Most Of The News B AJJ The Time ^K^THJRTEEN ,\o. ; raining Sch< For School J I This Wee ? * | Drivers And Their Sub$Hflitutes Are Required To Kigid Examination BeJH OBSERVES ONE DAY ^ nald Hocutt Attended ^ he School Tuesday In ^ Ordet To Observe The Value Of Training for bus driv-1 ititutes was B i Tuesday of Hp lirunswick coun^B Ib'uaM Hocutt, safety for ^B bureau, came B to observe B school on I B the * classroom I i.viv Keith Saunders and ) |H. A. L. Ricks, and each ap-1 IHan! f-: a permit to drive a bus this year was requir9:' ^ a written examination B examinaB ach applicant by - Shaliotte phy I[ was given hy I. W. H. Ferrell, of I was assisted in L the training by 1 [ rnic Ernest Parker. |, .... m . consisted of one I jay's training. On the first | tit'it we:e about 35 regular L< jr. candidates for places fiuistitutts: and the number .he next day was about the be. br.e interesting feature of the Ll is that several girls took i t passe the examination. So I as is known, there has been sirl to hold a job as school | driver in Brunswick county, f (Continued on page 4) Drmer Resident (uccumbs In S.C. rs. Olymphus Vernon Pepper, Native Of Columbus County, Dies At Home Of Daughter In Conway ( CONWAY, S. C., July 21.? ' !. Olympus Vernon Pepper, 78, 1 at the home of her daught- ' Mrs Arthur K. Goldfinch, Sr., e Thursday afternoon followan illness of several months, ler husband, the late Capt. L. : Pepper, of Southport, died in 1 S. Mrs. Pepper was born in ; uir.bus county, X. C., later J to Southport, where she her home until the death Captain Pepper, and then to Conway to live with j daughter. Pepper was a member of ), I'rcsbyterian chur- . oving to Conway , : in the work of . i church here un- ( [ailed. 1 id by one Uaughtinch; one sister, Davis, of Southgrandchildren and ' dchildren. ices were held on on at 4 o'clock at < Presbyterian chur- t Brearley, pastor of ? lyterian church, of > icted the services. 1 1 in the Southport 1 body remained at i funeral home in : Sunday afternoon. Carriers 1 Salesmen This Legion Of am's Employees ense Stamps In ations From 10> $5.00 thousand rural mail now acting as agents of Defense Savings tal officials have inTreasury Department, the stamps in spardistricts caused the Department to authrricrs to act as salesPS range in value from i five dollars. Purchasven albums in which * mounted. When fil>ums may he exchanged" Savings Bonds, ficc officials recalled I mail carriers acted capacity in 1917 and S War Savings Stamps. I . ... THI >5 3ol Held Bus Drivers k At Shallotte k "' :-Wfe' ~MiS - ^ ?' '''Srk^y* : ?;'$S i '^Bw.n RONALD HOCUTT Juvenile Judge Tries Case Monday John W. Hewett, a white . youngster, was brought before Juvenile Judge Sam T. Bennett Monday for trial on two counts. : He was adjudged not guilty on j a charge of larceny. Judgment i was with held in the matter of i his driving under age. I To Cooperate \ X For Daylight * Mayor Erikson Makes State-! ment Yesterday Morn-1 ing After Receiving Request From Governor Broughton MAY BE PUT INTO EFFECT AUGUST 1 Step Is Being Taken In Effort To Conserve Electrical E n e r gy Vitally Needed For Defense Effort Mayor John D. Eriksen indicated Tuesday that Southport will co-operate fully with the proposal for adoption of daylight saving time, requested by both President Roosevelt and Governor Broughton. ' The announcement from the mayor came after Mayor Erikson had received a telegram from Governor Broughton requesting such action. Interviewed by a press representative, Mayor Williamson said that he knew "The city of Southport will be eager to co-operate , n this undertaking." It was thought probable this morning that Mayor Eriksen might call a special meeting of | the boara ox aiciermen 10 ers recently given C. Ed. Taylor by Geo. T. Rourk of Shallotte is a deed given by Dennis Hankins