Font' Rust Preventives jj , On The Market i Farm Machinery Users Should Protect Their ' Eq>':pment Now as Short- 1 age Makes It Impossible d To Replace s i < ..New rust preventive compounds v of greases to stop the rusting of t Arm machinery when it is left j in the open or stored under a f Aed is now available. t "Every user of farm machinery | or other equipment owes it to j himself, particularly under present Hjachinery shortages, to protect | Itjs equipment against the dam- j dges caused by rust. Liquid rust preventives can be j apiayed or brushed on metal * parts and will prevent rusting for w fqur to six months on machinery F landing out-of-doors, and for a 1 war or moie on machinery stor- ^ ed under cover. ! b JJThe soft grease type of rust v jfeventive, when brushed oil 11 iltetal surtacea, will prevent their j listing for a year or more on ma-11 (Mineiy steed outside and for an indefinite period when stored un(jjr cover. HThr rust preventive should be aSplied to mcld-boards, colters, P t?cs, grain drill furrow and met- f ajf hoppers, bolts and nuts where c afljuctments are made, and sheet ' ijptal parts of elevators on com- h bfiies, corn pickers and other ma- 1 cftnes. f cnrpvpntPfi bV the r rjnuMiug 10 i'* ? ifliv compounds because they ad- s h?re firmly to the metal surfaces > e t Gj&tPtfooP , U /^AT\ I JffHRST ;?C SNIFFLE, (SNEEZE jrL> i ' Put a few drops of Va-tro-ncl up ? each nostril at the very first sniffle ; or sneeze. Its quick action helps j , prevent many colds _ { developing. Follow . ,2*382 WMRO-KOi ? | NOTICE! See us for your Doors, Wind I Strong-Bilt Wall Panel, Paints, I Certain-Teed Roofing, "Century" I Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, F1 I Building Materials. I SMITH BUILDEB I Castle Hayne Road I PHONE Pepsi-Cola Company, Lo Franchise Bottler:?Pepsi-Cola Bot ! LAST < ^HfCTR] I? A FEW NICE CAE Also, A Few Radio-] BRAXr ?nd form an lastic non-porous film through which moisture and lir cannot penetrate. Boat Caught Fire, Small Damage Done While the shrimp boat of Jamis Creech was motored at the J. A. Arnold dock, Sunday night, lome loose gasoline in the, cabin laught on fire. For a time there vas considerable excitement but he blaze was extinguished before t reached the gas tank, or beore much damage was done to he boat. File Now For Feed Payments Jimmie Hawes, secretary of the lAA, stages that milk producers, ,-ho are eligible for dairy feed ayments, for October, must file heir applications in i.he county LAA office at Supply by Novem-j ier 30th. Payments to cover Noember and December will be uade in January, 19-14. Lift Restrictions For Pork And Lard Restrictions on the number of! lounds of pork and lard made! rom home-slaughtered hogs that: an be sold or given by a farmer o people not living on his farm ave been lifted from November 7 to February 17, 1944. The War 'ood Administration lifted the estrictions to help handle the laughter and distributions of this ear's record hog supply. Farmrs are asked to find out from heir market agency or processor whether their hogs can be handled before sending them to mar-1 :et. Vo Increase In Butter Supply Butter available for civilian use rill not increase during the next e\v months, although the federal government has discontinued all mrchases of the commodity until tpril, according to information rom OPA and WFA. Current iroduction of butter averages ibout 16 pounds a year per per:on, or about half a pound less HHt'iiiM mi Minn iwiim? t r? NOTICE! f ous, S(,uare-Deal Wall Board, Insulation Board, Rock Wool, E Asbestos Shingles and Siding, I lue Lining, Lumber and other R IS SUPPLY, Inc. I WILMINGTON, N. C. I 3339 w) ng Island City, N. Y. tling Co.. of Wilmington, N. C. CALL! RADIOS BATTERY SETS Complete with Batteries And Aerial. ICSE^ ' HNET SETS LEFT ? Phono Combinations. row's than in pre-war years. Of this, i 3% pounds are being sent to our i armed forces and our Allies, leav- ] ing approximately 12\i pounds J per capital for civilian consump- ? tion. Up to 5 million pounds of I butter will be released to hospit- i als from stocks held by or set ! aside for the Food Distribution < Administration. The butter is to1 supply the hospitals from November through March, and ration ' coupons will be required. Give War Stamps For Christmas ' I 'A Stamp in Every Stocking"? 