with the objectivi if a sound farm program. Production cannot be stabilize (Continued on Page 4) Six Cases Are Tried In Cour Average Day's Session Dii posed Of Wednesday B< fore Judge Joe W. Ruar In Recorder's Court Six cases of more or less ii erest were disposed of here i tccorder's Court Wednesday b ore Judge Joe W. Ruark. R. L. Stout and Clyde Stou ehite, were tried on charges ( arceny, but were found n< ;uilty. James Green, colored, ws ound guilty of making an a lault on a female. His scnteni if three months on the roads wr luspended upon payment of t! losts. Lester Benton, white, wr ound not guilty of charges < also pretense. LcRoy Wanictt and Adria Jalloway, colored, were four fuilty of charges that they r used to assist an officer naking an arrest The amoui if the cost Jjras remitted to tl lefendants. (Continued on page 4 Prominent Men Expected Her It is understood from a re] ible. source that Mr. Morri blinder and president of U lation-wide plan banks, will con ;o Southport on business th vcek. He will probably fly he roni New York, accompanied 1 .wo of his associates, Judj Diompson and Mr. Schloss. It is said his trip has to < vith the inspection and poEsit surchaae of a conadeable tra >f lar.d to be used as club pr ?erty? % POR' * In A Good Con dnesday, Noven DW HE DIES w barnyard has been the statel> c, fall days, but tomorrow he :erpiece of the nation's festive ) Pickerrell Gets r Data Regarding ' I *""" "'9 a r Aid For Tenants s, County Rehabilitation Sup ?f [ ervisor In Charge Of Th< i-1 Program For Aid T< i-1 Tenants Makes Statemen it STATE COMMITTEE NAMED LAST WEEK [) Tenant Purchase Loam ?- Will Be Made To Aid Tenant Families In The Purchase And Improvement Of Farms :s a C. D. Pickerrell, County Re i- habilitation Supervisor in cnargi of the Rehabilitation program o > the Farm Security Administra ly tion in Columbus, Bladen, Bruns A, wick and New Hanover countie: 1_ has received from Regional head quarters an announcement listin; I the names of the newly appointee J" State FSA Advisory Committee ;r and explaining the new federa le program to aid farm tenants, j. The state committee, nominat ed by FSA Regional Directo' George S. Mitchell, Raleigh, anc 3_ appointed by Secretary Wallace lc to assist in carrying out the ten I, ant land purchase loan progran j,. in North Carolina is as follows Dr. Clarence Poe, Editor, Pro s grossive Farmer and member o le the President's Committee 01 Farm Tenancy, Chairman; I. 0 's Schaub, Director of Agriculture J Extension and Dean of the Schoo , j of Agriculture, State College, Ral (Continued on page 4) Baptist Leaders t Close Conventior Session Of 107th Annua J Convention Came To A ^ Close At Wilmington Oi i Thursday After Success ful Meeting 'n With Robert N. Simms, of Ral cigh, the 107th annual Baptis State Convention came to a sue t ccssful close Thursday, after i ' three-day session in which ovei ' 1,000 delegates heard presents 3 tions by about 60 Christian lead ers. ls Meetings were held in the Firs f* Baptist Church in Wilmington :c with the Reverend Sankey Lei 18 j Blanton as host pastor. Dr. W 101L. Potest of Wake Forest wai | originally slated to preside, bu 18 a recent stroke of paralysis pre vented him from doing so. However, President Potest sen 111 his address to the convention 'd and it was read by Pastor J c" A. Easlcy at the session Thurs in day morning. In it Dr. Potea it declared, "The obligations o ic Christians to- love one anothe as brothers and to cooperate ii (Continued on page 4.) j Truck Will Make c Rotnids For Trasi ii- A regular schedule has beei is. drawn up for the city truck t ie follow in gathering trash and re ie moving it from the city, is On Monday and Thursdays i rc round will be made of the firs jy ward; on Tuesdays and Friday ;e trash will be removed from wan number three. On Wednesday an* Jo Saturdays the truck will gathc ile up rubbishh front ward two. ct Citizens are urged co put thei o- trash in containers, and not t just pile it near the sidewalk. r pii imunity tiber 24, 1937 ^us MASCOT AT CAMP SAPONA IS DEAD Visitors at Camp Sapona this week missed the presence of the company moscot, for Soapy, a dog of uncertain parentage but of unquestioned toyalty and devotion, is dead. Soapy came here with the first group of men from the camp at Hiawassee, Ga., and he was king of the animal kingdom out at Camp Sapona for the past three years. His headquarters were near the i kitchen door, and no canine 1 