in 1768 to Thomas Frink, for a negro wench named Leadea and one negro boy named Jack, together with ten head of cattle." From the'writing in the deed it is apparent that Thomas Frink was the brother of Hankins, for it is recited that "in consideration for the love and good will I bear to my brother, Thomas Frink, son of John and Martha Frink, I have given, made over . , etc." the above property. Apparently .Martha Frink was also the mother of Hankins, for she is named as guardian for Thomas Frink until such time as he should become of age. _ ? m A ~ m V Youth Aids In Drive For Funds Mrs. L. C. Fergus Is Namec Brunswick County Cair man Of Old North State Fund; Plans Benefil Dance Pessimists, sour-pusses anc iyspeptics, who insist that the joys and girls of the presenl lay are spoiled, thoughtless anc ihallow-minded had better watct >ut, declares Mrs. L. C. Fergus Brunswick county chairman oi he Old North State Fund, ai here is at least one man ir (Continued on uage 4.) ted Through cribe's Fishing of Greensboro, to Orton. There he turned them over to Duncan the guide. This done he hitch hiked right back to town. The idea was, if the sports editor on The Daily News asked how many fish Slim caught, the chamber of commerce man wouldn't know. He could tell the sports editor that he wasn't along, didn't see the catch and never made a pratice of reporting catches he didn't see personally. But, along about 2 o'clock Slim showed up back in town with Joe and the faithful Mrs. Kendall both intact. They invited the still doubtful chamber of commerce man around to the ice plant, where they had left a string of crappie, bream, gray heads, bass and red finn trout that was four feet long. It was a most beautiful catch (Continued on page 4) ATE 1 od News paper Ii Southport, N. C., Wed y m m f | i 1 AH ^K- \ r r^H k > i& j^^^USSz. * 'SB I ' >JH^m This scene, which shows during the past six weeks, wh 11 Agent J. E. Dodson estimates y year. Highway Official I ; Will Investigate t n l r j:j.: Dnage lonaiuuu R Chairman L. B. Prince Says That Bridge Situation Between Southport And Long Beach Will Be In, vestigated N PONTOON BRIDGE UNDER DISCUSSION D May Look Into Feasibility ] j Of A New And Shorter | Route To Caswell And To Long Beach Chairman L. B. Price of the W State Highway Commission has pi advised the secretary of the Bi Chamber of Commerce that he Ei is having the bridge situation 80 over the inland waterway between Southport and Fort Caswell and vi Long Beach investigated and that s he will advise the local organiza tion as soon as a report is received. Recently the bridge keepers have felt it prudent to post a tv sign at high and low tides, ad- M vising the public that they cros- fo sed the bridge at their own risk. jn This is said to have created con- g. siderable local uneasiness and to have also evoked uncompllment- re ary remarks from tourists bound to Fort Caswell or Long Beach, y, It is also claimed that when y, the highway commission was m building the Long Beach road p( they were unable to get their ct flivprl asnhalt tank nf trucks across the bridge; that they > hauled that far and then trans- "J ' ferred their load to much light- St er trucks. of ' The road is much used and, in TJ the light of contemplated use of ^ > Fort Caswell by the Navy, it Jj t will shortly become of greater E importance. Leaving out this T) question, it is felt by the Long 1 Beach and Fort Caswell property i owners, and the public as well, . t that the road is used enough for I I them to feel that bridges and all should be maintained at a degree | of safety in keeping .with other J ! state highways. , Chairman Prince and Dr. Guy ?) , Gooding, the District Commissioner, are said to have neither (Continued on page 4) County Rate h8 Remains $1.60 -? la This Is Figure Used As,^ Basis For Tentative