1 : that's what the Treasury Depart- i ! ment wants for Christmas. To encourage the giving of war stamps, . jmany ideas for utilizing them in 1 gifts and decorations have been ( suggested: war stamps attached ( to a cellophane bag containing a c small gift; war stamp lapel orna- 1 ments; a tiny Santa Claus hold- ]1 ing stamps; small Christmas! stocking containing stamps; a | baby's rattel with stamps tied on ' with ribbons; and children's toys, j with stamps attached. The \ stamps may also be used as de- i coration on wreaths, fastened to candles, and on Christmas cards. is Looking For : Snme Snake Dens i J. C. Nichols, Jr., a graduate j of Cornell University and an ex- ! pert at catching poisonous snakes, is spending some time here and ' at present is on Bald Head island, ' searching for dens of rattlers. The snakes are caught alive ' for the purpose of milking them ; of their poison, which is now 1 needed badly by the government ! for the manufacture of certain '< medicines. Mr. Nichols has been operating in the Rocky Mountains 1 this summer and says he does not expect to have any trouble i locating dens of the reptiles here i during the winter months. j I They Made Good With Hand Lines \ Captain Alvin Milliken and his : son, Harold, of Shallotte, caught MILITARY MI Kat-tat-tat tommy-guns, ?fun galore for his ma Wonderfully realistic? Low Prices! From Dresser Sets 1 A very useful giftespecially for mother < sister. 1 Assorted Colors & Styl< i j! ^^ I ^ THE STATE PORT PILi 565 pounds of blackfish working'l ivith hook and line off Shallotte j [nlet, Friday. The fish were of ? fair size and brought thirteen t ;ents per pound. War time restric- t lions do not permit boats to go ] far off shore and this catch and { the price it brought it considered e xceptionally good. I; Local Boy Dies j1 In I ex as Hospital J Pvt. Ellis Bellamy, 20 years old 1 son of Van and Lue Delphia Beil- j 1 imy, highly respected colored peo- j' lie of Southport, died in the1 j arooks general army hospital at fort Sam Houston, Texas, No-' J .'ember 13th. Tuberculosis was the j' mmediate cause. The body in it" fiag draped J :asket was shipped here, arriving [ m the 18th. Burial was held Sun-11 lay afternoon at two o'clock and i1 vas largely attended by both , white and colored. The young man graduated from' ;he Brunswick County Training School with the class of 1941. He! intered the aimed service on the 1 February 27, 1943, and was on his 1 ,vay to becoming a fine soldier 1 ,vhen the fatal illness set in. ! I i ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mintz, of I Shallotte, announce the birth of i son in James Walker Mmorial dospital, Thursday, November | L8th. i < IS NOW IMPROVING Reports from the hospital in Charlotte are to the effect that Roger Clemmons, of Shallotte, is low doing nicely after undergoing i major operation a few days igo. Several years ago he was jadly injured in an automobile | iccident and the injury has since :aused much trouble. ' ROVING REPORTER 7 I Continued Prom Pag' One) mend after being separated in iction or that the war department definitely recognizes him as lead. No reports of this kind lave ever reached Mr. and Mrs. J. Walton of Waccamaw township regarding their son, Hubert. In January, 1942 they were notified that their son was missing when the big ship "Chicago" was NDED TOYS 1 miniature Army jeeps o ke-bclieve maneuvers. S1.00up GAMES ? Games are always we >r come by Kiddies . . . . < Grown-Ups! ss Large Assortment - OT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. ost in action. Alhougji thfs hap-Jed on payment of fine of $20.00 cli >ened nearly two years ago, Mr. and costs. md Mrs. Walton have had no fur- i at her word concerning the fate of SHALLOTTE MEN 1U heir son. Hubert's twin brother,! MAKE GOOD CATCH ^ lay Walton, took the medical ex- (Continued EYrm Page One) 1T!l imination last week, prelimary to j Fishing at Shallotte Inlet, Lee'fn jntering the service. Gray get 300 cf the big roe mul- jvj( With aerk of Superior Court, jets one day and a good catch of pr 3am T. Bennett, serving as dray- smaller mullets, other scattered I in( nan, T. L. Long of the Hickman's catches were made of roe mullets j Dross Roads community has sent at various places. Most of the | at he Roving Reporter some undis- catches were made on Wednesday | jutable evidence that he made a of last week, two days following |S( food sweet potato crop this year, the catch of ten tons of roe mul-! Sam, at the request ot Mr. Long, lets at Long Beach, near South-! faithfully delivered a sweet pota- port It is supposed that the roejf. o 0131 weights 11 pounds and 2 muUets taken in the shallotte fo) lunces. It is on display at the area were part of the same te P?