I The News le Time N ' Na on For :d Loans Received ield Supervisergency Crop Loan Section, Charg. 5 TO ^ERN LOANS Be Loaned ose Who Can From No Source U emergency sans for 1938 are eived at Supply g. Field Supervi rgency Crop and tion of the Farm :ration. U be made, as In to farmers who credit from any The money loaned to the farmer's actual cash needs is 1938 crops or e of feed for liveie amount which to any one farmf not exceed $400. o can obtain the d from an mdivion credit associaother concern are or crop and feed ; Emergency Crop in Section of the Administration. The be made to stantion clients whose are provided for Security Adminisrly known as the A gJmlniotrotion Iypuirmc nt nuiiiiiiiouaMvii. Its in the past, farmers who tain emergency crop and feed I-; will give as security a first Kr on the crop financed, or a I- lien on the livestock to be lj if the money borrowed is to I at to produce or purchase Id for livestock. Hhere loans are .made to tenp. the landlords, or others | . an interest in the crops L . the livestock to be it are required to waive their pis in favor of a lien to the pernor of the Farm Credit pxistration until the loan is decks in payment of approved ?s will be mailed from the Kional Emergency Crop and lei Office at Columbia. South bl,n* I.KV Little Bits Of Big News News Events Of State* I Nation and World-Wide I Interest During Past Week Mtrslling III I Gen. John J. Pershing is in ? "very serious" condition as s result of a "complication" 111 Pnnnontirm a rheumatic I ailment, his physician, Dr. RoI land Davidson, said Tuesday I tight. Dr. Davidson would not I disclose the nature of the comI Plication. He said the 77-yearI eld general's blood pressure I rose "very high" Monday I tight, but dropped Tuesday. I 'General Pershing is resting I as comfortably as can be cx Pccted, but his condition is Vfl'y serious", Dr. Davidson I aaid. The World War comI Zander of the American ExI Mitionary Forces was taken I hy ambulance from his hotel " a cottage at the Desert H Sanatorium. President Enthusiastic Indiana Democrats rolled into Washington . I V the Pullman carload TuesI % bent upon giving their I v"rite White House hope, ^'l V. McNutt, a fast and ; OHy start in the 1940 Presidential contest. Established I ^fortably in the Mayflower I ""tel. | hey settled down to " days of political talk and merrymaking. Crisis I thundering Conservative I p"l"r't.v Tuesday night gave ; I J1"10 Minister Neville ChanrI .' 'a'n a House of Commons I mtoiy in the wake of a cab! I cr ises that ushered out I J!,hony ^den as Foreign SecI j. dfy and signalled a new I ,'"'sh policy of conciliating B tetators By a vote of 330 I n, ^""'mons rejected a Lab motion to censure the -T.e Mnuitcr action. FightI (^oatiaotd oi Figa Four) : 1 THI 5 March 12th Set As Day To Vote On Farm Matter New Farm Legislation To Be Voted On By Farmers Who Must Approve By Two-Thirds Majority j Before It Is Effective POLLS WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY Further Information About j The Vote In This County To Be Furnished Next Week The first referenda under the new Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 will be held on March 12 among the cotton farmers and producers of flue-cured, firs-cured and dark air-cured tobacco, Secretary Wallace announced today. The outcome of the refernda will determine whether marketing quotas will be applied to these commodities in 1938. Marketing quotas cannot be used except with the approval of a large majority of the farmers since the Act itself provides that if more than one-third of the producers voting in a referndum vote against the quotas, they will not go into effect. Where cotton, flue-cured or dark tobacco, which includes both fire-cured and dark air-cured, are grown in the same locality, the referendum for each commodity will be held at the same time and place but the vote on each commodity will be separate. The referenda regulations provide for a voting