Pilot Clovers prunswick County ^THIRTEEN NO" frunswic On Tues For I nite War Conditions There is ^een Interea I, Outcome Of Biennua flection Which Settle! ^veral Offices ifE FOR SHERIFF 14 HOLDS SPOTLIGHT Addition, Opposing Can J dates For Commission' Will Be Out For Election, As Will OTHERS t ct) of the luster of the elec t campaign has been taken of ir.: -a-nce of the war. bu , ? intoroet nn tVi. Utf :s picni) vi . Bn:1 swick county voter; bier.r.iel battle next Tues J between the Democrats am j Republicans. j \v Ruark. Southport attor (i s unopposed for the offici sate senator. but his demo jk running mate. \V. J. Mc pb. who seeks election to th< us of representatives, is op nee bv Lester .\tintz. who madi t nee two years ago for thi IK office. ^rk of Court Sam T. Ben f. :s opposed for re-election bi li. Swan Shallotte merchant br.:: Dillon L. Ganey must de p C Peele Willctts. Bolivie f.r.. i?.tier, if he wishes t( jcttt in office. Ceror.er W E. Bell faces Gar i; Simmons. Republican no sae :r. the race for re-electior 1 oat office. The race for judgi if Kwcriers court lies betweer its B. Ward, the Democratic samari bearer, and D. R. John, re. lis P.epublican opponent. Otly i-.e member of the cur rest board of county commission. ks is a candidate for re-election SisLC. Tripp, and his Demo, sircrasning mates are Stepher t-h and 0. P. Bellamy. Theii fcrdhear. opponents will be Mer ?r Cox. Allen Russ and Herberl toy. He registration books closec today, and this Saturday wil acta.-.-.gt day. Colors jlP CORP. MARVIN B. \VATKINS r of Mr. and Mrs. M. B 'ukins. of Leland, has Pb a foreign service since W. 1541. As a member of the S:".i Carolina National Guard k was called to active service !V hamn * ? a TT?~ ? naming at x-un taren, Ga? on September 16 SW. From there, he went over u and is now in the British Indies. * * ? CORP. ARTHI K W. BELLAMY, l' of P.ev. and Mrs. A. C. Bellt? of the Hickman's Cross **"-5 Brunswick county, is serves with the army air corps anc | #>w stationed at Savannah k after being overseas. * * * H- R. HEWETT, of Southport in the army during the World War. When the predistrubance got underway he 'Wed he would like to take a ^ at it in the navy. Dis*S?rding the fact that he is 4S old, enlisted the first of the and has been shuttling between New York and Ice?d as a member of a gun crew * was county surveyor fox "bnswick county at the time oi 8 enlistment and could have oba good rating as a civil "Powr but. to use his own ^ "I just enlisted." * * * (?L KENNETH H. KINSLER ""Miding a regiment of paraPs has arrived at an unoundestination overseas, accord? f? a cable received by Mrs this week. The regimenl e, sorr,e time ago for an unouncecl point. So far as is Colonel Kinsler is the onk *UH color.el serving from rwJWck county. His wife, the .' - Miss Katherine Thompson jjwer of the late J. W. Thompw,and Mrs Thompson, and bei son. makes their home tseti '^rs' kinsler was not adUu *"'ere her husband is. The L sans origin, merely statec nvcd safely and hacl a fine , * * ksh'MK >T GEORGE ane MATTs enlisted In the If ft rd this week, reportinj 1 rfeston Monday. " TH 28 :k Voters day Novel llection 0 *- ? ! ?______?, ' | i BRUNSWICK 5 : r SWAP.?The above "' ; \\* o > PnnJ nnroliooDil urifli j " al X-?V**V? pUiVUUOVU TT 11/11 [ his hog. Under the directior } teachers there are several t with this program. Recommends ; Vote On Ne J Dr. Clarence Poe, Formerly Against Proposed Constitutional Amendment, Releases Statement i . " PROMISES HE WILL ; CORRECT FAULTS ( Admittedly There Arc Weaknesses In Present Proposed Plan, But Broughton Asks Compromise Dr. Clarence Poe, Editor oi The Progressive Farmer, has re! leased a statement commending all groups who joined in the Broughton Compromise and urg| ing united support of the pro | posed Educational Amendment lr I this election and united support | of the promised corrective ; amendment in the next election I This statement follows: : "I think every citizen has a ! right to be a little prouder ol ' North Carolina because of whal ' happened between last Saturday ' morning and Sunday evening when Governor