(?itr Tom Carr. of ? ard their three chd 3?Lev and Tom the ?jn. L iourth and weekW]\ < *?lie carr- J?n 15 spending this weeK B?.% Carr. " r; ormond Butler, and r^ushter. Judy left Wi! to I-- m ^rk" '1.1 accepted a position Bj?*ited his family with rvl Judy are going j Rfr-ev to spend the rest! with Elmas sis lodridl, before. B5., housekeeping in the j ; r'.yy'!l be* back to see ^ " !, * * * .1 . rfUr.ion was held on ' e the home of Mr. and .v Easier . Gathered I -went Mr. j .lames P. Hood and chil Mary Billy, and K'yorictown. Virginia; Mr ?. William Ottoway and William. Jr.. and HarNew York: Mr. Fivd M. Ashburn of Beach. and Mr. and Mrs. styron and son Dicky ' Kj Martha Easley. Bk-'s Daughters will meet 'Bts'ir ri?tht with Mrs' Mir" dtticr at 3 o'clock. - Hue:'. St George cottage 3e3ch was the scene of M Mrty on Thursday and j!r?' Rudolph Sanders. tv P.uark and Mrs. James H- ; both days and ThursB"' there The dance that '^Kos the highspot of the Marion St. George ;nin>'ja> anu maty i the party on Friday. Kjr evening for supper' H tie husbands were there, , M- James Carr. Rudolph, . . and the master of ' t * * to) hand pets better and ' they reached the pin-1 Mnrrs.iay r.isht with their! HW Cut Down The Old j Hx They threw restraint | lr.:is and pave out a hill I set the crowd ' Hfc: tenor six sounded like ' singing "Friendship" j ^ ji! plenty pood! .... Hport club I Ar-ie M. Ne wton was H to Southport Home Demclub members at their Hreetir? was presided over C. Ed Taylor, and fol: ?? business session Mrs. 5 Dosher. home agent, of a discussion on ar.J arrangement of trr.iture. Mrs. B. J. Holden M paper on moth control. Mfc-ts of punch and served the following Mt.v Taylor. Mrs. Dosher, Mrs. Harry Weeks, - St. George. Miss Lot > Xewton and Miss Mary Mm: meeting will be held U"th \TrQ \f correctly tailored by famous * -? ?.?I- Rl?? .LM.I ? --? Vik^- i JH mantrr ui mcun imc nmiia, _ C?mC ?arly W,mt ,aSt '?nK:l Boys' SLACK SUITS Jjjdl I $1.95 ,o $2.95 Cool summer fabrics and popular tones of preen, blue and 1 yf\ I brown, in smartly tailored shirts /I J I \ I with matching or contrasting / / II ) I pleated slacks! Be comfortable I / // f V I and cool . . . They're a real //, /1 I July Sale Value! ?J1 Jl a Third Floor. \i/l I v "" I IB Mil 1H t f. SOUTHPORT. N. C. if Raleigh spent the holida; weekend here with Ciptain an< Mrs. I. B. Bussells. Leland IV. P. A. Library Oper, The W. P. A. reading room a Leland is open each week-day Monday through Friday, from i i. m. to 2:30 p. m. during thi summer months. A story hour is being con lucted each Tuesday and Thurs lay morning from 9 o'clock t< 10 o'clock. Boones Neck 4'H Club Meeti Boones Neck 4-H Club girls helc their regular meeting Wednesday July 3rd, at the home of Julii Mae Hewett, after which thei prepared and served a cold plati supper. The menu was: Devilec ;ggs, cabbage slaw, potato salad tot biscuits with butter, muffins :hocolate milk and fruit. Those present were: Fairlei Lewis, Irene Robinson, Louisi Hewett, Olenda Robinson, Lottii Mae Hewett, Mildred Robinson [rone Hewette, Julia Mae Hewett iVnnie Mae Robinson, Jessie Lei Robinson, Nellie Lewis, Mattii Robinson, Aliene Hewett, Lou El en Hewette, and Ev& Hewett. The nex* meeting will be heli Wednesday, uly 17, at the homi >f Misses Lou Ellen and Ev: Hewett. iVH YWE SHOULD PROTECToi (Continued from page 2) inough to induce us to protec >ur forests from becoming un rightly charred ruins dotted heri rnd there by burning carcasse if deer, foxes, rabbits, and othe minials. All traces of the man; species of wild flowers are de stroyed, and with them the hone; see and the butterfly disappear rhen, there is a beauty that thi rye cannot see, and which anyoni ,vho has never enjoyed the still less of the forest cannot under stand; the coolness, the odor, thi 'eeling of complete satisfactios :hat one experiences while strol ing through a forest. After a fire all the wealth, al :he beauty and enchantment o :he forest is like the Old Con 'ederacy in Margaret Mitchell': >ook, "Gone With the Wind." WANT ADS TOR SALE?two cottages ii Southport. See Mrs. J. J \dams. 6-26-' : HAVE ON HAND?28 mules 5 horses, 3 milk cows. Thii itock is the kind you will like 'rices ranging from $65.00 t< >300.00? I will have a big supplj >f mules, horses and cows or land throughout the summer 5ee me when you need anything n livestock. J. P. NEWTON 'hone 2006 Wilmington, N. C. i-8-tf-c. VANTED?Hogs and cattle al iizes. Best market prices al ..ongwood, N. C., at our statior very Saturday, 8:00 A. M. t( 1:00 P. M. Cash paid in ful lame day. Auction sale everj ruesday, 1:00 P. M., Fairmont 1. C. FAIRMONT STOCK fARDS, Phone 4011. 