fPocombor 6. 19P.0 RSARV 1 ai'k. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hood, __ i Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lingle, Mr. ally we are and Mrs. William Jorgensen, Mr. ??r an omission: and Mrs. J. D. Sutton, Mr. and but not in ! Mrs. R .L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. P. v we permitted l. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. S. b. caused us more Frink Mr an(t Mrs A E Huntour failure to ,ey Dr and Mrs L c Fergus o given by Mr. c E Gause Sassa Fo[iale. and Carr at Long Eugene Guthrie, of New York. iday. November heir twentieth Personals n did we. It is ?t this once all Miss Marion Watson spent the ve gone from a . . Thanksgiving week-end here visFfUt0In itin? her mother, Mrs. George Y. r Carr enter-:watson. Miss Eleanor Willoughby, . who is also a member of the ? . ' 'faculty at Ashboro high school, oo" accompanied her home for the i*. i lliDv I , *, . * onth 1 holidays, a of their 20th - , , , ests gathered at J?hn Garrett, member of the v in Southport high school faculty at Salisbury, rets to the hon- sPent th<? Thanksgiving holidays party adjourned here with his mother. where dancing be pavilion ball- Miss Anna Taylor returned to East Carolina Teachers College. .j Greenville, Sunday after spend"ern of anJ'ing the holidays here with her Z drink were parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed old drink Taylor. Mrs. R. H. Broom of were: Mr. and A-vden was also th?ir ^est Ib-Vis Fulcher. of Wil-I * * * Mr and Mrs F. L. Wil- I L. J. Hardee, Southport seafood v I Mrs \V .S. Davis, dealer, left Monday for Fernandas H, T. St. George,'ina, Fla. Mrs L T, Yaskell. Mr.! * * * * : w S. Styron. Mr. and Pearce Cranmer. H. W. Hood S Thompson. Mr. and and E. R. Newton of Raleigh - C. rlette, Mr. and Mrs. visited relatives here during the Mr and Mrs. W. C. Thanksgiving holidays, and Mis J. G. Chris- * * Mrs Wiley Wells, Dan Walker, son of Mr. and H. m.. j .1 Loughlin. Jr.. Mrs. W. H. Walker, returned to M s 1 B Bussells. Mr the University of North Carolina ;tK, J Newton. Mr. and Sunday. i^H; M Harper, Jr., Mr. and * ? ? Hardee. Mr. and Mrs Tom Gilbert spent the Thar.ks~ s Mr and Mrs. M. R giving holidays in Washington Mr and Mrs. J. W. Ru-'with relatives. | % I til Here's Your Gift,? "OLD FAITHFUL" IlGOOD USED CAR... I hat's the present to thrill every Kmbei* of the family. Luckily, we have st about the finest lot of cars you ever lv. reconditioned, checked and ready to 'f you've been wanting a used car looks and drives like new, now's the ' "e and here's your place. |R.D. White Authorized Ford Dealer I SHALLOTTE, N. G. | Col. and Mrs. Earl I. Brown of j | YVrightsville Beach were visitors :here Monday. * * Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mowery and sons, Billy and Arthur S., Jr., of i Salisbury, spent part of the past ! week here. * * * ov kc Mrs. Doris Dosher and little . j son. Richard, of Raleigh, spent: N( I Thanksgiving here with Mr. and | . Mrs. W. E. Dosher. . * !f01 Miss Annie Russ, member of; the Shallotte school faculty, spent |. ; the Thanksgiving holiday here, ' with her parents. I? * * * i . tic Miss Robbie Woodside returno\V ed home Thanksgiving: Day from > thi a visit with her sister in New York City. ; th( . tri Mrs. I. D. Butler and 2 children j of Rowland spent Thanksgiving j here with her parents, Mr. and no i Mrs. R. T. Woodside. : ev all E. T. Keel of Wilmington spent | x, j Woodside j Co Sunday with his sister. Mrs. R. T. j Fo ? _lan NEWS g nnirr?p !* DIULi'd jfe J j Jir INFLUENZA he Miss Margaret Dosher of South- b's port was admitted Monday to the & i Dosher Memorial Hospital for tvv i treatment for influenza. te? Al SURGICAL PATIENT ! ou Mrs. W. H. Gray of Supply | y? i entered Dosher Memorial Hospital J g? Sunday as a surgical patient. te! _ shi OPERATION cit H. E. Bessant of Little River, ch j S. C? underwent a tonsilar oper- bel } ation at Dosher Memorial Hos- ter pital Wednesday. ~ ' str MEDICAL PATIENT le? James Tripp, of Ash was ad- ^ mitted Friday as a medical pati- be ent at Dosher Memorial Hospital. in^ AUXILIARY TO MEET Te The American Legion Auxiliary Te' I will meet Friday afternoon at 4 'n : o'clock at the home of Mrs. bo' I Wayne Leinert. ; Du I ga TURKEY CHAMPION |wil ' Delia Cox, colored resident of Krl the Pine Hill section, probably ! 