Broughton gave ' out his statement accompanied 1 by the statement of various organizations and agencies regarding the proposed Educational ' Amendment. "It was of course to be expect' ed that Dr. Clyde Erwin as State ' Superintendent would favor such 1 a plan and he of course gave il unqualified support. Two othei North Carolina leaders wit! whom I had the privilege of be ing associated in these confer: ences not only went beyond the ' bounds of mere official duty ir E ST, A Good 6-PAGES TODAY J To Vote Tiber 3rd ]f Officer1 HAS "V-PIGS" j !38P^: > P ' V * < , - > J V-Pig" owner is exhibiting a b the proceeds of the sale of \ of the vocational agriculture 0 foys in Brunswick cooperating f( t< Compromise ; A . 1 - . lu w Amendment; ~mmm i i mmmmmm g '| a NEW INCOME TAX p I MEASURE IS LAW E h WASHINGTON. ? The new 1 tax bill, applying record shat- a tcring levies to the income of <3 45,000,000 Americans, become a law yesterday when President b ' j Roosevelt affixed his signature h ! less than an hour and a half h i after receiving the measure d from Congress. n The new individual income n p I tax rates range from 19 per ^ I cent on the first dollar of ' j taxable income to 88 per cent ' at the top. This is accomplish- 1 :i ed by a normal tax of six per 1 ' I cent which is added to a grad- 0 uated surtax ranging from 13 '1 per cent to 82 per cent. a 11 a . 11 Brunswick Boy ; Lost On 'Wasp' J tl t Robert L. Reynolds, Son Of ^ :i Mr. And Mrs. Isaac Rey- ' I nolds, Of Shallotte, Was .' On Carrier When Last I Heard Of . Robert L. Reynolds, son of Mr. ? . and Mrs. Isaac Reynods, of Shal- ? | lotte, was reported missing sev : eral days ago by the war depart- a ment, and since he was a mem- a ' ber of the crew of the aircraft 4TE News paper I louthport, N. C., Wed rruck Owners Filling Out Blank Forms For ODT rhese Application Blanks Will Be Basis For Certificates Of War Necessity And Are Very Important To Owners 'ROVISION MADE FOR MISSING FORMS )ther Instructions Are Given Regarding The Proper Procedure If Person Has Wrong Form WILMINGTON, Oct. 27. ? failing of application blanks for Certificates of War Necessity by nhich the Office of Defense Yansportation, division of motor ransport, will assume control of he use of the country's more han 5,000,000 commercial motor ehicles, was completed on Octoer 22nd in every county in the Jnited States, it has been anounced by George T. Musselman, iistrict Managr, of the Office of iefense Transportation, Wilmingon, N. C. All commercial vehicle operaors, who have not received their pplication blanks, should obtain arm CWN - 4 from the District iffice, Office of Defense Transortation, 610 - 611 Murchison luilding, Wilmington, which form i a request for an application lank. There are two types of appliations ? one for persons who wn one or two vehicles, and one or persons who own more than wo vehicles. Any owner who receives the rrong type or application snouid stum it immediately to the Disrict Office, Wilmington, with a equest for form CWN-4, stating 1 your request the number of ehicles owned, as there are sinle unit applications and fleet nit applications. Form CWN-4, fter it has been filled out comletely, should be returned to the iistrict Office at Wilmington, r. c. ... ... Mr V i.selmar Is making an ppeal to all commercial vehicle wners to return the completed pplications as quickly as possile so that Certificates of War lecessity can be issued prior to lovember 15th, as, after that ate no gasoline, tires, or parts ray be purchased ffir any comlercial vehicle not carrying the lertificate of War Necessity. It is requested that all operaors make full use of the instructon booklet which accompanied lie application, as this booklet I ontains complete explanations of be questions in the applications nd instructions for filing. A sclfddressed envelope for returning be application to the centralizaion mailing point at Detroit is nclosed with each application. All farmers needing assistance \ filling out their application arms should go immediately to beir local U. S. Department of Lgriculture boards, or secure jrther