rETEMPr foe mByncs Harper Weds Kliss Margaret Tayloi , wedding was solemn Methodist ehnrcl - evening at si: I < Hit l.i Madison Harper. Junlot I,i M Hall, pastor o chirr, h preformed tin ^Jierr.ntn n.,. church was decorated will ' smilax. fern y w|,iio chrysanthemums oat H , in branched cande H , provided light for thi Hb jjiss Clara Evelyn Gill, o cousin of the bride H^jcrvd nuptial music. Prio ceremony "Oh Pro mis sung oy Mrs. H. c bnoat Chorus fror Wagner, was use. ^B tcessional and Mendela . . W iding March" as i . McDowell's "To i Rose" was played durinj ?:< \v A McAuley and Mis ^B. . Tayloi the latter a sisto bride, were attendants am H dinner gowns o ^Etor.aet velvet, made on sof princess lines. The Juliet caps of pearl am Kv;' : bouquets of sweet ^Eari roses. yus Elizabeth Taylor, also : Hsi,' of the bride, was maid-of Hpnp: She was lovely in i ^Eun of burnt flame velvet witl Kned bodice and full skirt. Sh ^Emc.! an arm bouquet of Tali ^Ej." roses. bride entered on the arn her father. Charles Edwari ^Kyior. She wore a gown o Hjutr briiial satin, its front dra ^E-v accentuated by the simpli ^H:y of the flowing skirt am ^Ea.viul train. She wore a shir ^Bd =atin Mary Stuart cap witl -. ;A.,,Tth veil of tulle. He by ornament was her mother' cross. She carried a showe L bouquet of brides roses am L$ or the valley. [The bridegroom had as hi L- man his brother, John Hai [r of Durham. Groomsmei U William McGee Harpei lother of the groom, and Ed krj Taylor, brother of the bride terr.ediately following the cere by Mr and Mrs. Taylor enter l_-e.l friends and relatives of th' Kple at a reception in thei me on Bay Street. Mrs. J. W keir.pson welcomed guests at thlor and presented them to thi Wiving line, which was madi I of the bridal party, Mrs. J I Harper. Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs lyior Mrs. Hubert A. Living nt asked guests to register- it (bride's book, and Miss Clan Gill invited them to the din E room where refreshment! st served. Mrs Harper cut the bride'.' kt. after which the couple lef ! Williamsburg and other point: Virginia The bride wore a: i traveling suit wine broad to trimmed in Persian land Ih accessories to match. Mrs yior. mother of the bride, won myaJ chiffon velvet dress witl wider corsage of Sweethearts Mrs. Harper, mother o 1 groom, wore black velve h erv-nn,? A ?>n?i/>n >1 Rooilh |,c ui nurcnvttii "vuuv. ah M. Taylor of Wil id Misses Julia Tayloi Johnson, of Winnabov the dining room, rper is the daughtei 1 Mrs. C. Ed.. Taylor red her education a ligh school and Greens rating from the lattei is of '37. per is the son of Di J. M. Harper, Sr.. o le is a graduate o: allege, class of "31. jple will make theii icuthport. iwn guests who at e reception included M. Walker, Mr. ant Mercer Taylor, W. D id the Rev. W. R. Noe igton. Mr. and Mrs ison. Miss Mattie John Taylor. Jr., J. J. Tay ussell Johnson, of Win A. Kopp of Bolivia i A. Ames and R. H Hagerstown, Md. Mrs. J. W. McGee ant Mrs. Everett Smith, o: I. Allen, Howard, ant trper, of Garner: Bish Is, of Japan. 1 Mrs. Rone H. Lewi: rge Butler, of White Tl'. SOCIAL V. P. u. of Mt. Pisgal hurch gave a social ai of Mr. and Mrs. O. P 'hursday night, Novem everal games were play the refreshments wen ter playing games. *ho attended were: Mr 0. P. Holden, Mrs. Par M Holden and daughter in, Mercikinson Holden Hewett. Frank Lennon oilers, Miss Reba Evans ty Louise Lennon. Mis! ennon. Clarence Lennon Dhia Lennon. Miss Eloii Kiss Shirley Holden. Misi olden, Miss Lottie Mai Misses Betty and Docil r- Miss Ophelia Moore tridge Sermans. RJ 19?" news! ' BRIEFS r 1 IMPROVEMENT Friends are glad to know that "|Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church is be11 ing improved with New Sundav ^ school rooms ailded to the* build F oij*. . BOARD To meet f Members of the hoard of coune ty commissioners will meet Thursday in a special session. a s IN' HOSPITAL G. W. Collins, of Winnnbow, - j is a patient in the Brunswick e County Hospital for treatment. f Appendectomy , Miss Mabel Fulford, of Supply r underwent an appendectomy Tuesday. a Baby Born 11 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson. -1 of Bolivia, announce the birth of 1 i a son at the Brunswick County ^ Hospital on Monday. November ? the 29th. s Mrs. Hood III r | Mrs. Warren Hood has been ill ' at her home here for the past f few days. Friends will be glad 1 to know that she is improving. y Returns Home Lewis Hardee returned Sunday after a few days in New I Smyrna. Fla. t Visitors II Mr. and Mrs. John Richard j e Ames and son, Dick, of Hagers-1 " town, Md? spent part of the holiI days here with friends. Treated Employees ' The captains of all boats em ployed by the S. I. Burris fish " house were recently presented 3 with a complete suit of oilskins * by Mr. Burris. it i Graveyard Cleared Off s The old South port cemetery re-1 cently received the most thorough ! ;i and painstaking clearing off that it has had in many years. s The work was done by city em ployees. n Nice Drum Catch Sergeant Leiner, Mr. Myers and ! 1 i Mr. Carter, of Gastonia, made a pretty catch of 40 large drum, j " fishing with pole and line at ; Waldcns Creek Friday afterr noon. Birth Annoiiiicemi'iit ? Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kopp, ? of Bolivia, announce the birth of a son. William, Junior, at the j ' Brunswick County Hospital on' Tuesday. November 23rd. i i From Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mowery 3jand sons, A. S. Jr.. and Billy j Mowery, of Salisbury, spent 3 Thanksgiving here on a hunting j I and fishing trip. These Roman 3 county people are visitors to 5 Southport several times each year. PRESBYTERIAN CIII RCH - i Services next Sunday at the II Presbyterian church will be at t' 11 o'clock in the morning. The f j sermon subject will be "Encour 11 agenient". The public is coruiauy / invited. APPRECIATION r Dr. D. I. Watson desires to ex- j j r press his appreciation to the I friends that called on him and r for the telegrams, leaf-lets, and . tokens of esteem and friendship t thus expressed to him on his . 