I r,N-cjT>AY APRIL 18, PjO( IT**. , V MEETS i :ht.' Presbyteriai I at the home o ' i kinan. The meet H older by tin .e Haiper Mis .1 chaise of thi H . ory was in chargi the topic of whtel Musiona. ision of the pro - sandwiches, coffee dots were enjoyei I M' < J H. Roper, o < it Base, entertain .-n?i<T tiir n^nlr Ma B' I B ami starts you o: B li-a.ln : W hite anil Colored, I.IM V I t:i> in House Traili H Scrviee Sta. Ixnik I "?R QUALITY . . [ ' FOR QUALITY . . I R QUAL^^ I R I /?P I T F FOR QUALITY . . Pepsi-Cola Com pan ?PepftM T Black' 1>?FSST Let us show yo an independent tire or battery i long-mileage PI Truck Tires anc "PtotKtof&QMfa ARE FAMOUS mm long wear HIIImi 0?4*MU& PENNSYLVANI m 7 f|p, K, Vr/J Let us show y< Wf rllii thJstoug.h'lon E? l I I ( ( wearing tire. It Bf l I I i / rolling up milea Bv ) / // records on eve) Rjl' ) i)J type of road. [ BLA 1345 ?# ! II ETYi cta "* mo tails and buffet supper on Wednes- 'li Ja>': tut t Misses Dot is Coilette, Marion we f Frink, Glotia Fae Moore, and jia, - Eloise St. George; Capt E A. s Maxwell. Lt J D Quick and Lt ; |W F Case of the V 3 Army; j Lt. tig) Richard Catr, USCG; Messrs Robert Temple, Richatd ^ ? Lawrence, and G. R Tingley. Ke i Mrs. Landis G Rtown, Mr and, I Mrs Prince O'Brien, and Mr. and sot " Mrs. A. L. Lewis. in ' ! ed J ANNOUNCE BIRTH wt Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sellers, of fri Winnabow, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Galie, at Ma- ovi lion Sptunt Annex. Wilmington, ior March 20. Mrs. Sellers is the ati f former Miss Minnie Reynolds. Mi - daughter of Mr. and Mis. S. C Sh - Reynolds of Supply. dam Dean Palmist Life ."Reader Advisor . [0] PS1ES) Licensed by State of N. | j.,. doubtful, discontented and un- j insult this medium. She advises ri affairs of life. If worried over ; j home unhappy, love or some inare holding yen down and pre- 1 h ou front obtaining your object in I * nit this gifted lady, so dreary that, she cannot bring Site lifts you out of your sorrows n the road to success and happi- j daily and Suit... !) a.m. to 10 pan. r on (i:irktori 11 ilj!i\v;ij at? for Hand si-cn. Whiteville, \. c. J tio "' "1 lie . AT FOUNTAINS EVERYWHERE "f: ^m^ountains everywhere u' HH^^^FVERYiVHERE ai. |r: EVERYWHERE ^ . AT FOUNTAINS EVERYWHERE 1 ________ Us y. Long Inland City, N. Y. jtt'" I of [offline Co.. of Wilmington, X. C i COME TO s Service , EXPERT TIRE u what the friendly, personal in a dealer can mean to you when'} service. We have a factory-fresh PENNSYLVANIA Passenger J Ca 1 Batteries. Come in to see us so< \WttBMm BEST. BUY You boy guaranteed T performance when yon buy^ai Pennsylvania' Battery.^ "* For every car^and in kCK'S SERVI NE 110*J W. C. BLAC JgjgggylvSESmzJm PERSONALS ?lr and Mrs Raymond Hold ;ft and little daughter, Ray na. are visiting Mr. Holdcraft' atives in Vineland. N J. Urs. Ormond Leggett has it ned home after spending tw el;s with her parents in Loci veil, Penn Mrs W H Canady has retuir to her home in Wilmingto :er visiting Mr and Mrs Stac ide and will leave on Saturda visit her brother, Phillip Mi ithan, in New York Miss W'.ma Barnett has bee mdir.g a i>iv clays with frienc New York. She was aecompan by Miss Elizabeth Norflee to will remain there wit frti* snmp Tim*? Norman H. Grissett, servin erseas with an Infantry Divii i. has been promoted from Pin > to Private first class. His wif s. Norman Grissett, lives ? allotte. Mrs. and Mrs. J. P. Jones, ( accamaw township, are spendin it of this week with Mr. ar rs. Joe Mint/, at Marshville, i lion county. Mrs. Murray Tolsen of Charle: ii. S C. is visiting Mrs. A. I wis at Caswell Section Base, 'rapram Given 'or W.M.U. Mee > Be Held With Ml Pisgah Baptist Churcl Wednesday, April 25ti Program Given By Mn Robbins Mrs. Martin Robbins, associf mil superintendent for the V U. associations in Brunswic s announced her program ft > nssociutional meeting to t Id at Mt. Pisgali church, Wet sday, April 25, beginning at 1 lock. The program is as follow.1 riieme; I.ead on O King Kiel* Meditation: "Thy Cross is lift o'er us. we journey in it ht." duet: Mrs. Jack Oliver an s. Homer MeKeithan. ?rayei: For those on praye endar, for all in the armed foi fo a righteous peace. 