Most Of The Newi AII The Time J. Rourk Will Rerve As Head Election Boan . Organization Meetin MB Brunswick Count Of Elections Hcf Here Saturday, He Wa Again Chosen -h?dl:i.c given v for kegistratioi ' Bt>is'ons ^iso Made Fo ^Hllonng Voting Place In Ash Precinct And In Frying Pan Precinct > Brunswick County Boar K R Brassed ?'ith G. T. Rourl Robt. S. Milliken. sec ^Kary. anil S W. Watts membei ^Hr.c piunary election will b Kj on Saturday June 4th, be the hours of sunrise an ... the purpose of select 'H: nominees for the various of in the general election. Th well as the Demo ^Kjts will enter this year. registt ition books of eaci ecisct will be kept open to - registration of electors be Ieen the hours of 9 o'clock am set of each Saturday begin 15 on Saturday May 7th. Th >ia will be closed for registra 5; sunset on Saturday. Ma; .list During the period of regis Bation the registrars will attcm precincts with their regis book on Saturdays. IMpe Registrars will attend th ^ ing places of their respectiv ^ ecincts with their registratioi on Saturday. May 28. fron hours of 9 o'clock to th B ?' 3 o'clock at which tim Hit books will be opened to th ^Bjection of the electors of sal r.ship princinct and any of th electors will be allowed t ^B' to the names of any per ^B. appearing on said books. (Ia!1 county and township offic ^B shall tile with and place ii possession of the chairmai county board of elections o e county in which they reside six o'clock. April 23rd, 193S certificate of their intention ti 1 for the particular offices, to fter with the required fee. Be next meeting of the boar< elections will meet on Satur r. April 30th, to appoint regis I (Continued on Pace Four) Little Bits I Of Big News I News Events Of State, Nation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week ]eath I Oil .Automobile accidents killed a! si persons in the natior Htring the week-end. 'injession Detective Chief Paul Rapport Montgomery. Ala., said latt n. that Dave Canty, 26-year-olc had confessed to the rob VHhylng of Miss Eunice Wart m beating of her sister, Lillian it well known nurses, Ma ret Slain | Stripped to underclothing I the battered bodies of Mrs I Weston G. Frome. of Berkeley I Cal. and her 23-year-old dau I Cher, Nancy, were found in the I *iVls of Texas, six miles eas < Van Horn. The two wer< "i mute, by automobile fron 'Mr home to Parris Island s r. to visit a daughter. Th< omen. last seen 40 miles I southwest of Pecos. Tex., sev etal days ago, were huntet I 'V state officers for three days Wore their bodies were found I Officers expressed the theorj that the women stopped to re i?'1' a lire. Somebody helpet then abducted and killet ^urder-S uicid e bodies of Cameron Tew B'^ar-uld Sampson county farW*r and his rival in love. Rudolf1 Sniolka. 20, of Elmira, N. Y. side by side in an undertak ^establishment in Clinton SunM?-' while the girl for whose af|*n! l>"ih had died lay critiWounded in a Fayettevillc Bwpital. Tew's body was found B!?l!t Run creek, a few miles BP? Clinton, this morning al BT[" o'clock. Sheriff Carlisle ?"?n and Police Chief E. L BP'y had sought him all night Bmr hp had fatally shot Smolka B, f?hably fatally wounded the V1 Gface Carter, 17. TH1 NO. 11 I Timber H ' ~~~ " ' ' ^^ ^ ~ WRONG?When timber r- too weak to produce seed. I e years?no crop?no harvest i.--' -aj c Sgi? - '* ; Gulf Stream Ex Planned Foi The Gulf Stream fishing at Southport will open up Sunday, April 10. A small fleet of Wilmington and Southport boats will go out that day with the object of learning just how receptive the big fellows may be towards trolling lures. If they don't bite, well the , boys may wait a little while for them to get ready. If they do bite. Oh boy,' the water between Southport and the Gulf Stream will swarm with fishermen from now on 1 through next December, i The chances are that the ; fish are going to bite, going ! to take everything that this prospecting fleet offers. ; Some boats, that have been wintering in Florida and are ! now returning north, have been taking the trouble to J ?