(Of The News | The Time TEN NO. 3 ay Battle I vil Court : is Up Term I Maultsby Vs I ettled In Favor | idant, But Case ft led To Supreme * IN dER MATTERS J >rt Of Proceed- | red Last Week | minal Cases n Disposed | t Term :erm of Brunswick I court came to a I ftei noon after a ' I in the civil suit IB Bl own in which I B returned by the I >f the defendant. | B oeen appealed to 11 rt. I who pleaded 11 ril. 1935, term of 1 y Superior court I ault with a dead- ! I given a sentence ? the roads at that | ~ upon condition 11, >f good behavior j ( five years. Evi- j n presented the j c I let that he has violated the "j I- s,': this agreement, the de-l i I - een remanded into I. : the sheriff to be over to officials of the I ghway and Public Works I to begin serving his B^tf-nce. I Uford pleaded guilty to It-:; .- non-support of his j E ktiniate child. His sentence of If nths en the roads was sulf,-. n payment of $25.00 |li t?ck payments and the sum of j I per month for a period of j . I- foi the use and benefit i Igf the flhgitmate child of Alice I In the case of R. B. McRoy j' Li Co. vs Bailey King the plain- j Lf was allowed a judgment of i p toother with the inter- _ L defendant. The Ittndant also was taxed with ' [fc court costs. [ He only divorce granted last! A tek was to Maggie Bryant from j p JfcKinley Bryant upon the {minds of two years separation. a Little Bits b Of Big News ? Wi Event* Of State, ,n Nstion and World-Wide Interest During Pant h Week ci I Stale Fair 01 1 O' The largest opening day ^ crowd in recent State Fair ^ history turned out for the inauguration of the 1938 event d> yesterday. The weather was t: perfect as Governor Hoey and IV. Kerr Scott, Commissioner Q, "f Agriculture, formerly open- r( H the exposition yesterday r( morning, and as the clear skies sj andmild temperature continued through the night performance R ef the elaborate grandstand re- cj rue, Manager J. S. Dorton pre- p feted a new high record for q fair attendance. The midways H ,vere thronged yesterday, and A a portion of the crowd drifted into the exhibit halls?in which 'U st>ace was taken. j a: bop Increase ? A substantial increase in the ^ estimated 1938 flucured tobac- y w crop was ihown Monday 01 hy the Crop Reporting Board ?f the Department of Agricullure, which predicted a crop 812,810,000 pounds as comPared with a prediction of 786,- R 580,000 pounds a month ago. ^ The increased production is en'jrelv in the types grown in ' -5?rth Carolina, as the crop in the early Southern states al ready has been harvested, I IVhile the increase for the en'ire flue-cured area is only 3.3 Per cent, it is heavier for the Eastern Carolina belt and the b huuth Carolina belt, the high- h *st- fte of increase in the 'Her being in the North Caro"t* Portion of the belt. t, hlusal o a Supreme Court Monday a 'ejected Thomas J. Mooney's P'ea for aid in his 22-year fight ti ,"r freedom. The court's re- S Js?l to review the conviction a . r'd 'mpribuiunent of Mooncy P ? ^!!t5ed participation in the a tOontir.u^d on page 4) le THE S . Boats - ,.*Ttmv- " " * Jk THEY'RE OFF?The firs ioard niotorboats will be start )ctober 23. A large crowd is raft and their start. Association Of ( Rnntipt- Plin*/?li uajjuai V/iiui ui | Meets At Supply D Irunswick Baptist Association Will Meet Wednesday And Thursday At Prospect Baptist Church T ANNOUNCE PLANS 1 FOR PROGRAM Is nteresting Features Arranged In Two-Day Program Which Will be Held At County-Wide Meet * ing ? V The Brunswick County Baptist b association will meet at Pros-, S ect Baptist church, Supply, on a ext Wednesday and Thursday ^ nd a full two-day program has a| een arranged. 