fa Pilot Covers H priinswick County h^hlrtfe.n no. 27 mester~Wiii 7 me Stationed I In This County Cooperation With Agrijral Extension Ser ".e> Marketing Expert ^K|j Come To Brunswick < i aid IN TIMBER ! arvest of owners Need Of Nation At K|r Call For Best PlanPossible In Cut- I H; Timber That Is Ready For Sale Agricultural Extension of North Carolina State has just announced thatj ^Eat cooperative timber mar . service will be organized 1 Bo areas of the state includ^K jever.teen counties, one of H nQ| be Brunswick. The j is sponsored Dy the Ex- , H Service and the U. S. ] B*i purpose of this work will j Bc aid in harvesting and mar- ] K., timber needed in the war 1 Br and doing same in such a |B:i: as will maintain a grow- 1 ^f<3iid of trees on the land 1 B thereby avoid the heavy 1 ^tr.r.r.g or "land - stripping" i Br.leal in many areas. < m, war effort is calling for ' Brainiately 5 billion board feet B^ber more than will be cut Br ibe current year. This B-racueaiiy use up all actuated stocks. Few owners , Br bad experience in harvest- I Bi tter systematically, scalipg ' Br..-; trees or logs to deterB> the volume and value. Many B& itpener.ee in negotiating H^te; sales, making contracts, B* ~~i markets for numer- . cu trie: products. There is an tget reed for public assistance I h Ion and other owners of Isul rafend acreages and to He rad-using industry in deveB a systemath p ogra i of | B*r harvesting and marketing B~- will supply the current Hk and provide a sustained ^ B of lugh-quality forest prodHo aid a permanent forest inB"-"' ?is service will be for B -f.ual benefit of both tim -? * 1 ...111 t -*z'.zz ana maustry anu am Idcde the harvesting and mar- i K5 c; standing timber, lumber 5 ? poles, piling, pulpwood, fuel j wi and other special timber ? tots. t 3s timber marketing service ^ t be started November 1, in toswck and Columbus coun- ( to as a work area. A trained, s i?n:r,:ed forester will be avail- t k to serve the timber owners ' tins area. His duties will be: * 1 To assist farmers and other j tas of small timber acreages ^ I selecting, marking and scaling r fat: of market size and qua- s b in a manner to provide a c tfenatic harvest, and maintain j k forest growing stock in a Wuctive condition. i To assist these timber own- * 0 a finding markets, making j marketing contracts, etc., t ' the various timber products. 1 To assist in developing a v Bi working relationship be to timber owners and saw- t operators, pulpwood con- 1 ^tors, and other harvesters I II purchasers of timber. 1 j 1 To assist where feasible in * -evelopment of timber mar- j r~S cooperatives. ? Tanners and timber owners ] r- make application for this J** at the office of County | J. E. Dodson, Supply. ] Other counties to receive this at this time are Anson, fe. Duplin, Durham, Gran< Hertford, Orange, Person, Sampson, Stanly, Surry, ^ '*?, Wilkes, and Yadkin. ^ate Fishing Decrease Seen j ^Mnercial Fishing In N. | .Depreciates Considerably I ^EIGH ? North Carolina's c ^" herciai fishing has depreciatI*. 1 considerable extent, not { scarcity of fish but be- t ^ ?f the lack of fishermen, f Fisheries Commissioner , ^ A Nelson said today- , ? reason Nelson said, is that ' ^ ?f the men who used to lets along the coast line h int0 me armed lerv' i 0 many others have aban- ' lc?etlnued on page Hx) I TH1 r Jorgensen Suc< As County Young Man Haa Been Assia Past Fivo Years; Gaus< To B< William P. Jorgensen, fc ant in the Brunswick Countj Friday by members of the B< irs as tax collector for the l! Jorgensen succeeds Chas. E.* Gause, who has served as tax collector for five years. Action followed the resignation of Mr. Gause. and a copy of his letter to the board follows: Southport, North Carolina | October 14, 1942 j To the Board of County Commissioners, of Brunswick Co., Southport, North Carolina. "GenUemen: "I have recently been advised by my physicians and by the Veteran's Administration, that if I continued to work it would seriously impair my health and that I should not engage in any jctivity whatsoever, and, for the iforesaid reasons, I hereby tenier my resignation as Tax Col-i lector of Brunswick County, j North Carolina, to take effect on; November 1, 1942. "I wish to take this opport-j inity to thank you gentlemen; tor having appointed me Tax Col- i ector for the past five years, ind for your earnest and spleniid cooperation with me in the serformance of my duties as Tax Collector of Brunswick County. "I shall always be grateful to I >ne and all of you. "With best wishes, I am ? Many Activitie Now At Rat ?k -folders Of B And C Sup-| plementary Gas Cards Expiring Tomorrow Are Registering For New Allotment UEL OIL DEALERS REGISTER NEXT WEEK1 lvalue Of Stamp No. 9 Is I Set At 3-Pounds Of Su- I gar; Few Bicycles And Autos Left In Quota The Brunswick County Rationng board has been advised that Stamp No. 9 in War Ration Book *o. 1 is good for the purchase if three pounds of sugar beween November 1 and Decem>er 15. inclusive. This mans that the same raion of one-half pound per perlon per week is being maintain- | id. , The local board has been adrised that dealers of fuel oil nust register in a manner simiar to the gasoline dealer registration on October 27-28. Regist- , ation of users will follow this iction, and full information on lonsumer registration will be >ublished later. incre sre suu scvcioi ui^ve made in person, and must be nade between the hours of 8:30 n the morning and 5:30 in the ifternoon. The office is open ony one-half day on Saturday. Musical Program Planned Sunday J iVhite Citizens Invited To i Attend Special Program. Sunday Afternoon At St. j James Church A program of religious mu- i' lie, selected according to the; equest of a few of our white; fiends, has been prepared for| heir special enjoyment and will j >e rendered at St. James A. M. 2. Zion Church (the church on he hill) Sunday afternoon at 3j ('clock. j' The general theme of the pro- i p-am is titled "Good Citizenship" i ind will feature a few of the ; Id time hymns, songs and spirit- j isals. A. R. Howell, one of South-;, sort's most talented noloist, will ilso appear on the program. ( The program is intended chief y as a good-will-gesture to white riends in this hour of universal (Continued on page 0) i ? E ST, A Good 6-PAGES TODAY :eeds Gause 1 Tax Collector tant In Tax Office During s Tenders Resignation >ard !l >r the past five years assistj tax office, was appointed )ard of County Commission942 levy. j W. P. J ORG EX SEN 1 S "Sincerely yours, t "CHAS. E. GAUSE, E "Tax Collector." s a :s Going On l :ioning Office: 1 1; Severe Electrical Storm Strikes Here p t ii Thunderstorms of the type ^ that was experienced here this E morning before day are about c as rare as the proverbial cold dav in Aurust. There was no e more severe electrical display a during last summer. ^ With the storm came a heavy shower, which makes ^ October well on its way to be- ? ing an unusually wet month. The deluge which fell yesterday week ago measured 3.30-inchcs, according to official wca- I ther bureau figures, and sub- J sequent shower* have seen this figure about double during the first twenty days of this month. Saturday Last ' Of Registration V Voters Who Wish To Parti-'1 cipate In November Gen- 1 eral Election Must Regis- 1 ter On Or Before That Date J David Ross, chairman of * the Brunswick county board of J elections, has reminded the gen- ( iral voting public that Saturday r is the last day for registration tor the November election, and * nobody will be registered after ? that .day. ? Saturday, October 31st will be challenge day. j The registrars will be at their j respective polling places all day ? an Saturday for the purpose or ( registering the new voters and j those who may have changed their precincts since the last election. Persons who have changed i their residence from one precinct ' to another must register, and must present their registrar with a transcript from the registrar in the previous precinct. If a person registered while the books were open before the ( primary last May, at which time t i new registration was ordered, e It will not be necessary for I them to register again. I (Continued on page six) i 1 Hallowe'en Party Jt At Bolivia School i X A ftallowe'en carnival will be ' held at the Bolivia high school I auditorium Friday, October 30, at 8 o'clock. There will be an t amateur contest, followed by a 1 box supper. i Various contests, such as cake I walk, beauty contest, baby/con- \ test, baby contest, ugliest man \ contest, will be held. There will t be booths for fortune, telling- and t side shows for Hallowe'en fun. < Come and bring the whole fam- ( ly. Bring a box too. 1 - N 4TE News paper I: Southport, N. C., W Brunswick Men Feeding Wheat To Their Hogs lave Discovered This To Be Economical Method Of Fattening Pork For Marketing This Fall -ONGWOOD MAN IS FORCED TO RETRENCH ihortage Of Labor Has Made It Necessary For Rice Gwynn To Dispose Of Valuable Breeding Stock Recently When a carload of wheat reently arrived in this county for listribution