It Oj The News U The Time yELVE. NO. :t Dramati' if Thursda; At Tabo Contest Entr ven A Pre-Vie i\ight_ Before . rt Audience E LIKED INTEST DRAM. Alive" Is A R. ragedy That 3oris Corlette ie Starring nary district dr among Tabor at Whiteville will 1 jbor aty gramm, .um Friday eve th. at 7:30. T) >egin promptly i omers will be a iring the time a emission betwei Iges for the co mght from Chap t entry, "Dead < sented last nig] <'4>ool auditoriu nee that was u se of the conte II;.. A..vo". is a trage< I sm. Oppressed 1 I ess of her life. A< I to improve ii I irning the rewa: I the capture of f I She brings abo capture f the convict on [ te that he is h F r played by Dor | gave a splend I Last night, and loc | ra are enthusiast [file local club's chances th m Popularity Contest Is Hel I Benefit Of Buildir Fund At Bolivia Methoi It Church; Contest Clo is March 15th p- Methodist Missionary Soi a; Bolivia, is sponsoring rclar Baby Contest," for t lifit of the Sunday Schc ?-? fund. fees will be accepted at t Hi library and Mintz's sto ? March 15th. la attractive prize will be gi fie most popular baby. entii.c arc* .Tnanna Mini Leo McKeithan, Carol; Julia McClure Malpar Heel Johnson, Nancy Edwart Hfei Jean Reid, Ennis Hugh cs:n Gary .Johnson, Lot H :r. Hickman, Billie Kopp. J tViiletts, Horace Merc B?.n. Alvah Ward, III. Joh F. Johnson, Malcom Knc ^k McKeithan, Donald W t Franklin R. Mercer, Tal ^k' Leon Roger Swain, VI ^ Brothers. Paul Potter Clei V. M. U. Meets I In Wilmingto Hjsiderable Interest Beir H"own In State Meetii Hkheduled For Wilmin Hbn Next Week E annual state W. M. P1"? of the Baptist chur ,, F k held in Wilmington ne March 12-14. program begins Tuesd at 3 o'clock and cc H? in morning, afternoon a services during the ne P^ys, Many interesting spea :ave been secured to ape fas program which shot many from this coun H^rs are particularly urg H'ftend as many sessions while others are invit !5'/Jsr' the programs of int) Hffeatest to them and to pi jnutend. nera Addicts I Visit Islan HJUP Of Visiting Phol IP*phers Paid Visit ' f?W Head Island Sund kd By W. B. Keziah K first of the spring pho XP' iitions to Bald He He w*s pulled off Sunday a to w. B. Keziah. s Hi..' ?f the Bnjnswick cour of Commerce, it was l?g success, despite 1 intennitant rains p Ul< taking of pictures Bit' ,(Junng the whole si iii I bnued on page four) 1m mgm I ^bI^ -f: iiS ' - " 3 'S?' EL PayJF I ^V--' -^ BK^Mpi^|^BB|:^B I^R: . I I I nr. ^Mga-J;-? {-? : t ^?1. jujmm I - ' ' ^ -^ i Jc dsFMh ' " CHAMP?Charles A. shown here holding a part d water fish made by him, P I Forest Warden Dawson Jon j boro man gave his picture p ,g Woman's Club. The catch ? and 06 goggle-eye perch.?( s District Schoo X Meet he re Principal Speech For The Occasion Will Be An Adv-1 dress By Hon. J. M. Broughton, Of Raleigh tz, I yr LARGE ATTENDANCE 5S ! BEING ANTICIPATED Is. j es Clubs From Columbus, "s Robeson, Duplin, Sampr" son, Johnston And Union Have Teen InvitiX" ed To Attend j1* I The spring District Meeting of |r_ the Educo (Schoolmasters ) Clubs of the south central part of ! North Carolina wui convene m ! a dinner meeting at the Y. M. IC. A. building in Fayetteville on Friday evening March 8, at 7:00 o'clock. The officers of the affiliated II clubs are planning what is exi pected to be a very interesting I program. Hon. J. M. Brough?g ton. Attorney and former Legisig Jator of Raleigh will be the pring cipal speaker of the'evening. His j Subject will be "Public Education J in North Carolina." Music will U. be presented by the Fayetteville ch High school Band. A program :Xt of "stunts" will be conducted unj der the supervision of A. B. Wilay kins, Superintendent of Cumber>n land County Schools and Horace nd : siske, Superintendent of Fayette:xt j ville Schools, joint hosts of the k- j meeting. ar j More than two hundred and J'd (Continued on page 4) ty. ed __ " State Departm Fine Publi Bob Thompson. the new state publicity director, was here last week. Immediately on dhis return to Raleigh his first release went out to sports magazines and rod and gun editors all over the United lo- States. His mimeographed news To story bore the Southport date ay line and was as follows: "This section's intensified campaign for the prevention ofto forest fires not only has in:ad creased game, say anglers, but ,nd also has greatly increased the ec- supply of freshwater fish. The ity prevention of fires has resulti a ed in the elimination of floods the and the steady replentishment re- of streams throughout Erunsor wick County. Early season lay catches have been the largest In many years, according to E STJ A GocJ 4-PAGES TODAY S| WATER CATCH I ~ * r ' WKBKt :l M a l&P^HH ' I ijKi v i 2"VT3vj A - ffiflKBlfflfiiMKl ; 1 .^p V I p ~n d naLaafl ,<ri r ttl I til, Ul Uiccujuuiu, 10 | of the fine catch of fresh-] ostmaster L. T. Yaskell and es the day after the Greensrogram before the Southport included 11 big-mouth bass Daily News Cut.) lmasters In Fayetteville 5k 1 Republicans To Meet Tomorrow ^ F. L. Lewis, chairman of i the Republican executive committee, has called a convention for tomorrow at 2 o'clock at Supply, at which time important political matters will bo taken up. One of the duties of this convention will be to name dele Spates to district and state conventions which will conic later. There also will be a discussion of the political - situation in Brunswick county and it is likely that the first foundations of the party's 1940 campaign wil be laid. Robbins Child Killed Friday The youngest son of Mr. and I Mrs. S. H. Robbins, of Wash! ington, was instantly killed FriI day afternoon when struck by a j truck. His funeral services were f held Sunday and were attended by several relatives from South, port. The boy had many friends and playmates here, for he spent sevJ eral days each summer in SouthI port. ent Giving icity To Fishing W. B. Keziah, intimate friend of fishermen from Maine to Florida. "I never saw such big-mouth bass and goggle-eye perch caught this early, said Keziah, displaying pictures of a string of 47 brought in by Postmaster L. T. Yaskell, Fire Warden , Dawson Jones and Charles Far'rell of Greensboro, got during an hour and a half of fishing. The 11 bass weighed from two to four pounds each?and on the grocer's scale at that. The perch ranged from one to one and three-quarter pounds. "Why we've got so many bass j around here now that I'm worried about finding enough minI nows to use as live bait," said 1 Keziah. m\ I News paper Ir outhport, N. CM Wedne Mrs. Vitou Is Named Head Of 0. E. S. Chapter Named Monday Night To Succeed Mrs. Mary Cranmer Mintz As Worthy Matron Of Live Oak Chapter OTHER OFFICERS ARE ALSO ELECTED Installation will Take Place With Fitting Ceremony Sometime In The Near F uture At a meeting held Monday night members of Live Oak Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, j named Mrs. Annie K. Vitou wor- j thy matron to succeed Mrs. Mary | Cranmer Mintz. Other officers named at the Monday night meeting were B. J. Holden, worthy patron; Mrs. Marion S. Dosher, associate ma-1 tron; John D. Eriksen, associate patron; Mrs. Thelma Sutton, secretary; Mrs. Lottie Mae Newton, treasurer; Mrs. Anna Miller Davis, conductress; Mrs. Julia Sanders, associate conductress. New officers will be installed at an early meeting. As a rule, this is a public ceremony in which state officials take part. Announcement of these plans will be made later. Numerous Cases Before Recorder As Usual, Liquor Played ' n i t /-i. T* * iviajor note in Lase.s in- . ed Monday Before Judge 1 Walter M. Stanaland ] In Recorder's Court here Mon- 1 day A. B. Sellers, white, pleaded ] guilty to charges of drunk driv- J ing. He was required to pay a ] fine of $50.00, costs of