| DECEMBER 11, 1940 myr( Ignorance In Dangerous? II Sfln-s aBy; poise is In this he follows two admoni- j is r?l>' tions: Kcer'' . , u-ho has swal- Dilute. Wash out. ofeejs immediate at- A poison diluted with a large j Kjii Pcisorl].,.t will not get it if amount of liquid is never asborb^E?* ^'position to aid squan- ed as rapidly it is in concen>"' moments rushing trated form. Also, a full stomach !iM.fusion. or transport can be more readily persuaded Hp:ir' ' j,pt.?0.nearby hospital. *o empty its contents. Obviously, w w idly a"'1 helplessly when the poison is removed it J59" . . . the arrival of a can do no further damage. Thi3 Hp s',u is accomplished by repeatedly inWf' |.;pn can oe removed duced vomiting. H'tf Itomaeh before it is ab- Both of these Objectives are atm '-'e,! pal-n done the victim tained at the same time by use '' ? ,'j great. But if the of any one of the following simHf3 m05 msorbed into the pie emetics: . t much that even 1.?Soapy water (soapsuds.) Hjr'n can do, though he 2?Salt water. ^E^everv case be summon- 3.?Soda water, made with orB dlnary baking soda. pf what to do in 4.?Luke Warm Water. raim. sure- effective ac" 6.?Milk (especially for corros'o remember a long It is important to give suffiB^'a-tidotef I" fact- il i9 eient emetic?four to seven glass|? better for the first-aider fuls?preferably lukewarm. If Bg."tie simple measures al- the victim does not begin vomit 1 "" /fl| ~,~~~ TSpjg: i always dependable 11 About the finest thing that may be said I I of a man is to say that he is dependable II under all circumstances. He does what is 11 expected of him at the right time and in 11 the right way. || ^ an institution such as a bank, depenI dability is also important. This applies II not only to its financial strength but also || to its daily relationships with depositors. || ^ch patron wants to have his business 11 Handled with accuracy and dispatch. I The management of the Waccamaw Bank g1 k Trust Company has, first of all, tried X I jo make this a dependable institution. e II Relieve you will find it to be so. 11 ^-our business is cordially invited. I WACCAMAW i bank and trust co. I WHITEV1LLE | Fairmont Chad bourn Rose ? (larkton Tabor City Southport j KenansvUle ? NORTH CAROLINA ^ Member Federa, Deposit Insurance Corp. .. ,-g administered, tickling the back of the throat with the finger will usually produce results. After the stomach is well washed out, the proper antidote may be administered, if it is known and available. A large dose of Epsom Salts may safely be given after the stomach is emptied. This is orthodox and sound pro- j cedure in any case of poisoning. If the poison swallowed was a st corrosive, such as bichloride of tl mercury, an acid or an alkali, f< follow the diluting and wash out ja process with soothing drinks of | p] milk or milk and eggs beaten up ^ together. In cases of opium or morphine ir poisoning, it is advisable to keep the victim awake but not to ex- h( haust him by compelling physical exercise. Strong coffee, a cup jr every hour or so, is good in ci combating poisoning from any sleep-producing drug. In cases of t( strychnine poisoning do not give ^ a stimulant and keep the patient as quiet as possible. e( Virtually every case of acci- s) dental drug poisoning is the re- ci suit of carelessness or ignorance. Observe, then, these four simple u rules recommended by the Red Jj' Cross. ' Keep all bottles labeled and . never take medicine from an un- lr labeled bottle. Never take medicine in the p dark when you cannot see the e( label on the bottle. Keep all poison drugs away from all other medicines and | h saieiy locKeu up. Keep all medicines and poisons h out of the reach or small children. ??o: ?n DALE : CARNEGIE ; Author of "How to Win Friends and Influence ^ People." tl it d Printed Courtesy Braxton Auto ^ Service g A.most any one tan cash in on ( his assets, but to be able to cash ? in on your liabilities is the, su- P preme test. If you can do that, nothing can defeat you. This . column today j^i.s siason^ she Dotty Remy. Dotty's ambitious ? mother prepared her two children Q, early for a stage career. In fact d when Dotty was three and her S( brother Dick was two, they were on the stage, blackened up, sing- n ing "Swanee River" while standing on their heads. That kind of performance got across the footlights in a big way as long as ? they were cute babies. n But as they grew older, it ? wasn't so funny, and they had to ; change their act. So after years n of practice, they became trick f] roller skaters?two or tne best. t( When they were sixteen and seventeen years old, they were i Tirxf- nniv in America jieauiiiicia >?ww v..v but also in Europe. In fact they Sl gave a command performance for ! the present king of England when he was a duke. But this was the calm before the squall: Dotty who had always ^ been slender, now began to gain . weight. A glandular disturbance. She dieted; she visited the best a doctors; she starved herself; she f wept. But her weight steadily mounted until she tipped the scales at more than two hundred. " The bookers began telling Dick he would soon have to get a new C) jartner. Dotty, heartbroken crush- prayer. For the disciples, th( reatest encouragement to prayei as the example of Jesus. Re agnizing that the Master receiv 1 inspiration, guidance anc :rength through prayer, thej ime to Him requesting that H( >ach them to pray. Jesus gave lem a model prayer and emhasized the place of prayer ir fe by relating two parables a: n urge to persistent, perseverig, prevailing prayer. Much of our encouragement tc ray is derived from our know! ige of the Father. These thret lings we know about ills atti ide toward prayer: First Got ears our prayers; second, as H< ears, he loves us and desire: > give what is for our good lird, He answers the petition: f His own, and provides thing: eedful for them (Philippians 4 9). The Bible is full of proof tha lod hears His children when tjiej ray. "In my distress", said David I called upon the Lord, and crie( nto my God: He heard my voici ut of His temple, and my cn ime before Him, even into Hii ars" (Psalm 18: 6). In declaring le love of the Father, Jesus said If ye, being evil, know how t< ive good gifts unto your chil ren; how much more shall youi eavenly Father give the Hoi; pirit to them that ask Him": Luke 11: 13). Centuries ago om rho had received answers to hii rayers said "I waited patientb ir the Lord; and He inclinec nto me, and heard my prayers' Psalm 40: 1). That patient, persistent, per svering prayer will be answerec i indicate in the parables of th< nportunate friend (Luke 11: 5 0), and the importunate widov Luke 18: 1-8), but two thing! (Continued on page 6) . A A .COMMITTEES MIJST OKEH SOME PRACTICES An important announcement t< irmers by E. Y. Floyd, AAJ xecutive officer of N. C. Stati ollege, points out that "severa f the soil building practices un er the 1941 Agricultural Con irvation Program require prio: pproval by the county AAA com littee before credit will to iven." "These include a number o radices which farmers will to arrying out mostly during thi ext .few months," Floyd stated Among these are: Contour strip ropping, forest stand improve lent, apple tree removal, an< ruit or nut tree planting on con jur." Before credit can be given fo: uch practices, the AAA lcade: lid, the prior approval of thi ounty AAA committee must bi btained in writing, with one cop; oing to the producer and om opy filed in the compliance en elope for the farm. The writtei pproval will include instruction: 3r carrying out the practice ii ccordance with the Triple-A re ulations. LEGALS NOTICE OF 3* ALE CNOEK MORTAGE t)HEI) Under and by virtue of authorit: mtained in a certain mortagi eed executed by M. C. Carlisle am da Carllslie, his wife, to W. F] ox and A. P. Rogers, mortgagee." n the 4th day of January, 1939 icorded in Hook No. 65 at pan 22, Registry of Brunswick County orth Carolina, and default havinj een made in the payment of thi idebtedness secured thereby, t lie un ersigned mortgagees will offer fo lie at public auction, for cash, a le Courthouse Door in Brunswicl ounty, on the 6th day of January J41, at 12 o'clock noon, all tha jrtain lot or parcel of land locate! i Brunswick County. State of Nortl arolina, and described and define< ? follows: First Tract: Beginning at a staki the road with the road in thi anford Field and runs north 4' est 32 poles to an Oak; thenci orth 40 east 32 poles to a stake tence south 40 east 32 poles to i um; thence south 40 west to thi eginning. containing 6 acres mon r less and being the same land con eyed by J. S. Hickman and wifi > J. W. I^ong, by deed dated Marcl 1923 as the records will show ii ook 33. page 316. Second Tract: Beginning at a stakt i the road the beginning of a trac f land deeded to S. B. Benton bj . B. Long, September 19, 1913. rum lence south 39 degrees 15 minute; est 158 feet to a stake; thenci orth 48 degrees 40 minutes wes 29feet to a stake; thence nortl V 45" east 210 feet to a stake, am le second corner of the above men oned tract, thence with the old roa< nd a line of said tract to the be inning, containing two and one fth acres more or less, and bein] le same tract of land conveyed b: J. Long and wife to J. W. Lonf y deed dated October 10, 1925, ai ime appears of record in Book 38 Fige 317. Third Tract: Beginning at a staki i the head of the main lead ditcl i the old Bay and in S. B. Ben >n*s line, runs nearly north with thi Itch to the swamp, the edge of thi earing; thence nearly west to i um in S. B. Benton's line; thenci bout south with S. B. Benton's lint > the beginning, containing 4 acrei lore or less. Dated and posted this 6th day o ecember. 