I Of The News [ The Time e;ven no. i6 ral Allotr nswick Eli ven Offit * 'hich Is To Serve js And Brunswick > Jointly Given on Friday work to started soon Of Group Now Is Electric Power le In Rural Dis:ts In Fall 1 electrification . ailFriday allotted the Electric Membership Shallotte. S171.000 for j if line to serve 601 ti Brunswick and Coltics. gs to completion all >c that niust be unto actual construction it line begins. Right pected that this work tway within the next' and it is confidently i it power will be avail- ] ty users in this coun-' this fall. it in Columbus coun I [ins down in mc rireway i . crooiiig the Waocunaw J it that point, and continues ,'ernl miles, offering: electric mil power to the citizens southern end of the count:< first time. , nt reports from that vicinthat there has been a signup among the people | along the route to be fol-1 hy the electric power lines, j _______ ! tic Bits )f Big News . i Events Of State, ion and. World-Wide iterest During Past Week I 1 t I STARS MKRt.E I:: l iagc between two'j I ciren s most important i I in recent weeks took , | I lien Barbara Stanwyck i [he vow of wedlock with t Taylor. considered by 1 as the screen's most hand- j man and great romantic j; Tin.-- was the third import- 1 ? nr.nth infllld _ J <1r-Lnmbaril anil PowerBl'II'I. They were married in * Buy:" under the ! gal names [' ^B after niinnight on the!1 Br. the llih They prefer-J ^Bt ti> he united on the tilth! Is at p:030r.t working in ' Hedy Lam.i Bohnstowx loses ^Bstnwn. winner of the re-: ^Kentucky Derby and odds- I ite. finished out of the 1 a poor fifth, in the Balti- I Hf'ieakness. The winner was ' H>n who finished second in ' ^Bi the winner was over $50,- 1 ^Buuc than the Derby prize, I I till' field was the smallest ) ^B history of the track. A;' track was considered as f Biy ic i'cn for the defeat of |! Bitzsimmons favorite. Volit-j' ^B>pite a poor start, finish-1 third plate. The jockey ^Bwlc Challedon was Sea bo. ' Bliooi's at strike I National Guard was called j ^B Hai|an. Kentucky, on MonB" quiet riots and bloodshed I result of the strike of the ' Mine Workers who arc ill over the soft coal I Olio man was killed and ^B' shot. Officials claim that I wi re not the result of the ' ugh they ordered 200 Brnal troops. Treed Bates. 115 Bhirman for the Hai-lan I-hici Hany. was fatally shot Bt'h the head by a brotiier-in Mhert Clark, who gave his 2$. was shot through the ^Bli'ic rioting occurcd its some strikers returned to work.; I I'is?a/i Club Meeting lleld j B \V. J. Sellers was hostess j ^Binbers of Mt. Pisgah Home j Bust ration Club Thursday at, ^ ick with an interesting proH being presented by Mrs. B'i S. Dosher on VKitchen ^Bdion". ^B hostess served delicious re^Bnmts to the following: McsB ,Jora Holden, Irene CuinB'-vt Gray. Bessie Hcwctt, ^B':Dosher. B June meeting will be with ^BJobbie Serman3. TH1 nent For ectric Group rial Approval JL A. Dr. Hayes Will Go To Shallotte, Dr. James \V. Ilayes of Whiteville said today that within the next few days he plans to move to Shallotte where he will engage in the praetiee of medicine. During the past year he has been located in Whiteville and hits been associated with Dr. R. B. Whitaker. Dr. >1. II. Ruork, who has been practicing at Shallotte for the past 3 years, has made arrangements to join his brother. Dr. William Rourk, at Myrtle Beach and Dr. Hayes will occupy his old office in the rear of Shallotte Drug Co. Dr. Hayes is a graduate of tlie I'niversity of South Carolina and of the Medical School at Charleston. He interned at James Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilmington. Numerous Cases Before Recorder \ll Day Monday Required To Dispose Of Cases Scheduled For Trial Bef wr i Ci lore Juage rr. l.. jianaland Six cases were tried Monday icfore Judge W. M. Stanaland in Brunswick County Recorder's _"ourt. R. L. Sullivan, white, faced . barges of assault, but the prose;utor asked for a jury trial and the case automatically went up to Superior Court. E. E. Marlowe, white, plead ruilty to charges of violating the speed law. His fine was set at <15.00 and he