visitor dared challenge his j rifcht to the first nor the juciest morsal that was tossed j out. There are several heirs apparent to the throne vacated hy Soapy, but it is doubtful that any of them will have the hardihood to fight for the supremacy attained by the old mascot. Survey Crew Of Camp Sapona Is : Wnrldncr nn Man - 9 r I Survey Crew Composed Of ' j Boys Of Camp Sapona Has Spent Several Months Compiling Data For Map Of Brunswick County , TO CONTAIN FACTS > ABOUT THE TIMBER . Through Use Of This Map : It Will Be Simple Matter > To Locate Fires And 11 To Determine Fighting Method I For well over a year the survey crew has been working on 5 a map of Brunswick county which will show the type and class of timber, roads, foot trails, farms fire breaks, buildings, and all I places from which water is available. including rivers, small streams, . ponds, and wells. The main purpose of this map is to locate forest fires and help ? to determine the best way in which to combat the flames. All fire towers will have a copy of this map. By it the exact loca3 tion of the fire can be determined. Since it shows the type J ! and class of the timber some| tiling of the nature of the fire " can be determined, and the fighters will know the kind of equipment to take with them. Since roads, streams, farms, firebreaks, J etc. are shown they can tell how (Continued on page 4) L I ' '* - : Japanese Bishop j Will Speak Here 1 Special Thanksgiving Night l Service Will Be Held At 8 O'clock In St. Phillips Episcopal Church The Rt Rev. Shirly Nickols, Bishop of Kioto, will be in charge of a special Thanksgiving night I service at St Phillips Episcopal church. Services will begin at 8 o'clock. 1 Bishop Nickols is one of the i outstanding scholars of the oriI ent and has been remarkably successful in the work of the Episcopal church. He is expected to tell of his contacts in . Japan, and in the light of the I present crisis this will be of . unusual interest. t Members of all the churches in P South port have been invited to . this service, and the pastors of (Continued on page 4.) ' Many Southbo j Stopping < Yachts are now moving southward at a rapid rate. During two days last week ' a total of 37 boats put in at Southport, most of them t for the overnight stop. At f the rate at which they are r coming along now. persons n well acquainted with waterfront conditions are predicting that there will be twice as many boats stopping here t this year as last. I And last year was no slouch in the number of a boats passing through. Well 0 informed people say that there were twice as many as during previous year. 1 Most of the boats coming t in now arc relatively small s craft. The really big boats d will be here the month of rl December. In addition to the r many big power craft, some of the biggest and fastest r pleasure sailing vessels in o the north will be tying up at Southport docks during ,0T HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Brunswick Are Set F< Thanksgi1 | BIRTHDAY M. M sit* x 9 n|p^ I '191 ' '\r DR. D. I. WATSON Dr. Watson Is 81-Years Of Agi No Formal Plans For Birth day Party Today Fo One Of Southport's Bes Loved Citizens, But Th Odds Are There Will B One Today is the eighty-first birtl day anniversary of Dr. D. I. Wa son and although there are r plans for a formal celebration i honor of the occasion, it is ; safe bet that many of his friem will call at his home during tl day and evening to pay their r spects to one of Southport's be; beloved men. Yesterday the venerable doctt said that a turkey dinner ws to be the extent of the day festivities. Only members of tl immediate family and the Re A. L. Brown were to be guest (Continued on Page 4) Wilmington Man Killed In Wrecl I Anson C. Edwards, Jr., Ir stantly Killed Saturda Night On Highway Nea Leland When His Aut< mobile Was In Head-0 Crash Anson C. Edwards, Jr., of Wi mington, was instantly killed Sa urday night in an automobile ai ! cident which occurred near Li ; land when his automobile ws in a head-on collision with machine driven by Dr. C. A Flowers, Lumberton veterinariai I Dr. Flowers was also seriousl injured, and is a patient in tt James Walker Memorial Hospita ' Chief among his injuries- is broken arm. Others hurt ai I Wila May Home and Virgin: ; Potter, of Leland. ' Coroner John G. Caison sa; that an official investigation in the wreck will be conducted i soon as Dr. Flowers and tl ' two girls are able to appear i (Continued on page 