'eP is the champion turkey raiser for tbf Brunswick county. She has over jth? eighty ready for market this fall.!a . th< AT PRESBYTERIAN a?' Rev. J. R. Potts will preach , Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock bn i at New Hope Presbyterian church and at Southport at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. , 0 dei BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Shl Mr. and Mis. J. H. Sellers of ?fr ! Bolivia announce the birth of a 0 daughter, Barbara May, on Dec- ! i ember 1 in the Dosher Memorial q, Hospital. < POISONED am Adrian Willetts. Ealie Midgett, hoi j Garfield Clemmons and James L. ga Gaskiil left the Dosher Memorial ?1 Hospital Monday after being hei I treated since Friday night for hai j food poisoning. ne: ho: HOSPITAL AUXILIARY res The Hospital Auxiliary will VVi i meet Wednesday afternoon, Dec- co( ember 13, at the home of Mrs. Ch ; Joel Moore. All members are urg- th< ed to be present. loc wa MARRIAGE LICENSE thi The first marriage license since in' [ August 12 was issued to a white Ph couple by the Brunswick county 1)0 ' register of deeds Monday. The P? ' contracting parties are Miss Lois Brown Russ, of Shallotte, and ~ j Andrew L. Risley, of Pleasantville, N. J. DINNER GUESTS On Sunday, December 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pearce of Camden, N. J., spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard St. George in Penns Grove, N. J. I While they were there Mr. and Mrs. Milton Justice of Audubon, N. J., called and remained for dinner. All of the above are former Southporters, except Mr. Justice. Mrs. Justice is the former J Miss Reta Morse, daughter of j the late Captain Tom Morse. Orange county 4-H Club work I for the new year got underway with the organization of the Murphey Club, reports Assistant Farm Agent Joe N. Howard, Jr. If the opportunity for great j deeds should never come, the opportunity for good deeds is rej newed for you day by day.?Far[ rar. WANT ADS 'FOR SALE: Over five hundred head choice quality Hereford j calves and yearlings. Also cows. | All tested. Write or wire Bob Delashmutt, Fairfield, Iowa. j FOR RENT: Filling station and x'fi store at Wards Farm. Mrs. A. LL H. Ward, Bolivia, N. C. orJ - prjl ; FOR SALE: One Fairbanks- Oe Morse 1500 Watt Light Plant, su | New Condition. Practically New j Set Heavy Duty Battries. Equip- i?j ped with Power Pull. See or 'he Write Mrs. A. H. Ward, Ward's Farm Bolivia, N. C. poi THE STATE PORT Pll.O' Sports Sherlock BY WATSON With football season practically cr, excepting bowl games, bastball now will take the lead sporting events.?Most all j nth Carolina colleges play only t out three basketball games here Xmas, waiting till after the j litlays to open up. There will be lot of baseball talk and trad- j g this week as the major lea- j es are having a joint meeting Cincinnati.?One of the ques- \ ins we would like to have an-1 ered is "Who is going to stop : e Yanks?"?Manager Vitt of j eveland says his Indians and j e Boston Red Sox will do the' ck.? Ail-American football teams are j w being picked it seems byeryone. Our selection for the -state team puts Severin (U. C.l and Perdue, (Duke) ends, on (State) and Pate, (Wake irest) tackles. Johnson (Duke) d Woodson. (U. N. C.) guards, d Burns (Duke) at center. In t backfield it would be Stirn iss, (U. N. C.) McAfee, (Duke) Lanne (U. N. C.) and Polanski1 /ake Forest). All of these are their regular positions except lanne, who usually plavs at j arter, but a fellow like "Sweet j n" should not be left off when [ picks up 6 yards a try in all i playing this year.?William Mary and U. of Georgia had 0 of the best "frosh" football ims in the country this year.? 1 of their opponents better look t for them in a couple of ars.?U. N. C. and Clemson are ing to have hot basketball ims this year.?Maryland, also, )uld have a good team.-The y high school championship of icago was decided Saturday! fore 80,000 jspectators. Nice atidance for a high school, huh ? I Eddie Jelks is playing first ing guard on Louisburg cole basketball team this year.? it looks like Tennessee will' Southern California's opponent the famed Rose bowl this year, [n the Sugar bowl. Tulane vs xas A. & M., while Georgia eh and Missouri U. fight it out the Orange bowl.?The Sun .vl should pit Clemson against quesne.?In the Blue-Grey me at Montgomery, Ala. there 1 be eight men playing for the lys who were captains of cole teams this year. It looks like sy should win?Here's hoping it they do.?It will really be hard fought game. Last year > Blues won 7-0. They had a jd afternoon's work doing it, >ugh. Representing the Caroas for the grays will be Capt. rnweiss of U. N. C., Capt. part Pate of Wake Forest, Art oney of State. Banks McFadi of Clemson. and Capt. Roten atley of Furman U.?Only liors are allowed to play in this rth-South game.? iVe hope they don't renew the rtl war. Sunday the New York Giants i the Green Bay Packers will akup in the "world series" me of the pro. football league. tVest Virginia U. wants PeaWaltrar rtC XV ? 1,~ XJ,. ci better stay at Wake till after it year, as he should have a t team there and many more ierves than he had this year.? Plfe of U. N. C. is also being isidered, but he will stay at apel Hill. The grass is greener ;re. The Southport Dolphins, al independent basketball team, nts games with all teams in s section. Managers of teams erested in meeting the Dolins are asked to write Manager ilphins, P. O. Box 283, Southrt. Till next week, so long. MAKE THIS A CAMERA CHRISTMAS Cameras and Supplies Books . . . Novelties BRING voiJR XMAS LIST TO THE Camera Shop "Everything Photographic" Front and Grace WILMINGTON, N. C. LEGALS" COMMISSIONER'S SALE IN THE Sl'l'ERIOR COCKT STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA < OI NTY OF HRI NSWK K IV. (. M ANSON. ASSIGNEE VS. MES It. CHIRI 11. APMIM8TRAR OF THE ESTATE OF IVIlAM WEEKS, HECEA8ED. 5y virtue and in pursuance of an ier of sale made in the above litled cause on tlie day of tober. A D.. 1939. by Henry L. jveiiK. Judge riding the 8th Judicial strict of North Carolina, the undernet! commissioner duly appointed the court in said judgment in above entitled cause will expose sale to the highest bidder at the irthouse door in the City of South t, County of Brunswick, and the i I V. SOUTHPOBT, N. C. State of North Carolina. for caah, j< on Monday, the Sth of January. A. ; i I).. 