was taxed with he costs. R .L. Galloway, white, pleaded >uilty to charges of possession of ntoxicating liquor for the pur>ose of sale and was given six lionths on the roads, this sentence being suspended upon paynent of $100.00 and costs. J. B. Rochclle, white, pleaded ;uilty to charges of reckless opcation. His fine was set at $25.00 tnd he was taxed with the costs. Mose Porter, colored, pleaded ;uilty to charges of reckless opcation. His sentence of 4 months >n the roads was suspended upon (Continued on Page 4.) H ants Tree Survey For Brunswick Interested in a short article appearing in this paper last week egarding the trees and shrubbery growing on Bald Head Island, Dawson Jones, county fire warden, has suggested to the club ? * = 4 4 4 U.? Ofntsv nt. IT <2 no. .flfll II. ?t:i lilt' tJlCIlt \H Ky. lartment of Agriculture to make i survey of the woods of Bransvick to determine how many varcties of trees and shrubbery are :rowing in this county. The sugrestion is a very seasonable one ind will be followed up. Mr. Jones believes that Brunsvick has a greater variety of rees and shrubbery than any ounty in North Carolina. I Alligator Hunt Sport For Hunting alligators at night in a rowboat, with a flashlight and a wire lasso attached to an eight foot pole, sounds both shiveiy and exciting. It is both, especially exciting. Moreover, action begins just as soon as you get that wire loop around a ten foot 'gator and he begins to.... cut up in much the same manner that a chicken docs when you cut off his head. At such times the rowboat is very liable to lie upset anil the hunters join the 'gators in swimming about in the pond. Churchill Bragaw. horticulturist at Orton and pretty much of a botanist, biologist and what not in his own right, has one of his famous alligator hunts scheduled for tonight. At least his hunts would be famous if he could find enough persons willing to go with him on such expeditions. For tonight he has for his guests, Watson Perrygo, Charles Wheeler and E STi A Goot 4-PAGES 10DAY Duke University Students Enjoy Visit To Island Explorer's Club Of Durham School Spent An Eventful Week-End Here, Arriving Friday Afternoon And Leaving Sunday VISITED SEVERAL POINTS OF INTEREST In Addition To Trip To | Bald Head Island And Southport, Party Also Visited Orton Plantation "For sportsmenship and ability | to have a genuinely good time | under adverse weather conditions it would be hard to find a group : of people who could outdo the | 1 Explorer's Club of Duke Univers! ity", according to VV. B. Keziah, J their guide for 2 days. The club made Southport its headquarters from Friday morning until late Sunday afternoon and in addition to the town Bald Head island and Orton plantation were places of absorbing interest. The first of the club members arrived early Friday and by the middle of the afternoon sixteen states were represented among \ the 35 students who were here; by tiiat time. More came in durj ing the night and next day, and Sat. morning about 40 were in town. In addition to the many states, Turkey was represented by Haidcn Asham Sabin, the young Turk who is sent to Duke j by his government to study agriI culture, especially tobacco cul i ture and marketing. , Miss Alice M. Baldwin, Dean of the college, also came in Saturday morning and remained un- J til shortly before the student body left. "By the obvious respect and effection showered on Miss Baldwin by the students and'the several members of the faculty who were present, it was evident that there has been much in the life of this fine woman upon which she can look back with pride", said Mr. Keziah Monday. Friday night the Civic Club secretary piloted a number of the young men and women to Orton plantation,where they hunted alligators until nearly 2 o'clock Saturday morning. They found (Continued on page 4) Southport Boy Enlists In Army James K. McKeithan Has I Been Accepted For Duty With Infantry In Panama For Which Point He Will I Soon Sail James K. McKeithan. 18, son of Mrs. Elizabeth McKeithan of Southport, was enlisted last week in the United States Army for duty with the Infantry in the Panama, Canal one Department. UJr. n?lif-twnnt U'ae QPPnmnlichnfl I J 11.