* ST A Goo 4-PAGES TODAY "arvesting is clear-cut, trees are left ^and will be idle for many -no income. ; by selective cutting proyals, regular income from ind promotes both greater lality. Discusses rvest Methods April Term Of Court Next Week The April term of Brunswick county Su|?erior court for the trial of criminal cases will convene Monday with Judge E. II. Craniner, resident judge of the eighth judicia' district, presiding. The jury list for the term was announced several weeks ago, and from this group of men will be cosen the grand jury that will serve during the coming year. The charge to members of this body Monday morning is a court week feature that is eagerly looked forward to by citizens of the county. Will Fix Negro Hospital Ward Committee Appointed To Secure Funds W i th Which To Make Improvements At Brunswick County Hospital Edward McKoy, negro underaker of Southport, has been aplointed head of a committee to ecure funds for making extenive improvements in the colored i'ard at the Brunswick County lospital. Plans call for refinishing the tails in cream and brown, equipng the windows with Venetian linds. putting a rubber cover on tie floor, installing up-to-date (Continued on page four) pedition r Next Sunday advice the Southport Civic Club that they saw plenty of big fish outside, off Southport, while making the run to this point from Charleston. During the past several months quite a number of nationally known sport fishermen, who know their fish and the habits, have advised of their belief that Southport has some of the very best big game fishing on the coast above Florida. Some of these fellows have said they would be at Southport some time this summer to prove their belief. Wilmington and Southport are closely cooperating in the development of the wonderful local fishing that was discovered late last summer. (Continued on page 4.) i ATE d News paper Southport, N. C., County Council Entertained B) Association Hei The Brunswick Cour Council Of The Pare Teachers Association RZ Saturday In High Sch< Auditorium FINALS OF COUNTY CONTESTS HEI New Officers For Cour Parent-Teachers Associa tion Were Elected; Luncheon Was Served Visitors The Brunswick county coui of the Parent-Teachers Assoc tion met Saturday at Southp high school with the local assc ation members as hostesses. Mrs. George Cannon, of Boli\ was elected president of 1 county association for the co ing year, Mrs. E. H. Crann was elected secretary, Miss J Taylor was elected secretary a Mrs. J. D. Johnson was elecl treasurer. An interesting feature of I day's program was the finals the county recitation-declamat: contests that were sponsored t year by the county council. W ner for the bovs was the rep sentative from Waccamaw scho for the girls, the Leland rep sentative. Medals were present and the debating cup was p sented to the Waccamaw tea for their victory in the coui wide debating contests. Luncheon was served by me bers of the Southport Parci I Teachers Association. Methodist Lay Meeting Sunda Methodist Stewards Ai Sunday School Superi tendents Called Upon Meet At Grace Method Church, Wilmington Methodist stewards and Si day school superintendents a other interested laymen in t Wilmington district are called meet at Grace Methodist churi Wilmington, Sunday afterncx April 10th, three o'clock. The purpose of this meeting to form a District League Stewards for the more effecti promotion of the work of t church and Kingdom. Dr. W. Greene, of Duke University, v speak and assist in organizi the laymen. Reverend W. A. Cade, presidi elder, and W. A. McGirt, distr lay leader, expect a large i tendance and great good to gr< out of this organized effort. Information On House Paintin ' r Labratory Specialists Gi' Inside Facts That Hon Owner Should Kno About Painting His Hou Strong sunshine is usually major factor in the deteriorati of paint, hence those parts the house or other building, fi quently the south side, that 1 ceive direct sunlight determi the durablity of paint jobs, a cording to Government paint e perts at the U. S. Forest Pt ducts Laboratory, Madison, W consin. The durability of whi paint and paints of light colc may be somewhat longer than 4 5 years on heavily shaded hous and somewhat shorter in