iost Of The News \11 The Time ME TEN NO. 4 AMP der Recei Camp Sa Frida Work Has Been In Effort To Have Of Ten Days Ago' ded And To Allow j Snpona To Remain' )RDERS WERE :EIVED MONDAY I W. Sample ApCustodian And Is Orders To Send < T o Various [her Camps ovi'i ish efforts on the ' al citizens during the o have the order movly 127 of the Civilian Corps from South- i orders came through ! tructing Lt. John W. ibandon the camp on 1' d Friday of this week. < 1 le has been appoint-' r IE - : tne camp proper K - ibly will remain here I v- ifter the boys I E. . has been instruct- < E them to the follow- t E nips ated in North Car- j I- N Holland, Lexington. I. Bu Ungton. Statcsville, I Eton izabethtown. (1 eeks it has been ( Iprc tl ' the local camp would , I s metime between I. an December 20. I led principally by i ; v sk< 11. R. I. Mintz and | B Keziah. contacted state I . ernm< nt officials in a L effort to keep the camp at r McCormack, assistant ] p :-.'ster was scheduled to r he:- morrow for a connee with private citizens, but' ippears doubtful whether p-.;i come. Little Bits Of Big News 1 1ew> Events Of State, Nation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week l ] cp Killed ] ( persons wore killed * curungion mis wvium? j , K'l an automobile and a . , Idcd on an ice-laden 11 way near there and collid- ; -: lfic force. The col- jt lien was followed by fire, | t-\'h burned the victims, all ( %roes. beyond any hope of' < ' unit ion. Three other Ncgr- t - '.'ere injured in the crash, t ' only line of them remain to a hospital tonight and . is expected to recover. The , Negroes were members v ' ' party going to Chocowini'' h Beaufort County, to at' iri a funeral. '?rchusini; A gent ' vnator I IVnton Starry of fefin will be the State's new -fetor of Purchase and Con- ( ' 'iirecding Capus M. i < ' "nick. In announcing the c ^ointment and acceptance < ".-'lav Governor Hoey descr' Senator Stacy as a "prac- t 1! buyer ' with experience r basing agent for a di- < !' i.f t:ikik/u\ * I U'vnnj trvopn m l,,v ( W;ir ;iii?l as a buyer of f I -rrlics for ins mercantile est- j % -?fc: tent and farm*. For lft f I he came to the 1 I -de Senate this year to re Guilford and RocklngM*? counties, Senator Stacy < grated mercantile cstabllshH "ts in Ruffjn anil Reidsvillc. I large-scale farmer and H I United States, in a 8 mal note that cover- [ hi ore than the Panay j ''f. virtually demanded j pledges Tuesday that j door would stay open 1 ;d| Americans and 'r"4n interests in China I ,f'" '* free from "unlawful '""inn Secretary of I t ^U" ln'csented Japan a ^ing "a formally refor ik "^''Cfion of regret" B'V of Uie gunboat I ' "mpletc and cwrupre- j I i>"!' 'h'lfiiuuticaUoHB." and | I \ ^iiirdnee that definite psge sic) t f THE SAPON ved To Aban ipona Thursc y Despite Ev< Congressman J. Ba Takes Stand k shin Communications During Past Week Representative From This District Wages Fight To Have Camp Retained Here 5AYS BRUNSWICK COUNTY NEEDS CAMP Clark Recognizes Value Of Forestry Program To The People Of This Section And Has Done Best For Camp Regardless of the outcome of j he battle waged during the past ew days to retain Camp Saxina at Southport, Congressman T. Bayard Clark deserves the (' gratitude of Brunswick county ke< :itizens for herculean efforts [ jes nadc in the interest of this pro-1 th( ect. , I pr< In one letter to a prominent; an, orestry official in this state. juni Congressman Clark said that "in , mc some respects Brunswick has wh Shnntincr Wild 7 Is Easy F *? Mr. And Mrs. Lyman Bass Recently Returned To f Their Home In Buffalo,1 N. Y. After Annual Hunt-' ing Trip o MRS. BASS GETS e ANOTHER GOBBLER p ! n Lady Who Has Seven Grandchildren F u r t h er (j Establishes Her Right ? To Title Of Sportswoman tl h Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Bass v eft for their home in Buffalo. S Y. This terminated a three- j e vceks visit and hunting trip, du- a ing which they were the guests I " )f George M. Brooks, of the Seiside community, near Shallottc. ? Phis was the seventh annual trip nade by Mr. and Mrs. Bass to _ he home of Mr. Brooks. | V Early Tuesday morning Mr.;" ind Mrs. Bass each got fine wild j urkey gobblers while hunting on i he land of M. L. Holden, near Shallottc. Mrs. Bass brought ler's down from the limb of a M ;rce, 33 feet from the ground.' Hie beautifuj bird weighed 15 i rounds and Mrs. Bass was 69 J fards from the tree