I ufFDNESDAY^^PRIL_13^1j I GIITERS Th, Kin?;s Daughters will meet I n,u?w"" a^rnoon at 3:30 . ]ofk with Mrs. C. Ed. Taylor. !jv liour fo'' meeting has been , t0 Hi, afternoon in order it \0 conflict with the revival ' " in the evening at the ' KffiR Methodist church. I MM HER THREE Circle N 3 of Trinity Method j?t rhnteh meet with Mrs. R. B. I Thompson Friday night. 12 mem- ' ^,<1 were present. ; The Devotional was led by Mrs. I E M. Halt Afterwards a contest I was held and won by Miss Lottie Mae Newton. The hostess served ' punch and cake. I BOLIVIA P.-T. A. , I Bolivia. April 13?Bolivia P.-T. I A. met on Thursday night in the I final meeting of the school term. I Xew officers were elected as folI lows: Mrs- M B Robbins, presI i.ient: Mrs. J. E. Gilbert, vicefl president: Miss Julia Taylor, sec-! reatry: Eolo Cesareo.. treasurer. | The members voted to send the fl president to a conference of P.-T. fl A. in Winston Salem in April H and to add to the $25 already given the gymnasium fund any I surplus left in the treasury. Much interest and enthusiasm has been fl shown in securing the gym and fl all look forward with pleasure B to the loth when work on it fl trill begin. fl P.-T. A is giving a play Thurs day. April 11th. "Old Time School1 H At Hickory Hollow". The public Is invited. J MICHIGAN" CLUB Mrs. E H Cianmer was hos tess Monday night to the MichiClub. Guests were Mrs. C. M. Cra pon. Mrs. W E. Dosher, Mrs. F. i n B Bond. Mrs. F.. J. Holmes and | Misses Sadie and Ivey Walker, of Winston-Salem. Strawberry shortcake was serv STAG BRIDGE PARTY Mrs Robert Jones entertained I at a stag bridge party at her home at Hillcrest Friday night I honoring Dr. William S. Dosher. H High score prize was won by I Dr. L. C. Fergus. William Wells j.B ?ras second and Robert Jones vH third high Guest prize went to Dosher. * I Others playing were: Dr. F. B. -I ??n<1' Ericksen. W. S. Davis, Shannon, R. M. Wolfe. M. "B R Sanders. R. L. Brendle, Tho,I mas St. George. L. T. Yaskell and Cus McNeill. t I Peach mousse and cake were A tired for refreshments. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT 'I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton an^ wunee the birth of a daughter. Anne Brooks. I NOT! I 5th i I- I will be at t | nated for the pi \ penalty of 4 pet I PAY BEFORE SHALLOTTE, April LOCKWOODS FOLL LOCKWOODS FOLL ROACHES STORE, | BOONS NECK, J. D. I GRISSETT TOWN, 1 THOMASBORO, Ap | HICKMAN'S X RO^ | LONGWOOD, Browi | ' ASH, Post Office, A| h FREELAND, Simmoi ft EXUM, Bennetts Sto i WET ASH, Mrs. M. ft LELAND, Holmes Si I NAVASSA, Lewis St | PINES SERVICE ST WINNABOW, Henrj BOLIVIA, Willetts S April 29th .... | Ch 1 m L -m Personal Miss Julia Cromartie, membi of the Southport school facult was visited by her mother t\\ days last week. She returns with her Friday to spend tt week-end at her home in Ga land. -? ? Misses Melva Peifly, Carr Harker and Imogene Garrett ar John Paul Wonsavage visit! Charleston, S. C., Sunday. Misses Sadie and Ivey Walke of Winston-Salem, have been visi ing Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Crape for the past week. All four i them visited Brookgreen Garde Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Sande: had as their week-end gues Mrs. Sanders' parents, Mr. ar Mrs. J. R. Dixon, of Norfolk, V? Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moore ar Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey Barne of Ahoskie. * * # Charles Southerland spent tl week-end here with his mothe Captain W* E* Bellamy spei the week-end here with fan ily. He is on the Henry Baoc working in Wilmington. Miss Katharine Eagles le Tuesday for her home in Wasl ington, D. C. after spendir sometime here with Mr. and Mr R. J. Holmes. * * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dixon, i Wallace, spent the week-end he: with their grandmother, Mi Athalea St. George. * * Miss Mary Elizabeth Robbii returned home to Washingte last week following a visit wil relatives here. She was calk home because of the illness of h brother, J?hr Marion, who wi operated on for appendicitis. ? ? * Mrs. Lou H. Smith attend) a district meeting of the Sta Board of Health in Wilmingte last week. Charles Greer spent the .pa week-end in Castle Hayne wi his family. Miss Margaret Dozier has r turned home following a vis with her sister in Chester, S. Alex Swain returned last wee from Jacksonville, F!a., where 1 attended the funeral of his br ther-in-law, Frank Williams. * 4 Mr. and Mrs. J ernes P. Fu pless and Lan'er Furpless, Raleigh, spent the week-end he with their parents, Mr. and Mi Price Furpless. ? Fred Asburn spent the weei end with his wife. CE! N( CaU for T he places cited below urpose of collecting cent will be effecti THAT DAY ANC 23 and 30 .Y, Kir by Store, April 19, . ,Y, Varnums Store, April 1 April 19th Robinson's Store, April IS Parkers Store, April 21, ril 21st kDS, April 21st i's Store, April 21st pril 21st is Store, April 23rd re, April 23rd E. Gore's Store, April 23rc tore, April 28th ore, April 28th ATION, April 28th r's Store, April 29th tore and Elmore Motor Co. ias. E. Gai TAX GOLLECTOF \ Miss Dorothy Bell, assistant i society editor of the High Point ] Enterprise, visited her mother Saturday and Sunday. , J. W. Thompson* Jr., visited I his parents hei'e during the weekend. , * * * i I John D. St. George spent Sun- , day with his father at Ft. Moul- 5 trie, S. C. j Ed. Newton* o? R*aleigh, visited his family here during the week- . ?r end. y, * * * i Mrs. and Mrs. Archie Evans, j 0 of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. ^ d Julia Tomz, of Wilmington, visit- , le ed friends in Southport last week. Misses Ida *B. * Post and Maud j Holcombe, of New York City, r ie visited Mrs. J. W. Thompson here y id last week on their way to Magid nolia Gardens, Charleston, S. C. ^ * * It Mrs. Preston Bryant and Miss r, Mercedes Watts spent two days r t- last week in Charleston, S. C. t >n j n Winnabow News j c Winanbow, April 13?Mrs. L. s rs W. Curtis, of Richmond, Va? a ts spent Wednesday in Wilmington a ?d attending the Presbyterial and f l.. Thursday with her sisters, Mrs. I id E. W. Taylor and Miss Kate s, Johnson. a Mesdames D. L. and A. P. I Henry and Miss Kate Johnson ie spent Wednesday in Wilmington r. attending the Presbyterial at First Presbyterian church, it Misses Verna Shepard and Edna 1- Henry, of Wilmington, spent in Wednesday evening with Mrs. ^ Leon Henry. Messrs. Harold St. George and J ft Price Furpless, Mr. and Mrs J. ft- Berg and Miss Annie Mae Wood- v ig side were visitors here Thursday. s. Mr. and Mrs. William Kopp and little son, of Bolivia, were visitors at the home of Mrs. E. of W. Taylor Thursday evening, re Misses Betha Reid and Julia s. Taylor attended a teachers meeting at Whitev'ille Wednesday afternoon. is Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ludlum >n and little son, of Southport, were th visitors here Saturday morning. ?d Miss Hazel Shaw, of Wilminger ton, spent the week-end with the as Reed family. Mrs. Lillian Veazey and children, of Wilmington, spent Sun;d day afternoon with Mrs. J. R. te Finch. >n i?Ir. and Mrs. Pearlie McKeithan, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice McKeithan. st Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Reynolds th and two daughters. Jane and Mary Bonner, of Wilmington, visited Mrs. E. W. Taylor Sune day afternoon. iit Mi-, and Mrs. W. M. Wilson, C. of Delco, were callers here Friday afternoon. >k We have quite a number of tie children in our community with o- measles at present. Reverends G. A. Wilson and C. H. Storey, of Wilmington, r- assisted Reverend J. R. Potts of Sunday afternoon in services at re New Hope Presbyterian church -- and installed 6 new Elders and Deacons. A large crowd attended the services. I;. Mr. and Mrs. Eolo Ceasareo, of Bolivia, spent Sunday even KHenKA9E9v<0?iicn???D>Bt ^ H ll _ ;>?'