ivrPKE5DAV. MAY 2, 19< ?SQ( i'car club The Cap'' Fear home demonstra, dub held its first meeting new home agent. Miss MeL.uub. at the home of , j, s Lati Shannon on Orton piar.tat.e:-. j. absence or the president vl(V.pies.'>nt called the meeting )5' .? ; The group sang "Love's ; Sweet Song", the Collect was (ted and the roll was called. jj:, shannon read an article the care of poultry and eggs, y- Mclaimb demonstrated to clur Color. Convenience, and forts the Home." She talkand those best suit, eating rooms of vari'j. ex: v;:e.? She explained harv furnishings and showed - i materials. Questions and discussed anil .. - a general exchange of - * nr?i s served delicious II JT> IPulpwood has From it are lines for glide shipping con of other thii rates with t! industries. Bi continue aftei NE 45 Sponsored by Now. IAN AUTO! AVAILABLl YCU CA You Cannot( BUY A SI EI.EC COME TO ANY l)\1 AT J. F. B. Floyd AWi APC Pulp shor this the Arm Critical IS :tffy strawberry shortacake with whip ped cream and coffee t o the fol lowing: Mrs. John Kamsaur, Mis Helen Francis Galloway, Mrs. Ka therine Russ, Miss Lillian Collins Miss Alene McLamb, Mrs. Jo Ramsaur, Misses Joan and Caro lyn Ramsaur, Miss Pat Shannoi and David Shannon. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss elda Evans, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Evans, cele brated her 15th birthday Satur day night at her home, "Six Sis ters," near Bolivia, with a part} Those who were present for th gay event were Misses Betsy Gal loway, Hermine Dosher, Dori Swan. Agnes Evans, Mrs. Hele Lesh, Mrs. Elmer Coates, Mrs. A H. Evans, Nelson Romack. F l-( U. S. N? Kenneth Bower. Y 3U. S. N., Salvatore Grannino, Pfc U. S. M. C.. J. D. Price, Afto i Smith, Jr. Alvis Coffey. Elme The VIATIC TOBACO i now in li mite; ,N PAY MC let More Value Fo I.F.NT FI.AMF Oil TRICALLY OPER ODR DEMON YOU ARE IN Wl ARKLEY'S TOBA On Thompson Si SOLD BY Barkley i miTEVILLE, N. i I/Ml/ / ?? i\JYY VVfl MI-TIM BT-W/ wood is one of o tages. The need for critical shortage is Supreme Commai irican people to inci War-TimeJobs ? found many war uses, made explosives, tow ;rs, plastic plane parts, tainers and thousands igs. Pulpwood work he most essential war it it is work that will r the war. f & :eded in nc >0,000 CORI * ipaper Pulpwood Committo* t "g? .! J ; w? . CoateS,' Mite Ohri'sty Vohftfr Hold er. Master Ronnie Lfsh.. and Mas ter Ronnie Coates. j Refrealiments of pineapple cake chocolate cake,*and mixed sof drinks were served J A cake wai given to the prettiest girl, Mrs Helen Lesh. I Many delightful games wen 1.1 played and the party was enjoyec -! by all. Zelda received many nic< s: presents. > ! News From Dosher Memorial n Hospital ??? ' Mr. and Mrs.' F. G. Dosher tin I r.ounce the birth of a son bi i Wednesday. April 25. ' fj Mrs. Helen Hufham of Winna -1 bow is a medical patient, havin; 1 entered last Wednesday. " i Lum Reynolds of Bolivia enter '' \ ed as a medical patient on Thurs t day. s Vernon Watson entered o n Sunday as a surgical patient. L I Mrs. J. M. Danford of Boiivii , became a i medical patient o c Monday. I I William E. Hannah is still i n the hospital as the result of a: .f appendectomy. RE 0 CURERD NUMBERS )RE ... but r Your Money ? BURNER \TEI). STRATION HTEVILLE CCO BARN treet \gency C. 1 you g( IE JOB 1 IRFUTI ur most serious wai more manpower ro especially great nov nd is appealing t< rease the flow of sup The Future of I The many war-time i the use of piilpwood 1 way for equally great ] The pulp and papei nation's 6th largest ? even capanoiu business for you to be as well as today. >RTH CAROLII DS BY JUNE ? American Newspaper \ THE STATE PORT Pi LP' -| Roy'Gahey of Lefanfr has beeft' - a. surgical patient for over two weeks. , j f James S. Arnold .is a medical t patient, having entered-two weeks l (ago. t. I Mrs. James Heivett of Supply is a medical patient, having enteri ed on Sunday of last week. 1 Mrs. Annie K. Vitou is able to ' i be out again