I I The Pilot Covers I Brunswick County v5t"no. sixteen no! M ** '" Hears At Last From His Family I Over In Norway jou!hp?rf Mayor Learns I' f0r The First Time Since War Began That Broth frs Still Live vOL'NGF.R brother i WITH underground family Lived Through Ter nble Conditions Of Ger man Occupancy And Quisling Rule I liit D. Eiiksen has relatives in Norway time in five years. * tune ho has had no I' .. mowing if his brothers othi" relatives still lived. I irmation in the leth. lost several cousins in it his brothers still T -ie lettei was from the wife J 'an ol r brother. She said l-u: life has been hard under v::ar occupation. They have ^ ,,! to making clothing H- shoe-..- i"d bed ticking and matte-', of food has been terI'oae of the Mayor's younger B-:t.b.ers has been a member of i; nr. ie:ground for about two a.-i That means that in addito keeping in hiding from I.. Germans his ration books l.-:r taken away and that he I neither food or clothIHo existed as did many Biv.irs the underground, I ;h what lie could obtain by I-v and what was smugI. to him bv other patriotic v-. I " Mayor Charles Cause, and I. il titer Southporter's are I to send several boxes c'othfg 'o the Erikscn and I families in Norway. It I. the recent collection I of clothing from la I'. tt'i States to the people It: the occupied countries fell I going all round. I: tact. ... t of the clothing that I months ago is still Hi'tir. uSergeant Hewett Returns Home I S-f eral weeks ago this paper Inner j rows story telling of I' Mrs. Hasper Hewett, of I ving a lot of Gerar. trophies from their son, Sgt. I Hewett, who was in BCcnar.y at that time. Mr. and V-- Hewett naturally valued the I This past week they Hja something still more pleasing l: Their son re ' I >?t. Hewett enlisted in the toy or, July 20, 5 years ago. the war he served in Africa. Sicily. Italy, I iny. and Austria. He I with 110 points for "table discharge, if lie He has two brothers it service; Gene Tunney in the Navy and Cleon I Hewett in the Army. r -i Brief News Flashes _ ' ATTENDING MEETING :j Wells spent yesterday in1 attending the meet* of tiiv state Oyster Com :or of which he is a member. TO I I. A V WHITEVILLE Southport Coast Guard, | b-t only one base ball tli year, and to Camp j wvis tv one lun, will take on Whitevillc All-Stars it Whitevillc Sunday alterItNNIS COl'RT ^' r-iing to Mrs. Dallas Pigtteasurer of the local TenClub the court, for which " solicited some timei 'O'win rr ready for use short-1 haps by next week. x?> NOON CLOSING " <w arrangement for !i hour the office of tot W. p. Jorgensen | op all day. Miss Louise IStdht, gCC3 tO hinCil Mns Wilms. Barnett at ; Mr Jorgensen at 1:C0, time Mii3 Fees has rev HEADED overseas y/*1'-' Fred Covington, who ha3 " '"1 with the army air Lolling Field. Washing"w past two months, red to some point He ia now spend-, it1'-" '- "neks leave here with ,> -""?wtor. and at the- end of' will overseas. i I ] n ~20 I THR I . :-:-::-?v^^^^^HsS^A JF\- ;:> ARTHUR C. MERGER Bolivia Coup Sons In Dif Army, Navy And Mercha Marine Are Represent By The Boys MILES, JR., WAS AT OKINAW Arthur Is Infantrym And Now In Army Of r\ vsccupauon Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mercer Bolivia have three sons in s vice, as follows: Miles Mercer*, Jr., E. M. 3-c, S. N. R., entered the Navy D ember 1st, 1943. After compl ing his basic training at Ba bridge, Md., he went to an el trical school at the same pia Upon completion of this work took gyro compass training Brooklyn, N. Y., completing training at Miami, Fla. He v assigned to the U. S. S. Late In February, 1944. He was Okinawa and described it as ("swell smriT," but confessed ' was glad to leave there. He 1 I been at various other points | engagement in the Pacific. He I now 22 years old, is a graduj ! of the Bolivia high school i before entering the service v employed by the N. C. Shipbui ing company at Wilmington. Pfc. Ar thur C. Mercer, was 1 next of the Mercer boys to en : the service. He entered < 'army last July and took training at Camp Blanding, F from there he immediately w< overseas and was in active s vice until the surrender of G many. He learned what life v as a combat soldier in the inf: try. He is now with the army occupation in Germany, with 1 28th Infantry Division. He st he will never forget the night crossed