place in each community where cotton, fluecured or dark tobacco are grown. The polls open not later than 9:00 a. m. and close at 7:00 p. m. Each producer who grew cotton, flue-cured or dark tobacco in 1937 will be entitled to cast one vote ' in the referendum for the . commodity. *1 urill art- I r uruivi uiaiiuvuviu mn ^ pear in The Pilot next week. The national marketing quota proclaimed for the 1938 crop of flue-cured tobacco is 705,000,000 pounds and the quota for dark tobacco is 145,000,000 pounds. The 1937 flue - cured crop was 850,000,000 pounds and the dark crop was 158,000,000 pounds. Tlw quotas will be divided among I States on the basis of production, plus diversion under the Agricul- j tural Adjustment Administration programs during the past five years, with adjustments for ab- . normal weather conditions and plant bed diseases for small farms and for trends in produc(Continued on page 4.) Former Resident Dies Saturday ' Miss Susie A. Williams, Who Was Born And r Reared Here, Died In ^ New York City Of Pneu- I monia i Miss Susan A. Williams, who j was born and reared in Southport, died Saturday in New York City following a short illness with v pneumonia. * The deceased, who was 58-year- t of-age, was the daughter of the r late Captain and Mrs. J. A. Williams, of Southport. She was a registered nurse, and for the past few years has held a responsible t position with the Metropolitan t T TnauMn/tA fYimTOUlV. 4 L/IIC illOUl unvv w...( ^ . She was a member of the L American Legion by virtue of * her service in France during the t World War, and last summer c she paid another visit to French soil. d She has no immediate relatives 1 (Continued on Pass four) r Credits Brunsw With TheV The 1938 Esso Road Maps, printed by the General Drafting Company for the Standard Oil Company, will be of especial interest and also of value to Brunswick county people. These maps will be available at service stations in about ten days. The Southoprt Civic Club, last week, received an advance copy of these maps from the drafting company, accompanied by a very gracious letter of thanks for data furnished by the local organization. Of special interest locally will be a picture map of North Carolina on the reverse side from the road map. On this picture map Brunswick county is chiefly distinguished as the home of the Venus Fly-Trap. Wafcetef'fr new lateautioo* SL A Good 4-PAGES TODAY x#? r > w^ffiPj V jS^y^^H j# f^jftPtHITMBK '&&?& :*' ' $Y&/fftBB^M ' .: Jfef ^K IWi?xlaL ^SHEllfw " imnft' WASHING?The earner Ann Galloway, 107-year-old daily work of doing the whi ture was not posed. Aunt Ma she was when the photograp News & Observer.) Q 1 T _' Considering inc Basketbai * Suggestion Has Been Made To Hold Tournament For Independent Teams Of This Section In Local Gym DOLPHINS WOULD BE HOST TEAM iMans Are In Formative Stage, But If Perfected Would Bring Good Basketball Here Three Days ' A group of local sport fans ;ot together in the office of The State Port Pilot Monday and held in informal discussion concerning in independent basketball tournanent to be held at Southport, vith the Dolphins, crack South>ort quint, as host team. The tournament would be an , nvitation affair, with eight teams k larticipating. Starting off in the |uarter-final stage, two games vould be played Thursday aftertoon, two games Thursday night: j he two semi-final games Friday light: and the finals Saturday light. "Feeler" letters have been writ en to several strong independent eams in this section asking if C hey would like to enter the local C ournament. Investigation also is ^ icing made into the availability ^ if the local gymnasium. Unless some major obstacle | f' levelops the tournament will bc|o leld if there is sufficient dc- t nand. b ick County S enus-Fly-Trap; al dictionary says the above ? plant is not found growing anywhere in the world in a _ wild state, except on the I coast of North Carolina. An other standard authority credits it as being native only to the Wilmington area. Still another says the Venus Fly-Trap is found only ? in Brunwsick, and more rarely in Florida. The fact of the matter is that the Venus Fly-Trap is not, so far as is known, found growing wild anywhere r on earth except in Bruns- c wick county. Even in Brun- v swick the areas in which the i plant may be found is limit- d cd, nearly all the growing area is split almost through ri the center by the Bell Swamp d highway, route 303, running t from South cert to Its con- i .