jy Pilot Covers MLrtswick County ^thirteen ~not portent News fur Applicants I for New Tires I file Of Brunswick mLnty Rationing Board Ml Best Shape Has Been Ml During Full Year Of Mf,t Program LiNATION IS V GIVEN HOLDERS Ij,) Certificates Are ML/J For Tires That I,, Not Available V, But Will Be I During April Ml is a message from the County Rationing Southport, addressed to C.of the county who M. innlication in for new tir| r who may be in t:: tiler, i: - "it from Washington? Ci Southport; it isn't by a Lester but by the men worked with your tire Brunswick county for ? tlic first time since tire ?? began we were able this u dear out all of the applijs from our active file. Not j applicant got everything & asked for. and a good flailed to receive new tubes i jai been requested, but : members did their very to be sure that each vehicle i;.;S rubber was requested .-. jilted well enough to opelir-. than one hundred certia : the purchase of new -.-riles wore issued. Members ; rat or.h'g board know that i wm impossible during the :; . jays to secure many > 'Jus grade. However, we assured that these tirrf be back on the market bei j en dof April, and we t pr' ahead and issued the EjMs for their purchase. If in for your tire and arc uni: f:r. done, leave your cetik it. the hands of some relii : i with the understand,io i Wilt j il you as soon irs ' eh ar; In this way I *5? the date will not run .:. tit-, certificate, lis same action was taken : to third grade ccrtits This is for the purchase lutrcaded tire, or a used tire 1 bands of a dealer. This t was issued principally to rs seeking a spare tire, or i'Si.-a u-Ha ore ilritntitr iirifh "UW Ol V VII I'll'b hr. "A" 'ration book. They v. fellow the same directions t above for keeping their Scale valid. t you have m an application, >jcu J" not receive your eerie; within the next three i tie best tiling for you to swn.tc your ration board, or t est a new application. SevC applications were placed & inactive file because the K?r. contained in them was ! so long ago that it no pr presented a true picture of Elation of the tires or tubbit applicants possibly could ! qualified for a higher grade bad their need and usage 'properly shown in their apfe. Every question in the '.'Plication form is impor and should be answered ' ~y the applicant. Do not ren,;i the tirt inspector to do ''or you His only concern is the actual condition of ' Other information be filled in by you or *11 who is helping you. 'Jtt do a lot of unnecessary i trying to find tires. A tall is cheaper, and travel bunting tires is wasting F ar.d gasoline. Above all, , vaste your time and milecoming to the ration l t0 get your certificate I,' Board members did the vy wt're able for you upon ?-io oi your information and 'Wa of tires in hand. If you ''appeal, do so by letter. Wmber, the ration board Stiallotti was established to * residents of the lower part JJ8 county It is located upI over Carl Andrews' store, no tire application will be Pjred mtil it has been apJ by numbers of that * >s important to have all j ,jre carcasses, both passentruck, retreaded in order 'l "maximum mileage. Nobody Rood to ride on retreads, j. s "S tiie principal cquip, n'jw on our school buses in Any person who dclidrives his car too long .having a tire or tires re'will be denied new tires Elements. 'have the services of comcommitteemen throughL ip County now in the ad| l?ntinued on page I) TH] 50 RED CROSS PHHH jm The Greats ' 'J? ""J* " ? '-' - v<- *<-.< -if ? .< ^ ; n\V -; : - . - - ;v:yv.j-|j WIND-UP.?The drive has been held open in Bruns mainder of this week to give a check a chance to contril month income. Red Cross Drr Up With G However, Indications Are That Receipts Will Be In Neighborhood Of $3,000.00, Which Is ThreeFourths Of Goal IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL JUST WHAT IS TOTAL Returns Will Be'Coming In From All Over County County During The Next Few Days; Final Report Next Week I Mis. H. B. TVink, chairman of j the Red Cross War Fund Committee, wishes it distinctly under-! stood that donations will be received throughout this week in order that persons who have t been waiting for their pay check J may use a part of it to help the Red Cross. i As matters stand now it appeals that between $3,500.00 and $3,000.00 will result from the greatest all-out effort ever made for a charitable cause. Of this amount more than $1,100.00 was raised from Shatlotte school and the town of Shallotte. It was impossible to make a complete final report today, but a full account will be rendered next week, showing the principal sources from which the funds were received. | The name of Frank Floyd I should be added to the Red Cross J Committee for the Supply section. 