194ft, at 12:00 M. all of the lands j < and promises of which the said Wil- . I Ham Weeks, deceased: died, seized* i and possessed of except the following ! ( described lands and premises, lying. | being and situated in the City of | ( South port. County of Brunswick, and the State of North Carolina, descrih- j ed and hounded as follows: That 1; house ami lot fronting on Howe; j Street on the East, and Lord Street j j on the West, and Nash Street 011 the I' North, ami .Moore Street on the South. : | ami being the only lands and premises owned by the said William :? Weeks, deceased, in said block which j ( is known as Block ?= . Lot 38. ; The lands and premises specifically' j advertised for sale are 12ft lots in the [ | City of Soiithport. County of Brims- , ; wick, and the State ol North Caro- j \ Una, a plat of which will Ik? furnished ? at said sale and heing that properly , on the Northern extension of the City of South port, a number of which 1 j lots front on the public highway , leading into the City ol" Southport andlj specifically set forth in said map:, which will he recorded in the Regis- 1 ter of Deeds' office of Brunswick* County which reference is made for ah more specific ami detailed description together w ith any and all other n real estate of w hich the said William J Weeks died, seized, and possessed of j which will be fully described on the 1 day and date of said sale. i This the till) day of December, A. P.. 1939. S. B. Prink, Commissioner. 12-27-c I 1 l'ORKt I.OSI RK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 23, day of October, 1939, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? George \V. Rabon and Wife if any".? the undersigned commissioner w 111 expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash 011 the 1st. day of January. 191". a! 1 if:ftO o'clock A. M.. at tiic Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $131.74. the following described real estate located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C.. hounded and described as follows: 1ST TRACT: B KG INNING at a stake in the Western line of the oringinal .Mills tract at F. C. Rabon North West corner runs thence with Rations line S. ft7 deg. K. to a corner in the Eastern line of the said original .Mills tract runs theme with said line about W. 3ft deg. E. -31 ft. to the original corner theme with . a line of the same N. G7 deg. W. to 1 the North Western corner of the 1 r original .Mills Iran, theme wun me; same S. 30 \V. 231 ft. to the first station. i 2ND. TRACT: Beginning at a stake \ the upper line of the said party ??t the second and runs Kast with the r ditch i?i>8 tt. to a stake, thence S. n .11"? ft. to the road; thence Kast with,! said road 281) ft. to a Sweet gum in the lower line: thence S. with said J1 lower line 700 ft. to a stake in said! line; thence about W. 918 ft. to all stake in the upper line; thence with upper line about X. witli said upper! line 1100 ft. to the beginning contain-! ing twenty five acres be the same1 v more or less. ( 3RD. TRACT: KKGIXXIXC at the: rl canal in Crapinghold branch in It. J.ji .Mills line about 3fi dep. ft to the < road; thence with said road al>out C Kast 330 ft. to the lower line of the ? old trad about North with the lower i line 150 ft. to tin- canal: thence with e the canal about \\\ ."ton ft. to the 1 beginning, 'containing two acres lie <1 the same more or less. J And all other lands owned and i listed by these Defendants in. Rruns- s wick County, North Carolina. $ All sales subject to report to e and confirmation by the Court. Ten I'l days allowed for raise of bid before 1 report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th, dav of November, I d s. It. Krink, Commissioner. r 12-27-c s l uiii i i oii ii no11<t Notice is hereby given that by 1 virtue of a decree of the Sunedpw < Court of Brunswick County, .*v" C.. \ dated the 23, day of October. TIrtf?. I1 in an action entitled "Brunswick ." County versus? 1 \ Charlie Moore and Wife if any."? 