in which it j vas perched. Wednesday evening Mrs. Bass j ( (Continued on page six) 1 th< i th, Bishop Darst To iT" wr. .. f. n/.;//; i isu k I in mi o i pn ? old The f'iglit Reverend Thomas | thf Darst will visit St. Phillips < Church. Soutliport. to confirm a .she :lass of twelve persons on Thurs- j cai lay night at 7:30 o'clock. arc Bishop Darst has recently re-i nci .nrncd from the Triennial Con- of mention of the whole Episcopal i as Church, which was held in Cin-1 em ' ' "nnirtv. I . , 11 :innati, and win icu U1V Wll^i V |?kv* jation of the meetings there. The j in >ublic is cordially invited to this! cui icrvicc. Jubilation Short Finder Of Napoleon Davis, middle- i aged negro of Lolanj, was I disappointed when he return- | 1 cd home last Wednesday | night, and discovered that I j the two bills he brought home j i were worthless stage money. 1 j Davis, en route to Leland from Wilmington, was walk- ' ing along the causeway near ; Redman's Creek. Casually I he glanced to the side of I the causeway, and his eyes t fell upon two "gold" certifi- j \ catcs. marked 1100.00 and j $20.00 respectively. Cautious- j r 1 y and suspicious lest some- j f one were looking, lie quickly \ tucked the two bills inside ( 1 his ccit pocket to? iJie keep- j 1 tag. j i : STi A Good 6-PAGES TODAY A WH idon lay And ?ry Protest yard Clark i Favor Of Camp, onffressman J. Bayard Clark ( ;n one of the forgotten countof the state". He stressed , : importance of the forestry , >gram to citizens of this county j < :! urged that this camp be left ' molested, even at the expense of J ( iving the White Lake camp, |j lich also lies within his district, j t I \ urkey ' or This Lady i 1AME PLATE ON BANK CHANGED !.< 1 The name plate on the front i f the local bunk is being . hanged this week from Peo- [ | les United Bank to Waocaraw Bank & Trust Co. This hange was made necessary ecause of the recent sale of | he deposit liabilities and as- ! ets of the former institution. | i This is the third time that j' he name of the bank has 1 eon changed. Originally it ras known as The Bank of outhport. That institution loscd in February, 1and , few months later re-opened nder the name of Peoples 1 lulled Bank. j ecurity Office Manager Visitor! anager Of Wilmington ' Field Office Of Social 1 Security Board Spent ( Tuesday In Conference f At Southport 1 ! Jeorgc W. Jeffrey, Manger of ; Wilmington Field Office of 11 > Social Security Board, spent I, esday in Soutliport conferring L tli employers and their re- j j scntatives with respect to the j ( l-agc insurance provisions of j Social Security Act. j ( Considerable interest is being; >wn by employers and wage , ncrs in lump sum benefits that . : being paid now to wagc-carrs who have reached the age j sbwe January 1. as well to the relatives of deceased | f ployees who have died this } ir. Anyone who is interested > ] any part of the Social Se- c rity Act can obtain inforuia- j (Continued on page six) j -Lived For > hristmasJoy" One can imagine that 3avis" mind was occupied villi visions of a bigger Sana. Clans and rap tubus Christ- c nas tide, as his heart beat j t iceainc quicker. True it is, be " vasted 110 time in getting I ionic. f He met his wife with. < Look licrc what I found". i is he presented the two bills. t I was only a matter of a v ew seconds, however, that < he true character of the bills C vas determined. i The negi'O, it might tie add d. bore the ignominious dc- r cat somewhat bravely, and it 1 vas not long before he, too, . 1 iad joined in the choruses of |v i'jgkltt he had provoked IC 'rom ti;e rest of the family. Js 4 ME 1 News paper Ii Southport, N. C., MV I BE Desper Three Schools Record Perfect For Red Cross Reports From Southport, Bolivia And Waccamaw, Schools Indicate Unusual Interest As Each Grade Becomes Active Member DTHER SCHOOLS ARE UNREPORTED southport Canvas Still Is Incomplete And Active Work Will Continue Here During The Next Week A note of encouragement was sounded in the annual Red Cross nembership drive during the past veek as three schools. Southport. 