(Continued on Page t). 4 \TE News paper I Southport. N. CM V ily Washin '5 ; ^|^|.\ WK J " v- !;: Wta l^?"lL ~nr^ n > L,t j_ ort, high school, and Henry C. Stone, of Shallottc high school, already have been reelected as principals at their respective schools for next year. Mr. Linglc came here last fall to succeed C. A. Ledford as principal of the Southport school... News of his re-election has met with general approval. Mr. Stone is completing his third year as principal at Shallottc. Spring Meet Of County Council 'rogram Of Unusual Interest Is Planned For Home Demonstration Club Leaders And Members The Spring Meeting of County louncil of Home Demonstration Hubs will be held at Supply tethodist church Wednesday, larch 2nd, at 10 o'clock. The business session will be allowed by two special features f interest to club members and he public, namely: an address y A. C. Kimrey, extension dairy pccialist, on "The Care of Milk i the Home", and a demonstralon "Flowers for Funerals, Wcdings and Special Occasions", by Trs. John Verzaal, of Wilmingon. All club officers, home beauification leaders and dairy leadrs are urged to be present and he public is cordially invited. "our Score And Ten For Mr. Bell iouthport Man Celebrated His 90th Birthday Anniversary With His Daughters Here Friday Oeorge Bell, one of the most emarkable citizens of Southport, clebrated his 90th birthday here rith his daughters, Mrs. A. L. Jnd and Mrs. B. J. Hplden, Frilay. His abundant hair is still alnost jet-black, his eyes are unlimmed and he never resorted o the use of glasses for rearing' or to a car.e is his w^lks C Continued on pagfe teur) POR" n A Good Con /ednesday, February 2 Meet Of Junior Order Was Held | On Last Tuesday | Regular Spring District Meeting For The 16th District Junior Order U A. M. Held At White ville Tuesday THREE COUNTIES ARE IN THIS DISTRICT Several Neophytes Were In troduced Into The Esoteric Rites Of The Organization Whiteville was host to th< 16th District Junior Order U. A M., which embraces the countie: of Bladen, Columbus and Bruns wick, at its regular spring ini tiation meeting on Tuesday, Feb ruary 15, at 7:30 p. m. Reverend Garland Singletary of Whiteville, who is the District Deputy State Councilor, presidet at the meeting. Otfcer officers ir this district who were present are: R. J. Hester, Elizabcthtown Bladen County Counsilor; Dr. R A. Lineberry, Chadbourn, Colunv bus County Councilor and C. Et Taylor, Southport, Brunswici County Councilor. Several neophytes were intro (Continued on page Tour) Sick Reported To County Nurse Several. Cases Of Measles Whooping Cough Anc Chicken Pox Are Report ed In Brunswick Count] i From various sections o ' orunawicK tuuiu^ kumc ivji^i ^ of measles, whooping cough anc chicken pox, and while none o; these diseases has appeared ir the epidemic stage, extrenn caution on the part of mother! with young babies is urged. 