Mt Of The News IB A|I The Time fcliighP K,gram Starts JCivitan Group I M KmgTLt. Covers' Af Carolinas District, Principal Speakei presented Charter IiSED DUTIES OF B^CLUB membership L Night Observed And Rous Turkey Dinner 'fl| 4 Served In DaughtRr^ Of America I .1 Governor ol ^Kclinas District, was th< jR^ncakcr at the chartei meeting of th< I^R^Yivitan Club Thursdaj >m ?0.' i,ut interesting tall official, who is fron told local clul :R^. of their opportunities ^Rr- under the banner ol ...I he urged this nev ^Rftfgc forward in civic ac ^Lrrng acceptance of tht the club president R - p. Ericltsen cxtendei ^R^.,. to Southport to th< ^R^Vcsent from the Rockj R:ind Wilmington Clubs ^JjTcduced by A. M. Whet H -jtli secretary- Included wn; K?M Koontz. president o R mgton club. flu a ladies night am E, present appeared to cn . initial program of South ^ftar.rcst club. ^ _ .. ,n .) business meet IH tke organization held Fri s.:r at Ti.'.O o'clock in thi Baity Center Building. little Bits | Of Big News Li Event* Of Slats, Ition and World-Wide , Interest During Put Week I . J | prici that radio comic kgc Burns paid for two 1-- bracelets and a ring r Tuesday when he wa pi W.OOO. given a suspend| ' ncc of a year and s Ij and placed on a year's Nation The sentence imki by Federal Judge Willi Bon-ly resulted from Bis' plea of guilty to two retmcnts charging smugit? although federal authors said he did not actually t? the jewels into the coun? Bums' friend, radio funl?a-i. Jack Benny, has sded innocent to a similai I lent and will go on trial ry 11. Hams f Hitler Monday plcdg man support for Italy ' war against her, doI return of Germany's r colonics, and warned lited States to keep her off German trade Willi America. To a world waiting for an iudicaf how he would next > power and whether ly would support ltaliins against France, Hitrelated Germany ami were "determined h inmion support to comitercsts." His speech U iehslag was regarded ler's followers as firm mediatory. Germany's ic difficulties figured n tlie address and were ''J as having had a influence on its modene. rcononiy-bent appropria ommittee took pruning ? hand Monday an'! fely pared $95,568 from ord total expenditure oi 4.890 recommended hy Ivisory budget oommist the next biennium. dilative Caffey of Guil chairman of the lious* Iter. he. was "VOr> encouraged by the con v? attitude" of til' committee. Other mem cheated tlrat the. proGits augur more slash wm<\ The joint commit" ginning in executive 0 study and tentative 1 or adjustment ol ilenr of appropriation d funds for 10 departtotaling $2,129,061 a: otad'.d by tlit budge1 tor.. i 4' TH1 i Giant C ^ HL } I i*%% * STRANGE?Strange &p ^! frequently nre brought in tr< 11 Jeasi interesting 01 tnese is . | taken recently by the Maude .! Pan lightship. Dan Wells, loc J huge "crawfish" befqrp.the I Greensboro Daily News.) Case For Estab Of Naval * Communication R e c e i v td This Week By Civic Club I Secretary From Hon. j Josephus Daniels Promises Support SOUTHPORT IS WELL SITUATED1 j ' Ambassador To Mexico! Says Establishment Of j Emergency Air. Base ! I Here Will Be Good For State And Navy j Working quietly for several . ; weeks the Southport Civic Club j secretary has built up strong 11 arguments and enlisted the aid i | of powerful factors towards hav i ing North Carolina participate in the great national naval cxpan' j sion program that is now being j [ carried on in the U. S. I The club is seeking a base for j 1 destroyers and submarines on the j l iver not far above Southport on ] 1 I a creek or inici iiuti tan vao..j [ be dredged out for the purpose.