-- r ?r* 7T-LENN0N ifljp ime wedding Miss | I -o Lennon became the . Ilewcti on Tucs' .i.iii;, November 30, nt I' ,u lo'lT The Rev. Z. O. Ray |^,: vv.1,-5 attractively de ith holly boughs and close friI'k'.did relatives were present. rnony. Mrs. Z. G. Ir< rendered piano music and several appropriate numbers. bride was attended by her \[. . Carrie Lennon, as H The groom had I best man Roland Sellars. \[o' Hcwett is the daughter of He; anil Mis. J. O. Lennon, of Bo^H"'/ Sli is a graduate of SouthI H .i. Hcwelt is the son of Mr I.1. J. Hewctt. of Supply. i attend, d Shallotte high school. H. ccu,.)e will make their home H; Supply I SS-BIiAGPON I Jtiss Katherine Elizabeth BragI . of Leland. was united in Harris?- with Char.es Allen Russ, H-- bv the Rev. J. D. \Vi throw I; 5:00 last Sunday afternoon H; the Woodburn Presbyterian I Alur decorations of ferns. smiH and chrysanthemums furnishm i lovely arrangement for the : rCir.onv. The bride wore a grey suit with trimmings and wore a bouof gatdenias and lilies of the Swing the assembly of guests M pianist played appropriately, ^^Reicve .Me If All Tliose EndearH;: Young Charms". During the H nie the bridal chorus from ^Kiftirrs "Lohengrin". "O Per| ir? n M?K. I let LOVC viliu ocoi W o W *?v?,7 . Lit", were used. Vts P.uss is the daughter of j j late Mis. Viola Jane Brag-' S and Louise Bragdon and the j apdaughter of Mrs. Vola Brag- j sr. Mi Russ is the son of Mr. j C. A Russ, of Shallotte. | ftf couple is making their' krr- in Shallotte. fOLF-H'JLLlAMS Friends here will be interested j t the marriage of Miss Gladys J Ti;, its daughter of Captain t Mrs. Alex Williams, to James lil' The wedding was solemniz- j i Saturday in Beaufort, where s couple will make their home nporarily. Blingame-Buckman The recent marriage of Miss i'- Buchman. daughter of Mr. : Mrs Peter Buchman. to Gils', Fillingame. of Beaufort, has s! been announced. (OMAN'S CLUB The Woman's Club held its re- j fer monthly business meeting ' Wednesday afternoon in the a rooms. Mrs. W. G. Butler, (silent, was in charge and led i members in the club collect open the meeting. Mrs. J. VV. Ruark spoke on iristmas Dprnra tinns" and "The Kan's Club Member's Part ir. : ^ t-'-rport's Christmas." She gave helpful suggestions for ( and tree decorations and that all club members cooBkc in giving the town a fesV appearance during the holiM It was decided to have a speciBlteremony for lighting the com- j I Wty Christmas tree. A com- i I Bee headed by Mrs. E. H. I htmer, has aiTanged for speciI -T.usic for the occasion. Santa I to will be present to light the I * I KILTING PARTY I fc. P.. T. Woodside was hosI s d a quilting party at her I on Tuesday. November 30. i I -"joying the evening were j I Wames Mamie Swain. E. B. j?*'*'. Annie Watts. Price Fur- j I "l C X Phillips Harry Aldri [ N'eilie Watts. Sabria Cooker, Davis. fcllDAY PARTY B Miss Mary Joyce Purvis ed her sixth birthday Fritvening when her mother, A Purvis, entertained at l * in Ash. BJ* table was attractive in its decorations with color | JW.es of red an(1 white. The used was a miniature Claus in his sleigh with ^Tr- The lighted tapers placB J 'ar?e red apples surroundB The entire living room beautifully decorated with MVrTo su8Kcstions. - nirvis directed the games HJ. cor'tests. Tie gifts were BT/'" from under the Oh*',of- | K'r(f an<) opened by the little Hl whipped cream and j Tf.?re sen'ed the guests, and j B( tfyl''rs were balloons. ColorSi candy was served dur 5?* enWing the party were: Btj 'orine Evans, Aileen SimmrJr* - Virginia and Annis "slea<|, Avis Lay Formy Bk Xf bK' and Patricia PurI SSrs Desmond Simmons [ ; "p , * * 'fife.. L ' 4 ? ' . s f> 10 *^7 w; I * ? . i ? g and Jesse Purvis, Jx\, Mesdames P. J. Adams, C. H. VVinstead, James Purvis, Z. G. Ray and Mi', and Mis. Parley Penny Duval. South port P.-T. A. The xcgular monthly meeting of the Southpart Parent-Teacher Association was held Thursday evening- in the high school auditorium. Inclement weather cut short the attendance. Following the devotional by the Rev. E. M. Hall, members of the Dramatics Club of the high school presented a short skit "First Client", which was interpretend by three separate casts. Josephine Wolf directed the presentation by Edward Taylor, Egan Hubbard and Wilma Burnett; Louise Nicrnsee directed the cast comprised of Victor Bartells, John Hall and Alethea Arnold; Mary Hood directed the interpretation of James McKeithan, William Holden and Doris Corlette. During the business there was a discussion of libraiy needs, and a "must" list of books was compiled. The social meeting had as hostesses Mrs. I. B. Bussels and Mrs. Joel Moore, who were assisted by Mrs. Gus Swan, Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert and Mrs. James Smith. Personal Henry Finch, of Wilmington, spent the past week-end here with his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Finch. o Miss Mary Holladay, student nurse at James Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, spent Sunday with red sister, Mrs. J. Fred Smith. * * John Jenrette, of Ashe, was in town on business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dye and little sen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Robinson. " Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Holladay, of Wilmington, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Smith. V Pierce Cranmer, of Raleigh, visited with his parents, Judge and Mrs. E. H. Granmer, this week end. * Mrs. J. W. Raybourn has returned to her home at Summerville, S. C., after visiting her father and friends here for several days. # Mr. and Mrs. Parker Howey, of Kures Beach, spent the past week * * f/M'tviof'o ena nere wiui uic o mother, Mrs. George Howey. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Veazey and baby, of Wilmington, visited Mrs. Veazey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dosher, here during the past week-end. Mrs. W. R. McAuley has gone to Fayetteuille to join her husband, who will be stationed there with the state highway commissioner for the next few weeks. 0 9m Ed. Newton, of Raleigh, snent the past week-end here with his fapiily. Miss Emma Thompson, who holds a position in Raleigh, spent the past week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. J. W. Thompson. Jr., spent the past week-end here with his wife. ? Junius Davis, of Edenton, spent the past week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis, Sr. * * Miss Melva Peifly spent the nast week-end with friends in Wilmington. Charles Hclladay and Albert Atkinson, of Alcolu, S. C.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holladay and Miss Mary Holladay, of Wilmington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith Sunday. births'] Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bell, of Wilmington, announce the birth of a daughter, Evelyn Joyce, on Wednesday December 1, at the Marion Sprunt Annex. Mrs. Bell was formerly Miss Sophia Evelyn Maultsby, of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Evans, of Freeland, announce the birth of a son, Robert Edwin, on Saturday, December 4, at the Brunswick County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brothers, of Bolivia, announce the birth of a boy, Virgil Thomas, on Saturday, December 4, at the Brunswick Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matfowe, of Southport, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ellen, in the Brunswick County Hospital on Tuesday, December 7. , . . i NEWS BRIEFS I REPAINTED The Dr. R. C. Daniel home is j being repainted. IMPROVING Mrs. J. D. Johnson and son, Johnny Frederick, of Bolivia, are j improving in the County Hospital LEAVES HOSPITAL .1. J. McKoy, of Bolivia, was released from the Brunswick I County Hospital on Tuesday. * ? ?appendectomy Friends will be glad to hear that Miss Mabel Fulford, of SupI ply, continues to improve after | an appendectomy last week. recent treatment Lawrence Clemmons, of Sup| ply, was admitted to the Brunsi wick County Hospital last Wed| nesday for medical treatment. tax .settlement At a special meeting of the board Thursday final settlement was received from Curtis Tripp, [former delinquent ta:: collector. patient Mrs. W. A. Howett, of Leland, i lias been a patient in the county j hospital since Sunday. SUFFERS FALL Leon Kirby, of Supply, is a patient in the County Hospital for injuries inflicted when he fell Into his boat hatch on Monday. appendectomy Miss Nellie McLamb. of Shallotte, is a patient in the Brunswick County Hospital following an appendectomy performed on Saturday. RETURN HOME Mrs. William Kopp and little sen. William. Junior, of Supply, were released from the County Hospital on Friday. MRS. HOOJ) BETTER Her many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. H. W. Hood, member of the Southport school faculty, is much improved following a recent illness. MOVE STORE The Specialty Shop has been ! moved from its temporary locaj ticn into the remodeled building I on Mooi-c street. A EDITOR LE AVES D. R. Hollowell, who has been here for the past few Weeks doing some special audit work for Brunswick county, left the latter part of the week. BAZAAR The Circles of the Baptist Church will have a bazaar beginning Friday night and continuing thiough Saturday in the vacant building next to Joel Moore store. ATTEND CONCERT Among the Southport people | who attended the concert gjven 1 by Richard Bonelli Friday night in Wilmington were Mrs. R. I. ] Mintz, Mrs. E. M. Hall, Mrs. E. j H. Cranmer and Mrs. Annie K. j Vitou. HOC. killing The first big hog killing of the season was reported Monday by J. H. Bennett, of Shallotte, who said that he and his boys butcher ed eight 10-months old hogs last week that netted nineteen hundred pounds of meat. LUCKY TREK Harry Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, of Shallotte recently caught two foxes under I the same persimmon tree on the (same night. A short time before he caught two possums and [ a coon in traps under the same j tree on the same night. CHRISTMAS TREE { There will be a special ceremony this year in connection with the lighting of the Community Christmas tree. The public is invited to attend the formal program, at which time the Christmas Carols, "Joy To The World" and "Holy Night" will be sung. STUDENT VISITORS Miss Eleanor Russ, a senior 1 at Meredith College, spent Thank! sgiving with her parents, Mr. and i Mrs. C. C. Russ, at Bolivia. Misses Geraldine Robbinson and Lois Mae Ward, who are sophomores at Meredith College, spent Thanksgiving with their parents. Shirley Temple Picture Coming "Wee Willie Winkie\ one of I Shirley Temple's best pictures, ! comes Friday to the Amuzu theatre. Never before had this curley headed sweetheart of millions been cast in a stronger roll than as the idol of a troop of Scotch Highlanders that face treacherous death to save her. Weight Inspector In This County H. W. Hood, state inspector for the North Carolina department of weights and measures, is doing general inspection in Southport and Brunswick county this week. the state pg; Chance To Get Christmas Money Disappointing Number Of Claims Entered In List Of Persons Eligible For Payments Under Social Security Act "The number of workers who have reached C.ri or relatives of workers who have ilied since January 1, lf?3? filing claims is much smaller than the uumbei anticipated," Mr. Jeffrey, Manager of the Wilmington Field Office of the Social Security Board said on a visit here this week. Title II of the Social Security Act provides that a lump-sum payment cf 3Vi per cent of