\ PAGE 6 SPORT FISHING Wilmington, are RULES CHANGED below L?ckwoodi , TWO POINTS OPEN in? and bombin, (Continued from page one) formation is a shore; thence in a westerly direc- paper regarding tion parallel with the beach to a commercial boat point seven miles offshore, oppo- operate in the r< site the western edge of Lock- low Lockwoods 1 wood Folley Inlet; thence In a northerly direction to the strand Postponemen at the east edge of Lockwood By Board Of Folly Inlet." Owing To Pol From the above it will be noted (Continued that sport fishing boats may not better position it go out from any point on the Mr. Lingle hi i coast below Lockwod's Flly In- Southport school! let This restriction is understood and has proved to have been made because of the work to be a s fact that Army planes, operating No information i from Bluethenthal Airport, in where he plans iPiiipwooD You have been reading about the wartime need for pulpwood. Today the need is greater than ever before. Our offensives in Europe and the Pacific have greatly increased military requirements for supplies and equipment made of pulpwood or packed in paper or paperboard made of pulpwood. It has become an A-l war material. It's a Wartime Job . Pulpwood cutting has been recognized by the War Manpower Commission and the Selective Service * * * * |^EE5Z332 VICTORY PI yWEm m JOHN B. WARD FRANK C. LENNC **** YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY WHEN IT'S IN THE t .SA Money in your never sale. In I strong vaults a addition, every sured by the corporation. Use a checki and a savings serve for the fu that ii you sho mate purpose, it from the ban It is possible service, but yo with it. WWHHHP ftiiittllUak using the area ing Southport. , Folly as a fir- a FEW KNITTERS g range. No in- ARE GOING STRONG ivailable to this t Continued from pag? 1) whether or not both speed and accuracy, i are allowed to Other workers who are to b< ;strlcted area be- commended for their work in ttu _ month of July are Mrs. G. D Robinson, Mrs. Lanie Southerland ? , . Mrs. Lizzie Southerland, Mrs Ordered Mon. FuItz and Mrs Deppe Biac, Education This is the smallest number o: lio Epidemic workers that have applied them oir Pivge one; selves to the task since the pro i another county. g-ram was first started. is headed the w } for seven years OUR ROVING plendid educator. REPORTER s available as to (Continued From Page One) to go upon leav- feet high and that both place/ mmjT mmj/ %% s System as an essential occupation. With a Post-War Future But pulpwood production is different from most war industries. It will continue on the same scale after the war. Cut pulpwood today because it is both patriotic and profitable. Your county agent, forester, or mill buyer will tell you about the peak wartime prices being paid for it. Now's the time to get into a business which will continue to pay good dividends when peace returns. mm m m. m ^m mm mm m a a M W V P" HCWUUU (.UfYirni I I EC LENDON CLEMMONS )N H. O. PETERSON Bank pocket or in the house is this bank it is protected by nd careful management. In J-11 - 1. rt>P AAA _ aonar up to 3>o,wu is inFederal Deposit Insurance ng account to pay your bills, account for building a rehire. Establish your credit so uld need money for a legitiyou may be able to borrow k. s to get along without bank u can get along much better THE STATE PORT PILOT, i are much more exposed to an ti unchecked sweep of the wind than " Oak Island is, a lot of people ap- F pear to think that both Wrights- b ville and Carolina Beach had _ s more than a 60 miles an hour ti s wind. " b , I This week we had a letter full _ l I of human interest. E. W. Bryar.t, j < Laurinburg planter, wrote us _ ' I about getting him a boat in order Ti ' | that he and the Madam could I ti '! come down in September and! I; j take their faithful colored farm " 91 labor deep sea fishing. Mr. Bry- _ ant said that his colored help d had worked hard, also their wives and kiddies. He wanted to give . them a bit of vacation of their .: own choosing and they choose to 11 . ?i ? j I I come neie aim gu uut w fishing. What appealed to us was the solicitude that the letter conveyed regarding the faithful help on the farm this year. We were at Shallotte Saturday, that being one of the places we are able to make regular weekly trips. It should be said here that these trips are only possible by the picking up of enough subscriptions to the paper to pay traveling expenses, while we are getting news. Well, this trip last Saturday paid expenses. After we I had remarked to one or two bull I baiters that it didn't look like we I would get bus fare home the subs S began to roll in. In just no time j we had written 23 receipts for _ year subscriptions. This was extra good, considering how all of I the paper's farmer friends in that I section were at home busy with their tobacco crop. In addition to that, both Shallotte and Supply already had the largest subscription lists of any point in the county outside of Southport. At Shallotte, Saturday, among