? R |? )TIC?! Jf axes |, at the time desig1937 Taxes. The || ee after May 1st. || > SAVE COSTS! g ... 2:00 to 4:30 p. m. 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. p? 19th ...11 to 12:00 m. || 12:30 to 2:00 p. m. Ith, 2:00 to 3:00 p. m. ... 9:30 to 10:00 a. m. 10:45 to 11:30 a. m. 10:40 to 12:30 p. m. 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. 10:00 to 11:00 a. m. 11:15 to 12:15 p. m. I .12:30 to 1:30 p. m. 10:00 to 11:00 a. m. . 11:15 to 12:30 p. m. . 12:45 to 2.00 p. m. 10:00 to 12:00 m. .. 12:30 to 2:30 p. m. |f use I THE STATE POR ng with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. ienry. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kopp and Ifrs. R. H. Maultsby spent Sunlay afternoon with Mrs. E. W. Taylor. Reverend J. R. Potts passed h rough here Monday morning en oute to attend Presbytery at Tlora McDonald College, Red Springs, where a joint session of 'ayetteville and Wilmington Pres>yteries was held. He returned Tuesday and gave it a most enoyable meeting. Reverend J. C. Horman is holdng sendees this week at Zion if. E. Church. The public is incited to attend and hear some food sermons. Mr. and Mrs. ; Frank Plaxco ind son, of Southport, visited tfrs. A. P. Henry Monday afterloon on their return trip from Wilmington. John Benson, of Wilmington, vas a visitor here Tuesday aftertoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Finch's lew home is beginning to look eal nice now. They hope to soon tave it completed. Friends will sympathize with t(r. J. R. Fields in the sudden leath of his mother, February 6. it Goldston. Mr. and Mrs. Fields ind 2 children, James and Mabel ind Lacy Dawkins attended the uneral and spent Thursday and Friday in Goldston. Farmers are becoming anxious ibout their tobacco acreage as tlants are past ready to be set. Bolivia News RECITAL i Mrs. G. H. Cannon will prelent her piano pupils in recital m Monday evening, April 18th it 8 o'clock. The Bolivia high ichool Glee Club, under the direc;ion of Mrs. Cannon, will assisst vith several numbers. Program? "Betty's First Waltz," Light, lasa Gilbert Gilbert; "Riding To Market", Rodgers, Kathleen Cailon; "My Little Gold Fish", Hoptins, Mary Lou Earp; "Just We [\vo", Presser, Rosa and Annie ..ide Gilbert; "Bunch of Daisies", dartin, Mary Louis Burriss; 'Whippoonvill", Schiller, DUck 'otter; "Mountain Belle", Kinkel, darjorie Hickman; "Close of School", Presser, Hettie and Dreams", Ritter, glee club; 'Peasant's Frolic", Gurlitt, Chris:ine Willetts; "Evening SJar", Vagner, Mary Garner; "Spinning Song", Ellemreich, Ruth Taylor; 'Progress March", Presser, Louise ind Esther Mae Evans; "Gypsy Dancey," Lichner, Billie Robbins; 'Banjo Song", Ketterer, Louise Svans; "Be Not a Dreamer", Rit,er, glee club; "Clover Bloom", Seats, Esther Mae Evans; "The iVood Nympth's Harp", Rea, Het;ie Fisher Willetts; "Minuet in Beethoven, Elizabeth Lewis ind Jauanita Cannon; "Smile iVhen You're Lonesome." Buding:r, glee club; "Pizzicato Polka", Strauss, Elizabeth Lewis; "Maijlockchems Lauten," Stewart, \nnie Lide Gilbert: "Staccato Polks", Bohm, Juanita Cannon. PRESENT PLAY The Bolivia Parent - Teachers vill give a play, "The Old School it Hickry Holler," in the high ichool auditorium on Thursday, Vpril 14th, at 8 o'clock. A small idmission will be charged and :veryone is invited to attend. The following cast will present he play?Teacher, M. B. Robjins, Visitors?T. H. Taylor, Mrs. H. B. Robhins, G. H. Cannon. Pupils?Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnion, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cesareo, Mr. md Mrs. Lindsay Clemmons, ilesdames J. D. Johnson. Luther iolden, F. H. Taylor, Misses Mae - ?. m?tt? n p; jr&HOW&y, nuuj lajriui, CJ. u. \ji won, John Holden, Boyd Mc Ceeithan, Homer Holden, Chas, lobbins. JtJNIOR-SENIOB The Bolivia high school juniors mtertained the seniors at a dec Elmo / :T PILOT. SOUTHPORT, N. lightful "Irish" banquet on April 2nd in the school hall. The Irish motif was attractive-1 ly carried out in the decorations, menu and program. Charles Bobbins, president of the junior class, was toastmaster and the following program was [ given:?welcome?Chas. Bobbins; welcome to seniors? Guildaroy Henry: response -Charles Taylor: i toast to teachers, Butli Taylor; Response, B. R. Page; Song to juniors-Seniors; "Rewards." Evelyn YVilletts; toast to county and local school boards, Catherine Cannon, Response, J. E. Gilbert; Grand march juniors- seniors? , faculty, Irish songs, juniors, "At The Donnybrook Fair", Mrs. G. H. Cannon. In addition to the seniors the School Faculty Local Sand ' county boards, and grade Mothers and Fathers were special guests. BACCALAUREATE Dr. Carlton H. Story, pastor of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, in Wilmington, will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening. April 17th, at 8 o'clock. The high school giee club will render special music for the service. .MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church I met with Mrs. Nat Stallings on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cannon conducted the business session after which Mrs. Alex Mercer led a most inspiring i program. Delicious ices .with icake was served during the social hour by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cannon at! tended the funeral of Mrs. J. W. i Potter, of Raleigh, in Wilmington J Sunday afternoon. WANT AD , | FUR SALE: One good farm mule, price reasonable. Also North | Carolina seed peanuts. R. H. ' I Maultsby, Bolivia. N. C. 4-13-' j r LEGALS XOTICE | Of Filing A pplieutlon For Restoration j Of l.iuv Licenses of K. 11. Smith. I Notice is hereby given to the public that, pursuant to the Laws of the State of Xorth -Carolina. H. H. | Smith. Of Southport. Xortli Carolina, has filetl with the Council of the North Carolina State Har his petition for the restoration of his license ! Allis-Chalmers M DELIVERED PRICE ON Rl MODEL "B" SINGLE-ROV I Pulls 16-inch tractor moldl hour, double discs rz to i 12 to 15 acres a day, all on j in 10 hours. Allis-Chalmers Tractors, P vester and Implements. Fe ! Farm Implements. Newton-Sebrell Trm 114 Dock St. WILMINC " n re Motoi c. to practice law In the State of j North Carolina, which was revoked 1 by order of His Honor, Walter L. ! Small. Judge Presiding at the Janu- i ary, 1832 Term of the Superior Court \ of Brunswick County. .\orth Carolina. < AM persons interested are further Notified that the said application 5 will be considered at the quarterly meeting of the Council of The North Carolina Stale Bar. to bd held in the Supreme Court Building, in the City of Raleigh. North Carolina, on j the 15th day of April. 1938. beginning at 10:00 o'clock, A. M.; and all' persons who are interested In said; application will appear at said time .and place, in person or by affidavits, and take such action as they may deem proper relative to the said application. All communications relative thereto ^should be sent to Mr. Henry :M. London. Secretary and Treasurer, Raleigh. N. C. This the 19th day of February. 