. B ^ DECEMBER ?, 1940 lEifc (Our ^Hflpmatp u| ? ^ Your columnist was among the f" p.uaik's committee 21,000 who saw the Duke-Pitt ,)lt. grounds at Dosh- game on Saturday, and, like the iiospital will begin other 20,999 was especially imi-B J moi-ningr i Thursday) pressed with the Pitt band . . . r.^B , * Alio ha\e shtub- No 8todgy "stars and stripes" for ^B- " tii n* will ?i\e are Mrs. Ruark's them They came forth, all j,-e that it is pro- 140 pieces with a swing edition ,.ui in the right of "The Ferry boat Serenade" A 1" % ,io take it out to . . . Not only that, but their H!' - a- little help will do "God Bless America" number was of^l j.-vard beautifying an awe-inspiring sight . . . They le^Hr even had a statute of liberty (and Hfsi'V s * she was pretty, too) in the center t . j.;0 cannon, only of their star formation . . . - Mr and Mrs. C. C. To cap it all. they marched : soiithport's only law double time which made all other V.present, arrived on bands we've seen and heard a Bf i several days with page out of the past . . . B9;,';,.' . pickie has been Pretty thrilling . . . and it it! t a'- the University this added a lot to the spectacle in B"^.'- ' received her college Duke Stadium Saturday . . . B-f'-'-em Charleston College * * * B^cy , . We understand that Miss WilH'. ; her dad's Alma na Thomas, daughter of Mr. and jo Mr Cannon must j Mrs. Cornelius Thomas, of Thomproud to have her go asboro, will have a prominent Ipait in a dramatic production s * * 'at Woman's College soon . . . Ltijfe | I EFIRD'S Wilmington In? , ~ jcsk I^4 B\nias Special! Give Her Slips / CI QZ An extra large selection of IteV * pajamas for S''P^ for gifts in tailored and .men! These will ",ce st-vles la excellent gift. V/C iglo v E S BAGS styles in fabric and Women's and Misses' bags for Ij^H A large gift giving. Assorted shapes. Jfc to choose from. styles and colors. IBrStmas Ties SOCKS Leather Co^ts |^H^S Christmas 3 pairs rayon nov- Men's and boys' ! - ivkhial e'ty socks in Xmas leather coats, zipboxes? per pockets, value :: that is being sold II 48c 48c per box up to $6.50? IB Beautiful quality Sale Price $4.95 I I^H l~ men's ! rayon?new pattern Horse hide and |B socks, 3 pairs to special heavy wt. 5 box. $1.00 value? workmen's leather || q7 coats. Price $6.95 IB^-?_ per ^?x II I Complete New Stock of Bedroom Slippers II Tor Men, Women and Children BLANKETS PLAID PAIRS : "Jjl' rayon and cotton 72x84 part wool plaid pair 'v, blankets. Special while they H 'OYS GOING FAST! ! |^^We ,a 'r'endly warning to our customers who , uy their toys here . . . We're selling out Urry in this week for yours! THE STATE PQF.T PIL I The play is "Family Portrait" CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY land is based on the life of the | lamlly of jesus . . . Miss Thomas Mrs. W. E. Dosher entertained I will Play the role of Naomi, a few 6f her friends on MonI daughter r>f Mary. . . . clay night at a party celebrating This is the same drama which her birthday, jwas such a success on Broadway Bingo was played during the I last season . . . and Brunswick evening after which punch and | is fortunate to have an actress cake were served, in the cast of this production Mrs Dosher received many lovewhen it is put on by the Plav lymf'ftS" t ... Those who were there are meslkers . . . dames Ida Marshall. Claude Can ;? non, Sid Veasey, Clarence Crapon, iBIRT11DA\ PART\ C. Ed. Taylor, and Misses Annie Zue Newton and Mary Weeks. Master Billy Watts White cele brated his fourth birthday on THANKSGIVING SUPPER j Monday afternoon with a party! .... Misses Irene P.obinson and Julia at his home. ti * i Mae Hewett entertained their The house was decorated in the ~ , ?? . .. 4U .. . friends at Miss Hewett's home i Christmas spit it, the mantle and L ,. . . * last Thursday night. Several table being the center of inter- * , interesting games were played. M Games were played during the The hostess aerved a ??M*r of afternoon after which the birth- roast chicken, creamed potatoes, day cake was cut and served string beans, cheese straws, hot with ice cream. Snap favors were biscuits with butter, fruit cake found at each place, adding to the following the merriment. , . Before his guests left, 'Billy &uests: Fair,ee Lewis- Manc presented each of them with a Holden, Hatridge Sermons, Burstocking filled with candy. gwin Hewette, Cecil Holden and