1940. W. F. Cox and A. P. Rogers, Mort igees. > PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N- C. R. I. Mints. Attorney for mortgagee'?, l-l-c NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION" BEFORE B. J. HOI.BEV .11 STICK OF THE PEACE. SMITH VII.I.E. TOWNSHIP STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK J. W. WILSON VS. HARRY L. WRIGHT The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the r above entitled action was issued ) against said defendant on the 13th day of November, 1940. by a Justice of the Peace of BrunswirK County, t North Carolina, for the sum of $50.00 % and interest due said plantiff on a promissory note, which summons is - returnable before said Justice at his office at Southport. North Carolina, on the 13th day of November. 1940. t at in o'clock A. M. The defendant > will also take notice that a warrant of attaehement was issued by said t Justice on the 13th day of November, i 1940. against the property of said de fendant. which warrant is returnable r before the said justice, at the time and place al>ove named lor the re turn of the summons, when and ; where the defendant is required to , appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the reliefs demanded will be granted. This the 13th day of November, ' 1940. i B. J. Ilolden. Justice of the Peace. p 12-11-c - NOTICE OF SAKE I N OKIt DEED OF TRUST . Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust j executed by J. Arthur Dosher and ? Grace K. Dosher. ills wife, to lio' bert W. Davis, Trustee, on the 11th, ; day of February, 1935, recorded in Book No. 53. at Page No. G41, regL istry of Brunswick County, North Carolina, Default having been made 3 in the payments of the indebtedness secured by thereby, the undersigned substitute * trustee, having been substituted to the right and duties of the j said Robert W. Davis, as provided by law. will offer for sale, at public - auction, for cash, at twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door in i Brunswick County, on the 16th, day of December, 1910, all that certain lot or parcel of land located in i Brunswick County, Smithville Township, State of North Carolina, and i defined and described as follows: 1. BEGINNING at a stone, Jacob A. Lewis corner at a point in the I Northern Line of the Old Southport 3 and Wilmington Road, where it is intersected by the Eastern line of 3 the Smithville Township Good Road; * 2. runs thence with the said Eastern line of the Smithville Township Good Road about North 60 West about 1200 t feel to the run of Dutchman Creek; 3. thence up the creek as it meanders f about North 26 deg. East 470 feet to the old canal; 4. thence about North 25 East for the greater dist1 anco with the run of Dutchman * Creek 495 feet to the Reed line, a maple and a stake; 5. thence with f said line South 75 East 1182 feet to 3 a stone in the North line of the Wilmington and Southport Road; 0. y thence with the North line of said ; road about South .10 West 1235 feet to the beginning, containing 30% acres, 5 more or less and being the same - deeded by Richard Dosher and wife, to J. Arthur Dosher and wife. Grace r K. Dosher. as will more fully apf pear by reference to Rook No. 32. f page 227. records of Bruiiswlck County. to which reference Is hereby 3 especially made. , AJso the following other tracts or 3 parcels of land situate lying and ? being in the same State and County 1 and Township. and adjoining the tract of land first above written. ' SECOND TRACT: containing 3 acres, more or less and being the same conveyed to the said J. Arthur - Dosher and wife, Grace K. Dosher, j as will more fully appear by reference to Rook 30. at page 296. records 2 of Brunswick County* to which reference is hereby especially made for the purpose of including the descrip/ tlon herein as fully as if set out s herein in detail. 3 THIRD TRACT: Containing 1 acre, more or less, and being the winto*conveyed by Richard Dosher to J. Arthur Dosher as will more fully appear by reference to Book .'17. page ^ 47i>. records of Brunswick County, to which reference is hereby made for ) the purpose of including the said de. scription herein as fully as if set out herein in detail. 2 Dated and posted this 14th, day of 1 November. 1910. S. R. Erink, Substituted Trustee. - 12-11-c NOTICE OF SALE 1'NIIER r MORTGAGE DEED Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed 2 executed by R. R. Cliff and Addie Cliff, his wife, to R. L. Ludium mortgagee, on the 14th. day of Septf ember, 1937. recorded in Rook No. y 65, at Page No. 99, Registry of " Brunswick County. North Carolina. 2 Default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness secur* ed thereby, the undersigned mort gagee will offer for sale at public auction, for cash, at the Courthouse Door in Brunswick County, on the 3 23rd, day of December. 