1 In (hi! first graiie of South ' port high school there are fiv( ' reported cases of chicken pox Measles has made its appearand at Bolivia where there are foui cases reported from tile school There is one case at Waccamaw but it is forced into the back ground by the ten cases of whoop ing cough that have been report ed. Three cases of whooping; cough have also been reportet from the Town Creek communi tyFour cases of contagious vene^ real disease have been reportec to the office of the countj health nurse during the past few days. (Continued on Face 4) May Hear More Of Payne-Turner J. Edgar Hoover, In Wash' ington Speech, Says Drive MrMl r* i! A_ T1 win continue un i iiusc Who Harbor Criminal! According: to a dispatch from the Charlotte Observer Bureau Ir Washington last week, sounds ai if Southport people may heai more of the alleged residence ol Bill Payne and Wash Turner ir Southport for several weeks lasl fall. It will be remembered thai Fred Fulford, a local man, was arrested for harboring Messrs Payne, Turner, etals. The arrest was made on a Friday nighl and the wanted men arc supposed to have been somewhere .around at the time. Two days [afterwards, just after dark on Sunday night, they evidently concluded the moment had arrived for them to make a break from where they were holed up. At any rate, a car bearing Payne and Turner rapidly away from Southport was wrecked on the edge of town right after dark on the Sunday following the arrest of Fulford. Robert Marlow, occupant of a passing car, was forced to drive the men to Hallsboro. In the dispatch to the Observer J. Edgar Hoover is credited with saying: "Our feeling is that we should isolate these criminals and make them 'lone wolves,' who will not have the aid and assistance that they did in the Dillinger case. They must have contact with doctors or women or aid of some kind in finding apartments or in finding hideouts. We have adopted the policy of run! ning them down. Of course, that sometimes takes months or a year or so after the main apprehension. In the Payne case in the Carolinas we will be on thai case for another nine months or [ year running down every place the criminals stayed, and if we i prove that any person hac (Continued on page 4.) r pil imunity 3rd, 1938 FVBUSh \ Aldermen To Adjust Rates By action of members of the board of aldermen in sjiecial meeting Monday , morning a special inducement *1 is being offered Southport citizens to use more electrical appliances in their homes. For electricity used during the month of March the first 12 kwh will be billed at 15 cents, or for the same minimum of $1.80. The next 12 kwh will be charged at 10 ^ cents and all over that amount at 5 cents per kwh. The entire amount of the statement will be subject to a 20 percent discount if paid 1 before the 10th of the month. This new ruling will not af3 feet bills rendered March 1 ti for electric power used dur- a ing the month of February. . County Council , | P.-T. A. To Meet; t w . Regular Meeting Will Be p Held At Waccamaw o ' School Saturday Morning ' 1 At 10:30 O'clock; Mrs. ? : Sidbury Speaker p The Brunwsick County Council of Parent-Teacher Association g, will hold its next meeting at f, Waccamaw high school Saturday t< morning, February 26, at 10:30 t< ( o'clock. Reports from each e school are requested. C Mrs. J. Buren Sidbury, of Wil- le mington. State president of Par- p j ent-Teacher Association, will be the speaker. Special music will d " be furnished by Waccamaw high a ' school students. Devotional will t; be by Mr. T. C. Ray, principal of w ^ tho enhnnl 3 ' ; County Official Vocation : ^ J Republicans To Hold Convention v A meeting of the Republican county convention haw htfn called tor Supply at J :80 ; o'clock Saturday, March 12, E I at which time delegates to the Republican State Convention, which is to he held in Charlotte Wednesday, MarI ch 16, will be chosen. r Precinct meetings have r been called for 4 o'clock Sat- 0 urday, March 5, at the (railing places in the county to a choosing delegates and alter- ti nates to the county conven- p tion. it d ' Supply Negro ? Fatally Hurt S * 0! Negro Dies In Brunswick b County Hospital As Re- ' i suit Of Injuries Sustain, ed In Accident tl ti ; George Gore, young negro of n the Supply community, died late b< i Monday afternoon at the Bruns- si ; wick County Hospital as a result P of injuries sustained when he b1 ; rolled beneath the wheels of a w i lumber truck belonging to Ham- h i ilton Robinson. p The accident