information from their ounty farm agent. . The counties which make up be Wilmington District are as allows: Bladen, Brunswick, avtarat Prorran PftliirnKllQ film POR n A Good Con nesday, October 28, WOUNDED HHHyL %pv ' In Action.?John Herbert Jenrette, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jenrette, Ash, was injured recently in action with his naval unit in the Pacific. Weekly Session Of County Court Judge Prevatte Is Back On Bench Following Trip To Fort Bragg: Several Cas es Disposed Of Following a one - week postponent while Judge E. J. Prevatte was being examined at Fort Bragg for possible military service, Recorder's court met Monday in regular session. Henry Holden, charged with being drunk and disorderly, was called and failed. Ed Quince was acquitted of charges of drunk driving and hitand-run. Richard Lee plead guilty to charges of reckless operation and was given 90 days on the roads. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $25.00. Joseph Hewett pleaded guilty to charges of drunk driving. Given 6 months on the roads, judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine' of $50.00. . ? m Leo and Don McKeithan, Jesse Long and Blanco Simmons were charged with breaking, entering and larceny. A nol pross was taken as to Long, but probable cause was found as to the others, and each was bound over to Superior court under bond of $50".00. Wendell Smith was charged with drunk driving, but motion was made for a jury trial, both on this count and upon the charge of assault. Bond totaling $300.00 was required for his appearance. Emelo Franico plead guilty to charges of jail break. He was given 6 months on the roads. BIRTHS BRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Caison, of Supply, announce the birth of a T PIL nmunity 1942 PUBLIS1 Southport BoyI Sinking In Wesley Holden Spent Long Was Finally Rescued Of His With the war department reporting him seriously wounded in t the attack on the Solomon Is- ? lands, Wesley Holden came home t to Southport last week, has been 1 walking about visiting friends and 1 relative! and is ready to return 1 to whatever post of duty is as- 1 signed to him when his leave ex- f pires on November 14th, Holden, a machinist '.nate, 2nd I class, was aboard the destroyer Little, the only U. S ship sunk , during one of the first major en- 1 gagements in the Solomon- Is- ' lands. The destroyer, a medium ' sized one, had to try and slug it ' out with a Japanese cruiser, which stood off and hammered it to pieces. During this fight Holden . received a serious shrapnel wound ( in his hip. , The destroyer was unable to , launch any of its lifeboats, and i the whole crew had to take to i lifebelts when the order came to i abandon ship. < Ration Board Clean : * il WINTER WEATHER MISSES APPEARANCE Residents of this section went to bed last night ex- 1 pecting the first frost of the season to make its appearance before this morning, but the , weather crossed them up and the thermometer this morning was down to only 43-degrees. The season's low was established on Tuesday with a low reading of 39 degrees. There were some unseason- ( ably warm days recently, there 1 being a high reading of 78- I degrees on Saturday. 1 State Film To Be Shown Here; 1 Variety Vacationland Will i Be Made Available For 1 Use At Section Base And At USO Club | The North Carolina Variety j Vacationland film, a picture made * largely through the generousity of Dick Reynolds of Winston- J Salem who contributed $25,000.00 towards its cost, will be shown at the theatre at Fort Caswell t and at the USO and Amuzu i theatre here in a few days. t The picture shows North Caro- I lina throughout, many of the v scenes being made in this sec- t tion with the Chamber of Com- < merce cooperating. The army s considered this film so excellent t that it requested the State Department of Conservation and 1 Development to have ten extra j copies made for use at camps. Both Fort Bragg and Camp Davis have copies of the film for ,0T iED EVERY WEDNESDA Survives The Solomans Time In Water Before H? Following Sinking Ship Wounded as he was, Holdei ook