-1 CXIHOliiit ii c v>ao avvviii^iiui.w I [ through the United States Army I Recruiting Office located in the 1 post office building, Wilmington. McKeithan received the oath of | enlistment at Fort Bragg, and will be sent to Charleston, S. C., I where he will embark on the United States Army transport sailing for Panama sometime during the month. | Before his enlistment McKeithI an was employed in the Dry I Cleaning business in Southport. ing Is New Thrill-Seekers Grcgor Roliwer, all of the Smithsonian Institute. Also, since he usually is in on everything, he has W. B. Keziah of Southport. The host and guests, (or j victims) arc to gently paddle j [ a boat through the darkness and over the depths of Orton pond. They arc to locate the alligators by shining their | eyes with a flashlight, as thc^ I 'gator floats on the surface | . of the water, nicy expect | the 'gator to be so entranced by the light that he will quitely submit to a wire loop being placed over his head. After that, as soon as he feels the wire, they may have a time making him submit to anything. Getting a ten-pound big mouth bass on a line will hardly give a thrill compar- I able to the shock that a sportsman gets from his scat in a frail rowboat when a three or four hundred pound alligator wakes up and sets out to resist arrest. \TE 1 News paper I Southport, N. C., W r ? Captain Davis Improves From Heart Attack Captain J. I. Davis is siiowir | satisfactory improvement at tl Dosher Memorial Hospital he; where he has been a patient sini suffering a heart attack aboi two weeks ago. Smithsonian Ii D ivepresei Their Work In Brunswic County Covers Wide Vi riety Of Duties And Me Are Now Entering Sei ond Week TO VISIT BALD HEAD ISLAND NEX Week-End Camping Tri On Brunswick's Tropical Island Has Been Planned By Scientists Smithsonian Institute field m< working here since the middle < last week and scheduled to r main until May 24th or 25t have been locating many interes ing birds and animals as well i reptiles, insects and rats. At present they have out tv trap lines for rats or mice sev( or eight miles from town, fie mice being desired in prcfereni to the more domestic kind. T1 rats, insects and animals arc d sired mostly by the U. S. D partment of Agriculture for tt purpose of studying their ston ach content and what foods tht eat. Rats as well as birds ai skinned, the stomachs going the Agricultural Department ai the skins to Smithsonian f< study. Several rare birds have bet located and specimens have bc< secured. Before their stay is ov< the men expect to get some sti more interesting. They spent Sa urday on Bald Head Island ar made so many remarkable fine among animals, insects and bin that they are planning to go 1 the island again Saturday mon ing and remain until late Moi day afternoon. They have a con pletc camping outfit and plan 1 live in a bit of style on Ba Head for the three clays. Harlan People Expect Troubl Couple Here For Visit Wit -Captain And Mrs. H. 1 Bowmer Say That Ser ous Trouble May Deve op At Their Home Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kilgore ar Mr. and Mis. Willie Bowmer, < Harlan. Ky., are spending week here with Captain ar Mrs. H. T. Bowmer. Harlan the center of the present co miners strike and both officia and civilians fear bloodshed ar trouble before it is over. Mr. Kilgore is manager of department store in Harla When he left there Sunda everything was quiet, althouf the strike had been in progrei for some time. Arriving here, tl Monday afternoon newspapc had streamer headlines telling i both strikers and officials mas ing machine guns ill his hon town. Mr. Kilgore stated to a re] rcsentative of the Pilot last nigl that he thought there may 1 serious trouble and plenty of before the strike is over. Throuf his business he has been able keep in touch with the situatio He says, that the striking peop are nice enough and would, pr fer to gain their point quiet (Continued on page 4) P0R1 In A Good Comr ednesday, May 17th, 1939 Brunswick Club j Women Hostess To