2 The morning session each day tl egins at 10 o'clock and runs ntil 12 o'clock. After a recess n St f an hour and one-half the e| leeting reconvenes each after- it oon at 1:30 o'clock. Following is the program that c< as been arranged for the ocision: 18 Wednesday morning: Devotion- ir I, Rev. J. B. Dosher; Enrollment f messengers; Report on Religi- a us Literature, J. E. Gilbert: Re- ^ ort on Mills Home, Rev. Tom n ohnson; Announcements; Intro-IV uctory sermon. Rev. M. L. Min- c< 5; Adjournment. |01 Wednesday afternoon: Devoti-1 rial, Lendon * Clemmons; Co-ope-1 * itive program: State Missions I rport, R. H. Sellers: Home Misons report. Rev. H. S. Strick-1 ind; Foreign Missions Report,' ev. E. W. Pate: Christian Edu- j it ion Report, W. J. Butler; Hos- j _, ital Report, Rev. Stephen Mintz. ' Id Ministers Relief Report, [ugh Cox; General Discussions; .djournment. Thursday morning: Devotional, 1. H. Phelps: Report on Wornn's Work, Miss Ruth Ludlum; he state of the churches. One te linute report from the churches; I{ , digest of church letters, John hi enrett: 3, our goals for next hi ear, John Jenrette; miscellane- bl us business and adjournment. nThursday afternoon: Devotion- C I, Lindsey Clemmons; report on ;mperance and Public Morals, sc lev. H. F. Brinson; report on n unday Schools, Martin Robbins,leport on B. T. U., Dennis Hew- . tt: Election of officers and reorts of committees. Final ad- 1 lurnment. Jnusually Large Sheep head Taken Slieephead of a record size to e taken with hook and line ave been brought In during the ast week. Last week a tenounder was reported by a Gasonia man and as if this was ot large enough, Gus Deaton f Statesville, brought in one londay that tipped the scales at n even 12 pounds. Frank L. Johnson, secretaryreasurer of the North Carolina 10ft Drink Bottlers Association, lso of Statesville, and a comanion of Mr. Deaton also took big one Monday. His fish weigh-1 d 10H pounds. im A Good 1 4-PAGES 10DAY J Will Start From I t annual Southport to Wilmii: ;ed from in front of Fort Joh expected here to witness the \ Dutboard Maral Start Here *? ate Of First Annual Race' From Southport To Wil-[ ? mington For Outboard Motorboats Sunday, October 23rd j ? O BE HANDICAP RACING EVENT i. c ponsored By Carolina Out- j, board Association Of y Which John Anderson Is The Commodore r The first annual SouthpBTt to 1 Wilmington marathon for outoard motorboats will be staged j, unday, October 23, under the j, uspicies of the Carolina Out- j oard association, according to g ommodore John C. Anderson, a id the race will be started about :30 o'clock from in front of j, le local garrison. e The club plans to make the t larathon an annual event, Ander- c in said, and considerable inter- j 3t is being manifested here in j, Though plans for the event were i y impleted only Monday, already ' ' e said, there are five entries and /j; idications are there will be a irge field, including racers from j, lany out of town racing centers. anrl The boats will leave Southport t 2:30 p. m., Sunday week, pro- of iding the weather is favorable, Bri - on,-! will rare the 30 las C Oa111, auu wwmmm m liles up the Cape Fear river to | ^ /ilmington. As the run will take msiderable more gasoline than m jtboard motor tanks hold, it will * (Continued on page 4) tra' the )pposes Move (pro To Make Park & i ser rank Sherrill, Owner Of! y Bald Head Island, Is Not 1 In Favor Of Establish-! ment Of National Park On That Site C Mrs Frank Sherrill, S. & VV. Cafe- die( jria man, owner of Bald Head of iland, spent Sunday and Monday tac ere and at Bald Head. With 1 im on this trip were Ralph Ro- ear inson, H. B. Keller, Hal DeAr- par lond and Cal Newton, all of Hai harlotte. 1 Talking with the Civic Club, due icretary, Mr. Sherrill expressed ano mch concern at reports that he B. (Continued on page 4) mai VIen Put To Shai Caught By Thei When it comes to catching > n drum on the beach at Bald ei Head Island Mrs. Frank Mollycheck, of . Southport, p Mrs. J. E. Piner ana Mrs. g] Susie Munn, wives of the 0 keepers at the Capt Fear b light house, have about everybody beat Monday afternoon while everybody else had to satisfy themselves with pulling out six-pounders and eightpounders, Mrs. Mollycheck n dragged one ashore that weighed 27 pounds. Saturday 1 a she caught several, the lar- I ii gest one weighing 21 poun- I " ds. Mrs. Munn has caught | t! 4 JE i Mews paper In Southport, N. C., Wee iere f - * " -* - Q igton marathan for out- sc nson Sunday afternoon, oi varming up of the racing ai . ft hon Will ~~ S Next Sunday S W " : i ? )yster Project ^ For Brunswick 01 ti A $68,715 project for plant- ^ ig oysters in Brunswick 'ounty waters was included fc it 18 projects for which the ?' V'orks Progress Adminlstralon yesterday released fed- r ral and sponsors' funds to- p: ailing $207,597.40. c To employ 86 workers, the ei roject involves gathering and | ilanting of seed oysters in llizabeth, Lockwood's Folly, M hallottc and Calabash rivers nd sounds in Brunswick. 01 Similar projects have been i progress down here for sevral years with the result hat some of the finest oystrs produced anywhere in g ,'orth Carolina now are be- I ig furnished from Brunswick. cMillan Buy Tract ( Brunswick County '. A. McMillan, of Wilmington, lounced yesterday the purchase p a 5,000 acre tract of land in inswick county to be developed a beach resort. 'he property is located five es south of Southport and is acent to Caswell Beach. The sc ct was formerly a part of 1 mi ?_ Aiiuinpsuu coiaic. g( tcMillan said that the beach rc perty would be developed, with remainder left open for tim- J1' growth and a hunting pre"e M until Victim i. Of Pneumonia " F (eorge Hart, son of Mr. and fo i. Malcolm Hart, of Winnabow, ^ i Thursday night at the home q his parents following an at- g k of pneumonia. ^ 'he deceased, who was in his ly teens, is survived by his q ents and by one sister, Oretha se rt le 'he funeral services were con- b ted Friday afternoon at Leb- y n Baptist church by the Rev. s. R. Page and interment was n ie in the church cemetery. si me By Fish * r Own Wives? le lany large ones, the heavi- H st weighing 42 pounds. ?' Mrs. Piner did not actualkJ r catch her biggest fish, but he did drag a monster clear ut of the surf and onto the each. There her line broke t nd despite the fact that two r three men jumped on the ish and tried to hold it, it ioundered back into the wat- re r. It was estimated to weigh t< lore than 60 pounds. ]8 Messrs. Mollycheck, Piner h nd Munn have all been mak- it lg great catches, but ndtli- w lg that would compare with he fish taken by their wives, si POR' A Good Coir inesday, October 12tl Resolution Is Made Part Of Court Minutes lembers Of The Brunswick County Bar Association Prepare Resolution Testifying Their Admiration And Respect For Judge Cranmer [ELD LAST TERM OF COURT HERE ince He Plans To Retire From Activi? Duty This Year Last Week's Term Concludes Work Here A page in the records of prosedings of Superior court was sserved last week in order that le following resolution prepared f members of the Brunswick ounty Bar Association might be jread thereon: WHEREAS, The Honorable E. . Cranmer, Judge of the Eighth jdiciai District, has heretofore inounced his intention of retirig from service as such; and WHEREAS, he has served the reat State of North Carolina > efficiently for almost a score r years, and has, by his wise id sound judgments, exemplified illy the majesty of the laws un;r which we live and move, with iuai and impartial justice to [1 within his Courts; and WHEREAS, his services are jrpetuated in the archives of irisprudence in our Commoncalth; and WHEREAS, he is a citizen of ir Cliy ana county in wuusc ^excelled record the local Bar this County rejoices; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of le bar that our expressions, tosther with our thankfulness for Is services be perpetuated; and WHEREAS, a page has hereto>re been reserved in the Records f the Proceedings of the Superir Court of Brunswick County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVED, That we point with ride to his courage and service 3 a Judge of our Superior ourts, and thia Memorial be former held up to the rising genertion of our Community, and that le same be spread upon the linutes of this Court, and that copy of same be furnished to ir