Bud- wt get Prepared By County Ju Auditor pa of At their meeting here Monday I morning members of the board J ch pf county commissioners gave jnj their approval to a tentative bud-' wi get that calls for the tax rate! bo to remain unchanged at ?1.60 per de hundred. The budget estimate will be foi taken to Raleigh next week by an County Auditor R. C. St. George, roi who will seek the approval of. up the local government commission j fir before it is posted. i?l Other business before the board I Monday was a request bv James foi Garner that members of that hi.' body seek to have something done Gi about the midway-Bolivia road no which is reported to be in very-bo poor condition. \ I _____ P0R1 n A Good Con nesday, July 23, 1941 Familiar Scene * '? -:r '"V % "T. a threshing machine in ope en the county has been re a that the wheat acreage th is 3aptists Missio Meeting He; * eturned Missionary From China Brings Inspiring Message To Wilmington Division Missionary Union i UMBER OF TALKS HEARD ON PROGRAM _____ r. McMillan Gives Some Interesting Sidelights On The Work Now Being Carried On In China The Wilmington division of the roman - Miosivrmry Uni -> -om ising th; Bladen Brunswick, urnt Swamp, Columbus, Dock, astern, New South River, Robein and Wilmington associations, et Thursday with the Whitelie Baptist church in an all-day ission, which began at 9:45 a. presided over by Miss Macy ox, of Magnolia, divisional susrintendent. A large crowd attended the j eeting, which was featured by! vo addresses by Rev. Dr. H. H.1 cMillan, missionary to China j r 28 years. Theme of the meet- j g throughout was "Jesus, ives." During the morning session, I ports were given by the super tendents of the associations, le Robeson association leading le associations in the division in i any phases of the work. Re-; >rts showed there are 316 chur-11 les with 9,439 women and young j ;ople enlisted in the division. I Talks were made as follows: | fesus Saves Through Mission! "MVC TT!arl Rnhir??ir?n_ ! .uujr, uj , | St. Pauls; "Jesus Saves !r trough Personal Service," by: t rs. H. T. Lewis, of Proctorville; ll; fesus Saves Through Steward- j t lip," by Mrs. W. O. Biggs, of's lizabethtown; "Jesus Saves'a irough Our Hospitals," by Mrs. If (continued on page four) j ? ii ong Session In Recorders Court c ocket That Had Piled Up|s For Two Weeks Required ,e Greater Part Of Monday n For Disposition A Recorder's court docket that J id piled up during the past two | ;eks was disposed of here Mon,y by Judge Walter M. Stanand and his colleagues. B. F. Beggs, white, was found lilty of reckless operation and is given 90 days on the roads, idgment was suspended upon .yment of costs and a fine $40.00. Edgar Henderson, white, was arged with breaking and enter% and larceny. Probable cause is found and the defendant was und over to Superior court unr bond of $500.00. S. H. Newkirk, white, was und guilty of reckless operation d was given 90 days on the ads. Judgment was suspended on payment of costs and a le of $25.00, of this amount 0.00 was remitted. 1 Elder Hewett, white, was 1 und guilty of operating after 5 driving license was revoked, ven 6 months on the roads, tice of appeal was given and nd was set at $200.00. (Continued on page 4) ? k. , r pil imunity PUBLiSF In Brunswick ' ?