Federation ? Annual District Federation Meeting Will Be Held At Wrightsville Beach On Wednesday, June 14th BRUNSWICK GIRL IS 4-H CHAIRMAN Mrs. Marion S. Dosher Has Begun Making Plans For Entertainment At Meet The annual district federation meeting for which Brunswick county club women will serve< as j hostesses this year is less than one month away, warns Mrs. Marion S. Dosher, county home demonstration agent. The date is June 14th. A tentative program for the day calls for a meeting of the (service club and 4-H club memjbers from 10 to 11 o'clock with 'Pauline Lewis, Brunswick county j girl who is chairman for this )e i district, presiding. From 11 to 12:30 o'clock the rc 1 district federation of home demonstration clubs will be held. "e | Miss Ruth Current, state home ? jt demonstration agent, has been r asked to attend, as has Dean I., J1 (Continued on page 4.) nstitute c itatives Kemam * kii *-! Dclphia Lennon _n| Is Health Queen |W 11 m CC ) Miss Dolphin Lennon, mem- hi y ! bor of this year's graduating D | class at Southport high a) ! school, was adjudged county j( j health queen as a result of u. a recent county-wide contest according to Mr*. Marion S. I)Qsher, couiity home demonstration agent. However, when the district SE of | health contest was held a e" week ago Monday in Lum- ist berton it was impossible for j 81 the new health champion to I" l's represent Brunswick county, j ! so this honor went to Miss |"" W Catherine Willctts, of Boli- P1 I'1 via, runner-up this year in St Id the health contest and chain- st ;c pion for the past two years. w le The district cham|iionship e- went to tile I'cnder county C( c- entry. pi ic ?? P< Some Tree Names?; S; Are Highfalutin ! jr I I ili At Least That's An Obvi- fl ous Conclusion A f t e r ? ;"j Rej ding The List Of Bo- " HI | tanical Names Below t- ' ??? j ld J The proposition to get state or t Is national departments of agricul1s ture to make a survey to deter M t mine the number or varieties 01 ""'trees, shrubs antl plants growing- j* in Brunswick county has a lot ."jof appeal to Smithsonian Insti- _ .. tutc folks who arc now working 111 .here. T On Bald Head Island alone ,, till there arc such trees as: Lauro- M 'cerasus Carolininanus, Magnolia n, ^ Orandiflora, Aralia Spinosa, Mor- gi e us Rubra, Cornus, Florida, Per- c' in ! sea Borboniaca, Xanthozylum , j Clava-Herculis, Ilex Opaca Ait, ,n j. Ilex Vomitoria Ait, Osmanthus _ * Amcricanus. Quercus Laurifolia, _ j, Juniperus Virginina, Pinus Tacda, I and many others whose names arc hard to pronounce. Among the shrubs there on the island are such little known ones a lcl as Rhus Copallina Rubus Nigrais baccus, Vacciniuni Corymbosm, al Baccharis Halimifolia, Myrica 1S Cerifcra, Callicarpa Amcricanac Kl and Ascyrum Hyperocoidcs. There arc literally hundreds of a other trees and shrubs with n equally intriguing names growty' ing on Bald Head Island. :h ^ as Sunday Services ^ At New Hope of s. Rev. J. R. Potts preached a le strong sermon Sunday morning at New Hope Presbyterian Church p. at Winnabow. His text was taken Tt from Proverbs 1:8, "Forsake not x the law of thy mother." it In the afternoon a number of fh the young people from St. Anto drews Presbyterian Church in n. Wilmington came out to organize te a Young Peoples League and gave e-1 a most interesting service. Mr. ly | Peade the choir leader, sang a [solo. I > ' PIL nunity ? PUBLISH (mpressm On Hosp The Li J. Arthur Dosher \ j. 'i 'ost Commander 1 Asks Observance ommander R. O. Johnson S Urges All Legion Men To Take Forward Move In Purchase Of Poppies On Poppy Day World War veterans of Bruns IV,l\ VUUiltJ' WCIV Ul^VU IU *v- I ember and pay tribute to their; j imradcs who died in the war I j ir wearing a poppy on Poppy j s ay, Saturday, May 27, in ani ^ ipeal issued today by R. D. j, ihnson commander of the Bruns- r ick county post of The Ameran Legion. "The poppy is the memorial *ower of the World War dead", 0 lid Commander Johnson, "and 1 -ings back visions of the poppy- c udded fields of France and Belmm where so many of our com- * ides gave their lives in the na- j I on's service. It is very fitting Ic iat once each year we should ' it on a poppy to show that we s ill remember t.