rAGE 4 THE STATE PORT PILOT __ Southport, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY JAMES M. HARPER, JR., Editor Sintered as second-class matter April 20. 1928, al the Post Office at Southport, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates ON? YEAR J15C SIX MONTHS 1.W THREE MONTHS -71 Wednesday, December 9, 1937 Verbal barbs are more amusing when someone else is the victim. Wives are handy to have around tc help find the tilings they put away foi you. Comes now the season of the yeai when parents are able to use the Santi Claus threat effectively on their unruh offspring. ^ 11-- thpil ?>OITie TUIh.s twmcjit v\s lunnv living from the sweat of someone else's brow. Some people profit by their mistakes others just make tliem a habit. You'll never get a square peg to fit i round hole, but a square peg is might} useful for stopping a square hole. The word "if" is the standard prefac* to an alibi. The only time the pessimists are wronj is when the optomists are wrong. Tobacco (< iof) Up to November 1* a total of 550,155, 531 pounds of tobacco had been sold oi warehouse floors of North Carolina fo an average price of $25.43. The selling season on some of the up state markets is far from over, and it i estimated that farmers of this state stil have more than a hundred million pound of the golden weed to sell. These are big figures, and the prio average for the season is also very favor able. With these same figures year ii and year out, prosperity would long bi with our North Carolina tobacco growers The trouble with this picture is tha the farmers already are on their way t< their own ruin. According to official re vt/vf+c? vnov'c nrnrhipfinn PYCPPtieri 111' I'Vl to Ulio ,T VWi jy? 1936 poundage by 26 percent. It was 2! percent greater than the production ave rage during the five-year period fron 1928-1932. The appearance of new tobacco barn and other arrangements for raising mor and more tobacco shows a definite trem toward increased acreage, and there i every indication that a surplus is in th making. We look upon it as unfortunate tha tobacco growers aren't content to let wel enough alone and apparently are deter mined to kill the goose that lays th golden egg. A Tragic Error Incurable illness that strikes an indiv dual down in the prime of life, is one o the worst tragedies of mankind. But : pales to insignificance when compared t the case of an individual who, upon fine ing that lie is suffering from an illnes which public dogma has erroneousl taught him to believe is incurable, hope lessly does nothing about it. For example, there is the young ma who dropped out of college in his thir year because he was not feeling quite u to par. lie drifted from one job to ai other, and finally became convinced th; he had tuberculosis. Feeling that his daj were numbered anyway, he shipped oi as a deckhand to see as much of th world as possible. lie struggled algng f( two years, but the inevitable finally lai him by the heels. Only then did he di cover his horrible mistake. If he ha sought competent medical aid two yea earlier, his illness would have been coi sidered little more serious than an appei dicitis operation. Even now medical sciei ce may pull him through, but it will be long tough battle. The wise individual?if he is wiseprotects his health through sane livin and intelligent attitude toward medici aid and advice. Hogs For Cash ' Slowly but surely raising hogs for ma: * ket is becoming a principal cash crop foi Brunswick county farmers. A short trip through the rural districts brings convincing evidence of that fact, for in practically every field are several well-conditioned porkers rapidly rounding intc marketable condition. Recently there has been a serious ' threat of hog cholera in several sections , of the county, and County Agent J. E l Dodson had his hands full preventing ai i epidemic that might have resulted in seri ous loss for many farmers. Commenting upon the magnitude of thi hog industry in Brunswick, County Agen Dodson said that farmers of this count} will probably realize more than $100, 000.00 from their hogs this year. Christmas Decorations , The downtown district of Southport i ablaze with colorful Christmas decora tions these nights as storekeepers an< , city officials collaborate to make thi , year's Yuletide dress the most elaborat in history. Again this year the Southport Wo man's Club is sponsoring a contest fo Christmas trees and home decorations 1 Prizes will be awarded for the best liv ing tree, for the best cut tree, and fo porch decorations. Announcement of this contest this yea is a challenge to Southport citizens ti ' match with their decorative efforts thi interest that has been taken by merch ants in the downtown district. In our opinion, nothing inspires thi Christmas