Page 2 The State Port Pilot Southport, N. G. Published Every Wednesday JAMES M. HARPER, JR Edi (On Leave of Absence, In U. S. N. R.) Entered as second-class matter April 20, 1928, the Post Office at Southport, N. C., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR $1. SIX MONTHS 1. THREE MONTHS Wednesday, March 21, 1915 Gathering For The Kill Something over three years ago great deal of the American might i fighting ships lay on the bottom t Pet ri Harbor. Still others, battered an bruised, slipped away .to have thei wounds healed. The treacherous Jaf anese were proudly announcing ths the power of the American Navy wa gor e. The fleet that they claimed destroy ed has risen again, and grown into th greatest Navy in the world. Time an the Imperial Japanese fleet ha had good cause to avoid meetings wit the Navy that they held in scorn afte Pearl Harbor. Not only the Japanese Navy, bi Japanese held islands and the Japar ese home land have felt the power c the American fleet. Our navy has bee steadily and surely gathering for th kill since that December day when th world heard that war had been brough to the United States at Pearl Harbor. Along with our own ships some c the greatest of Britain now ride th Pacific. Just a few days ago the Britis parliament was told that the might battleships, King George V, the Quee Elizabeth, the Howe, and the Valiar are all in the Pacific. With them is th French Battleship, Richelieu and th battle cruiser Renown. They are a gel ting ready for the great and fini push in the Pacific. ff ill Ask For Boat As he is going to Greensboro ne> week to attend the meeting of the d rectors of the North Carolina Wildlif Federation, W. B. Keziah plans to ut lize the same trip to go to Raleigh an ask the State Board of Conservatio and Development to place one of th boats of the North Carolina Fisherie Commission at Southport. The State owns six or seven goo boats, all based at Morehead City o the upper coast and used for seven purposes. The purpose for which on or more of the craft are desired i Southport is to search for new shrim trawling grounds at a considerable di: ta ice off-shore. Some years ago the State of Louis ana engaged in such work with ovei whelming profit to the state. Ne< grounds were discovered .and the pre diction of shrimp there awound ski ward. As a result of the pioneerin dene by the State of Louisiana the lov er North Carolina coast lost some si: teen families, those of expert fisherme ai d fish dealers who were attracted t Hie greater returns from fishing effor , ^ Xn that state. : Cooperation Sought Cooperation between Wilmingtc arid Southport interests has alwai been somewhat lacking. With the er -ol the war approaching and much po "war work in sight, calculated to rea :tc the mutual interest of both places, ! is time for the two places to try ar git together on every undertakii -in which one can aid the other . Walter Carrier, secretary of the W: ,'rrington Chamber of Commerce, mac ia fine gesture in this direction la ;veek by coming to Southport and see ring cooperation between Wilmingtc I -and Southport in promoting outings f Air Corps men at Camp Davis. The outings are the idea of some of tl ! commanding officers at Davis ai '.would mean bringing down squads rnen, many of them, convalescing fro injuries received overseas. They wou be brought to Orton, thence on Southport and taken on boat trij Some of these boat trips would be '1he quiet and seclusion of Bald Hei sland. Others would be fishing expei lions. \Should Use Ft. Caswell It has been stated that the Govei !hent would never again sell Fort C< THE !? mmmmammm well! that the fort, complete as a little town in itself, with waterworks, power and sewerage, would be put to some i use. This intention on the part of the i government seems to be borne out by the keeping of about 30 men at the tor task of looking after the buildings and grounds. The fort is understood to be ~ kept in readiness for occupancy within the 24 hoursIt would seem to the layman that ? Caswell presents admirable possibilities 50 for the use of "Ducks" and the training 00 of crews. Landing places of almost 75 every conceivable