1 PAGE FOUR 1* control of the machine and it Local Ladies overturned Hurt In Wreck Stewards Attend Miss Imogen Garrett In Bed IflQlTlf 1 ImPPI From Injuries Sustained UWUItl Monday Afternoon When Auto Overturns On High- Meeting Presided Over By way District Superintendent A. S. Parker In Wilmington Miss Imogen Garrett of South port is a patient at her home A meeting of district stewards recovering from bruises and |was held yesterday in Wilmington shock sustained in an automobile1 ?t Grace Methodist church, with accident Monday afternoon on a number of pastors and laymen the Supply-Southport highway. from this county in attendance. Mrs. Lucy W. White and Mrs. Purpose of the meeting, which P. I. Watson, other occupants of was presided over by District the car when it turned over near Superintendent A. S. Parker, was the Baxter Clemmons farm, es- to discuss the new financial plan caped with minor bruises and which affects every church in the lasce rations. district. A fellowship luncheon According to report, a cow sud- was served at the conclusion of denly came upon the road in the morning conference, front of the automobile in which ! Those from this county in at"" """"" ladies were returning I tendance were Rev. R. S. Harri CiiC jvu..e ? ? to Southport late in the after- son, R. I. Mintz and C. an. noon from Supply, where they Taylor, Southport: Rev. J. C. are employed at the county Whedby and Otho Bellamy, Shalagent's office. In her efforts to lotte; Rev. Walter Pavey, Mr. miss the cow, Miss Garrett lost and Mrs. E. C, Woodbury, Mrs. THANKSGIVING At this Thanksgiving season we have much for which to be thankful. For health and home and happiness, we are truly grateful. For our right to think and speak and worship as we wish, we give thanks. The last nation who may still enjoy all these fine privileges without the shadow of war, or threat of war, we are thankful on this Thanksgiving that we are Americans, that we are North Carolinians, that we live in Brunswick county. G. W. Kirby & Sons SUPPLY, N. C. It Pays ICmP To Shop If In Wilmiri; 1 | DON'T FORGET TO VISIT W J AND SEE THE BEAUTIFULLY .f SHOPPING DISTRIC jK? Its like a trip to Fairyland, a visit that you \ The whole City is aglow with gaily colored light % phere that spells "Welcome" to Wilmington. i | CARLOADS OF CHRIS 1 MERCHANDISE jg No matter if your gift list is a mile long, yo ^ GIFT for everyone from the servant, to a Christi for the most fastidious member of the family. I EVERYTHING TO CHOOS jjfl New ideas for Christmas Gifts show up ca IK the stores outdo themselves in displaying the fir is? gift suggestions ever offered, and at prices you c I | ALL STORES ATTRAC1 | DECORATED ? The very atmosphere of all Wilmington stoi Christmas Spirit. Its hard to explain?but you'll mean the moment you visit them. Truly, this is a || ful city in which to do your Christmas shopping | The Wilmington Mi I 1 1 "IT PAYS TO SHOP IN WIL m 8 Nellie Walker and Miss Sallie Betts Knox, Town Creek. BOLIVIA SCHOOL NEWS All of the teachers from Bolivia high school attended the district N. C. E. A. meeting in Fayetteville last Friday. Due to this there was no school on Friday. Thanksgiving holidays will begin on Wednesday afternoon and continue until Monday morning. We hope everyone will have a pleasant time. Last Wednesday night the Bolivia high school boys played the Cavalry Boys from Wilmington in basketball. Roy Rabon was ! the high scorer for Bolivia and McCoy for Cavalry. Another game was played by the Bolivia owls and the Leland Owls. The home economics classes ! are beginning their home projects. These have to be completed one week after Christmas holidays. The classes will begin Christmas projects next Monday. These projects may be gifts that the girls may make in class. The Junior American Citizens club was organized in the 11th | grade home room Monday morning Nov. 25th, under the supervision of Mrs. Tucker, director. Billy Robbins was appointed chairman by the director, and the fol! S&MI6HT ; COUGHS | YOUR CHILD'S coughing at night ?caused by throat "tickle" or irl ritation, mouth breathing, or a cold?can often be prevented by rubbing the throat and chest I with plenty of Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. vaporub'S SWIFT poultice-andvapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation, clears air pas? sages, tends to stop mouth breathing, and invites a J healing, restful l/|CKS* J sleep. Try it. VVAPORim I gton J i ILMINGTON 1 DECORATED I I fill not want to miss. 0 s, creating an atmosK & K 9 TMAS | 9 1 u can find a suitable w nas morning surorise Sjj | | iE FROM I ch year. This season iest array of original \ft_ :an afford to pay. ? riVELY I I 1 es is permeated with ;*5 M know just what we ^ beautiful and cheer- '0 % 1 1 srchants S % MINGTON" 1 35 i a THE STATE PORT PILOT lowing officers were elected: Pres- J ident, Elsie Rabon; 1st vice-pres., b Virginia Clemmons; 2nd vice-pres. ii Junior Hilburn; secretary, Caro- n line Thorp; color bearer, McKei- t: than. The following were appoint- a ed by the president to aid the flag bearer in various ceremonies g which will be presented during ti the year: Rebekah Thorp, Juan- b ita Lewis, Jimmie Johnson, and tl Billy Robbins. , p The director then gave some information on types of programs |g that can be presented during the v year, which would be of interest n to the group. n "LIBRARY" u The circulation of our library a books is still splendid. 