I . rnNTSPAY, SEPTEMBE PC)( I \1( \ I I |y0LDFN"S BEACH I . Galloway of Supply 4 number of the InI; "/..,: Girls from the Mt. I;, list church by giving I it Holden's Beach . Thu:>iiy evening, August I' '. sa A iches. chicken, cakes, I. .1 number of other |l; .-s e served. I ynos,. at tending were Misses lv s ' a. Dons' Sing, Hilda Sellers. Margaret I Sellers, Nelva HoldI Royals, Paulierta I |yn Phelps and Mrs. r r DEL^HTFt'L party vc3i old Arthur Clark We can furnish you materials as follows: Inst Roofiu?. Brick, Cement, R Board, Plaster Board, I Hardware, Kyanize Paint Lumber when necessary p cations are furnished. C auirements. dial SMITH BUILDE wilming QUICK OIL BURNW ?6-GAL. fuel T.A ?SEM1-CIRCULAT! ?HEATS 4,160?8,: ?UNDERWRITERS Don't Be Misled City Cut F Southpc f,= j| " " Kilpatrick'i I Company, will I thoughtful serv We will se i| Burial Associat A mhulance I K Day Phone R 5, 1945 -? IIETY. uiday with a party at the home j celebrated his birthday on Sat-j I of his grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Cannon. The home was arranged for' the pleasure of the young guests and games were played during the afternoon. Prizes were presented to several of the children for pinning the tail on the donkey. These were Mary Minta Mintz, Mary Rose Fodale, Rudy Mintz, and Clark Fergus. The dining room table was very attractively decorated with a large paper rose in the center concealing favors for the guests. They pulled vari-colored ribbons to secure their favors. Ice cream and cake were served to the following: j Charles Ray Wells, Linda Mit-j i chell, Ann Hutchins, Mary and' Clark Fergus, Mary Rose Fodale, Mary Louise Herring, Tommy with non-rationed building I llation Board, Rock Wool, I ,ock, Sand, Plaster, Beaver 3 )oors, Windows, Building I ;s, Terra Cotta Pipe. Also f emits, ratings and eertifi- I all or see us for your re- I 2-3339 RS SUPPLY, Inc. TON, N. C. : HEAT <IG HEATERS ! LNK [NO I 340 CUBIT FT. I' LAB. APPROVED By Other Brands late Store >rt, N. C. Announcement ur Friends hi Brut County: i Funeral Service, form continue to render its irt> rvi/ rvice all calls for the ion. Service at All Times ricks Funeral SOUTFIPORT. N. C THE Harrelson, Mary Lib Fox, Rudy, la Jeanne, and Mary Minta Mintz, i Ralph Mollycheck, Charlie Trott, e: Jimmy Harper, Ralph Brown, U Louise Bragaw, Hannah and Rowena Finch, Richard Orenstien, a Ann Newton, and Wayne Ludlum. PERSONALS Miss Miriam Mathews has returned to her home at Ocean Park, Lynnhaven, Va., after several weeks visit with Miss Ann Fulcher at Leland. s Mrs. Rudolph Fulcher and j daughters of Leland spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Kopp at Bolivia. j, Mrs. Leo Orenstein and little son have returned from California where they spent the past six months in order to be near Mr. tl Orenstein, who is serving in the Navy. He has recently gone to sea again. e Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Quattle- g baum and daughters, of Charleston, S. C? spent the week end e here with Mr and Mrs. F Molly- g check. Mrs. C. M. Blach and Mrs. j, George Heyward, of Uoldsboro. spent the Labor Day holidays g with Miss Mary Humphrey at Caswell Beach. 'a Mr, and Mis. G. W. Dance and children, of Supply, spent last y week with relatives at Conway. | Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels, t of Goldsboro, are spending sev- ? eral days at their cottage at Caswell Beach. t Elwood Cheeis, Alton Milliken y and Dikes Hewett, of Shallottc, spent last week in Asheville and e east'orn Tennessee. p Ensign R. W. Powell, Jr., of Goldsboro, is spending part of his 0 ten days leave, from the Navy at the Powell cottage at Caswell Beach. He has been transferred from Miami, Fla? to San Francisco, California. Miss Huldah Powell is enter- 1 taining a number of friends for 1 the Labor Day holidays at the v Powell cottage at Saswell Beach.! The guests are Miss Sallie Lee, v miss ttiizaoein jetireys, miss fc Elizabeth Myatt. Jack Cobb and ' Pete McDowell. Miss Nancy Brunson left Tues-|S day for Montreat where she will ^ be in school for the coming year. Mrs. \V. M. Wells, and son, W. 11 S. Wells, were in Morehead on Tuesday for business. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kid- v doo and daughter. Charlotte Elizabeth, and Miss Charlotte Hall j ariived on Tuesday for a visit 0 with Mrs. Kiddoo's mother, Mrs. C. Ed Taylor. The Kiddoos have a been living in San Francisco v while Lt. Kiddoo was in the Navy, j He has recently received a medical discharge. Miss Hall is from 5 Yadkinville. c News From Dosher Memorial ? Hospital James Hewett of Supply had ' his tonsils removed 011 last Wed-'* nesday. Maiy Katherine Hewett of Sup- v ply had her tonsils removed on' Wednesday. ! 1 Elizabeth Hewett of Supply v had her tonsils removed on Wednesday, the 29th. Mrs. Gennie Williams of Shallotte had her tonsils removed on c s I i r 1 i c ji icimrb I! f JtV/tA, -| t erly the 1/arret I J competent and f ' Coastal Mutual ?A nywhere Service 1 Night Phones 2471 or 2801 -y T ^ STATE PORT PILOT, SOU ist Wednesday. Mrs. Floyd Kirby of Supply ntered as a medical patient on ionday. Mrs. Estelle Smith of Ash was medical patient on Wednesday. Mrs. O. D. Sellers of Bolivia ntered on Wednesday as a medial patient. Mrs Gertrude Collum of Leind entered as a medical pa,ent on Wednesday. Miss Mary Lee Nor merit was medical patient on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Vasnurn of, apply announce the birth of a j aughter on Thursday. Mary Flouise l.udiuni of Suply had her tonsils removed on 'riday. # T. R. Padrick was a medical atient on Friday. Leroy Hickman of Bolivia enered on Saturday us a medical atient. Miss Mazel Caison of Supply ntered as a medical patient on aturday. J Herbert Holden of Supply ntered as a medical patient on aturday Mrs. R. B. Lewis entered on 'riday as a medical patient Mrs. F. LI. Aslrburn entered on. lunday as a medical patient. Dona R White of Leland was medical patient on Sunday. Mrs. John McRoy entered on londay as a surgical patient. Hubert Galloway of Supply enered on Monday as a medical atient. Harry Galloway of Supply en-1 ered as a medical patient on londay. Mrs. Lula Atkinson of Supply ntered on Monday as a medical atient. Wilson Benton of Ash entered n Monday as a medical patient. Winnabovv News Mis. S. O. Craven and daugher, Nell, left Wednesday for funk's Corner to visit Mr. Craen, who is at work there. Miss Virginia Lewis spent last reek in Lake Forest. Wilmingon, with her sister, Mrs. Boy.l 'ott. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Moore and on of Wilmington and Miss Beatice Moore of Trio, S. C? visited fr. and Mrs. J. L. Henry Friday norning enroute to Trio. Mrs. W. M. Cyphers and two hildren left Monday afternoon or Roanoke, Va., to spend a chile with her husband's mother. Adrain Willetts and family and diss Virginia Lewis spent part f the week at Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Walker ind two children of Kentucky are 'isiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zibein. Misses Evelyn and Roberta !hull of Osner, Ohio, spent part if the week with Mr. and Mrs. t. P. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Bobbins ind two children of Laurel, Miss., diss Grace of New Bern, and drs. R. B. Campbell and little on of Newport News are visit-! ng Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Rob>ins. Bobbie, a son, returned from -aurel, Miss., with his brother vhere he visited. Mr. and Mrs. David MeLeon ind two children, Emma Lou and Cdward, spent Monday afternoon vith the Henrys. Long Beach News Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis ipent last week-end at Harker's sland. Eloise, their daughter, ac:ompanied them there. Mrs. Dee Daniels and baby ipent the week end with relatives n Morehead, City. Mrs. Everet