1 the undersigned commissioner will It expose at public auction sale to the I a highest bidder for cash on the 1st. . r dav of January. ll)in, at 12:00 o'clock 11; A. .M.. at the Courthouse door. South- I port. X. ('.. to satisfy the decree of 2 said court to enforce the payment of t $188.07, the following described real s estate located in Town Creek I Township, Brunswick County. N. ('.. I bouude'i and described as follows: BKCIXXlXtJ at a stake the West ? Corner of .Merrit land tiien runs 87 i Kast 12 poles with -Merrit line to a \ stake in line of original tract thence South D_- Kast 50 poles to a pine a and pointers at the mud of Stergeon ? Creek, then wiLh mud fit said Creek r up to a corner, theme North IS poles to the Beginning Containing 5 acres l more or less by estimation, being the same lands conveyed by W. A: Sue. 1 and wife .M. 10. Sue to .Moses .Moore and wife Ellen .Moore, as recorded In Hook 32. Page 1"?4. And all oilier Ileal Property own- \ ed and listed by Charlie .Moore and ( wife, if any. in Brunswick County. < All sales subject to report to i and confirmation by the Court. Ten ( days allowed for raise of bid before I report made. Cash to be paid at sale, t This the 27th, day of November, ? 1930. I S. It. Krink. Commissioner. < 12-27-c FORECLOSI RK KOIU l Notice is hereby given that by i virtue of a decree of the Superior c Court of Brunswick County, N. ('.. 'i dated the 23. day of October, 1939, l in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? I Erie J. Gore and Wife if any."? j the undersigned eonimissioncr will \ expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 1st. ; day of January. 1910. at 12:00 o'clock ? A. .M.t at the Courthouse door. South- i port, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment ol' t $201.03, the following described real estate located in Town Creek 1 Township, Brunswick County. N. hounded and described as follows: 100 Acres Farm and Woods. And all other lands owned and listed by \ Eric J. Gore and wife if any. in < Brunswick County. North Carolina. < All sales subject to report to I i and confirmation by the Court. Ten | days allowed for raise of bid before I I report made. Cash to be paid at sale.; t This the 27th. day of November, I < 1939. I S. B. Prink, Commissioner. ( 12-27-c Foreclosure notice Notice is hereby given that by : virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. (\. ' dated the 23. day of October, 1939, 1 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? U. H. Kabon and Wife if any, A. I .M. MsKoy, 1*. Vaugh Allen Receiv- i ers."? . 1 the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the ; highest bidder for cash on the 1st. ? day of January. 1910. at 12:00 o'clock i A. Al.. at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of l said court to enforce the payment of $197.53. the following described real 1 estate located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. ('.. bounded and described as follows: BEGIXXTXO at a Kweetgum in i J. J. Peadricks line, runs thence with i his line, South 30 degrees. West about < 1 GO poles to a stake in the run of i Lewis Swamp, at the Public Koad; < thence with said Koad in a Xorth ' Eastwardly direction p> G. W. t Kabou's line: thence with his linen Xorth 30 degrees East to E. G. . I Goodman's line; thence with E. G.h Goodman's line to a stake. Emma J. \'. Kabon Corner: thence with her linen Xorth 04 degrees West 30 poles to I j the beginning, containing to the samejj by estimation more or less. i? And all other lands owned by the ] said defendants located in Brunswick j County. North Carolina. Ail sales subject to report to ] and confirmation by the Court. Ten < days allowed for raise of bid before I report made. Cash to be paid at sale. ' This the 27th, day of November, j 1939. S. P. Krink, Commissioner. i 12-27-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by i virtue of a decree of the Superior I Court of Brunswick County, N. C., in ted the 23. clay of October, 1020. n an action entitled "Brunswick I'ounty versus? Prccl 10. I -of tin and Wife if any."? he undersigned commissioner will ?xpose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the 1st. lay of January. 19-jn. at 12:nn o'clock \. M.. at the- Courthouse door. Southi?ort, N. to satisfy the decree of aid court to enforce the* payment of ?220.01. the following described real ?state located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C., rounded and described as follows: BEfXC tract No. I of a subdivision of Haw Hill I'Imitation, in Town ."reek Township. Brunswick County. S'orth Carolina as per plat of record n the Office of the Register of Deeds or Brunswick County at Southport, S'orth Carolina as made in March 1918, by I?. L Struthers, C. E. the tnid tract containing 25.G acres, more ir less. Ami all other lands owned by said mrties in Brunswick County. All sales subject to report to ind confirmation by tlie Court. Ten lays allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th. day of November, 1939. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. 12-27-c lOKKCI.OSlltK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior lour i of Brunswick County. X. C\, iated the 22. day of October, 1939, u an action entitled "Brunswick Yc.mty versus? Henry Daniels and Wife if any."? h - undersigned commissioner will ;xpose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the 1st. lay of January. 1910. at 12:0o o'clock \.*M.. at the Courthouse door. Soulhrort, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of taid court P? enforce the payment of <1112.22. l!ie following described real state, located in Lock woods Folly rownship, Brunswick County. X. (\. rounded and described as follows: BEtJINXIXt; at an Oak. J. W. '.ryants corner, on corner of Branch S'orth of the Public Road, runs hence West G21-.