-' (Continued on page 4) Presiding Elder ! To Preach Here i I Hew W. A. Cade, presiding | elder of the Wilmington district,, I | North Carolina Conference will '. II preach Sunday evening at 7:30: . o'clock at Trinity Methodist1 ; church. The pas!or, Hcv. E. M. Hall,!' . will preach at the morning ser-r , vice and will administer the!J [ Lord's supper. ' |i > i ;|Fame Of This I ;| Spreads T< A way up in Canada last i week an official of the London Life Insurance Company wanted to learn something about fishing here. He and his wife plan to come down in early March. In some way , he got the Southport city | and post office name confus, ed with South Carolina and r there is no such post office r in the United States as that to which he uddresscd his letter. "Mr. W. B. Keziah, Cape . fear, South Carolina, U. S. r A." The Canadian dropped the above addressed envelope in his post office at St. Catharines, Ont., at 6 p. in. on January 23rd, as shown by the cancelling post mark. > Postmaster L. T. Yaskcll slid the letter into the box of W. 1 B. Keziah, here in Southport, at 8:30 a. m. on January 25th, an elapsed time of 38 i hours and 30 minutes. I There v/as not a single "Misssnt" post mark any 1 st; A Good 4-PAGES TODAY rawfish 3 Bit Is 1 I ( t 2Ciniens of the briny deep v >m the Gulf stream. Not the ' a nine-pound spine.v 'obster and Mable near the Frying ,.*1 In A W? fUAiim li I >1 VV? r* + V?/* ! I cu lavi, in ouuvyu Iiuiv.ii.h Hit camera.?(Cut courtesy ' Jishment Base Stronger I : , Normal Weather r During January \] ... g Weather for the Month of j, January was distinguished f neither by extreme cold nor } unusually high temperature t for the season. The low read- p ing of 27-dcgrees was record- t ed on January 23, while the, maximum temperature of (Hi f degrees was reached on Jan- t uary fi. r Heavy rain Sunday and r Monday morning accounted n for more than half the total c precipitation of 1.16-lnchcs. t There were- six cloudy days, i 7 partly cloudy days and 18 a clear days during the month with fog on January 5, and J again on January 29. There t were, thunder storms on Jan- a uary 5 and on January 30. . c Prevailine wind for the moil th was from the southwest. |c Circular Tells j Of Blue Mould I a The North Carolina State College , of Agriculture and Engin- 8 cering Extension Circular No. 220 '' Issued December, 1038, which ? treats of bluo mold of toliacco. and it's control has just been re- f ceivcd. v Farmers wanting a copy of N tliis circular may secure one by f writing the County Agent, at f Supply. They will be mailed as t long as the supply lasts. u Han Keziah 1 > Foreign Parts < where on the envelope. In fact the short time between ( being posted and its receipt v would not allow going out of. its way for ail hour during the long journey Some folks will wonder how the letter, addressed to f some post office that docs not exist bi South Carolina or anywhere else,, should come straight to the man for whom it was intended at Southport. The answer is 0 simple enough, says Keziah. r Mailcd m Canada, the let- (. ter in a package of other let- ? tcrs destined for the United t States was speeded to New g York. There one of the eagle- t eyed and agile brained routing clerks caught the name s of a post office which he p knew did not exist in South t Carolina. He may have hur- r riedly ihumbed through the v "C's" of the Post Office Di- li rectory in a vain search for b a post office named Cape p Fear in some other state n (Continued on Page Four) ^TE News paper It Southport, N. Gm Wi Seeks Sentiment As To Changing Hospital Name f The People of Brunswick Desire That Name Of Local Institution Be Changed Frink Will Introduce Bill rHIS MOVEMENT ALREADY STARTED Members Of Board Of Trustees Are On Record As Officially Favoring Change To Dosher Memorial Hospital If sufficient sentiment is shown n favor of the move Senator S. j 3un Frink is ready to introduce i bill in the North Carolina Legsiature providing for the change >f the name of the Brunswick bounty Hospital to the Dosher Memorial Hospital, in honor of he late Dr. J. Arthur Dosher. There has been agitation for .his change for sometime, and everal months ago members of 1 he board of trustees of that inititution caused to be spread upon he minutes of their meeting a