Judge, whom we love, revere id respect. Respectfully, Robert W. Davis Chairman of Brunswick County ar Association. This October 8, 1938. Irade Mothers For Southport irst Meeting Of Local Parent-Teachers Association tt ? i TI i M:.Li i? field I nursuay 111(111 > High School Auditorium The first Parent-Teachers Asiciation meeting of the year as held Thursday night in the gh school auditorium with a >od number of parents and patins of the school in attendance. One of the principal items of isiness was the appointment of le grade mothers for this year, ho are as follows: First grade, rs. W. S. Dosher and Mrs. Horx Glover: second grade: Mrs. J. Davis, Mrs. W. C. Reece and rs. R. L. Brendie; third grade: rs. G. R. Galloway, Mrs. V. V. redere and Mrs. B. B. Odin; urth grade: Mrs. R. F. Plaxco, rs. Eld Newton and Mrs. H. C. jrlette: fifth grade: Mrs. A. L. rown, Mrs. A. W. Moore and rs. W. S. Davis; sixth grade: rs. R. L. Jones, Mrs. Prince 'Brien and Mrs. Ed Newton; iventh grade: Mrs. C. W. Easy, Mrs. A. W. Moore and Mrs. . M. Hornsby; eighth grade: rs. L. H. Tyndall and Mrs. J. Arnold: ninth grade: Mrs. Eliibeth Gilbert and Mrs. Elsket t. George; tenth grade: Mrs. arry Weeks and Mrs. H. B. Al idge; eleventh grade: Mrs. J. . Hood and Mrs. W. S. Styron. The program was opened with ivotional by the Rev. E. M. all, after which Mrs. H. C. Cortt and Mrs. Hall sang "Sleepy ollow Tune." The principal talk 1 the evening was delivered by jdge E. H. Cranmer and a nuinjr of poems by Edgar A. Guest (Continued on page 4) business Being Moved To County The Spiritine Chemical Co., for lany years located in Wilmingw, has purchased a tract of Ljid from E. C. Woodbury on ighway no. 72 and is moving 4 office and plant to the Brunsi'ck county site. The chemical company recently ?ld its Wilmington location, r pii imunity h, 1938 fuel Warrant Issik Of Capta Captain Tom Willis Was Charged With Catching And Bringing A warrant was issued last night for Captain Tom Willis, of Morehcad City, master of the menhadden fishing vessel Southport charging him with atching foodfish with a purse net and bringing them into this state. The warrant alleges that on October 6 the defendant did fish for and catch foodfish, to wit mullets, with a purse seine in the state of North Carolina and did bring into North Carolina said foodfish, to wit mullets, caught with purse seine and did transport said foodfish, to wit mullets, and did have in his possession said foodfish, to wit mulcts. All the* allegations arc in violations of a law prepared and passed by S. Bunn Frink while a member of the State Senate in 1935. The law was A.T.U. Agent Be Triet I I Rnnrl Nnw Onen To Whiteville Route No. 180 now is o|>cii for traffic from Shallotte to Whiteville the section of paving between Whiteville and Old Dock having been opened last week. Workers still are engaged In smoothing of fthe shoulders and embankments of the road, the highway itself Is in fine condition. This now leaves a stretch between Old Dock and the fire tower about four miles from Shallotte unpaved. A map no wposted in the Brunswick county courthouse shows a survey that has been made of the road from the Brunswick county end of the paving to New Britain bridge. When this project is let and completed only five miles of unpaved road will remain. Body Of Seaman ? . r r r Mr ought in tier The Danish freighter, Dunstaf nage, put in here early Frida morning with the body of Herbei W. Williams, sixty-year-old sei ond engineer, who died at se from heart trouble as the vess was nearing port. The Dunstaffnage left Wilminj ton Thursday afternoon and w< two hundred miles out bound ft Denmark when Williams Wi taken ill and she put about 1 rush him here for medical a tention. The body was put ashoi ^ere and will be shipped to tl home in one ot the small Sou) I American Countries. I Improvements In Bolivia Schot The Bolivia high school pla1 has already been much improvi since schcol began. The grai has been cut, shrubs pruned ai walks and drives