[m.-pKirsnAY. DECEMBER 8, 1943 ptoCrETY. !' ' > ?//v | versary celebration on Saturd ^Br'/Zf ' ' 'evening: at St. James A. M. /' , .-li/Hitwsflry! Zion church, "The Frienc | church on the hill," at 8 o'clocl a Mrs. John B. j Reverend Howell has been ]< juesting the honor i Minister for 13 of'his 25 wedd e n c e of their years, his last four years being of Southport, at hjS present church in Southpo v fifth wedding anni- where his work has been exec i tionallv productive. He and 1 | wife have one daughter, who j now attending college. R-CYCLES " SON BORX . _ ! Mr. and Mrs. Moody Clemmons, I DP A YT (|W x J Clayton announce the birth of I [)'\rtA 1 v/i* iJ J son, Charles Moody, on Novemb | 29. Mrs. .Clemmons is the form ^j Miss Verna Smith, of Bolivia. ^ / About die ealjr time he can get to \ ^***' J the telephone is a few short hours in / / ihe evening. That's when thousands | J of other boys in the camps want to jjj:use Long Disunce. too. JKiFjBin*Any time you are not on the lines, I there's a better chance for a soldier's i" call to get through. < So unless it's urgent, we hope you ^ f M won't be using Long Distance from 7 to 10 o'clock at night. Save those ? '.xiMi^KSfeiL... ?JI hours for the service men. SOUHIItfl BillTCUNIIE MlllftttllfltOIDPIIl I Santa's Headqu II i ' "'I '-a^g^ssg 1 /^rJ&jSgF.?s? ? %y . 'MWi I! - ??$& There's A Gift E?r Every j Member ^ Your I mm jk? I found at this V Good Store ! '*W^,/-zj:?"^y Bring your shopping FOR HER '*st 'or ^mas around ?MIRRORS? today See our timely assortment of? Christmas Goods. radios . . . guns i a \ table and CHAm ^ETS PHONOGRAPHS | SWINGS, TEA SETS ijn?- / // DOLLS, WAGONS BOOKS, RECORDS ? GAMES ? TABLES _ A Nlce Selection DRESSER SETS BRAXTO ! PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Hardee \ left yesterday to return to their j * home at Morgan City, La. They I ay were called here by the sickness E. and death of Mis. Hardee's fally ther, Harry Ddsher. Mrs. Dosher :. accompanied them back to Mor- i a gan City and will spend some ed | time there. at j Mrs. Earl Pugli spent last week rt. at her home in Englehard. Her P- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston us Mooney and sister, Mrs. Ben ' Gibbs, returned to Southport with her for a short visit. Mrs. C. C. Cannon returned j home Saturday after spending) some time with her daughter. Mrs. a Arthur Clark, in New Haven, ier Conn. On her return she visited ,el 1 friends in New York and Balti! more. I County Attorney E. J. Prevatte has returned from a two week's stay in Florida where he went t for a rrst and trpatmpnt for a 1 chronic illness. | Mrs. Tom Morgan arrived here I last week from Wisconsin to be I with her husband, Tom Morgan, of the Coast Guard. The couple was married the first of November and Mrs. Morgan, who was engaged in defense work, could not leave her position until the We Can Supply You! With Your CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. L. C. BABSON Service Station Kingstown Road FREELAND, N. C. AUTO LOANS j Prompt, Friendly Service Up To 12 Months To Pay ! STANDARD RATES Your Car is your Collateral. I Your Car Fully Insured. $10.00 toYl,000.00 BRAXTON AUTO SERVICE WHITEVILLE, N. C. I 'Our 13th Year in Business' otters ?''; ... . w - -ATBRAXTON'S A "Whiteville's | Most Complete G I F T DEPARTMENT" for the familychristmas tree decorations. travel kits servicemen kits Also In Our Store N'S . . ? THE STATE PORT PILOT, first of Decembr. John Shannon, stationed at Shaw Field, Suniter, S. C., returned to his post yesterday after spending a fifteen days furlough with his mother, Mrs. H. M. Shannon. E. H. Arrington, who has been stationed in Cuba for the past several months with the Standard Oil company, arrived this week and will be here with Mrs. Arrington and their daughters until the first of the year. Mrs. J. D. Ganey and children have moved back to their home at Leland. They have been spending the past several weeks here with Mrs. E. F. Gore. Mrs. Allen Joy, of Kinston, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Lottie Joy. Her husband, Sgt. Allen Joy, is serving in Sicily. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Lt. and Mrs. J. V. Dowding, of Salt Lake City, Utah, announce the birth of a daughter, Ann Sharline. Mis. Dowding is the former Miss Marie Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Evans, of Bolivia. CARD OF THANKS We sincerelv appreciate the ex pressions of sympathy extendeo by our friends since the sudden death of our daughter and sister, Virginia. W. H. McKEITHAN AND FAMILY WANT ADS LOST ? Gas Ration Book "A". J. H. Sellers, Jr., Bolivia, N. C. LOST ? Male hound dog, black and tan, right front leg crooked. Answers to name of Beaver. Reward for return or information leading to recovery. Olen Gore, "Ash, N. C. LOST OR STOLEN ? Gas RjT tion Book "B". Please return to Mrs. W. E. Bellamy, Shallotte, N. C. FOR SALE ? Two nice milk cows, now giving three gallons, each daily. Also have some good mules for cash or trade. A. G. Lewis, Bolivia, N. C. LOST ? Two "B" Gas Ration Book. Robert B. Thompson, Southport, N. C. FOR SALE ? Only 2 left! no more for duration. Safticycles, 100 miles per gallon. No certificate needed. Braxton's. WANTED TO BUY ? Pick-up truck. Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, or GMC. Will pay top dollar spot cash. See Noah Braxton, Whiteville, N. C. FOR SALE ? Late model Hudson sedan, a one owner car that I can personally recommend. Has low mileage and good prewar tires. Your old car taken for part payment and terms on the balance. See Noah Braxton, Whiteville, N. C. FOR SALE ? We have several repossessed used cars will sell for balance due. See Noah Braxton, Whiteville, N. C. FOR SALE ? 600 x 16 Grade 1 new tires now in stock. Bring your certificate. Braxton's. FOR SAL'E ? A gift any man will appreciate. Genuine leather travel kit. Pre-war. Only a few leu. ?Z4.ou value lur $.is>.i>o. Braxton's. FOR SALE -? Royal Portable typewriter, like new, latest model. Braxton's. LOST ? Ration Book No. 3. Abe Hankins, Southport, N. C. LOST ? Ration Book for Gasoline. Garcie Butler, Longwood, N. C. FOR SALE ? One Standard Encyclopedia. See Mrs. M. M. Rosenbaum, Shallotte, N. C. LOST?Ration Book No. 3. Charlie Davis, Supply, N. C. LOST?21 points of sugar stamps. The finder please return to W. C. Hewett, Bolivia, N. C. LOOK NICK For CHRISTMAS SOUTHPORT CLEANERS SOUTHPORT, N. C. Phonograph RECORDS Large selection at BRAXTON^* Do You Have \ Your CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES ? ODELL BLANTON SUPPLY, N. C. SOUTHPORT, N. C. LEGALS [relief demanded in the complaint. jboun This the 26th day of November, BY NOTICE OF SI MMONS 1943. BV FIBER ATIOK ? ' J- H OLDEN. a s IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Asst. Clerk Superior Court the STATE OF' NORTH CAROLINA Brunswick County. nortl U?F.?VA?S BRl'NWIrK whcFTiF SAL? }?eT yg Notice is hereby given that under cortu I FLOYD EVANS an(l by virtue of the power of sale to a The defendant. Floyd Evans, will contained in that certain mortgage soutl (take notice that an action as above from Robert C. Phelps and wife. Mary 111 J. .... , , . , , .. A. Phelps, to the undersigned morl- omn? <^tititied has been < ommenced bv the 1 , , , . , ^uu plaintiff 111 llie Superior Court of Eageo on September 12th. 191J. iluly, iL'Xv Brunswick County. North Carolina, recorded _ in Book .... at Page 8'; | for the purpose of obtaining an ab- Wfice of the Register of Deeds of BEG i , ,. , Brunswick County. North C arolina, more solute divorce trom him upon the . , , , ,t J refer I grounds of separation; and the de- defualt having been made In the, I fendant will further take notice that Payment of lae note secured by snu. ?. , lie is required to appear in the of- mortgage. the undersigned will sell I fico of the Clerk of Sutierior Court of at public auction lor cash to the; ^ said county in the court house in highest bidder Court House 0f Soulhport, North Carolina within 30 door in Southport. North Carolina, on I days after the 26th day of December. December 15th. UM3. at the hour of 11943 and answer or demur to the noon, the following real estate located 'PAY I ..nmi.lolxt i?? ?.,!/! 1 ho nlolii. in I .ft,-k vv nnil' < Pnllv Tuv. nsli i l?. I j tiff will apply to the Court for the Brunswick County. North Carolina, n-if Folks! Don't Sit Cold!! We have coal and wood heaters of " l; all types. ' Dixie No-Smoke, Atlanta Automatic. Wood or Coal j Cook Stoves and Oil Stoves. See-HARRY ROBINSON CITY CUT-RATE STORE SOUTHPORT, N. C, c 11 : Special Sale MISSES and C A T Q Z WOMENS vOAlJ PRICED FOR CLEARANCE Just in time for the holiday season and before ths cold weather really begins?WE HAVE REDUCED THIS SEASONS NEWEST FASHIONS IN COATS DRESSES WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR VERY SPECIAL GROUP OF DRESSES REDUCED to $3.98?