PAGE TWO ~ " THE STATE PORT PILOT Southport, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY JAMES M. HARPER, JR., Editor n tared &j second-class matter April 20, 1928, at the Post Office at Southport, N. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates ONE TEAR $1.60 KX MONTHS 1.00 THREE MONTHS .78 ' Wednesday, May 11, 1938 You can't throw mud without having some of it spatter on you. Your own side of the road is the shortest way home. Over compensation for a real, or imagined, deficiency often has been responsible for greatness. Simile of the season: As improvident as the political candidate who has his job printing done out of the county and still expects his home-newspaper to run his free publicity. We Offer Southport At a meeting of the North Carolina Medical Society held last week in Pinehurst Dr. Ernest S. Bullock, Wilmington surgeon, led a discussion to have a cruise proposed for members of the society next spring embark from a North Carolina port. Particularly were we interested in Dr. Bullock's suggestion that "if it is found impractical for a boat of these requirements tc reach Wilmington, I believe we should help Southport get it." We thank Dr. Bullcok for his friendly intercession in behalf of our town, and we are in hearty accord with the idea of having the proposed cruise to Bermuda embark from a North Carolina port. Where Credit Is Due Southport and Brunswick county is coming in for much general, state-wide publicity as a result of the efforts of W. K. Keziah, unselfish, unpaid and unappreciated secretary of the Southport Civic Club. His club is unique in that it probably is the only organization of its kind in the world. Mr. Keziah is the Civic Club, and the Civic Club is Mr. Keziah; but under this banner has been obtained lasting benefit for this community. The unselfish promotion of Southport and her interests are the primary motives of this man, and if his efforts are successful future citizens will owe him a debt of gratitude that his contemporaries are loath to acknowledge. The Tennis Courts Two years ago this summer Southport went "tennis crazy." Boys and girls who never had taken the game seriously before bought equipment and did their part to see that the two WPA courts in Franklin Square were pretty well populated day and night. The climax to the season came in August with the inauguration of a series of five tennis tournaments that did more than anything else in recent years to stimulate keen interest in sports. There was ? lnv^o ; * 4-U ~ 4-~,, restful community by the sea. Its people always glad to see the : visitor and render any possible service. r idk SOUTIIPORT, N. C Wilmington Men Favor Fishing At Southport Despite Fine Fishing Near Their Home City, Wilmington Sportsmen Frequently Fish At Southport ESPECIALLY FOND OF TROLLING Residents Of Wilmington Also Havee Been Active In Developing Interest In Gulf Stream Fishing BY W. B. KEZIAII Wilmington sportsmen know their fishing and despite the fact that New Hanover county has some of the best known fishing beaches in the state, there are hundreds of Wilmington sportsmen who swear by the fishing off Southport. They never let a season go by without one, sometimes many, fishing trips to Southport. Heretofore the special attraction has been the trout fishing at the wrecks, and the blue fish and mackerel trolling. The blue fish and mackerel are naturally objects of interest, for trolling slowly along, one of those big mackerel or blues that abound on the Cape Fear shoals could impart a kick to the aunest sportsmen, even if he had one foot in the grave. The blues and mackerel are now biting, and during the next few months hundreds of Wilmington sportsmen will make trips to Southport. The large number that came last year bids fair to be greatly increased this season. This opinion is based on the numerous inquiries. The writer has not been to Wilmington in months without being met with any number of interogations as to whether or not the biues and mackerel were striking yet. They are striking. Last week one commercial boat at Southport took 2,800 pounds of mackerel. Another boat brought in 1,800 pounds. Fine catches by parties with rod and reels were numerous. The fishing is now at its best, and will continue for months to come. GlTLF STREAM FISHING Wi'mington sportsmen are also largely deserving of credit for the interest in and discovery of the Gulf Stream fishing off Southport. They are determined to develop it and are confident that a full try-out of the possibilities will be of enormous value to both Southport and the Wilmington area. Recognized big game sportsmen coming in from Florida during recent weeks have been outspoken in their expression of confidence that there are plenty of big game fish now out near the Gulf Stream, ready and waiting for the angles. To