1940, at 12 _ o'clock noon, all that certain jot or parcel of land located in Brunswick County. State of North Carolina, and r described and defined as follows: Lying and being on the West side r of Wetash Swamp, beginning on a a water oak in the edge of wetash swamp: runs thence S. 69 deg. W. 3 90 poles to a gum in the edge of Blum Slough; thence S. 12 east 98 ' poles to Reedy branch; thence with 3 said branch to the first lead ditch thence with said ditch a-Cross to wet ash swamp: thence down the 1 said swamp to the beginning, con0 taining one hundred acres, more or less. 1 2. TRACT ; BEGINNING on a cypress in wetash swamp, runs E. 24 poles to a stake; thence N. about 600 feot to a spruce pine; thence with . the run of wetash swamp to the beginning. containing (15) acres more or less. Dated and posted this 23rd, day of November. 1940. B. U LUDLUM, Mortgagee. S. B. Brink, Attorney for mort? ga gee. ] 12-18-c FOKECIiOSr It E NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that by ' virtue of a decree of the Superior B Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 1st' day of January. 1910, 3 in an action entitled "Brunswick B County versus? " I. A. Hewett And Wife If Any,"? r the undersigned commissioner will 1 expose at public auction sale to the high* est bidder for cash on the 6th day ' of January. 1941, at 12:00 o'clock | P. M? at the Courthouse dqor. ' Sputhport, N. ('.. to satisfy the dej cree of said court to enforce the 1 payment of 8266.45, the following described real estate. located in B Lockwoods Folly Township. Brunswick B County. N. C., bounded and described 0 as follows: B BEGINNING at the mouth of the '> Enoch ditch, in the run of Oxpen * Swamp; thence North to J. W. B Hewett's fence; thence East to A. B V. Holdens lino: thence South to A. V. Holder's corner; thence East B to Enoch Hewett's line; thence South 1 to Oxpen run; thence with the run 1 to the beginning containing five (5) acres. B And all other lands owned by the f said Defendants in Lockwoods Folly *' Township, Brunswick County, North 3 Carolina. 3 All sales subject to report to and B confirnmtion by the Court. Ten days 1 allowed for raise of bid before report ] made. Cash to be paid at sale. I This the 30th day of November, " 1940. 1 S. B. Frink, Commissioner. - 12-25-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE f Notice is hereby given that by ? virtue of a decree of the Superior s Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 8th day of October, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick 3 County versus? 1 P. B. Bellamy And Wife if Any",? - the undersigned commissioner will 3 expose at public auction sale to the high2 est bidder for cash on the 6th day i of January, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock e P. M.. at the Courthouse door, e Southport, N. C., to satisfy the de3 cree of said court to enforce the payment of $200.81. the following f described real estate, located in Lockyvoods Folly Township, Brunswick - County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: Being Lot No. 3 in the division of the Estate of Peter Bellamy:?BEGINNING at a stake in the Eastern hne. Ludan Bellamy's corner, runs ihence with said line North 35 West 18.~> poles to another ot his corners in the Ellis Bellamy corner: runs thence with said line North 38 East about 25 poles to a stake, thence South 24 East 100 poles to the Eastern line, thence South 58 West 13 poles to the First Station, containing twenty two (22) acres more or less. This is to convey thirty acres of my homestead tract of land, it being situated on the Northern end of said tract which consists of sixty (?;0? acres deeded to me by Joseph Bellamy ami lying on the East side of Spring Branch of Richmond Galloway. Neill Hankins, ami Ransom Bellamy, deceased. j And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to be paid at sale. Tliis the 30th day of November, 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c FOKECLOSCRE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 8th day of October. 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Albert Mitchell And Wife if Any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the t>th day of January. 1941, at 12:00 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door. South port. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $292.02, the following described real estate. located in Lock woods Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. C\. bounded and described as foilows: Adjoining the lands of M. D. Reaves and others: BEGINNING at a lightwood stump in Caesar Evans back line, running X. 81 degrees E. 100 poles to a stake in Finch Gut Swamp, thence down its various meanders about 35 poles to an ash. theme South 68 degrees West 132 poles to a stake in said Evans line, theme his line 72 poles IO a point Ol uegi lining. i "Villaining by calculation 35 acres, more or less. And all other lands owned by said defendants in Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of November. 