the case and his drivers license was re- c voked for 5 months. Billie Ludlum, white, was tried " on a similar charge and received an identical sentence, save for the face that his license was revoked for 6 months. Cleveland Joyner, colored, was found guilty of possession of nontax paid liquor. Judgment was j suspended upon payment of a i fine of $25.00 and cost. Faison Edge, wnite, pleaded " guilty to charges of reckless operation. Judgment was suspended upon payment of a fine of $25.00 and cost. Bruce Moody, white, was tried for driving an automobile with improper license tag. Judgment was with held. Earl Sharpe, white, pleaded guilty to charges of drunk driving. He was required to pay a fine of $50.00, the costs of the case and his driver's license was revoked for 90 days. Burris Bozeman, ,white, pleaded guilty to charges of public drun-! kenness. He was fined $10.00 and cost. Douglas Hooper, colored, pleaded guilty to charg es of having no drivers license and no rear view mirrow. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. Clyde Bryant and Clarence Hall, colored, pleaded guilty to charges of possession of apparatus for the purpose of sale. Each was given 6 months, their sentences being suspended upon payment of $75.00 each and costs. Rose Miller, . colored, pleaded guilty to charges of possession for the purpose of sale. Judgment was suspended upon payment of a fine of $10.00 and costs. L. F. Jones, white, was found not guilty of possession. Lower Acreage Is Lost In Fire Accurate Check Of Burned Over Area Revealed Loss Of Only 6 Acres In One Fire And 300 Acres In , Other Reported Last Week A final check-up on the two forest fires reported last week in The Pilot reveals that only 6 acres was burned over in the Thursday fire and 300 acres in the fire near Orton Plantation on Friday. In last week's paper the combined loss was estimated at from 500-acres to 600-acres. The correct figures are from the official report to County Forest Warden Dawson Jones. The Thursday fire was caused when a house belonging to a colored resident of the' county was burned. A grass fire set out by a colored boy started the second day's fire. PORT i A Good Con isday, March 6, 194( "leland hi ? :vi *UU9 m ' am /*m* lS *** :?$*/ : '. HHp^ : ap*Sll* v' *"* m. BHB||g?p?^<y ^ '* '..,.J jlCAGERS?The Leland n the finals of the annual onsidered among the stroi clayed this week in Wilmi W. A. Wheeless, Cecil Low Robbins; second row, Arm* Rourk and J. C. Chadwick Sthel Douglas^ and Retha x Mary Burns 1'eterson, r.vei; Sylvia Bordeaux and Mildr Honduran Ship Detained Here For Inspection Considerable excitement was created on the Southport waterfront Tuesday afte'rnoon when the Honduran freighter, San Luis, was stopped by coast guards and was inspected on "suspicion". It was impossible to learn just what the "suspicions" were, but a thorough inspection lasting for two hours was made by customs officials after the boat had been stopped upon their order by the patrol boat from Oak Island. John Bright Hill, Customs collector, said that their inspection revealed that everything was in order and that the San T nio moo allrmrori tn mntinilA UUIO 1TUU UKUI. VM ?v on to her destination at Havana. The ship cleared Southport at 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Under present neutrality laws, all foreign vessels must undergo a rigid inspection at every port of call. Mr. Hill said that the San Luis arrived with her cargo of sugar late Saturday and that customs officials were unable to inspect the ship before yesterday. Southport Boys And Girls Hurt Billie Willis, Johnie Simmons And Odell Smith Injured Thursday Nigh) In Auto Mishap Three Southport high schoo students were injured Thursdaj night when the automobile ir which they were riding was ir collision with a car driven bj George Galloway, Southport mer chant. Billie