* poles to '%he Ouss A'ilson Corner, thence with said Wilton line North tl degrees East 43Is ides to a corner in the Catc Wilson ine: thence that line East l*i poles o a stake, thence with another of he old lines North 88 Degrees East 12 poles tn a sweet gum in Little 'ortier Branch, thence up said branch m the East side to the first Station, ontaining about 15 acres, and being t part of the tract conveyed by J. J. .oughlin Mortgagee to E. B. Stevens, lulv 9th. 1911. and the same shown v attached pint by Walter Leonard. hade 100ft. And all other lands owned and listtd by Henry Daniels and wife if any. a Lockwoods Kolly Township, I runsvii*k County. All sales subject to report to md confirmation by the Court. Ten lays allowed for raise of bid before eport made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th, day of November, ft 3ft. S. it. Krink, Commissioner. FOItKri.USI HK \OTI< K Notice is hereby given that by Irtue ?>f a decree or the Superior 'our I of Hrunswick County. N. lated the 22, day of October, 193ft, i ii an action entitled "Hrunswick! fount y versus? I. Ft. Wilson and Wife if any, and 1. K. Kirhy. .Mtgee.."? he undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the lighesi bidder for cash on the 1st. j lay of January. IftIO, at 12:l?U o'clock | L .M . at tiie Courthouse door. Southlort, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of! aid court to enforce the payment of 125.38, the following described real I state, located in Lockwoods Kollv 'ownship. Hrunswick County. X. C.. lounded and described as follows: HIOCMXXIXH at a long leaf pine in J. T. Kirby's Line, the Southwest! oilier of the tract conveyed by Men-1 y Daniels to S. S. Hurnoy as decribed in Hook ll!. at I'age 517,! uns thence east 20poles to a I take, thence North fi degrees east | 3'- poles willi Henry Daniels line roHslag the Public Koad to the Kate1 Htie: thence West with said j ilie ' poles to a stake on the Corth side of the 1'nblic I toad, said Vilson's corner; thence wtili Kirby's ine South t? degrees West I3',? poles o the beginning containing S 1-2 jcres, more or less, and being the renaming part of the tract conveyed iv J. .J. I.oiiglilin .Mortgagee, to K. Stevens, as is recorded in Hook 2, at I'age 535. the greater part of he tract been previously conveyed by aid party of the firs' part to Henry >anieis. as recorded in Hook at 'age 171. And nil other lands owned and lislii by H. It. Wilson and wife if any. n Lockwoods Kolly Township, ltrunsvlck County. All sales subject to report do iml confirmation by the Court. Ten lays allowed for raise of bid before enort made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th. day of November, ft.'lft. S. It. Krink, Commissioner. 2-1'7-c I tlltKCl.ttsi KK \OTK K Notice is hereby given that by ill ue of a decree of the Superior /ourt of Brunswick County. X. la ted the 22. day of October. 11)30. n an action entitled "Brunswick bounty versus? *. A. Mills ami Wife if any." ? he undersigned commissioner will !X|>ose at public auction sale to the ugliest biihler for cash on the 1st. lay of January. IMA, at 12:00 o'clock V M.. at the Courthouse iloor. Soulh?ort. N". c.. to satisfy tin- decree mill court to enforce the payment of 103.29, the following described real state located in Town Creek rownship, Hrtinswick County. X. C.. loiiinleil anil described as follows: Being all Real Property owned and lossessed by K. A. Mills and wife if my. in Town Creek Township. Brunsviek County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to mil confirmation by the Court. Ten lays allowed for raise of bid before cport made. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 27th. day of November, .93!). S. B. Krink. Commissioner. 12-27-c FOItKCI.OSI* ItK NOT1CK Notice is hereby Riven that by irtue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, X. C.. fated the 23, day of October, 1939, n an action entitled "Brunswick 'ounty versus? fenry Kullwood and Wife if any."? he undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the lighesi bidder for cash on the 1st. lay of January. 1910. at 12:0o o'clock \. M.. at the Courthouse door. Soulh?ort. X. to satisfy the decree of will court to enforce the payment of {237.09. the following described real estate, located in Lockwoods Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. ('., jounded and described as follows: 73 Acres Home. And all other lands owned and isted by llenry Kullwood and wife, n Brunswick County. North Caroina. All sales subject to report to mil confirmation by the Court. Ten lays allowed for raise of hid before epori made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 27th. day of November. 1939. S. B. Krink. Commissioner. 12-27-c FOItKt I.OSI ItK NOT1CK Notice is hereby given that by .'irtue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County. X. ('.. la ted the 23 day of October* 1939 n an action entitled "Brunswick bounty versus? T. B. l*Mge and wife if any".? he undersigned commissioner will exiose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the 1st lay of January. 