S Most Of The News * AH The Time r.H s^pm~TEN_^No. Me?Oi Shrimp &at Derby Has jHet With Favor f^Ln Every Side Has Come ,^Bcourageinent That Indi^^ ?a,ej That This Event fan Bc Staged Here Sue fuTATIVELY SET * FOR LABOR DAY ^Libility Of Making This Kg Annual Affair Is Stujied With Enthusiasm Py Interested Ones idea of staging a Shrimf perbv as principal feature K gala Labor Day Week-end has met with general Hp, and plans are moving to make September 3-4-5 a K,.; climax to Southport's season and a fitting inHg&ction to fall fishing. its event is a natural in sever respects. In the first place ^ .yp-irt is the only North CaroH town which features shrimpH as a leading industry. NaH ]v enough, the season will be moving into its busiest Kdod about September X. This ^Katis that the local fleet will H-; hv numerous upstate ^ftsts that come here each fall -V?M K? ??onA than IHitj tfKTC Slll'um wv v kindred speedy, able crafl L;v and anxious to enter a Eestaged on Sunday when there E nn poasibility of interfering E, their regular week's work swe shrimp boats are built L fte most part with the idea E making them sea-worthy and I there seems to be little Litwr.ent in prospect for spectaEn at a race between craft ol Efc type. Forseeing such a conCbo-.. \V. B. Kcziah, who oriEntei the idea, has suggested bit one of the features of the Ilia be that spectators be permitIted to trie as passengers on conBstirf boats. That thought is Iteri to top from the point of hse-o - Interest I Thm 1 e event still [ft :n 9f formative stage and [toe ire many angles to be Itnuffttened out. For instance, [toe is the matter of prizes, lien there is the question of classifying and handicapping the tats so that the race will give pry entrant a chance to win. u of this can be ironed out Italy at a mass meeting of t owners, and promotors of p event probably will call a deference of these men within a is days. Little Bits Of Big News w I Wi "vents Of Stat*, I Nstion and World-Wid* I Interest During Past Week Jtatt/ Transfers Georgia Growers had tobacco I in excess of marketing quotas, I ind North Carolina farmers I aad quotas larger than their I tobacco crop Monday, but the I Agricultural Adjustment AdI ministration remained adament ? its policy of "no lump transI fers of quotas between states." The way was left open for I individual growers to buy and I sell "quota pounds," however, I st prices to be fixed by agreeI sent of the individuals, or at 4 mmimum of five cents per I Vota pound if the deal is I bandied through a warehouseI aan. This transaction simply I aeans the farmer who grows I ?ore than his quota of tobacI ? may purchase the right to I his excess tobacco from I pother farmer who produces " - than his quota. WrOtninee O'Daniel, a flour dealer Htm, Cra?^ politics wide open l)a? 8 hl!lbllIy band- apparently Biy ?osen Texas' next Governor B.t'cvv ' Maur.v Maverick, ardent Dealer, was seemingly de jrn! Saturday's democratic Two other incumbent pftt.,ntatives. one praised by Roosevelt, were left Otfe tabu'ation of returns Cosib, the man with the Ten lbrinfa'Jments P'atf?rm and the IW to w m?untain nousic, appearI ^ a!Ve c,lnched the democraI k?.ft,,"atorlal nominee over a I krty, le!d of e,even toes- The I to ei-M n?minat'on is tantamount ?otion in Texas. I ^cide f *Ta flare-lit scene of hyste - 'Continued on page 4) THI 27 T. '? ??? On Battel S|>* ^1 Bh^K^ J* m ) m '.i ?*:': ':-j/. . 4-' J m , A >-^ ' V _ ' ; * ': ' ;/ : " 'V " ' '< I V ' ; <* ^ . I - $'tM ; ** -Ti t ii ii ri ii -i I ROOKERY?Battery Isli place for herons, and a movei [ this body of land protected a l Producers May Limited Mi * Poundage Allotment. Fori"! Sale Of 1938 Tobacco I /"*?