Willis, driver of thf students' car, received severa cuts about the head and a mastei piece of a black eye. Johnie Sim mons, one of the front seat pas scngers, went through the wind shield and received numerou: bruises and lascerations abou his face. Odell Smith, member o the girls basketball team, re ceived treatment for shock ii Dosher Memorial Hospital. Miss Louise Ward, member o the high school faculty, was alsa passenger in the car. Other passengers in the Gallo (Continued on page 4) r pil imunity } PUBLISi SQUADS IN TOUR am ;v, "\"^>; ; . '*-.krfiL ' "' '*''' high school basketball team v Brunswick County Basketbal lgest teams entered in the S ngton. The boys, left to rij e, Charles Robbins, Sylvester md Ganey, Billy Ilines, Dan The girls, left to ngnt, are. [ae Peterson; standing, Elizal fn Allen, Juanita Lowe, Mari ed Clark.?(Star-News Cut.) Bolivia Girls, Boys Coun New Wrinkle In Shad Fishing Dr. L. C. Fergus, Southport physician, wrote a new page into the book of shad fishing Monday afternoon while on a freshwater fishing trip with I Postmaster L. T. Yaskell and I W. B. Kcziali. Discovering a pool that apparently was alive with young shad, the doctor decided to forsake the pleasure of fly-castipg and set about his own devices in taking shad with an improved rig. This consisted of I a set of gang hooks ripped from the belly of an artificial minnow. With this attached to a short line he spent the next hour snaring the fish and tos! sing them on the bank. Saturday Mrs. F. Mollycneck used a red artificial minnow to catch shad with hook and line?the first that have been taken around here in that manner so far as was ever reported. ATTENDS BALL Cornelius Thomas, Jr., attended the Pages Ball given during the D. A. R. Convention in High i Point last week. I Improvements j Head Is Although a long dry summer I and fall and a very cold winter r for this part of the state creati ed great drawbacks to Supt. i Charles Matthews' first efforts r to create a garden paradise on - Bald Head Island, he is up and on his way to accomplish some; thing now, according to visit1 ors on the island Sunday, r All of last fall it was very - hard to get anything started - on the island. Things were - about as dry as tinder. For s that matter things around t Southport are still very much f behind with having had the - .normal rainfall, and this claim i is borne out by the numerous lakes that are still half dry. f On the island the ground, o freshly plowed for the first time, was simply too dry for i- seed to germinate and take root. Fall crops did not pan / ,0T i?D EVERY WEDNESDAY NAMENT "" I ....... ^ V j jfc. ME&i- & d ' /as runner up Monday night 1 Tournament. They are tar-News tournament oemg ,'ht, are: front row, Coach Hollis, Roy Hall and Paul i Willetts, George Thomas seated, Elizabeth Ganey. Deth King, Lilly Williams, ian Butler, Beatrice White, Shallotte ty Champions Bolivia Girls Swampet Waccamaw In Finals Oi Monday Night, Whil< Shallotte Upset Highly Favored Leland BOYS' GAME WAS REGULAR THRILLEF Contest Was Tied At En< Of Playing Time And An Overtime Period Was Necessary To Decide Winner In one of the rankest up-set in the history of the Brunswic! County Basketball Tournamen the scrappy Shallotte quint de feated the highly favored Lelam team in an over-time thrille Monday night in the finals. Th score was 22-20. The Bolivia girls ran true t form and smothered a game bu out-classed Waccamaw team 60 no In the girl's game it was jus a case of too much Cannon an< Stone. The former made 28 points while Captain Stone accounte for 20 more. Showing a clea superiority over their opponent from the opening whistle, Bolivii put on a display of power tha bodes ill for teams scheduled t face her in the Star-News Tour nament opening in Wilmingtoi (Continued on page 4.) For Bald land Going Or out. This spring things are different, flowers