1910. at 12:99 A. M . at the Courthouse door. Southnort. X. C., to satisfy the decree of aid court to enforce the payment of >1 fi.20. the following: described real state located in Tow ncreek Township. FJrunswiek County, X. C.. bounded iiifl described as follows: Beginning: at a stone corner of It. F. Ottoway's running thence South It iegrees East to a pine H. M. Durant's corner running thence South 11 degrees and 30 minutes West with i wire fence 15-10 feet to a erook or urve in the said fence, thence South Ifi degrees and 15 minutes West with said, fem e 171 feet to the center of i ditch, thence Xorth 8 degrees West, S14 feet to a white oak at said ditch. I hence Xorth 18 degrees West 187 feet to a stake on same ditch, thence North 11 deg. and 30 minutes West _ jl _ 1857 foot to a stake on said i Ik. thence Xorlh SS decrees East! ; 71 ?# feet to the aforesaid I*. P. Ottoway's onier, the point of beginning.! I containing (IS) eighteen acres more or less. And all other lands owned and listed by the said Defendants in . Brunsw ick County. I All Sales subject to report to and ' {confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This the 27th dav of November. 11929. S. It. Krink, Commissioner, i : POKErl.OSrKK XOTII'K j Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior 1 (Court of Brunswick County. N. C., ; dated the L'.'t day of October. ; I in an action entitled Brunswick County versus? j Van U. Calloway and Wife if any,"?; j the undersigned commissioner will ?*\- j | pose at public auction sale to the1 I highest bidder for cash on the 1st1 day of January. 1940, at 12:00 A. i .M., at the Courthouse door. SouthI port, x. c., t?. satisfy the decree ofj said court to enforce the payment of: i MOii.Oti. the following described real ; I I estate located in Towncreek Township. ! I Brunswick County. X. c., bounded i j and described as follows: )i Beginning at a stake in the run of i a small branch Brant Leaks corner j I | in Cass Bell's line, runs thence S j; 1 deg. W. 658' to a stake Melvin i I i Jenkins Corner of a 1" acre tract ! i ! runs thence his line S. 82 deg. W. t Til' to a slake, thence X. "2 deg. K. i about ??r?S* to a stake in the afore- < said branch: theme down the run of 1 ! said branch to (lie last station con- * tabling 5 acres more or less accord- I ing to a survey made by K. W. i Taylor Jan. 1920. j And all other lands owned by the said defendants located in the County ' of Brunswick. i All Sales subject to report to atid i confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report ;: made. Cash to lie paid at sale. This the 27th day of November, i i 1939. | S. B. 1*VIilk. Commissioner. J; MORTGAGE IIAIJ Under and by virtue of the powc-r N of sale contained in that mortgage J | dated January f?. l!?:iI. given by Frank ; i Marshbnrn and his wife Leacy .Marsh- i burn to Smith and .McKenzie. duly, i recorded in Book 52, I'age 115. in the | office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick Cotmly and assigned by, Smith and .McKenzie to Sefli L. I . Smith, the undersigned will sell for | | I tin* use of Seth L. Smith \ssignec. 1 | AT NOON MX THURSDAY. DKCK.M- , BKR II. AT Till-: COURT- , I HOl'SK POOR. SnrTIIROKT. X. c..| for cash to the highest bidder. the j I following described tract of land 11 , located in Wacramaw Township, j Brunswick County. North Carolina, j , ! bounded and described as follows: , Lying on Lite north side of Little I. I'rong Swamp, adjoining the lauds ; j I of Archie livens on the norlli. [ , I Henry Washington on the east. [Thomas .Marlowe heirs on the south, L I David .Marshbnrn on the west, eon-1 i I milling 11 acres more or less, ami { | being the same land formerly owned | l?y ilenry Marlowe and better known | as the home place of Henry .Marlowe: (deceased), and aiso known as the some tract of land deeded to Frank I Marsh burn by his father* David Alarshburn and inollier. .Mary Alarsh| burn. .Mary Mnrslibtirii being the I daughter of Henry .Marlowe ami ilm J only child and heir of the said Henry .Marlowe arid wife, .lane Alar| low e. Deed from David .Marshhiirn and. wile. .Marv Marshburu to Frank Alar.slibut ii. bearing date of .Ian. 30th. ' 1932 and recorded in Hook of Deeds .71. page 'h?'! of the records of Hrniis-j jwiek County, which is hereby referred to and made* part of this deseription. Dated and posted this November It. 11)3!). Smith and MeKenzie. Mortgagees For The L'se Of Set. It I*. Smith. Assignee. ('. I'M. Taylor, Attorney. 12-fi-e NTTI ICI: OK s\I I: oI IMSTMOIIM. "A" FOR D A I TO MOID I f; KOIt stokaof Whereas. I'eter I'. Janorotie stored 11 1929 ir.odi-l l-'ord atltoinobile motor No. ' IA-2431216 serial No. ! willi the undersigned, and Whereas, the undersigned kept said I automobile in storage for said I'eter 1 ( I*. Jnnnroiie for the pas! nine months. ' | and Whereas. said storage aeeount j amounts to $1700 and said has not : been paid and said automobile has ! been in possession of the undersigned for more than 90 days; Now. therefore, under and by virtue 1 ! of the laws of North Carolina as j contained in C. S. No. 2135. the undersigned will offer for sab* at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at Cecil Hevvett's home near Shallottc. N. ('. on Tuesday, December 12, t! :!!?. at 12 o'clock noon the above described automobile. Dated tliis 20th day of November. 