sort, with and with? out the obstacles that are needed in training could be found on Bald Head Island, the Cape Fear River banks and along the ocean in short and long distances from the Fort. a If the Amphibious forces do not need n the place it still presents a wonderful possibility as a hospital or great rest . camp. It has its own hot salt mineral water baths with waters that contain ^ very potent medical properties. Then there is the ocean with its ever cool summertime breezes, the freedom from 7. mosquitoes and other insect pests and e the unsurpassed sport fishing that can d be found just a short distance at sea, is as well as shore fishing, h Some use should be made of the costir ly facilities that the government has at i Fort Caswell. it l- 1 if Should Clean LJp n , e I i e The storm last fall acted as the agent for the removal of several old unused and worthless docks on the ^ Southport water front. This act of nae ture has resulted in one very undesirh able aftermath. y The wreckage of the docks and with n it much refuse from the river in the lt shape of drift wood, logs and planking, e all piled up on the river front, just bee yond the reach of the normal high " tides that might have reclaimed it had l' it been a little nearer. The refuse is still where the storm left it with the exception of a little that has been carried or hauled away. At the pace at which the wreckage :t has been removed it will take years to J i- clean up the water front. This is easily 1 e understood when a little consideration ( i- is given to the act that additional i d wreckage occasionally piles up. n With spring here and this wreckage e presenting the most unsightly appear- i is ance of any thing in town, to say nothing of its unsanitary aspects, it seems ! d in order for the city and citizens jointn ly to undertake a vigorous and thoril ough clean-up on the water front. This e should be done before the advancing ( it busy fishing season makes the present , p labor scarcity worse than it is now. If i s- the present supply of labor is not sufficient for the removal of the wreckage i- and salvaging of it for some use, it can r- and should be burned where it is. In w any case it should be disposed of in a >- quick and thorough manner and with7 out further delay. g ' 7C_ Busy Farm Season m >y ts The same war-time inspired pace with which farmers carried on their work last year is going again full blast. Throughout the farming sections of the county, men, machinery and work stock >n are busy from dawn to dusk. Many 78 garden and farm crops have already id been planted, especially corn. A goodst ly acreage has already been put in and ct in some fields the plants are already it out of the ground and growing, id It was necessary last year to defer ig the planting of corn until the tobacco plants could be gotten into the fields. '1- This circumstance arose because of the 1 " * * - J 11. _ J? L prolonged rainy season ana me laci st that the tobacco plants attained such k- a stage of development that they had >n to be placed in the fields the first or thing after the land became dry ense ough to work. This year, with less rain, the farmid ers have been able to get much of their of corn lands planted before the rush of m tobacco transplanting. Id to "The little towns are still our strong's holds. There we find devotion and afto fection for community life. Folks may ad be complacent at times, but they feel ii- they are a part of their environment, not little saplings in a dense woodland. It is comforting to know that their institutions are still rooted, that they are weathering one of the great crises of *n- history and will live to carry on a is- great heritage." TATE PORT PILOT, SOUTI 1 WISE AND OfHienvase Mrs. J. W. Ruark, Mrs. M. M. Rosenbaum, and Mrs. J. Arthur Dosher were in Raleigh last week when Mrs. Roosevelt addressed the General Assembly. A Mr. Joe is a Representative they had what they called "ringside seats" for the occasion. Naturally they enjoyed hearing and seeing the First Lady. Mrs. Davis Herring (Lois Jane Bussells) and her daughter. Mary Louise, went as far as Fayetteville with them and stopped there to see her husband's folks. It was there that Lois Jane learned that her naval lieutenant husband has orders to come back to the states. He has been stationed in England for around 15 months and so has never seen the young daughter, who arrived after he left. * ? ? Several months ago Billy Wells acquired a small fox squirrel whose mother had been killed. As nrtnn qo ?