BrrMrcnAY. DFCF-MP.F.R 1, 1943 If ? pOCl ETY. t , i-iic'MITH | year she has been employed with II 11' ' ' Leggetts Drug Co. I En's Ms.' Smith and Jo-' The groom is a native ol Tex-' y] w lii were united in mar- as and is in the U. S. Coast Guard' ; the Southport Baptist slntioned here at present. ,.n Monday evening. . .. . , Immediately after tlie ccromonv - e P,csence the couple left for a short wedi friends and relatives. ,|jng trip. '.. A i? Brown performed ' I PERSONALS Hitfii School and later if , cretarial training un- . ~~~ V y \ For the past Mr8> A R Huntle.v returned to Norfolk Monday after spending B several days here with her husC ' Rf V Ik" f hal!d' Ensign A. E. Huntley. ? Dt/tJIVii . Mrs. C. J. Williamson ami two l,? ,-:nc] - _. Large Stock ehildren. Bettie Sue ana Curtis, of I Camp Davis, spent the week-end t n A V T nwc: here with Mis. H. W. Souther ] r A A I \J n |J land. t, Pfc. Jane Shannon, of the \V. tfjiHB?i^??wn?aeiwaa hi n s^-~ RUARK'S BUSINESS HOURS Every Day-Open 8 A. M. Close 7 P M. EXCEPT \\,esilays we close at 1 P. M. and Saturdays we stay open until 8 P. M. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION RUARK'S SOUTHPORT, N. C. ADVERTISING ! I i .'.r advertising: messages we have tried to I . e 1 a picture of what we sell and the service ( , at our store. But let us remind you. the best ind out about these things is to come in and , I ee for yourself. I G. W. K5RBY & SONS I SUPPLY, N. C. 1^? j I /omiA Ijfi&FOR FAIL AND ft^WINTER NEEDS Farming is a twelve-month job. The end of one season merely means getting ready for the next. Our farmer friends know that we are ready to lend to them lor their needs all through the year. We are as interested as you are in producing more food crops from this section in order to help win the war. If we can assist you with your plans at this time, come in for a friendly talk. You are assured of our full cooperation. A. C, returned Monday to Camp Robinson. Ark., after spending a week here with liei mother, Mrs H. M. Shannon. Mi. and Mrs. .1. Fred Smith have had as their guest during tin past week Mrs. Sam Prescott am Mrs. Junius Holliday, of Sumter S. C. Friends here' regret to leart that A. CI. Adams, sou of Mrs. J J. Adams and the late Rev. J. J Adams, in a patient at Rook} Mount hospital. Boatswain Mate Bryant Pot Lei spent Thanksgiving holidays hen with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John F. Potter. Friends of Mrs. John F. Pottei are glad to leatn that she was able to return home last wee! from I tosher Memorial Hospita where she was a surgical patient Mrs. Helen Bragaw spent Thanksgiving at Carolina Beact with her daughter and family. Mrs. M. C. Huff and baby left Saturday for the home of Mrs Huff's parents at Greenville, S. C They have been making theii home here the past year whili Lieutenant Huff was stationed at the Section Base. He has been or ilt'IVU LU I CgOl L 11] V.llIlL(lMlia. NURSES AWAY Miss Elizabeth Murray is spend ing a few days with relatives it Sumter, S. C. Miss Esthei Prevatte is visiting her family in Lumberton. Mr. ant Mrs. R. L. Dew are in Raleigi visiting relatives. Mr. Dew having leave for a few days. Reports Fires In Northwest County Forest Fire Warden D L. Mercer, of Bolivia, reports sevei al forest fires, most of them it Northwest township, during the past week. In one instance aboul 500 acres of timber land, belong ing to J. W. Blake and son. ol Wilmington, was burned ovei with an estimated average loss oi $5.00 per acre. Several other fires along th< tracks of the Atlantic Coast Lin! Railroad are supposed to hav( started from sparks of passing locomotives falling on the drj grass. Former Tcacher Give) ? Fro m o tio n It was a silver bar promotior the other day for Lieutenant Neil A. Rosser at the Army Air Base Clovis. New Mexico where he is Assistant Plans and Training of ficer, Schools officer and assistant Adjutant. Lt. Rosser was graduated frorr M'.ryville College in 103!) am taught at Bolivia High Schoo from 1939 to 1911. On May 28 1911 he was inducted into th? Army and received his commission as a second Lieutenant fron Miami Beach. He was assigned tf the Army Air Base at Clovis or January 27. 