are growing. Young fruit trees are putting on a healthy color and quite a sizable little acreage is waxing green with various things while plant beds are full of thriving plants, just about ready to be set out. In a short time Matthews will be able to show something worthwhile for hh pains. Thanks to road building, por tions of the island never be fore accessible can now b< i reached. These roads are lead ing to the discovery of nev wonders in beauty and are als< revealing great potentalitiei ana possibilities. The spring and summer visitors to Bali Mead will find many thing that are well worth being seer 2 vfl The Pilot Covers I Brunswick County H $1.50 PER YEA* I Bond Election Held Saturday For Shallotte > Voters Of Town Voted To Authorize Bonds Amounting To $10,000.00 FA? Waterworks System And $7,000.00 For Sewer NO DISSENTING VOTE WAS CAST As Soon As Bonds Are Itsued Preparations Will Begin To Have This Work On Improvements Commenced At a special bond election held Saturday at Shallotte the voters of that Brunswick county munlfclpality voted overwhelmingly ih favor of authorizing expenditure for a waterworks and sewerage system. t Eighty votes were cast for the ordinance authorizing not exceeding $10,000.00 bonds for the town of Shallotte to pay all or a part | of the cost of constructing a , I waterworks system. There was no u dissenting vote. Only 79 voters cast their ballot favoring the authorization of $7,000.uu bonds for paying all or a part of the cost of installing a sewerage ' system; but there was no vote 1 against uie uiuumnce. As soon as the bonds are Issued and their sale has been arranged, it is understood that an effort will be made to secure a PWA project for the installation of the water and sewer systems. j Miss Willetts Dies At Home y Funeral Services Today For Young Woman Of Mill s Creek Community Who , Died Tuesday Morning Miss Ida Moore Willetts, 27, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. I Willetts, of Wini ' died at her home yesterday' morning at , 3 o'clock after an illness of several months. , Funeral services will be held -j from the Mill Creek Baptist , church this afternoon at 2 o'clock, j i with the Rev. B. R. Page in charge. Interment will follow In the church cemetery. I 1 Honorary palbearers will be: D. i S. Lewis, G. T. Lewis, E. T. e Mills, J. H. Sellers, C. Ed Taylor, j f D. R. Johnson, R. S. Willetts, Mack Martin, A. M. Beck and J. B. Carter. Active pallbearers will be: Foster Robbins. Junior . Hilburn, Ellis Sellers, Newman Willetts, Humphrey Sellers and Eugene Sullivan. * Miss Willetts was born Jar- i uary 28, 1913, and attended tha i (Continued on page 4) Mrs. Gore Dies V s J Near Winnabow .] Died Following Illness Of r Two Weeks; Funeral Sere vices At Mill Creek Tu?sday Afternoon J Mrs. Dolly Gore, 67, of Win- ! nabow, died Monday afternoon at 1 4:30 o'clock after an illness o& t about two weeks, j She is survived by two sons, Charlie and Allen Gore, and ona j brother, Walker WiUetts, all of I r Winnabow. ^ s She was a member of the Mill a (Continued on page 4) t 1 I Tide Table i Following Is the tide table j (or Southport during the next , week. These hours are appre- ' xlmately correct and were furnished The State Fort Pitt ;,| through the courtesy of Uw [ Cape Fear Pilot's Associate* High Tide Low M TIDE TABLE ' i Thursday, March 7 G:40 a. m. 0:35 a. in. 6:57 p. m. 13:55 p. m. Friday, .March 8 ' 7:17 a. m. 1:19 a. m. 7:33 p. in. 1:35 p. m. Saturday, March 9 7:53 a. m. 1:59 a. m. r 8:05 p. m. 3:13 p. m. i Sunday, March 10 8:36 a. ni. 3:36 a. in. 8:39 p. m. 3:47 p. m. Monday, .March 11 )| > 9:00 a. m. 3:11 a. m. 9:11 p. m. 3:19 p. nt. r Tuesday, .March 13 . , 9:35 a. m. 3:44 a. m. i 3 9:46 p. m. - 3:47 p. ru. r Wednesday, .March IS j 10:11 a. m. 4:16 a. m. . J s 10:33 p. m. 4:17 p. * rt . v , i

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