esolutlon requesting this change n name. Since the recent death of Dr. Dosher there has been a renewal >f interest in this cause and from Senator Frink it has been learned hat he stands ready to do the vill of the people as soon as their Icsires in the matter are made mown to him. Numerous Cases Before Recorder /ariety Of Actions Disposed Of Before Judge Walter M. Stanaland In Recorder's Court Monday A variety of eases were dlslosed of here in Recorder's Court Vednesday before' Judge Walter >[. Stanaland. Alvin Hayes, white, was found | ruilty of operating a motor ve- j licle while jie yas under the in-1 luence of intoxicating liquor.} lis sentence of five months on! he roads was suspended upon J layment of a fine of $50.00 and ' he costs. Baz Johnson, colored, was ound guilty of reckless operaion. He was sentenced to six nonths on the roads, this judgnent being suspended upon paynent of a fine of $50.00 and the osts, with the further provision hat his license be revoked for 2 months. Appeal bond was set ,t $200.00. Soloman Smith, 'alias James ohnson, colored, pleaded guilty o charges of highway robbery nd was bound over to Superior ourt under bond of $1,000.00. The case against Alfred Smith, olorcd, for receiving stolen goods I ras nol prosscd. Frank Ballard, colored, was ound guilty of possession and ransporting. He was taxed with , fine of $10.00 and costs. Clove Long, white, was found uilty of having whiskey in his losscssion for sale and of translorting. He was required to pay . fine of $25.00 and costs. Henry Randolph, colored, was ound guilty of assault. His fine ras set at $30.00 and the costs v'ore taxed against him. Shcpard Johnson, colored, was ;ivcn 60 days on the roads when ound guilty of reckless operaion. Judgment was suspended ipon payment of the costs. The case against Stacy Jen;ins. colored, for assault was nol irossed. I/onnie and Celia Ellis, colored. I'cre up for assault but their asc was nol prosscd. > (Continued on page 4) Strawberries To Be Tried Locally Member Of Crew Of Com? stock Has Backed His Belief In Adaptability By Purchase Of Farm C. W. Osborne, for many years n the dredge Comstock and still mployed there, has purchased he Wade Lews farm near Bell iwarnp and plans to devote it to ruck, witil an experienced truck rower in charge, while he coninues his work on the hoat Osborne wa3 raised in the trawberry growing sector of Cojmbus county. He says that one hing he is going to do is to aise. strawberries, a crop with ,'hicb he is well acquainted and e plans to have an experienced erry grower in charge of the lace. Owing to the present late.esa he does not plan to begin (.Continued on page 4) -A.-..-.. PORT l A Good Comm edncsday, February 1st, J Lunch Room Is S< Opened Here By S P.T.A. Members Of Was In Operation For First q] Time Tuesday When jai Meals Were Served To Cd Twenty-Six Children Who co Had No Lunches From or Home th MADE POSSIBLE gC BY CO-OPERATION hs ??? al' Surplus Commodities Are se Furnished By The WPA i or While Merchants And Others Contribute I na Very Liberally The Southport school lunch, room opened Tuesday in quarters j th located in the rear'f the Mintz- j cr Frink building and hot meals were served that day to 26 chil- Jc dren whose previous habit it has of been to do without their lunches. ecl The lunchroom is sponsored by sc members of the Southport Parent- wi Teachers Association and the w, work of Mrs. \V. S. Dosher, chair- st man of the grade mothers, has w been largely instrumental in sccuring this project. Most of the w equipment and many of the pro- sa visions have been donated by Q1 merchants and citizens of the fta community. Surplus commodities hi for the meals have been furnished hi from the WPA, but. this includes y? only a few staples. The call for continued donations has been sent out by the ladies, who insist that this work will have an important bearing upon the ability of these underfed children to do good school