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C\, dated the 8th day of October. 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? W. C. Evans And Wife if Any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 6th day of January. 1911, at 12:00 o'clock P. M., at the Courthouse door, Sputhport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $156.46, the following described real estate. located in Lockwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County. N. C.. bounded and described as follows: One Fourth interest in and to the one hundred acre tract of land known as the homestead tract of land belonging to 11. C. Evans deceased:? Bounded on the North by the lands of R. W. Holden (deceased) on the East by J. H. Ifewett (deceased) on the South by Stephen L. Hewett (deceased) on the West by the estate of Hector Galloway, (deceased). The said one fourth interest being twenty five acres of the above described tract of land. And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Lockwoods Folly Township Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed lor raise of bid before report rnade. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This the 30th day of November, 1910. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 3rd day of April, 1939, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? N. M. King And Wife If Any,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 6th day of January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock P. M., at the Courthouse door, .Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $259.94, the following described real estate, located in Waccamaw Township, Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: On the West side of Bear Branch in Brunswick County BEGINNING at a Holly on the bank of a ditch, J. S. Edwards corner, in Bear Branch, runs with his line about South 17 West 30 chains to a stake, another of his corners: thence North 63 degrees 45 minutes West 31 Chains and 30 links to the public road, leading to New Britton Ferry, at the two mile board; thence wtih said road North 15 degrees West. 8 chains ami (>U I1IIKH to a smite; me nee nurm 38 deg. 45 minutes East 7 chains and 60 links to a stake; James H. Eswards corner; thence with his line East 6 chains to a small poplar; thence with another of his lines North 84 degrees East 2 chains and 25 links to a gum; thence North 42 deg. East 5 chains and 20 links to a gum in the run of Bear Branch; thence with the run of said Branch to the BEGINNING, containing 108 acres more or less. And all other lands owned and listed by N. M. King, and Wife If Any, in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of November, 1940. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. 12-25-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree or the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 7th day of October, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Mrs. Sallie J. Reaves And Husband if Any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the Cth day of January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock P. M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $151.41. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a gum on the run of Bull Swamp Sally J. Reaves & W. D. Potter, beginning corner runs thence the dividing line between Sally J. Reaves and W. D. Potter's N. 25 W. 1354 ft. to a stake at an old road, thence North 20 W. 763 ft. at the edge' of the field at a ditch, thence N. 47 degrees 15 W. 100 ft. to a turn In said ditch, thence N. 2 E. 473 ft. to another turn in said ditch: thence N. 20 degrees W. 115 ft. to the head of said ditch at the road, thence N. 2 degrees 15 E. 1453 ft. to a stake in the J. C, Potter and C. C. & James Jones line: thence with said line N. 67 degrees 30 W. 316 ft to an old lightwood stump and old corner, thence with the old line N. 88 W. 1300 ft. to a sweet gum Herbert M. Potter's and Sally J. Reaves corner, thence S. 15 E. 1300 ft. to a stake on the West edge of Bull Pond Branch, thence S. 20 degrees 15 E. 792 ft. to the road to a stake; thence with said road N. 4615 E. 50 ft. to a Black Gum in Bull Pond Branch thence down the run of said Branch, its various courses about 1525 ft. to the run of Cherry Tree Branch; thence down the run of Cherry Tree Branch to the run of Bell Swamp and their various meandering courses to the beginning, containing 80 acres more or less. Also 50 acres of Potter land, duly recorded in Book 66 at page 160. And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Brunswick Coun ty. North Carolina. \ All sales subject to report to and ( confirmation by the Court Ten day? c allowed tor raise of bid before report i made. Cash to bp paid at sale. ( This the 30th day of November, \ 1940. t S. R. Prink. Commissioner. e 12-25-e c FOKECr.OSCRE NOTICE F Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior J; Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. , dated the 8th day of October. 