81st anniversary. Prize Fisherman Fishing with pole and line at f Waldens Creek Saturday afterf noon Dr. Leroy Furgus pulled in 19 big puppy drum to the 13 r that were taken by his four companions, who were A. M. . Wolfe, Mr. Carter, of Gastonia, 1 . L. T. Yaskell and W. B. Keziah. I Former Sherriff and Mrs. F. L. Lewis, fishing at the same time, got over a dozen beauties. Treated Employees Forty two up- state fishermen. . employed on boats working for the Ben Gray fish house at Southport, were treated to a big Thanksgiving dinner by Mr. ' j Gray, at the Hotel Miller Thursf day night. Most of his boats , coming from up state, it is the j annual custom for Mr. Gray to . . give them a big dinner near the close of the season. Five big ; 3 turkeys afforded the centerpiece . for the affair this year. SHOWER , Miss Francis Woodbury, of ; l Lanvale, was hostess at a shower ] t given in honor of Miss Agnes ; . Lucas, bride-elect, at her home i - last Monday evening. Flowers were used to decorate ; > the home, and later in the even- ' ing tea and sandwiches were ' . served. Of the seventeen guests attend; ing only two were from distant points: Miss Lester Lucas, of , Fayetteville, and Mrs. Robbie , Nurnberger. of Richmond, Va. ( ' BIRTHDAY GUESTS 3 s Last Tuesday afternoon and l i evening on the occasion of his i i eighty-first birthday a number of i , friends and neighbors of Dr. D. ] I. Watson called at the home to 1 1 J , .filM.'. Will >'?J. Personal i -1 Mrs. Herman Canady and dau- ] filter, Barnara Ann. or Wilmington. spent Thanksgiving holidays hero with Mr and Mrs. John W. Keithan ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Nod Smith, of Washington. t >. 0. spent last week here with Mr and Mrs. j K II Smith Mrs. IalUe Williams spent last week-end in Wilmington with relatives. ? ? Miss Wilma Langley, of Bon-| son. spent Thanksgiving holidays | hero with Miss Lula Brown. mm Mr ami Mrs. A. B. Weeks and children, of Wilmington, spent I part of last week here with relatives. ? Misses Lucy Anderson and! Helen Dean Sutton. Dan Walker and David Watson, students at Louisburg College, spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with their parents. * * Miss Myrtle Brown, who is employed at Smithfield, spent Sunday here with her parents, the } Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. ? S. A. Troy, field representative j of Federal Land Bank of Co-1 lumbia, was in town this week on business. ? ? W. T. Ottoway. who has employment in Baltimore, has been spending the past week here with his family. Mrs. Oscar Coleman anil chil-1 ... , . .... i uren speni iasi weeK-emi in ou-1 livia with relatives. Miss Josephine Smith, student J at Campbell College, spent i Thanksgiving holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. j Smith. ? 4 ? Mrs. Josie Jelks left last week ! for Mars Hill, where she will j visit her sons. Miss Mamie Wolfe, of Beaufort,! spent part of last week here with friends. Sam T. Bennett, of Ash, was i a business visitor in town this week. ? Miss Melva Peifly, member of' the Southport school faculty, j spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Salisbury. Miss Julia Cromartie, member of the Southport school faculty, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents at Garland. fl 9 Miss Olivia Miller, teacher in the Southport school, spent the past holiday week-end at her home in Rocky Point. ? ? John P. Wonsavage, teacher in the local school, visited friends ai union, Vy., iiuiuig uiv uftitlays. + 00 Miss Anna Taylor, sophomore at Greensboro, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Taylor. ? Miss Elizabeth Taylor, teacher at the Thomasboro high school near Charlotte, spent the past week-end here with her parents. Stacy Wade visited relatives here during the past week-end. Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert visited Mrs. J. W. Raybourn at Summerville, S. C., last week-end. Mrs. Ralbourn returned here with her for a visit with her father, Ernest Burriss. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Carter, of Gastonia, spent part of the past week here with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wolfe. m Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mercer, of Bolivia, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. R. L. Garrett, of Merchantville, N. J., is spending some time here with his family and his mother, Mrs. J. J. Garrett. pay their respects. Light refreshments were served to each guest. The following called at the Watson home: The Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown, the Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Hall, Judge and Mrs. E. H. Cranmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Berg, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bragion, of Georgeton, S. C? Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Butler, Mrs.. G. D. Rcbinscn. Mrs. George Whatley, Mrs. B. L. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ruark, Mrs. Annie K. Vitou, Miss Annie May Woodside, Miss Lou Brown, Harvey Brown, Mrs. A. E. Huntley, Mrs. C. Ed Taylor and Mrs. Mary tiader. P.-T. A. TO MEET The Southport Parents Teach;rs Association will meet Thursday night, December 2nd, at 7:30 ' yclock. All friends of the school ire cordially invited. Please remember the request made -at last meeting and bring iny clothes that your sons and daughters have out-grown. The orogram will be rendered by the high school dramatic club. ~ TKE STATE PGR - " 1 . .. 