the Rhine River and I bridges were blown up behi him. He also knows what it v to be on the fighting line day and then march back miles to sleep under two feet snow at night. Before entcri the service he was employed the Chamberlain Metal Weath stripping Company of Raleigh, has a wife, the former Miss Lc Mae Price, and a four year i daughter, Bandru. He is 24 yei old. rv?raa1rl 1 IW^rcpr. A. K. youngest of the three Meri boys, enlisted in the Merchs Marine on September 6, 1944. took his training at St. Pete burg, Fla., and in six weeks w on his way overseas. He serv both in the Atlantic and t Pacific. At present he is w: the Ai my Transportation Serv on a hospital ship. Graduati from the Bolivia high school w: the class of 1943, Donald enter Southern Junior College, at C legdale, Tennessee, as a p: medical student. 11c is now years old. Funeral Monday For Mrs. Swai Widow Of Late T. V Swain Died Saturday A tcr Short Illness, Mai Relatives Survive Mrs. Nancy Swain, 71, widi of tire late T. W Swam of Wim bow, died in the James Wall Memorial hospital in Wilmingt Saturday afternoon. She h been ill for only a short time, Funeral services were h< Monday afternoon at tin o'clock at the Mill Creek Ba tist church. The services w? conducted by the pastor, Dr. R. Taylor, assisted by Rev. A. Brown of Southport. Burial w in the church cemetery. (Continued on Page Four! lESTi A Gooc Southpoi EE MERGER BOYS UN DONALD J. MERGER , * >le Have Three | f erent Branches * .nt ? ! ed Party Catches Some Amberjacks rA i About the biggest catch of an amber jacks ever reported here by fishermen trolling on Frying Pail was made last week by a party from Stem, { fishing on the boat of Cap(el,_ tain T. H. Watts. The party made it* boat reservation by phone and ' Captain Watts only learned i the name of "Mr. Watkins." | n They caught one big bar- j racudii, one kingfish, eight ec" dolphin and topi?ed that off cc- with twenty-eight amber he jacks. The fish ranged in at weight from 12 to 85-pounds his each. The ice box would not 'as hold them, let alone the rest ' >na of the catch, at h" Jones Funeral las. 1 is Held Yesterday: ate | J ',1(| William Thomas Jones Died , , Monday Morning After j A Weeks Illness; Was 31 i the Years Old 1 ter ' William Thomas Jones, well i his:known and highly esteemed young!I la., farmer and shipyurd worker of'1 snt j the Bethel church community, J J eI~ three miles from Southport, died j ,aslin the J. Arthur Dosher Memorial ' in-!hospital at an eany hour Mon- I of day morning. He had been sick the for only about a week and his 1 iyS! death was a shock to numerous,' he! realtives and friends. He was 31 ( the years old. Ind j He is survived by his widow, ' as Mrs. Lillie Rogers Jones and a 1 all1 small daughter, Lorctta Ann 251 Jones; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' of i W. S. Jones; a brother, James ngj Edgar Jones; and five sisters, by | Mrs. Mary Turner of Camden, N.!1 er.|J.; Mrs. Norma McDowell, Mrs.!1 He' Susie May Burriss, Mrs. Sophia 1 ,na Kay Rogers, and Mrs. Maijorie 1 aid Lucas, ail of Southport. ir3 Funeral services were held yes- 1 tcrday afternoon at 5:30 at the y Southport Baptist church with ;cr Rev. A. L. Brown in charge, as' sisted by Rev. Jerry Newbold. He Burial followed in Northwood rs. j cemetery. ,a8| Active pallbearers were P. J. ,ecj King-, Howell Bagby, J. T. Monk, j)C Edgar Finch, Ormond Lcggctt and Lindsey Robbins. Honorary icc 1 pallbearers were Blackic Webb, ng Sam Reese, Ray Hoklcraft, John UIj i Stitton, Gus McNeil and Jack cd |Drewol-l re- llcwettc A warded Medical Badge WITH THE 81st INFANTRY j i DIVISION SOMEWHERE IN j jTHE PACIFIC?Pfc. George A.,) Hewette of Shallotte, has been ] ]) awarded the Medical Badge forJ( ! "satisfactory performance of ] jduties under actual combat con-J i * ! ditions." i i if-1 Pfc. Hewette is a medical t ly corpsman with Maj. Gen. Paul J.