1-?,V'Y, FEBRUARY : I In- lliiilitcr J Lr (Our 3rlel i;< time was had at cssings workroom | v i,t. it was all because;n ,s \vre receiving their v .1,motion pins that t v -v ie both presented , i lv in the evening jc , not to wear until a ! ;its nad actually been & ,-fUiied at 9:15 for Mrs. h , i> nil at 9:45 for u n. Harker. They were si when the time came a , ; i legally" wear the woivkd so hard ? Uncle vSr~CAI ^ u /n et a substantial return on the " : v, ti i w ff N DEPEND PON OUR FARMERS " hi to get enough food out un the Axis clear into w m will work as hard as b( any factory in meeting jir arm production goals in vill show the same self>urage that our boys are RJ y not? His sons are among ft i?real "chips off the old w id youngsters, over here d ;re, Uncle Sam can be m and he can depend n ORT - ROSEHILL 0 NT - KENANSVILLE w ON HOLLY RIDGE b mmmmmammmmmmmmm'm iaaranuHBHBM jikc jjj :tive Tc ;cap your passengi ires without a Certi YOUR TIRES TOI OME-FIRST SER s Servic W. C. BLACK mrchase price for your war tamp books. All this and a prety corsage, too. * * * Now that the new ration books i re out we can see what we'll be llowed in the way of processed ood for the next month. It seems j 0 us that we in Brunswick are icky. We can always have a gar- j en. or at least we can buy the! ruits of someone else's labor. | "hey can't always do that in ities, you know. Anyway, we believe that very ?w people in this county will ven so much as be inconveninced by the program. Now we ish we'd done what so many of tie industrious women have done 1 this county; i. e. stocked our helves with home-canned goods. nvonun.bmotoETETET We may not have a choice from ow on, but we'll have plenty of to substantial things to eat. If e're smart enough to plan a, arden now and keep at it when j ic weather gets hot, we'll be do- j ig our small share in winning the 'a''PERSONALS Mrs. Fred S. Covington, of here Tallahassee. Fla., is spend-1 ig several days here with her sters. Mr. and Mrs. Gene O'Brian, of filming ton. visited his parents ere last week. Mrs. Geo. Whatley spent the eek-end with relatives in Wil- i lington. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corring have ;en spending the past ten days j i Long Island, N. Y., with Mr. i, orring's mother. Mrs. John Cor- j ng. J. G. Swan, of Wilmington, lent the week-end here with his imily. VC?. n?rl >r? T-? j I aui. auu lTiis. i-?iUK r\r "Mobiloil" in quart conliners ... No chance for irt . . . No chance for a listake in grade or weight ( f oil . . . Mobiloil ts the ' 1 orld's* largest selling rand of oil. Sold by over 0,000 dealers. i ESraxton Auto Parts i DISTRIBUTORS a ! ! ] 1 i day *r car tires ficate. )AY.. c _ m VfcU! s I I e Sta. i WHITE VILLE < 1 _____ a THE STATE P jf? week-end with relatives in Wil- (v mington. Mrs. D. I: Watson spent the week-end in Smithfield with her sister, Mrs. John Dail. Iw Leon McKeithan. of Charles- j ~ ton, S. C? is spending several days here with his parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Chas. McKeithan. Mrs. Realto Sorrenson, of Sum- | ter, S. C., spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. J. Fred Smith. Mrs. Edna Bell is visiting her [laughter, Mrs. Tom Gold, Jr., in High Point for a few days. Thurman Carrol, now in the U. S. navy at Bainbridge, Md? was here Tuesday visiting friends. Herman Sellers, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sellers, is at home this week, on leave from the U. S. Navy. NEWS I BRIEFS ' I J LEAVES HOSPITAL A. E. Huntley, of Oak Island ^oast Guard Station, spent severil days' last week as a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital. ILL IN HOSPITAL Mrs. R. S. Harrison, of Southport, has been a patient at Dosner Memorial Hospital during the past week. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Dean announce the birth of a son at Dosner Memorial Hospital Friday, February 19. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Potter, )f Southport, announce the birth :f a son at Dosher Memorial Hospital Saturday. February 20. FOR SURGERY Mrs. Helen Baucom, of Caswell Beach, entered Dosher Memorial hospital as a surgical patient Friday. SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. C. N. Hewett, of Southrort, was admitted Sunday as a surgical patient at Dosher Memrrial Hospital. MEDICAL PATIENT Walter B. Hewett, of Supply, rntered Dosher Memorial Hospital Saturday as a medical patient. FOR TREATMENT T. V. Bessant, of Little River, ' 3. C? entered Dosher Memorial Tospital for treatment Monday. IN HOSPITAL Dallas Piggott, of Southport, :ritered Dosher Memorial Hospitrl last Wednesday. MEDICAL Miss Teva Pope, of Bolivia, enured Dosher Memorial Hospital ast Tuesday for Medical atten- j don. SURGICAL PATIENT James H. Hanners, of New ! ifork, entered Dosher Memorial hospital last Wednesday for sur- j tery. OFF FOR CAMP Gene O'Brien left last week for San Antonio, Texas, for basic training- in the army air corps. iVORMY PIG WILL NEVER GET BIG The old saying, "A wormy pig vill never get big," should be j rept in mind this spring as thoulands of new pigs are born, re-1 jorts Dr. C. D. Grinnells, Experinent Station Veterinarian at N. J. State College. The roundworm, j )r ascarid, is one of the most jommon and injurious of these wine parasites. To raise pigs that develop luickly and profitably, he urges hat growers adopt an approved iwine sanitation system. This includes the removal of all little from the farrowing pens and 3leaning of the pens with btoflng | I ORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, : ' ( ^ ft 1 ??r m1 f ;; vi~V.\ ., ^4??fe :-U '? rater, soap, and lye. A few days oerore farrowing ime, scrub the sow thoroughly! rith a brush, using soap and CHILDREN'S COLDS for direct relief from miseries of cofds?coughing, phlegm, irritation, clogged upper air passagesrub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub. Its poultice-andvapor action brings relief without dosing. I ALSO, FOR HEAD cold "sniflles", EE 'Jf . J* melt a spoonful ||P 43k of VapoRub in r\lB hot water. Then fu.9 have the child % breathe in thc?#lw^9 steaming vapors. W VapoRub ' Ml The Brimswic and Review Vi the following i ing the tax list North West a: Monday, M? Smithville and Wed, March Shalloite and Friday, Mar The board s! payers who own ation in the coun property or the p in the name of pi but shall not inci of any real prop( red, where prop something of vali removed from sa cumstance has af W.I TAX N. C. warm water to remove all dirt.' Pay special attention to the ud- s tier. . Within 10 days after farrowing, ( aaul ( do not drive) the sow and f pigs directly to a field which has ^ previously sown to a torage crop. Allow no other hogs in this pasture except sows and litters simiarly handled. Provide plenty of shelter and shade, and a safe sup- * sly of fresh water. Since March 1941 the TJ. S. | las delivered for shipment to the j Allies about 4.000,000 tons of! _ oodstuffs, at a cost of about $1,-1 E 50,000.000. BRAXTON AU COMPLETE S ALL G WHEEL BALANCING . MOTORS REBUILT . , BODY REPAIRS . . V BATTERY SERVICE . . . SERVING OUR MERCHANDISE is Help is almost impos we are going aheai friends and customer!" our ability. WE INVITE YOU PATROI G. W. KIRB ' SUPPLY 0TIC1 k County Board of rill meet in the Con Jays for the purpos :s for the year 1643: nd Town Creek Tc ireh 15th. 9:90 am. s / I Lcckwoods Folly 1 117th, 9:00 a. m. to 5 Waccamaw Towns ch 19th, 9:00 a. m. t hall, on request, hear a or control property as ity in respect to the va roperty of others?shall ersons, in the descriptic ease or reduce the ass< ;rty, except where errc erty has been sub-divi Lie of $100 or more has me, or where some ext fected same. P. Jorgen SUPERVi: According to C. C. Pratt, assist-1 < int farm agent in Northampton1 ' bounty, M. S. Bridgers, Jr., of ~ Conway, had an outstanding flock , if hens in 1942, with a profit of t I2.S2 per hen over all feeds costs. 1 WANT ADS H i'OUND ? Blaclc hat - box, tied ' 1 with rope. Contains men's cloth-1 J ing. Owner may obtain from State Port Pilot office by pay- FO ing cost of this advertisement. t SABY CHICKS. C. O. D? Heavy j mixed $8.85 hundred. Light mix-; ^I VVf TO SERVICE | FRVICR ON _l \RS ! . . MOTOR TUNE UP n . BRAKE SERVICE /HEEL ALIGNMENT \ \ RADIATOR REPAIRS JJ3 i net! ?, Con I u hi gl~ 1 iW'iMMBBM??? III:" rasl CUSTOMERS! II i lot, I iyin HARD to FIND ! ISS n of property; RT, C01 sssed valuation ?: irs have occur- r't Ink ded, or where of" been added or hid raordinary cir* I sun by torn wer ri?* wni the Brt his ty. Jar so sen I anr roh _ C a! ^ O R z req den me! gr? 1 Bi "7 W 2"1( -PAGE THREE ;d $4.85 hundred. Nichols hatchery, Kingston, Georgia. IR SALE ? 1941 Ford coach vith low mileage and excellent :ires. Also 1940 model Oldsonobile. J. N. Coburn, Whitedlle. N. C. |R SALE ? One 3-gaited sadlle mare, saddle and bridle. 