joSt Of The News ^jl The Time R TWELVE. NO. 4 bodies L Disappeared Egday While On Ind Of Nets for Them That AfBljon And All Tuesday ' "Ked To Disclose Trace j ,'Bodies; Boat Located, Hther drowned three years ago Guard And Other1 chers Were Aided Kesday By Airplane jo Search For Men todies of James Creech, | K: Gilbert Creech, 19, were , >jus morning shortly be-' c they had washH^re on Bald Head Island Hftroner John G. Caisen was ! H|>o view the remains before ' Vere removed here for fu- | ntes. trothers went out from : Monday morning-, open dory to tend their 1 B j and they are believed IIr drowned when their boat L, in the shoals off Bald j [ :-;,ind. L men were the only ones [ventured outside Monday, ! I winds the day before I Ut the ocean into a roaring term When the men failed j kjrr. by noon some uneasi- i |ns felt for their safety. As ! Lt ashore grew, a call was i [to the coast guard station j Li Island and a search was j Elate m the afternoon. [sign was found of the men i their boat, but early Tues- j laoming the capsized craft heated at the mouth of Ce- j, Creek on Bald Head Island ' detain H. T. Bowmer. The j was towed ashore and the j, I continued for the men. C hope was held for their j j Tuesday, for it was be- [ i that if they had made their j to land they could have con- j i the coast guard either at j Head or at Oak Island, of the day was spent in a i for their bodies along the at Bald Head, and a coast '1 plane droned monotonously the scene of the tragedy j] of the day watching for the ranee of the bodies. ' m ventre ucrn tn the dav 1 ' ICreech. a brother of the two i , drowned in the Southport: e along with three sailors i freighter. This was on the t of February 19, 1937. tes Creech is survived by a nd two small children, PegHi James Creech, Jr. Their Is. Mrs. J. J. Weeks, one ?r, John Creech, and the ag sisters- also survive: John Floyd and Mrs. Glenn and Miss Sarah Creech, ' tort and Mrs. Angelo Corhvidence. R. I. tes Photos On Visit Here 9 I 'I Greer Takes Pictures ' Various Points Of Inf*?t In Southport And 'unity; Will Return ^ *1 Greer of the U. S. En's office in Wilmington Itwo days here last pictures of harbor .ather prevented a * over of all of ubjects and Mr. W. B. Keziah of County Chamber that he would rer further work, photographic subc attended to. or nd to. are some Bald Head island, and the old lightfort. In Southport front scenes were g the old masonater edge at Fort Garrison building, use, the old Indian Judge Cranmer's, Creek lighthouse stone that marks several Cape Fear iouthport cemetery, md movie pictures partically all subures being in naGillctte, head of Office, is a great his own right, nderstood that the e picture story of in accordance with om Washington, it tood that the work ich Colonel Gillette personal interest, d on .page ? TH1 . f roFc * * * Basket REA Users W With Fir Not A Sinrrle Kick Register Bishop; Some Adi The first bills for electric power furnished through the Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation were rendered the first of this month, and, upon the word of Superintendent E. D. Bishop, members not only came in promptly and paid up, but there were no complaints. Furthermore, several of the members have come in and paid their minimum charge for a year in advance. Already there are 285 users being served in Brunswick county, and 75 members in Columbus county have been cut in. Applications have bei n received from many otht. citizens who live along the route Farmers Mus They Want 1 Field Supervisor Is Accept ing Applications At Of fice Of County Agent J E. Dodson At Supply REQUIRES FIRST LIEN ON CROF These Loans Are Made An ually To Farmers To Whom Other Avenues Of Credit Are Closed W. F. King, field supervisor o the Emergency Crop and Feec Loan section of the Farm Credi administration, announced thi; week that emergency crop am feed loans for 940 to farmers ii Brunswick county are now avail able and applications are now be ing received at the office o County Agent J. E. Dodson, a Supply. Those expecting to avail them selves of these loans should mak< their applications at once, h said, so they may be handlei without delay. A ten day perioi is needed to complete all ar rangements, he pointed out, am farmers should not wait until th final hour before applying fa the money they will need thi year. It has been anticipated, h said, that more loans will b sought this year than in 1939 bu to date applications are runninj between two and three percen under those of last year. These loans will be made, a in the past, only to farmer whose cash requirements ar small and who cannot obtain loam from any other source, in eluding production credit associa tions, banks, or other privat concerns or individuals. Continued on page 6) ** Seek Survey 7 New Shri The Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, through