B 19,1944 ? * i . i-\t ! I Miss Elizabeth Lewis rendered j a beautiful program of nuptial -i I music and Miss Clarice Swain .lames Edson sang "Because" and "I Love you v engagement of i Tiuly" before the ceremony. H- net Vernon. _ _ _ .1 9 USNR ' ' Brown, of ' , Southport, former pastor of the , i te place the , ' . f Q ' church, performed the ceremony, which was followed by an informal al reception at the home of the bride's mother. ""Burr'ss only Mr- and Mrs- Lewis left the 9- v rli7 tbe'ih Bur-;next week for San DieS?' Calif" , uurriss 0fiornia' where tho>' will live while i'm Lewis A.jthe B"30"1 is stationed there. K 1 N T Mrs! w?SE. BOLIVIA CLUB L \ were mar-: Bolivia Home Demonstration l!ne? a. club met in the home of Mrs. O. t ' aP ls :T. Lewis on July 13th, opening song "Is Everybody Happy" was ttended as Maid SUI1g by the club Women, s Rhou Lewis, i was followed by the coiiect mm. who wore! ... : , . , . . | ?i ciud women of America, roll K1 I call and the minutes read, old and new business taken up. "iven in mar- 0 , , , _ . ,, Some of the club women are cli Bertram M. , .. : , . planning on purchasing a steam 1 pressure cooker. Mrs. Bill Kopp jji -atin and illusion will have canners for sale as soon '? ' an<i carried a as they can be shipped in. carnations and j Reminder of the feed bag contest which will be held in the fall. - attended by Ftepoit was made in the absence ithor-in-law, as I of the leader on fall gardens and L. Burriss. bro- Pottery suggestions. 1 Isham Lewis. The Fifth War Loan Drive was nam. were ush-! discussed and according to leports, there will be a good report from W\{ TO I.()ANS?$10.00 To $1,000.00 i inancing ami Refinancing BR WTON AUTO SERVICE | BRUNSWICK COUNTY I TAXES All unpaid 1943 County Taxes will Be advertised after August 1st, 1944. avoid additional penalty \NI) \DVERTISING COST BY PAYING NOW. W. P. JORGENSEN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR RAYMOND & GAITHER CR1 - ? ?? ? - j Raymond Crutchfield Gaitf ^ ith Buck Wall, Auctioneer, and ,orcc will again operate .... I CRUTCHFIE I WAREHOUSE I his year?the shortage of gasoliri : ' prevent our calling on our custom 'l!w t'? do, but we'll be expecting to se l,,bncco on our warehouse floor during I "'"'season. - A t | ? our club The topic of our meeting was, how to <eep well which was dis-1 cussed by our home agent. Our recreation leaders, Mrs. Ruby Danfurd and Mrs. Clara Lewis, are to plan our August picnic. | One of our leading members Mrs. Ephrian Danford was absent from our club meeting, due to her husband illness. Mrs. Lewis has just had her home remodel and it is very attractive. Our meeting was not held, on our regular time as it came on' the 4th, therefore some of our members failed to get their notice in time to attend. The hostess served ice cold drinks and cookies to the follow-] ing members; Mrs. Early Danford, Mrs. John Danford, Mrs. O. I T. Lewis, Jr., Mrse. Bill Kopp, I | Mrs. Amelia Eicharn, Mrs. Frank1 | Mintz, Miss Elizabeth Norfleet I and Mrs. Tom Lewis. | PERSONALS Cpl. Robert E. Shannon, son of Mrs. H. M. Shannon, has arrived I safely in England, according to word received this week by his mother. J i Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sabiston, of j Norfolk, Va.. are spending a few | days at Shallotte with Mr. and I Mrs. Ernest Parker and other I relatives. Mrs. Richard St. George leaves today for her home in Penns 1 Grove, N. J., after spending three weeks here with relatives. H. M Batson, C. M. 1-C, of Albany, Calif., spent part of last week here with Mrs. Batson and their two sons. Mrs. Joseph Willetts and little son, of Winnabow, are spending part of this week here with Mrs. Willetts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Potter. Mrs. Myrtle Hankins and Miss , Margaret Carr, of the Ration : Board office, spent Monday in Shallotte. Miss Mary Ann Mollycheck left Monday for a two weeks visit to relatives in Charleston. Bennie Williams, former keeper of the county home, now living on his farm near Shallotte, spent the week-end here with relatives. Robin Hood has returned home from two weeks in the boys camp at Washington, N. C. Miss Barbara Weeks has returned home from a six week's visit : to relatives iri Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Hilda Galloway, of Lumberton, has been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Robinsons. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crapon have been spending several days ! at Black Mountain. Miss Elizabeth Sneeden, of I Spring Valley. N. Y., is the at| tractive guest of Miss May : Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dye and chil; dren, of Wilmington, spent the j week-end here with Mrs. Dye's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ro, binson. Mrs. Paul Fodale and little IJTCHFIELD BMk1 ?< | ier Grutchfield their last year's LD'S Whiteville I ie and autq tires ers as we would e you with your the coming selli I THE STATE PORT PILOT daughter, Mary Rose, are visiting Mrs. Fodalc's parents in Boston. Mrs. Gene Robinson, who resided here two years before her husband, Chief Radioman Robinscfh, was sent to the South Pacific. is visiting Mrs. F. Mollycheck. Sam Watts, who Is with the Marines at Parris Island, was called to his old home at Tabor City; last week, coming on here for a! few days with his family before: returning to his station. Little Miss Ann Hutchens, who has been making her home with J her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. j H. Thomas, since the death of her mother, has returned from a two weeks visit with her father, j J. D. Hutchens, at Jacksonville, I N. C. Mrs. Earl C. Faulk and little son, of Lumberton, spent the past week here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Faulk Is the former Miss Doris Lewis of Southport. Lieut. Ike Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and their little son, of the Army Service Forces at Norfolk, have been spending a week here with Lt. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Moore, who have been living in Morgan City, j La., for the past four years, are] expected to return to Southport the first of August. Mrs. D. M. Davis and daughter, Miss Elizabeth are moving up stairs in the J. W. Thompson home, where they will have an apartment until they can buy or build. Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert left today for a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Richard St. George at Penns Grove, N. J. Miss Ann McRackan is visiting relatives in Monroe, j Mrs. Edison Ruark, Sr., of Wil|mington, visited Mrs. Ruth Gay last week. Mrs. Alex Williams had as her guest last week her niece. Miss Ray Williams, of Wilmington. Misses Catherine and Rebecca McRackan Spent last week in Wilmington with their aunt, Miss Lucile McRackan. Mrs. Hubert Shelby and children, Jean and David, of Lake Landing, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pugh here last week. Mrs. Athalia St. George has returned hcne from Washington, N. C., where she spent ten days with her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Robbins. Mrs. Marion Smith, and little son, of Charleston, S. C., are spending a few days here with Mrs. Smiths brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald St., George. Winnabow News WINN A BOW, July 17.?Mrs. ir,. w. layior is- nappy through having two of her sons, Ensign J. J. Taylor of the Navy and Sgt. Charles M. Taylor, of the Army, at home with her for a few days. Ensign Taylor is awaiting orders to report for active service and Sgt. Taylor is on a 15 days leave. Joining with Mrs. Taylor in the pleasure of having these fine young men at home are numerous friends. Miss Vivian Mclnnis of Raeford is assisting Rev. Irvin Mitchell in conducting a well attended Bible School at New Hope Presbyterian church. While here Miss Mclnnis is a guest in the home of Major and Mrs. D. R. Johnson. Miss Elsie Dawson, of Chapel Hill, visited the J. L. Robinson family this past week. Mrs. A. Livingston, of Wilmington, her