3argain at $125.00. complete. Tapt. I. B. Bussells, Southport, ? c- 1 >R SALE ? Several good mare nules, 4 to 7 years old. See us or sale or trade. Lewis and Cncx, Bolivia, N. C. VNTED-?We pay highest market prices on hogs, pigs and attle every Monday- Honest Veight, cash on delivery. Shal"otte Stock Market, M. S. Huaon. Mgr. LEGALS roREn.osrnK sai.k OF sai.K ESTATE EFAUI/T HAVING Hi:ION MADE the payment of the indebtedness tred by thai certain real estate tgage executed by William Green Alary Green. I lis wife, to A. B. cer. on the 1 fth day of May. 1921. duly recorded in the office of the ;ister of Deeds of Brunswick inly In Hook 35. at page 91. to ch reference is hereby especially le. I will offer for sale at pubauction to the highest bidder for ti at the Court House door In the of Southport. Brunswick County. Ill Carolina, on Friday the 19th of March. A. D. 1913. at 12 o'- , i u- Vftnii iho following described tract, piece or parcel of land g and being in the State of North olina. in Brunswick County, thvllle Township, and bounded ami ribed as follows, to-wit. KG INNING at an iron stake near arge pond in William Green's line runs thence N. 78 degrees West ? Feet to J. F. Harts line; thence ti his line North degree .'10 mlnt East 825 Feet to Nancey's Est. ier: thence with said line N. 12 rees E. 32 poles to the Northeastcorner of said tract; thence South degrees K. 02 poles to Williams en's corner: thence with his line the beginning, containing 32 acres, e or less. his 17 day of February. 1943. A. H. MERCER, Mortgagee 'IGI IT McEWEN >rney for Mortgagee. 3-10o I IKK OK SERVICE OF SI MMONS 11Y IMHI.ICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT tTE OF NORTH CAROLINA L'NTY OF BRUNSWICK LA EICHORN VS. >1RS A. EICHORN he defendant. James A. Elchorn. take notice that an action entitled nhnve has been commenced in the d In said county in which said defeats have interest, for the purpose making assets with which to pay debts of the deceased, and for sion of the yurplus proceeds; and said defendants will take notice they are required to appear at Office of the Clerk of the SuperCourt of said county, at SouthNorth Carolina, within thirty % s after the 16th day of March, i. and answer or demur to the iplnint In said action, or the plainwill apply to the court for ''the M demanded In the complaint. Iiis February 13. 1943. S. T BENNETT. |c-4T Clerk Superior Court i . i. . IK E OF SFUVIVC SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LTE OF NORTH CAROLINA) :XTY OF BRUNSWICK LLTS CAUSE ft VS. FRENCH SMALL CAUSE he defendant. Florence Small ise. will take notice that an action tied as above as been commenced the Superior Court of Brunswick nty. North Carolina, to obtain an olute divorce from the bonds of Irlmony upon the grounds of irnlion for the statutory period; that the defendant will further ? i notice that she is requested to ear at the Office of the Clerk of erior Court in said county In the rt House in Southport. North olina. within thirty davs after the i day of February. 1943, and ansor demur to the complaint In I action, or the planitiff will apto the Court for the relief deided In the complaint already fllin the Office of the Clerk of Suor Court of Brunswick County, th Carolina. his the 18th day of January. 1943. S. T. BENNETT, c Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SERVICE AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT IN THK SUPERIOR COURT ITE OF NORTH CAROLINA [TNTY OF BRUNSWICK W. HARRTS W. OAKLEY Vs. H. BATEMAN he defendant above named will e notice that a summons In the ve entitled case was issued inst said defendant on the 12th of December. 1942, by the Clerk Superior Court of Brunswick CounNorth Carolina, and service had the Commissioner of Motor Vees of the State of North Carolina, agent for the defendant, for the i of $3,500.00, due said plaintiffs the defendant as result of an aulobile accident In which plaintiffs e injured and the Plaintiff Harautomoblle seriously damaged, ich summons is returnable before Clerk of Superior Court of 1 Hiiro II IV V.UHIIH , .">11" V.OIVIIIIO! Ofc office in Southport, in said Counon or before the 19th day of nipry, 1943. The defendant will altake notice that a warrant of at? hment was issued by said Clerk of verior Court of Brunswick County, rth Carolina, on the 21st day of ^emb??\ 1942. against a Chevrolet omobile owned by the defendant 1 now held at the Rainey ChevCompany, Wilmington, North rolina. which warrant is returnable the said Clerk of Superior Court, the 21st day of January, 1943, en and where the defendant is uired to appear and answer or nur to the complaint, or attachnt. or the relief demanded will be nted. 'his the 19th day of January. 1943. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court uinswick County North Carolina sk*1 . "b HaaeMMMMIiHtf