10:10: Devotional, "The Crow raits the Conquest"?Rev. 'I Newton. 10:15: Business session. 0:35: "We follow not wit r." Memorial Meditation. 10:40: "Thy Grace Has Mad Strong." Reports of Superin dant and Chairman. Roll Ca Societies. 1:00: Playlet. "Committed t Station SERVICE' terest^f) ~ *" \ A rou need', * 1 Jplfej stock of) J Ice stati 53 THE STATE PORT PILCH Missions"?Southport W. J?. S. t Hymn When I Survey the Won- r drous Cross' it 11:45: 'iienceforth in Fields of. Conquest" ?Address by State' I Worker, Miss Kat'nerine Abee. 1 J 12:15: "With Deeds of Dove and ( s Mercy" ? Address by Missionary ? to the French in Southern Louis-1 !- iana. oi 12 45- Lunch :-j Meditation- "The Sweet Amen I of Peace"?Isiah 32:17. Duet: Mrs, Ellis Green and < Mrs T. F. Johnson, 2:15: ' Through Days of Pre * paration " Report of Y. P Leader, i V Mis T F Johnson. Talk on G. A.' - Work, Mrs. Alex Bogie, j 2:30: "Lead on through the hi ] I j3 ?MJUftiBflgM?MB? l"l GE |g I "i For General Electric 1 in, I i s- refrigerator e q u i pi* ! ment which is now I available for grocery t' stores, meat markets, t.! i. , cafes, hotels, hoarding I houses, drug stores, I- I 'schools, hospitals, etc. I. See your CE denier? o ! i ?j J City Cut-Rate J Store | Harry Robinson, Prop. n e SOUTHPORT, N. C. i-! 11 i i , SOUTHPORT, It, C. raining cf youth' Riayets ?<5. | ^.'3 R. A.'s of LefesRoft. Anioch. 3:15: Reports of Nominating and ither Committee* 3:30: Closing Message, by Rev. | ?arl Lewis, Divisional P. O. Coun- j telor. ATHLETES FOOT MAKE Tins 1(1 MIXFTE TEST Get a mobile liquid with strong PENETRATING power. One containng full strength alcohol is good. Pow lers, ointments and mild solutions do aot penetrate sufficiently. To-ol is the >nly solution, we know of. made with 0 ner cent alcohol. Feel it PENETRATE, REACHES MORE GERMS, dost drug stores hive the test size. 5mall lot just arrived at? "WAT SOX'S PHARMACY . Southport, X. C, PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE SOUTHPORT CLEANERS SOUTHPORT. N. C. We can furnish you i materials as follows: Insu Roofing-, Brick, Cement, R Board, Plaster Board, D Hai'dware, Kyanize Painti Lumber when necessary pi cations are furnished. Ci quirements. DIAL I SMITH RUILDE WILMING1 ... lUi On The The Purp Fori I n v un i The' The! City Citiz \ ; N Former Local BoyGiven Promoth Norman C. Sheppard, Jr., Smithfield, now serving with G erai Patron's 3rd Army in G many, has recently been promo from 2nd to 1st Lieutenant. The young soldier was born Southport and spent several his earlier years here. His motl is the former Miss Eva Mae 1 hew, of Southport. His father, n located at Smith field, is one the outstanding lawyers of i State. ? W A NT ED ? Two competent persons to qi lify for dealer for the famous R. Watkins Products. Territory be Northwest, Town Creek a Smithvllle townships. The posit is clean, profitable and benefic To qualify one must have auton bile and put up bond for cre< either personal or cash depo: For complete information a qualifications see me at on Your Wat kins Dealer, EDWARD B. SMITH, Ash, N. jC. ,vith non-rationed building lation Board, Rock Wool, ock, Sand, Plaster. Beaver >oors, Windows, Building 3, Terra Cotta Pipe. Also ermits, ratings and certifi*11 or see us for your re 2-3339 RS SUPPLY, Inc. roN, n. c. MVENl Thursda * Taxpayers Of S Court House At lose Of Nominatii [he 1st, 2nd and 3i 7 riuuy, Taxpayers Will IV Purpose Of Nomii Of Southport. By I ;en's ( J WANT ADS LOST?a pocketbook containing $12 00, "A" Gas Book, etc Finen": der may keep money, please leer" turn book and other contents ted to Craven Demette Milllgan, 1 Ash, N. C. in i f FOR SALE?Brown Suitcase, in 0 i good condition. Write or call ler; State Port Pilot. Le- ? ow CORN WANTED ? From 100 to of, 200 bushels, shelled or on cob. the Top" price paid and will go for it. Notify R. H. Maultsby, BollI via, N. C. Ja. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED ? J, And Cleaned. Some adding mato chine work. W. V. Hammonds, nd 1 203 W. Col. St., Whitevllle, N. C. ion ial NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SIMMONS BY PUBLICATION no- I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT i .t 1 NORTH CAROLINA m' BRUNSWICK COUNTY Sit. EILEEN MOORE , VS. ind , GEORGE K. MOORE rp THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA The defendant, George K. Moore, 'will take notice that an action en! titled as above has been commenced I In the Superior Court of Brunswick : County, North Carolina, to obtain a 'judgment dissolving the marriage exIisting between plaintiff and defendant and divorcing the parties thereto from the bonds of matriamony; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Southport, N. C., on the 2nd. day of May. 1915. and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ' I 111 sum v i?ii i 'i.i 111. This .list, dav of March. liRJi. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswick County 4-11-4-Weds. NO I I('K SKRYINU SIMMONS B1 PI BMC v NOB i IN' THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA 1 COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK noN a A y, April ' outhport Will Meet 7*30 O'clock For" ng Two Aldermen E rd Wards. * i d April * Ieet At 7:39 O'clock 1 nating A Mayor For 1 3rder? 3ommi PAGE ? Vm.JLlA~& X.BP.OT SWAIN* LOUSE ? $WAIX | The defendant, Louise ?. Sw^.n. v/.il take notice that an action entitled as above has been Instituted In the Superior Court of Brunswick County. Xorth Carolina, wherein the plaintiff, William Leroy Swain, asks lor absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation; that the said defendant wilt further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in Southport, Xorth Carolina" .vithin thirty (30 days) after the 4th ! day of April, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the .t_- ilamiinilin the coun lor me Complaint. . .. . . . . Phi the 3 th day of March. l?4o^* S T BENNETT." 4-4-4-Weds Clerk Superior Court XOTICF SFRTI.VCr Sf M MOXS B1 PUB1ICATIOK IX THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK EUGENE OSBORNE VS. GENEVA MAE OSBORNE The defendant, ueneva Mae Osborne, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff. Eugene Osborne, asks for absolute divorce on the grounds of adultery: that the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the Court House in Southport, North Carolina within thirty (30) days after the 4th day of April, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 3oth day of March. 1945. S. T BENNETT. 4-4-4-Weils. Clerk Superior Court ADM I MS I'M V loirs \<?i li ? Having qualified as administrator of the estate c?t Dunbar B. Hewett. deceased, lite of Brunswick County, N. C? this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at W. M. Hewott's store in Shallotte. X. on or before March 1948, or this notice will J?e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of March, 1945. W. ,M. HEWETT. Administrator of the Estate of DUN BAR B. HEWETT. deceased. 3 '.'I 8-Weds. kLL 11 ill ; i k i i h [ 19th \ \ At || |r rhe ach n 9 J ' 20th % For I rhe ittee

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