daughter and little granddaughter, of Georgia, visited her sister, Mrs. J. C. Maultsby, Saturday. Mrs. B. M. Robinson visited her sister, Mrs. J. R. Fields and family in Goldston this past week. Mr. and Mrs. T T Jones returned with her, Saturday, for a visit. Sgt. and Mrs. Orr and little son, Jack, of Wilmington, and Mr. ^r\~r Crankshaft grinding to exact size done in the car, with this new machine just installed in our shop. This service is available to all garages, as well as to the ,auto and truck owner. , SOUTHPORT, N. C. and Mrs. Jim Finch, of Leland, 1 pected to apply to other Brunsvisited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. and A. wick county men overseas. When P. Henry Sunday. 'relatives or friends receive inPvt. Graham Robinson terest, word from these boys lt Camp Jackson, S C., spent the ? past week here with his parents, I*"1 be appreciated if part or all Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Robinson. will be passed on to us fo pubJ. E. Winberry, of Jacksonville, licaticn. J. C Stallings and daughter. Missj ? Doris, and also Mr Winberry's mo-' ther arid sister, of Maysville, vis- ire i a r r? 1 ited the Henry's here Sunday. jr\5iy ||I] 1* K0Jip? Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gill, of | J Rose Hill, are visiting Mr> and 1 to da y ' Mrs. D. R. Johnson. _ r* j RT J Mrs H. C. Sharpe and little .LVit LcijjjrA \0P(K' daughter, Judy, spent part of the 1 1>1 ilSl'lIv IlvVlaiJ week at Carolina Beach. ?; A birthday party was given 117 A TUT* Mrs. Mary Mitchell and Mrs. Mar- *V /ail " tauo tha Rabon, 81 year old sisters, at the home of Thompson Rabon, on TYPEWRITERS and Adding MaSunday, July 9th. Dinner was' chines cleaned and adjusted, served picnic style and the gath-j Work guaranteed. Willie Hamering together with these fine monds, 203 W. Col. St., Whiteaged ladies was very much enjoy- vijIe N q ed by the 45 or more friends and ' relatives who were present. LOST?Ration Book No. 4. W. H. Butler, Bolivia, N. C. Brunswick Is 1 ~ ~ Glad To Hear CASH LOANS Since the recent publication of I CCO OH Tn C1 0(10 letters from Major R. I. Mintz, j JoU.UU 10 >|) 1 "'W who is in charge of an air field OR MORE in England, and from Captain' _ . . _ ... .. , , Maurice Rosenbaum, who is with Easy, Quick, Confidential . a field hospital in France, many NO ENDORSERS NEEDED nice comments have been received Borrow On Your Car by the paper from friends of the3e men in various paTts of the coun- B R A X T ON'S ty. These people were interested in hearing, even indirectly, from J .00.11 Dgllt. the Major and the Captain. The j same thing can reasonably be ex- WHITEVILLE, N. C. , It takes thousands of telephone calls | ^ ^wld a bomber . . and this country is i _ - making more bombers than ever before More planes, more ships, more of everything for war mean more Long Distance calls. And right now things are moving double-quick. Today with war in its'critical stage, everyday . is a rush day for Long Distance telephone lines. You can help keep the lines clear for war calls by making only really urgent calls. More calls get through quicker when everybody helps that way. SouTHEitn Bell Telephone m Telegraph Compnny INCORPORATED ^M_mm^???mi????????<mm?MW TIRES ? TUBES ? BATTERIES ? FEEDS GROCERIES ? FRESH FISH VULCANIZING, AUTO PARTS AND REPAIRS ICE FOR SALE Let us Help You With Your Tire Application, Bring us Your Certificates 10DELL BLANTON SUPPLY, N. C. I NOW, FOLKS! cooKiNG pans' PERCOLATORS o. ' Get Your Share W "** While They Last. CITY CUT RATE STORE SOUTHPORT, N. C. A'T I pa<je 9? 'cotton Batting, Fruit jar tops,'statutory period ami the said defeur?,,v,on dant will further take notice that she* Rubbers. Minors, all sizes. Get js ro(|Uilt.,j ;ip|>ear in the office of what you need at Ruark's, the Clerk <?f the Suiierior Court of ! the said county in the courthouse In fcoutnport. South port. North Carolina within thlrr-.? , '< ty days next after the first day . of Blue Denim. Light summer wear, Aujius't. 1944. anil answer or demur to . . . " , .. the complaint filed m the said actton just what you want during this or the ,>intntirr will apply to the court hot weather. Ruark's. Southport.1 for 'h? relief demanded in the said . r I complaint. '?