the total wages earned since January , 1, 1937, shall be paid to those j workers the age of 65 after January 1 and to the relatives of cuth workers who die. "The number of claims filed in Region IV up to November 26 was 3,636; 2,376 of these claims have been certified to the United States Treasury for payment. The balance is in the process of being adjudicated." Mr. Jeffrey said. Region IV comprises North Carolina, the District of Columbia, Maiylnnd, Virginia and West Virginia . The Social Security Board now has 323 field offices open to serve local communities. One of the major puiposes of these field offices is to assist prospective claimants in obtaining the money that is rightfully due them. The Sccial Security Board has made it very simple for those entitled to these lump-sum cash payments to make their claims, which are being paid now. Thirty-five million, three hundua/I r.:.. . ? ,1 X CU anu SlAiy-PIA LMUUSUIIU, Cl^Ill hundred and sixty-five applications have been filed for Social | Security Account Numbers as ol October 80, 1007. In the State of North Carolina there have been 705,028 employees who have filed for a Social Security Account Number. Funeral Services For Aged Woman Funeral services for Mrs, Athalia Grissett Russ were conducted Sunday at the Mints cemetery. Her former pastor, the Rev. A. W. C. Harrelson, was in charge,and was assisted by the Rev. Mr. Camion and M. L. Mintz. Death followed a paralytic stroke suffered last Tuesday. The deceased was 76 years of age, and had enjoyed good health up until the time of her final affliction. News of her death came as a shock to friends in the county. She is survived by five sons, Willie, Allen, Albert, Grant and Vance Russ; and three daughters, Mrs. Lillie Huggins, Pourtsmouth, Ohio, Mrs. Luther McKeithan and Mrs. Noe Hendricks, Nakina. One sister, Mrs. Stephen Tharp, ot Wilmington, also survives. Honky-Tonk SQUARE and ROUND DANCES Every FRIDAY NIGHT Good Music, Good People And Good Order Ladies 10 Gents 25c J I recently have been Commissioned as Notary Public | Susie Mae Livingston LOST- - Narrow ' platinum linkbracelet. One diamond and two blue sapphires. Reward if return ed to Mrs. J. W. Ruark, Southport, N. C. 12-8* LEGALS MOUTGAGE 8A1E Umler and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that mortage given by E. J. Johnson and wire, under date of September 15. 1934. recorded in Book 60. at page 385. to the undersigned, made to secure notes therein recited, and default having been made in the payment of the said note and interest, -to satisfy the conditions in said mortgage. the undersigned will expose at public sale at the Court House door, Southport. N. C.. at noon, on Friday, December 31, 1937, for cash, to the highest bidder, that certain tract of land in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County, N. C? hounded and described In that said mortgage recorded in Rook DO. at page 385. Brunswick County Registry, the description In which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this notice. This, November 30. 1937. W. A. Swain. Mortgagee. C. Ed. Taylor. Atty. 12-29-p NOTICE OF SALE OF V-N Ft)RI> A CTOMOIJ1IK FOR REPAIRS ACCoV>*T WHEREAS. F. T. Rutledge and R. Robinson left one V-8 Ford automobile. -Motor No. l$-lJ5y6G5. yith the undersigned to be repaired, and WHEREAS, the undersigned repaired said automobile and the cost of said repair is $184.95. and WHEREAS, said repair account has not teen paid and said automobile has been left with the undersigned for more than ninety days: NOW. THEREFORE, under and by authority of the laws of North Carolina as contained in C. S. No. 2435. the undersigned will offer for sale . at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at R. D. White's garage in the town of Shallotte. and County of Brunswick, on Saturday. January 8th. 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described automobile. 1934 model V-8 Ford Automobile. Motor No. $8-1155665. Dated and posted this 8th. day - of December. 1937. R. D. White, Claimant. V PILOT. S0U7HPCRT. N. C - - S._ 13. Frinl;, Attorney for claimant, s 1-o-C ( A PPI.ICATIOY F?K P VHOI.K \ Notice 19 hereby ;,iven of the hear- 1 in? before parole commissioner Gill 8 in Ral$igh Thursday. December 1P>. at eleven o'clock on application for ic , parole of Jake Bryant convicted of i f murder in 1910. Anyone opposing this j' , parole should communicate immedi- * atfly with Air. Cill or attend hear- I{ . ing. It. R. Sentellc Attorney J 12-l."-c |4 | c NOTICE OF SW.F. Of I AND Wheren.\ on ike 12tli ?lav of! ,i March. 10?.:,. George Foulk- j r i ft., and Dorothy Firher Fonlke executed i j i and delivered unto W O, MoGihony > Trustee, for Land Raid: Commission ' er. a certain, deed of trust which is \ recorded in the off- of the Register {" of Deed.- for Brui.awich County.; North Carolina, in Rook 3S, at page j. ion: a rid Whercar.. drfauli haw been rnndc in tiie pay men l of tbc indebtedness \ i thereby secured as therein provided. ( and the trustee has been requested J by the owner r>"d holder thereof to ^ CNorcise the power of sale therein i | contained: * Now. Therefore, under and by vir- M ' tne of the authority conferred by j, the said deed of trust the under- f signed Trustee will, on Saturday thy p ' 1st day of January A. D. 1918. at j the Court Mouse Door of Brunswick n County. North Carolina, at twelve o'clock Xonii, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow- ^ | ing real estate: : All that tract of land containing r Nineteen Hundred Sixteen < 101 ?i? ?. ai res. more or less, located in Town * 1 Creek Township. Brunswick County, c North Carolina, and known as the ( . Winnohow i'lnptatioii. atul now in 0 the possession of (J. R. Fonlke, Jr., r , j and his w ife, Dorothy Fisher Fonlke, j located on ilto Fast side of N. C. f Highway No. .10. about llf miles SoiuIiwest from Wilmington, on tpe ' water of Bices Creek. .Mill Creek and Bell Swamp: hounded by the lauds of D. fi. .lobiison on the North: . D. B. Johnson, Bell Grange and Rices Creek on the Fast: on tho South by 1 the lliniiant-Hillon Lumber Company. . Rices Creek and Mill Creek, and on f the West by X. C. Highway No. 10. ami. the Hilton Lumber Company. Tliis tract of land is praticulatly > described and bounded according to . a plat of the same made by K. B. . Howell, Surveyor, dated February 22, * Be: I, for a description by melts and bounds see the rpconl of the al>oye . - mentioned deed of trust. . Said property being advertised for .' 