^ - *nal and Switch Company in PittsV\\ Ol.l' burgh before entering the army. \ Mrs. Wilson is planning to join , Wo lie. daughter j^,. husband. who is now stationed Hv ' and S. Sgt jn Kentucky, the latter part of ! Wt's u. son of Mrs. june. WL ^ M ,y twenty third SHOWER M ceremony in . u'th tlie ^ Ro\. Mjsses susic and Thetma Sellers Hr**"',. o v pastor of ' (entertained at a linen shower at ^ '.v -t church of- : | their home Saturday night in hon. or of Mrs. Thomas Thurmond, reB; I unatton ec C nj jjride. The theme of the evei rhiffon floor| slight train nin? was "now Your Navy" and . ~ material. the ^uests took Part in a Navy, W,; covered pray- <*uiz- the first Prize heinS won byj j chid, showered Marjorie Potter and the con sola -1 . s and baby's,tion prize, by Mary Lou Sellers.! H .'.-t's sake she There was a Patriotic Quz won by, y , mother's engage- Mrs. D. I. Watson and the second a:i heirloom gold prize by Mrs. WUliam Willis. This Us c was played was followed by a game "Love in H 01 tiaras- phght" and "Characteristics." All - p' '>'k d dur- fjrst prizes awarded were War Stamps. ' ^ . a native of South- -phe honoree was showered with . , puke University. I manv lovelv e-ifts nnH tbn I B" " foV7ho?Caro- "lg: ?uests were Present: Misses , Company, she Dora Walton, Evelyn Autry. Mar-: B~ :x the Xaw Dept. J0ne Potter, Josephine Smith, fl California. Ma!'y Lou Sellers and Mesdames, H;.. . a native of Kil- D. I. Watson, William Willis, Mrs.' Is J and came to Thomas Thurmond and Mrs. C. L. i J' > tvs when he was Sellers and the hostesses. Refresh i He was employed ments of punch, cookies and . r the Union Sig- candy were served. I Long Distance Helps I to Bring Them All | Together West, east, south and north, the countless activities of war are united by Long Distance. Now more than ever war needs the wires I to help speed men and vital war supplies to the far-flung war fronts. Your help is needed to keep lines clear of all unnecessary long Distance calls. |i:ilTHEFin BELLTELEPHOnE fillD TELEGRAPH COHlPflnS/ INCORPORATED I TIRES ? TUBES ? BATTERIES ? FEEDS GROCERIES ? FRESH FISH |vn/AXIZIXG, AUTO PARTS AND REPAIRS fl ICE FOR SALE -? us Help You With Your Tire Application, Bring us Your Certificates 01) ell bl anton SUPPLY, N. C. I notice notice j Tor your new and repair jobs, see us for your ^"irements of Asphalt Roofing, Asbestos Siding, *'adows, Doors, Wall Boards, Paint, etc. We have II ?ood!y stock of these items at all times, as well '"""her, metal roofing and other building sup when available. . Smith Builders Supply, Inc. "c Hayne Road, Wilmington, N. C. Phone 2-3339 . " li. A S. liUS LINES, Inc. i H Southport, n. c. temporary schedule Between -olthport and LONG BEACH b-Soi-T.,,.m?nday through saturday 7;30 A.M. LV?LONG BEACH 8:00 A.M. : 1 >"> A.M. LV?LONG BEACH 10:40 A.M. 2:00 PM- LV?LONG BEACH 5:30 P.M. SOl 7;;,,/6:00 P.M. LV?LONG BEACH 6:40 P.M. 0:00 P.M. LV?LONG BEACH 11:30 P.M. report , sunday -S0lTHp "' 1:10 PM. LV LONG BEACH 3:40 P.M. H : P.M. LV LONG BEACH 5":40 P.M. MFA^e. . "" P.M. LV LONG BEACH 0:30 P.M. JB, ? cents (one way); Round Trip, 35 cents THE STATE PORT PERSONALS r ? Miss Mary Lou Sellers, of lluS D Whiteville, is visiting Misses Su-1 SiffTP sie and Thelma Sellers. j ^ Mrs. Corman Robinson and daughter. Carolyn are spending ' 1 family have returned to Southport I ^S|H| after spending three weeks at i their old home at Morganton. [ <' , . time ^ in Charleston, visiting Mr. WAC .lane Shannon, daughter of Mrs. H. M. Shannon, has re-1 flj rently been promoted to the rank of Cpl. She is now stationed at H Camp Robinson, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilmoth re- j 9 turned to Southport yesterday, fol-! lowing a ten days visit to Mr. j Wilmoth's home at Dallas, Texas. | |H Mrs. Joseph Willetts and little! daughter, Barbara Ann, of Winna- jH bow, spent the week-end here with I jfl Mr. and Mrs. John F. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. George Treadwell; and young son, Warren left last Miami, Fla., where Mrs. Tread- j well and Warren will reside while j t*?.??i ii _i.i. j_ x?? I : ?li. xirauwcil ^ BIKI1QS II Lulling " Charleston, spent part of the past week here with relatives. Mrs. Josiah Gibson and little; daughter are spending a few days, I % X at their old home in Philadelphia.; " Joel Moore. Jr. has returned! H home from Charleston, where he was a cadet at the Citadel. Newest fasliion news is Mrs. Augusta Roberts, of Wil- versatile. Wear it as i mington, has moved to Southport and is occupying one of Miss An- occasions. Every nie Mae Woodside's cottages. She Miv(,,t for \vur Bonds. A plans to build a home here as local store. soon as material is available. John O'Daniel of the Merchant weeks furlough. Olaf | 4 For ? years R//V MQR * The Treasury Department acknowledges with appreciation the ^contribution of this advertisement by the brewers of / PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. . . 1 ,r rcss Yourself and for War Bond Purchases u are w w S( SvM mm o I 3 I 4 I f( the sleeveless, backless thai is both attractive g is for Sports and suntnnning, then add a perky ^ t near. Especially vivid in a tropical- green. or ral in various colors, mixing and matching for garment made at home means more money : i suitable pattern may be obtained at your U. S. Treasury Djpailinen ' | ? Thorson, another Scuthport boy who is alsoj Sfe, .... ' ' fanm r r * to cc THE BEER.THAT I Jos. Schlitz Brew. / j J. . \ i the Merchant Marine, is also t home. _ Mrs. Helen G. Bragaw has been M pending several days with rela-i ves in Raleigh. Mrs. Lawrence Fulwood and lildren spent the week-end with datives at Supply. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson, _ r., and small daughter of Ra- T igh spent the past week-end with c [rs. J. Wi Thompson. j , Mrs. John Griffin, of George- , >wn, visited her mother, Mrs, yj eorge Y. Watson, over the eek. Li Miss Marion Watson, of GreensDro, is spending a few days here ith her mother. Mrs. George Y.1 fatson. before returning to her ? ork at the Woman's College. ^ Miss Marion Frink left Monday ir Chapel Hill to enter summer :hool. Miss Sally Norfleet, of Roxobel, lent part of last week here with er sousin, Miss Elizabeth Nor-! eet. | at Misses Eloise, Rachel and Re- b< ecca Herring, of Fayetteville, ar- to ved yesterday to visit their sis- le >r-in-law, Mrs. D. C. Herring. , w LAYERS There were 414 million layers X a U. S. farms in April, 5 per s;nt more than a year ago and n T per cent more than the ten- i> v a ear average. Egg production was al per cent greater than last year :J,'( >r the month. \\ ;ead Your Label To Day And 1-, ubscribe To The State Port Pilot j'1 eep The Pilot Coming $1.50 year 0j WANT ADS tn fall paper cleandr, panel cleaner, | f" paint brushes, wheat paste, j', If i,: i ^ | nes; me Now VIADE MILWAE trig Co., Milwauk Ruarks, Southport. {? Deri's dungarees, overalls, bathings, Slip-Ezy footwear for men G and women, light summer wear ? of all kinds. Ruarks, Southport.' tif OR SALE ? Sofa-bed with E springs. Call State Port Pilot. a| 1TPEWRITERS and Adding Ma- S ;hines cleaned and adjusted, j" ,Vork guaranteed. Willie Hamnoncs, 203 W. Col. St., White- i. lie, N. C. J6; OST?Parker "51" Fountain pen ' with silver top. Believed lost jt near bank. Reward for return to [o Dallas Pigott. io us OST?Ration books, two No. 3 jjj ration books in names of Mary ,'u Lilly Gore and Mattie Pearl fj Gore. Return to Pearlie Gore. * Southport, N. C. fo s<] NOTICE 1 The charge for two insertions of! if,' Iverlisements of lost ration' vi I ..i )oks is 50 cents. We are unable j ? ? print such advertisement un- ?ic ss crash or stamps are sent ill ^ ith copy?The State ruit Pilot. m \niiri al in thk sutkrior court i" ORTH CAROLINA. th RUNSWICK COUNTY. ! > r AT 10 vs. ORF.RT T.. STKVKXSOX. AVID II. STKVBNSON am! H LICK SKXTOX. alias ALICK HILL. ? ias ALICK ST K V K N SON, alias ias MARY K. 11USSEY. ? Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to an order of his Honor '. C. Harris. Judge Presiding to the w ay Term 1944 "f the Hrunswiek dt Dilnty Superior Court, entered in C; e above entitled matter, all persons In tving or claiming to have any lien th claim against the two (2) automo- ui les hereinafter described are here- lit .* directed and required to file and Jt ove such claims with the undersign- pi I Receiver-Commissioner at Lumber- pe n. North Carolina, on or before the pi Hh day of September. 1911, or bei I'ever burred from any interest or aim in the proceeds of the sale of ic fi llowing described personal prop- (?5 Ret Increas War Bon< ^ 1 War Bonds ai W|fe|. investment in the 2 War Bonds rei *v S3 in io years. ( 3 VVar Bonds he 4 War Bonds wi by increasing pu: M the War$0 5 War Bonds your children, se \ for retirement. ' , aft# c [ Ik kfM S&ferr; C iirt k? Mb SCTWAB rKEE FAMOUS *ee;Wisccnsin PAGE 3 j *ty, to-wit: j One (1) ltll! Vo-ft-r r.Teicury, (Hub 1 pu(?e) CngiiiR No. 99A-304222. bear- J ig North Carolina, 1944 License No. f7351, in the name of David H. | LeVeiison and' J. M. Irvin or other- I ise: ami One (1) 1941 Buick. fourK>r Sedan* Motor No. 54324925. bear* ;j|!| ig North Carolina, 1944 License No, j ($363, issued hi ihe name of Mary . Hussey or otherwise. H .I This Notice is published In pursu- : nee' of the Order of the Superior buN hereinabove mentioned in the be as above enJtled to which Order ference is hereoy made. j This the 29th day of May 1944. , <1 OfcMKR 1.. m:\RV, 1 i?-reiver?Commissioner. w umberton. North Carolina. ] 7-2-Weds. jf Nh'Nt K OF SAI.K 1N* THE SUPERIOR COURT ORTH CAROLINA. RCNSWICK COUNTY. Pursuant to an Order of the Superr Court of Brunswick County. North irolina. entered at the May Term, i4t. in tiie matter of "State vs. Robt L. Stevenson. David H. Stevenson id Alice Section, alias Alice Hill, J fas Alice Stevenson, alias Mary R, ussey." the undersigned will offer I r sale at the Courthouse door, , j mthport. North Carolina. 12:00 noon ' I i!v 3rd. 1914. to the highest ladder j^H r cash the following described pernal property, to-wlt: i}1 One (1) Mercury. 1941 Model Club )upe, maroon color. Kngine No. 99A- J 4222. registered in the name of Dad H. Stevenson and bearing Vir- 1 nit; 1944 license No. 177351. One (1) Buick. 1941 Model, four ]H lor Sedan, Motor No. 54324925 and [J aring North Carolina. 1944 License 0. U833K3. The above described two (2) autoobiles will be sold 'ree and clear of 1 encumbrances under the terms and I ovisions of the Judgment entered in is action to which reference is here made. This the .list day of May. 1944. OZ.MICK L. HEN It Y. Keeeiver?Commissioner imberton, North Carolina. 7 1- Weds. f KXK(TTOK*ft NOTICE TO < KEIHTOKS Having qualified as executor of the ill of the late (?eorge T. Itourk, fl ceased, of Hrunswick County. North irolina. this is to notify all r>ersons iving claims against the estate of I e deceased to exhibit them to the idersigned at Shallotte, North Caroia on or before the 14th day of me. 194.1, or this notice will 'be eaded in bhr of their recovery. All I tsons indebted to said estate will ease make immediate payment. Tills the 12th dav T.f June. 1944. I.. <\ HOURK, Executor Of The Will of ll-ti-We.ls CKOHiiK T. KUURK I f ssons for iing Your J Purchases e the best, the safest world! ( turn you S4 for every , lp keep prices down. ill he(|j win the Peace rchasing power after mean education for iS curity for you, funds the iSSi /' 9 *