1 Bolivia School To Give Tests Students Will Be Given Op portunity To Qualify For F u r t h er Training By Army And Navy Principal Glenn Tucker, and J. M. King, of Bolivia School, will serve as supervisors for the qualifying examinations to be given on Friday, April 2, for the I Army Specialized Training Program and the Navy College] Training Program. Students desiring to take thesej tests leading to college work at] institutions under contract to the] army and the navy may make application for them through Mr. Tucker. Successful candidates] will be enlisted or inducted into] the Army or the Navy and sent to college at the expense of the] respective service. Students select-1 ed for the Army Program must undergo further screening during thirteen weeks of basic military training before they are finally qualified for college attendance. Students chosen for the Navy Program, after selection by the Office of Naval Officer Procurement, will be detailed directly to college. While in college they will be in uniform with pay on active under military discipline. The students selected for training by the Army and the Navy following the tests on April 2 will enter college 'some time in 1943. Since no other qualifying tests will be given for many months, students desiring to enter college under either the Army or Navy programs are urged to apply for the April 2 examina-j (Continued on page 4} E ST. A Gooc 4 PAGES TODAY IN ACTION -Si Mother j in the World Bffin HSni H ap*"6*" W~ wBp^.}-- -yt for Red Cross War Funds ;wick county through the rethose who have not received iiute l'rom their first of the ve Winding Dal Unreached 1 vmmsam!*>.' .:&,??<* ******* > Extra Farm Help May Be Available Many farmers of our county need exira neip on ineir iarms. The selective board is refering some fann boys, who have had farming experience, to the county U. S. 1). A. war board to be placed 011 farms that have sufficient war crop units to justify their local board in defering the boy for farm work. Board members will be glad to have farmers who are interested in obtaining labor from this source conic to the office at Supply and talk the matter over. Watchers Serve Control Center List Of Persons Who Have Been On Duty At Control Center During Past Two Weeks Announced The following persons were on duty at the Southport Control Center during the past two weeks: March 15: Mrs. E. J. Prevattc, Mrs. K. H. Kinsler; March 16: Mrs. J. E. Piner, Mrs. F, Molycheck; March 17: Mrs. James Smith, Miss Annie Moore Harker; (March 19: Mrs. C. N. Swann, I Mrs. Dora Arnold; March 20: Miss Evelyn Smith, Mrs. Alex 01. MVc T W i wiiiiams, iuaiv.it ax. iuiu, ?. ... (Thompson, Mrs. K. H. Kinsler; March 23: Mrs. Eva Wolfe; March (24: Mrs. Wm. Obcrjohn, Miss Pearl Mae Lewis; March 25: Mrs. James Arnold, Miss Constance iBartells; March 27: EU Marlowe. Nine Magistrates Named In County Men Named By Secretary Of State Are From Four Of The Six Townships In Brunswick Nine Brunswick county men have been named magistrates in an order received this week by Clerk of Court S. T. Bennett from Secretary of State Thad Eure. They ma/ qualify anytime within 90 days after April 1, 1943. .The following were named: Northwest township: M. B. Chennis, M. S. Gar.ey: Smithville (Continued on page 4) School Teacher Dies In County Miss Annie Terry, Member Of Waccamaw School Faculty, Died Suddenly Monday Night Of This Week Miss Annie Terry, member of the faculty at Waccamaw school, died suddenly Monday night, death being attributed to a heart attaclj. (Continued On Page Four), ATE I News paper 1 Southport, N. C., W Election Case Scheduled For Trial In Court Case Of Johnson Vs. Ward Grows Out Of Dispute In Returns Of November General Election Which Returned Ward Winner CITIZENS OF COUNTY GREATLY INTERESTED One-Vote Margin Of Ward Is Being Hotly Contested By Johnson, With Serious Charges Being Brought It has been a long time since there was as much interest in a term of civil court in Brunswick county as there is in the session which convenes here Monday with Judge Q. K. Nimmicks, of Fayetteville, presiding. Attention is centered, of course, in the hearing of Johnson vs. Ward on matters growing out of the general election last November. John B. Ward was declared winner by one vote in the contest with D. R. Johnson for the office of judge of Recorder's court. Neither the loser nor members of ims party (xtepuoncan; were satisfied with this result, and much litigation developed in subsequent hearings before the Brunswick County Election Board. As the hearings progressed, the charges and counter-charges grew more serious, with the result that almost all kinds of election fraud arc recited in the bill of particulars and in the answer. Representing the plaintiff in this matter will be Alton Lcnnon and Louis Goodman, Wilmington