1 sale, ami sold subject to an out- [J standing first deed of trust execut oil by George B. Fonlke. Jr.. and J Dorothy Fisher Foulkc to the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. Bc? orded *' in Brunswick County. North Carolina. 1 W. O. .McGihony. Trustee. :I Dated and posted This 1st day of I December. 1 OUT. Robert W. Davis. Attorney for 1 j Trustee. 12-29-c j .MOJiTG AG K SAI.K lender and by virtue of the power 1 of sale contained in that certain s' mortgage dated November 2lnl. 1925. ? from J. II. .McDonald and wife. Isa- 1 \l. Dmiuhl. to J. W. Utiaik. recorded in Hook 3ft. at page 4fi2. jf in tin- office of the Register of * Hi oils of Hruuswick County, X. (\, " which saiil mortgage was made to Secure a certain note therein reciteij. the said note and mortgage having 1 hern duly assigned to the Peoples Called Hank, and default having heen , made in the payment of the said note and interest, the undersigned t imortgagee, for the use of the l'eo- < jples United Hank. Sonthport, X. C.. J ' will sell at public sale. t<? 'lie highest i bidder, for cash, at the Court House 11 I door. Sonthport, X. c.. at twelve N o'clock noon, on Tuesday, December j*1 21st. 1027. llmt certain tract or por- :i eel of land located in Hrunswick f County, Smithville Township, North 1 Carolina. Ii P.ounded and Described as follows: s Adjoining lauds of .1. 11. .McDonald e on the oast and It. A. and Ida TCIlis f on the west, fronting on West Street e II feet ami running hack 1115 feet 1 to the line of .Mary Ann Davis, a formerly, being eastern portion of a (of of land conveyed by .1. Horg to o Charles Almgren. by deed dated Dec- V ember 7th. 1912. recorded in Hook T Xo. 22. page No. 418. records of > Brunswick County, N. <\. aha by la said ('has. Almgren conveyed to r II. .McDonald by deed dated Nov. 1 23rd. 192ft. recorded in said records I :i in Hook No. 42. page 220. reference | f to said conveyances and record is thereof being hereby made for a j | more particular description. Also an Ie undivided one-third (1-3) interest in a and to the estate of John McDonald, j which descended to Chns. .McDonald and from him to .John II. .McDonald, as described in deed from Wm. Drown l . and others. Trustees to John MeDon- aid. dated October 12th. 1869, recorded in Hook No. T. at page No. 82l?, records Uriniswick County, reference t to said conveyance and the record ( thereof being hereby made for a ii more particular description, all the i foregoing lauds being situate in the t City of Southport, N. C. ^ Dated and posted this the 17th e day of November. 1937. a J. W. Kunrk, Mortgagee for use of f reopies umicn ikuik. .\s.sij;m'c. i C. Ed Taylor, Ally. 12-15-c h FOKKl'I.ORritE SAi.E OF UFA I. " ESTATE MORTIS ARE f Under and by virtue of the powet P of imle roniained in thai certain j mortgage deed made and executed n by Smilhen Bennett and wife, for $11.00, dated the 23lh, day of .lan- r uary, 1937. duly recorded in Boole p No. tiu, at Page 17. in the office } of the Register of Deeds of Bruns- >\ wick County, to which reference is r hereby especially made. Default hav- 0 ing been made In the payment of the n indebtedness therein described, the n undersigned 15. (I. Simmons. Mortgagee, will offer for sac at public c auction to the highest bidder for a cash at the Courthouse door in the ^ City of Southporl. and the county of Brunswick. on December 18th. 1937. at 12 o'clock noon, the following i described piece or parcel of laud _ lying and being in Brunswick County, North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded and described in said ( mortgage deed recorded in Book No. ^ t?6, at Page -17. in the office of the p Register of Deeds of Brunswick c County, the description in which is \ hereby incorporated and made a part c of this notice. a Dated and posted this 12th. day of November, 1937. B. (!. Simmons, Mortgagee. p S. B. Frink, Attorney. s 12-13-c e f FORECEOHl'RE NOTICE e Notice is hereby given that by vir- C tue of a decree of the Superior a Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 17 day of November 1937 o in an action entitled * Brunswick t! County versus Ellis Bellamy and l Wife. If any". the undersigned fl commissioner will expose at public e auction sale to the highest bidder o for cash on the IS day of December o 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court- ii house door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to o enforce the payment of $17.33. the a following described real estate, local- n ed in ' Lockwoods Folly Township Brunswick County. N. C., bounded ;!iui described as follows: 1 Being those certain tracts or par- eels of laud conveyed to Ellis Bellamy by those certain deeds recorded hi Book 21. page 98 and 99 from W. t' H. Clemmons to Ellis Bellamy and C Alexander Bellamy to Ellis Bellamy, d recorded in the office of the Regist- ii er of Deeds. Brunswick County and C all other real property owned by de- V fondant in Lockwood's Folly Town- o ship. a All sales subject to report to and 1' confirmation by the Court. Ten days 1 allowed for raise of bid before