*nn Nftt Yof A vn 11 a Kip ll But County Agent Willij Iseue Permit I* MUST NOTIFY THE COUNTY AGENT Three Days Notice Must Be Given That Official And No Cards To Be Issued Until August 2nd The poundage allotments for individual growers of flue cured tobacco are not available, but any producer with an acreage allotment for tobacco who wishes to sell on the early markets before he receives his marketing card can notify the county office in writing three days before he wishes to market his tobacco and a tentative marketing card will be prepared which he can get by calling at the county agent's office. The operator should call at the office in person as he will have to sign for the card. This card ( will permit him to sell a limited 1 number of pounds per acre and his card for the remainder of his quota will be issued as soon as final calculations can be made. ( Cards are not to be issued un- j til two days before the market opens. j C--L C? f ri5H IT) kJUUld I Republican Race ; < Chas. M. Trott Was Host t Friday At Fish Fry Held 1 At Brown's Landing; En- J thusiasm Was Prevalent c -~ e A few of the Brunswick county republicans met at a fish fry given at Brown's Landing, near 1 Supply, Friday evening to dis- 1 cuss plans for the forthcoming j general election. The enjoyable i i affair was given by Representa- I tive-nominee Charlie Trott. After . hearing representatives from all , sections of the county speak, the chairman predicted the election ? of the entire Republican ticket next fall. Chairman Jenrette appointed George Cannon, C. P. ' Willetts and Herbert Potter as the publicity committee. Other business matters were discharged. Among those attending the meeting were: Chairman C. H. ' Jenrette, Committeemen G. E. Brooks and 0. C. Andrews. W. J. Sellers, McKinley Hewe't, F. L. Inman, R. J. Sommersett, Bob Inman, C. P. Willetts, F. M. Norris, W. A. Kopp, F. T. Clemmons, 1 0. R. Johnson, O. P. Holden, Mr. Stallings, Henry Maultsby, H. M. ' Potter, Mrs. J. C. Potter, R. S. Willetts and daughters, Mr. and Mrq. G. H. Cannon and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Robbins, Mr. . and Mra Wash HoldcY Mr. and Mrs. C. M Trott and|fchers. I STi A Good 4-PAGES TODAY ry Island \ a' " * 0 0 s a I 3 jBh "^dn j ^JMjl . . . wMm imB ind is a famous nesting ment is now on foot to have s a bird sanctuary. Secure i . y~i i irketing Cards ; Marriage Market . Has Dull Season ' r For some reason there seems to be very llttJe de- _ mand for marriage licenses ' at the office of Register of Deeds R. I. Mintz, and only eight permits to wed were Issued to white couple during the last quarter. Furthermore, there has been only one license issued during the / month of July. d Register of Deeds Mintz 1 says that he is at a loss to ^ account for this slack busi- s ness. He suggests that the summer Is a mighty dull time j and that sales may pick up , along with farm finances Jp with the opening of the to- g baceo market. Then, too, he r suggests, the people may be ^ too busy with their farm ^ duties until after the harvest season. p " i F Strange Birds a 7 ? ^ L rt'? rf St 4- It 0 ^ riULK 1 Ugc;?? !/? J 8 In the current issue of The t hat, bulletin of the North Caro- j, Ina bird club, is the following: j. "On the Orton Plantation on g Tune 14, while looking: out of my ^ vindow over a little plot of jround which was planted in ye this spring, I saw the followng birds feeding together: Bob- J vhite (3 pr.); Mockingbirds (2 >r.); Mourning Doves (2 pr); Cardinals (2 pr.); Summer Tanajers (1 pr.); all of these as well . is I could guess were mated pairs, j Vt the same time, within a period j >f ten minutes, I saw flying over B l Bald Eagle, a Great Blue Her- 1 m, a Little Blue Heron, Osprey, American Egret, and possibly a g Vater Turkey. I am not certain ^ ibout the latter, for while they r ire quite common over the pond, 1; hey do not usually fly over here." o Rain Here This Was Lighter' Southport residents who believe that they have just cause to claim that this past week-end was the rainiest they remember probably will be loath to believe that the rainfall was considerably heavier in other sections of the county than it was here. This evidently is true, for in Wilmington the precipitation Sunday, Monday and Tuesday was 7.35 as oompared with the 4.39 inches recorded by the local weather bureau observer for the three-day period. In Southport Sunday's rainfall was the greatest for a single day with a recording