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick q County versus? < Frank Green And Wife if Any".? a the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the high-1 est bidder for cash on the oth day j I of January. 1911. at 12:00 o'clock 'I Noon., at the Courthouse door. C Southport, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce tho c payment of $112.82. the following a described real estate. located in j n Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described 1 as follows: BEGINNING at a gum in the run 1 of Cedar Branch. Bobbin's corner. runs thence his line North 54 degrees 30' West 12SO to a gum iu a small branch or drain; thence North 01 v degrees 30' East 872' to a stake: C thence South 51 degrees 30* East <1 948' to a gum in the run of Cedar ii Branch, thence up the run of said I Branch, its various meanders to the F first station, containing 19 acres, he tl the same more or less, according to e a survey made by E. W. Taylor. e And all other lands owned by said o Defendants in Brunswick County. 1 North Carolina. ? All sales subject to report to and c confirmation by the Court. Ten days D allowed for raise of bid before report d made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This the 30th day of November. C 1940. a S. B. Fritik, Commissioner. 12-25-c tl FOHECI.OSr ItK NOTICE 3 Notice is hereby given that by t virtue of a decree of the Superior I Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. p dated the 8th day of October. 19to. y in an action entitled "Brunswick l< County versus? ii J. B. Donaldson And Wife if Any".? t the undersigned commissioner will n expose at public auction sale to the high- f est bidder for cash on the 0th day | of .Tunuary. 1911, at 12:00 o'clock I'. M., at the Courthouse door, f Southport, X. C.. to satisfy the de- \ cree of said court to enforce the n payment of $334.59. the following t described real estate. located in p Town Creek Township. Brunswick t County. .V c., bounuea ami uescriDe acres, j And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. North Carolina. v All sales subject to report to and ( confirmation by the Court. Ten days (J allowed for raise of bid before report p made. Cash to be paid at sale. t This the 30th day of November, t 1940. I S. B. Frink. Commissioner. e 12-25-c e EOHEU.OSl'KE NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that by g virtue of a decree of the Superior c Court of Brunswick County. N. C., . dated the 0th day of May, 1910. d in an action entitled "Brunswick j County versus? ( Mrs. A. E. Willetts And Husband ? If Any".? the njiidersigned commissioner will j expose at public auction sale to the high- j, est bidder for cash on the 6th day ^ of January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock [ A. M.. at the Courthouse door. < Southport, N. C., to satisfy the de- j cree of said court to enforce the -j [payment of $431.35, the following j described real estate, located in t jTown Creek Township, Brunswick . County. N. C\, bounded and described as follows: " tu< ( Beginning at the run of Davis \ Creek John H. Willetts corner; N theme with the meanders of said [creek to the mouth of Maple Gully: ? thence with the meanders of said . Gully to the head; thence South to , Edward Sullivan's line; thence with said line to John II. Willetts corner j in said line containing by estimation one hundred ami. seventy-four (174) i acres. And all other lands owned by Mrs. A. E. Willetts el. als in Brunswick County. North Carolina. ^ All sales subject to report to and ( confirmation by the Court. Ten days t allowed for raise oUdd before report i made. Cash to be paid at sale. ( I This the 30th day of November, j 1910. t S. B. Frink. Commissioner. e 12-25-c c FoitEcr.osntE notice \ Notice is hereby given that by $ 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior < Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. ? I dated the 3rd day of September. 1940 c [ in an action entitled "Brunswick ? County versus? ( iW. N. Mints And Wife If Any."? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the high- ( est bidder for cash on the 6th day t of January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock t P. M.. at the Courthouse door. ( l Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the de- | | cree of said court to enforce the r payment of $101.49, the following j described real estate, located in t Town Creek Township. Brunswick [ County, N. C? bounded and described , as follows: ? FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at t a spruce pine in Mossy Branch, runs thence with road North 75 degrees ( [ West 52 poles to a stake in Schulken's { line; thence South 26 degrees West r with some 100 poles to a gum in Mossy Branch: thence the run of j the same to the beginning containing 15 acres more or less. ] SECOND TRACT: COMMENCING . at a Short Leaf Pine; i>. i>. Jenkins corner; running with the road to a light wood stump, Abram MeMillian's corner, thence the road to Mossy Branch to a spruce pine the run of the Branch to C. O. Mint's corner, thence to a stake, thence to H. 1 O. Peterson's line to a stake with W. X. Watson's to the beginI ning and being the same lands conveyed to W. N. Mintz by George W. Johnson by deed dated the 5th, day [of January 1916. duly recorded in j Book 40 Page 193. And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days I allowed for raise of bid before report j made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day* of November, 1940. i S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE i Ndtice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 5th day of June. 1910, I in an action entitled "Brunswick (County versus? Isaac Clemmons And Wife If Any",? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 6th day of January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock P. M., at the Courthouse door. Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $204.98. the following described real estate. located in Lockwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: One Hundred aid ninety two (192) acres, more or less, lying and being in Fall Neck, between said Neck and Green Swamp; adjoining the Dark Bay boundaries as will apnear pn the records of Brunswick County in Book A. A. pages 503. 504, 505, by deed made by Q. W. Grissett to W. T. Lewis. And all other lands owned and i listed by Isaac Clemmons and Wife 1 If Any, in Lockwoods Folly Town- 1 ship, Brunswick County, North Caro- i lina. 1 All sales subject to report to and < confirmation by the Court. Ten days 1 allowed for raise of bid before report i made. Cash to be paid at sale. i This the 30th day of November, < 1940. < S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c 1 FORECLOSURE ? NOTICE " < Notice is hereby given that by PAtrE FIVE rirtue of a decree of the Superior Tourt of Brunswick County, Is. C.. lated the 7th day of October, 1940. n an action entitled ' 'Brunswick bounty versus? V H Hoi den And Wife If Any* ? he undersigned ommissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the highsi bidder for cash on the tfth ctaw if January. 1941. at 12:00 o^l^Vffc \ .M.t at the Courthouse door, louthport. X. C\, to satisfy the derep of said eourt to enforce the layment of $257.93. the following (escribed real estate, located Itr 'own Creek Township. Brunswick 'ounty. X. bounded and described is follows: WU f?4 Acres Home And all other lands owned by Tc* J. Holden and Wife If Any. "SW 'own Creek Township, Brunswick 'ounty North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bid l?efore report nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Xovember, 910. S. B. Frlnk, Commissioner. 2-25-c FORECI.OSI'KE NOTICE Xotice is hereby given that by irtue of a decree of the Sunertor 'ourt of Brunswick County. N. (\, ated the 7th day of October. 1940. ii an action entitled "Brunswtoto'ounty versus? \ B. Clause And Wife If Any".? lie undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the high* st bidder for cash on the fith nay f January. 1941, at 12:00 o'clock) \ M.. at the Courthouse door, louthport. X. C.. to satisfy the deree of said court to enforce the iayment of $284.82. the following escribed real estate. located Iti, ,ockwoods Folly Township, Brunswick' 'ountv. X. C.. bounded and described s follows: 'J1.BKOIXXIXC. at a pine; runs hence North 40 poles to a gum In he head of a branch, thence South I) west eighty (80) poles to a stake: hence South 47 West through Hog iranch one hundred and thirty (ISO) oles to S. I'. Phelps line a lightk'ood tree, thence about South 14 last seventy (70) poles to a stake i? said S .P. Phillip's line, thence to . he first station containing seventy line (7'.') acres, excepting however rom this ten acres sold to Walker Iryatit. 1 BHC.1XXIXC. at a stake Stephen j lewett's corner, runs thence South V' Vest CO poles with Peter Morgan's ine; thence South 71 !?nst 20 poles ( o a stake; thence North 7 Must 08 oles to a stake. Hevvett's corner: hence to the beginning, containing 9 j cres more or less. And all other lands owned by the aid Defendants in Lock woods Folly 'ownship. Brunswick County. . I All sales subject to report to and onfirmation bv the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bid before report 1 nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of November. 