5 BOLIVIA NEWS CLUB MEETING The Bolivia Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Alex Merrer on November 17lh. The meeting was railed to order by the president. Mi's. Frank Mint7.. The club collect was read and minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Reports of committees and of fleers were given. \ comm. was appointed to make out year hooks. Mrs. Doxhei asked that each member keep a i hd> scrap hook for 1938. Plans were made for a Christ mas party oaring the holidays. Reports of the Fall Federation meeting were given. Bolivia won achievement prize, first place in stunt and play contest and tied for attendance prize. The club chorus sang at this meeting, and made quite an impression. The building of a community and club house was discussed, j and the club decided to invesligate project, and work for funds j to build with. The agent, Mrs. Doshcr. gave a most helpful and interesting demonstration on "Christmas Gifts". The hostess served a delicious short cake with coffee. BOOK CU B The Friday evening book club met with Mrs. Geo. Cannon on November 19th. Several interesting topics were discussed after j which bingo was enjoyed. The hostess served delicious l'efresmments. PRACTICE PAGEANT The Epworth League of the Methodist church is enjoying a successful membership drive. They have started rehearsing for a Christmas Pageant to be given on December 19th under the di- j rection of Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Taylor. MRS. ROBINSON HOSTESS The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Alex Robinson, of Supply. at the November meeting'. An interesting program was given by Mrs. Alex Mercer. After the business session a lovely social hour was enjoy?'' The nostess served delicious cake and coffee. CLUB ORGANIZED The juniors of the Bolivia high school met November 19th. in the regular home room and organized an English Club. The following officers were elected: Annie Lede Gilbert. President: Fiances McKeethen, Vice Persident; Bertha Hilburn. Secretary; Margaret Mills. Corresponding Secretary. These officers are puting themselves whole heartedly into the club and all members i are cooperating very nicely. The club will meet in the homy I'ctim every two weeks. Mrs. Honeycutt is the sponser. Mrs. Earl Banford and Mrs. George Cannon attended Mrs. Steele's mission study class in Wilmington last Friday. Wife: But, my dear, you've forgotten that today is my birthday. Husband: "Er?listen love. I knew 1 forgot it, but there isn't a thing about you to remind mc that you are a day older than you were a year ago." "Alexander," said Mrs. Snooks. sweetly, "do you remember what day this is?' "Of course, my dear" replied Mr. Snooks, pretending to have remembered all the time. "It's our wedding anniversary." "It's no such thing," answered Mrs. Snooks icily. "It is Uie day you promised to nail the leg on the old kitchen table." American produces approximately 316,000,000 pounds of toilet soaps annually. POPULAR COMEDY COMING TO AMl'ZU "Ever Since Eve" one of the | better comedies produced during the past few months, is coming Monday arid Tuesday to the Amuzu theatre. Starring beautiful Marion Davis and debonair Robert Montgomery, lovers of light comedy are in for [ a merry-madcap evening of entertainment when they go to see1 "Ever Since Eve". METHODIST CHURCH Services will be held at the J Methodist church at the regular' hours on Sunday. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be i ( administered both morning and evening. All members are urged to bring their "Thanksgiving offering for the Methodist Orphanage in ' Raleigh. Visitors and strangers are welcome at all services. Honky-Tonk SQUARE and ROUND DANCES Every FRIDAY NIGHT ' | J Good Music, Good People And Good Order Ladies 10 Gents 25c u?- . . . . ?- - t| I recently have been i | { Commissioned as 1 !j Notary Public ^ J ; J Susie Mae Livingston' I 1 i X / T PILOT. SOUTH PORT. N. ?' * 1 1 Maid: The furniture man ia here. Mistress: I'll see him in a minute, tell him to take a chair. Maid: I did but he said he would start with the piano and radio. LEGALS voTh t. of si if. or i.ixn U'ltciMf, on Hi. r.'lli day of M.tiii. ior:r.. Oeorge I:. Fonlke .ii . ami Dorothy i-V.her Pnulice executed - ml livered unto "W O M, ftibonv iiti i.c, rot-,i On ill; Commission < r. :i 11:i111 ,l<-< d oi lulHI wlii11 i.% it *i-?i.-*i in On* ,,Hi ,.r ill,- Register i./ Deeds Rin.'wi.l: County. sorIh ? *:ii ulina, in Rook f.S, at page toO: ami \\ herons. 11?-1null has been made in il?o payment oi' ilio indebtedness thcreb\ : .vnrod as iherein provided, and ilie trustee has been requested by iIn* owner ami holder thereof to exereise On' power of sale therein com ni nod: Now. Therefore. under and l?y virtue oi' i lie authority conferred by lb:* .aid deed of mini the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday tliej ut day of .laiiuarv A. D. lftSS, at the ( Vi'ui t Mouse I ?ooi of Rrunswick County. North Carolina, at twelve o'elock Noon, offer lor sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow- i ing real estate! All Hint trad of land containing | Nineteen Hundred Sixteen (HHiic acres, more or less, located in Town Crock Tow nship, nmiiswirk County. North Carolina, and known as the i W'iiinabow Plantation. and now in the possession of c. R. Foulke. Jr.. and his wife. Dorothy Klslur Foulke. 1 located on the Past side of N. C. Highway No. SO. ahout 12 miles Southwest from Wilmington, on the water of kires Creek. .Mill Creek j ami i '.ell Swamp: hounded by the lands of D. K. Johnson on the North: 1 D. I!. Johnson. Moll (I range and Wees Creek on the Past; on the South bv the Miiiiianl-Hiltoii Lumber Company. Kiees Creek and .Mill Creek, ami on Hie West by N. C. Highway No. ::m. and the Milton Lumber Company. This tract of land is pratieularly des< ribed and hounded according to a iilat of the same made by P. R. Ilewett. Surveyor, dated February 22. }. for a ileseripliou hy metes ami bounds see the record of the .above mentioned deed of trust. Said property being advertised for sale, and sob I subject to an out- i standing first deed ?