4.) iund Yachts Dvernight Hen the next few weeks. Among the officers and crews of the boats that have been passing, extreme interest is being manifested in the proposition and effort to get a yacht basin at Southport. Men big in the business of the nation have been promising their hearty support in the undertaking. They say Southport will become a great mid-way stopping point for yachts making the southward trip in the fall and returning northward in the spring. Another source of local interest is the big game fishing off Southport, and the assurance of development, through the publicity medium, among sportsmen. Many luxuriant big game boats that cater to sportsmen are planning to stop at Southport for the summer and cooperate m every way in the development of big game fishing here. The Pilot Covers ! Brunswick County I r $1.50 PER YEAR I Teachers I 3r Pleasant I zing Holiday I 1 Will Get Their Pay Check# fl Tomorrow On Eve OF I Departure For Holiday H Vacation From Their H School Duties B WILL NOT BE BACK IN 9 SCHOOL THIS WEEK H Christmas Holidays This I Year Will Begin Thurs- I day, December 23, At S Noon And Will Ex- H tend To Jan. 3 This will tinly be a thankful H season for Brunswick county B school teachers, for Wednesday, H on the eve of their two day B Thanksgiving holiday, they will B ' receive their third month's pay B I checks. 9 According to Miss Annie May B Woodside this month's payment B to teachers, janitors and truck B drivers will total over $13,000.00. H School will be out Wednesdav B afternoon at three o'clock and B will not reconvene until Monday B morning. M Miss Woodside says the Christ- B mas holiday season will begin B | Thursday, December 23, at noon B _ and school will not be resumed B | until Monday, January 3. 3 The fourth month of school H work will have been rounded out H L before the Christmas holidays be- fl t gin, and another happy note is B I uHSftrl (n t ho hnliSnu ui:],nn for IKS the teachers in that they will rcceive their pay checks before "" they leave for their homes. e On Hospitality Committee List l0 J. W. Ruark, Of Southport, j Has Been Named Chairman Of Brunswick Couna ty Hospitality Committs tec; Wilf Name Helpers e-j The Governor's Hospitality st Committee has been expanded to include every county in North jr Carolina as a result of the apis pointment by Governor Clyde R. 's Hoey of 100 county chairman, le who in turn will appoint the v. members of the county hospitas. lity committees. Joe VV. Ruark was appointed chairman of the Brunswick county committee. Kach county hospitality committee will cooperate with the I Governor's Hospitality Committee, r which is composed of all the ? ; members of the State Board of Conservation and Development, in attempting to arouse a greater v degree of interest among the * people of the state in showing 1 real North Carolina hospitality to all who come here from other n states, either as tourists or per! manent residents. Governor Hoey and those who have been cooperate with him | in the state advertising campaign, are convinced that the state should do everything posLS sible to induce visitors to return * to the state again and again and 'H ' that they will not become "re- H J1' peaters" unless the people they H ^ come in contact with while here H 'j0 the first time show a spirit of H a hospitality and friendliness. He H ^ J feels that while the advertising fl | program now being pushed by H the Department of Conservation H ,. and Development will bring tens H t I of thousands to North Caro- B ls lina who have never visited the B state before, it will be dependent B lg upon the people with whom these B (Continued on page 11 H Tide Table 11 m 3 Following is the tide table B fur Soulhport during tbe next Hj week. These hours are appro- H \imatel.v correct and were fur- B rushed The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the B 1 Cape Fdar Pilot's Association. B High Tide laiw Tide B 111)1. TABLE B Thursday, November 25 B 2:00 a. in. H:l.? a. in. H 2:18 p. in- 8:18 p. in- H Friday, November 28 2:50 a. ni. 0:19 a. m. H 3:18 p. in- 0:11 p. in. Saturday, November 27 Bl ' 1:10 p. in. 10:33 p. in. H Sunday, November 28 H 1:58 a. m. 11:08 a. m. I 5:18 p. m. 11:20 p. H Monday, November 29 H H 6:06 p. m. |U Tuesday, November 30 ifl 6:27 a. m. 12:05 a. m. H 6:50 p. m. 12:12 p. m. 9 Wednesday, December 1 9 7.06 a. m. 12:50 a. tn. JB 7.29 p. ni. 1:26 p. m. H "vB

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