climat that combine sunshine with loi periods of cither extremely hi| or extremely low humidity. T nature of the wood painted lih wise has a bearing on durabilil The cedars, redwood, cypres and the true white pines, grades practically free fro knots, can be expected to ho white paint and paints of lig color intact for 4 or 5 years u dor normal conditions. Edgc-gra boards having narrow annu growth rings and of light weig in ponderosa pine, and hemloe hold paint intact nearly as loi as the woods just mentioned b the flat-grained boards that ha wide annual rings or arc vc heavy lead to early breakup (Continued on page 4) South port Men Attend Meetin R. I. Mintz, S. B. Frink, Chs E. Gause and R. O. Johnson s tended the district Democrat I meeting Saturday afternoon White Lake. J. M. Broughton, Raleigh, was principal speak and .he was introduced by , Co gressman J. Bayard Clark. J* POR' In A Good Com Wednesday, April 6th, 1 I Commencement r Begin Here April re 19 With Sermon ity Baccalaureate Sermon Will, nt- Be Preached On Tuesday let Night Th'.s Year Since >ol Regular Time Falls On Easter Sunday GRADUATION TO .D BE THURSDAY ity Rabbi M. Thurman, Of Wilmington, Will Deliv- i er Address To Members Of Class Tentative plans for the Southlci! ] port high school graduation cx;ia ercises have been announced by ort Principal W. R. Lingle. >ci- This year's program will open Tuesday evening with the baccara laureate sermon. The preacher the will be the Reverend Mortimer m. Glover, Episcopal minister from ,er Wilmington. There will be apuli propriate music from local rnusiind cians for this occasion, ted On Wednesday night, April 20, the senior class day exercises the will be presented. This will be of in the form of a play that is now ion in rehcrsal stage, his Graduation exercises will be in- held Thursday night, with Rabre bi M. M. Thurman, of Wilmingol; ton, delivering the commencement re- (Continued on page 4) ed, If; Adjustment Ne Tobacco A nt Dog Member Of Sunday School V ZTZ" J A regular member of the boys' class at the Trinity id Methodist church Sunday n- school is Jack Christian, son To of .Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chris[st .iuu, of Southport. Jack's inseparable compani on is his police dog, Pal. R. in- I, Mintz, teacher of the nd class, is something of a dog he lover, so he has made a practo lice of permitting Pal to ch, come to the study room each an, Sunday with his master. Last Sunday Jack missed is his dog. He saw nothing of of him on the way to Sunday ' lal School, and when he got he ready to go to class there K. j was still no sign of Pal. ,-ill Ready to chalk up a mark ng against his attendance, he walked into the room and ng there on the floor was his ict dog, presented at Sunday it- M'hool and in class long bcjw fore his master. Southport Wins ? And Loses Debate ? , Affirmative Team Drops ve Decision To Whiteville iie Negative, But Local New gative Defeats Chadse bourn a Southport debators broke even in a tri-angular debate held Fri- j -g! 'lay- The affirmative team of ], -g_ Louise Niernsee and Lulu Brown < nc dropped a decision to the White- i 1C. ville high school negative team. x. The Southport negative represent- < 0. ed by Edward Taylor and John jg. Hall, won over the Chadbourn af- 1 jc firmative team. i rs (Continued on page 4) i or H Telling Betty N S Is Very Best :y. Out at Milwaukee, Wis5s, consin, the high school girls in are preparing for big deim bate, so writes Miss Betty ild Lou Weth, of 1805 N. 52nd ht street. n- And, Miss Betty proudly in acclaims to the Southport lal Civic Club, to whom her inht quiry is addressed, that she ks represents the affirmative to ig the resolution which resolves ut that North Carolina is the ve best state in the Union in ry which to live, of "We need information." writes Miss Betty Lou to the Civic Club." We hope you can send us something that will help us prove that Ig North Carolina is the very best state in which to live." ts. Now this is a distinct it- honor that those high school lie girls way out there in Milat waukec are waving the of North Carolina State Flag, er It is no less a honor to n- Southport