-.ese dead and r ill are devoted to the ideals for * hich they gave their lives. "Every World War veteran, of v mrse will join with the other I'' itriolic citizens in wearing a ^ ippy on Poppy Day and con- 0 'touting as vi r.:; ' ; as : a s cans will afford '? > the weL'ee r ' those who arc ? d! sufferi .;j v om the war, the disabled vct.r- s is, their families and the fa.,i I , ies of the dead. The little reu i owcrs of remembrance will be 'fcrcd to us by the women of le American Legion Auxiliary, (Continued on page four) C j I Revival Meeting ? At Presbyterian t b A scries of revival services will t igin Sunday at Southport Prcs- e fterian Church at which time j b le pastor, Rev. J. R. Potts, will i ic as his sermon subject "On s rial". | h Throughout the remainder of j r ic week, beginning at 8 o'clock I g 'onday evening. Rev. S. G. Har- li :ss of Rose Hill will be the e lest preacher. The meeting will tl osc the following Sunday even- 1< IT- & Southport people arc cordially is vited to attend these services, p setter From La Africa Rece Many and complex are the | duties which the clerk's' office is called upon to perform, but one of the strangest requests of recent months was j contained in a letter received Monday from a lady in Alberton, Near Gcrmiston, Transvaal. South Africa. The writer was Mrs. A. Van Collcr who is seeking information about her grandfa tlicr, whom she says was a Clcmmons. Her late grandparent, she says, was a lieutenant in India army at Madras, India, and was reported to have returned, to his home in North Carolina following his retirement. Following their usual custom of rendering all possible service to the public, howt'ver far removed they may be. Clerk of Court S. T. Bennett and his assistant, M. B. Watkins, have prepared a list of the prominent Clemmons of this county and have OT jl [ED EVERY WEDNESDAY 3 Ceremon ital Day Hi ite Dr. J. A Si lemorial Hospital i . 1 the Ha dentify Skull Sent To Museum t,e.: WO! ikull Found On Bald Head the Island Was Forwarded !^ee To State Museum And I''J1. From There To Ameri- 1 can Museum Of Natural )VC History pat hnl The skull found on Bald Head we sland last week by Captain R. ^in j. Munn and forwarded to the tate museum by the Southport fer ,'ivic Club secretary appears to nar lave been that of a Manta or enc )cvit Fish. stU The state museum at Raleigh ed or warded the skull to Dr. E. W. lov ludger of the American Museum Dr f Natural Histnry jn. NfiW.-Xork. in 'orffons of the report of Dr. an< udger are as follows: wh "The skull came on safely yeserday. Mr. Nichols and I indc- on< >endently came to the same con- bre ilusion that it is the skull of; ' .Iantii I do not believe that the ; Au potted ray or the biggest sting j ho; ays have skulls so large as this, wh once macerated out the skull me if a 12',i foot hammer-hear. It of vas not as large as this but was ins anger. Dr. Gregory will return 1 rom his Australian trip in an- by ther ten days. I will keep the son kull until he returns and subnit it to him. after which I will J . rite you again and return the boa kull." wa Said Head Owner ji>r? Now Recovering thii Frank O. Sherrill. S. & W. j ^ lafeteria owner and owner of j laid Head Island at Southport, | ^re ras able to visit his office in J lharlottc Saturday for the first j imc in about a month. He has .. 1 the een a sick man. In a letter to ' , ho Civic Club secretary he stat- uo" r! he still felt as weak as water, ut was coming along fast now. Naturally, plans for an early .