* I This the 23rd day of June, 1944. LOST?War Ration Book No. 3. B. J. HOLDKX. D1,n.A Hro Ass't. Clerk of the Superior Court ?-. Please return to Mis. E\a Mae ol- Brunswick County, North Carolina . Watts, Shallotte, N. C. 17-4-4-Weds. LOST ?"B-4" gasoline ration book.1 X?by BUrATlos''8 Serial No. 1549834 to 1549846. IX THR SL'I'KHIOR i'OTTRT j Finder please return to James coun4y? o^sr7"\ssvu k''NA B. Purvis, Ash, N. C. 'jack atkins : vs. vnTirr MARY KLLKN ATKINS , defendant above named will The charge for two insertions of take notice that an action entitled as ' 1-^. a?l>ove has been commenced in the ; a.uverusemeni.3 yi 4aww" superior court or urunswicK county I books is 50 cents. We are unable lor divorce on tin* ground of adultery; r~,,,,u nJvnriit-nmfinf un a ml the said ilefeiulant will further i to print such ad\ertisement un- notice that she is required to aftless cash or stamps are sent in near at the office of the undersign-. v ut?n _ - T3itr.t i ed in the courthouse, in Southporu I With COpjr The State cuic Pilot, y ^ on (fay of September. ' i 1944. and answer or demur to the EXECFTOirS NOTICE j complaint filed in said action, or the TO CREDITORS plaintiff will apply to the court for Having qualified as executor of the relief demanded in said complaint. , will of the late George T. Hourk, This the 11th day of July. 1944. ^ deceased, of Brunswick County, North , B. J. HOLDEN, Carolina, this is to notify all persons Ass't. Clerk of the Superior i having claims against the estate of Court BRUNSWICK COUNTY I the deceased to exhibit them to the DWIOHT McEWEN. undersigned at Shallotte, North Caro- Attorney for Plaintiff ISna on or before the 14th day of 7-12-4-Weds. June. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded of their All HIHnHHIHIIIIBBHBIHHHHI " persons indebted to said estate will . please make immediate payment. v1ir>. nii 1 This the 12th day of June, 1911. J|l||i|T1r | m m m L. C. HOURK. wwtiiiiivi Executor Of The Will of I 'Ml! 6-14-6-Weds GEORGE T. ItOURK # . , yoTicE 8ERTiy(i~8rMMox8 I This is when you need ,N t?i k s!-H-:"tK?Rl,rorRT Our Service A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ; * 1\ I COUNTY <>F BRUNSWICK I llV (lt 1) 01 ALBIIBT HINSOX | M?^K??ar,ha Hlnson, win S OUTHPORT take notice that an action entitled as, A TVT ?N ct above has been commenced in the i ( . I , M /\ f\^ l"< r\ N Superior Court of Brunswick Coun- J " ty. North Carolina for Hie purpose of QOIITI4PORT N C obtaining an absolute divorce upon rirwrvi, ii. c. grounds separation for the *$ksNorth: \ ' * 7 V < Aj arolma TOBACCO TODAY AND TOMORROW \ COTTON will appear in newspapers in large industrial centers, and ijWI l magazines of national circulation: wBMb&Jt ., North Carolina has an outstanding record O^MICAIS among the states of our Nation for industrial development, commerical progress and civic advancement. Nature blessed this state with such basic assets as mild climate, fertile soils and raw materials in abundance and variety. Today, these resources are contributing mightily to | FARM CROPS winning of the war. But North Carolina is not resting on its laurels. State agencies, railroads, industry and agriculture are cooperating in long-range plans to assure better times in the years ahead. MINERALS The Seaboard, a key railroad serving North Carolina, is proud of the constructive part it .> ?P j has played in the economic progress of the State. Through its Industrial and Agricultural Dev elopment Departments,as well as through I other agencies of the Railway, the Seaboard will continue to plan and work with North Carolina for the brighter world of tomorrow. ! Seaboard Railway, Norfolk 10, Virginia. <***[ RAILWAY iZCjf ^ 14,1 Buy moru WAR BONDSI !

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