work. ?? Tn charge of the lunch room 11 yy are Mesdames George Auiry an<i i ? Bessie Watson. Pictures Being Taken Locally Bill Sharpe Of State Board Of Conservation And Development Is Here On d<; Another Photographic m - TOUr f ' f* th Extensive picture-making oper- pi ations arc In progress in Brans- th Wick thts week. Starting out Sunday, a number of nice shots were | M made in the various government j m buildings on Bald Head Island, I hj the Coast Guards and Captain j dc Munn and Captain Pincr being j exceedingly helpful and consid-j p crate in this work. So was Cap- j | J tain H. T. Bowmcr, who provid- j cd the boat to tanc a party of I about 15 persons to the island. Li/I Monday operations were recessed on acocunt of rains. Tuesday y^n< morning was spent at the magnificent Orton plantation with r Manager Churchill Bragaw in charge. Working on to Southport, a jump was made out to Supply, _ and various pictures were made around there. Perhaps the most Satu interesting were several of an old toba fashioned oullting party at the sten home of Mrs. Harry Robinson. nrov - c* 1.. * L>aaiCS OI U1C BU|>piy wcMiiniujiiij ^ arrange these quiltings almost r weekly, mostly for the fun of *n the gatherings. This one was ar- tion, ranged for Tuesday at the re- drew quest of the photographers in Wer< order that it be on the picture hran making schedule. A picture of aIuj the ladies at work will shortly did appear in magazines of national ij, circulation, as will other pictures need made during the week. worl Various pictures were made in day (Continued on page 4) ploy - toba Movement For . _ Channel Cut PI Local Interests Would Be Benefitted By New Chan-1 ne! Connecting Masonboro Inlet With Inland ?r Waterway Kl Sc A movement was launched In !y Wilmington last week to have a on channel cut from Masonboro Inlet. cu below Wrightsvillc, to the Inland ne Waterway and to have this chan- j wl net marked with lighted beacons. I lal This channel, says the South-j f? port fishermen, will be of great i da help to the local fishiiig inter- j csts. Upon the request of Captain j th J. B. Church and others identified j lai with the local commercial fish- tn big, the Sou eh port Civic Club | th secretary has tendered an offer; sh of all possible aid to Manager " dr Louis T. Moore and the other Wilmington interests that arc bo credited with fostering the un- de dcrtaklng. Ot The channel would permit easy on passage of boats into the river ca and to Southpo'rt when they get po storm, bour.-4 above the JTryicg ow Fan shciu?. fh ' V 3?-3bfos. ;j?r fit i, PIL unity [939 PUBL1SI juthport Boy1 itar-NewsFigJ Johnie Simmons was one the two Southport entries the Star-News Golden oves Boxing Tournament st winter and the fair-hair: local boy gave a good acunt of himself in losing to le of the better fighters in e Wilmington meet. This year Johnie plans to > back and stay longer. He is been training off and on I winter and believes himlf a more capable perform than last year. This year's Star-News tourment will be held on Febary 9. 10 and 11 and Phil i jckheit, who again is in large of the event, says that ere is still time for boys to iter. But let's get back to ihnie. Right now he is one ( the cleanest, most rcspect1 boys in Southport high hool. Four years ago it is a different story. Johnie as a little tow-headed brat, uck in the" sixth grade and siting until he got old lough to quit school. That as the year that J. P. Wonvagc came here to teach, aickly this man-teacher ,incd Johnie's respect, then s confindence and finally s loyal devotion. The next :ar Wonsavage was moved eceiving App] For 1939 Se ? * : :? 