1945. Lt. Rosser is the son of T. Raymond Rosser of Broadway. Mssplfal Notes _ WAS PATIENT Elmer R. Coats, of Bolivia, was a medical patient at Dosher Mem oriat Hospital from Thursday un til Tuesday. AUTO LOANS Prompt, Friendly Service Up To 12 Months To Pay ! STANDARD RATES Your Car is your Collateral Your Car Fully Insured. 110.00 to I 1 r B R AXT 0 N AUTO SERVICE WHITEVILLE, N, C, 'Our 13th Year in Business ; I)emn iiis Tag ! North Dakota is especially proui j of the fine quality Certified Seei Potatoes it has to offer this sea son. Scientifically grown in ai ideal environment under stric State Inspection. Insist That Your Dealer Supply You With NORTH DAKOTA CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES | State Seed Dept., Fargo, N. E THE STATE PORT PILOT, ! >| ANNOUNCE BIRTH Ji i j Mr. and Mrs. David Allen an- 1 |nounce the birth of a daughter |< 'at Dosher Memorial Hospital on I i j Friday. ' 1 . i * ? ? i 11 MEDICAL | Mrs. W. A. Manks is a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital, hav- j i ing enterd there on Stmday. > ? ? ,i SON liORN , Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton. ^ of Supply, announce the birth of ( a son on Tuesday at the Dosher,l ' Memorial Hospital. * < * ? , C'APT. ILL Capt. Bill Thompson is a medi- I ral patient at Dosher Memorial j ' Hospital He entered there on i 1 Monday. 1 t. * , # ] PATIENT i ! Mrs. VV. L. Willis entered Dos- i 1 her Memorial Hospital on Tues- ' 1 day as ;t medical patient. j i t J * * j < Winnabow News t WINNABOW, Dec. 1. ? The . Young Popples' League of New I Hope chuieh, hail an enjoyable party Friday evening at the home i of Major D. K. Johnson. Miss Re- j bekah Johnson was the hostess. , The time was spent in games and music. Refreshments were cocoa, , tea and crackers, nuts and fruit, j! Mrs. D. B. Roberts, of Nor,! folk, Va? spent the Thanksgiving r holidays with her father, Mr. G. A. Jones, and her sisters, Mrs. J. L. Henry and Mrs. A. P. Henry. Miss Shirley Warner, of Wilmington. is spending the week-end f with the. D. R. Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Edge, of Wilmington, were here Thursday \ afternoon. ) Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Littleton, of i Kenansville, visited Mr. and Mrs. | , J. L. Henry Thursday afternoon, i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Savage, cf j r Wilmington, spent Sunday after', noon with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. j. Savage. 1 Thomas Audrey Henry, who has Jbeen stationed in California and is now at Camp Davis, spent Sat-j j urdav night with the J. L. and A.1 P. Henry families. ;l Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loughlin ,of I Southport, were visitors here | Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Danford and little daughter, of Stantons- \ ! burg, spent the holidays with relatives heie. 1 FOUND Seven hogs strayed ' into my field. The owner cm i recover them by paying for the j ' damage they caused and for this ad. Mrs. J. W. Hewctt. ' Southpoit. i lost"----Gas Ration Book "A". I J. H. Sellers. Jr., Bolivia, N. C.: jijuor ..air nouna uog, i.iock -| , | an<i tan, right front leg crook. I ed. Answers to name of Beaver. , Reward for return or informa, tion leading to recovery. Olenj i Gore, Asli, N. C. . ROVING REPORTER i I Continued From Pnge Onei putting in spate time. In the shop | they (io everything from welding j j to all sorts of blacksmith and! carpentry work. Saturday after-; | noon, with the aid of his torch ; one of the boys converted the j ! wreckage of a disc harrow into a' Fc : GENERAL ME AND BUILDIP I We carry a nice stock at serve your smallest need, a W. A K Ckas. Rou BOLIVIA ISpecia MISSES and / WOMENS I PRICED FOR < Just in time for the holid) cold weather realiy begins THIS SEASONS NEWEST ORE] WE CALL YOUR ATTE1 SPECIAL GROU REDUCED to $3 All Exceptional Vain A11 New Styles \ All the Latest Colon All Sizes i t DON'T FAIL TO ( DO YOUR HOLIDA"1 Shallotte T IHOBSON KI SHALL'OT 50UTHP0RT, N. C. eally serviceable implement. The lelp of these boys is invaluable luring these times when so much 'arm machinery must be recondU .ioneil and put into service. 