after having been i a medical patient for about a J week. Mrs. Eula Mae Long of Shallotte was able to go home last Tuesday after being a patient for about a week. Mrs. Carl S. Ward of Bolivia _ left last Tuesday after being a n medical patient for a few days I R. E. Sellers of Supply was a patient for several days last ? week. 5 Mrs. S. B. Prink was a medi! cal patient about a week ago. "' Mrs. Kathleen Webb left l-ast i- Monday after having been a patient for several days, n Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Skipper of i Winnabow announce the birth of a a daughter, Aveline Drucille, on n April 16. | Mr. and Mrs. H. A. King of n Leland announce the birth of a n .son on April 12. i ' ; Returns From Pacific Area Marine Sergeant Ew Harrison McKeithan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKeithan of Bladenboro, has I returned from the Pacific and is ; now on furlough. Attached to a service company, the Sergeant as a baker in the Hawaiian Islands over two years. ' He is a graduate of Waccamaw High School, Ash, where he playj ed on the baseball team. | Sergeant McKeithan who en| listed May 10, 1912, plans to remain in the Marine Corps after the war. His brother, Leo, is serving in the Army. ! WANT ADS TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED And Cleaned. Some adding machine work. W. V. Hammonds, 203 W. Col. St., Whiteville, N. C. LOST ? Ration Book No. 4. C. j M. Reid, Winnabow, N. C. FOR SALE ? One roan horse, weighing- 12,000 pounds. In good condition. Price $250.00, w. A. Johnson, Southport, N. C. i LOST?One Kerosene Ration book. Finder please notify D. G. Wilson, Freeland, N. C. i LOST ? No. 4 food ration book. Daggett C. Smith, Rt. 1, Box | 4, Ash, N. C. NOTICE* OF SERVICE OK I SI MMONS 111 I'l Oil.RATION I IX THE SUPERIOR COURT iNORTH CAROLINA WITH IRE? X . V,_.v r-time meet f that > the plies. ?ulpwood developments in mave opened the peace-time uses. : industry ?the looks forward to n. It'll be a good s in after the war / NA 30 Publishers Association ft T, SOUTH PORT, N. C BfttN-swcti ccruxrr I EILEEN" MOORE ' OROR'lE K MOORE THE STATE OF NORTH "OAROt.IXA ] i The defendant. George K Moore will take notice that an* action eip I titled as above has been lomrneined I in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, to obtain a judgment dissolving the marriage e.v'isting between p hi I tit IT f and defendIant and divorcing the parties thereto; from the bonds of matriamony; and! the said defendant will further take; notice that he is required to appear; at the office or me eieiK of thej Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Southport. X. C, on the 2nd. day of May. 194!>. and answer or demur to the Complaint tt said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief demandedt iin said Complaint. I This 21st. dav of March. 194A S. T. BENNETT Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswick County 14-11-4-Weds. XOTICF OF SAI.K I XHKIt MORTC.AGF DFFP Under anil by virtue of authority of the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage dateii August list. 1924, given by llovt Smith and I wife. Susan Emma Smith, to the Federa! Land Bank of Columbia, as recorded in Book CO-Page 19. office i>f j the Register of Deetls of Brunswick THIS IS AN TIRE INSPECT I WILL INSPECT TIRI EXCEPT TI CDELL B SUPPLY it* 11 W$Sm ^ | ^ ^5? ii I ! Ill II I JI We urge every ii j* and to keep thei !! ti ii | REGAR ii ii ii II of how good y< ! your ii Tires i t I ( ?Because gor II **** )! 1! || Tires )! ARE BOTH V X X ped to help you s? J J will give you new i Jj Let us check yt j them if they r | too thin?and 1 of I C CO tfl */nwa ivi hit I! New Pel i! )! FOR AUTOF )! )! )! Blac I i! PHONE 110) i bounty, North' Carolina, and assigned o Everette Hold^n under of March 80th. 1945. default having been made n the payment of the matured not-' ?s and the interest th??reon in order at>fy the tijriti? of the mortgage' herein, recited. the', undersigned will elf the la'rid here,natter described'tO | he highest bidder for Ata^h, at the -ourtliotise door,?in .Southport, .