to the sea with his lifebel md swam for eight hours befor le was picked up by one of th anding boats that had placed th ifarines ashore. During the eigh lours that he was swimming h nade a distance of three mile ind was only one-half mile fror ;he shore when the rescue boa )icked him up. Exhausted as he was from hi vounds and from his eight hou lattle with adverse tides, the res :ue came none too soon. His con lition when rescued was such tha he war department notifie Mrs. Holden that he was in ierious condition. Seen by a Pilot representativ his week, Holden still bore mark it the suffering entailed by hi vounds and eight hours struggl vith the waters. Otherwise h ippeared physically fit and ther vas no mistaking his anxiety t return to service and get anothe crack at the Japs. Able To 1 T7M _ iveireau rues Long Distance Conversatioi With Ral?i8h..yes'erp^ Make* It Possiblei To? Fil All Eligible Application! ,0 changemad|iuti Telegram Received on Mm day Postponing Imlefim tely The Date For Fuel Oil Ration Members We Brunswjc bounty Rationing Board we' iappy Tuesday, because afte ong months of being unable fill applications for passenge jar retreads a from Raleigh made it Fin every eligible application 1 Hat particular file. This means that before th Jfof this week certificates w. je received by more than 20 persons, many of whom have ha n their appllcaUons as far bac lSTOsgUsudden prosperity doe J mean any loosening up o lieibility restrictions, but jly means that the local boar Z been successful in iU.?ort a eet enough retreads to fix u he eligible tires before they hav Ten ruined beyond repair. A telegram was received Mon l*ay at the rationing office sU Srs-rw= hawsTsmall quantities and b ilgn with the dealers from whor he purchases are made. Extra-Special Mat Program Team MatcTT^ Bout Am H.U Frida: Night WILMINGTON, N. C., Oct_ 2? -"Son..thing new andsomcthn iovel" is the slogan of wresuin, Promoter Bert Causey. For this Friday night, he na irranged to give the fans jus ^ ???.tiin? ho"t will hieli Most Of The News All The Time Y $1.50 PER YEAS Motorist Advised ; How To Dispose * Of Excess Tires Local Rationing Board u Throws Some Light On 1 The Requirement That e Motorists Surrender All e Over Five Tires They * Have * CANNOT GIVE IDLE " TIRES TO OTHERS Used Tires Are Frozen, So s That They May Be Given r To The Government; * Deliver Excess Tires To Railway Express Office (1, a The Brunswick rationing board has been advised to Uie effect e i that it will be necessary for mots I orists to record the serial nums bers of their tires to be recapped e on the tire certificate. When the e applicant's own casing is to be e recapped, however, it is not ? necessary to record the serial r number on Form R-2, such recording being necessary only when the tire is to be replaced. In connection with national gasoline rationing, effective Novi ember 22nd, all passenger car owners must turn in to the gov> ernment all tires in excess of ^ five per car. This order became k effective October 15th and all idle tires must be turned in by n November 12th. y On or about Nov. 1st, mileage " rationing forms will be available i to all car owners for the purpose of registering their five remaining tires. This form is to ( be mailed or delivered to the local board, which will return to i. the owner a tire-inspection form. An idle tire is any used or new passenger-type tire, even if it needs repair, in excess of five ! -31 LiuoXa sji.t. -no ilia a add esjq k pair'evenj are idle and should be turned in. e ,r If a person fails to file a tire 0 record form, then the local ra,r tioning board has the authority 1) and will demaiKUthet they sur- r, o render their gWoUlve rqtlordD# a n book. A person may possess idle tubes, but the government will gladly purchase all usable tubes jl offered. Truck ti^es need not be 0 turned in, but a person may keep d trailer tires actually mounted on k running wheels of tarilers and similar equipment. No spare is allowed for a trailer, n No motorist is allowed to sell i? or give away idle tires to a d neighbor, friend or relatives, bea cause all used