repaired. TI outside woodwork on the buili ing, the roof and all lattice woi and arbors have been painte The teacherage has been paint< inside and out, and running co and hot water installed. The gymnasium will soon be : use, and when the agricultur building is completed the Boliv I school plant will be one of tl best in this section. Photographer Shots Oi The commercial fishing at Southport is getting the eye of the camera all of the way around this week and when the program is completed material will be in hand for some exceedingly valuable publicity. Charles Farrell, of Greensboro, is taking four or five days for what is intended to be a very thorough job. Mr. Farrell is rated one of the best outdoor cameramen in the state is doing the work with the Civic Club secretary, W. B. Keziah, as the general photographers assistant. Sunday some* excellent shots were obtained of the LOT JSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY id For Arrest I in Of Southport Arrested Tuesday Night And Foodfish With Purse Nets Them Into State I designed to prevent menhad! den fishermen from using ! their nets to bring In mullets with which to flood the market and drive down the price for the product taken J by the shore fishermen. The warrant was sworn out by Dave Davis. j Although occasion rumors of violations have been heard before, this is the first time that official action has resulted. Captain John A. Nelson, state fish commissioner, came here to personally Investigate the case and he has compiled quite a bit of evt- ' dene" which will be offered at the trial, scheduled for c Recorder's court next Wed- t nesday. Frink has been employed by Captain Nelson as private prosecution in the trial. t| s Will Not : 1 In This County -* "I Men Against Whom Bruns- 1 wick County Grand Jury 1 Brought Presentment n ' I uTram. (lave 1 UCIi v-aav - ferred To Federal Court 11 ALL ARRANGEMENTS r ARE MADE TODAY * I Bond For Men, Charged c With Fatally Injuring I Negro, Has Been Set t At Two Thousand Dollars By Judge 1 r Under an order signed in New C Bern Monday by Judge I. M. 1 Meekins, of federal district court, j Lon M. Howe and John R. McFall, investigators of the alcohol ii tax unit of the internal revenue v service of the treasury depa'rt-' f ment, are scheduled to be tried ? in federal court on a slaying p charge lodged against them last week in Southport by a Bruns- a wick county grand jury. r The two men are charged with c killing Homer Smith, negro, ^ whom they chased January 8, when they allegedly found him q 6 hauling non-taxpaid liquor. |c Returning to Wilmington ye3f terday from Washington, N. C., t y where they had been attending n federal court, they surrendered to Sheriff C. David Jones who arc" rested them on Capiases issued sa in Brunswick county. el Deputy Sheriff R. L. Sullivan, of Brunswick county was notifi- v ed of the arrest and went over for the defendants, is Immediately after being turned '' ? over the deputy sheriff, the two lg J men signed a petition asking J1 (Continued on page 4) ^County Council \ h Meets Wednesday jj Members Of County Coun- ^ cil Of Home Demonstra- r u tion Clubs Will Meet Wednesday At Supply v it i ;d There will be a meeting of ss the County Council of Home Dem- v id onstration clubs Wednesday, Oct- j le ober 19, at the Supply Methodist q d- church and all officers and offi k cers of the local clubs are urgent- . d. ly requested to be present. d One of the most important Id items of business to be disposed j of at that time will be the elecin tion of club officers for the comal ing year. Plans for the Fall Fedia elation and Achievement Day prole gram also wil be discussed. (Continued on page 4) Busy Making " f Fishing Scenes shrimp trawlers at their docks. Six o'clock Monday found the two investigators on their way to Bald Head Island. This trip was made through the courtesy of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mollycheck. At the island Frank Sherrill and a party of eight Charlotte men were