3olivia and Waccamaw. reported :hemselves as one-hundred per:ent schools. This means that each grade in :ach of these schools has become esponsible for one Red Cross nembership. In addition, several mtside memberships were secur;d by the Bolivia school children. This incomplete report does not nean that Shallotte and Leland. he other consolidated schools of :he county, are not cooperating vith the Red Cross. No report las been received from them as ret. In Southport the canvas so far las been very incomplete, and ;he Rev. A. L. Brown, chairman >f the membership committee, is ixtending for one week the time or securing local memberships, [t is hoped _t'_ h^ve s Red C-'Sg sticker displayed in' all represenative stores and business places n Southport within the week. Recorder Hears Numerous Cases Several Cases Covering A V a r i e ty Of Offenses Were Tried Wednesday Before Judge Joe Ruark In Recorder's Court Several cases covering a wide ,'aricty of offenses were disposed >f here last week in Recorder's ourt. Alvin Koontz, wnue, was lounu juilty of driving a motor vehicle vhilc under the influence of lijuor. This was his second con,'iction on this charge, and this :ime he was driving without his .icensc. He was given 90 days >n the roads and his drivers li;ense was rovoked for an addi:ional 12 months. Johnie Walker, colored, was 'ound guilty of reckless operadon. He was required to pay a :ine of $25.00 and the costs of ;he case. Robert Murray, colored, was 'ound guilty of driving an autonomic while he was under the nfluence of liquor. His driver's icensc was revoked for a period >f 12 months, he was required to my a fine of $50.00 and the costs >f the case. George Suggs, colored, pleaded. ;uilty of charges of driving an LUtomobilc with improper lights, rudgment was suspended upon mymcnt of the cost. I*. M. Messick. white, pleaded juilty to charges of failing to itop before entering the highway, le was required to pay the costs H uir taw . W- M. F . Murray, colored, tlcaded guilty to charges of ailing to atop before entering the. lighway. Judgment was suatended upon payment -of the (Continued on page six> Worth West Club Women Meet The North West Home Dcmtnstration Club met with Mrs. Mwliu Kri.. December .'ird. Hie meeting was called to order j ty the President Mrs. Skipper: j ipening song was sung and the hit* collect repeated. The meet-1 ng was then turned over to I he leader, Mrs. Marion Posher. j vho gave a very Interesting lemonstration on Christmas gifts. | lifts were exchanged by the j nembers. Mrs. Dosher presented each j ncmber present with a gift. De-1 icious refresluncnts were served I ty the hostess. Those present, cere Mrs. E. R. Skipper; Mrs. ico. O. Cjaylcr Mrs. J J. Peters, lad Mrs. I.t. ?. Doaher. * POR' a A Good Con Wednesday, December ] ABANI ado Tn Splendid Fight Show Is Staged Thursday Night Boys Of Camp Sapona Make A Fine Showing Against More Experienced Battlers From Wilmington CAMP HEAVYWEIGHT SCORES KNOCKOUT Adam Dill Leads Camp 1 Boys Defense Of Fistic Laurels With FirstRound Victory Over Big Bill Scoggins In a thrill-packed fight card (staged Thursday night in the | Southport gymnasium the boxers | of Camp Sapona slugged it out I with the boys from the Manley Athletic Club, of Wilmington, and managed to win three of the eight events from their more experienced opponents. In most events, however, the Sapona boys were allowed weight advantages ! over the visitors. | The Wilmington lads took two [bouts by knockout and three by I decision and lost one knockout (and two decisions to the camp I fighters. Adam Dill, curly-headed slug[ger of the Camp team, topped (off the evening's program when I he scored a knockout victory | over Bill Scoggins. The Wilming(Continued on page 6) Methodists Plan Special Service Christmas Music By Soloists And Choir And Special Message By Pastor Will Mark Two Sunday Services Following is the program for two special Christmas services to be held Sunday at Trinity Methodist church. Morning services 11:00 a. m. Voluntary: "Glory to God in (the Highest" (Harrington) Choir. Hymn: "O Come All Ye Faithful", Choir and Congregation. Apostles' Creed (in unison). ! Pastoral prayer. Response. Anthem: "Come and Worship", t (Wilson) Soloist: Mesdamcs Corilette, Morse. Hall. Davis. Responsive reading. Gloria Patri. New Testament lesson. Announcements. Offertory duct: "The Angle's I Song" (Nolte), Mcsdamcs nan ' and Corlette. Hymn: "Joy to the World", | (Handel), congregation. Sermon:: "The Christmas Prcslent to the Ages", pastor. Prayer. Hymn: "O Little Town of Bethtlehem" (Redner), congregation. I Benediction. Doxology. Evening Worship at 7 :J0 ; o'clock: Voluntary: "Gloria in Excclsis Deo", Choir. ! Hymn: "Hark the Herald Anjgcls Sing", congregation. Anthem: "And There