\orth! L'arolftia. on-the ?9tlt day of May. 1945. j it 12 o'clock noon, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy! he above referred to mortgage, said property being bounded and described * is follows: 1 All that tract or parcel of land cots-: mining SI.9 acres, more or less, in shallotte Township. Brunswick Coun:y X C.. known as the Hoyt Smith dace, now in possession of Hoyt smith. located on both sides of Little River Road, on the west side of Cow Branch, 2 miles southwest from! Longwood Postofflce, bounded on the1 north by the lands of (1. A. Bennett Estate and .1. \V. Rrooks; on the cast l.y the lands of C. Ed. Taylor and r. R Pdarui: on the south by the lands of D. E. Stanaland: and on! [he west by the lands of (5. P. Long and O. 'A. Retmett Estate. BEGINNING at the southeast corner, an iron rod and pointers in 11 mrun of Cow Branch, in the D. E. Stanaland line, where said line crosssaid Cow Branch: runs thence with the f>. E. Stanaland line north f!5 degrees 15' -jvest 1197 feet to an iron rod and pointers: thence with the OFFICIAL ION STATION :s AND WEEK DAY IURSDAY LANTON , N. C. motorist to have his hi in in good working cone mes However? DLESS Diir brakes are?your li > Are\ >d brakes will make si ; and Life VORTH SAVING?We are e. ive both?and a safety inspe< :onfidence and satisfaction! >ur tires today and Re-( leed it?If they are w you are entitled to r II you ^ood Grade I? insylvania Tire MOBILES and TRUC k's Ser J W. G. I I. P Long line north 4o' east 1733 vi eet to an iron rod. thence crossing 1! he Little River road north 37 degrees 0' east 19S feet to an iron rod: thence o kith <3 A Bennett*.Estate line .north C degrees 45' east 765 feet tc an it on od; thence north 64 degrees east Mi? ret to a pun? and pointers in J \V t3rooks line; thence with said line . louth 5 degrees 45' west 1471 feet to \ i pirie and pointers; thence with said 3rooks line s nth til degrees 15* east 95 feet to a maple: thence with said 4rooks line north 3.5 degrees 45* east o .91 feet to an iron rod and pointer.-; c hence with J. (3. Hutler Estate line C louth 83 degrees east 475 feet to an s ron rod anil pointers in Cow Branch; o hence down Cow Branch the fellow- tl ng courses and distances: South 55 C legrees 4.5* west 191 feel: south o legreea west 34.5 feet ; south 71"? de?*- o ees 15* west 315 feet; south 51 deg* 6 ees west 180 feet; south 45 degrees ii 15' west 4.53 feet crossing the said .ittie River Road: south 34 degrees 15' west 437 feet; south S degrees 15" a est 450 feet: south 13 degrees east 19G feet to the REOIXXINCl. a-> >.iw 5 We Are AI To Scrvi COME TO SEI R. GALL SUPPLY CAN YOU Your Car or 1 Even If Y ou I Brakes?? THI | Al -akes checked ^Rl( lition at all ifc and the life of other: Vorn 5 nooth tires skid. BE SURE TO Your Brakes Ci 3RAKES have a lot to do witl faulty brake adjustinent lead: lie treads, shortens tire life? vice Stc BLACK W] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 > eved by A J Erovrn Nfhrtfi 5th. Dated and posted this the 2ith day * April. 194? Mortgagee by Argument : j prevaitk ifl Substitute Trustee * >-4-\Veds . v. j a t> mix 1str a tor's xotife to < rtmtors Having qualified as adminlstratrr f tile lata Elizabeth A. Finch, de- i i'.-v.u?4wirk County. North j H 'arolinn. this to notify nil petotis (taxing claims against the estate f the deceased m exhibit them to jj^^H to undersigned it Wilmington. North IHB 1941?. t tins notice will 1?> pleaded in bar i Tirneiiiate payment. This the '"th d:i\ of April. 1945. lHH HEXHV FINCH. J^B Administrator of . \ OWAY III ruck..... * II lave Good ? jl ESE BRAKES/ J I \E JUST ? i I SHT.' m' | I ?> i I II I |! !i s is endangered if j | j Slick ii >< 1 x j x | HAVE !! I I! becked? |j j 1 K i premature tire wear. i I n s to irregular wear on j j -and endangers yours. j II ^ 1^' | 8 ition i! 3 it n HITEVILLE it