|E j Mueller's 81st Infantry "Wildcat" j? Division, which last fall wrested j i aw the Palau and other Western Car- j t ;a- olinc Islands from the Japs. ; ter The infantry medical corps- ; on man's wife, Mrs. Eva O. Hewette; ; ad and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- \ J bert C. Hewette, live at Shallotte. j id: I ,eu: RAINS DID DAMAGE ; lp_ | U. L. Rourk of Leland was in j j |Southport yesterday and said j '?? | that much damage appeared to f L, j have been done crops in his sec- 1 -as tion by the continued heavy rains. ; Dirt roads have also been badly ^ damaged by washing. < % ?? \TE I News paper rt, N. C., Wednesday I SERVICE PV'^ B 1? *K*W :|V Jr : (19 MILES MERCER, JR. Chairman For The War Fun Sam T. Bennett Will Hee United War Fund Drr Which Begins On Se; tember 30th Sam T. Bennett of Shallol and Southport has recently be appointed chairman for the Un ed War Fund for Brunswi county. The national drive, which Mr. Bennett hopes th Brunswick will do her part, t gins on September 30. A broa cast in support of the drive w be delivered by Governor Gregg Cherry on or about th date. The end of the war in Euro is not by any means lessenii the need of funds by the Unit War Fund. The service has to greatly increased in the Pacil and China-Burma-India theatr< In addition there are still va numbers of service men Europe and they will be the for some time. Mr. Bennett is already formii fiis organization for the drive t ginning on September 30. An e ecutive committee will be coi posed of Ned McEachern, Lani Furpless, Glenn Tucker, H. Stone, J. T. Denning, and t! principals of the Bolivia ai Southport schools when they a secured. A. M. Scales, agrici tural teacher at the Brunswii County Training school, will chairman of the work among tl colored people of the count Mrs. H. C. Corlette will treasurer. Mrs. J. M. Harper w 0c publicity manager. Mr. Bennett says that the Lvill be organizations set up the churches and schools ai among community leaders. Tl plans are to contact cverybot in the county and ask for a don tion of some amount. WITH OCCUPATION AT, I'ORC Cpl. Luther H. Hickman, son Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ilickmi cf Shallotte, has been assigned the occupational air force in Gc many. He is a member of tl 39th Bombardment Group and veteran of the B-17 Flying Fot ress unit of the I5th Air Fore He is a radio mechanic. W. B. KEZUH Crazy as a fox is an old sa; ng, but the fellow who first sa t would not have beeri deliverir limself of any sarcasm if he hf mown how crazy Brunswi< county foxes are getting to b 3V?*? hirn vnavu thou hnvo oithi reen afflicted with rabies or hai reen stark crazy and are st: hat way. About ten days aj i fox went on the porch of M md Mrs. Sam Frink near Ska otte. It jumped on and fougl heir dog. A few days late iunday, while Mrs. Frink, wi s postmistress at Shallotte, w; it home, another fox came to vindow and barked at her. SI jot a shotgun and went outsit ooking for him but he had di ippeared by that time. He reaj reared that night at the home < ler brother-in-law, Bert Frink, ew hundred yards away. Thei le killed nine chickens but nevi ite a one of them. He stays til night and fought the -Frink iog. In the morning Mr. Ecu: ? v POR] In A Good Coi July 25, 1945 I Esso Was Scared When Jap Plane Struck His Ship Suicide Planes Were Worse Than Bombing According To Young Supply Sailor In Letter To His Brother , AIDED IN LANDING AT OKINAWA Has Been With His Ship In Four Of The Island Invasions And Is Now In A Rear Area Where Things Are Not So Warm Esso Clemmons of Supply and Shallotte, now in the Pacific with the fleet, has been through vigorous action against the Japs. In a letter to his brother, Adrian Clemmons, this past week, ? Esso frankly stated, "I was scared to death." At Okinawa the Navy took in a Marine Division and stood by d aiding in the fight until the island was declared secured on June 22. During that time over . ISO air raids were made on the j ships by suicide planes. Esso said 'e it would not have been near as P" bad if they had just come over and dropped bombs. Instead of doing that they would head for ;te some ship and the only way to en avert disaster was to blow them 't- up in the air. 'We did our share ck of that but we were hit by one in of them a week after the start at of the invasion. We suffered some casualties. I didn't get a IC" scratch, but I was scared to d- death." ill Esso's ship has been in four of n the island invasions and is now back in a rear area, presumably a undergoing repairs. Z Will Develop b" After The War :ic :s' Forsythe Man Plans Develst opment Of Tar Landing in On Shallotte River When le War Emergency Is Over Mr. and Mrs. Hal Martin and ie~ children have returned to Curtis x* Bay, Md., where Mr. Marn" tin resumes his defense er construction work. They had been spending six weeks at Tar he: Landing on the Shallotte River, where Mr. Martin owns 500 acres re of land that offers exceptional lI* hunting and fishing advantages. =k A veteran of the first world b?, war, Mr. Martin came to Brunsbc wick county from his home at y- East Bend, Forsythe county, b? | twenty years ago. He became intrigued with the Tar Landing property near Shallotte and alre! ways remembered the place. 