1938. Charles 15. Rose, President, The North Carolina State Bar. 4-ti-e S Kit VICE OF SIMMONS ?V publication STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COCNTV OF BRUNSWICK IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Brunswick County. And The Board t>:' Commissioners Of The County Of Brunswick, And The Board Of Education Of Brunswick County VS. Hale Beach Development Company. Inc.. W. II. Walker. Trustee. W. H. St. Ceorge, Trustee, and J. C. Schroyer The defendant, ,T. C. Schroyer, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. to appoint a Receiver of the properties of the defendants, and to cancel an alleged deed of trust to J. C. Schroyer on certain real estate situated in Brunswick County, North Carolina, and to condemn tlie lands described in the deed of trust to sale to the payment of taxes ami judgments duly I levied and docketed. The said defend- I ant. J. C. Schroyer, will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Superior Court of said County ! forty (4ti) days after this date and answer or demur to the said complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief as demanded in said complaint. This the 21 day of March. 1938. M. B. Waikins. Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina. 4-13-c MOKTOAOK SAI.K Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed, dated February 28, 193-1. from Wade L. Lewis and wife. Sadie L. Lewis, to C. Ed. Taylor. Uuardlan of James Stanley, recorded in Book 52. at page 418. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County. N. C., which said mortgage was made to secure a certain note therein recited, default having been made in the payment of the said note and interest, the undersigned mortgageee will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, for \ cash, at the Court House door. Southport. X. C\, at twelve o'clock noon, oles t oa corner on a spruce pine: thence south to the run of Harris A Swamp; thence with R. M. Robbing m ine to the BEGINNING. containing lu acres, more or lens. Dated and posted this the 5 th. I ; lav of April. 1938. " W C. Ed. Taylor. Guardian of James ^ Stanley. Mortgagee. 5-4-c ?? K ENTRY NOTICE ENTRY NO. ill 44. B. C. Coleman enters sixty (60) _ Veres, more or less of vacant and inappropriated lands in Waccamau . township. Brunswick County. North .'arolina. Bounded on the North by ands of Maggie Mathews. East b> * G. Smi h and L. M. Hughes, touth by Alice Ludlum Heirs, on the ? .Vest by Alice Ludlum Heirs and I'll' daggle Mathews. Any persons deairinb to protest en- or ry of litis land must cio so in writ- . u ng on or liefore May 7tu, 1938. ' Entered litis the 3lst day of March, lose 938. 11. I. Mint/. Kx-Officlo Entrv TaJcer. -4-* STI A teuoluUon with resjiect to the issua.. Series 1936. and $1*30.000 Funding Bomls. North Carolina. WHEREAS. Brunswick County through i and October 19. 19315, has heretofore u.u Refunding Bonds. Series 1935. and $175.00 'aid County, and said bonds have been Public-Local Laws of North .Carolina. 1937 o make some changes in the details of s tected delay in the delivery of the bonds, ins authority under the provisions of sai< vedings: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVE >1 Brunswick County. North Carolina, th Hoard of Commissioners oil first reading idopted on October 19. 1936. entitled. "A Resolution with respect to the issuai Series 1935, and $175,000 Funding Bonds, North Carolina." je and is herebv amended to read as toll "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board or C< North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. That the following described < Aic.k County, being imlehteiliiess originu issumed by said County be refunded: Interest Name of Issue Rate Public Road Improvement 5!j Road Improvement 5 Perry and Bridge SC toad 5 lard Surface Road 5 Refunding and Court House &'. Rood 5?Serial Schttol Notes 6 binding 5'j funding &li Road and Bridge 6l. School Building 5\ Road ami Bridge 51 School Building 5'.; Funding Road and Bridge 6 Revenue Anticipation Notes t! Revenue Anticipation Notes 6 rown Creek Township I'ublic 1 toad 5 Phallotte Township I'ublic Itoad 15 lx)ckwiK?ds Folly Township I'ublic Road ^ 6 tmiinvilie "lowiisnip i inun uuau < Fow ii Creek Township Public Houd 0 Northwest Township Public Hoad *1 Kouthport High School District f? * ?. ill of which indebtedness was incurred Brunswick County constituting special 1 Section ?J of Article V of the Constitution, \vstem of public schools for the six m -( nstitutlnn and all of which indebtediiei k'fclfd and binding indebtedness of said ? < Section 2. That to refund said above >e issued refunding bonds of Brunswick l :o be dated July 1. 