5-8-tl LEGALS NOTICE OP 8ERTICE BY PI'BMCATION IX THE SUPERIOR COURT 1IEFORE THE (TEHK NORTH ( A KOI.IX A HHUNSAVH'K COUNTY. The defendant. John T. Howen, wll ake notice that a special proceed ngs entitled "C. Ed. Taylor. Plain iff. against Clarence Bowen, Et. Als, lefewlants," filed April 27. 1910, ti >artition certain lands in Brunswiel 'ounty in which said defendant fohn T. Bowen. owns undivided in erest. which proceedings is to male tale for division of said lands amom enants in common: and the defend mt will take notice that he is re iuired to appear at the office of tin 'lerk of the Superior Court of Bruns vick County, Southporf. X. C.. hj Hon day. July 22nd.. 1010. and answo ?r demur to the complaint in salt iction or the plaintiff will apply t? he court for the relief demandei n said complaint. This June 20. 1910. M. B. Watkins. Assistant Clerl Superior Court. 7-17-< S'OTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAM OF REAL F8TATF State of North Carolina, County of Itrunswlrk. Under and by virtue of the pro isions of a certain real estate mort rage executed by R. Fodale, t< "). P. Xanthos. dated December 1 922. and recorded in Book 53. page: 120-1, in the Office of the Register o ">eeds of Brunswick County. X". C. lefault having been made and con inuing in the payment of the deb secured by and performnnce of th ovenants contained in said mortgage he undersigned will on August .1 910. at 12 o'clock noon, at thi 'ourthouse door in Brunswick Coun y expose and offer for sale fo ash to the highest bidder that cer ain lot or parcel of land situate! n the Town of Southport. State am bounty aforesaid, hounded and de icribed as follows All that certain waterskirt piece o >arcel of land lying and being de icribed &3 follow Beginning at Mrs. Morrison's Wes orner on Bay Street and runs thenci ibout Westwnrdlv along the line o 3ay Street fifi feet" to the line o Potts Street; thence down the line o ^otts Street to the channel of thi Npe Fear River: thence Eastwards villi the meanders of the channel o he Cape Fear River to said Morrisoi ine; thence about Northwardly will Morrison's Hue to the beginning, i leing the same property conveyed ti T. T. Harper by C. C. Morse b; ieed dated October 13. 1887. sairr onveyed to O. R. Fodnle and M fodale by Charles S. Hewett am vife March 10. 1922, recorded ii look 37 at page C5. Rodgers and Rodgers. Attorneys Vilmington. North Carolina. D. P. Xanthos. Mortgagee. Dated and posted June 21, 1910. '-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that b; irtue of ?i decree of the Superioi Vurt of Brunswick County. N. C, iated the 3rd. day of June. 194f n an action entitled "Brunswiel 'ounty versus? j. G. Jenrette And Wife If Any,"? V I the undersigned commissioner will ex,i pose at public auction sale to the highest J bidder for cash on the 5th. day of August. 1010. at 12:00 o'clock M., at I the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C\, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $121.98, the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township, 1 i Brunswick County, X. C.. bounded land described as follows: 1st. TRACT: BOUNDED BY THE 11 LANDS OF The Thomas Hickman Estate, J. S. Bellamy and D. H. > j Hardee Estate, and others and being ? the same land deeded by J. T. Sel! lers and Susan M. Sellers to Elias 2 Jenrette on the 20th, day of December 1SS7 and recorded in Book Y Y I on page 578 on the 28th. day of " ! August 190t> containing (25) acres. 2nd. TRACT:? BEGINNING at a I stake on the East side of Hick3 j man's Branch near the end of a mill Dam. runs thence East 12 poles to a slake; thence North 89poles to a stake; thence West 12 poles to a stake; thence South to the beginning. containing (10) acres it being a part of a tract known as the j Hickman lands. ' And all other lands owned by the said defendants in Brunswick County. , North Carolina. 1 All sales subject to report to and - confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to be paid at sale. j This the 3rd, day of July. 1940. 3. B. Frink. Commissioner. - 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE l? Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree or the Superior ' i Court of Brunswick County. N. C., j dated the 0th, day of May. 19.40, e in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? e F. M. Norris And Wife If Any."? e the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest f bidder for cash on the 5th. day of ; August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M.. at '' the Courthouse door, Southport. X. e to satisfy the decree of said court a to enforce the payment of $456.33, the following described real estate, " located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, X. C., bounded , and described as follows: J j BEGINNING on a pine in the run q i of Mill Branch, A. K. Hickman's corner runs thence down said Branch II as it meand rs to the run of big Caw Caw Swamp; thence witn me run of Caw Caw Swamp to a cypress. A. K. Hickman's line to the beginj ning, containing seventy five (75) J acres more or less. And all other lands owned by the f said defendants in Shullotte Town! ship, Brunswick County, North Caro lina. 01 All sales subject to report to and ' confirmation by the Court. Ten days S , allowed for raise of bid before report r! made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July. 1940. / S. B. Frink, Commissioner. . 1 7-31-c / FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by * virtue of a decree of the Superior B Court of Brunswick County, X. C., e dated the 3rd. day of June, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick - County versus? _ H. A. Jenrette Ami Wife If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will exB pose at public auction sale to the highest 1 bidder for cash on the 5th. day of i August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at -1 the Courthouse door, .Southport, X. to satisfy the decree of said court lie enforce the payment of $122.30, 1, the following described real estate, r located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, X. C., bounded - and described as follows: g BEGINNING at a stake on the East side of Hickman Branch near the Old Mill Dam. runs thence N. 22 _ chains 36 links to a stake in the Hardee line; thence East 22 chains 311 links to a slake; thence West 22 chains 35 links to the beginning containing fifty (50) acres more or less, _ save and excepting 10 acres on the 1 West side for D. G. Jenrette. And all other lands owned by the . said defendants in Brunswick County, ? North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and - confirmation by the Court. Ten days i allowed for raise of bid before report * I made. Cash to be paid at sale. 3 This the 3rd. day of July, 1940. .S. B. Frink, Commissioner. * 7-31-c r FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by l virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C.t dated the 5th. day of May. 1940, r in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? ' S. H. Frink And Wife If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th. day of - August. 1910, at 12:00 o'clock M., at i the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court t to enforce the payment of $103.37, the folhku'ine described real estate. 1 o c a t e il in Shallotte Township. ) Brunswick County, N. C.f bounded i and described as follows: BEGINNING at G. E. Brook's corr ner; thence with said G. E. Brook's line to his other corner; thence far enough to run parrellel with said G. [ E. Brook's line to contain twenty-five P (25) acres more or less. c And all other lands owned by the - said defendants in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd, day of July, 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that by - virtue of a decree of the Superior - Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 0th, day of May, 1940, 1 in an action entitled "Brunswick { County versus? Luther Frink And Wife If Any."