Congressman J. Bayard Clark, is asking the federal bureau of fisheries for a survey of the ocean off the Brunswick coast for the purpose of locating new shrimp fishing grounds. This action is being taken in accordance with a suggestion made by Mayor John D. Eriksen of Southport. The Mayor pointed out that three years ago Congress made an appropriation of $160,000.00 for shrimp fishing extension work on various coast where shrimp were already known to exist. The main point of the work was to send out a big U. S. Fisheries trawler to drag the ocean at points ten to forty miles offshore, the aims being to find bottoms on which tjic smaller commercial trawlers could operate, and see if there were shrimp at such places. For the past two years the fisheries boat, Pellican, has been operating off the coast oi Louisiana on the above $160,000.00 appropriation. One result of its work was thai wonderful new fishing grounds were discovered 20 to i0 miiei E ST, A Goo 6 PAGES TODAY g REECH ball 7c ell Pleased st Month's Bill ed With Superintendent E. D. e Paid Full Year In irance of the lines and they will be given service just as soon as possible. Superintendent Bishop says that REA loans have been made to members for wiring and plumbing installation in the amount of $4,800. There are numerous other applications, according to Superin| tendent Bishop, and the corporation has applied for an ad\ ditional grant of $15,000 to loan for this purpose. The construction of all lines in Brunswick county has been completed by the contractor, Melvin F. Burgess. Total cost of the 117-miles in Brunswick and 85-miles in Columbus is $119,765. it Hurry If 940 Seed Loan * I Fishing Season Officially Opens Rumors that freshwater fish ' ! are eager and ready for the i season to open were confirmed " J Monday afternoon when a party comprised of County Forest Warden Dawson Jones, Postmaster L. T. Yaskell and Ernest Gilbert caught a string | that included 15 big-mouth i bass and several gogle-eye Jj perch. Postmaster Yaskell came by 31 just before dark with about as j fine a string of freshwater 1 beauties as one ever sees. He did not start out until after the mail had come, so his fishf ing had been confined to a ' very short period. Several of the seven bass on his string ran above the two-pound mark, e while some of the goggle-eyes ? topped the one-pound figure. Founders Day j P.-T. Program e Impressive Program Is Pre e sented In High Schoo tj Auditorium By Member; g \ Of Association The Leland P.-T. A. observe; s; Founder's Day at the regula s monthly meeting, Monday night e February 19- The business sessioi a was very interesting as somi i- splendid transactions were re Th? memhershiD commit ?" put ICU. *uv r e j tee put on a special drive am I obtained twenty-five new mem I (Continued From Page 6) oLocate mping Grounds off the Louisiana coast. For the results in Louisiana alone the appropriation by congress is said to have already been justified, and they are still far from having expended all of the money. Last week the Pellican came east and stopped over at Sou tliport for several days before continuing north. Mayor Eriksen and local fishermen believe that she can be obtained for research work off 1 Southport; and they further believe that at some points lying far out and to the west of 1 the Frying Pan shoals there is a wonderful shrimp trawling ground that has never been | discovered and exploited. | A year ago a local fish buyer is said to have underwritten some such research work at > his own expense. Only one boat ( engaged in the search and it was neither suitable or equipped for such an extensive covi erage. It is believed that a > boat going steadily, for any length of time up to six months, would sooner or later ; uncover a winter trawling i ground somewhere on the i J. Brunswick coast. t 4TE d News paper I] iouthport, N. CM Wedne BR0T1 .. i t mrnamt Convention Of Republicans To Meet March 7th Mass Convention Of Republican Voters To Be Held At Supply On Thursday, March 7th, At 2 O'clock I CHAIRMAN LEWIS CALLS MEETING Republicans Plan Protest | Of Action Extending The Term Of Four Officers; Termed "Unfair Law" Former Sheriff F. L. Lewis, , chairman of the Republican executive committee for Brunswick county, has called a convention of Republican voters at Supply j on Thursday, March 7, at 2 o'clock. In outlining his program for - this meeting Chairman Lewis in-1 vites all voters to meet with him who favor: "1. Working for relief against I the unfair law, whereby the Re- J I corder and three county cornmis- j I sioners had their terms of office I extended two years on the peo-1 i pie, without the vote of the peo[ pie, and over the protest of many I Democrats. "2. Working for relief against the most expensive county adI ministration we have ever had." " | Ex-Sheriff