1 anclals Ruin Church Shrubs Latest nominee for the ) itfut honor of being the eanest man in town is the rson responsible for cutting le shrubbery in front of the juthport Baptist church. The evidence of this vanli's handiwork are slashes a<le in the foliage of bushes id shrubs which members of id Baptist congregation have 1 anted and cared for 1 roughout recent months. ( Hero Ls everj' indication that 11 io damage was willful, for ( me of the Cut. branches ( ast have required a strong ind and determination for t structlon. ( \ ibacco Workers j ;empt From Law; ???? S Irews Rules Workers In iction Warehouses Not if 'nder Provisions Of 1 Wage-Hour Law r tc Wage-Hour administration ' irday exempted employees-of j. cco auction warehouses and U iming plants from the hours t isions of the Fair Labor v idards act. a final ruling on the qucsAcJniinistrator Ehucr 1'". An- ' . 3 held tliat such workers s engaged in a seasonal irh of the tobacco industry that the 44-hour work week < not apply to them i ider the ruling, employers I not pay overtime except for ci < in excess of 12 hours a or 56 hours a. week. Em- t ces of these branches of the 1 ceo industry were not ex- 1 (Continued on page 4) I lenty Of Prett; Hand For Pti It is amazing the number pretty girls that W. B. "Ziall, secretary of the (Uthport Civic Club, can ralround when he's off on ic of his photographic exrsions; and pulchritude was ver more plentiful tlian icn the boat bearing the test expedition embarked r Bald Head island Suny morning. In wrather unfit for anying except ducks the party , nded on the dcach and was uisfcrrcd immediately to c coast guard station where eltcr was had from the iving rain. Bill Sharpe of the state ard of conservation and . vclopmcnt. for whose bene. the trip was designed, was... i hand with his trusty mera, and while the rain ured Bill manufactured hi3 r lighting conditions with tslies and proceeded to pho_ OT iED EVERY WEDNESDAY Will Enter ' it Tournament BI 1 I I i . t < < t :ut Courtesy of Morning Star ' up a grade and was made ! sevcntli grade instructor. Johnic went up, too, and an- , other year under his favorite ! teacher left him ready to make "a fine start,in high " school. Now he not only plans to complete his high school , course, but is saving part of ( the' money he earns at his , after-school job toward de- 1 fraying a part of his college expenses. j | h lications j; ed Crop Loans ^>ans Will Be Made On Same Basis As In Past And Only To Those Who Are Unable To Receive Other Credit N. F. KING STILL FIELD SUPERVISOR "irst Mortgage On Crop Financed Is Security Demand In Granting One Of These Loans Applications f6r emergency crop ind feed loans for 1939 are now )eing received at county agent's >ffice at Supply, by W. F. King, 'ielu supervisor of the Emergency >op and Feed Loan Section of he Farm credit Administration. The loans will be made, as in he past, only to farmers whose lash requirements are small and vho cannot obtain credit from iny other source. The money loanid will be limited to .the farmer's mmediate and actual cash needs or growing his 1939 crops or or the purchase of feed for liveitock. Farmers who can obtain the unds they need from an indivilual, production credit associa- ' ion, bank, or other concern are lot eligible for crop and feed oans from the Emergecy Crop md Feed Loan Section of the j "arm Credit Administration, i "he lions will not be made ( o standard rehabilitation clients' j ihnflp nii-rent needs are provided i. (Continued on page 4) J<inds Woman Died < Of Natural Causes ) ( Coroner John O.Caison rcport d Monday that his investigation j nto the death of Luvinia Patrick, j ycland negress, revealed tliut sho , lied of natural causes. f The official was called when j, 10 doctor could be found to sign j icr death certificate because they . lad not treated her within tlxe last 60-days. y Girls On iota Excursion tograph various genuine and faked activities of the group. Making their debut before the camera of the chief photographer of the North Carolina department were Miss Mabel Johnson of Whitevillc and her two guests, Miss Olga Ondck of Pittsburgh, and Miss Betty Douglas of Stanton, Tenn., the latter two being co-eds at Duke University; and five members of the Southport school