several other fishermen and parttime fishermen with fair catches that they found ready markets for, was Bob Leonard. He reported he had caught five hundred pounds that morning. The fish, mullets, were of good size and unusually fat for this early in the vear. Thev went to buyers about as fast as he could pass over the strings and receive change. , Prom now on the harvesting of these fish will increase steadily, It will not be long before catches of thousands of pounds will be just a step further until the catches may run into many tons.1 Judging by the catches of fish already made,'August should see' some splendid food producing ef-1 forts to report. September and October will be even batter." It is some time during September that the great run of mullets, known' as the September Run, puts in its appearance. SHORT SESSION OF RECORDER'S COURT (Continued bro;. t-?.ge One) on roads or $75.00 fine and costs. James O. Batts, parking on highway, judgment suspended on j payment of costs. Leoman Mintz, possession and. transporting, four months on \ roads, judgment suspended on payment of fine of $50.00 and costs, $25.00 of fine remitted. j N. S. Powell, speeding, judgment suspended on payment of fine of $20.00 and costs. Eddie Larkin, improper lights and no operators license, continued to August 14. Lawrence Gore, non support, continued to August 14. JURORS DRAWN FOR SEPTEMBER OOURT I (Continued From Page One) j bee, S. L. Kirby, Jr., J. R. Caison and Willie Galloway, Supply. W. C. Savage and C. A. Atkinson, Winnabow. D. S. Mintz and J. H. Hewitt, Bolivia. T. K. Lewis, Southport; Rice Gwynn, Longwood. MISS PEARSON TO GIVE CONCERT (Continued From Page One) den, noted concert violinst of Wilmington. Miss Pearson has a wide voice range with deep warm tones and she offers an unusual variety of songs for her concert on next Thursday. Her program will be as follows: "Morning"?by Speaks; "Old MoAUTOMOBILE WORK When you need repair work done bring your car to Babson's Garage where you will get quick, efficient service. BABSON'S' GARAGE SHALLOTTE, N. C. BOOKS Shipments of current best j sellers and children's books | arriving daily. Come in and; make j^our selections. BRAXTON Variety Store WHITEVILLE. Phone 310 ? i ? SOUTHPORT, N. C. Her Hubbard"?by Hutchinson; PARTY WILL MARK C Indian Love Call"?by Rudolf CLOSE OF U.S.O. P 'riml; "When You're Away" ? j (Continued From' Page One) a y Victor Herbert; "O'ne Alone" i be awarded to local people. A -Sigmund Romberg; '"Summer- model Committee of Management | ime"?by George Gershwin; i Meeting is expected to be held for j Play Gypsies?Dance Cypsies"?! the audience. All members of the i y Kalman; "When Day is Done" Volunteer Service Organization, -by Katchen; "Long Ago"? by j and Girls Service Organization are! erome Kern; "As Time Goes By" urged to be present. The public' -by Hupfield; "I'll Be Seeing js cordially incited to attend. ReW'-by Fain; "A lively Way be _ * art TPvpnintr" hv MC- - . I ^ 1 * "?norann is I -> tJ^VHU U' . P _ tugh; "I'll Get By-by Ahlert;! A * Goodnight Wherever You Are" exPec^ed to be in charge of the -by Robertson, Hoffman & Wei-j buildin? from August 15th to f on; and "Lord's Prayer"?by Al- September 15th, during which j ert Hay Malotte. time it is hoped that the Federal ALWAYS AT YOUR ; SERVICE We are here to serve your Constant Needs! R. GALLOWAY General Merchandise Supply, N. C. I a 14 ^ Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. "ranchise Bottler:?Pepsi-Cola Boitling Co., of Wilmington, N. C. i Mr. Farmc jr YOU ARE REALLY SELLING YOUR TOI Most A ? BRING IT 1 CAE? Warehouse :* The Tobacco Sold By Farmei Avg. $40.34 pe WE CAN AND WILL SE1 FOR TOP PRI 2nd Sale, Wednesday, Av FIRST SALE, Friday, Ai 2nd Sale, Monday, Aug. ] FIRST SALE,, Wed., Au 2nd Sale, Thurs., Aug. 1/ Carolina W BUCK PEAY TABOR C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST a i>J """ make some dis-| maintained for the iovernmeni . ? s0 that, remaining here anH osition of the building i continuing service may be, the community. w. B. & s. BUS LINES, Inc. ^ Southport, N. C. TEMPORARY SCHEDULE I Between SOUTHPORT AND LONG BEACH 9 MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9 V SOUTHPORT 2:00 P.M. LV?LONG BEACH 5:30 ??H jv SOUTHPORT 6:00 P.M. LV?LONG BEACH 8:40 ~-yH fv- SOUTHPORT 9:00 P.M. LV-LONG BEACH 11:30 SUNDAY 9 V SOUTHPORT 1:30 P.M. LV LONG BEACH 3:40 'r v SOUTHPORT 4:00 P.M. LV-LONG BEACH 5:40 'M ^V?SOUTHPORT 6:00 P.M. LV-LONG BEACH 9.30 pfl FARE: 20 cents (one way); Round Trip, 35 cent, I GRA1VITE I COMMERCI1ALTRAILERI A revelation in transportation. Make M your dollars, tires and gasoline do clou ble duty without harm to your car. See this beautiful trailer?built like its name. 9 GRANITE ON DISPLAY AT I ELMORE MOTOR CO! Bolivia, N. C. I INTERESTED IN I SACCO FOR THE I ioney I ro THE ? I LINA : Tabor City I rs With Us last Season? I r 100 Pounds I X YOUR TOBACCO CES TOO. I ig. 9, at 11 a. m. I ig. 11 at 9 a. m. R 14, at 11 a. m. R g. 16, at 9 a. m. R \ at 11 a. m. R 7ar ehouse I ITY GEO. WALDEN I . . . i