* wn? nhlp to fend for itself Billy let it out of the cage, which had been its home and let it go its chosen way. The squirrel apparently chose to stay around because since then he has lived in the immediate neighborhood, going from yard to yard. The squirrel by that time was so tame that Billy continued to feed him when he ventured down from the tall trees which were his home. On Saturday the pet squirrel decided to investigate the town a little further and about ten in the morning he was happily cavorting in the middle of the street an the main corner of town, merrily waving his long tail as he dashed back and forth. There was no danger to the little squirrel, however, because he was being carefully looked after by Mr. Clarence Crapon, James Carr, and Red Fullwood who stood ready to go out and stop traffic if necessary, to protect the small creature. Apparently the squirrel decided borne was the best place after all because soon he tired of romping on the pavement and went back to his trees, happy, perhaps, that he doesn't have to live like those queer humans he met up street, * * * The Rev. Theo Jones, who performed the marriage of Annie Russ and Ed Weeks on Friday night, is a nephew of Mrs. John Caison ,, of Southport. Another fact, which made it a very natural thing for the couple to decide to be married in Myrtle Beach, is that Mrs. Jones was Formerly a teacher at Shallotte, where both Annie and her attendant, Miss Bridie Holden teach at present. The Rovin' Repogter (Continued from page one! as a means of drawing attention to and developing Brunswick county. And we are not thinking of this sport fishing as applying simply to the Southport section, it will extend along our whole coast. Kirby's at Supply, The Shallotte Trading Company to you, has been advertising farm and garden seed last week and this. Saturday morning we wandered into the warehouse and looked around on our own hook for a minute while the "Reverend" Stanley was busy making door deliveries. Found what we were looking for, there was about half a ton of lespedeza seed, all neatly sacked and tagged. We would be able to get what we wanted later in the day wucii it was nine lo cmnK or returning home and folks were not so busy. Back to the warehouse at 4:00 P. M., there were no lespedeza seed sacks in evidence anywhere. This entailed our interupting the Reverend in his chores and asking him what had become of all that lespedeza seed? "We done sold it all this morning", said he. With all the personal mess ups we have been getting into as a result of this war, it may be added that we have unconsciously and unintentionally been getting ourself in bad with a lot of fine folks that we often think of. By way of illustration and since what she writes will be of more interest to more people than anything we could think up, we are finishing out this week's column with a letter from Mrs. F. W. Smith, formerly Miss Helen Dean Sutton, of Southport. Her father was for many years the business manager of the J. Arthur Dosher Memorial hospital. It may interest Mrs. Smith to know that instead, of forgetting all of our folks who have moved to Louisiana and taken advantage of what Louisiana has done to improve and develop the shrimp fishing industry, we get so darned mad about it that before receiving her letter we already had our shoes polished to go to Raleigh and ask our State Department of Conservation and Development to do some of the same sort of development work on the lower Brunswick Coast, Her letter is being printed in full, , r 4P0RT, N. C. k?a. ?* -a??e??rmmmp?? below: jflo Dear Mr. Keziah: Remember us. We were the tio Sutton family who lived in South-j mi port 22 years and then left to do j cei ! some prospecting of our own. j ga I Well, we are now In Patterson, > we , exactly seven miles from Morgan in | City. Louisiana, go over there at ha least once every day on business foi or otherwise. After reading your { editorial In the paper dated March M 7th, !