>f trust exeeut- | cd by Ceorge 11. Foulke. Jr.. and Dorothy Fisher Foulke to the Fetler- i al Land Dank of Columbia. Recorded I in Rrunswick County. North Carolina. W. (>. .Metlihony. Trustee. Dated and posted This 1st day ol December. HUT. Robert W. Davis. Attorney for Trustee. 12-211-t* | 11,1 U'l'l 1 I I 1 L' Will.' Cndcr :iml by virtue of the power I of sale contained in dial certain j mortgage ilaleil November 2 2 id. 192.1, | from J. II. AlcDoiiald ami wife. Is*'belle Alcl 'onald. to .1. \V. Runrk. recorded in Rook 3.1. at page 1152. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rrunswick County. N. whii li saiil mortgage was made lo seen re a certain note therein reeite?l. the said note and mortgage having beet i duly assigned to tin- Peoples failed Rank, and default having been made in the payment of the said note and interest, the undersigned mortgagee, for the use of the Peoples United Rank. Southpnrt. X. C.. will sill at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court Mouse door. Soulhport. X. C., at twelve o'clock noon, on Tuesday, December 21st. 1937. that certain tract or pored of laud located in Rrunswick County, Smithville Township, North Carolina. Rounded and Described as follows: Adjoining lands of J. H. McDonald on the cast and R. A. and Ida Kllis on the west, fronting on West Street II feet ami running back 115.1 feet to the line of Alary Ann Davis, formerly, being eastern portion of a l"l of l.iml conveyed by J. Rerg to Charles Almgrcn. hy deed dated December Till. 1912. recorded in Rook No. 22. page No. UN. records ot Rrunswick County. N. C.. and by said Chas. Almgrcii conveyed to J. II. McDonald by deed dated Nov. 23rd. 1025. recorded in said records in Rook No. 12, page 220. reference to said conveyances and record thereof being hereby made for a more particular description. Also an undivided ntic-lhird (1-5!) interest in and to tlu? Kslatc of John .McDonald, which descended to Chas McDonald and from him to John 11. Alcl >ouald. as described in deed from Win. Rrown and others. Trustee.'- to John .McDonald. dated October ll'lh. 1X150, recorded in Rook No. T. at page No. 8215. records Rrunswick Count v. reference to said conveyance and the record til."vol* being hereby made lor a more particular description, all the foregoing lauds being situate ill the fitv oi Southporl. N. C. Dated and posted this the 17l h day of November, 1937. j. W. Kuark, .Mortgagee for use of Peoples Cniteil Rank. Assignee. C. IM Taylor. Atty. 12-lIi-c POKKCkOMRK SM.i: OF REAL KsTUlK M <>UT<.\ UK Umler and hy virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certain mortgage deetl made and executed hv Smithen Ren net t and wife, for J-.IAl. ! (K? /if Inn. *11.Mir.'l ?Mt- , 11. ..... ... nary. 1937. iluly recorded in Rook No. :i 1 Page 17. in the office of |la- Register of Heeds of Brunswick County, io which reference Is hereby especially made. Default having been made in I he payment of the indebtedness 1 herein described. the undersigned I'.. (. Simmons. .Mortgagee. will offer for sac ni public auction to the highest bidder foi (ash at the Courthouse door ill the City of Snuthport. and the county bf Brunswick, on December 18th# 1937. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described piece or parcel of land i lying and being in Brunswick County. North Carolina, ami bounded and I described as follows, to wit: Bounded and described in said I mortgage deed recorded in Rook No. at Page 17. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, the description in which is hereby incorporated and made a part nf this notice. Dated and posted this 12th, day r> f November. 10.17. R. (I. Simmons, Mortgagee. S. R. Frink. Attorney. | FOKECLOSi'ltE NOTICE ^ Notice is hereby given that by vir- , [ttc of a decree of the Superior | Court of Brunswick County. N. C\. 1 dated the 17 day of November 1937 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Fills Bellamy and Wife. if any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the IS day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to j satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $17.33. the following described real estate, located in Rockwoods Folly Township Brunswick County. N. C., hounded ! hi id described as follows: Being those certain tracts or par- ; eels of land conveyed to Fills Bellamy by those certain deeds recorded in Book 21. page 98 and 99 from \V. II. Clcmmons to Fills Bellamy and Alexander Bellamy to Ellis Bellamy, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. Brunswick County and ill other real properly owned by defendant in Lock wood's Folly Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937. William Jorgensen 1^8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSt'RE NOTICE Notice in hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior L'ourt of Brunswick County. X. C., fated the 17 day of November 1937 n an action entitled "Brunswick County versus L. C. Robinson and Wife. if any**, the undersigned commissioner will expose at public Miction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courtlouse door, Southport, N. C., to c. satisfy the decree of said court t< enforce the payment of SI 7.0.?., i h< following: described real estate, locat ed in I ^o ck woods Polly Townshij Brunswick bounty, X. C., boundec and described as follows: Being those cert a in tracts or nar eels of land conveyed to L. f. Robin son by that certain deed recorder in Rook 50, page 53 from C. A He welt and Book 51, page 494 iron Asberry Robinson ct u.x to I.. C Robinson. recorded in the office o , the Register oi Deed-:. Rruntwh 1 County and all othei real propertj owned by defendant in l.o. kwood' i Polly Township. I All -.ale- subject to report to ant . onfirmati.'