faculty, Misses Dorothy Craven, Bertha Colvin, Louise Anbury, Thelma Comer and Jeanne Setzer. It was a great party, despite the unfavorable weather, and several young swains of the town who had declined the opportunity of going along on a blind date realized the mistake -they had made J too late to catch the boat The Pilot Covers ^ ^ Brunswick County | <1.50 PER YEA* Schedule Hearing J On Project For^ ] Electrification | w | Representative Thomas Has Been Assured REA Prof. ject For This Section Provided Customers Can Be Furnished || KASS MEETING ON ' I FRIDAY EVENING M Allowing Inspection That ( Day By E. E. Karnes, Meeting "!*) Be" Held At Shallotte - ijj Representative Cornelius Thomis of Brunswick county reported Saturday that Mr. Nicholson. :hief counsel for the Rural Elec- j rificatlon Authority ill Raleigh, lad assured hiin last week that, i rural electrification project for Brunswick and Columbus counties j vould be granted provided the j equired average of 4-pa id cilSomcrs per mile can be furnished. ? The proposed, route of the line vould be down U. 'S. Highway Vo. 17. according to tentative 3 dans drawn, branching off where rver necessary to connect with j jther communities. After looking ll rver a map of the two counties j Representative Thomas said that, t appeared that the best places i :o carry the line over into Coumbus was at Pireway. However, this and other details J vill be worked out Friday when j S. E. Karnes, field man for thfc Jlj R. E. A., comes to Brunswick o go over the proposed route. i following; a"! preliminary .' survey, here wilt be a mass meeting icld Friday night at 7:110 o'clock it Shallotte high school and all ntorested parties are urged to -s 3 ittcnd. In order to secure the project .t will be necessary to secure an fl iverage of 4 paying customers per mile. The more miles the pro- J |ect makes the better and ? hundred miles is the minimum f<lr lj vhlch this work will be undertaken. ill. Recognizing that this is a bad ' J] time o.f year to talk to a farmer ( | inapt. wil ing his' horrit for electricity, Representative T^wnas said that arrangements could be J] nade to borrow 80-pcrcent of the :ost of wiring from the government and that 5 years would oe granted to repay this loan. He idded that this same plan of 'inancing could be used for lrf-' .tailing waterworks and plumb-' I r.g fixtures. Rural residents of this section 9 lave been keenly interested " In securing electric -power-and thu neeting Friday night has"' beeri j :allcd for the purpose of giving hem an opportunity to express heir wishes. Mrs. J. S. Bellamy B Is Found Dead i/Jh Mrs. J. S. Bellamy, 70. of* flickman's Crossroads was found lead In bed Sunday morning. f> Jirce months after the death of ler husband, who also was found jD lead in bed. The funeral services were cohlucted Monday morning by Rev. 3. N. Phillips at the Methodist- I hiirrh at Utile River. S. C. The I lcccased was a member of Anlrcws Chapel. The following children survive 5 desdomcs Joe Hughes, Ike-' Hughes, Dnlton lJest, Elbcrla Pi-5T j! nento, Uillie Bryan, Edgar Gore ind Otha Bellamy. Ernest Bel-? * amy, Draudy Bellamy and Chap Jcllamy. 1 Tide Table - I Following ,ls_ the tide table- - j for Houtbporl during the next j week. These hours are appr*? xlmafely correct and were fu*- j nisbed The Slate Fort PIMk through the courtesy of the Cape Fear FUot's Association High Tide Low T4t TIDE TABLE L Thursday, February 3 5:16 a. m. 6:18 p. m. 12:1A p. ro. Friday, February S 8:38 a. nt 0:33 ,v ro7:10 p. m. 1:10 p. A! Saturday, February 4 7:28 a. m. 1:19 a. m. 7:56 p. m. 2:01 p. m. Sunday, February 5 . 8:17 a. ui. 2:13 a. m.' * 8:16 p. in. 2:19 p. m. Monday, February 6 Ku tv 9:05 a. m. 3:02 a. m. | 9:36 p. ni. 3:31 p. m. Tuesday, February 7 9:55 a. m. 3:51 a. at/ 10:28 p. m. 4:19 p. ui Wednesday, February 8 I 10:13 a. ra. 1:10 a. Sh 1 11:18 p. m. 5:03 p. aa I t * ' ii? 1 ^1

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