'n Eight years ago he purchased the u' 500 acres, and was starting out be, to develop it when the war came iy along and he decided he could a" better serve, for the time being, in defense construction work. Before the war started he had -Ti built four nice cottages on a I beautiful bluff at the landing. He in | was planning more such buildings to'and more attention to the pror i pcrty, when the war started and be he changed his plans. When the a present emergency is over, he t- says, he will return and begin :c. some real development of Tar (Continued on Page Four) r OVING Reporter y-.killed both the fox and dog. idj ig; Sheephead are now unusually id active around docks and pilings, .1, Inblnn- tifknfAi.AH in thn llf-lir r\f -J\ M'ifci wimivvci in uic waj wi ie. sand fiddlers that the small /joys er and some of the older fishermen re offer. Small boys are frequently ill seen with large strings of these ;o fish, some of them heavyweights, r. We didn't see his fish and we .1- never before heard of a sheephead it!being that large. This is not r.'our story, it is the story of halfi tola dozen small boys. They sayi j3 that Roger Adams, a ten year a! old Southporter, caught a sheeple'head last week that weighed ie j twenty-pounds. s p-j Before the war a large bunch jf of Washington, D. C., sportsmen a'came to look upin the Brunswick re I coast as providing their favorite jr fish hole. Included in the many ' d Washington folks who made regu'a, iar trips here were Doh Oirper.ifc' (Continued on Page 2) ' ' r piL [Timunity 4-PAGES TODAY Doolittle New Columbu Belong To Fi New Bank Will Be A Mem- [ ber Of Federal Reserve j And Federal Deposit In-! surance Corp. WILL BE CHARTERED AS NATIONAL BANK Sponsors Are Local Men Who Will Meet Soon To Elect Directors And Officers And Locate Bank Quarters The new National bank forj Whiteville, charter for which was granted in Washington Thursday, will be a member of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, j Lee Braxton, spokesman for the group said this morning. He de-j clared that plans are underwayfor the organization and an early opening is expected. Several permanent sites for the new bank are under consideration but no definite decision has yet been reached. Braxton declared (it probable that the new organization would lease temporary j quarters in which business would I be carried on until such time as I permanent quarters could be secured. Announcement that the application for the charter had been ap........ J l... tUn /inmnfvAllaii nf tho 1 jnuveu uy iuu tunipiiv/uvi u?v currency was made Thursday in Washington. Whiteville men who have taken an active interest in securing the bunk are Mr. Braxton, S. L. Fuller, W. C. Black, R. L. Sholar, J. H. Ledcr, J. R. Marks, W. F. Sledge, Luther Meares, Bill Hooks and Lloyd Collier. Officers and directors of the bank will be named at an early date, it was stated. The law firm of j Powell and Lewis has been reI tained to handle the legal details of the organization.' The new bank, it was stated, will provide complete banking | services, with many advantages I being offered its patrons through jit membership in the Federal Rcj serve System. All deposits up to $5,000 will be insured with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corjporation. Safety boxes will be provided as soon as equipment becomes available, j Application for the bank was filed June 13 at which time two examiners from the comptroller's office in Washington visited Whiteville for the purpose of determining the need for banking facilities of the kind afforded by a National bank and the ability would have to do to get it would be to ask for it. Those men were greatly disillusioned when they discovered that the GI bill does not provide for a gift but for a loan backed by ample security," he said. t