.n by in. Court. Ten day allowed for raise of bid before repen made Cash to r.e paid at salt i Tin in.- l. da> of November 19 William Jorgensen l:'-S-c Commissioner. PtlKF.ri.OHI RE VoriCF Notice is hereby given that by vir (tuc oi a decree oi the Superioi Court ot Brunswick County, X. C. dated the 17 day of November 1921 in an action entitled "Brunswicl County versa.-. M. |.. White am i Wife. it any". the undorsigriei i commissioner will expose at publit j auction sale to the highest. birldei for cash on the is day of Decembei 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court [house door. Soulliport, N. C\, if I satisfy tin* decree of said court t( enforce the payment of <19. 17, tin following described real estate, locat led ill Lock won ils Polly Townshii Brunswick County. X. C? boundei j ami described as follows: Being those certain tracts or parcels of land conveyed to M. 1. White by thai certain deed convey j ing in acres recorded in Book 24 { age 27s from Alexander llewctt u At. L. While, recorded in the offin of the Register of Deeds Brunswicl County, and all other real propertj j owned by defendant in l.ockwoncV: Polly township. All sales subject in report to am confirmation by the Court. Ten dayallowed for raise of bid before repor made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1927 William jorgensen 12-R-c Commissioner. rnltKI I.IIKI'IIK XOTICK Notice is hereby given that bv vir tuc of a decree of the Superioi Court of" Brunswick County. N. C. dated the 17 day of November 192' in an action entitled "Brunswicl I Count v versus Isaac Clemmons am Wife." if any". the midersigtiec commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest hidde for <*ash on the IS day of Decembe 1937 at 12 o'clock .M. at the Court 'house door, Southporl. N. tc satisfy the decree of said court t< enforce the payment of $24.73. tin following described real estate, local ed in I ,ock woods Polly Townshii Brunswick County. X. t\. boundec and described as follows: Being those certain tracts or par eels of laud conveyed to Isaac Clem mons by that certain deed conveyinj 192 acres recorded in Book 12, pag> 111 from P. T. Clemmons cl ux tc Isaac Clemmons. recorded in lite of fic-e of the Register of Deeds Bruits wick County and all other real proper!j i ?o in Corkwood" Folly Township. All sales subject to report lo am confirmation by the Court. Ten dayi alloweil for false of hid before repor made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November lft.1i William .iorgensen 12-8-e Commissioner. FOR Kt' I.OSl' BF NOTICK Xotiee is hereby given that by vlr tue of a deeree of the Superio: Court ol Brunswick County, X. C, ilated the 17 day of November 10.'!' in an action entitled "lirunswicl County versus Tillman Ilewett am Wife. if any". the umlersignei commissioner will expose at publii auction sale to the highest biddei for rash on the IS day of Deceml/e lft:i7 at 1- o'clock -M. at the Court house door. Sou'thport. X. C.. n satisfy the decree of said court t< enforce the payment of $14.00, the following described real estate, local ed in Ijockwoods Folly Townshii Brunswick County, X. C.. houmlci and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcc of land conveyed lo Tillman llewet by that certain deed recorded ii I took .'! ?. pages .1.11 and rwf? from Mrs 'Sarah 10. Ilewett to Tillman llewet and tJuill'ord Ilewett el ux to Till man recorded in the office of t In Itegister of Deeds. Brunswick County aud all other property owned by do fondant in I ,ock wood's Folly Town ship. All sales subject to report to am confirmation by the Court. Ten dayi allowed for raise of bid before repor: made. Cash to be |>aid at sale. This the 17 day of Novem1?er 10.17 William .lorgeuseii 12-S-c m Commissioner. I'llKKCI.OSl*ItK XOTM V. Xotiee is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superioi Court of Brunswick County. X. <\ dated tlie 17 day of November lft:" in an action entitled "Brunswict County versus Itiley Randolph am Wife. if any". the umlerslgnet commissioner will expose at publii auction sale to the highest biddei for cash on the IS day of Deeembei lft.17 at 12 o'clock Al. at the Courthouse door. South port. N. C.. u satisfy the decree of said court tr enforce I he payment or m< following described real estate, located in Lockwoods Folly Townshij Brunswick County. X. C.. hnundei ami described as follows: Being that certain tract or parre! of land conveyed to Riley kaiulolpl by that certain deed recorded it Hook 17. page '.'08 from C. I'f Taylor. Trustee, to Riley Randolpl recorded in the office of the Kegistei of I>?eds. Brunswick County, and al other real property owned by Defendant in Lnckwnod's Folly Township. All sales subject to report to am confirmation by the Court. Ten day* allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937 William .lorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. FOJCKCI.OSrRE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Sunerfot Court of Brunswick County. X. C. dated the 17 day of November 1H.T in an action entitled "Brunswlclt County versus Alex Frink and Wife. if any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest biddei for cash on the 18 day of Derembel 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door. South port, N. C? tc satisfy the decree of said court tc enforce the payment of $16.4$, the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township, Brunswick County. X. C.. bounded