tires are now frozp en. They may be given or sold to e the Government only. To dispose of excess tires, the - tires should be delivered to the nearest Railway Express office, . for which they will receive check, [) war bonds or stamps, shortly . after the tire has been inspected 1 at the warehouse for official . determination of its value. f NEWS , BRIEFS i J IN HOSPITAL f Otto Hart, of Southport, was a patient ht Dosher Memorial Hospital the first of this week for j treatment. ? oOo FOR TREATMENT Mrs. Herbert Hanan, of Souths port, is a patient at Dosher . Memorial Hospital. " oOo SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. Ed Marlowe, of Southport, y underwent a major operation e Monday at Doshcr Memorial Hospital. Her condition is satis* ll 'factory. n oOo OPERATION lt Mrs. Charles Dosher, of South^ port, underwent a minor operae tion Monday at Dosher Memorial h Hospital. oOo * ENTERS HOSPITAL 0 Lawrence Fulford, of Supply, 11 entered Dosher Memorial Hospitr al Tuesday for treatment. e oOo c SERVICE MAN ILL n Floyd Avant, of Oak Island " Coast Guard Station, is a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital. oOo e HOSPITAL PATIENT ]t Douglas Groat, of Oak Island e Coast Guard Station, is a patient J h this week at Dosher Memorial Hpspital. t. oOo d LEAVES HOSPITAL a Mrs. James Piner, of South d port, was dismissed as a patient e today at Dosher Memorial Hospital following a serious opera- tion ten days ago. ' order to help, but also gave tnt 1 state a superb demonstration ol what can be accomplished by mer 1 of fairness and good will wher they simply appeal to the fair : ness and good wil lof other North Carolinians. It would haxe bee: (Continued on page six) , Sacred Concert At Local Church White Friends Invited To Enjoyable Program Rendered Sunday Afternoon At St. James Church One of the most enjoyable oci casions held here recently was the program at St. James church i Sunday afternoon when the color ' ed choir rendered a program ol ? i mi,air for the entertain' . j mtl cu ?muw.? - - ! ment of white citizens of the community, who were especially ! invited for the occasion. Featured on the program wer< : some of the more familiar hymn.' 1 and spirituals, and the pastor j Rev. J. B. Howell, acting as mas ter of cerepionies, kept thing; moving along smoothly. Othci I features were brief remarks fron j | several of the leading white citi f I zens of Southport who were num bered among the congregation. . 'Wasp' it is believed tnai ne was j lost in that action, i The navy department reported ? this week that the 'Wasp' was _ f sunk near the Solomon islands on i September 15. She was the third 1 l aircraft carrier lost by the Unit- J Another member of the crew i ed States thus far in the war. i of the 'Wasp', Dillon Gore, Shallotte youth, reported home last week for a brief visit with relaj tives in this county. i Jury Gets Case Against Deputy i No Report Of Outcome Of Trial Of Former Brunswick Deputy; Case Against D. .?. Tripp Is Con' tinued i The case against former def puty Douglas Cook was in the j hands of the jury in Federal court i last night following his trial on r charges of conspiracy to violate the prohibition laws. : D. E. Tripp, deputy game wars I den, was indicted along with , Cook, but was unable to auena i court this week due to illness. J Principal witness against the p two was Harold R. Anderson, now l serving an 18 months sentence in the Federal penitentiary at -(Petersburg, Va., for violation of (Continued on page 6) erland, Duplin, Hoke Jones, New lanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pener, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, nd Dillon, S. C., Horry, S. C? nd Marion, S. C. PATIENT J. O. Garner, of Wards Farm, is . patient at Dosher Memorial lospital. i Navy Family Is By Nicodem Lieut. Robert K. W. McCoy, USN., has been shifted about a great deal, his duty taking him to California and various other points. Where ho has gone Mrs. MoCoy has gone, and with them went Nicodemus, a much prized alley cat. Lieut. McCoy is now settled down at the Caswell Section Base and