by County Agent J. !. Dodson to hog growers for eed, Rice Gwynn, one of the irgest pork producers in Bruns/iek county was forced to reuest the county agent to see if e could get someone else to andle 500 bushels of the amunt for which he had contracted. "Because of the labor shortge," said the Longwood man, I ave had to curtail my hog prouction, and just the sther day I isposed of 22 sows." The county agent had no trouble at all finding somebody to elieve Mr. Gwynn of his 500 buhels of grain, but this just goes o show what is happening in trunswick county because of the hortage of labor. "Since surplus wheat is avail,ble through the Commodity Iredit Corporation at about 51.00 ier bushel for feeding, and since here is a shortage of corn in ome sections, Brunswick farmrs can us? wheat to an advantge," says Mr. Dodson, "especialy if they will keep the following aformataion in mind: "1 Orminri whwf is nhniit. 1ft ler cent better than shelled corn mt the cost of grinding usually increases its cost by 10 per cent. Vheat should be groun ** f .r land-feeding as hogs do not hew it sufficiently when hungry. "2. Like corn, wheat is defiient in vitamines A & D, as well s ample proteins and minerals. Tiere, it should be fed with a rotein supplement, mineral and reen pasture. "3. Occasionally, pigs fed (Continued on page 6) Lt. Wells Off For Active Duty ormer Register Of Deeds Left Monday For New York To Begin Service With U. S. Navy Reserve Lt (j. g.) W. S. Wells, USNR,i eft Monday afternoon for New I fork City where he is to report omorrow for active duty. Wells resigned several days agoj is Register of Deeds of Brunsvick county, a position that he j tas held since his election two rears ago. Included in his duties vas that of being clerk ex-offi :iai U) uic uuaiu ui wuuiji wiu*. nissioners. Prior to his election at Register | if Deeds, Wells' only other sortie' nto politics was his race against; 3. B. Frink for nomination as{ state Senator four years ago. Since he and other members of I lis family moved here from forehead City several years ago,j ind up to the time that he enered the office of Register of 3eeds, Wells was engaged with (Continued on page 6) Greensboro Fii Join The CI Using a darter plug, E. D. Jrubb, of Greensboro, achieved he ultimate in a sportsman's imbition while fishing on Orton sond Friday when he earned the ight of entry into the sportsnan's hall of face by getting two arge-mouth bass at one cast. year or two ago a widely ecognized fishing journal expressed the doubt that there vere more than 20 sportsmen in he United States with qualifica;ion for joining the "2-on" club. Apparently both fish struck the larting lure at the same time. ,Vhen taken from a boat, it is the ule rather than the exception hat a hooked bass will break vater two or three times, but it vas not supposed that two would ict in concert and do the same hing. Mr. Grubb and his fishing companion, O. K. Boone, also of ireeneboro, got the thrill of their ives in seeing the two beautiful - - - - - - POR n A Good Coi ednesday, October 21 WOUNDED Wesley man who was wounded re cently while on duty wit the fleet in the Pacific, ai rived here a few days ag to visit relatives and friend Baptist Meet For Two Days In Associatioi Long wood Church Is Hoj To Two Day Session O Brunswick Baptist Assc ciation Which Convenei Today LEADING SPEAKERS ON THE PROGRAli The Meeting Will Continu Throughout tomorrow, With Many Churches Represented There Following is the program ( the Brunswick Baptist Associs tion. meeting today and Thuri day at Longwood church. Wednesday morning: Devotioi at, S. X. Mints; Roll Call c ' ..arches; Report of Religioc Literature, J. E. Gilbert; Repoi of Mills Home, T. F. Johnsor Sermon, Rev. Woodrow Robin: Adjourn. Wednesday afternoon: D< votional, S. I. Mintz; Report o Christian Education, E. J. Prs vatte; Report on Hospital, H. I Bennett; Report on Missions, X F. Brinson; Miscellaneous Bus ness; Adjourn. Thursday morning: , Devotiona Miscellaneous Business; Report o Ministerial Relief, Levy Swair Report of Woman's Work, Mri Carl Ward; Report of Sunda School Work, S. I. Mintz; Repoi of B. T. U., Dennis Hewett; Ac journ. Thursday afternoon: Devotior al; Report on Temperance an Public Morals, G. T. Hickman Digest of Church Letters, Joh Jenrette; Miscellaneous business Adjourn. Death Of Two Held Acciden Coroner's Jury Finds Tha Death Of Porter Am O'Neill Girl Due To Acci dent Caused By Owi Negligence irniinwinc an inauest Frida night into the death of N. I Porter and Grace