? - the undersigned commissioner will exe pose at public auction sale to the highest ? bidder*for cash on the 5th, day of - August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at - the Courthouse door, Southport, N. B C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $102.88, f the following described real estate, '' located in Shallotte Township. ? Brunswick County, N. C.. bounded ' and described as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a stake Jacob Bell's corner runs thence North 68 degrees East 80 poles to Sallie Pond; c thence South 11 degrees East 300 c poles to a stake In John Frink's lino near a ditch; thence North 68 degrees West 80 poles to a stake in 5 Jacobs Bell's line; thence with said line North 11 degrees West 300 poles to the beginning containing one hundred and fifty acres, excepting - fifty acres (50) been conveyed to - Shepard Frink and Mitchell Frink, t my sons. Excepting always from the , above a life time right for Spencer ? Frink and Harriett Frink. his wife, f And all other lands owned bv the , said Luther Frink and Wife if any - in Shallotte Township. Brunswick, t C'onnty. North Carolina. e All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report u made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July, 1940. r S. B. Frink, Commissioner. - 7-31-c I I FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior r Court of Brunswick County. N. C., - dated the 6th. day of May. 1940, In an action entitled "Brunswick t County versus? B W. R. Hickman And Wife If Any."? f the undersigned commissioner will exJ pose at public auction sale to the highest * bidder for cash on the 5th, day of e August. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock M., at k" the Courthouse door. Southport. N. f C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $155.16, II the following described real estate, t located in Shallotte Township. 0 Brunswick County, N. C., bounded V and described as follows: f BEGINNING at a stake in J. F. O'Quinn's line at the Public road. 3 runs thence North 420 feet: thence 1 West 108 feet to a stake in W. R. Hickman's line; thence South 420 6 feet to a stake in J. F. O'Quinn's line; thence East 108 feet with the said J. F. O'Quinn's line to the beginning. BEGINNING at a stake J. F. . O'Quinn's corner runs North 44% poles: thence West 89>,? poles to the original line; thence south 44% poles; 7 thence East 89^ roles to the beginr nlng containing twenty five acres to ? the same more or less. >. And all other lands owned by the c said defendants in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, North Car olina. [All sales subject to report to and | confirmation by the Court. Ten days i ! allowed for raise of bid before report \ Itnade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July, 1940. ? S. B. Frink, Commissioner, j 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 3rd. day of June. 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? William MeKenzie And Wife If Any." the undersigned commissioner will ex; pose at public auction sale to the highest | bidder for cash on the 5th. day of I August. 1940, at 13:00 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport. X. I C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $430.77, i the following described real estate, | located In Smithville Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded | j and described as follows: BEGINNING on the East side of Howe Street at Calvin Brinson's N.! W. corner, runs thence about East | along said Brinson's X. line to the Old main Road, thence about North thirty three (33) feet: thence about West parallel with the South line to the East line of Howe Street; thence about thirty-three feet South to the beginning corner. BEGINNING on Howe Street. Sallie Shepards Northwestern corner, running with Sallie Shepards line thirty three (33) feet to Henry .McNeils line: thence West sixty-six feet to Mary Moores line; thence Southwardly with Mary Moores line thirtythree (33) feet; thence Eastwardly with Betty Prices line sixty-six feet to Howe Street; thence Northwardly thirty-three (33) feet to the beginning. being the same land conveyed to Richard Dosher and wife by W. T. Pinner and wife by deed dated 39th. Oct. 1906. BEGINNING at a point in the Western line of Howe Street one hundred and sixty five (165) feet Northwardly from its intersection with the Northern line of Brown Street; runs thence Westwardly at right angles with Howe Street and parallel with Brown Street sixty six (66) feet to a stake in the dividing line between the lots of which the land herein conveyed is a part and the lot next westwardly. thence at right angles. Northwardly, parallel, with Howe Street with the said dividing line; thence Eastwardly at rlffht angles parallel with Brown Street sixty-six (66) feet to the Western line of Howe Street; thence Southwardly at right angles with the said line of Howe Street fifty five (55) feet to the beginning corner. And all others lands owned by the said Defendants in Smithville Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July. 1940. S. 13. Frink. Commissioner. 