spirit more than sight of j beautifully lighted tree. The h^ppy par 1 about this is that joy comes oat only ti : i those who have a part in planning am doing the work, but also to passersb; whose hearts may be made glad by thi 2 symbol of the Yuletide. Honor Roll r ___________ Of all the items turned in to us fo the school columns none gives us mor pleasure to run in The Filot than th honor roll. Rigid requirements are laid down fo 1 membership in this select group, and an; r boy or girl who has maintained his at tendance, deportment and scholarship a - the standard prescribed for the hono s roll deserves every bit of recognition, an 1 every boost that comes his way. s New Industry g Most recent addition to the busines 1 life of the community is an eel smoker 8 that plans to prepare large quantities c ' these "country cousins" of the finny trib t for sale on northern markets. 0 Offhand, the taking of eels and thei " preparation for table use never woul e have occurred to us as a business. It i J a fact, however, that there is a strong d< ~ mand for eels in some sections, and th local plant expects to employ in th 1 neighborhood of ten persons. s There also is rumor of a bullfrog rar e ch-to-be, and there's another strange ei ^ try for the local business directory. W s have noticed, though, that many peopl e make their fortune from specializing i unusual things. It matters little whethe t we have ever heard of an eel smokerj " or if we ever visited a bullfrog ranch. 1 ' ' ^ liu'll tMIAITI/1 A i aV inese are inu usuries unau win ijiuhuc jui e for our people and bring new revenu into our community we are for them, on hundred percent. War And Annexation Germany has upwards of 850 person 'f to the s<iuare mile of territory. Italy lik? II wise is over-populated. 0 Without adequate resources, expansio seems inevitable. When one country b< iS | gins to look with longing eyes at th -v green pastures of another, war usually i | in the offing. Yet we raise the question: Why slioul III it be so? It seems highly lamentable tin f' the only apparent recognized method i PI territorial acquisition should lie in am ed aggression. Arbitration or outright bargainin seems one solution. America purchase 't the territory of Alaska?numbers of th Ie j states were purchased for a given prici >rj Right now Germany, considered th most militaristic of the European nation: s" and surely one of the most serioi d | threats to the peace of that continen i'sj looks with watering mouth at the coloi ii-J ies which were lost during recent conflic u- Ilerr Hitler says within five or si ii-; years there will be no program of expat a; sion, and then? England seems ready and willing t ? accede to some of Hitler's demands ft return of colonies. Surely, friendly, peaci l'ul negotiations in this regard would pe haps save a lot of needless bloodshei because it seems hardly likely that six! million people can forever survive on te ritory three-fourths the size of the stal r- of Texas. i THE STATE PORT PILOT. Just Among The Fishermen 5 (BY YV. B. KEZIAH) 5 . POPULAR PLACE 1 Former Sherrif E. L. Lewis owns the land on which is located probably the best spot for drum fishing, with2 out a boat being necessary, t in Brunswick county. The f locaton is on Waldens Creek, three miles from Southport, but you have to drive around about five miles to reach it. Many years ago two brick yards were operated on Waldens Creek and the product shipped by S water. One of these yards, perhaps the oldest one, was i south of the river road. s The other was some three g hundred yards east of the road and directly on the creek. Millions of brokep brick were dumped into r the creek at the landing. Oysters formed on these j bricks and on the east side, ! about three or four hundred r yards of the stream now has either an oyster shell or broken brick bottom. At r; this point drum, 2 and 3 0 pounders, congregate by the B j thousands and when the tide is running in or is full they are not slow to take all offerings in the way of e shrimp. Individuals are said to have caught as many as 1 50 of the big fellows on a 11 single afternoon or forenoon. 