$4.98?$5.98 | All Exceptional Values All New Styles All the Latest Colors All Sizes DON'T FAIL TO COME IN EARLY DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING NOW Shallotte Trading Co. HOBSON KIRBY, Prop. , SHALLOTTE, N. G. ? 1944 Tax NOT) LIST YOUR REAL AND PERSC THE MONTH OF. All property owners and tax payers are required b: for the year 1944, all the Real Estate, Personal Propert All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 ye except those exempt by law for physical disability. ah a in whnm flip forefrnine- amilies who fai ptlCVIIO VVf ????%*??. ?..v 0 p 4 A and/or Poll Tax will be guilty of a Misdemeanor and s LOCAL LIST TAKERS WILL POST NC PUBLIC PLACES?W; The Board of Equalization and Review port on March 13th, 1944. Any complaint al the Board at that time. Please List Your Property With The L W. . Jo TAX SUPER COME PREPARED TO GIVE FAF I'AGE THREE ] ded and described as follows: t|on a9 above entitled haa been romI.N'C on the south side of Wil- meneed by the plaintiff in the SuperMill Swamp and BEGINNING at |or court of Brunswick County. North take or two stumps known as Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining Emmallne corner; runs thence an absolute divorce from her upon the t 3.1 west 28 poles to a stake;1 grounds of separation; and lite dee north 32 west to a stake neat pendant will further take notice that . I'helps corner, also 12. Sellers |?. |s required to appear in the of?r: thence south 73 west 12 polef | fj,.p ol- ||te Clerk of Superior Court of stake K Sellers' corner: thence: s>ui' authority or the court. ^ Mortgagee ",0 terms of the will of the late WalLOR AND PRKVATTK, t*'1' H. Pavy, I am authorized to reVttorneys ' reive bids for the cottage and lot - ! times conveyed by S. H. Prink and wife to _ Walter II. Pavy. April 10th. 1942, NOTICE OF SOI MOWS | recorded in Hook "5-Page 2J3. Office BY I'l'HI.ICATION ?f the Register of Deeds. Bids will X TIIK SUPERIOR COURT ,u* received up to December 17th, 1949. TR OF NORTH CAROLINA and the undersigned will recommend vtv ni,- iiPT'v?s\vrri' " l'ult l',e highest bidder for the propi!\ri>?nv er,.v ,,p approved as the purchaser by the Court. i,s This Deceml>er 2nd. 1943. J| LERN JOHNSON SAMPSON l' RD. TAYLOR, e defendant. Corleeti Johnson 12-8-2-Wed. Admr. C. T. A. pson. will take notice that an ac- * HHMHHK&SliflHiiHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBHHflHHP111' NOTICE! NOTICE! See us for your Doors, Windows, Square-Deal Wall Board, Itrong-Bilt Wall Panel, Paints, Insulation Board, Rock Wool, 'crtain-Teed Roofing, "Century" Asbestos Shingles and Siding, trick. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Flue Lining, Lumber and other iuilding Materials. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY, Inc. :ast!e Hayne Road WILMINGTON, N. C. PHONE 3339 -SCHEDULECHANGES DAILY SCHEDULE Lvs. S'port. Ar. Wllm. Lv. Wilm. Ar. S'port. *5:15 a.m. *6:30 a.m. *7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. *7:00 a.m 3:30 a.m. l:io p.m. 2:45 p.m. *s>.00 a.m. '10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 7:45 p.m. '6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:15 p.m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE 7:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:15 a.m. 12.00 noon 1:35 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:15 p.m. ? SCHEDULE CHANGES ? WILMINGTON, BRUNSWICK & SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. I -j WILMINGTON SOUTHPORTI j Listing | ICE : jj INAL PROPERTY DURING ;! JANUARY j v law to return to the List Takers for Taxation i- * _ i_ it.... fiwf /loir nf -Ton j y, Ejtc., WHICH IJiey uwu vn tut iii^v U?J V>? :ars must list for Poll Tax during the same time, 1 to list their Pveal and Personal Property, ubject to a fine or imprisonment upon conviction. )TICES OF APPOINTMENTS IN YTCH FOR SAME ! will meet at the Tax Office at Southbout valuation should be taken before ,ist Taker In Your Home Precinct rgensen :visor m census information v V I