date, the only planned Gulf Stream fishing expedition fell on the roughest weather that Southport has experienced in weeks. The boats barely made half way to the fishing grounds. Despite this, one bonetta was brought in and one large tuna was hooked and lost. r>no Hnv soon the Wilmington and Southport sportsmen will receive a real demonstration of how the Gulf Stream fish will strike. From now on the Gulf Stream fishing at Southport will be attracting state and country-wide interest. Burriss Boats In Free Trip First Excursion To Gulf Stream Sunday Met With Unfavorable Weather, But Party Reached Vicinity Of Big Fish Making a gesture that is typical of the general cooperative spirit among Southport people, S. L (Bingo) Burris, last week tendered the free use of two of his boats, the Buddy and Vagabond, to members of the New Hanover Fishing Club for their first Gulf Stream fishing expedition. The boats were available for any date on which the Club wanted them. The fact that the day selected by the club turned out to bring the worst weather in the past month does not lessen the good intent of Mr. Burris. The boats went out, but both the captains and the sportsmen, very wisely, decided it best, in view of the already bad and still more threatening weather that they not go all the way. The fish were there. The party caught one bonetta and hooked and lost one large tuna. Had the boats been able to go all the way is it believed they would have brought in a big catch. As it was, they brought in a fine catch of mackerel. A bad start is credited with bringing a good ending. Heal trips to the pulf Stream will be made this week, or next, and then there will be a different story to tell. Singapore, Malaya, has supplied its crossing traffic policemen with a new type of chair. k. 1 ^ ~ WEDNESDAY. Mavj || SPORTATTVE LADY WILL MARK MT. DIRFY DOCTORS AND Mrs. Noel and son of London, The Greek freighter Mt. Dir- All doctors, apparent ''H? England, now touring the United fy> which ran aground in 20 feet their fishing and get a ? ' H States, spent three days^here^ last Qf water on the Cape Fear ghoals out of it. Dr. Ed. Misenhe^?! week. Mr. i\oei nau nu ucnic fishing: but his mother was all December 26th, 1936, has sunk a party of Concord set and determined to go. She completely beneath the surface ed to greatly enlo nHS* hired the biggest boat In port, of the water, only fragments be- Hon h.p. . ' !'n":r all to herself, and went out and in. visibIe at Iow tide The Civic * ? 7 ** *** M brought in 100 pounds of fish f ? tide. The Civic made a beautlfuI ca H of various sorts. She was much CIub secretarJr has made go in number anJ n 0 pleased when W. B. Keziah told tion for a bu?y t0 mark this various sorts. The, her that "she did mighty well wreck and thereby enable fishing the Eva Mae of t for a country girl." parties to locate it. J Watts. 1 N O TI C E I The following meetings will be held under the aus* I pices of the Democratic Executive Committee. Gandi* I dates who meet the voters at these meetings will be 9 given an opportunity to speak in their behalf. All meet* 9 ings are scheduled for 8:00 P. M., unless otherwise 9 noted. REGISTER'S STORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 H WINNABOVV, THURSDAY, MAY 12 9 EXUM, FRIDAY, MAY 13 Bolivia, County Convention?(Business Only) H 4 ^ n H I SATURDAY, r. m. m ROACH'S STORE, SATURDAY, MAY 14 9 LONGWOOD, MONDAY, MAY 16 || BOLIVIA, TUESDAY, MAY 17 RALEIGH, STATE CONVENTION Wednesday and Thursday, May 18 and 19 1 LELAND SCHOOL, FRIDAY, MAY 20 H BATTLE ROYAL, SATURDAY, MAY 21 9 11 UPPER SCHOOL, MONDAY, MAY 23 9 PETERSON'S STORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 9 SOUTHPORT, FRIDAY, MAY 27 HICKMAN'S X ROADS, SATURDAY, MAY 28 f J. D. ROBINSON'S STORE, TUESDAY, MAY 31 J WACCAMAW SCHOOL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 M SHALLOTTE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2 I All Voters Are Invited To Attend These Meetings! fl R. I. MINTZI Chairman, Democratic Executive Committee i Fishftrmfin! Attention! I || If you want a weekly report of the best fish- 9 | | ing in North Carolina, subscribe to . . . j| || THE STATE PORT PILOT I ill W. B. Keziah, Secretary of the Southport I Civic Club, covers the waterfront for I he K I; Pilot, and nothing pertaining to fishing or to i II fishermen escapes him. }i i | In order that you may get this newspaper I || through the fishing season, we are making ffj 11 you a.... jH I1 SPECIAL OFFER I Enclose $1.00 (or a check for that amount) Kj in an envelope together with your name and m address and this newspaper will be mailed to Kjj I you every week until Novembr 1st. 9 I Keep up with the latest development in If I sports fishing at Southport, the sportsman's | X paradise, throughout the entire fishing season. J USE THIS COUPON I I^dlR)!", oi