of 1.35 inches. Wilmington bowed 3.05 that day. j m i News paper In j Southport, N. CM Wedr School Leaders Es In Meeting This ( Week At Boone iupt. Of Education Wood- R. 1 aide Left Tuesday To At- C tend Second Annual ei School Conference N C TWO DAY SESSION TO BE CONDUCTED PL> dany Eminent Speakers Will Be Heard On Two- Esti Day Program; Clyde De Erwin Presided nr Miss Annie M. Woodside, Supt. f Public Instruction, Brunswick ounty, left Tues. to attend the r econd annual state-wide confer- 0f nee of city and county school Tues uperintendents under the aus- for ] >ices of the State Dept. of Public (jet,t nstruction which opened at aum] he Applachian State Teachers' now College Tuesday evening and con- ;n 8 inue through Thursday. Ai State Supt. Clyde A. Erwin will 0n ] ireside at the sessions, which will 00 t ?e attended by school heads from ice i ill parts of North Carolina. said. John W. Studebaker, United "sed . bone States Commissioner of Educaion, and Lieutenant-Governor wyj Vilkins P. Horton will be the 0{ f >rincipal speakers, both to be ja leard at tne oanquet weane&uay 000 ivening. Well-known figures in wi]] educational, civic and welfare af- ^ airs of tne State will be heard rate it the other sessions. the Registration for the conference as , legan Tuesday evening at 7:00 year )'clock; and Superintendent Erwin cour ailed the first session to order sIigj it 8 o'clock. Dr. D. B. Dougher- men y made the address of wel- ounj :ome. The topic for the evening each neeting was "Health and Welfare ]ow_ n the Public Schools"; and spea:ers were Dr. Carl V. Keynolds, State health officer, and Mrs. W. [Ml r. Bost, State welfare director. Campers Given Fine Recepticr ri T [Yoop Of Boy Scouts Here From Kenedy Home, In Ni Kinston, Find Shrimp port House Better Quarters dele* Than Tents Bapt Bapt Despite the floods up-state. Pat at I Llderman and Hardy Loftin, lea- atter !ers at the Kenedy Missionary ferer Saptist Home at Kinston, arrived by c ere Monday witn 10 of their the Soy Scouts to go into camp be- St ide the big waters. the The boys are Gibbs Moore, term ohn Abernathy, Billy Buchanan, visec Libert Harrington, Frank Crock- inter r, Clyde Crocker, George John- also 1 r 1 11 /-% -1. XT O ; on, mamittii onjtucr, in . xici- W1 , ing, Chris Creech, Oliver Moss, as I "homes Crawan, David McKee, Mite liarles Flynn and Glen Wilder. Poin Through the courtesy of Sasa Tli 'odale, the boys have not been betU mt to the necessity of erecting wj,el ,nd sleeping in their tents, Mr. man, "odale donated the use of his irge packing house on the river ?_ 8 sleeping quarters. This couresy was appreciated, as the nn leavy rains did not make campng out in tents altogether desir,ble. Mr. Fodale has also been A C >elpful to the boys and their (Continued on page 4) Big Bluefish I gain Catch Monday here gam til s The best commercial catch of .. ilues so far this year was made rtonday morning by Captain )onnie Watts and his boat, the J^arr 3va Mae. The catch comprised 400 pounds of extra large fish. n Captain Parris Willis has also lade several fine catches of lar- T, :e fish during the past few days. 1 * "he present activities of the com- y nercial boats points to extreme- f y good sport fishing from now n. Ma, ?Week-End J Than Believed " O] With approximately four scho and one-half inches of rain not in the course of three days it sam would seem that July would gett be well on its way toward ed establishing a record for face rainfall. This, again, is a her wrong assumption, for July's T1 total so far is only 6.07. use Although there were numer- resp ous reports of flood and flood be i threats in other sections of blen the state, no alarm was felt with in any section of Brunswick es w county. The flat country in ed i this section of the state does out not lend itself to impound- A ing flood waters to the point sent where there is serious danger. and Then, too, it -takes a Jot of be ) water to saturate this thirs- cour ty, sandy soil. _ _ year ?0R1 \ Good Comr lesday, July 27, 1938 [planation Of Condition With Regard Bonds [. Mintz, Clerk To Board If County Commissionrs, Says That County low Is Current In Debt; Ibligations VN TO RETIRE BONDS EACH YEAR mates Reducation In ibt Service Requirelents From Tax Dollar During Coming Year I. Mintz, clerk to the board county commissioners, said g iday that the refunding plan f] Brunswick county's bonded in- ^ edness finally has been con- jj mated and that the county is current for the first time _ years. t the present time there is ? hand approximately $30,000,- J 0 be applied to the debt serv- ? ind sinking fund accounts, he Half of this amount will be to purchase county funding Is early in the fall, provided ? market is satisfactory. This ? materially reduce the amount )rincipal to be paid in January. 1 estimated that between $40,and $50,000 worth of bonds be retired during the fall, intz said that the estimated for the debt service fund for current year will be 75 cents compared with 85 cents last It will be the policy of ity officials to hold the rate itly above the interest requirets so that a substantial am, of the bonds may be retired i year while the interest is n i . ne ueiegaies Attend Meeting thport And Mill Creek aptist Church Both Repesented At State Baptist raining Union Assembly ne delegates from the SouthBaptist church and one fate from the Mill Creek r :ist church attended the State ,ist Training Union Assembly Udgecrest this month. They ided study courses and conices and services conducted po lutstanding preachers and by lai summer workers. w udy was carried on during morning, but during the af- jUI >on everyone enjoyed super- nc i recreation which included vv< esting and active games and trips and hikes to the points r nterest in the vicinity such D iltasuma, at sunrise, Mount hell, Chimney Rock and t Lookout. ie trip did much to inspire on >r work in the churches pj. i the delegates returned and jg y others are planning to go he convention next summer. lose attending were: Miss le Mae Woodside, Mrs. Tom sl (Continued on page 4) ge or me-Delco Wins si< From Southport Wl ie Acme-Delco baseball team L. ed a victory over Southport E' Saturday afternoon in a a. e fought on even terms un- Hi t wild ninth inning rally by ar visitors. l< ie locals meet the baseball he i of the U. S. E. Dredge _ stock here Saturday after r ixtbooks Have Seen Distributed ior Problems Of Distriution Was Settled Last 'ear And Only Replacelent Books Must Be Pased Out This Year pening pf Brunswick county ols early in September does carry with it this year the e burden of responsibility of ing the school books distributto the various schools that d Miss May Woodside and assistants last season, ie more than 40,000 books in last year already are at the ective schools where they will ised, and the distribution prol this year is concerned only l sending out books for cours'here the text has been changind for replacements of worn books. mong the new books to be out is a set of typwriting book keeping books that will used in the new commercial se which is to be offered this ' at Shallotte. \?li nunity PUBLISH Shrimping Fleet1 Be Lar^ . ' ' ' V i * : ; ' V. > .. ' - f> r--'.''.f .* ? flSWBBWftrfc * *"** * ill ' .". > ?* e ENTRANTS?The shrim] ood start, and by Septembei eet of boats here for the ft ire taken last year that sho ned up at a local dock. It is f more than a hundred en outhport Shrimp Boat Derby Article Describe Colony On * C Board Will Meet Here On Friday Members of the county j board of education and the board of county commlssioners will meet here Friday In special session. The principal ' item of business expected to come before members of these two groups is the 1938 budget. Preparation of a budget estimate has been in the hands of County Auditor R. C. St. George, who is expected to have the facts and fig- f u res ready Friday to lay be- t fore the governing board. s While there has been no t official statement made in e connection with the tax rate s for 1938, due to the rrvatma- 5 tlon of property there is a s general feeling that the ex- t istlng rate of $1.75 will be I lowered. S