31 Sherriff Lewis, himself an , J enthusastic fisherman, never j raises any objections to the i' public fishing at this point s j and is frequently found there, fishing with his wife and family. Among the many Southportcrs who arc frequently out there are Postmaster L. T. Yaskell, Dr. L. C. Fergus, Rufus Dosher, R. r M. Wolfe, Sergeant Leiner, e R. Will Davis, Mr. Myers, George Galloway, W. E. Dose her Leiner Furpless and dozens of others. As many as j- 50 persons have been observv cd there at one time. POOR LUCK SHRIMPING t | The past week has brought the ' poorest returns that the shrimping fleet has had since the sea| son opened. Many of the boatmen are holding to the view that the season is over. A few are taking the opposite outlook and persist in thinking that there may be a lot of the product taken before they definitely go lS into winter quarters. It is rey membered that one winter, three ,f or four years ago, shrimp were found fairly numerously, all through the winter. The present scarcity here and further south r I has resulted in the price jumping ^ I from $1.50 to $4.50 per bushel to the boatmen, is >-1 LOOKING TO 1938 e Most of the up-state fisherj men have apparently gone e 1 into winter quarters, but a good sign of the interest that , j will be taken in fishing at Southport next year is found in the fact that a group of e 9 sportsmen from Chapel e Hill is already negotiating for the charter of boat for a ten n day period beginning the last 11' of March. During the past 1. r\ ? rMo r-Lr r I W6CK V^Uii^icooiiian v<?>n r 11 has also taken the trouble to write from Washington ?S and make the request that e some of the fish be saved for him next year. VISITING HERE Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Worth Mr. Worth New York State Man ager for the United Motors Services, Inc., a branch of th< IS General Motors Co., arc spend i. ing this week with relatives wh< recently moved here from Nev York. The visitors plan to pu! 11 in most of the week fishing. Mr ?. Worth is the youngest in a familj of 16 children. One of his oldei ,e brothers, T. O. Worth, movec IS here last week from Long Islanc to establish the Southport Ee (| Smokery. 'f- FISHING FOR VOTES >f It is a very short time now until the dawning of a new year, incidcntly it is believed that the new year g will produce much political (| fishing. This early, nobody knows much about the sort e of bait that will be used by 2. cither party, but the present e general indications arc that there will be plenty of vigorous angling for votes in IS 1938. For once in his life ( the writer of this column is ' counting on being an absolutely neutral spcctor in t. the county angling for jobs. SMALL SHRIMP STRIKE Boats front Southport, pro Bpecting at Little River Satur 0 day, made sonic fairly sizable catches of shrimp. Reports of the 11 strike started a pretty genera 2- movement of trawlers from hen C_ to the South Carolina water! j Sunday and Monday. The mosf of these boats began to conn -y back in Monday night and Tues p. day with generally unsatisfac I tory catches. The shrimp taker in South Carolina are said tc SO'JTHPORT, N. C. Southport School News W. R. Lingle announces the honor roll for the third month of school?First honor roll between 93-100; second honor roll is 90-93. First Grade; Mary Lou Brown, Dot Watts, Mary Frances Floyd, Marie Lancaster, Mary Sue Wallace, Barbara Prince, Jane Furgeson, Johnie Hazelton, Richard Brendle; Second honor roll; Joseph Cox, Jimmie Cox, Jack Swan, Jimmie Fullwood. Second Grade: Betsy Jane Galloway, Joyce Lancaster; Second honor roll: R. E. Sellers. Third Graae: Billy Bowling, Kenneth Stiller, Louis Newton Dorothy Mae Price, Bess Miller Plaxco, Margaret McGee; Second honor roll: William Wells, Dorothy Lee Ward, Evelyn Muncy. Fourth Grade: Sally Ann McNeil. Fifth Grade: Dorothy Cox, Elcise Lancaster, Edward Newton; Second honor roll: Norma Swain. Sixth Grade: Annie Jean Weeks, Mae Swain, Inez Phelps, Claude Ford; Second honor roll: Lulu Marie Swan, Mary Florence Moore, Muriel Lee Jones. Eighth Grade: Second honor roll: Roderick Bellamy, Henry Smith. Ninth Grade: William Selers; Second honor roll: Marion Frink, Doris Lewis, Josephine Moore. Tenth Grade: John Hall, W. T. Fullwood, Earl Bellamy. Eleventh Grade: Edward Taylor, Louise Niernsec; Second honor roll: Katie Cox. SENIOR CLASS PLAY Next Tuesday evening, December 14, the seniors of the Southport high school will present, "The Haunted Castle", a mystery comedy in three acts. Although the seniors and the coach of the play, Mrs. J. Marshall, are very secetive about the plot of this mystery story, it is understood that the play abounds in thrills, chills and laughs. The cast has been working hard to make this presentation a success. It is believed that all who attend the performance will shudder and chuckle in turn, as the Haunted Castel reveals its j "spooks", neurotic aunt Martha with her smelling salts, a giggling princess, two confused American college boys, and the pompous Duchess and Baron. Tickets will be placed on sale Thursday. The public is urged to attend this play. SIXTH GRADE PARTY Two days before school was out for Thanksgiving holidays, the sixth grade had a nice party. Some of the girls brought candj from home which they made Some of them brought peanuts The party was a great success. CHEER LEADER Election of cheer leader was j held during activity period Mon J day. Mary Hood is