occurred Monday t( ; morning while Gore was assist- tl , ing in moving the equipment for a sawmill. He was brought to c< i Southport to the Brunswick si County Hospital, where he died a G few hours later. ct Coroner John Caison says that m an inquest will be held (today) M Wednesday. January Bathin Now Ge Southport girls, at least a small bunch of them who loyally backed up the publicity efforts of the Civic Club by serving as models for bathing pictures at Fort i Caswell three weeks ago, arc now getting fan mail. What's more, the pictures of these girls have probably appeared in more than 100 newspapers, from coast to coast. i In many cases the names of the girls did not appear in the papers along with , their pictures. In many other cases pictures and names i appeared and the girls arc ; getting post cards and letters from all the way from ! Tacoma. Wash , to Philadel! phia. Pa. 1 Tte r.ew;piperj especially the big northern dailies with , r.-v.,0T IED EVERY WEDNESDAY lecord Number ft Of Visitors At Caswell Sunday !ars From All Sections Of Si Eastern North Carolina And Others From OutOf-State Made Trip To Fort Caswell IOTWATER POOL N WAS ATTRACTION Visitors Appeared To Be M Tremendously Impressed 1 With Possibility Of Development Over There Sunday traffic set a new allime record for the number of P? utomobiles to visit Ft. Caswell WJ of 1 a single day as throngs of esidents from eastern North Carlina traveled in an endless *? tream to the former government no eservation. Chief attraction was, of course, ur tie artesian hotwater well for W! rhich "Fountain Of Youth" proerties have been claimed. Not ?' ne of the visitors failed to be npressed with the spouting ar tream of hot mineral water that 1)0 eeps the pool at a uniform temerature of 95-uegrees. 1)0 During the greater part of the hil fternoon the pool was filled with *? wimmers, getting first hand in- ^ Drmation about the thrill of win- a ;r bathing. Photographers- ama- le! sur and professional?were on P? very side. One leading North Carolina afternoon paper and a lading New York daily were reresented. One Southport citizen who ot rove to the Fort late Sunday e!_ fternoon said that he met eigh- sl^ y automobiles headed back to- s? raid Southport. Other figures ?ei (Continued on Page 4.) ^ 1 U, Mil s Favor 5 al Agriculture e oint Meeting Of Board ifi 1n Education And County Commissioners Held Here G Last Wednesday Night G VACCAMAW WILL GET DEPARTMENT )ean T. E. Brown Has ^ Been Invited To Come Here For Conference, And Other Action May Result At a joint meeting of the ^ junty board of commissioners ^ nd the coifnty board of educa- w on here Wednesday night ap- B. roval was given a project asklg for the establishment of a gu cpartment of vocational agri- dr luture at Waccamaw high on ;hool. su By this action members of the de vo local groups voted to share ca le expense of a full-time teacher er f vocational agriculture and to io< ear the expense of erecting an griculture building on the iff :hool grounds. Dean T. E. Brown, director of as of vocational educa- Jo IC U>>??v? ?. on. at State College, has been ?P otified of this action and will e asked to approve the establiiment of the agriculture de- no artment at Waccamaw. He has 1nl een invited to come to Bruns- Wf ick county for a conference at 1 is earliest convenience, and it is ec' ossiblc that he will be asked cei ) provide another teacher for le Shallotte high school. *0' Miss Annie May Woodside, tc junty superintendent of schools, lys that she is hopeful that a ^ eorge Rcid teacher may be se- ~~ jred to head the home econo- ' lies deparment at Shallotte. iiss Catherine Dennis, a rcpre(Continued on page lour) I g Beauties tting Fan-Mail j big Sunday feature editions, have been mighty good to the Southport January bathing pictures. In other words. * they have been snapping ' them up and calling for more. 3 The schedule covering the ' mailing of the pictures included many of the leading 1 newspapers in Canada, as ? well as all over the United States. 