that its own Civic dub should have been se r pa imunity 938 PUBLISI Political Pot Is 1 At The 'Sim ikCommissioner O. A. Lewis " Is Only Addition To List Of Definite Candidates For Office In The JuneiPrimary SITUATION WILL WARM UP SOON Much Speculation Over What May Develop In Race For Sheriff; Republicans May Break Into The News Soon Commissioner O. A. Lewis is the only man to add his name to the list of known candidates in the June primary, and he will seek the Democratic nomination to succeed himself as a member of the board. Mr. Lewis is a former member of a five-man board, having been elected in 1932. Last year he was a candidate and finished fourth in a field of seven. When J.-B. Ward resigned from the boprd to accept the position as Brunswick county Recorder Mr. Lewis was named to fill his unexpired 1 term. 1 There is considerable speculation over the Democratic race for sheriff. Sheriff J. A. Russ, Wrent Miniz, union uaney anu i Henry Williams are announced (Continued on page 4.) icessary In creage Figures N Following Trip To Raleigh Last Week Members Of pi County Committee Came li Back To Work Re-Work- n ing Figures pi ACREAGE REQUEST REFUSED IN RALEIGH b _ di County Agent J. E. Dodson F And Committeemen Are u.. In State Capitol Again u Today To Seek Adjustment ir |G Request for an alotment suf- la ficient to supply the acreage re- tl quirements of Brunswick county ai farmers as worked out by the county committee was turned fc down last Wednesday in Raleigh SI by the state committee. County Agent J. E. Dodson ^ and County Committeemen J. O. es Lennon, Sam T. Bennett and B. a R. Bennett returned home and H have spent the past few days ? in hard work adjusting the fig- st ures to meet the state demand. 111 This (Wednesday) morning they tv were off again to Raleigh, hope- 01 ful that this time their requests, P1 as presented in figures will be a granted. k' If no further adjustment is P1 necessary, officials of the county agent's office believe farmers m will be informed of their individual acreage allotments some time tnc nrsi or next weex. Again, however, it is cmphasiz- I (Continued on page 4) New Shrubbery About Churches iv Attractive improvements were made last week in the appearance 3f the grounds about the Trinity Methodist church and the St. Phillips Episcopal church here vhen shrubbery was planted. L{ The plants were donated by J. m L. Sprunt. who furnished them of from his private nursery at _t Orton. is th orth Carolina | State In Union ? th lectcd as the medium for fo providing Miss Betty Lou and her associates with informa- ed tion which, it is hoped, will pc lick the shirts off the 47 te other states and their con- he tentions, if they have any, Bi about being the best state. es The Civic Club Club is pro- te perly appreciative and pro- ce mptly advised Miss Betty Lou that North Carolina is su the very best state in the re Union in which to live, because it is. The Civic Club L also advised Betty Lou that Southport is the very town in the very best state. This, also, because it is. It is believed, as afor said, co that Miss Betty Lou, with da the information supplied by he the Southport Civic Club. in will be able to lick the pr shirts off'n anybody who er 'rises up in that debate and foi contends that there is any co better state than North th Carolina, or any better town :ch f $10.00, the costs of the case ind to make restitution to the >rosccuting witness. BH L. M. Brown, white, was fousd lot guilty of making an assault [^B vith intent to kill. Tide Table I Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Fort Pilot through the courtesy of the |B Capo Fear Filot's Association. BH High Tide Low Tide BB TIDE TABLE Thursday, April 7 1:15 a.m. 8:00 a. Bfl 2:03 p. m. 8:IH p. in. Friday, April 8 99 2:22 a. in. 0:00 a. m. ' BB 3:10 0:30 p. flfl Saturday, April 0 U 3:33 a. m. 10:08 a. m. QH 4:10 p. m. 10:30 p. m. M Sunday, April 10 r>3 4:41 a. m. 11:181 a. in. 5:18 p. m. 11:25 p. m. jH .Monday, April 11 ]J| 5:41 a. m. 11:49 a, m. DH 0:09 p. m. ; . Tuesday, April 12 0:32 a. m. 12:18 a. m. flB 0:55 p. in. 12:37 p. ui. ^9 Wednesday, April 13 KB 7:38 p. ni. 1:23 p. in. j IH