and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parrel of land conveyed to Alex Frink by that certain deed recorded in Bool 10. page 164 conveying 15 acres from Emma S. Pigott to Alex Frink, recorded in the office of the Registei of Heeds. Brunswick County and all other property owned by defendant in Shallotte Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten day* allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937 William Jorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. FOKECLOSrRE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C\, dated the 17 day of November 1931 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Caesar Daniels and Wife. if any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at ptiblir auction sale to the highest biddei loi cash on the 18 day of Decembei 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door. Southport, X. C. tc satisfy the decree of said court tc enforce the payment of $5.58. the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel of land conveyed to Caesar Daniels by that certain deed recorded in Book 38. page 281 from John Russet ux. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. Brunswick County ana all other real property owned by defendant in .Shallotte Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. WW- ' 1 This the 17 day <7f November 19717. ? William Jorgensten - 12-8-c Commissioner. 1, FOKECrOSIBE NOTICE Notice is hereby Riven that by vir tue of a decree of ilio Superior | Court of Brunswick County. N. C., 1 dated trie 17 day of November 19.T7 . in an action entitled "Brunswick j County versus Lillie Smith arid . Husband, it any\ the undersigned t commtatione^ will exftpae at public ; auction *ale to the highest bidder tor . ash on the 18 day oi December : 1937 at 1.' o'clock M at the Courthouse door, Southport, X c. to i satisfy rh- decree oi -aid court tc enfof i e the payment of $9.12. the I following described real e'tate, located in Shallot!* Town-hip, Brunswick Conni >, \*. o , bounded and described dr. follows: Being mat .. rtaln tr.ot oi parcei - oi br,.! onw-ved to I.illte Smith b> that certain deed recorded in Book "?4, [mp* 1S9 from Emma Flowers, recorded in the office ol the Register . of Deeds. Brunswick County and ail . other real properly owned by defemli am lit Shallotic Township. 1 All sales subject io report to arid 1 confirmation l?y the Couri. Ten days allowed for raise of hid before report i' made, ('ash to be paid at sale. This ihi- 17 day of .November 1927. William .lorgensen > 12-S-c Commissioner. > mim-i osi iIr \<mci: Notice is hereby Riven that by vir> me of a decree of Hie Superior I Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated ih? 17 day of November 19:57 i" an action entitled "Brunswick . County versus Florence Williams and Wife. if any". I lie undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder j | for cash on iho IS day of December 1927 at 12 o'clock M. at the ^ouri; iiouse door, Southport. N. to satisfy the decree of said court to I enforce the payment of $31.t?2. the v following described real estate, locatt ed in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C. Ismnded and . described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel j of land conveyed to Florence Wil llftms by that certain deed recorded in Book. .10. page "?07 from Helen a - Williams ci vir to Florence Williams r recorded in the office of the Register . of Deeds. Brunswick County, and all 7 other teal properly owned by defendc am in Town Creek Township. I All sales subject in report to and 1 confirmation by the Court. Ten days | allowed for raise of hid before report r j made. Cash to he paid ai sale. r j This the 17 day of November 1927. William .lorgeiisen i 12-8-c Commissioner. i ?? FOB ECl.OSr It E NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virl> tue of a decree of the Superior I Court of Brunswick County. N. C? dated uie 17 day of November 1927 - in an action entitled "Brunswick - County versus Carl tl. Knox and : Wife. if any". the undersigned e commissioner will expose at public r> aticiion sale to the highest bidder - for cash on the IS day of December - 1927 ai 12 o'clock AI. at the Court: house door. Southport. N. ('.. to s satisfy the decree of said court to enforce tin* payment of $82.73, the I following described real estate, locals ed in Town Creek Township. Rrunst wick County. N. C. hounded and described as tollows: Being thai certain tract or parcel of latul conveyed to Carl Knox l?y licit certain deed recorded in - Hook 50, pa ire 51 from Minnie I Knox ci vir to Carl <3. Kiiox record ed in I lie office of the Register o( r Deeds, Hruuxwick County and all . other properly owned hy defendant 7 I in Town Creek Township. i AH sales subject to report to and I confirmation by the Court. Ten day? I allowed for raise of bid before report r made. Cash to he paid at sale, r This the 17 day of November 1917 r William Jorgeiiaen - 12-8-c Commissioner. ) . ? KOItKCI.OSritK notick b Notice is hereby given that l?y vir tue of a decree of the Supcrioi i Court of Hrurujwick County. N. C. I dated |t?e 17 day of November 19T in an action eiuitled "Hrunswieji 1 County versus Mrs. I!. It. Core and I Husband, if any." the tiiidendgnec i commissioner will c\[?ose at public . auction sale to the highest hhldei l for cash on I he IS day of DocciiiIm-i - 19317 at 1- o'clock M. at the Courtp house door, Southport, N. C? tc , satisfy the decree of said court if - enforce the payment of lltil.lK. the - following descifhed real estate, localeel in Town Creek Township, I'runs 1 wick County. N. C. bounded and * described as follows: I lteing those certain tracts or parcels of land conveyed to Mrs. K. it (lore hy that certain deed recorded in Hook ill, page .183 from Hie <!orc