Lewis was elected | at a meeting several weeks ago to succeed Clarence Jenrette as head of the party organization in Brunswick. At the. same meeting W. A. Kopp was named secretary and Qa R. Johnson acting-secretary. In the meantime, the Republican Club of Town Creek township will meet on Tuesday, February 27, at 7:30 o'clock at Bolivia. Regular meetings of this group are being held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Drunk Drivers In County Court Four Of The Cases In Recorder's Court Here Monday Developed From Charges O f Drunken Driving ^ Four of the cases heard by Judge Walter M. Starialand here - in Recorder's court Monday re1 suited from charges of drunken 5 driving. Ernest Cox, white, pleaded guilty to charges of drunken 3 driving. He was given 6 months r on the roads, this judgment being suspended upon payment of a i fine of $75.00 and costs, his a license to be revoked for 12 - months. G. R. Woodcock, white, waived 3 appearance and pleaded guilty to . charges of drunken driving- Hel was taxed with a fine of $50.00, J the ' costs and his license was revoked for 6 months. D. E. Kemp, white, waived appearance to face charges of1 drunken driving and pleaded i ? guilty. He was required to pay * a fine of $50.00, the costs a fid his license was revoked for 6 months. n Archie Robinson, white, was called and failed to appear to answer charges of drunken driving. Capias issued and the case was continued. M. L. Younger, white, was charged with drunk driving but a nol pros was taken. Archie Allen, colored, pleaded guilty to charges of possession of aparatus for purpose of manufacturing liquor, manufacturing and possession of liquor. He was given 8 months on the roads, (Continued on page 8) Death Claims Winnabow Man John Comron Died Tuesday Night At Dosher Memorial Hospital Where He Had Been A Patient John Comron, 52-year-old farmer of Winnabow, died Tuesday , night in Dosher Memorial Hospital. Surviving are his wife, one ! sister. Mrs. Mamie Mintz, Ash, (Continued on page 6) PORT PIL n A Good Community sday, February 21, 1940 publish HERS ARE FO * int Will Be git STRONG SQUADS AT BOL w- psww w&m <*?& map smm wmfa wl $?$$? K&fj& ?m& m*- mm :*m? < mm y*m* M , ,**# ,, * > !w??i mm j?* -w.vff im2jl:;mfmk ^hbran ? h$| ^ >&> : :ffi: jk jfe%j ^Wt>- W I- : * Jy :' - ' *' .if I ii fV ,VH"-i', ^L: .^Kv. ^ Mfc. ^Ib; '-':,JbI I FAVORITES?When they enter the Brunswick Coui at Leland next week the Bolivia girls will rule heavy fa\ through their pre-tournament campaign without defeat b livia boys will be co-favorites with the strong Leland fiv< right, are Jaunita Cannon, Lucy Hand, Catherine Stone, ford, Jaunita Lewis; Albert Rosser, coach, Retta Ldsh, C Mercer, Rebecca Tharp, Gladys Lewis, Mabel Lewis, He and Caroline Milligan. Boys, right to left, Jimmy Johnsc ton Murray, Dalton Sellers, A. P. Henry, Miles Mercer, ' man, Roy Rabon, Albert McEachern, Robert Bums and ?(Star-News Cut.) Bookmobile Will Serve County Reading Public I 1 jfc ? ? J This Library Project Of j ^orlts PwmeR *d sin' Tide Table Was istration Will Begin Ser-j ~e. , vice The Second Week In Way Off Sunday " March ___________ I _ l\ LELAND WOMAN Strong southeasterly winds C IS LIBRARIAN here Sunday afternoon played f [ a strange trick upon the tide, t Mrs. Hope P. Durham Will 'amrd as bcipg one of the most' ;S Serve As Librarian Of reliable performances of nature. .v Bookmobile And Will At ,h(> ,ime for low tid)' the 2 Assist In Book Cir- wa,or .was ,as hi?h, asu a ,u? ; culation moo,,I ,ldf in s'^mbe,rli aad ! was lapping away beneath the t The Brunswick County Board docks- ?,d f'me" ? c ing upon just what would have ? of Education is sponsoring dcm- h.a,)|)encd had no, ,ho wind ( onstration library service begin- abated before time for high a ning toarcn 11 ana continuing S water at approximately C t jweek. This demonstration is put o'clock. on by Work Projects Administra- ? tion library project, showing how I a county may have library exten- I lfrOTl C *rll*flfaIlQ sion service. The Jibrary truck, or: fcvtA VAttl vlV-lIo 1 ? *** l 1 r Bookmobile, will follow a sent-1 . - - _ dule of stops, worked out by Mrs.! f 1*01X1 V^OIQ* i*. Norma Rowe Sawyer, library I 7 supervisor, and Miss Annie May' Orton Plantation will begin , Woodside, county superintendent, j shipping daffodils to the north- i This schedule should make it pos- j ern markets the last of this sibie fbr any citizen to secure a | week arid the season will be j book Within a short distance from I in full blast by next week. I his home. j The flowers arc blooming j A collection of approximately* somewhat later than usual, still | 1750 books- will be loaned to, they will be comparatively schools and citizens, for a period early as the north is still more of one week to be renewed or or less frozen, exchanged each week. This serv- Until they are abundant ice will be given the county for enough for the pickings to fill a period of eight weeks, begin- car loads, the Orton daffodils ning March 11th and running are combined with others from through May 3rd 1940. ; New Hanover county and exPosters will be posted at each, pressed to New York. As they stop, giving dates and' the hour- become numerous the growers 1 o? arrival of the .WPA. bookmo-1 load their individual cars. (Continued 6) j More and more, camellias are i OT p i ED EVERY WEDNESDAY UNDT ? Next jjc -1VIA C | I ^pp y L Jk # i. lty Basketball Tournament ofB sorites, for they have gone J y a county team. The Bo- 19 Girls, front row, left to * Bertha Gore, Veona DanIhristiana Williams, Elsie 1 ^ ? 