He declared that there would' be changes in the bill which would work to the convenience of both the veterans and the banks, but that the banks would be compelled to abide by the rules set up in the legislation governing the bill. "We would advise veterans not to rush into loans," he said, "without giving ample thought to the risks involved. The banks stand ready and anxious to help them work out their problems and, under the provisions of the GI bill, we arc in position to render them great assistance." However, he cautioned against haste in deciding to invest money in a business in which they have little or no experience. Mr. Neal was introduced by J. N. Coburn. Shallotte Man Buried Monday Bascom M. Stanley, Weill Known Shallotte Resi-! dent, Died In Wilmington Hospital Saturday Bascom J!. Staiilcy, 53-year o!d citizen and well known in the [ Shallotte section, died in the < James Walker Memorial hospital , in Wilmington Saturday atternoor. at 6:30. Mr. Stanley is survived by his j widow and one daughter, Mrs. M. E. Stanley, of Shallotte; two : brothers, Ben R. Stanley of Wil- i mington, and Rufus Stanley, of : rialiu v^iiy, na., iuui oioucid, mo. i Ruby Rogers, of Plant City,; I Mrs. Pearl Gore of Dover, Fla.; i Mrs. Xon L. Hewett, of Shai(Continue on page 4) ,0T [ $1.50 PER YEA> PUBLISH Ready T s Bank Will j ederal Reserve J Weekly Session i Recorders Court Only Trivial Cases Came j Up Before Solicitor Ruark And Judge John B. ] Ward In Court Monday jr |I Fourteen cases came up for. a trial in Recorder's Court Mon-1 c day, all of them being of a trivial jj nature. The docket was cleared j, in half a day. The Minutes j show the following cases handled: James Edward Jenkins, assault j with deadly weapon, judgment suspended on payment of costs , and defendant placed on good behavior for period of two years. . DeWitt Talmadge Elliott, no chauffeurs license and improper ir lights, judgment suspended on v payment of costs. Mathew Lancaster, assault with s deadly weapon, continued to Aug- r ust 6th. J Buddy Brown, non support, nol s prossed. c M. O. Nelson, speeding, judg- v ment suspended on payment of a { fine of 510.00 and costs. Adrian Smith, speeding, judgmpnt susnpnrlprl on navmpnt of a fine of $15.00 and costs. f Harry Lee Skipper, transport- 8 ing, judgment suspended on pay- 1 ment of costs. ' James T. Shepard, driving on I metal rim, judgment suspended on 'c payment of costs. c Henry Grant, improper brakes 8 and failing to stop at stop sign, ' capias and continued. H. F. Mann, no operators li- t cense, capias and continued. J Clarence Fields, improper < brakes, judgment suspended on 'v payment of costs. i* James Roscoe Galloway, im- ' proper brakes, judgment suspended on payment of costs, t Jerry Walker, no operators U- 1 cense, continued to August 6th. I1 Fair Hatfield, no operators ft- fJ cense and -reckless operation, not I pros. 1 Ration Book 5 !; Is On The Way r New Ration Book Will Be j! Distributed In December ,, Along With New "A"|<j Gas Book In !> RALEIGH, July 24?War Ra- u tion Book Five, "smaller than q a dollar bill" and containing just 0 half as many stamps as the lust c book issued, will be distributed s through the public schools in c December, Theodore S. Johnson, Raleigh OPA district director an- , nounced today. The new "A" j gasoline ration book will be issued at the same time, he said. * Distribution, Johnson said, will * take place from December 3 b through December 10. The new ^ "A" gasoline books will go into n use December 22, and war ration P book five will be used soon after the first of the year for food rationing and for rationing of shoes. li The new book five will be a n better book, Johnson said. It will : be easier to carry and handle. It I1 will be just as long as book four hut nnli, half aa uiirlo Tho num. t] bcr and arrangement of stamps h is more convenient. The new q stamps will be the same size, but y will not have both a letter and a number as the present stamps do and OPA hopes the new edition will be the last of the scries of wartime ration books. Johnson said. At the current rate of making " stamps good, Johnson explained? five red stamps and five blue stamps at the beginning of each ? month?war ration book five can last, if needed, about fifteen months. Because of the enor- v mous job required to print and distribute ration books for about v 130 million people it was decided (n tUn niJ. ~ .1 V lu in; un uic oaic oiuc <tiiu jjiuvide for this period and avoid the ? v o expense of having to get out still another book later. Since 3 war ration book five will not go into effect before January 1st, It v will be necessary to use other stamps in book four as substitu- v tes for processed food and meat fats during the interim period, v Interim period use of shoe and sugar stamps will not be neces- . sary, Johnson said, since the A stamps provide for these items in books three and four will carry 1 the programs without resort to substitutions. 