re|>ort h rpade. Cash to be paid at sale. a This the 17 day of November 1937. e William Jorgensen f< If-8-c Commissioner. e ( FOUECI,OS| RE NOTICE a Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior o Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. b dated the 17 day of November 1937 1: in an action entitled "Brunswick e County versus L. C. Robinson and Ii Wife, if any". the undersigned a commissioner will expose at public b auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 18 day of December c 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the C'uurt- a house dour, doutbport, N. C- to n I " 1 1 1 BSB atiafy the decree of said court to jnforce the payment of $17.03. the ollowlng described real estate, locat d in Lockwoods Folly Township Brunswick County, X. C.. hounded md described as follows: Being those certain tracts or parels of land conveyed to L. C. Robinioh Uy that certain deed recorded tt Book 30. page 53 from C". A. iewett and Rook 51. page 494 from t sherry Robinson et itx to L. ioblnson. recorded in the office of hp Register of Peed*. I: runs wick bun iv nail nil other real property iwned by defendant in 1 .ocl; wood's 'oily Township. Alt sales subject io report to and onfir/natiori by the Conn. Ten days dlowed for raw ol bid befc.tr- report nade Olstfa to be paid at sale. Tin * the 17 day of November J9S7 William Jorgensen 2-8-c Commissioner. FOltF.Cl.04r ft F VOTlCF Notice is hereby 'given that by virile of a decree of the .Superior bun of Brunswick County, |M. la ted the 17 day of November 1937 n an action entitled "Brunswick 'nilidy versus M. I.. White and Vife. if any". the undersigned qminix.ioner will expose at public I net ion sale to the highest bidder or cash on the 18 day of December 937 at 13 o'clock M. at the Courtiousc door, Sputhport. X. to iHfisfy the decree of said court to n force the payment of $19.47. the allowing described real estate, locald in Lock woods Folly Township trunswick County. X. bounded ;nd described as follows: Being those certain tracts or parels of land conveyed to M. L. Vnite by that certain deed eoiiveyng in acres recorded in Book 34. age 378 ffo?n Alexander Hcwetl lo j. L. White, recorded In the office if the Register of Oeeds Brunswick bounty, and all other real property iwned by defendant in Lock wood's 'oily township. All sales subject to report to and onl'irrnation by the Court. Ten dlys illowed for raise of bid before report r.ade. Cash to be paid at sale. This (he 17 day of November 1937. William .lorgensen 2-S-c (knnintssiouer. KOKKfLOSl RF. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C., lated the 17 day of November 1987 n an action entitled "Brunswick 'ountv versus Isaac Clemmons and Vife. if any". the undersigned ommissioner will expose at public tuclion sale to the highest bidder or cash on the 18 day of December 937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court louse door, Southport, N. ('., to atisfy the decree of said rourt to nforce the payment of $24.73. the ollowing described real estate, locatd in lajckwoods Folly Township triitiswick County, N. C., bounded ind described as follows: Being those certain tracts or parels of land conveyed to Isaac Clemitons bv that certain deed conveying 92 acres recorded in Book 12, page II from F. T. Clemmons el ux to saac Clemmons. recorded in the ofice of the Register of Deeds Brunswick County and al! other real properly <-?.l K?. , Inl'.-r.i In ?if it) Corkwood's "oily Township. All sales subject to report to ami onfirmulion by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of bid before report undo. Cash to be paid at sale. This the IT day of November 10.17. William Jorge use n 2-8-e Commissioner. FOHF.CI.OHIRF. NOTICK Notice is hereby given that by virile of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, X. C.. lated the 17 day of Novemlier 10.17 ii an action entitled "HruiiRW'lfk 'ounty versus Tillman ilewett and Vife, if any". the utiileriilfnttl onnnissioner will expose at public [iiction sale to tlie highest bidder or cash on the IS day of December 0.17 at 1J o'clock Al. at the Courtiou.se door. Kou'thport. X. ('.. to alisfy the decree of said court to nforce the payment of *14.00, the ollinving described real estate, locald in Txx-k woods Folly Township trunswick County, X. C., bounded ,nd described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel if land conveyed to Tillman Ilewett ?y that certain deed recorded in took in, pages 554 anil 555 from Airs. Sarah 10. Ilewett to Tillman Ilewett Hid Cuilford Ilewett c*t ux to Tillnan recorded in the office of the teglster of Deeds, Brunswick County, aid all other property owned by deendant in Lock wood's Folly Townhip. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bid before report nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This i he 17 day of November 1017. William Jorgensen 1-8-c Commissioner. I ORKCI.OM HF NOTICK Notice is hereby given that by virile of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C.. lated the 17 day of November 10.17 ii an action entitled Brunswick 'ouuty versus ltiley Randolph and Vife. if any". the undersigned ommissioner will expose at public uction sale to the highest bidder ? ?u iw ,1a v of I iPt'omher 937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courtiousc door, Snuthport, N. I'., to alisfy the decree of said qourt to n force the payment of $27.9.1. the ollnwing described real estate, locatd in Rock woods Folly Township 1 runs wick County. N. ('.. bounded nd described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel f land conveyed to Riley Randolph >y that certain deed recorded in took 17. page 298 from C\ lCd 'aylor. Trustee, to Riley Randolph ecorded in the office of the Register f Deeds, Brunswick County, and all titer real property owned by Defendnt in Rockwood's Folly Township. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bid before report nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 19.17. William Jorgensen 2-8-c Commissioner. FORKC l.nsrKK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virue of a decree of the Superior !ourt of Rrunswick County, N. C., luted the 17 day of November 19.17 n an action entitled "Rrunswick 'ounty versus Alex Frink am) Vife. if any", the undersigned ommissinner will expose at public notion sale to the highest bidder or'cash on the 18 day of December 937 at 12 o'clock if. at the Courtouse door, Southi>ort. N. C\, to atisfy the decree of said court to nforce the payment of $10.45. the allowing described real estate, locatd in Shallotte Township. Rrunswick bounty, N. C\, bounded and described s follows: Ileing that certain tract or parcel f latid conveyed to Alex Frink by hat certain deed recorded in Rook 0. page 164 conveying 15 acres from 'inma S. Rigott to Alex Frink. re* orded in the office of the Register f Dobds. Brunswick County and all thcr property owned by defendant n Shallotte Township. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days llpwed for raise of bid before report lade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937. William Jorgensen 2-8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virue of a decree of the Superior tourt of Brunswick County, N. C\. lated the 17 day of November 1937 i an action entitled "Brunswick 'ounty versus Caesar Daniels and Vife. if any", the undersigned ommissiOner will expose at public uctiou sale to the highest bidder oi cash on the 18 day of December 957 at 12 o'clock M. at the C'ourtouse door, Southport, N. ('., to atisfy the decree of said court to nforce the payment of $5.58. the ollnwing described real estate, locatd in Shallotte Townapip. Brunswick 'ounty, N. C? bounded and described a follows: Being that certain tract or parcel f land conveyed to Caesar Daniels y that certain deed recorded in iook 38, page 281 from John Russ t ux. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. Brunswick County nd all other real property owned y defendant in Shallotte Township. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days IloWed for raise 6f bid before report i&de. Cash to be paid at sale. I This the 17 day of November 1**7.1 William Jorgenscn 12-8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSURE XOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C.. luted tne 17 day of November 1927 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Billie Smith and Husband, if any", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder j toi cash on the IS day of Pecember 1927 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door, Southporl. X. <\. to | satisfy the ilet ree of said court to 1.0 force thr- payment of $9.1'.'. the I following described r? al estate, loeatjed in Shailotte Township, Brunswicl: County, X C. bounded and devribed as follows: Being that certflin tract or parcel of land conveyed to Lillie Smith by that certain deed recorded in Book 51. page 159 irom Fnima flowers, recorded in the office of the Ftegister of Peeds. Brunswick County and all other ^vat pro|?crtj owned by defendant in Shallot(e Township. All sales subject to report to aud confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937. William .lorgeiiseu j 12-8-c Commissioner. loitKci.osritr: muiii: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of Ihe Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 17 day of November 1927 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Florence Williams and Wife. if any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public nuctiftp sale to the highest bidder for cash on the IS tiny of Peci mber 1937 al 12 o'clock M. at the OniMhouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of *21.(12, the I follow inn described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C. bounded and described as follows: Being that cprtaiit tract or parcel of land conveyed to Florence Williams by that certain deed recorded in Book 50. nage 507 from Hebecca Williams et vir to Florence Williams recorded in the office of the Begister Qf Deeds. Brunswick County, and all other real property owned by defendant in Town Creek Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation bv the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of hid before report made. Cash to be paid This Ihe 17 day of November 1937. William .fbrgojiHen 12-8-c Commissioner. I OltFt I.OSI ItF NOTHK Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C? d:\ted uii 17 day of November 1937 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Carl fJ. Knox and Wife. if any". Hie undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the is day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock At. at the Courthouse door. Southfwirt. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $S2.?3, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Bruns..li-.i i 'mi hi e, X. c. bounded and described as lollows: Being that certain tract or parcel of la ml conveyed to Carl <!. Knox by that certain deed recorded in Hook 50, page 51 from .Minnie f. Knox el vlr to Carl tJ. Knox recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. Brunswick County and all other property owned by defendant in Town Creek Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937. William Jorge risen 12-8-c Commissioner. I OKCCI.OKI KK NOTICK Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. dated l'?c 17 day of November 1937 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Mrs. R R. Core and Husband, if any." the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder I for cash on the 18 day of December 10.17 at 11' o'clock M. at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. <\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $4(12.38, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brimswick County. N. C. Itourided and described as follows: Reing those certain tracts or parcels of land conveyed to .Mrs. R R. Core by that certain deed recorded in Hook hi. page 381 from the Core Kstnte Corporation to Mrs. R R. Core recorded in the Register of Deeds Office. Hrunswiok County and nil other real property owned by defendant in Town Creek Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 clay of November 1937. William Jorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. I ORKCl.OSI RK NOTICK Notice Is' hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of P.runswick County, N. C., dated the 17 day of November 1017 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Ceprge R Brooks and Wife. If any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 18 day of December 1017 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. t\. to satisfy the (jeerec of said court to enforce the payment of $.">9.85. the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, N. C\, bounded and described as follows: Being those certain tracts or parcels of land conveyed to Ceo. 10. liroOKH ny mo.se rcrunn %i?-*r%ir. corded in Book 4. page 292 from J. F. Somerset i et ux. Book 42. page 51 n from J. II. F. Frlnk. Book 42, page 75 from I'. W. Beck et ux. Book 20, page 434 from Jas. A. Mint'/, et ux Mary 10. Mints?, Book 10. page 130 from Spencer Frink ei ux Harriett Frink. rerorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds. Brunswick County and all other real proper (y owned by defendant in Shallot te Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten clays allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale This the 17 day of November 1037. William Jorge risen 12-8-c Commissioner. FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of tlio Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 17 day of November 1027 in an action entitled "Brunswick County, versus James Moore apd Wife, if any". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said roprt to enforce the payment of $13.23. the following described real estate, located in Smithville Township, Brunswick County. X. C. bounded and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel of land conveyed to James Moore bv that certain deed recorded in Book 10. page 82 from Peter Moore et ux to James Moore, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Brunswick County and all other real proiierty owned by defendant In Smtthville Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1937. William Jorgensen 12-8-c Commissioner. FORKCI.Okl RK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 17 day of November 1937 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus II. C\. M. C. & L. 11. Stanley", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder fot cash on the 18 day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment ot |12.72, the / S following1 described real estate, located In Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, N. C.. bounded anr\ described j as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel of land conveyed to H. C., M. C. & L. H. Stanley by that certain deed I recorded in Hook 51, page 181 from f \V. J. Swain et us recorded in the ' J office of the Register of Deeds, f Brunswick County and all other real ' property owned by defendant in } Shallot to Township. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days t allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 dn> 01 November 1927. ] William Jopgensen R'-R-c Coitirnisfnoner. FoiirnoscRF notice Notice is hereby given that by vir- a tue oi a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. Cdated the 17 day of November 1937 in an anion entitled 'Brunswick County versus Prnom and Willie fioaves". the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale tn the highest phlder w f?u cash on the IS day of December : 1937 at 1:' o'clock M. at tlie Court- J house door. Soul ii port. N. to i satisfy the decre? of said court to < enforce the payment of $9.0|, the t following described real estate, local- R ed in Shallotto Township. Brunswick ^ County, N. C., bounded i.iul described 1 as follows: Being that certain tract or parrel * of land conveyed to Rrnest and \VU- i lie Reaves by that certain deed re- " j corded in Book 30, page ItlR from W j Thomas Reaves et ttx Ollie Heaves, b J recorded in the office of the Register I of Deeds, Brunswick County and all r other real property owned bv defend- j ant in Sip;Hot to Township. All sales subject to report to and coniirritation by the Court. Ten days . allowed for raise of bid before report J made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 17 day of November 1927. William .lorgenson R'-S-c Commissioner. I'OKKCI.OsrRR NOTICE Notice is hereby given that hv vir- , Mio of a decree of tlie Sui?erior j ^ Court of Brunswick County. N. C., i ' dated the 17 day of November 1927 in an action entitled "Brunswick \ i Count} versus James Core and Wife. if any". the uudernlgiied ? commissioner will expose at public auction ?sale to the highest bidder* for cash on the IR day of December 1937 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door. Soutliport. N. to satisfy the decree* of said court to j enforce the pnymeul of the following described real estate, local- , j ed in Shallotto Township. Brunswick 31 County. N. bounde4t and de*??ribed as follows: Being that certain tract or pared |x; of land conveyed to James Core bv that certain deed recorded in Book 42, page 159 from W. M. Staupland et ttx. recorded in the office of the t-jj