1930. Cecil Hewett, Claimant ll-29-pd. NOTICI-: OF SAI.K Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed by Curt L. Smith and wife Alice Smith, dated Mar. 27th. 1939. to secure bond of even date therewith, and duly recorded in Hook No. 07 I'age 30". records of llrunswick County, default having been j made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned j will offer for sale and sell for cash ; io ilie highest bidder at tin- court-j1' house door in Koiithport, X. on I Wednesday heeeniber 20. at 12 o'clock M. the following de-11 scribed tract of land. Korly acres of land on the South 1 side of Hear Hranch. Hegi lining on a stump known as the John ICoss I Corner, runs lhence with his line S "n degrees* Kast S3 poles and 11 links to a poplar in llorsepen Hranch with another Smith line, ! thence S. ill \V I" poles ami IX links to a stump. Sarah Core's corner, : thence X tu \V i: poles lo a stump, ' I'.rady Smith's corner, thence with ' his line X 7'i \V -1 poles I'll links to a stake. Sarah Anna Simmons corner, thence with her line X 30 \V and beyond her corner 11.10 poles in ' all to a gum in Hear Hranch. thence ' with said Hranch as it meanders to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. ' And l>eing I lie same tract of land j as described in deed executed by \V. M. Smith to ('. h. Smith, recorded in Hook 57. of Heeds, on page 151. reeords of Hrunswick County. This the 17th. day of Xovemher, 1 19.10. \\". ! '. Cox and A. I*. Rogers. -Mortgagees. 12-lS-c MITICK OK SAI.K 1 Coder ami by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed by Albert S. Rhodes and wife Iris Rhodes dated Dec. 30, PALMOLIVE 7c SUPER SUDS (Red Box) 10c j SUPER SUDS (Blue Box) 10c | (GET CLOTHES "HOSPITAL CLEAN") OCTAGON SOAP (Giant) .. . 5c OCTAGON POWDER (Large) 5c j OCTAGON TOILET 5c I OCTAGON CLEANSE? 5c OCTAGON CHIPS 10c OCTAGON GRANULATED ..10c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 5c Hollywood BEAUTY Soap 5c CREME OIL SOAP 5c KLEX (Pumice) SOAP 5c j Universal Hardwater Soap 5c ! TRIPLE CAKE SOAP 5c Shallotte Trading Go. SHALLOTTE, N. C. PAflE mt 1937 t.? \v. F. Co\ nutl A. P: Rogers, to secure band of even ?l:ite therewith, and duly recorded in I took No. 05, Page 117. records of Hrunswick County. default having been made In the payment of the indited new ; thereby secured. iiio undersigned will offer for salt* and sell for cash to tin' highest bidder at the courthouse iloor in Sntithpori. N. C. on Wednesday lleeemher 20. 1029 it I 12 o'clock M. the following de- ' scribed trail of land. Tract twelve (12) and thirteen <13) if the Wilna V. Thomas properly according to plat recorded in Hook pag 103 of the public records of Hvnnswick County. North Carolina. This the 13th. dav of November \V. F. Cox and A. 1*. Ilogers. Mortgagees. 12-13-c NOTlt K OK S.\ I.K INDKK MOItTUACK It K Kit Under and bv virtue of authority if the power of sale contained in that certain .Mortgage Deed, dated November 30. 19K7. given by H. I. <ommerselte and wife. Viola Sominersetle, to M.. L. .Mint/., recorded u Hook 05. Page 130. office of the Register ??i Deeds of Hrunswick Coutty, Slate of North Carolina, default giving been made in the payment of he matured note and interest therein, in order to satisfy the terms of lie mortgage, therin recited, the unlersigued mortgagee will sell the and hereinafter described to the highest bidder for cash at the Court lb.use Door at Southnort. North Parplina. on Monday. January X. 19-10, it twelve o'clock noon. Said land is located in Shallot to Township. Hrunswick County North I'arnlinn, bounded and described as follows: ? Hegiiining on the run of Shallotte swamp where a small branch enters aid swamp ; short distance below the nod at the old Haotistry. the ome being a corner of the land of H. I. Sonune?'setie: runs thence with the run of said swamp about 20t) feet lo a stake on said run: thence north '? east 712 feel to a stake: thence <outh S." ca-t 55 fe??t to a stake in the C. I-'. Hrooks line: thence with !hM <:. K. Hrooks line south 2 deg. la min. east 2213 feet to a stake; thence north 53 deg. 30 min. east 1402 feet lo a ditch: thence north 30 deg. 50 min. east 3x7 feet to a corner in the rlitch: thence north 8 deg 3ft min. * 1*1 'in feet to the r?n of Opossum Hranch: thence down the run of said liianch. a< it meander*. 24 ft feet to i stake in llie line of tin* lands of ihe M' A island Instate: thence with he \V. A. Hlaml line and the Thomas Heaves lino south 5< west 1050 feet ? stake in Poplar Hranch. the b IV Hrooks corner; thence with the Brooks line North Kft deg 5ft mill, ivest 651 feet to a stooping pine: bene" north "2 deg. 25 mitt, west 120 f t to a stake: thence north 71 Ic;;. 