attorneys. For the defendant, Osmer Henry, of the Lumberton ferm of Varsar, Mclntyre and Henry, will appear. There are a few other cases on the calendar, as may appear elsewhere in the advertising section of today's paper, but it is a safe bet that most of the court's time will be consumed in the trial of the election case. Destroy Liquor Following Trial Forty-Five Quarts Of Bottled In Bond Ordered Destroyed By Judge John B. Ward Following Trial Here Monday Forty-five quarts of bottled-inbond whiskey went down the drain here Monday following the conviction in Recorder's court oi two defendants for possession and transporting. George H. Strpct, colored, pleaded guilty to charges of transporting and was given 12 months. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $150.00. His driving license was revoked for 12 months. Harmon Lewis, white, pleaded guilty to charges of possession and was given 60 days. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $25.00. Of this amount $10.00 was remitted. Madie Brown, white, was found not guilty of assault. Johnic Grissett, colored, was charged with drunk driving, assault with a deadly weapon and reckless operation. He was found not guilty on the first charge, but was convicted on the two latO wnrQ nn thr ici wuiao. ui?vu ? jvu.w ..? roads, judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine (Continued On Page Four) Informs Wife 1 Is German Pi By listening to a short-wave German radio broadcast, Elisha Sellers, Jr., of 617 Princes St., Wilmington, formerly of Southport, has made the wife of a captured American airman happy, according to a letter he received from her during the past week. She is Mrs. Lucy Fricdrich, of Milwaukee, Wis., and her husband is Staff Sergeant A. J. Friedrich, who was forced down recently in a flight over Germany and later reported as 'missing in action" in a message from the War department. Last week Sergeant Friedrich was among a group of American prisoners who broadcast over a Berlin radio station. He gave his name and American address and asked all who heard him to write his wife and tell her he was safe and well. After hearing the program, Young Seller?, who is a corporal in the Hight School R. O. T. C. unit, wrote Mrs. Friedrich. . : ' POR n A Good Con Wednesday, March 31st, Great Caution Urged For Men Doing Burning This Is Season For Brush Burning And Is Also Season Of Great Hazard In Life Of Forest Wardens On Duty LAND OWNERS ARE ASKED TO COOPERATE There Is No Fooling About This Control This Year And F.B.I. Agents To Investigate Cause Of Some Fires Farmers clearing land for new ground, or otherwise burning brush in connection with spring planting, were urged to use extreme care to prevent forest fires, as County Forest Warden D. L. Mercer this week appealed to land owners to cooperate with County state and Federal protection agencies in reducing the number of forest fires resulting from carelessness. According to Forest Service officials a large number of destructive forest fires have already occurred this spring as a result of careless brush burning. In addition to destroying timber, farm homes and equipment, the smoke from these fires have slowed aviation and artillery training programs. Valuable hours of manpower have been lost in controlling fires, where fire crews were drawn from military campB and war industries. As a result of the seriousness of this situation F. B. I. Agents and military autnoriues are investigating a number of these fires, and federal charges will be instigated under the sabotage act. Officials pointed out that the ' destruction of war vital timber or endangering of military cstab, lishments will be classed as i sabotage where the fire results 1 from either carelessness or malicious intent. A reasonable amount of care will eliminate these fires, Mercer emphasized. Brush should be burned only on windless days ? stacks of brush should be kept small. Before burning a fire line should be plowed or raked around the area burned, plenty of help with tools to control any spot fires should be available. Last, but not least, the ashes should be kept wet down to prevent sparks from blowing the ashes after the workers leave the field. Price Expert To Da Ue made on Friday, April 23. G. 5. Hubbard and J. P. Cranmer ire present members of the ward. All meetings will be held at the Irunswick county courthouse at I o'clock. Registrars will remain the ame as two years ago: Mrs. R. Vill Davis, 1st ward; Mrs. George f. Watson, 2nd ward; Mrs. Annie ?. Vitou, 3rd ward. Registration books will remain ipen for a full week, April 10 hrough April 24 Challenge day vill be May 1st. There has been considerable ipcculation during the past week egarding possible candidates for he office of mayor. Mayor John X Erikscn