_ ' j w wkft i Sflll ftSflMO nj |kn^ ration, has been a familiar ping the biggest wheat crop i i year was several times gre nary Group < irs McMillan Wet Weather Is ' Continued Here Although it still is short of., a record, July has established itself as an unusually wet month. During the first 23days the rainfall has totaled j 6.77-inches. So far, there ha^ been some rain on 10 of the twenty-two days of the month, the high point being reached ?s. a da; when there was 2.55-inches precipitation. Only on July 8th, < however, has the rain been ac- 1 rompanled by any electrical dis- i play. ( Because of the humidity there i has developed the idea that this has been an unusually hot si>eU. Actually, official figures ' show that the mercury has not ' been above 88-degrees here this 1 month, and there is relief each night as the thermometer read - j ing usually runs down to the 75 or 70-degree mark. HEA Conference ; Begins Today! i. D. Bishop, Superinten- , dent- Of Brunswick Elec- e trie Membership Corporation, Is Host j The superintendents of 29 i forth Carolina Rural Electrifies- s ion projects will hold a quarter y conference at Carolina Beach oday and tomorrow with repre- * entatives from the engineering: r nd operations divisions of the . tEA, in Washington, D. C. E. D. Bishop, Shallotte, super- , .ltendent of the Brunswick Coun- v y Electric Membership Corpo- , ation, in charge of arrange- j aents for the conference, anounced yesterday that Guy B. t 'rice, , chairman of the North g larolina Rural Electrification Asociation, will be the guest speak- t r at a dinner at 8 o'clock to- I ight in the Royal Palm hotel. Hickman's Croi Has Modern "It is a far cry", says Sam T. Bennett, Cierk of the Superior Court of Brunswick county, "from the days of the old cross roads communities to the present time, when you find almost as many modern conveniences to the rural communities as can be found in the cities." Mr. Bennett lives at Hickman's Cross Roads. Until just a few years ago it was that and nothing more. Two little-traveled dust (the word was used inadverently in place of dirt) roads crossed each other and were the distinguishing features of the community, with a couple of typical country stores thrown in. Now the Coastal Highway has evolved from one of the roads and hundreds of tourist cars pass through Hickman's Cross Roads daily. The size of ______________ ,0T IED EVERY WEDNESDA * v ' >v *, ' * V < V 5 ' ' B j^H ^ML :. m.m jffflP J one in Brunswick county in its history. County Farn ater than in any previou: Anniversary Am Home - Comim Observed Sunda ? Mew Hope Presbyteria Church Was Scene C Annual Gathering ( Members, Friends Ar Former Members ALL-DAY PROGRAM ATTRACTS THRON Prominent Speakers Ai Heard During The Da) And Other Special Features Add To Program New Hope Presbyterian Chi :h at Winnabow, celebrated h ;orty-seventh Sabbath School a liversary and home-coming Su lay, July 20, with an all-di fathering of friends and mer >ers. The devotional was led by M Raymond Spivey, who is suppl ng the church for the summ nonths during his vacation. Ri {ye, a member of New Hop fave the address of welcome ai :he response was from Garlai S. Maultsby, of Wallace, a fc ner member of the church. The beautiful electric light fi ures in the church which we jiven by Henry McKeithan, ormer member, were acknowle fed and we wish also to thai iach one who contributed to tl virfng of the church. We a rery proud of our lights and a in joying using them. Miss Mildred McKeithan, da jhter of Henry McKeithan, a :ompanied by her sister, Mi /irginia, at the piano sweet lang: "The Holy City." Reid Newland, son of a form >astor, Rev. L. T. Newland, ai vho is now a student for tl ninistry gave the address. H ext being taken from the Go >el of John, 8th Chapter, 12 erse. "I am the Light of tl vorld, he that followeth Me shs lot walk in darkness, but sh< lave the light of life." A bountiful picnic dinner, i isual, was served in the os [rove, of which all enjoyed. During the afternoon servi he infant son of Mr. and Mr V. A. Kopp, members of Ne (continued on page four) ssroads Convenience the community has grown verj little, but several times dailj modern passenger busses thun der to a stop there and ther rumble on; equally rooderr school busses, during the schoo session, stop for the childrer daily and return them home al night. Practically