Register of Deeds. Brunswick County and all other real property owned by defendant in Shallolte Township. U j All sales subject to report to and * cotifirumlion by the Court. Ten days ' allowed for raise of bid before report made, t'ash to be paid at sale. This i lie 17 day of November 1937. William .lorgenson R'-R-c Comiuissioner. i-'oiikimisi hi-: mitii i: , t Notice is hereby given that by vir- V tue of a decree of the Superior | j Conn of Brunswick County. N. C., [ dated the 17 day of November 193J | ' in an action entitled "HrtinswtcK County versus l>. C. Iloldeu and I Wife. if any". Hie undersigned commissioner will expose at public I auction s.'tlc to the highest bidder l| tor cash on the is day of ljpceuihcr Bi 19X7 al i- o'clock M. at tjip Pouri* H house door. South port. Ni to It satisfy the decree of said court to I enforce the payment of the It following described real estate, local- U ed in l#ock\voods l**olIv Township M Brunswick County. N. t1., bounded H and described as follows: Being that certain tract or parcel I of land conveyed to I). (5. Ilolden by that certain deed recorded in Ki ltook 50. page L'fl:! front W. II. & Iloldeu ct iix to D. (i. Ilolden re- H corded in the office of the Itcgisjcr ;! of Deeds, Brunswick County and all ;r other real property owned by defend- U ant in l.ockwood's Folly Township. A All sales subject to report to and I confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed lor raise of bid before report *1 made. Cash to be paid at sale. This i he 17 day of November 1037. William .lorgenwii 12-S-e Commissioner. NOTICE OF I oitIK 1.081 HK Under and by virtue of a |K>wer 11 of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 4th, day I of Xovember. 1935. by T. If. Sellers f and wife Bearl Sellers to Bifton 11. ft Sellers to secure the payment or certain notes there in recited, said mort- * gage deed being of record in the Office Of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. X. C.. in Book No. 58 ut I'age No. 1 sr.. rcfervWP thereto being hereby made, and default having been made in the \K\y- I men I of the notes thereby seen r I'd I ami as therein provided, the under- ft signed mortgagee w ill. on Monday HI the 13th. day of December. 1937. at HI the courthouse door in Southport. N. I c.. said county, at U' o'clock. Noon. HI offer for sale at public auction to I the highest bidder for cash, the fol- HI lowing described (do tracts of land. HI tow it:? 1st. Tract: Beginning at a HI slake on the North side of Turnpiko HI road and known as the Jeff Ilowptt I , corner; runs theme North 781,.- West I 1471 m feet to a stake; thenee North 1 12>;j Kast 135 feet to a stake; theme J North 80 West 85 feet to a stake; V] thence North 91.. Kast 55 4feet to a HI stake: thence South SO West 89 feet (] to a slake; thence .Vorlh p. west 938 feet to a stake; ihem-c North 7S'- East 1080 feet to a stake; W thence South L'li,, West 37 feet to :i II stake; theme South Must 1080 If feet to a stake; thence South 1 (? West B 1010 feet to a stake; themee South B 8f? West r?s:; feet to a stake; thotre B South 13 West 130 feet to a stake; B thence South 79f-.- feet to a stake; B thenre South 7:? West 130 feet to B] a stake; thence North 83'-.. West 301 w feet to the r>oint of beginning. con- Ej taining 70 acres. 2nd. Tract: hying ftj on both sides of Willets .Mill Swamp. I Heglnning at a stake on the South I side of said swamp, II. L. Phelps $; and K. Sellers corner; runs thence uM with Phelps line North 18 West 25'i I poles across Willetls. .Mill swamp to fW a stake on the hill. Totter Robinsons 1 corner; thence South SI West 45 I f Tholes to a stake, another of itohin- jH sons corners; thence South 32t& West B| 58 poles t oa stake near a holly H on the North side of Willets Af ill | swamp with gum and oak as point- Kjj ers; thence South 21 East 11 poJes HI to a stake on the North side of n the run of said swamp just above Bfl the old bridge crossing; thence up fi| the meanders of said run to where H3 H. T. Sellers first line intersects the Wj, same; thence South 52 hast about 2 Bfl poles to a biackgum in J. J. Hew- B[ etts branch field; thence South 72 Wm Kast with J. J. Hcwetts line 42 M poles to a stake; thence another of |H his lines South 3 West 13 yards to Eg a gum; thence South IP Kast 28 ni.:J poles to a stake. Amanda Phelps ?8 lot; thence a division line of htrs ^B North 12',2 East 83 poles to a stake; fl thence North 73 West " 13 i>oles to K. Sellers line; thence with his line I North 32 West to the beginning, f|| containing 36 acres, more or less. Ig Kxcepting liowever, 20 acres, more or fll less deeu to .J J. Hewett, out of ^B said second tract. Dated and posted M this Noveml>er 5th. 1937. ,? . Hifton Sellers. Mortgagee. J. W. Ituark. Atty., Southport, N. C. 14\ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT * NOTICE OF SI MMONS i STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA flfl COUNTV OK RRUNSWICK . fl {Minnie Newton vs. Jack Newton H The defendant. Jack Newton. Will H take notice that an action entitled II as above baa been comemnced in ^fl the Superior Court of Bnisuwjf1 \ County. North Carolina, by the plain tiff for absolute divorce upon the I , grounds o ft wo years separation oa 1 provided by law t)f tlie State of North Carolina, Said defendant will Im further take notice that he is . rt~ Quired to anj?ear at the offic# of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of I said County at the Courthouse in Southport. N. C. on or before the H 6tli day of December 1937, and an- fp swer or demur to the complaint in said action, ar the plainUff will aPRiy H f0LJ,e"?( tleno tided in tutid complaint. |l ,, TWe (lie "Utter ot November, tHr?! I ?12 Clerk Superior Court. I

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