declared last week hat it will be impossible for him o be a candidate again this year. Season Closes For Fishing "reshwater Fishing Season Conies To Close Monday, April 5th, For Spawning Season The closed season on freshvater fishing takes effect April ith. From then uptil May 15th it vill be unlawful to take freshvater game fish in any manner n the inland streams and lakes )f eastern North Carolina. The closed season is in order jo permit the fish to spawn. This week is finding a lot of fisherncn out, anxious to make a :atch or two before the season ;loses. Four parties of sportsmen were fishing on Orton pond yesterday, but as they were not contacted on their return to the lock and the extent of their etches is not known. In just an hour of fishing yesterday afternoon Postmaster L. r. Yaskell and W. B. Keziah got sine large-mouth bass and yellow perch. The later part of last week a sportsman whose name (Continued on page 4) Most Of The News Aii The Time $1.50 PER YEAR . , 1 P Stabalization Of Price For Sweet Potatoes Planned This Is Being Done In Effort To Encourage Farmers To Produce Food Crops During 1943 Sea- , son PRICES WILL BE SET BY SEASON Arrangements For Distribution Will Be Handled By Government Agency, Says Bennett In an effort to assist growers in meeting the 1943 production goal, prices at which sweet potatoes will be supported for Brunswick county growers have been announced by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, according to C. O. Bennett, chairman of the County AAA Committee. The prices, applicable only to the law crop, range from $1.15 to $1.45 per bushel, depending on seasonal differences. The 1943 national sweet potato goal recently was increased 32 per cent over the earlier goal. The goal for Brunswick county Is 1,808 acres. Prices will be supported through purchases by the Food Production Administration at $1.15 per bushel during the harvesting season from August through November; at $1.30 per bushel in December and January; and at $1.45 per bushel during February, March, and April, Chairman Bennett said. Those prices apply to sweet potatoes grading U. S. No. 1 and packed in either bushel crates, baskets, or hampers. U. S. No. 2 potatoes containing 75 per cent or more of U. S. No. 1 quality will be supported at 15 cents per bushel below the prices for U. S. No. l's. When a purchase program is started in any area, Mr. Bennett said, arrangements will be made by the Food Distribution Administration to purchase the sweet potatoes from growers at the scheduled support prices. Potatoes offered must be in standard containers, either new or secondhand, but most be durable and clean. Purchases will be made only in carload lots, but any number of growers may pool their potatoes to make up a car. All carlots offered must be inspected by Federal-State inspectors at the expense of the sellers. Loading places and time of loading will be designated by County USDA War Boards and purchase agents or tne hua. Chairman Bennett said potatoes also will be purchased in 50 pound sacks, but at a discount of 10 cents below the designated bushel prices. This differential takes into consideration the lighter weight of the packed sacks and the lower packing costs. The seasonal prices spreads should assure orderly marketing of sweet potatoes throughout the marketing season, officials say, and the announced prices will apply to any variety in any state which has an established goal for sweet potatoes. ArrangementsFor PayToDependents Payments Continue For Men Reported Missing Or Missing In Action, It Is Announced ATLANTA, Ga? Mar. 31.?Payments to dependents of military or civilian personnel, officially reported missing, missing in action, captured or interned, are authorized by law, it was announced today by Headquarters, Fourth Service Command. These payments may be by continuaiton of previously made allotments, by increases in such allotments, or by making new allotments, deductions to be made from the pay which accrues to the credit of the missing person, according to the regulation. Increased or additional allotments may not exceed the amount required for the reasonable support of dependents and in on case may they, with other deductions from pay, exceed the base ! and longevity pay to be credited to the absent person. It is pointed out that other relief authorizations in this law include payments of insurance premiums by allotments from pay and provision for transportation of dependents and effects of persons killed, injured or missing, as a result of military operations. The above regulation is in addition to Form 625, covering family allowance payments made to dependents of enlisted men in the four lowest grades. However, increased allotments may be made .(Continued On Page Fourg ^ *