3olivia School Robbery Laid To Army Deserter f Continued from page 1) md called the police. All of the (182.00 worth of stamps and lends were found or him, except Lhe small amount lie had disposed of. The money he had obtained for these was recovered with the exception cf S4.00. which he had spent. When he was arrested some of the stamp hooks found in his possession bore the names of Bolivia .and Winnabow residents. The arresting officers immediately communicated with the Sheriff's office in Southport and Sheriff Willets and Principal Tucker vent to Myrtle Beach and recovered the stolen property within 24 hours after it was taken from the school. Apparently he was a deserter md had dodged around for 18 months. A letter written by his father was found on him. The father, -4fi years old, is a volunteer serving in the army and he expressed much concern on the part of 1)0th himself and the boy's mother, because of the fact that their hoy had deserted. Among the things stolen from the Bolivia school, and which were not recovered with the arrest of Chapman, were five blank checks, taken from the school check honk These checks were numher ed 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340 and 1341. It is thought that Chapman may have filled out these cheeks and cashed them somewhere prior to his arrest. The public is cautioned not to cash these checks, as payment has been stopped. H. L DOSHER DIES IN VETERANS HOSPITAL (Continued S'rrm Page One) U. S. Navy, serving in the Pacific area, and Paul Wescott Dosher, [J. S. Merchant Marine; one brother and four sisters. aCHEST I COLD n MISERY first? rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. then?spread a thick layer of VapoRub on the chest and cover with a warmed cloth. RIGHT AWAY, VapoRub goes to work?loosens phlegm?eases muscular soreness or tightness? helps clear upper air passagesrelieves coughing. Brings wonderful comfort Q, BJ and invites o' restful sleep. $7 VapoP.UQ To Be N E A T A N 1) WELL - PRESSED ? See ? SOUTHPORT CLEANERS SOUTHPORT, N. C. j RCHANDISE sIG, SUPPLIES id it will be a pleasure to s well as the largest ones. :opp's rk, Mgr. i, N. C. HTBtlMOBI???? il Sale :oats clearance ay season and before the i?WE HAVE REDUCED ' FASHIONS IN COATS ;ses NTION TO OUR VERY P OF DRESSES .98?$4.98?$5.98 les > :OME IN EARLY Y SHOPPING NOW rading Co. RBY, Prop. TE, N. G. ' Active and honorary pallbearers' eas were J. J. I.oughlin. Robert St. j pjg Geotge, Sgt. Linaui Charles Dos-| ? | her. Johnnie Dosher. Charles Tiott. I Crawford Rourk. Butler Thoinp-I son. Dr. C. C. Cannon. James Pin|ner. Captain M. M. Pigott, James Carr. John Erickson. L. B. ' Leonard, Joel Moore, J. W. l.anWANT ADS ~ LOST Ration Book No. .1. Mr. ! D. M. Davis. Southport. N. C. ; LOST OR STOLEN Gas Ra~ tion Book "B". Please return to _ Mrs. W. E. Bellamy. Shallotte, ? N. C. FOR SALE ? Two nice milk I cows, now giving three gallons, each daily. Also have some good j mules for cash or trade. A. G. Lewis, Bolivia, N. C. LEGALS Noriii: or si'.mmons BV I'l HI.N ATION IN Tin: sri'KUIOR COURT ST ATI-: OF X OUT 11 CAROLINA ; COUNTY OF HRUNSWICK I OA ICVANS VS. I I FLOYD KVAN'S The defendant. Floyd ICvans. will ^ take notice thai nn action as above j entitled has been commenced by the1 [plaintiff in the Superior Court of j | : Hriuisw i< k County. North Carolina, j for the purpose of obtaining an ab- | I solute divorce from him upon the ' grounds of separation: ami the defendant will further take noliee that lie is required to appear in the office of tlie Clerk of Superior Court off said county in the court house inj p South)>ort. North Carolina within 2t?iri days after tlte 2Gth day of Decetnlier. | . 1942 and answer or demur to tln-^ complaint in said action, or the plain- fl| tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 26th day or November. 194:5. It. J. HOI-DEN. Ass't. Clerk Superior Court Brunswick County. NOTICE OF SAI.F. Notice is hereby given that under i and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage from Robert C. Phelps and wife. Mary A. Phelps, to the undersigned inori-' gagee on September 12th. 1942, duly! recorded in Hook 72. at Page SI. Office of the Register of Deeds of | Brunswick County. North Carolina, J defualt having l>een made in the payment of the note secured by said mortgage, the undersigned will sell. at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House; door in Southport. North Carolina, on December 15th. 1942. at the hour of. noon, the following real estate located ; in