#45, we wonder if maybe our Fl subscription is due or something,: jp seems that we never get mentioni ed in any of your write-ups about fin 1 the shrimp business and Louisiana, j ] We have been here three years no now, at Patterson. Daddy is the pa i bookkeeper for this firm, John j ! Santos (and if you read the tin I Southern Fisherman you will see < j that it is some firm). I am at pre- jut sent employed as stenographer of and if you think we don't see' Jumbo shrimp, just as big and' ^ just as many as they have in j Morgan City, you are badly fool- ? ed. Last October, one of our boats came in with a catch of J ' 156 3-5 barrels, in one trip. This ^ j happens to be the all time high ?g] I record in this section. So, please, j Mr. K-., take note and we would J. appreciate seeing our name 'ht^' print once in a while instead of | , the snub we've been getting from' j our hometown paper. I think we've; " (been sending in our $1.50 in time. We have at least been getting the' .' | paper, but after spending 22 years; in a place, you would think we' J 'would be mentioned once in a fa while. |10! No kidding, we are planning to j gt , come up that way this summer for a couple of weeks and I cer- S ! tainly hope you won't snub us on I the streets as you have in the', Pilot. I"1' | I was telling Harry Peace) p, about you the other day and what > a lot you have done to put South- j ^ port in the news. He tells me you! send him the fishing news from J ^ Southport for his "Southern' | Fishermen." It is a small world to isn't it ? j My husband is with the Air-; ^ borne Army in France now, has SI been overseas for 18 months and I he so often asks about news from sel Southport. I usually send him clip! ' pings of interest. We have a (s fine daughter now, something, ini Southport hasn't seen and, we jto action to ! vis (Continued from page One) g. Judge John B. Ward, after aring the evidence, found the AMUZU THEATRE SOUTHPORT, N. C. EDNESDAY, MARCH 21? "CAROLINA BLUES" Kay Kyser and Ann Miller LSO?FOX NEWS HERS., - FBI., MARCH 22-23? "DOUGHGIRLS" Ann Sheridan, Alexia Smith and. Jane Wyman LSO?Harry Owens Royal Hawalians. VTURDAY, MARCH 24? "SECRET COMMAND" Pat O'Brien, Carole Landis And Chester Morris LSO?CARTOON ON., - TEES., MAR. 23 - 27? "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU" ermis Morgan, Eleanor Parker LSO?Sunny Durham and Orchestra. EDNESDAY, MARCH 28? "SAN DIEGO I LOVE YOU" Ion Hall and Louise Allbritton LSO?FOX NEWS. XMING:? "I LOVE A SOLDIER" the younger set. She is two yearsier old now and is our little "cajun"jca daughter. ! My Brother, Dudley, (he was ! just a little fellow when he left Southport) is now overseas with , the Engineer Corps, and is with on ! Patton's Third Army. ?r Well, Mr. K., I won't detain you , r any longer, and I'm sure you will J take this let'ter in the true "South- xl< port spirit." We always were plainspoken folks, weren't we. In el , the future please, when you talk I about Louisiana .and shrimp, reJ member we are here too. | U Hope to see you all this sum- G mer. Sincerely, [ P'1 ' HELEN DEAN SUTTON SMITH Ja fir Jimmie Hawes, secretary at the I AAA office at Supply, invariably j S< rides a bicycle. Last week he ex- j SI perienced a feeling of mild am- j azement while reading in this j nil paper the report of the Recorder's $8 Court doings. His amazement arose from seeing where James ha Hawes was fined $10.00 and costs for speeding., Nothing amazes as. It was not our baby when two Brunswick families with the same family names decided to name th?ir kids Jimmie. The McRackan and Moore pear trees along the river road and everybody else's pear, plum, peach and other trees went in for their spring blooming this week. During the usual year the bloom- C ing of fruit trees may be looked R forward to as being a bit irregular. This year, influenced by the inj mild weather the paper, plum and he peach have all bloomed together, starting the end of February. ? At Shallotte, Saturday, we found that Everett