5 War Ration Book Five will be t Continued on page 2) v Most of The News All The Time ^ ED EVERY WEDNESDAY. o Strike Announces His Airmen Will Join Fleets Of Bombers Attacking Japan Within Eight Days \MERICAN FLEET IN DARING BLOWS Hits Inside Tokyo's Outer Bay To Destroy Convoy; Truman Will Ask For Easy Access To News GUAM?Lt. Gen. James Dooittle, who led the first bombing aid on Tokyo, promised his Sighth Army Air Force would be attacking Japan within eight lays. Newly arrived in Pacific, Joolittle said his airmen who lelped flatten Germany would be aking off from Okinawa by tugust 1, in Superforts to join he Marianas Based B-29s and 'ther air forces softening up Nippon. GUAM?America's mighty paciic fleet thrust boldly inside the nouth of Tokyo's outer bay to vreck four-ship convoy. Admiral hmitz said that carrier planes, weeping over same waters Wedlesday, blew the top off one of apan's last two seaworthy battlehips. In all, carrier pilots sank ir damaged 21 enemy vessels. It liiU vas LliC XtUl WllOCV/Ukivc uaj ut? leet prowled unopposed off 'span. MANILA?American Sixth lnantry Division troops, driving light miles along highway lines vith enemy dead, hate captured he Jap mountain retreat of ianaue in northern Luzon, and ire within two and one-half miles if a junction with Philippine irmy forces pushing down from he northwest. POTSDAM?The broadcast of he U. S. surrender ultimatum to ^ fapan was viewed by many :ompetent observers as a thinly 'eiled warning to the enemy that Soviet participation in Pacific is mminent. CHUNGKINK-Chinese troops ightening presaur- op fho former American air base city of Cweilin, have severed the main (ap commi/iication route between iwangsi and Hunan provinces by coccupying the rail town of Ihiehshou, the High Command innounccd today. Chinese troops lave closed within eight miles if Kweilin from the southwest. WASHINGTON?President Trunan reportedly is seeking a Big hree agreement at Potsdam on . policy that would allow Amerian correspendents to work freey in Europe. It was learned toay that this matter of access to :ews is one of important .points fr. Truman has decided to take p with Marshal, Stalin, and hurchill. The president hopes to btain approval for American orrespondents to go to central and outheastern Europe?areas ocupied by Russian army. PARIS?Henri Petaln went to rial today before a special 'rench tribunal on charges of ploting against the security of 'ranee, both before and after he ecame the Vichy Chief of State, mdrcw Mornet, prosecutor, enounced he will ask the death' 0 enalty for 89-year-old Marshal. PROMOTED TO COLONEL John Duval SteVens, son of tho rtc Charles L. Stevens and ephew of Mrs. C. Ed Taylor ' as been promoted from aeutenant-Colonel to Colonel in ti? Army. He received his miliary training in the Citadel at lharleston and graduated from irest Point in 1934. Ration Pointers * ???' PROCESSED FOODS (Blua ,tamps): T2, U2, V2, W2, X2 . . now valid . . . expire July 31. Y2, Z2, Al, Bl, CI . . . now, alid . . . expire Aug. 31. Dl, El, Fl, Gl, HI . . . now. alid . . . expire Sept. 30. Jl, Kl, LI, Ml, N1 . . . now alid . . . expire Oct. 31. MEATS & FATS (Red tamps): K2, L2, M2, N2, P2 . . now valid . . . expire July 1. Q2, R2, S3, T2, U2 . . . now: , 1 alid . . . expire Aug. 31. V2, W2, X2, Y2, Z2 . . . now alid . . . expire Sept. 30. Al, Bl, CI, Dl, El . . . now alid . . . expire Oct. 31. SUGAR: Sugar stamp No. 38 . . good for 5 lbs. . . expire* .ug. 31. SHOES: Airplane Stamps Nft. , No. 2. No. 3, now good. FUEL OIL: Periods 1, 2, 3, 4. , valid for 10 gallons each. GASOLINE: . A-16 coupon* alid June 22 through Sept 2?

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