Corkwood's Folly Township,' Brunswick County. North Carolina,: hounded and described as follows: LYIN<? on the south side of \Vil-1 lettM Mill Swamp and BEHIXNlXfj at a stake or two stumps known as the Einmaline corner: runs thence north 25 west 28 poles to a stake; thence north 22 west to a stake near , II. L. Phelps corner, also E. Sellers corner; thence south 73 west 13 polef to a stake E. Sellers' corner; thence south 12V- west 82 poles to a stake in J. J. Howell's line; thence his linesouth 70 east 59 poles to a stake Hewett's comer in K. .Sellers' line; thence north 1 east GO poles to the HEUlXXINfl, containing 20 acres, more or less. For a more particular reference is hereby made to Rook 72 at Page 81. Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County. North Carolina. Dated and posted, this the 15th day of November, 1912. RICE CiW'YNX. .Jr. ' Mortgagee TAYLOR AND PREYATTE. Attorneys md 11-17-1 limes TIRE n fredic The Curtain of revealed the fact tires in 1944. Proc the armed forces of tire casings ar which cannot be r Forget OptimismToo many autor regards to new tin as to what you mij tires you now hav fully nursed durii than ever before? know how to mak These Things You Drive carefully, your brakes and c sign of damage to examination and h for a recap, have the all-important 1 We'll Do Our Part? We are anxious depend on automc depend on tires. I we'll do our best t You Can't Drive ( pendent Tire Dea and Duty Black's W. C. BLACK, Prop. Member?Nationa t'AC.E THREE ;ter, W. T FullWOOd, Dallas Aldiidge Fred Smith and Robert I ;ott. Dwight MoEwen, Harry Willis I N O T I C I{! N OtTcTI^^I i See u* for your IJnors, Windows, Square-Deal Wall Board, I I Strong-Hilt Wall Hanoi, Palate, Insulation Boaru, bock now,' ' " b Certain-Teed Roofing, "Century" Asbestos Shingles and Siding, Uriel;, Lime, Cement, 1-laster, Flue Lining, Lumber and other Building Materials. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY, Inc. Castle Hayne Road WILMINGTON, N. C. PHONE 3339 Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. , ancliise Bottler:?Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., of Wilmington, N. <J -SCHEDULECHANGES HI DAILY SCHEDULE I.vs. S'port. Ar. Wllm. Lv. Wilrn. Ar. S'port. *5:15 a.m. *6:30 a.m. '7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. *7:00 a. m 3:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:45 p.m. *y.J0 a.m. '10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5:45 p m. o:20 p.m. 7:45 p.m. '6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:15 p.m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE j 7:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 12.00 noon 1:35 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:15 p.m. ? SCHEDULE CHANGES ? WILMINGTON, BRUNSWICK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. ' < I WILMINGTON SOUTH PORT SHORTAGE ted For 1944! j false optimism is down. In all its bare nakedness is that there will be a shortage of many millions of Suction cannot hone to keep up with the demand of and essentia? civilian driving. Meanwhile thousands e beinar ruined bv neglect or carelessness?casings eplaced, once they are worn beyond repair. -Look at FACTS! f: nobile owners have lived in the land of dreams as ' js which may be available in 1944. Don't be deluded jht expect. Re guided by the major thought that the e must last you through 1944. They must be care- ' :ig the emergency?receive more careful attention -by tire experts who will tell the plain facts?and ' e your tires last. MUST DoDrive under 35 miles per hour. Don't slap on ause skidding. Don't bump over curbs. At the first your tire, bring it to your tire expert for a careful lave the repair made immediately. When it is time it done then rather than to continue driving until ubber has worn through the fabric. [f You Do Your Share '.i j to keep you driving. Millions of men and women )biles to get them to work. Farmers and industries , f vaii vrrwnv cVi?jrp in watrhino* the tires vou own i 1 JVM UV J VWi uiiiv* v '?? .1 V..V... ? 0 ? v ? 0 preserve them for you. Dn False Hopes?Let Us, Your Indeler, Keep you Rolling?It's Our Job ; Service Sta. Telephone 110-J WHITEVILLE, N. C. ( 1 Association of Independent Tire Dealers

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