Holden and (Bob White were the only bum friends of ours in town at the moment. Thomas Russ and Herj man Stanaland had gone off fishing. W Even Frank O. Sherrill, owner of Bald Head Island at Southport and the S. & W. chain of cafeterias in various cities, is becoming interested in sport fish- T' ing off the Brunswick coast. Had a letter from him last week advising he would be down Easter Week and wanted to talk over A things. Must be plenty of menhaden off ^ the coast, even if boats are not operating now. A Shallotte fisherman was showing us some large ones Saturday. He took them in ; the Seine he was operating for A edible fish. ! ? M CHAIRMAN URGES COOPERATION IN RED CROSS DRIVE D i Continued from rage 11 , | steady stream of Prisoner of War | Food Parcels for shipment to Ger( many and to the Far East. Neither has the Red Cross re- ^ , laxed in its traditional service \ to humanity in time of disaster. t More than 200 domestic disasters j have found Red Cross workers on , I the job to relieve stricken fam- ^ l ilies and to aid in the rebuilding \ of communities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been poured out to rebuild homes destroyed by ^ I ods, high winds and fires. Meanwhile Red Gross producn workers in hundreds of commities have continued the never! ising program of making warm rments for destitute civilians in ir torn countries overseas, and those countries the Red Cross s assisted the Army in caring : refugees and homeless people. ONDAY EASY DAY 3R DEFENDANTS I COUNTY COURT | (Continued from page One) ie of $10.00 and costs. D. C. Atkinson, abandonment,' 1 pros with leave, defendant to y costs. | Ellsworth Rabon, speeding, conlued to March 26th. I dlyn Delmire Brown, speeding, igment suspended on payment j a fine of $15.00 and costs. Harlee Harrison, no chaffeurs ense, judgment suspended on yment of a fine of $10.00 and 3tS. John David Stevens, speeding, igment suspended on payment' a fine of $15.00 and costs, fine nitted. Rob Holden, public drunkeness, Igment suspended on payment costs. | E. W. Coleman, possession for rpose of Sale, judgment susnded on payment of a fine of 5.00 and costs, whiskey confistted. James M. Melette, reckless opetion, motion for non suit alved. IV. H. Best, speeding, failing to >p for stop sign, judgment suended on payment of a fine of ,00 and costs. Carlos F. Yarboro, drunken driv I, noi guilty. eady for orders t aaa office (Continued from page oner KA also announces that Cotton op Insurance will be available farmers in a few days. r.b.&s. planning :rvice to orton (Continued From Page One) rvice this week. The move for temporary service a result of the many calls be* received for transportation Orton from people who wish to lit the gardens during the flowseason. With both azaleas and mellias now in full bloom, wideread attention is now being aticted to the gardens. Mr. Livingston stated today at he hoped to be able to put temporary service by Friday Saturday. As it now is, huneds of service men in or pass% through Wilmington are an)us to visit the gardens. The neral public is also keenly inrested in some means of transrtation. eland soldier ets pass home (Continued Fti m Page One) :al unit. They are Ira S. and mes R. Flowers, both privates st class. 3uthportschool jpporting drive (Continued From Page One) ig second at this counting with 1.01. The various grades in the school ve raised money as follows: 1st grade?$21.86. 2nd grade?$38.75. 3rd grade?$16.87. 4th grade?$19.47. 5th grade?$17.59. 6th grade?$10.64. 7th grade?$97.11. 8th grade?$81.01. 9th grade?$8.80. 10th grade?$21.10. 11th grade?$7.40. harley's house aided sunday WEDNE defendant guilty and fined hi $25 00 and co9t3. BOLIVIA~NEWS I Mr- and Mrs. R. VV. Wingat formerly of Jacksonville, Pli have been visiting Mr. and Mi J. O. Knox and Mrs. A. H. E ans. Lloyd F. Cox, E. M. 3-c, U. N. R., has just returned to h ship after spending a short tin here with his wife and parents. Coxswain Carl McKeithan, 1 S. N. R., has been spending leave here with his parents, M and Mrs. D. P. McKeithan. He now in Norfolk awaiting assig ment to a new ship. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Leona: have been here for a few da; with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Leonar As a Motor Mechanic 3-c, your Leonard is stationed at Norfol Va., for the present. He has se< much overseas service. Arthur Knox, Second Class St wards Mate, U. S. M. S., ai Mrs. Knox have been spending few days here with Mr. and Mr C. W. Knox. Rvan McKeithan. U. S. M. i has been spending a few da; here with his parents, Mr. ai Mrs. Jewel MeKeithan. He is no serving aboard the S. S. Mclntos Jack Garner, U. S. N., son Mr. and Mrs. Felton Garner, at home after 27 months of a tive duty overseas. Mr. and Mi Garner and their son are form residents of Greensboro. Mrs. Harold Wrey Lewis is surgical patient at the- Jam Walker Memorial hospital in W ; mington. Mrs. Harold Willetts has be< admitted to the James Walk Memorial hospital for an oper tion for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. C< and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Km ! made a business trip to Shallot Saturday. Luther Holden is a surgic patient at the James Walker ho pital in Wilmington. His conditii i is reported as very serious. Therian Mercer of the Navy at home for a few days with i . mother, Mrs. Olive Mercer, ai family. Andrew Lesh, S. 1-c, of the N vy, has been spending a sho ! leave with his wife and childr | in Wilmington. Both Mr. and Mi i Lesh are former residents of Bo I via. Mrs. Lesh is the daught of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coat and son. Ronnie, have moved fro J Colonial Beach, Va., to Howel ! Point to make their home for t summer. Mrs. Coates is the fori er Miss Annie Lee Evans, daug ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Evar of Bolivia. Mrs. Dawson Russ spent la week with relatives in Wilmin ton. THIS IS A TIRE INSPEC I WILL INSPECT T EXCEPT ODELL Supp We Are I To Sei COME TO S R. GAL SUPPl w.B.&in Southp BUS SC Effective . SOUTHPORT Monday LEAVE Read Down AM AM AM PM PM 5:15 7:00 9:00 4:00 6:00 Ron 5:45 7:30 9:30 4:30 6:30 Sup 6:00 7:45 9:45 4:45 6:45 Boll 6:15 8:00 10:00 5:00 7:00 Wll 6:25 8:15 10:15 5:15 7:15 I.aii 6:40 8:30 10:30 5:30 7:30 WU 8CNDA1 7:30 10:45 4:15 6:00 Sou 8:00 11:15 4:45 6:30 Sop 8:15 11:30 5:00 6:45 Boll 8:30 11:45 5:15 7:00 Wll 8:40 11:55 5:25 7:10 Lut 8:55 12:10 6:40 7:25 Wll SODTHPOI 5 00 1:30 9:30 Son :? 1:55 9:55 Mill 5:45 2:05 10:15 Wll s-00 2:29 10:30 ^ 5 50 2:50 11:00 Shll SHAM.OTT 4:45 1:15 ghj 5:00 1:80 SnP 3:20 1:60 Bo" 5:40 2:10 , JVll 4:00 2:30 j:30 3:00 SWl SPAY. MARCH 21. -B m RETFRNS FROM HOSPITAL H I Mr3- J A Rus- Of ShaViot^H returned r Bl three weeks as a patient in A,liJames Memorial hospital m \y :e' mington. Her daughter Miss ^rr. Ha . es Russ, has also been seriousk^R s. Ill in the same hospital H v" RETCRNS FROM " V1 SPRING LAKE s- Mrs. Nellie Sellers has retum.^fc lis ed to her home at Winnabow ah.^E ae er a three weeks visit with t>.H? sister, Mrs. Grace Holden, a.H Spring Lake. Mrs Sellers' band, F. 1-C Harlie Sellers a been serving in the Pacific wiuB^ lr. the Coast Guard for the past is months ;* Friday Night * If. 7:45 O'clock * I SOUTHERN I ij BALLET | MM MM B jf np * hHIm v ... ? al is- PRESENTED BY II HELEN RENE lis nH ? i i^ni/>rr AK H Auaritta ui- n Jt| Southport I 11 Woman's Club I r ADMISSION:- I es H m; Children 25c l's 1^1 he Adults 50c n-1 HIGH SCHOOL 1 st' AUDITORIUM 1 i I N OFFICIAL I TION STATION I IRES ANY WEEK DAY I THURSDAY I BLANTON I ly, N. C. I Mways Glad I rvp You! B iEE US OFTEN LOWAY LY, N. C. JUS LINES, Inc. ort, N. C. IHEDULES June 16, 1944 TO WILMINGTON - Saturday A R R I v E Read Up ^ am I'M rM rM nJ, til port 8 30 3:00 5:30 T;?) 11:* Ply 8 00 2:35 6.00 ^ 1( jj Irla 7:45 2 20 < <? (:W 1J* inabow 7 30 2:05 4.' s.jj j|. vale 7:15 1:50 4.15 t;J| lO.OO mlngton 7:00 1:35 r SCHEDULE , ? jS thport 10:25 3:00 < , jo:55 ply 9:55 2:30 7.15 J(;|, fvla 9:40 2:15 7.1 1#.j5 inabow 9:25 2:00 jo:15 Tale 9:15 1 50 6;? mlngtoa 9:00 135 IT TO SHIPYARD thport 9:00 5 25 jvj Creek 8:35 5:00 ;5? inabow 8:15 4 40 n vale 8:00 4:25 J} ;" vyard 7:25 3:55 11 "5 E TO SHIPI'ARD m "??? 1% ;S B P T f -X 12:55 B v<\ 5 58 2:35 B inabow ] r>-"0 vale o cX 1155 H I

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