O'Neill, merr bers of the coroner's jury re turned a verdict that the coupl (Continued on page 6) ihermen lub For "2 On' fish plunging together on th surface for practically the entir distance that they were brougli in. The larger one weighed two an a half pounds and the smalle two pounds. Walter Hines, Jr., and W. I Turner, also from Greensbon were fishing from another neai by boat at the same time. The had not come with Grubb an Boone, nor gone out with then They just happened to be nearb; and were able to see the pei formance closely. After Grub had reported his fish,- Hin<% an Turner came to town and Hine declared that the sight of thos two fighting fish was worth hi trip to the pond. It was a driz; ly day, unsuited for fishing, bt a pooling of the two 2-men boat catch showed 26 bass. The larj est weighed three and one-ha pounds. T PIL immunity ' 1942 PUBLISH I Congressman P Will Speak Ne> Representative Of Fourth C Appear Here; Other Lei To Spt Congressman Harold Coo sional District, anf back here Tuesday, having j- - been- permanently rejected for f> military service. u Another Southport lawyer, C ' G. Butler Thompson, was in E the same group with Prevatte " and was accepted for limited tl i- service. He has returned here ti n for a fourteen day leave during h ,. which to straighten up his j, j business. E I. V 1 Funeral Held . p 1; For Mrs. Lewis: i; ' Mrs. Virginia C. Lewis Laid " y To Rest Monday Morning ^ 1 In Southport Cemetery = [ tl Funeral services for Mrs. Virt ginia C. Lewis, 79, were held r< ^ Monday morning at 11 o'clock at b ^ the Methodist church here. Rev. i; R. S. Harrison officiated and burial was in the Old Southport cemetery. Active pallbearers were J. J. Loughlin, D. M. Davis, Harry | Weeks, B. J. Holden, William tl Spells, and Joel Moore. Honorary " ^ pallbearers were J. B. Church, K. j Tobiason, C. E. Gause, Fred d Smith, Price Furpless, Clarence u SDencer. Dr. L. G. Brown, J. A. ci [1 I * Arnold, Connie Lupton, Garfield a Clemmons, W. E. Dosher and C. fi y Ed. Taylor. t. Mrs. Lewis died Sunday morn- ^ i- ing at 8 o'clock at the J. Arthur a - Dosher Memorial hospital, after le a lingering illness. n Surviving are two daughters, 2 ~ Mrs. J. H. Carter, Lake city, S. n C., and Mrs. Clarissa Holden, 0 Wilmington; tjree brothers, O. r' j H. Holden, Georgetown, S. C., A. ? V. Holden, and Lucian Holden, n both of Supply; and two sisters, e Mrs. Leona Clemmons, Supply, 0 e and Mrs. Addie Morgan, Wil- fi it mington. a o J Two Southport j< Boys At School} U* Two students from Brunswick county are among the 802 stuy dents Enrolled at Mars Hill cold lege this fall. They are: James R ' Herman Jewette and Marcellus t< ir, Cox, Jr., of Southport. a Those enrolled at Mars Hill rs b this year come from 9- counties le d of North Carolina, 19 states, Diss trict of Columbia, and China. The it le states of represented are: Ala- lc is bama, Arkansas, Connecticut, 8 s- Florida. Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, S it Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, S; 3 Mississippi, New York, North p j- Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, G if South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir- 2! ginia, and Washington. V ,0T [ED EVERY WEDNESDAY larold Cooley :t Wednesday ongressional District Will sders Are Scheduled :ak ley, of the fourth congreshe most able speakers in sdnesday, October 28, at 8 Southport in a Democratic HAROLD COOLEY To Fill Out ransportation roup Of Men Will Be At Various Places In The County Thursday, Friday; And Saturday To Help lPPLICATION MUST BE IN BY NOV, 15THi I (ecessary In Order To Obtain Gasoline, Tires, Or Repair Parts for Trucks Which Farmers Own ?! i During the past few days each| inner owning a truck or pickp truck has received from the, iffice of Defense Transportation, J (etroit, Mich., an application for' Certificate of War Necessity" | !iat must be filled out and re-1 jrned to Detroit in order that e might operate his truck after | fovember 15th, announced C. D.' iennett, Chairman, County USDA1 /ar Board. If he loses or misplaces his aplicatlon that he received, it will e necessary that he write Det-j ait in order to obtain another pplication. On Thursday, Friday, and Sat-' rday, October 22, 23, and 24, the' allowing men will be at the fol-| iwing places to assist farmers i filling out their applications lat they receive from Detroit. | Truck owners must fill in and iturn these forms before Novem-| er 15 if they wish to be able (Continued on page 6) USO Club