364 fic- 2 tion and 379 non-fiction in the past week making A grand total c of 743. |ji The elementary pupils enjoy'o their new books a great deal. j d We have our books back from, g the Wilmington mending unit and s] ! are well pleased with the work | a ] that was done on them. 75 dam-J ' aged books were mended so that fi J they are now nearly as good as J g I new. tl Thanksgiving is tomorrow and we have much to be thankful f for! Did you ever stop to think' ( I what a wonderful school you | have ? What fine opportunities j g your children are afforded ? Few! j, of us ever think of our school j as being anything to be thank-! v ful for, but indeed we should be I j( thankful for Bolivia high school, i j, Many schools are not so for- j tunate as ours, as a visitor here> 0 recently revealed. His schools are 1 f, struggling to reach the accredit- [ b ed list, but so far their efforts1 r, I have been in vain. S h Last year Bolivia reached a | long anticipated goal?to have its J w elementary as well as its high school department added to tne accredited school list. Behind this 1 p accomplishment was much thought and labor on the part of many. P.-T. A. MEETS AT WACCAMAW ? (Continued From Page 1) I Q gifts at the Christmas tree next] P.-T. A. meeting, December 16. a All the parents are urged to ^ come and enjoy a program of fun and frolic. n PLEA MADE FOR J FARM SECRETARY (Continued from page one) Sl ious ramifications involves a great ^ amount of detail, and a . WHEREAS, the campaign, if g properly conducted, will be worth b many times its cost, w THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV- e> ED by this body of County Chair- i men assembled in district meeting at Elizabethtown this 22nd p day of November, 1940 do peti- 0; tion the State Chairman, Dr. r Frank P. Graham, and the Dis- 0 trict Chairmen to use, their influ- f< ence to the end that an all-time w Executive Secretary may be se- _ cured for this work in the State. This district is composed of the following counties: Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow, Duplin, Pender and Jones. BUSY DAY FOR COUNTY COURT (Continued from Page 1) and bond was set at $100.00. John Everett, colored, was found guilty of being drunk and ji j?i.. in .love uisuiueiiy auu waa given uu uajo | on the roads. Judgment was su-1 spended upon payment of costs and a fine of $15.00. Edward Grady, colored, was found guilty of making an assault upon an officer. Given 90 j days on the roads, it was provided that judgment be suspended upon payment of a fine of We take the opporti for Peace. It is the 1 tage we have. Thank ca that preserves Pe< it as priceless. On thi let us all pledge our completely to do all Peace with ourselves bors. Thank God for THIS BANK I CLOSED TJ IN OBSERVANCE O WACCi BANK & 1 WHITE I FAIRMONT CHADI CLARKTON TABOK I KENAN ' I NORTH C ' I ?Member Federal Deposi I ! , SOUTHPORT, N. C. 25.00 and costs. He was ordered < y Judge Stanaland to begin serv- | 1 g 3 months of a former judg- ( lent growing out of his convicion on a charge of making an ' ssault with a deadly weapon. 1 Jim Bryant, colored, was found < uilty of driving without opera- < or's license and without proper j 1 rakes. Sentence of 30 days on ' le roads was suspended upon ayment of costs. j1 Merton Holden, white, was [' iven 12 months after being con-!' icted of being a nuisance. Judg-)! lent was suspended upon pay- j' lent of a fine of $25.00 and costs 11 pon condition that the defend- ' nt remain of good behavior for ' years. (' Dayton McLamb, white, was;' harged with drunk driving and | ldgment in the matter was held pen. He was convicted of being runk and disorderly and was iven 30 days. Judgment was supended upon payment of costs nd a fine of $15.00. 