15 mill. UH.tt HI feel t?> ;i stake, lie corner of II. i. Simnu'r^t!11 Lot V.i. r?; thence with i he said II. I. fommersettc lino north "f deg. e?-i J >71 feet; thence north 71 east 221 Vet: thence north 70 deg. e?st 900 feet to a stake; thence north 1331 feet, passing through the old Alston orner to ;? gum on a small branch: hence with tin; run of said branch j ?: it meander--. about north IIS est 550 feet t" the IteglniiittR. conta I ling 110 acres, mo'o ?u- less, being Lot No. I of th?? .1. ! '. Sommersetb* Division, ami being the satm* land envoy. i| to A. .1 Soinmersette by lob" F. Soinmersette and wife. .Mary I. Sommer^ofte. by deed dated D?o oilier reoord'-d in Hook 54. >t pap- ."HI and hv foreclosure deed r?'om C I'M Taylor. Cuardian of lames Stanlev. to H. I Soinmersette. la ted November "? '. 19*17. I) ?ted and posted, this the 5th day if December. 10ft!*. M. I. Mint7. Mortgagor II. J. f'revatte. Attorney. 1-3-c \ nl tr r (II st f. | t mm: If MOUTH AH H OFF It l oder and by Irtue of authority if the power of sale contained in 'hat crtain Mn'i"iui' Deed, doted \*ov ndier 19117. given by 11, i. Somopoo' ti ami wif". Viola Sommersett, !o M 1.. Mint'/., recorded ! ? Hook 155. "ag" I'l'N office of th" Register of D'.o1 of i'run-wick County. Stote of .North Carolina. default huvb'g been made In I be iiavn^nt of the matured note and the interest thereon. in onier to vatisfv tin* terms of the mortgag . therein recited, the 'indorsi'-pied mortgagee will sell the ' nd hereinafter described to the highest bidder for co?h at the Court House Door at Son'hnnrt. North Carolina. on Monday, .lanunry S. 1940, at IWI'I'I' o"c|o'"k lioon. S'dd land is located in ShaMotte Town-hip. | Crunsw id: 'Voity North Carolina, bounded and described ns follows; ? Hcgimiing on the run of Shallotte Sv ?mp when* a sm-dl branch enters said run just below where tin* road 'losses said swamp at what is known as the oltf Itaptistr.v. runs thence with said smalt branch ms it meanders S. OR y W feet to a gum: thence S. 1T51 feet to a stake: thence S. 79 \V. 9 011 to a stake; thence S. 7s \v l'"1 feet; thence S. 3? dec. W. 171 feet to a stake in the O. M. Mrook's line on tin* branch; thence N. 71 dog. 45 min M". 319 feet to a HIUTT1|? "II iril- | 1/1(1.1, rn-ul !?s feet |o :i stake on the west si lie of said roail: th?nop oontinuln"' v\ iih said branch X. 58 deg. 30 min. \\. hni feet: thence X. -13 dec, mill. W. 370 feet: thence X 38 i|eg \V 1 .>'? f-Mf; I h-lire X. 11 deft. "i? min. \V. 1 feet; thence X. 2 'leg 35 mill K 340 fe??t to s maple on the i;inal: thence down the rape I mid I'ojdar Branch to where said In.inch enters into Saw I'itt Swamp: thence v itli the run of Saw I'itt Swamp down to where tin* old church road crosses said swamp: thence with I he road to the east edge of said Snv I'itt Swamp: thence along the said east edge of Saw I'itt Swamp northeast to the edge of Shallotte Swamp: thence down the southern edge of Shallotte Swamp as it men tillers to the road; thence with the road northeast wardly to the run of Shallotte Swamp: thence down the r>ni of Shallotte Swamp to the beginning. containing 110 acres more or * l?*ss. and being lot Xo, 5 of the John Sommersetf division. Dated and posted, this the 5th day Df December. 1939 M. L. Mints. Mortgagor K. .1 I'revatte. Attorney. 1-3-e executrix hoticb Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. Arthur I tosher, deceased. late of Brunswick county, Xorth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said 'deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport. X. on or before the 15th day of Xovembcr. 19in. or this notice will he pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of November. 1939. (Irace K. I>osher. Kxecutrfx of the Kstate of J. Arthur Dosher. Deceased. 1-17-r I <?i: i ci OH! ii NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of :i decree of the Superior Court of Hrunswick County, X. C., dated the 23. <!::v of October. 1939. In an action entitled "Hrunswick County versus? A. M. Heck and V'ife if any. A. M. McKoy and Dev.1 tghn. Receivers,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder f? " cash on the 1st. day of January, join, at 12:00 o'clock A. M.. at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. c.. t > satisfy the decree of said court t<? enforce the payment of $100.73. the following described real estate heated in Town Creek Township. Hrunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as follows: BKfilNXINC. at the mouth of a small slue in the run of Daws Creek, theme up said slue to .). W. Brooks' line: thence with J. \V. Brooks' line to Sam Chinnis line; thence with Sam Chinnis line back to the run of Daws Creek; thence up said Daws Creek to the beginning, containing forty (10) acres more or less. And all other lands owned by the said defendants located in the County of Hrunswick. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be naid at sale. This the 27th. day of November. 1939. S. B. Frlnk, Commissioner. 12-27-c ?

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