hosts at a big dinner, in the preparation of which Adrian Willetts acted as master of ceremonies. For the rest of the day Mr. Sherrill and his party s did not see much of the two seekers for pictures. The Varaum shore fishery came I I The Pilot Covers Brunswick County $1.50 PER YEAR Report Of Grand Jury Made Last Week To Judge lody Of Grand Jury In- .j quest Includes Two Presentments Among W ork Disposed Of During Oct- , ober Session Of Court INVESTIGATIONS i| OF BODY REPORTED .ist Report Of Condition Of Various County Offices And Institutions Together With Recommendations Members of the Brunswick ounty grand jury made the folowing report last ween to Judge . 3. H. Cranmer, who presided over he October term of Brunswick ounty Superior court for the 1 rial of criminal cases: 1 "State Of North Carolina "Brunswick County "To the honorable E, H. Cran- I ner, Judge presiding: "We, the Grand Jury for the )ctober term 1938 Superior Court i f Brunswick County convened t the Court House in Southport, J. C. respectfully submit the folowing report: 1 "We have examined twenty one tills and have returned nineteen jj rue bills, one not true bill, one t ontinued. "We have made two present- | nents. 5 "We have examined the reports ft f the following Justices of the H 'eace: E. H. Gray, A. W. Smith, I. Foster Mintz, Coy Formyduval, A. B. Watts, J. T. White, M. S. H Jainey, Geo. F. Ganey, L. H. 5 'helps and H. A. Mintz and found flj hem satsifactory reports. 8 "The following Justices of the 'eace have not rendered their re- B iort and we ask the Clerk of jH -ourt to notify them to send I heir report at once: J. 13. Atkin- I on, M. B. Anderson, A. M. Beck, S ack King and Alva M. Milliken. fl "We viSited the jail and found a t in fairly good condition and jjfl fell kept in the inside with the ollowlng repairs necessary on the JJ iut side. Chimney caps for the hree chimneys and repair and |H ioint for the ridge roll. 9 "We visited the Prison Camp 5 nd fojnd- it well kept, but it is I eedful and necessary for a new JH amp which we recommend to be H uilt at once. I "We visited tit- offices of the ,'ourt House and find different ffices well kept but do recont- 8 lend the sanitary condition of he closets in the Court House be ifl tade more sanitary. jffl Schools 3 "SOUTHPORT: We visited the 8 .'hlte and colored school and find n oth in fairly good condition and ]H fell kept. "SHALLOTTE: We visited the rhite and colored and found them ,H i fairly good condition except |H he school, at the bridge (white) H leeds two new back doora, one 9 sak in the roof needs repair. )ver crowded conditions adjusted. Bj Valton School (colored) needs B he windows and floors repaired nd a table placed in one room. fl fo. 5, (colored) building in bad ffl ondition, many minor repairs - H lecessary at present. A lock be ilaced on the door. Longwood j '?* colored) needs some floor re'airs. flj "WACCAMAW: We visited the < rhite and colored and find them j 9 n good condition. E "BOLIVIA: We visited the i-hite and colored and find them jH n good condition except Piney . 5 Irove (colored) the roof. Steps Q (Continued on page 4) 9 Tide Table! I Following Is the tide table flj for Southport during the nest , K week. These hours are appro- B xlr.i^teiy correct and were fur- K nlshed The State Port Pilot aj through the courtesy of the H Capo Fear Pilot's Association K High Tide Low XI* lM TIDE TABLE U Thursday, October IS flj 10:15 s. in. 3:59 a. m. Hj 10:40 p. m. 4:41 p. m. Friday. October 14 3 11:12 a. m. 4:58 a. tn. j H 11:42 p. m. 5:40 p. m. ] 9 Saturday, October 15 a. m. 5:53 a. m. ( ? 12:16 p. m. 6:42 p. m. M Sunday, October 16 9 12:51 a. m. 6:59 a. m. 9 1:23 p. ra. 7:46 p. m. W Monday, October 17 B 2:01 a. m. 8:07 a. m. ;] & 2:29 p. m. , 8:51 p. m. B Tuesday, October 18 uV 3:09 a. in. 9:13 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 9:50 p. m. J9| Wednesday, October 19 B 4:09 a. m. 10:18 a. m. fl 4:27 p. tn. 10:42 p..m. S'B

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