Those who were there are Wilbur Holden. Misses Stuart Arlington, Anne Brooks Newton, Charlene Newton FOR TREATMENT Mary Minta Mintz, and Joy Lynn Claudia Catherine Webb, inBell. fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Masters Dickie Dosher, Jackie N. C. Webb of Southport, receivNewton, Jimmy Jones, Robert >, ed treatment at Dosher Memorial Egan Northrop, Bobby Smith, j Hospital Thursday through SatHerby Oberjohann and Rudy Bell. 1 urday. .... In fact?everything to make the Home more Livable .... Christmas Gifts to be enjoyed by the entire family throughout the year? Sutton-Council 310 N. Front St. WILMINGTON, N. C. - ^H I ^B M A H I ^ I I I i I k V A MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES , m< IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD nnnn nnnnn ro1 _y . (U* r JPTjtm 90-HORSEPOWER JWJSA STANDARD ENGINE ^ 'Ml c " V# (WSIMD -' "LOAD-MASTER" ENGINE VWU dAMilLbO an (Optional at oxtra call on Hoavy Duly truth) I30 L dri I 60 MODELS . . . ON NINE LONGI ... A COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL LIN ElmoreMotorCoJ OT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. ( Personal Miss Marion Frink spent the [holidays with her parents, Mr. jand Mrs. S. B. Frink. Miss Frink 1 | is a student at Lenoir Rhyne. 1 . Miss Annie Zue Newton spent , Thanksgiving Day with her sis- , - ter, Mrs. Murrell. in Wilmington. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fales. of (Wilmington, visited Mr. and Mrs. > | C. Ed Taylor on Thursday. j, Mr. and Mrs. Bruee Ludlum | j j and children of Whiteville spent' ( 'Thanksgiving here with her , ! mother, Mrs. Sallie Garrett. Miss Anna Taylor spent the Thanksgiving week-end here with i her narents. Mr. anil Mrs. C. Ed |, | Taylor. j i Miss Dickie Cannon, student in ' | j the law school at University of j , ; North Carolina, spent the week |' i end here with her parents. Mr. i ] and Mrs. C. C. Cannon, j Malcolm Frink and David Wat-1 ( i son, students at East Carolina' | I Teachers College, spent the i [ Thanksgiving holidays here with , [ their respective parents, j Miss Marion Watson, member j of the school faculty at Ashe- j | boro, spent Thanksgiving here |, with her mother, Mrs. George Y. j, I Watson. | ( | H. W. Hood, state inspector forj the Bureau of Weights and MeaI sures, spent the holiday week-end here with his family. Dry. and Mrs. William S. Dos- , iher and children spent Thanks- ' | giving Day here with his par- r I ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dosher. j i Mr. and Mrs. Dosher had all their j children at home with them for I the day. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Frink were in Raleigh Tuesday on business. They carried their daughter, Mar1 ion, that far on her way back to Lenoir-Rhync College following the Thanksgiving holiday. ! Dr. William S. Dosher and Dr. Mebane of Wilmington spent one ! night last week here with Dr. 1 Dosher's parents. Mrs. R. C. Dixon of Supply ) spent Monday here with her sis-! I ter, Mrs. S. B. Frink. neWsi BRIEFS i PATIENT A. R. L-ong of Supply tva? t patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital Saturday and Sunday. INFLUENZA [ Robert Thompson of Southport was a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital Monday and Tuesday for I treatment for influenza. TONSILECTOMY I Phillip Agnew Fulcher, son of Mrs. Maxine Fulcher of Southport. underwent an operation for removal ui ma witaiu iuwua/ I Dosher Memorial Hospital. MWi iilLi&l MASSIVE NEW TRUCK STYLING aking these new 1941 Chevlet trucks the best-looking as >11 as the best-performing trucks the entire lowest price field. NEW LONGER WHEELBASE NEW RECIRCULATING BALL-BEARING STEERING GEAR satly reduces steering effort? ngs true passenger car steering se to truck operation. IEW, MORE COMFORTABLE DRIVER S COMPARTMENT th greatly increased leg ro'om d better, form-fitting seat and ck in cabs, giving much greater ver comfort. ER WHEELBASES IES OF BUSINESS iolmNCJ RETURN'S HOME Mrs. Alex Lind. a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital for several months, was able to return to her home here Monday. PATIENT DISMISSED Mrs. Rosa Piggott of Supply ,vas discharged as a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital Sunlay after- receiving treatment there for two months. LEAVES HOSPITAL AT. R. Sanders of Southport ,vas dischorged as a patient at j Dosher Memorial Hospital Sun- j lay after receiving treatment there for several days. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The auxiliary of Dosher Me- j norial Hospital will meet on next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 at the hospital. All members are tsked to come prepared to sew. RADIO SCHEDULE CHANGED Rev. Walter Pavy's inspirational talks over station WMFD have seen changed from 9 o'clock on Fridays, to 5 p. m. on the same lay. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE The first quarterly conference )f the Town Creek Methodist church will be held at the Zion church. Town Creek. Wednesday, December 18th.. at 7:30 p. m. EVENING SERVICE There will be only one service it Southport Presbyterian church Sunday. This will be at 7:30 o'clock with sermon by the pastor. Rev. J. R. Potts will preach at Willard in the morning. BOLIVIA SCHOOL NEWS SOPHOMORE PLAY On December 13th at 7:30 o'clock the Sophomore class of Bolivia high school will present in the school auditorium a comedy entitled "Poor Father", containing a cast of 12 characters. The cast has been selected and every member is working to make this one of the outstanding plays of the year. The plot of the play is constructed with one object?to keep everybody laughing from start to finish! Wo hope everyone will plan to see it. Members of the ninth grade English class are making some attractive dook posters, wmcn ret ; & ; "I'VE OPEI MY PAC <. i; COME I i AND PEE i Hfc. I ] The seast I > ( II < ? < ? i i < i There's a real adventun if you haven't yet seen 01 You'll find stunning neck] silver patterns, and gay, i gifts, appreciated for th( I when we hear you say "( !! we'll know you've discove > ' > ;' A?Silverware?bright with the ric i! Christmas spirit. A itide selection I | B? Meat Dish with well and tret ; border in a finely-conceived motif. 1 C?Brilliantly created 15-jewel E \; perfect gift. Exciting beauty for a a D?Rings of exquisite loveliness ai < in i pleasing variety of entrancing K1NGC 1 ? 1 ? PAGE THREE [ . | mind us that there are still many J work at school. This has proven interesting books in the libraty to be a stimulating way to learn to lie read. the form for Writinfc letters, punrMost of the faculty members tuatjon ^ntencp am, paragraph spent the Thanksgiving holidays structure at their respective homes or with ^ parents Qf one of the friends. Guilford boys have expressed the The Bolivia fifth graders have ...... been corresponding with the boys deslre t^iat their son continue the and girls of the fifth grade in i correspondence throughout the Guilford school located near | year. Greensboro. The Brunswick coun- Plans have been made to have ty pupils have enjoyed telling a movie at the school Friday about such local activities as deer night. The name of the picture driving, squirrel hunting and their will be announced later. f Christmas Specials $5.00 Machineless Permanent . . . GET FREE FACIAL $5.00 Croquinole Machine PERMANENT $3.50 Children's $3.50 End Permanent $2.50 Southport Beauty Emporium DIAL 2861 Miss Mercedes Watts Miss Helen Fulcher jr;:^?vo-0^sv^ I jil is** \ : ?n's biggest gift discoveries are here! j . ! ahead for you? ing new Christmas Elgins! Here is beauty j it gift collection! of design at its best?dainty, gentle, lovely ! - 1 ? T-1| I J L. _ !1 laces, enchanting in tne women s r.igins ? nanasome, vig- ; > inexiiensive little orous, and masculine in the men's. Elgin sir fashion. And prices are from $24.75 to $750.00. Launch )h!" and "Ah!", your voyage of discovery now. Come in j> red our fascinat- and see our thrilling selection today! ' ' ~ ' '' " I ^ I hness and glow of the I? The Rift of unquestioned taste and charm ?a fetceled f lovely patterns. cross and chain. Ideal choice for discriminating uomen. . Beautifully designed F?Utility and appearance in a striking pen and pencil set. rhe gift for home. G?Pocket knife, matching chain. Handsome gift for men. ! Igin?the traditionally H ? The ultimate in distinguished appearance and mascuharming lady. $24.75. line style. 17-jewel Elgin" De Luxe * pocket watch. $35.00. < td enduring sentiment I ? Ever pleasing, ever popular ? one of many styles in ] styles and stones. bracelets, from jctcels and gold to trinkett^and charms. >' I "Wilmington's Leading Jewelers" )rr S 10 N. Front St. 9 A ^ WILMINGTON, N. C.