all homes ir a wide radius of the cross roads have electric power available al the turn of a swdtch. One of the things that especially impresses the official is the mail service. It may Ix that Hickman's Cross Roads is especially favored in that respect. At any rate, its mat service is much better thar that at Southport, the count) seat. There is now no post office In its stead the clerk and othei residents of the community have the folding mail service (Continued on page 4) ! The Pilot Covers Brunswick County Y $1.50 PER YEA! I Six Fatalities Is Brunswick Highway Toll. Report Issued This Week By 'Highway Safety Division Shows Six Deaths In County During First Six Months CLEAN RECORD IN TEN COUNTIES Greatest Increases In Accident Toll Noted in Wake, Columbus, Cumberland And Henderson Six traffic fatalities were charged to Brunswick county in a report issued this week by the Highway Safety Division covering the first six months of this year. This report showed a grim toll of 545 human lives reaped on North Carolina streets and highways the first half of this year, against 363 persons killed in the same period last year. This increase of 50 per cent is well j above the increase for the county as a whole. 3 In the fact of this steadily rising slaughter, ten North CaroJlina counties succeeded in having clean traffic fatality records for the six-months period; these being Alexander, Alleghany, Avery, Of. Camden, Cherokee, Dare, Hyde, * Tnnoo Dnllr and VonPflV 1/WltbO) A Uiii Ul'U A wttvv^ I |t Nineteen counties with 10 or 7 more traffic deaths each accounted for an almost even 50 per cent in of the total. These were; Wake, with 29; Cumberland with 24; , Mecklenburg, 22; Guilford, 20; Buncombe and Columbus, 18 each; Halifax and Durham, 14; Robeson, 13; Rockingham and Alamance, 12; Davidson and Gaston, P 11; and Harnett, Henderson, Johnston, Pender, Sampson and Wilson. re j Fifty-seven of the 100 counties in the state showed increases over the first half of last year. The greatest increases were recorded in Wake, Columbus, Cumir_ berland, Henderson, Halifax and er Rockingham. n- The report showed further that n- 94 persons were killed in traffic iy accidents in the state during tho n- month of June. This was a 50 per cent increase over the 62 traffic [r. deaths in the s tate last June, y- The state's 1941 traffic toll to er date is averaging three lives a iy day. District Bar To x- Meet At Beach re ^ Local Members Of Bar And ,14 Their Wives Invited To lie Attend Friday Meeting re At Wrightsvilie The District Bar Association I u- will meet Friday night at 7:30 I c" o'clock at Paris Cottage, Wrights- I ville Beach, and all members of I the local bar and their wives are I or urged to attend. 1 id Judge Walter Bone of Nash- I fie ville has accepted an invitation I is to attend the meeting, as has I s" Judge E. H. Cranmcr, retired Jur- 9 ist of Southport. Judge John J.1 B ie Burncy of Wilmington is also ex- fl 1,1 pected to be present. fl Leon Corbett of Burgaw is I ,, president of the district associa- I ik tion- I : Tide Table I Following Is the tide table I for Southport during the next I week. Theee hours are appro- I xlmately correct and were fur- I nished The State Port Pilot I n through the courtesy of the I ' Cape Fear Pilot's Association. 9 High Tide Low Tide I r TIDE TABLE ? I j Thursday, July 24 fl I 7:38 a. m. 1:44 a. m. I t 7:44 p. m. 1:42 p. m. I Friday, July 25 I [ 8:19 a. m. . 2:27 a. m. I , 8:24 p. m. 2:26 p. m. I Saturday, July 26 I 9:01 a. m. 8:07 a. m. t I 9:07 p. m. 3:10 p. na. I . Sunday, July 27 I 9:47 a. m. 3:46 a. m. I . 9:54 p. m. 3:54 p. m. E Monday, July 28 | ! 10: 36 a. m. 4:26 a. m. 1 , 10:44 p. m. 4:42 p. m. | , Tuesday, July 29 I 11:29 a. m. 5:11 a. m. I 11:39 p. m. 5:36 p. m. .11 \ Wednesday, July SO I f 6:01 a. m. I 12:24 p. m. 6:39 p. t? I ^ I