Were :Shepherds" (Ashford) Mrs. L. T. [Yaskell and choir. Prayer. Response. Anthem: "AIhjvc the Sleeping: World" (Wilson t Mrs. Harry Cor| lette and choir. (Continued on page six) Schedule For Club Meetings Following is the schedule of meetings for home demonstration clubs of the county for next week: Friday, December 17, Boon's Neck Club meets at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Stafford Hcwett: Saturday. December 18, Southport Club meets at 8 o'clock at the apartment of the home agent: Monday. December 20, Town Creek Club meets at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. C. Woodbury: Tuesday, December 21. Iceland club meets at 2:30 o'clock wiUi Mrs. Rufus Williams. 1-H Girls' clubs: Thursday, December 16, Bolivia juniors at 11:15o'clock: Bolivia seniors at 10:30 oclock; Friday. December 17. Lock wood's Folly club meets at 11 o'clock: Tuesday, December 21, Lelaiid senior at 10:35 o'clock; Lelaud Junior at 11.35 o'clock. 1 - " ' r pi imunity [5,1937 r M3NEI icked North Caroli: Man Be jfl PAYNE?On the Carolina's No. 1 desp who engaged a cabin I Camp may have been Wash Turner. A. W. Clark York at the righ this year in Wilmingto Fifty Thous | Lawsi UNUSUALLY COLD SPELL THIS W1 A cold spell of unusual j ration has been experit | here during the past \ j and Southport citizens hopefully looking forwar release from the grim j of Jack Frost. During the past week mean low temperature foi local weather bureau has ' SI and one-half degrees, illustration of the small tuation in the temperatu shown by the average ' reading for the week, 41 grees. Saturday was the est day, with a mini reading of 25 degrees a j maximum reading of 45 | sreos. I The Agricultur Outlook For 1 L . ? County Agent uoason lines Prospects For mers During Coming Months BY J. E. DODSON) (Editor's Note:?Following [first in a series of four a ! prepared by County Agent [ Dodson giving an outlook 1938 farm program.) Tobacco The Bureau of Agrici Economics, assisted by rej tatives of the Agricultura justmcnt Administration, tti I tension Sendee, Bureau of j Economics, and the State i cultural Colleges and Ext Service, Washington, D. C J that the outlook for flue ! tobacco in 1938, is such as t gest the need of a cut of 10 percent from the acrcag vested in 1937, if the p i marketing situation is to be * tained. This would mean -? 4. OCA fh/ i crease to sdoul oou l>? ; acres from the 958 th( acres harvested in 1937 and pares with an average o thousand acres in the 5 (Continued on page sis Two Large 1 Cater' Leaving this week for 1 Smyrna, Fla., where he continue his fish bust during the winter and p< bly go to Louisiana in spring. Lewis J. Hardee newed his incmbcrsliip in Southport Civic Club ^ expressions of apprcciatioi the efforts that were put ward the past year. At same time, he said he that the club was in a f tion to really do somctl for Southport in 1938. Although, as stated, may go to Louisiana in spring, Mr. Hardee is much impressed with possibilities for the deve I ment of Southport as a ii fishing center he intend; place a couple ctf fcif t P [LOT UBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ) TOMO Throughi na's No.l Bad ' Jieved To Be Visitor ? ??!: 9 en Jfl left, above, is Biii Payne, North erado. It is believed that a man Holiday night at The Pines Tourist t< either Payne or his confederate, i Petit is shown in the center and A t, above. Both were captured early!a n. 5 and Dollar ? nit Instituted Here!' * !* Charles E. Cause, Adminis-;a trator For William Elmer t. iEK Edwards, Enrollee At ? Camp Sapona, Brings e Damage Suit r need veek, LAWYERS FROM are WH1TEVILLE FIRM 1 d to _____ ,ra?]) Phillip Allen And Lela p thp Smith Torgerson Are ,, r ,|le Made..#Co - Defendants been ' In Action Begun ' ,v An i Here Lest Week flue- ?? re is A lawsuit to recover the sum r high of fifty thousand dollars from 111 ' de" Phillip Allen and Lela Smith Tor- ? ,0'^ gerson for the death of William a mum , _ ll(j Elmer Edwards, enrollee at Camp ? de- Sapona, on August 22, 1937, has j1 been instituted in Superior Court ^ at Southport. t _l Charles E. Cause, admtnistra- a . tor for the deceased is named in >rt I ' the notice as plaintiff. The firm 7 of Burns and Burns, Whitevllle, AOO wU1 brin? the suit for damages. M iX I The complaint alleges that j | i/l/W ' the sum of fifty thousand dollars j | is due the plaintiff for "the j Out- wrongful death of William