198ti. in denomination I9t?6, optional for redemption on any inter it one and one-half pt * cent (l1-. per cm wo i?er cent (3 per cent) per annum lite me-haJf per cent PPr cent) per an hree per cent (3 per "cent) i?er anum the km* cent (I per cent) per annum thereaft iny refunding bond has matured as to pri uich bond shall bear interest at the rate exchange for which said refunding bond n the payment of Interest when due at months, the entire principal of till of the may be declared immediately due by writtc A not less than fifty-one per cent (51 pe f the refunding bonds at the time outst! bf the Board of ConunlBaibnera. Said fa [M'inicpal. Section 3. That for the purpose of fundi indebtedness due and unpaid in the total issued funding bonds of said County ia Said funding bonds shall be dated July $175,000 shall be coupon bonds in the dr remaining $55,000 funding ho mis shall I necessary to accomodate the holders of secured interest is varying amounts tit delivered in exchange therefor. Said fundii L9bU, and shall bear interest at the rate of cut) per annum to June 30. 1959. two thereafter to June 30. 1940, two and one annum thereafter to June 30, 1950, three thereafter to June 30. 1901 and four p thereafter until paid. Interest on the the presentation of the proper coupon, and shall be paid by check or draft mailed tc funding bonds shall be optional for red date. In event of default in payment of default for six months, the entire princi then outstanding may be declared due i ;o electing, signed by the holders of at lei f all funding bonds then outstanding. ?U >f Commissioners. The non-coupon funding Section I. To pay principal of and inu funding bonds, unlimited ad valorem taxes til taxable property in Brunswick Count> t-vicd and extended at a minimum rul Mio.ono per year for each fiscal year be luue ."JO. 19-it;: $f?5.000 for each fiscal yea 170.000 for each fiscal year thereafter to Mul taxes levied for operating expenses i aid in money and the proceeds of such tank accounts fully secured by collatera l-foard of Commissioners agrees that the ounty (not including Social Security oblig Milium unless the amount of taxes levie n-incipal of and interest on the above fui portionntely increased. Money in the sin ntereet on said refunding and fuiuliug bom base, redemption or payment in the ma be Hoard of Commissioners, and the H< lfter enter into such collateral covenants if said funding and refunding bonds as i ;o Haiti Board. Section 5. After approval by the Local f! ion as above provided, said funding: and r n exchange for the outstanding obligate funded and refunded pursuant to simull Section t?. A. statement of the county de lerk and is open to public* inspection. Section 7. That all resolutions and or by repealed, and this resolution shall be upon its adoption, and shall not be subm The foregoing order was finally paa? and was first published 011 the 13th < proceeding questioning the validity of sa thirty days after its first publication. K. I. Ml NTH. Clerk Ho MALL ILLS i AHEAD * 10L - Bolivia, PAGE 8 B a. ? - fh.rk. ^B9 */*/* Colds I I 1.1 a 1.1. Tahiti! HBADACHK. uHr. No*. l>r?p. SUMIM TES Try j-Tl.ra"?World*! It Is Dangerous I Is dangerous to sell u SU|STI?H| I F lor tiiii Just to make ^ three lour mils more. Customers are r best assets: lose them unil too your bustuess. ?6B Is worth three four tliues as much as a MJBTI'TR. (Adr.) e of $1,925,600 Refunding Ho tain Series 1930. of Brunswick County* resolution* adopted on October HQ Uiori/etl the issuance of $1,925,500 0 Funding Bonds. Series 1936. of validated by Chapter 45 of the , and it has been found necessary aid bonds by reason of the unex* and the Board of Commissioner* 1 t amend the original proJ> l>\ the Hoard of ('omtnissioner* at Hie resolution adopted bv the on October 6, 1936, and finally iae of $1.926.500 Refunding Bonds. Series 1935, of Brunswick County. ?mmissioners of Brunawick t'ounty. >utstatiding indebtedness of Hrunsllv incurred by said County pr Principal Hate Amount j^^B December 1, 1916 $ 16,000 .IIIlie 1. 