e )nly One Case In T Recorder s Court * i Only one case was finally dis- 1< sed of here in Recorder's court v it week before Judge John B. a ard. r Jake Moore, colored, was ad- 1 Jged not guilty of charges of r m-support. Several other cases v ;re continued. c F *oone's Neck Club Meeting < V The Boone's Neck Home Demstration Club met with Miss' ithryn Hewett Friday, July th. Mrs. M. S. Dosher, home agent, 1 ive a very interesting demonration on cottage cheese and ive out lesspn sheets to each le present. A recreation sesjn was held and refreshments F ;re served by the hostess. ii Those present were Mesdames t M. Roberson, Willie Caison, 0 irrett Hewett, M. S. Dosher and r . W. Hewett, Misses Julia Mae t ewett Madeline Robinson, Irene c id Olenda Robinson, Ersell' s wis, Lottie Mae Hewett and j b istess, Miss Kathryn Hewett. ' 4any Fishing P Trying Th' A lot of parties are coming in and are making pretty fair catches of trout, blues and mackerel. The presence of menhaden scattered everywhere along the coast below Southport has prevented the big blues and mackerel from advancing on the shoals in large numbers'. They prefer to cluster around and feast on the menhaden but they will be on the sport fishing grounds in numbers any day now. This belief is inspired by the fact that commerical boats have been making pretty good catches out there, all their take being of good size. Among the parties this week, Dr. Ivan Proctor, Raleigh; Dr. George Johnston, Wilmington, and Dr. R. A. White, of Asheville, made a pretty catch Saturday from the boat of Captain H. T. Bowmer. The catch included 48 fine blues and many trout and mackerel. A larger party out at the same time and composed of R. J. Menring, ,0T IED EVERY WEDNESDAY mi 1 tc In September ' ? - 9 ^ J H wiwPf JL**- -'ifl ping season is away to a r 2, there should be a full < ill fishing. Above is a pic- < iws a number of the boats < from this group that a list ' trants is expected for the j i ;s Heron Battery Island, Jfficials From State Museum Were Visitors Here Recently And Made Interesting Discoveries Relative To Birds )ISCOVER BIRDS CLIMB WITH WINGS )fficial Believes That Colony Should Be Easy To Protect, Located As It Is In Plain View Of Here By H. H. BRIMLEY N. C. State Museum There is always a thrill in apiroaching any heron colony for he first time. One wonders what ipecies will be found nesting, and he comparative abundance of ach, particularly if the colony ihould contain egrets of either ipecies.. And the thrills were not tbsent' when Harry T. Davis, of he State Museum, Allen Keen, of laleigh, Waters Thompson, of Southport, and the writer landid on Battery Island, near South>ort. N. C? on June 13, 1938. Battery Island, which may be ibout two-thirds of a mile in ength by about half that in ;ngth consists mainly of saltwater marsh, with a sandy ridge ibout an acre and a half in area tinning almost paralled with the stand's northern shore line, the idge being pretty well covered nth a dense growth of scrubby edars and yopon, the former iredominating; and in this dense (Continued on page 4) louthport Man Given Write-Up n July Issue Of Shell Progress Appeared Write-Up Of Burris Interests On Southport Waterfront The July number of the Shell i "regress, a monthly publication 1 ssued by the oil company, con- | ained a very flattering write-up ' < S. I. (Bingo) Burris. Mr. Buris is the local representative of he company and the write up overed his varied interests, con- ' isting of boats, gas and fishing usiness. (Continued on page 4) , " ? 