5 The Civic Club is very ? grateful to the small group of young ladies who cooperat- ? ed in this first picture-tak- 6 ing program by serving as models. These young ladies ' were, Misses Mercedes Watts, ' Evelyn Loughlin. Lela Hubbard, Doris Coflette, Lois " Jans Bitisells, Wilms. Bar- * nett and Marian Frink. . The Pilot Covera I Brunswick County I $1.50 PER YEAR I lore Candidates I For Nomination I I M Announce Plans I im Joe Frink Announces IH That He Will Again Be j I Candidate For Board Of B County Commissioners; I S. C. Gore To Run H EAL THOMAS TO | RUN FOR HOUSE ; . B. Watkins Will Seek il domination For Job Of H Judge Of Brunswick ' H County Recorder's I Court 1 More fuel was heaped upon the I lltlcal fire during the past week B len Sam Joe Frink, member j H the board of county commis- .1 rners, announced his Intention I again see1' the Democratic IB mination for that office. I After being appointed to fill an IB lexpired term in 1936, Mr. Frink ifl is a successful candidate in IB e primary and general election IB that year. B S. G. Gore, of Ash, also has B inounced his candidacy for the B a rd of county commissioners. I Cornelius Thomas, of Thomas- I ro, is the first man to announce B 3 candidacy for representative fl the lower house of the North 'B irolina General Assembly. He is |B graduate of Wake Forest Col- LB fe, a business man of wide ex- 'B rience and for the past two |B ars has been engaged in farm- B g operations on his farm in B e lower end of the county. B The first to announce for judge" B the Brunswick county Record's court is M. B. Watkins, as- IB itant clerk to court. He has *B rved as clerk at most of the |B ssions of Recorder's court dur- JB g the past two years. John ts, w ard Is now serving as Recorder, { it has not yet expressed his I Uiilioii rcgai'mng the coming H ?ction. I R. I. Phelps, of Ash, has an- ,1 >unced his candidacy for tho IH ftnawick county boird of odu- [I tion, of which he ' now a I ember. "t J IH Routine Session 1 Before Recorder I >ng Arguments Feature I Drawn-Out Cases That |H Were Disposed Of Here H In Recorder's Court On IK Wednesday # I Long, drawn - out arguments 'H atured several of the cases dis- !H sed of here in Recorder's court H ednesday before Judge John IH Ward. H Joseph C. Gill, white, pleaded !H ilty to charges of drunken |H iving. He was given 60 days |H the roads, this sentence to be |H spended upon condition that the H fendant pay tlm costs of the rH se, a fine of $50.00 and surrend- fH his driver's license ror a per* sm i of 12 months. ffl Taylor Hargrove, deputy sher- |H of Columbus county, was found ilty on charges of making an |fl sault with a deadly weapon. dgment in this matter was held en until March 2. He was IB und not guilty of trespass. jfl J. W. Stanley, white, was found t guilty on charges of male H % an assault with a deadly >apon. 'fl Cosby Smith, white, was charg- IB with assault, trespass and lar- jfl ny. He was found not guilty. Lindsey Lewis, white, was IB jnd guilty of assault. His sen- ifl nee of 90 days on the roads jfl (Continued on page 4) fl Tide Table I Following Is the tide tfcMo fl 'or Southport during the next fl veek. These hours are appro- fl cimately correct and were fur- IB ished The State Port Pilot Jfl hrough the courtesy of the IB rape Fear Pilot's Association. |fl Ugh Tide Low Tide fl TIDE TABLE [fl Thursday, February 24 [fl :54 a. m. 9:31 a. m. |fl i:21 p. m. 9:48 p. nb [fl Friday, February 25 ifl :57 a. ni. 10:24 a. in. IH :20 p. ni. 10:10 p.' m. tfl Saturday, February 26 ifl :55 a. ni. 11:12 a. m. IB :2i p. m. 11:30 p. in. Ifl Sunday, February 27 tfl 1:41 a. ni. 11:58 a. tn. jfl 1:07 p. m. ifl Monday, February 28 ifl 1:26 a. ni. 0:17 a. m. ifl i:46 p. in. 12:43 p. m. fl Tuesday, March I | i :06 a. in. 1:02 a, m. 9 1:24 p. m. 1:24 pi m, fl Wednesday, March ' ' fl f:43 a. m. - !:44 a. h. I 1.00 p. a. Ij0& p. a. I IB a ... . .Jfe -.--.d* .