1919 20,000 ^^B June 1. 1919 -5.000 ^B April 1. 1922 2*6.000 ^B Aufu-i l. IHJJ ^^B April 1. 1923 16.000 September 1. 1923 200.000 ^^B October 1. 1923 76.000 August 1. 1924 150.000 April 1. 1927 301.000 April 1. 1927 18,000 April 1. 1927 100.000 ^^B July 1. 1927 75.000 September 1. 1927 158.000 B^fl October 1. 1927 23.000 ^^B \m einbel 1. l'.C'H 100,000 ^^B January 14. 19.31 85,000 May 23. 1932 46.000 ^B May 1911 13,500 March 1. 1913 10.000 BB March 1. 1913 10.000 |B -Tmiliarv 1. 1915 10,000 March 15, 1915 10.000 Bm March 15. 1915 16,000 ^B September 1. 1922 42.000 ^^B either tor necessary expenaea of ^^B mi pose- within the meaning of or else for providing the uniform io11(lis' term as requered by the ?s is expressly recognised as the |^B ^B described indebtedness there shall 9^B 'oulitv in tin* amount of $1,9,25,500 fl^B is of 11,00(1 ami $500. due July 1. HB est payment date, bearing interest KLI flit) |hi- annum to June 30, 1939, H reafler to June 30, 1940. two and ^^B num thereafter to June 30, 1956. real'ter to June 30. 1901, and four ^Bl er until paid. Provided, that after ^H| ncipal. by declaration or otherwise, 9^9 of interest home by the bond In ^^B was delivered. If default is made B^H id such default continues for six 9BI refunditig bonds then outstanding HH tn instrument signed \>y the holders ana r cent) in principal amount of all ^^9 Hiding, and delivered to the Clerk ^^9 onds shall be registerable as to ^91 ng interest oil the above described ^B amount of $400,000. there shall be the principal amount of $230,000. BB 1. 1930. Funding bonds totaling I nomination of $500 each, and the I ie in such denominations afc are outstanding interest coupons and ^B the time the funding bonds are ug bonds shall become due July 1, B one and onc-iialf p?i cent (1j?r ^^9 per cent (2 per cent) per annum ^B -half per cent (2V* per cent) per ^B| per cent (3 per cent) per annum ^B er cent (4 per cent) per annum 9W coupon bonds shall be paid upon ^B interest on tin- remaining bonds ^^9 > the registered holder. All of said ^9 eniplion on any interest payment 9B interest ami continuation oi such ^B pal ut all of said funding bonds ^B mmediately by written instrument^ ^B isi fifty-one |n?r cent (51 per cent) ^B dive red to the clerk of the Hoard ^B : bonds shall be fully registerable. rest oil said refunding bonds and ^^9 shall be and ate hereby levied on ^B r, and said lax shall be annually ^B e sufficient to produce at least ^^9 ginning July 1, 1936. and ebding B9 r thereafter to June 30, 1956, and ^B June 30, 1966. All of said taxes ^B during The same years are to be taxes are lo 1m? kept in separate 1 St> far as it legally may. the ^B total operating expenses of the ^B :alions) will noi exceed $50,000 per ^B d for such year for payment of ^B inling and refunding bonds is ^pro- ^^9 king fund snail be used to pay ^B9 Is and t?i retire said bonds by pur- ^^9 imer to Ih? hereafter provided by BB iard of Commissioners may hereand agreements for the security ^B 1 may seem necessary aim uraHi?uiD HH overnment Commission and vxlitla- lfl efunding bunds are to be delivered M ons hereinabove authorized to l>e PHI aneous cancellation of the latter. bt has been filed with the county HI ders in conflict herewith are herein full force and effect immediately itted to the voters of the county. ed on the 11th day of April, 1938, lay of April. 1928. Any action or 1 id order must be commenced within ard of County Commissioners. ^Hj BR 1 1 -I vitha I ET N.C. J