1 i>*? I leu umiivi K.if inaiy uuuio >n, Linwood Danford, Mil- ^ Ernest Lewis, Rotha HickNorman Chadwick, coach, Seeking Permit * ^ CO To Dredge Slip J lames Fraser Applies To Engine ers Department b For Permit To Dredge: Slip Into His Boat House jj You are hereby notified that dr. James Fraser, Southport, N. a J., has raadg. application for a ] th lermit -to construct adjacent to Iis' he Intracoastal Waterway at [ iduthport, N. C:, a marine rail-1 ~ vay and pier; and to dredge a !4'x90'x6' slip between the j ' Vaterway and the railway. Plans | howing the proposed work mayj ie seen at this office and at the ( iffice of the Postmaster at Southport, N, C. Please advise me if you have iny objections to the work from he standpoint of navigation, or , (Continued on page 6) Recover itart Blooming bursting into bloom daily on | the plantation and the coming I week will see a fine selection of these flowers in bloom, and also many other flowers. The camellia buds, however, were rather badly hurt by the January cold and this year's presentation of these flowers will not be as gorgeous a3 in former years. The Azaleas will make up for the camellia shortage. They will be bursting into bloom the first of March and in a short time thereafter millions of the gorgeous blossoms will be prc. seated* ,v . . * . : J rhe Pilot Covers Brunswick County $1.50 PER YEAR ODAY Week Ipening Games Of Tournament Thursday Night II Games Are Scheduled To Be Played At Night With Finals Being Set For Monday; Officials Named iLAND HOST TO TOURNAMENT iirings Find Leland Boys ^nd Bolivia Meeting On Friday Night In Top Game Brunswick county coaches and incipals met Wednesday night Bolivia and perfected plans ' r conducting the annual basketII tournament which begins xt Thursday night in the Leland *h school gymnasium. , All games will be played at jht, a double-header being leduled for Thursday, Friday, turday and Monday night. First night pairings find Shal:te girls meeting Southport at 30 o'clock. The Shallotte boys :et Waccamaw in the other If of the first night's twin bill, i Friday evening Leland girls j. to Waccamaw and the iland boys clash with Bolivia what promises to be the hightit of the entire tournament, i Saturday night the Bolivia rls play the winner of the Lend-Waccamaw game' and the luthport boys meet the winner f the Leland-Bolivia contest, le finals will be played on onday night. Andy . y _c teh ; .1 ~ hiteville high school, has been cured to referee all tournaent games. Jack Livingston III serve as official scorer for e games and Mr. Bullock of e Shallotte faculty will servo i timer for the tournament. New trophies will be offered is year for botji girls and boys, le winners will have their imes engraved upon the cups id will have possession of them r one year. By winning two sars in succession a team may lin permanent possession of one the cups. * 'inal Report Is Made On Funds i'. i * ocal Committee Headed By R. C. St. George Raised Money For Infantile Paralysis Campaign Final report on the drive conicted here to raise funds for mtrol of infantile paralysis and r the dance sponsored by me ( merican Legion for the purpose furnishing a room in the anix of the J. Arthur Dosher emorial Hospital has been made r R. C. St. George. After paying all expenses. 3.47 was sept to' headquarters r the infantile paralysis camlign in New York City and similar amount was added to e fund being raised to furnti a room at the hospital. (Continued on page 6) Tide Table Following Is the tide table ror Soutliport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilo* through the courtesy of tir Cspe Fear Pilot's Association High Tide Low TIP TIDE TABLE Thursday, December 21 1:05 a. m. 9:46 a. m. 3:31 p. m. 9:48 p. m. Friday, December 22 4:05 a. m. 10:37 a. m. 1:31 p. m. 10:36 p. m. Saturday, December 23 1:59 a. ni. 11:27 a. m. 5:25 p. m. 11:25 p. m, Sunday, December 24 5:47 a. 6:17 p. m. 12:17 p. m. Monday, December 25 6:32 a. m. 0:14 a. rn. 7:00 p. nr. 1:07 p. nt, Tuesday, December 26 7:16 a. m. 1:04 a. na. 7:46 p. m. 1:55 p. na. Wednesday, December 27 8:01 a. m. 1:55 a. na> 8:32 p. m. 2:42 .p. ar