cheer leader ' Egan Hubbard, is assistant Through the leadership of the cheer leader Southport high sch ool hopes to inspire their teams to victory during this years basketball season. The high school song was practiced for the opening game Tues day night, December 7. A SPORTSMAN At the beginning of this bas ketball season, we give the cod( of a sportsman. Every player should play th( game not for himself but foi his team. A good sport always plays the game for the sake ol the game. The best player ii not the best winner, the losei must take his defeat as well a: his victory. "When the one great Scorei comes ! "To write against your name, j "He writes not that you won 01 ? lost "But how you played the game , ?TOM KAENEY [ BASKETBALL The boys basketball team has \ been practicing very hard latelj r to get into shape for their open I ing game against Bolivia, Tues I day night. All the boys are plan I ning on winning this game. Southport has a fairly gooc team and members hope to wit plenty of games this year. Mem hers have not elected a captair for this year. The coach is go ing to appoint one for each game LELAND HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Charles Gaylord and Alvin Dresser were selected in a tryout fot the county-wide debating contest others will bo selected for finals Two teachers arc acting as judges. A mass meeting was held Friday in the school auditorium tc discuss ways and means of converting the old tcacheragc into a. gymnasium. Enthusiastic citi /.ens from the community ex! changed views and made speeches ! Last Tuesday, Professor Ply1 ler, during chapel period, pinned ; insignia on the pupils of the high i school. Of the 100 pupils enrolled t sixty are wearing white ribbons for perfect conduct, about thirty are wearing blue ribbons for gain ing the honor roll. Some pupils i wear both ribbons. > The basketball teams of Leland high school played 2 prac Just Arourn UV.rrfri-. \V V I' > tice games with Delco last Thurs- SPECIALTY iday night. Results: Girls 16-10. favor Delco. Boys 36-16 favor Le- n , ? tumor roll for the Leland school: ^PCCS3.lt] First Grade: Bettie Williams, | TlT Elnora Skipper, Gloria Potter, | Jeannine Fouchton, Walter Biggs Delmas Core, Herbert Long, Ella jyew Store 0 Lee' Brings Mc Second Grade: Helen Doris j Facilities Meshaw, Billy Skipper, Eddie J -y. . y Potter, John Thompson, David j ur 1 ,s ~ Potter, Lavern Hickman, Wilma ~ Joyce Lewis, Willa Mae Willets. . The sPee'alt> TTiird Grade: Shirley Adams. mt? the a"rac .. ? < i ??? ? * j on Moore strec Mary Reynolds, Kathenne Fields, , . , Frances Katherine Plyler, Lewis , . J been stocked f Clemmons. 1 j Fourth Grade: Donald Bowden, son. Tilnn Rnner Louise Potter. Cal- s?v?rth 0l.n vin Sullivan. Kirby Sullivan. , , .. * , ' .,J . Gwendolyn kra Graden Hughes. Alene Benton, Dorothy Gray Powell, Jacqueline honor I Reynolds. tha Mae Peter Fifth Grade: Joyce Benton, Potter. Oneil Long. Margaret Mintz, Do- Eighth Grade 1 loics Roper, Gala Williams, Jo- Emma Lee Wil seph Mintz. . sett. Sixth Grade: "A" honor?James Ninth Grade: Earle Clemmons. Beck Allen, Gei 1 "B" honor?Mary Burns Peter- sa Mintz. , ? i); >! )( ) ( : ( vtfwwwwvww1 ! !( :1 DO ) [ CHRtt If SHOI | IN ST * that AD1 [ The STATE I Help Make ;|! Town ; || LOOK LOR ADVERT1S !il The State * K Shop Through The Ads A x i it : I wwwwwwtfi it it > it it <. I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER R^K d The Corner 1 I - \ ' . I ?r4^*2Ti * ^ " % 1 SHOP brought up-to-date shopping far 7W BUILDING litirs t0 rosidents ?f Southport ?. The building is located on tl it ifirj same lot where it stood before Jf 1 /llv/JJ was destroyed by fire two yea n *1 1* ago. In remodeling the store, y 55UlJOmff attraetiee colored-glass front h ? 1 replaced the usual bold-face brie Spacious display windows give tl n Moore Street final touch of smart appearam idem Shopping Elsewhere in today 5 paper ^ To Residents ,m advertisement announcing tl Community opening of the store in its in quarters, and included is an ofl Shop has moved 0f souvenirs for the children ?1 tive new building ca|| at the Specialty Shop Fi ;t, and the new da? handise that has | or this store has L h. Ray, Yancey Coun 1 grower, has secured good resul ? i from planting sericea lespede de: A honoi on steep land which was sub) hnke. to severe erosion, tildred Clark, Re- ? son, Marjorie Lee Ten tanners ni uu- i section of Yancey County hi >: Lillie Williams, ordered 150 tons of ground lir. liams, Rachel Bis- stone for soil improvement p poses. "A" honor?Mary -trude Mills, Odes- A hippopotamus' hide is I inches thick. WUR + vTMAS >PING ORES VP>BB V Vi '$ vLKllSL PORT PILOT Your Home I Grow I >H1) BARGAINS IN THK I Port Pilot I md Save Money And I iinc! I

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