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice ^ Is hereby given that by ViHue Ul a utfvictr Wi Uic uu|ici iui Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. dated the 3rd, day of June, 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Mrs. Mary E. Mooney And Husband If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th, day of August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door. Southport, X. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $375.40, the following described real estate, located in Lockwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County, N*. C., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a slake on the South side of Doe Creek, runs North 28 degrees \V. with Janies Hankin's and G. D. Gore's line 00 poles to a stake in the edge of a Branch; thence East 59 poles to a stake: thence S. 7 degrees \V. 40 poles to a stake in Jas. Hankin's own line; thence with his line S. 53 degrees AS*, to the beginning, containing 12 acres more or less. And all other lands owned by the Defendants in Brunswick county. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed" for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July. 1910. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. dated the 3rd, day of June, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Carl G. Knox And Wife If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th, day of August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $1,200.82. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Tract No. 2 BEGINNING at the mouth of saw Mill Tract, running a North Course to the edge of the Mill Pond; thence with the Eastern edge thereof to a Branch called the Eastern Mill Branch: thence up the same with the run thereof to an ash, C. H. Hewett's corner; thence his line South 35 degrees East 46 poles to a stake: thence South 74 East 31 poles to a stake Mchmotids Browns corner; thence with said Rrown's line South 68 degrees East ?>? uaid Ttrnwn'a OX JIVICO IV/ ail vni.| - rorner; thence with Bellamy's line South 3 degrees West about 150 poles to a Sweet Gum on Town Creek: thence up said Creek as it meanders to the mouth of Ashpolis Creek; thence up said Creek to the beginning containing 208 acres, more or less, and being the same lands described in deed from J. J. Knox and wife, to W. W. Drew as recorded In Book Q. Q. at page 302, Records of Brunswick County, reference thereto being hereby made, and being the same lands that were conveyed by J. J. Knox and wife to Carl G. Knox by deed dated 28th, day of April A. D. 1928, and recorded in Book 50 at page 51, office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick county, North Carolina, to which reference is hereby especially made and particularly made. And all other lands owned by the said defendants in Brunswick county. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of July. 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 3rd, day of June, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? D. S. Russ And Wife If Any."? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th. day of August. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock M? at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $100.93, the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: 18 Acres Home in Shallotte Township. adjoining the lands of Zeno Ward & others. And all other lands owned by the said defendants in Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd, day of July. 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 7-31-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 3rd. day of June. 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? J. H. Milllnor And Wife If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th. day of August, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enfroce the payment of $179.56, the following described real estate, located in Northwest Township, PAGE THREE Brunswick County. X. C.. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake Mrs. Child's upper corner runs thence East 7 chains and 9 links to a stake: thence North 20 chains and 72 links to a stake; thence West 26 chains and IS links to a stake a dividing line between E. M. Skipper & Carolina Trucking Development Company, thence with said dividing line South 25 East 20 chains