^ tart on the island development avc been held back by Mr. Sher- ' ? ill's illness. He now hopes to et down here soon. He expressed, . iniself at being very much pleas-1 1 d at the widespread interest :6 U( hat is being manifested in his!mel reff jcal property. Many inquiries ^ ave been' received concerning the ' dand by Mr. Sherrill and by artics in Southport. dy In South ^ jived By Clerk ?? forwarded them to Mrs. Van Coller. ni Following is her letter: J "Clerk of Court, I ? Mr. S. T. Bennett, 11 Southport, North Carolina Honored Sir: "Kindly inform me if you have a will in your possession ' for persons by the name of Clemmons. or an address of persons by such name. I am searching for a will of my late grandfather, Charles Ross Clemmons. or his rcla- ?' tives. My father is still living and is the only child. My late grandfather was a ?; licntcnant in India Army (Madras) India, but heard 1< that he went back to his place in North Carolina. So kindly excuse my liberty. Sir. and do me a favour to an- ' swer. "Your obedient servant, "Mrs. A. Van Coller "(Born Clemmons)" lie Pilot Covers I runsvvick County B $1.50 PER YEAR B yHeld I snoring I i. Dosher I mple But Impressive H Ceremony Was Attended i By Close Friends And I Former Neighbors Of B Beloved Physician B V E. M. HALL B SERVED AS M. C. fl ss Lottie Mae Newton, j fl . Ed Taylor, Judge E. Sj H. Cranmer And Dr. 9 W. S. Rankin On fl Program fl Vith solemn but simple cere- { ny Friday afternoon a bronze jfl que in honor of Dr. J. Arthur 1 fl .her was presented the board fl trustees of the hospital by the 1 H mbers of the local hospital aux- fl Ipokesmati for the woman's or- |H lization was Miss Lottie Mae J 5| A-ton. who delivered the fol- | H ing talk lr.imediately following j H invocation by Rev. E. M. H II. who also served as master I fl ceremonies. 9 Presentation fl Jr. Chairman, Ladies and Gen- flfl For centuries, man has been |H at to erect memorials to honor life and work of one who has j & n a benefactor in some un3elfhumanitarian service. We, the * fl zens of Southport. of Bruns- fl k County, of the state of HH rth Caiolina and elsewhere, are jfl hered here to dedieale a sym- i' fl to the memory of one whom cflj loved dearly, not only for >fl lself, but for his life-devotion (r B the relief of the sick and suf- jofl nmonrr hid fpllnwmpn Hifl 11 'ft niiiunj, ""' ? K no we have inscribed upon an M luring tablet, marking the in- H .utlon in which our distinguish- J citizen, loyal friend, and be-J cd physician and surgeon? J. Arthur Dosher, ministered I the pviltijudes, in body, mind I 1 spirit, in the name oi him I ich said: 'Inasmuch as ye did it unto I > of the least of these, my |: thren, ye did it unto Me.' i 'Therefore, on behalf of tho I xiliary of the Hospital and the I it of friends here and else- I' ere, I present the gift of this I morial tablet to the chairman I the Board of Trustees, for tho I titution." The plaque then was unveiled I Robert Arthur Jones, grand- I i of Dr. Dosher. I ACCEPTANCE Acceptance on the part of tho I ird of trustees of the hospital 1 s made by C. Kd Taylor. chair4 n, who made the following ap? ipriatc remarks: 1 In behalf of the trustees ol I i hospital, I esteem it an honof 1 be selected to accept this tablet I m the ladies auxiliary. Yois I sent the same with your lovo I I esteem for that worthy bene- I tor. Dr. J. Arthur Dosher. j I glad that Miss Newton quoted I scripture:?"Since you hav<^ I e it unto the least of these.! R brethren, ye have done it R o Me", which breathes tho I -it of service and love for felJ I -men. It was something like I f a century ago when Hcjij-yi I immond published his wonder- I essay, "'Love, the Greatest I ng in the World". When I I iy this institution, its establish-; I it, erection and maintenance, I I ard it as a nhvslcal demon- fl ition of man's love for fellow(Continued on page 4) I ride Table | Following Is the tide table 19 r sonthport during the next ] iJ eck. These hours are appm (R mately correct and were fur* I shed The State Fort Filet ' 11 irough the courtesy of the 11 ape Fear Pilot's Association I jgb Tide Low TMr |ll TIDE TABLE J Thursday, May 18 I pfl ;38 a. in. 1:03 a. m. 1 I 12 p. m. 1:01 p. in. ' 1 Friday, May 19 ft\ I II a. in. 1:30 a. in. |'| :13 p. in. 1:18 p. m .||J Saturday, May 20 :;|jj :26 a. m. 2:37 a. in. I;;gj 37 p. m. 2:31 p. no. , j Sunday, May 21 . 115 a. ni. 3:23 a. m. :26 p. in. 3:20 p. m. jfl Monday, May 22 3 ):08 a. m. 1:00 a. m. \ Jl 1:19 p. ni. 4:10 p. m a|j Tuesday, May 23 'lj 1:00 a. ni. 4:38 a. n. ?t| 1:16 p. in. 3:04 p. m |Ja Wednesday, May 21 IJn o:o3 a- ^ 5 JtOo pjn. 6:04 p. da LjS