1 Elmer Mooney, white, was lund guilty of disposing of mortaged property but judgment in ae matter was held open. tecord Enrollment For Red 'ross Chapter Is Indicated (Continued from page one) anization can be set up and put l operation in every community. Almost everybody seems to rant to join", she said, "and it >oks like just a matter or givlg them an opportunity." J. Berg, chapter chairman, is ut of town this week, but a ill report will be made to him efore next week's paper and the emaining list of members will e published. I Rev. A. L. Brown of Southportl ras in charge of the campaign trough the schools. ox Hunters From All Over State Begin To Arrive' (Continued from page one) ere nearly a month with a fine ack of hounds which he has een consolidating with the pack f Vallee Fredere. Bud Arthur, nother Concord sportsman arives today. F. B. Fredere of 'ouncil will be here with a pack f 12 dogs. Mr. Ward of Willington will bring on 10 more )r at least a couple of days of le hunt. State Treasurer Chas. M. Johnsn of Raleigh, an ardent fox unting fan, wrote he was unble to come, owing to prior en-1 agements. However he wrote his i rother, Joe Johnson, 'at Burgaw, I rhere his dogs are kept, and aski him to bring the pack of some 9 hounds on down here. There are some reports of the ossibility of several fine packs f dogs being brought in from :obeson county, also indications f others from nearby counties, jr at least a few days of the reek's hunt. Not all of these dog FARMERS! You can get Red Heart Wheat at Nelson's Warehouse, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. WACCAMAW MILLING CO. M. O. Nelson, Jr. Judge Myers WHITEVILLE, N. C. . unity to thank God most treasured heriGod for an Ameriace and that values is Thanksgiving Day selves sincerely and we can to keep and with our neighPeace! i WILL BE EJURSDAY F THANKSGIVING \MAW RUST CO. 1VILLE SOCRN ROSEHILL CITY SOUTHPORT SVILLE AROLINA |t Insurance Corporation owners will be able to stay out Racing Boat the full week, as the Western Of A Storm] Carolina and Tennessee hunters (Continued fr Man to do, but they will be here as vv^en ^e ca for two or three days and the s'c'e ^0wn' ;xpectations are to have consid- warc' f?r the < jrably more than a hundred hanging head d lounds after the fox some of the water. normngs They said th Most of the hunts will be staged out on the River Road, b^- wn' w^en tl :ween here and Walden's Creek, they would go However, a chase may be put on and eat their n " ?rtnn snmp morning and one eot aleeDy th< Br more hunts may also take an anchor oyer dace on the Fort Caswell reservation. H. H. Thomas of Fort Cas- ?le under the veil and Churchill Bragaw of j canoe, drawing B>rton have both lined up for full. above them. In B?opcration. . they said that I H Handsome 7B m . ! ' HI" ? "' 8' k'1 *' '? ? Br' %'? irifr'^WWB^B ' 'SSkMI Vou arc sure to find it j j |} in one of our catalogs? ' j&*~ from. Stop at Sears and ^ I > l 1941 MODELS Standard ELGIN $21-95 ? Double Bar as Illustrated fi $2.50 Down $3.00 Monthly Small Carrying Charge Full size Elgins . . amazingly low III priced! Equipped with ALLSTATE j Crusader Safety Tread Tires. "ifrtyM iK3|f reflector on rear fender. Enameled streamlined frame and truss rods. wL'/y \lK Troxel Saddle. Red or black; white )Uj "ELGIN RACE VELOCIPEDE I ^ Exclusive W STURDY EASY TO ? BLACKBOARD TYPEW Ira S gp HHi I WILMING WEDNESDAY, Captain Tells did much r Time At Sea bouncing. om page one) ? H' inoes turned up- HOMECOMlNcT^jr- Mg is rather awk- ANTIOCH CHi?,Jb occupants to be .. (Continue.) from pa the devotionn' ' ? c*. lownward in the wjl) ^ ^ ormer on for a brief e, ' at on their trip tracjng ^ ^ -** , S ,ey got hungry ch(Jrch ^ ^ ? A* ashore and cook special ,)u .,ta, : t^Rj leal. When they morning serm ;y would throw at noon for the .... ;u,, board and wrls. , ??'">; 2 o clock with deck of the song services: r, the hole tight will be suim. an.j piangf rough weather, ; year's homecoming w i; f fll their beds often cussed. ' ^Hg Tube Console! I $4.00 DOWN?$5.00 MONTHLY Small Carrying Charge Big 7-tube superheterodyne v.ith t purpose tubes. 3 tuning bands. Convrts^H^ band indicator and tuning e\v. Ptish-O-Jfe.^B' is tuning. High quality 8-inch ; magnetic dynamic speaker. Automatic v>iH i ume and ton control. Special jack for taching phonograph record player or ion converter. commentator! co os $2-?? D?wn jjmMn $2.00 MonthlyV .Small Carrying Charge II If Built-in Aerial . . . Str a:1 Dii^He II U ^ Dynamic Speaker I Pr.-h E.tt.t^H: Super Het Circuit! sB? gjuiiTir**' ONXY OR WHITE?SI053 R y:rv$L. treamlined "Elpede! New safe- . ^ ^|l|nrU|JHH ,vin tubular rear step plate, | and handlebars, construction. . . ^r^TrC^^' AVi? or girls. Choice jfcxf ^VjtV k* i color comblna- "1 vlth Sears! . 79 - $10.49 F mCWagon33?WM DPERATE DOLL.'"1 RITER ?|ftry 98j? .dually types H\t D^s/tf 0 B "gibly on full 11 f d T 0 *w B] hect paper! Kany " ' o oi>erate. Simply CLa*\ 111 9 iscrt paper under 9 lexible rubber ?? oils., Turn Ui;U ,<1,1 ,l,?r! IH mil letter ap- \V11*71111-I"" K* ears. Loads 01 TV IIili???p* Lin?and very edu