'artiesJAre eir Luck Here R. Hill, W. Eilerman, H. Grierson, J. A. Hyland, J. P. Dooner, J. B. Hamilton, W. McDow, and C. M. Shigley, all of the Dow Chemical company, at Wilmington, had their operations hampered by too many lines for trolling. They actually took less fish than the party of three on the Bowmer boat. Greensboro folks on the boat of Captain Bob Wagner made a catch of 250 pounds of bottom fish one day. The party" was composed of H. W. Hanks, H. L. Phillips, V. J. Gutherine, Jr., and A. G. Moore. Sunday brought an interesting party in from Lowell and Shelby. They went out on the Fannie Quidley of Captain Edward Nelson and made only a small catch of about 60 or 70 pounds. The party was composed of K. E. Sherill, of Lowell, M. M. Sturat, Geo. A. Johnson and C. F. Reynolds, of Shelby. There is a group of fine (Continued on Page 4) The Pilot Covert Brunswick County $1.50 PER YEAR j Milk Maids Will I Have Their Turn | As Movie Stars | Communication Was Received Tuesday From Movie News Reel Man Suggesting A Cow "Beauty Contest" ? lYANT MOVIE MAN HERE FOR DERBY Cameraman Has Been Asked To Time Visit So He Can Take Pictures Of \ Southport Shrimp Derby 1 When the news reel camerman jM :omes to town the milk maids >f this community will have their fl :hance to turn movie stars (or a Kj lay if the tentative plans mapped out by the director in a 1.1 letter to W. B. Keziah are follow- ^ The movie man has been asked : to time his visit with the staging ?f the Southport Shrimp Boat H Derby on September 3. J In addition to the Shrimp Boat i Derby pictures the Movietone H News folks, yesterday, outlined to the Southport Civic Club secretary some of their own ideas for pictures that they wish to stage here during the course of their i visit. One idea calls for 25 or more fl milk cows and a milking contest H on the beach. The cows can be ] staked out and the contestants will be the prettiest girls that I can be rounded up, all dressed fl in suits. Just prior to the milking i contest the girls will have to ] stage a "bossy beauty contest." t,acn girl win oe expected 10 employ any and all methods to pretty-up her cow, such as brushing them down, tying ribbons in their tails, using mascara on their eyes and mouth, putting nic? looking sunbonnets, or hats, on them and arraying them in very frilly lace panties. The pantle? should be such as the women wore in the '60s. The girls may H use their own ideas to beautify J? their cows and the cows will be fc expected to stay beautiful during 8 the milking contest. Another idea of the picture f folk is to round up 600 or 600 K bicycles. A rider must also be obtained for each wheel and 1V it is supposed that for this a huge bycycle race will be arrang- {, ed on the beach. A fourth picture calls for two ? fire trucks or engines to be backed down in the water and do 9 some pumping for a sham water battle to be fought by girls in snappy bathing suits. This is a rather large order for Southport, as there are no fire engine pumpers. However, it is thought that this difficulty can be overcome by running hose through the water from two separate fire_ plugs to two separate boats on which the bailing beauty battlers can be stationed. Study Class Is Held On Monday, 'vj Miss Josephine Turner, of Clin- i ton, conducted a W. M. U. study, -lass Monday at the Southtx>rt' ft Baptist church to which mem- fl bers in this district comprised of Bethel, Antioch and Southport were invited. This was an all-day meeting and at noon a plcnlo ; dinner was served at the home i of Mrs. A. L. Brown. About 18 j [ women were present. While here Monday and Tuesday Miss Turner was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Butler. Tide Table 1 Following Is the tide table I for Southport during the next. SI week. These hours are appro- I xlmately correct and were fur- HI nished The State Port Pilot I through the courtesy of the I Cape Fear Pilot's Association. ?l High Tide Low TM? I I TIDE TABLE I Thursday, July 28 a IB 8:81 a. m. 2:21 a. m.1 31 I 8::35 p. m. 2:85 p. u?J uH Friday, July 29 I 9:28 a. m. 3:10 a. m.? HI 9:43 p. m. 3:21 p. m. gl Saturday, July SO ill 10:19 'a. m. 8:57 a. m. 11 10:38 p. m. 4:20 p. m. , IB Sunday, July 81 1 11:13 a. m. 4:45 a. m. J l 11:22 p. m. 5:12 p. m. Ijfl Monday, August 1 1 a. ra. 5:33 a. m. J,j'B 12:06 p. m. 6:06 p. m. KB Tuesday, August 2 ' IS 12:01 a. m. . 6:23 a. m IS 1:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 1 Wednesday, August 3 I I 1:02 a. m. 7:14 a. m.1 jU 1:54 p. m. 7:57 p. m.1 I .ii ifet I A M i I

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