News (By MBS. IDA MARSHALL) Week of Oct. 15-31. Owing to the dance given at te USO on Wednesday this week te movie will be Thursday and riday. There will also be movie Sunay evening at 9:15 o'clock as sual. Sunday evening at 6 o'lock a supper will be served to 11 service men at the club. We na me Doys are enjoying uicau ome-cooked meals given by the ifferent woman's organization of outhport and we hope as many ervice men as possible will come. The Service Men Council will leet as usual Monday, October 6, at 8 P. M. Wednesday after- j oon at 2:30 o'clock the wives f the service men will hold their egular weekly meeting in the lub, followed by a social hour. Wednesday and Thursday the lovie will be shown as usual. , Saturday, October 31 at 8:30 'clock the USO is giving an old ishioned Hallowe'en party. All ervice men and their friends are ordially invited to come and en>y themselves. Republicans To Speak On Radio i F. L. Lewis, chairman of the epublican Executive Commit-' ie, calls attention of Brunswick eunty citizens* to the following idio broadcasts by Republican aders. Thursday, October 29, 8-8:15 p. i? R. H. McNeill, WBT, Charitte; Wednesday, October 28,' :15-8:30 p. m., Sim DcLapp, j tataion WSJS, Winston-Salem;' aturday, October 24, 8:30-8:45 . m? -John Wilkinson, WBIG, reensboro; Thursday. October 9, 8-8:15 p. m., George Prichard, fWNC, AaheviUe. . . V Most Of The News All The Time 11.50 PER YEAI ' Seed Loan For 1943 Farm Year j Now Available Office Of Countk Agent At Supply Is Temporary Headquarters For This Agency In Brunswick County " ? I BRADSHAW IS FIELD SUPERVISOR Loans Are Being Made Upon Same Basis As In The Past, To Farmers Who Have Limited Credit Emergency crop loans for 1943 are now available to farmers in Brunswick County, and applications for these loans are now being received at Supply by WmJ G. Bradshaw, field supervisor, of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Section of the Farm Credit Administration. This early opening of the loan program in Brunswick County is part of a plan recently announced by the Farm Credit Administration, whereby emergency crop loans are being made available to assist farmers to comply with the program advocated by the Extendi , Sorvire. Agricultural Ad justment Administration, and County War Boards, which urges the planting of fall cover crops, soil building and soil conserving crops to reduce the effects of the anticipated shortage of fertilizer for the 1943 crop year. These loans will be made as in ttie past to farmers whose cash requirements are relatively small and who are unable to obtain from other sources including production credit associations loans in amounts sufficient to meet j their needs. As in former years, the loans , will be made to meet the applicant's necessary cash needs in preparing for and producing his 1943 crops. Mr. Bradshaw pointed out that eligible farmers de- I siring to do so might apply now I for loans to take care of their .1 crop production needs for the en- 1 tire 1943 season. Loans may in- I elude immediate advances to the I borrower to meet his cash re- 1 quirements this fall; such as, for I the planting of cover crops, soil I building or soil conserving crops, I For the time being, applies- I tions will be taken in the Coutt- I ty Agent's office at Supply only I on Saturday mornings between I 11:00 a. m. and 12:30 P. M. I Teen-Age Boys I Needed In Navy i1 Boys 18-19 - Years - Of-Age I May Enlist Now And >1 Have Their Choice Of J Service Before Army Gets I Them RALEIGH, Oct. 19. ? Pro- I posed drafting of 18 and 19 year I old men will not hinder those I youths who wish to volunteer for M the Navy, Lt. Charles B. Neely, I officer-in-charge of the State's I Navy Recruiting Service, said today. "However," the officer said, "the Navy now is offering young' men opportunities which no other service can match. All of our men are trained to be specialists / in some field ? and if a man does not want to advance, we are not interested in him." . The officer pointed out that i petty officer ratings now are being obtained by more young men than ever before in the Navy's history. Especially in the Naval Reserve, youngsters who can think quickly and wisely are ad- i vanced to highest petty off idler > ratings ? and advancement hinges entirely upon the individual. j Thf* Now ha? <10 Hiffarant *MV ? 'U ' J HUM av VIM) ; trades which youngsters may fojr I low. They range from hospital J and pharmacy work to carpentry and plumbing. There ire schools ifl (Continued on pags 3) ifl