Mrs. McCoy and Nicodemus have a home in Southport. At least Mrs. McCoy has, Nicodemus had. Nicodemus, despite the uncertain sounding name, is a lady cat. Heretofore she has done little wandering, except those trips in baggage cars, which journeying she detested. She was inclined to be sedate and had a desire to settle down, which makes her disappearance all the more puzzling. On the night of September 29 the McCoy's were away from home. On their return there was no Nicodemus to greet them. The next morning she was still absent and the search became intensive, all without results. A month has gone by and Nico son at Doshcr Memorial on iuesday, October 27. 0O0 NEW ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weatherford, of Southport, announce the birth of a son at Dosher Memorial Hospital on Thursday, October 22. 0O0 ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ed Caison, of Supply, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, October 20, at i Dosher Memorial Hospital. s Distressed ius Being Awol demus is still absent, despite search, offers of reward and newspaper advertising. Yesterday, as a last resort, Mrs. McCoy, who is Bunny McCoy, a former newspaper woman and feature writer, visited the office of W. B. Keziah. That functionary was out, supervising a gang of scrap iron wreckers. Undeterred, Mrs. McCoy borrowed the typewriter to leave the following note: "Dear Mr. Keziah: "I should have been smart and come to you in the first place. However, it still may not be too late. I'm looking hard and futilely for Nicodemus McCoy, my beloved alley cat, who (not which) disappeared on the night of September 29 from in I front of the house. She may have gone in search of us or not. I am not asking any questions as A - * T i..nt io now ane uioap^caiou?* want her back. "When last seen she had on a collar and bell. She wore, like Job, a coat ol many colors, re(Continued on page 6) continuous use. This week, Bilf Sharpe. state 1 publicity director, wrote the chamber of commerce with an offer of the film for the Section Base and the USO, if those centers had 16 mm sound projectors. Both have the desired machines _ and the film has been ordered. , B.&L. Over Top , In War Bonds' U Part Of Cooperation < From Building & Loan \ Associations Throughout 1 United States ' The Southport Building and < Loan Association is over the top ] in the purchase of War Bonds in < connection with the national pro- t gram sponsored by the U. S. Savings and 'Loan League, and the I North Carolina Building and Loan l League, to have all Associations 1 in the United States purchase 1 $100,000,000 in bonds between i June 30 and Dec. 31. ? A report just made by J. E. > Carr, the secretary, indicates the i Southport Association has pur chased bonds nearly double its 11 assigned quota. The quota for t North Carolina in this national t program is $1,915,000 and reports a received from the associations I indicate purchases up to the present of more than $1,450,000, amd I the estimate of purchase by these t associations before the end of c the year will put the North Caro- c lina Associations well over their 1 (Continued on page 6) ight the card of an unusual] Dutstanding wrestling match. Mil Steinborn and Rudy Stronber will make up one team while A Wills and Stan Pinto will be o he other. Mills only agreed to the figh >n the consideration that he coul Dick his own partner, and h :ertainly fixed himself up wit he toughest guy he could find. The match will be for the best wo-out-of-three falls with a 9 ninute time limit. The rules wi >e: When a member of eithe :eam is pinned, the other sid vins the fail. This change in th isual style of legalized mayher vill give the fans plenty to ye ibout. Causey says. For the opening bout, the "Pui >le Secret" and Barto Hill hav >een signed up. This is the fire ime that Hill has had a chanc it the "Secret" and the mate >romises plenty of action. At a late hour Sunday nigh1 'remoter Bert Causey learne hat he could secure the service if Mildred Burke, women's worl ihampion wrestler, and Ma foung, tjie leading contender. (Continued on page 6)