Elmer! Far- Edwards on 22nd day of August. ' Few 1937. caused by the negligent, j wrongful, and unlawful owning, r maintaining and operating and | electric power and light line from ! is the the city of Southport across the property of Phillip Allen and ter-' .rticles jYiinating on the property of Lela t ?h Smith Torgerson." for the warrant of attachment has ' been issued against the property t of the defendants. | h alturai j c TaIi- Service Club ic ex- Banquet Planned * Home _____ I, Agri- The District Banquet of Coun-1 ension ty Service Clubs from Bruns-13 feel wick. Duplin, Pender and New j u cured Hanover counties will lie held on I n o sug- Thursday night. December 16, at ,, about the Wrightsboro club house, (| c bar- which is located just off the Wiliresent mington-Burgaw highway at h main- Wrightsboro. a de- J. E. Dodson, farm agent, and ...oon.i Mrs Marion Smith Doshcr, home | >usand agent, plan to accompany a nunt-' com- bar of Brunswick county Service i f. 815 Club boys and girls. year As may as possibly can arc :) urged to attend the banquet. Local Boats To To Fishing Parties Mew hero for sendee early in the will spring. They arc large enough ness for the purpose and he pro>sst poses to equip them for big the game fishing far off shore, re- He thinks that for next the spring and summer the biggivith est need at Southport will be it of hotel and boarding house acfor commodations. For the parthe tics making the long trip out felt for big game fish it is ab>nsi solutely essential that a night liing j be spent at Southport. This in order, that an early start he may be made, the fishing the grounds reached and a full i so I day be put in at the sport, the | The boats return to port late :lop- in the afternoon and the port ; sportsmen could either spend i ; .to another night hero, or go dt, Ccu'jpuej on page six) j If i The Pilot Covers Brunswick County ! ' i i $1.50 PER YEAR i RROW County )esperado Seen In County After Police Battle 4 ' /Ian Believed To Be Either I Bill Payne Or Wash Turner Escaped Police Trap Monday Afternoon And i Made Way To Wilming- , ton . i .ATER CAME TO TOURIST CAMP j /Ian Of Same Description Rented Cabin At Pines i Tourist Camp Where He Treated Wounds Himself The trail of a man believed j i 3 be either Bill Payne or Wash "urner led through this county tonday night after he escaped police trao laid for him bv ? | Wilmington officers and highway atrolmen on the Masonboro loop i oad. Monday night a man came to he Pines Tourst camp, at Leland, Ji i a Wilmington taxi and engag- i1 ' d a cabin. He gave Jesse Lee , [ayes. 14-year-old attendant a! he service station, a quarter and J j sited him to get some adhesive 1 | ape and bandages. The youth aid the man had a bleeding lac- j ration on his r.eck, anil a badly ? J washed finger. A short time later the man I | isappeared from the camp, and I l | t was reported that he went tc j ''j he nearby home of Matthew r t Valker, colored, and either hired f , r forced him to take him away < n hie automobile. f.'.,.wdo5 flight a pj*-k-tip truck Jaj ,.,.n ..toleii 'fi'cm I-.*, hi TloT'in- t on, at Lanvalle. which is only I '|i few miles fropi Leland. It was I ; j eported that the pickup came i I iy the Murray Bobbins filling tation at Bell Swamp, where it | , ; ras recognized. According to the H tory, there was a large crowd y fathered about the station where (j tmck had smashed into one of id1 he brick pillars. ' Whoever the J j *' river was, he showed a ilisposl- r' i ion to keep clear of the crowd, f f j | nd turned toward Southport. Another pick-up was stolen J . !# 'ucsday night at Shallottc, and ' (Continued on page six) Equipment For } Local Hospital ji 'ortable Rotary Comprcs sor was k*iti 10 cruris- il wick County Hospital J ^ From Members Of Hos- ( I pita! Auxiliary n The Brunswick County Hospi- ' al was recent recipient of a va- ft , .table atkiition to its operating 1 tl quipment when members of tho V, lospital Auxiliary donated a j ortable rotary compressor that ]ii lready has been used with mar- 1 u ed success. 'Hie apparatus is an electric jfvjj notion pump that is particularly 11 seful in connection with treat-' 9| lent of sinus, or in tile perfor- y the operation. Tide Table/jj following is (he tide tabl* I \,| for Southport during tho next I I ueek. These hours are appro-! xiniately correct nnd were fur-1 *' .< nlshed The Stale Tort Pilot Ikvnilnh Hill cnll rtoliV