I'Niale Corporation to Mrs. 10. It - (lore recorded in the Register ol Deeds Office. Hruuswick County and - nil other real property owned by defendant in Town Creek Township. All sales subject to report to and r confirmation bv the Court. Ten days : allowed for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to he paid at sale, i This the 17 day of November 10.17, William .forgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. rokt:ei.o.m<bk notick i Notice is hereby given that hy vir> due of a decree of the Superior - Court of Hruuswick County. N. C.. . dated the 17 day of November 1917 t in an action entitled "Hruuswick I County versus Ueorge R. Hrooks and Wife. ii any . me u... I commissioner will exnose at public i auction sale to the highest Welder , for cash on the IS day of December i 10:i7 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court, house ?tooi. South|M?rt, N. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to I enforce the payment of $19.8i?. ihe following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick I County, X. (*.. hounded and described ; as follows: I Being those certain tracts or pareels of land conveyed to tleo. 10. Brooks by those certain deeds recorded in Book 1. page 292 from J. F. Somerset t et ux. Book 12. . page ."ill! from .f. II. F. Frink. Book 12. page 71 from R. W. Beck et ux, Book 20, page 131 from Jan. A. .Mint/, et ux .Mary 10. .Mint/.. Bookto. page 130 from Spencer Frink et } ux Harriett Frink. recorded in the ; office of the Register of Deeds. I Brunswick County and all other real I property owned by defendant in Shallotte Township. All sales subject to report to and . confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before ?eporl , made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of X'ovember 1937 ' William Jorgensen ' 12-8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSURE NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior 1 Court of Brunswick County, X. C., dated the 17 day of November 1937 ; in an action entitled "Brunswick County, versus James Atoore and Wife. if any", the undersigned commissioner will expose at publh > auction sale to tiie highest bidder for cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock At. at t'ie CourtI house door. South port. N. C\. to : satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $13.23. the following described real estate." locat ed in Smithville Township. Brunswick County. N. C. bounded and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel of land conveyed to James Aloore by that certain deed recorded in Book lit, page 82 from Peter Aioore et ux . to James Atoore. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. Brunswick County and all other real property owned by defendant in 1 Smithville Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed lor raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This the 17 day of November 1937. ' William Jorgensen ' 12-8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSURE NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior 1 Court of Brunswick County, N. C? . dated the 17 day of November 1937 i in an action entitled "Brunswick i County versus H. C\, Al. C. 4 L. H. Stanley". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder foi cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock At. at the Courthouse cloor. South|>ort, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $12.72, the I following described real 'wtatp, located in ShalLotle Township, Brunswick County. X. C., houndeA and described |as follows: I Being that certain tract or parcel | of land conveyed to H. C.. M. *. & J L. H. Stanley by that certain deed i recorded iri Bonk 51, page IS] from fl W. .T. Swain et ttx recorded in the I j office of the Register of needs, 8 J Brunsw ick County and all uther r?-al B { 1 i property owned by defendant in I , Shallctte Towri?hip. ?-] All sale' subJ?'< t to report to and ? :. ontirmation by the Court. Ten day* dlowed for raise of bid before report j made Ca*h to be paid at AaU I ? This the 17 day ot November 1927. I ' William .lorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner : ? r. p f oh FiloslhF. \'()TIt'E Notice i- hereb> given that b> vir- .. i tue of a decree of the Superior Court ?.i County, N. C. j? " dated the 17 day of November 1937 .. in an action entitled "Br u rip wick County versus Ernest and ' Willie Reaves", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public 13 auction sale to the highest bidder > foi i-ash ori the IS day of December i 19.37 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court* house door. Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $9,04, the following described real estate, loyat cd in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, X. C., hounded'and described as follows: Being that certain trad or parcel of land conveyed to Ernest and Willie Reaves bv that certain deed recorded in Book 20. page 4t?8 from E Thomas Reaves et ux ollie Reave*, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Brunswick Count} aria all i 1 other real property owned by defend- I j ant in Shallot te Tow nship. All sales subject to report to and \ continuation bv the Court. Ten days | allowed for raise of bid tiefor?