^ Pi!ot office and wil1 school that the Long Beach fish- P< ?HI hnn. ? remain uicic unui **c ???? ernuui waucu uuu. py, or until some one sends us ^ i bigger one to replace it. All y c q PLANS FOR juch exhibits will be thankfully * WEEK'S ACTIVITIES received and ackonwledged. (Continued From Page One) t rcncDAi AmnMC Sunday Mr C Ed Taylor gave a FEDERAL ALIIONS detailed outline on "North Caro- is AID IN CUTTING ]|na Day." He read several arOF PULPWOOD tides from the constitution which | (Continued From Page One! were adopted before North Caroiustries. It is to encourage them ifna joined the Union in 1789. to do so that we have thus re- Many of the service men were idsed United States Employment surprised to learn that North Service and Selective Service reg- Carolina was not a member of rlations. the Union at the time George Washington was elected as our SHORTEST SESSION First President. IN SEVERAL WEEKS A special movie was shown and (Cnntinupd crom l-ngp Onel Chief Cooprider, accomoomed at William Mitchell, speeding, 60 the piano by Mrs. Cooprider, sang lays on roads, judgment suspend- "My Wild Irish Rose" at the con| THANKSGIVING We wish for all our friends here a I pleasant holiday and a day of Great Thanksgiving. R. GALLOWAY General Merchandise I Supply, N. C. 11 ubmumiimhuiu.)! iiiiiiawwTwnw?rrMniriniiiTrTTwn?mnmr a Do!! Houses Blackboards Any child needs a blackIvery little girl will love board. ne of our well equipped Many Other doll houses ! Useful Gifts I ! j TOYLAND OPENS i? I Friday and Saturday ^ IL November 26 - 27 ^ I -ATI Braxton's jr! f FREE GIFTS - FREE GIFTS wi For Children and Grown-Ups ] Tomorrow and Sat., Nov. 26 27 L * ? WEDNESDAY, NOV. ad , B ision' of tiic program. with the local Next Sunday's Vespers program'hope that ' . 5:00 p. m. will feature a Negro1 . af?r artet from the Brunswick Coun- a ea ' thcir ratronjTJ^^H Training School of Southport..for packages as soon as le quartet is composed of Al- notified of arrival ,'d Hankins, Eddie Warnett, Da- '^B 1 Moore and A. R. Howell. The FARA,KR'S IXCOJfc^BB ogram will also feature a read- TAX Dfj KB j from Dunbar by Estell Swain. (Continued from le public is cordially invited to I tend the vespers program. Where a farmer niaje I ! ments on March n :HOOL HAD A ;these payments u,u a^^B BRIMFUL HOUSE '1943 ,ta*es un"?'' the 'ni;:^B (Continued From Page One) j?0 Plan 3,1(1 the balan^^^B have been very pleasing to the taxes are payable with \?^HS iks around Bolivia. claration of December uj B DST OFFICES ARE IN BIG RU5H NOW l5UUK> hOljl^B (Continued From Paee'Onei ^]| J^indf i VSI The patrons of the post offices arSe Supply, Shallotte, Longwood, D D A V T A ih, Freeland, Leland, Winnabow D i\ /TL A 1 \J N HB d Bolivia are probably joining " SALE | Beginning Saturday, Nov. 27th H AT 8:30 O'CLOCK We will have a Special Sale on Ladies' Dresses. HE The Dresses were bought in New York. W 75?Former $7.98 Dresses . .$$,! 37?Former $6.98 Dresses 65?Former $5.98 and $4.98 I Dresses Sill All Sales Are Final... No Laya\vays,H No Refunds ... No Charges! H No Exchanges . . No Sales on Apprnvi^m Shallotte Trading Co. I HOBSON KIRBY, Prop. H SHALLOTTE, N. C. I I GIVE A " SO FT IE "DOLL B Fabric beauties that every little girl will love! HH Peasant or baby-doll types?Priced For Holiday giving. From BB stock of Books for TIT V /1 /T CC B ges. Books make * useful gifts. j A nicc selcction 01 , Bf ? OUR LARGE PUZZLES and GAMES- W \SSORTMENT Ajj Kin(js : _ ^ _ I boy wants a wagon : Bt'arS I liristnias Childreu love E E HAVE THEM better than a H mal. IH Both Large A Varied H And Small Assortment H

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