940. s R. Frink. Commissioner. f f 2-25-c roHFCI.OSI KK NOTICE f Notice is hereby given that ty* irtue of a decree of the Superior J 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. Jated the 1st day of April, 1940, 11 an action entitled "Brunswick 'ounty versus? leorge K. Phelps And Wife If Any",? he undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the high; st bidder for cash on the (ith (lay T January. 1911, at 12:00 o'clock \ M? at the Courthouse door, iouthport. X. C? to satisfy the deree of said court to enforce thej layment of $128.55, the following (escribed real estate, located in 1 .ock woods Folly Township, Brunswick 'ounty. N! C? "hounded and described is follows: BEGINNING on a stake in John Tewett's line: runs with his line south 7." degrees West 90 poles to a itake: Benjiman Fullwoods corner; hence with Fullwoods line South ? 7' legrees Fast 80 poles to a stake; n the edge of Bong Bay; then North '5 degrees Fast 90 poles to William 'helps line; then with his line to he beginning, containing forty-five teres, more or less. 'f And all other lanos owned by leorge 1?. Phelps and Wife If Any ^ ii Ijockwoods Folly Township. Brunswick County, North Carolina. aii pales subject to report to and tonflrmatlon by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of hid before report, nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the .30th day of November., 940. ' ' S. B. Frinlc, Commissioner. 2-25-c ' l-OKECI.OSIItE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rlrtue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County. N. C? iated the 7th day of October, 1940, n an action entitled "Brunswick ?ounty versus? I. S. Parker And Wife if Any",-rhe undersigned commissioner wllr xpose at public auction sale to the high-, ist bidder for cash on the lith day >f January. 1941. at 12:00 o'clotjlv ?. M.. at the Courthouse door; Iouthport. N. C.. to satisfy the de-; ree of said court to enforce the' lavment of SJ28.10. the following lescrlbed real estate, located in ihallotte Township. Brunswick bounty. N. C.. bounded and described ts follows: ,,. BEGINNING at A. H. Parkers orner In the G. F. Gore line, rung hence with said line to a stake, hence about West to A. M. Piggott'g orner. thence runs about West with 'iggott's line to the Gause Landing, oad; thence with said road to A. !. Parker's line to the Beginning,, ontaining 4 acres more or less. Also 20 acres of E. H. Smith And nit other lands owned by the laid Defendants in Brunswick Couny. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and onfirmatlon by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of bid before report nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of November. 940. S. B. Frlnk, Commissioner. 2-25-c KOllKd.OHI'KK NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that by rirtue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C.< iated the 7th day of October, 1940, n an action entitled "Brunswick bounty versus? Dexter Raynor And Wife if Any".-vhe undersigned commissioner will >xposo at public auction sale to the high?st bidder for cash on the 6th day )f January, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock P. M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the deTee of said court to enforce this >ayment of $128.35, the following (escribed real estate, located In \*orth West Township Brunswick bounty. Nt C., bounded and described is follows: BEGINNING at a stake near the orner of a ditch by the side of an >ld road, runs North 41*4 East 261 'eet along the old road to an old narked dead pine; thence along the )ld road about the same course 356 eet to Dexter Raynors Southwest orner: thence with his line North 15% degrees East 1087 feet to Dexteir ^aynor's Northwest corner, in the idge of the Branch, thence the same *ourse 100 feet to a stake; thence Vorth 50% West 1064 feet to ft lina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of bid before report iinde. Cash to be paid at sale. V This the 30th day of November, 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 12-25-c STATE OF MIRTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Having qualified this day as adpinistrator of th#? estate of G. W. Rabon deceased. This is to notify all persons indebted to said estate, to pake immediate payment and all persons having claims against the ?state of G. W. Rabon deceased, will file same with the undersigned adpinistrator for payment within 12 ponths from the date of this notice^ )r this notice will be pleaded in bar )f their recovery. This the 4th day of December, A. 0.. 1910. Rob Willets. Administrator of the sstate of G. W. Rabon, deceased. 1-8-*