* report I made. Cash iri be paid at sale. j j This the 17 day of November J937. William .lorgensen 12-S-e Commissioner. I OltM'I.UHt Ri: NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C\, 4 daied lite 17 day of November 1937 . *| in an notion entitled "Brunswick Count} versus .lames Core and Wife. if any". the undersigned f " commissioner will expose at public ; I auction sale to the highest bidder j| for cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court. house door. Southport. N. to satisfy the decree of said court to J. I enforce the payment of Sd.Sl. the following described ?real estate, loeat- f* I ed in Shallotie Township. Brunswick J County. N. C.. hoimded and described as follows: Being that certain trad or parcel C of land conveyed to James Core by '? that certain deed recorded til Book i 12. page 159 from W. At. St a nut a ml et ux, recorded in the office of the } Register of Deeds. Brunswick County , 1 ami all other real property owned by defendant in Shallotte Township, y \ All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days # i allowed for raise of bid before report j made. Cash to be paid al sale. This tin- 17 day of November 1937. I , i William .lorgensen j 12-S-?* Commissioner. "tfi'in- vafli'V Notice Is hereby given I lint by vir- U i ue of a decree of the Superior jpl Court of Brunswick County, N. C? lined the 17 day of Novemtter 19:!7 || 1 in uii arllon entitled "Brunswick County versus I). (I. Ilolden nnd . Wife. if any". the undersigned , commissioner will expose at nubile 1 auction sale to the highest bidder for i ash on the is day of Itecember . 1937 at 12 o'clock At. at the Court- Hi \ house door, Southport, N. C.. to j 1 satisfy the decree of said court' to |H enforce the payment of $8.42, the I following descrilMMl real estate, local ed in Lockwoods Colly Township 11 Brunswick County, X. C.. iwmnded |*| and described as follows: Being that certain tract or |?arcel of land conveyed to D. (J. ilolden ml \ by that certain deed recorded in R{ Book 50. page 293 from W. II. : Ilolden et ux to l?. fS. Ilolden re! i nrded in the office of the Register K> foi Deeds, Brunswick County ami all ftp other real properly owned by defend* T ' a nl in Lock wood's Colly Township. All sales subject to report to and I confirmation by the Court. Ten days I. allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This die 17 day of XovcnilsT 1937. William .lorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. \PTIt K Ol l oUKt l.DSl ItF. ' Unddr nnd by virtue of a power Ic of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 4th, day tt] of November. 1935. by T. II. Sellers W 1 and wife Pearl Sellers to Rlfton C. plI ' Sellers to secure the payment ot ccr- fj: tain notes there in recited, said mortgage deed being of record in the j office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. X. t\. ill Rook No. f>8 at I'age No. 1 Si;, reference 1 thereto being hereby - made, and default having been made in tin* pay- < merit of the notes thereby secured and as therein provided, the undersigned mortgagee will, on Monday the 1.3th. day of December. 1937. at the courthouse door in Southport, N. C.. said county, at 12 o'clock. Noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tdo tracts of land* , low it: - 1st. Tract: Beginning at u stake on the North side of Turnpike road ami known as the Jeff Hewelt corner; runs thence North 7-S'-.. West 117'j feel to a stake; thence North 12'j Kast 19."? feet to a stake; thence North 80 West 85 feet i<> a strikfe; thence North Bast Of! 4 feet to a stake; thence Smith 8ft West 89 feet to a stake; thence Norlit 4'- West 933 feel to a stake; thence North 1 i- i.'mwi liiRft Oct to a stake; tlienct* South 2I? West "17 feel to a stake; thence South 87 V* Hast 1080 feel to :i stake; thenre South WVst into feet to a stake; thence South 8<I West HSrt feet to a stake; thence South 13 West 130 feet to a stake; thence South 79 Vi feet to n stake; thence South 7;. West 130 feet to a stake; thence North 83 V? West 301 feet to the |M>int of beginnitiff, containing 70 acres. 2nd. Tract; Lying on both sides of Willets .Mill Swamp, beginning at a stake on the South .?iile of said swamp. II. I., "helps i and I0. Sellers corner; runs thence with Phelps line North 18 Wesl 25'i poles across Willetts Mill swamp t?? a stake on the hill. Potter Robinson* corner; thence South 8-1 West 45 i poles to a stake, another of Robinsons corners; thence South 32% W?st 58 poles t oa stake near a holly on the North side of Willets Mill swamp with gum and oak as jointers; thence South 21 Hast 11 i?oles lo a stake on the North side of i he run of said swamp just above the old bridge crossing; thence up fg the meanders of said run to where H ' H. T. Sellers first line intersects the same; thence South 52 Kant about 2 poles to a blackgum in J. J. Hew: etts branch field: thence South 72 ! East with J. J. Ilewetts line 42 poles to a stake; thence another of his lines South 3 West 13 yard* to a gum; thenre South 10 East 28 poles to a stake. Amanda Phelps lot; theme a division line of hers North 12V. East 83 poles to a stake; thence North 73 W est 13 poles to K Seller* line; thence with hi* line North 32 West to the beginning, containing 36 acre*, more or Its*. Excepting however, 20 acres* more or less deed to J. J. Hewett. out of said second tract. Dated and posted this November 5th, 1937. , Rlfton K. Sellers. Mortgagee. J. W. Uuark. Atty.. Southport, K. C. 12-8-c IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTIC E OF Hl'MMON* STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Minnie Newton vs. Jack Newton The defendant. Jack Newton, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been comemnced In ; the Superior Court of Bntshwfdc County, North Carolina, by the plalniiti for al>solute divorce upon the ground* o ftwo year* separation a* provided by law of the State of North Carolina, Said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County at the Courthouse in Southport. N. C. on or before the 6th day of December 1937. and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply for relief demanded in said complaint. This the f? day of November. 1937 B. J. Holden, Clerk Sujierlor Court. 1-12-*

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