Keel and daughter, dary Ann, of New York are visltng Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Woodside. BOLIVIA MAN TO BE DISCHARGED (Continued From Pace One) n the Pacific theatre until July i, 1944, when he returned to the Jnited States and was transferred o the Army Air Forces. He wears wo battle participation stars on lis campaign ribbon. Private McDowell is the son of dr. and 'Mrs. Charles B. McDowell, of Bolivia. At one ime this couple had five sons ind a son-in-law all serving in he army and navy. Some of his irothers have already received heir honorable discharges, as has he brother-in-law. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends 'or the many kind expressions of sympathy during the illness and leath of Paul Messick. wife and family WANT ADS LOST?Female Red Bone hound dog. Scar on left hind leg. $10.00 reward for return of animal or information leading to its recovery. C. W. Osborne, Winnabow, N. C. IVELLS-Bored, anywhere in Brunswick county. I guarantee every job. Now is the time for you to have work done that will insure you ample ' pure water for your family and stock during dry years. See or write H. M. LONG, Supplv, N. C. FOR SALE?Nice five-gaited saddle horse, seven years old, weighs about 900 pounds. Priced to sell. L. L. Edwards, Bolivia, n. c. / jlnning. 14 acres more or less. Fr The foregoing land will be sold Fu subject to taxes due Brunswick tia Jounty. | Dated and Posted this the 29th. H* lay of August. 1945. ; Ht G. F. KIRBY, Assignee | 5. B. Frink. Attorney. | He Sept. 5. 12. 19. 26. He NOTICE Ja State Of Xorth Carolina jei in the Superior Court. joi bounty Of Brungpick j0l bailie B Jones F j0j VS Jo wlyfton X. Jones. Jr. j0i The above named defendant. Clyf- j0] on X. Jones. Jr.. will take notice j?e :'nat an action entitled as above has j<a jeen commenced in the Superior fourt of Brunswick County, Xorth' Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure r_(4 in absolute divorce from the de- ^ 'endant upon the ground lhat plain:iff and defendant have lived separate ind apart for more than two years iiext preceding the bringing or this iction; and that the defendant will w. further take notice that he is rejuired to appear at the office of the i.? 'lerk of the Superior Court of BrunsA'ick County, in the Courthouse in >outhport. Xorth Carolina. within c.J; hirty days after the 19th of Sept- -J? jmber, 1945, and answer or demur Q.r ,o the complaint in said action, or he plaintiff will apply to the Court 'or the relief demanded in said com-, f^a jlaint. 11 ? This 27th day of August. 1945. I p?. B. J. HOLDEX ' {, ' Clerk Superior Court. i?u Dwight McEwen, Attorney for Plain- j^e \ug. 29. Sept. 5, 12, 19. {*{; XOTICE OF SIMMONS BY PUBLICATION , Vorth Carolina Brunswick County fn The Superior Court J'o f.nettle \V Stewart. I Bo vs. I Sei R. L. Stewart, Jr. I Sh The defendant. R. L. Stewart. Jr . Sir Rill take notice that an action en- Sir :itled as above has been commenced Snr ii the Superior Court of Brunswick sir bounty, North Carolina, to obtain an So absolute divorce on the grounds of Sn wo year separation, and the said Lj: lefendant will further take notice ? ;' iiint he is reaulred to appear at the ^J: }ffice of the Clerk of said County in L?, he courthouse in Sdllthport, N. C.? L:J .vithln twenty days after the 0 day h September. 1915. and answer or lemur to the complaint in said action, ' * ?r the plaintiff will apply to the JJJ* Court for the relief demanded in said omplalnt. '{J This (I day of August. 1945. ,}' B. J. HOI.DEN 'h Asst. Clerk of Superior Court J. B. Ifewett, Atty. **.j NOTICE OF SAI.~E I JXS OF AI'TOMOBII.K i Notice is hereby given that I will it-11 at public auction on my premses on the 28th day of August. fuesday 1945, the following described personal property, to wit: One 1934 J'e C.-8 Ford Coacli. Motor No. 874429, J;e License No. 20.1-778. same being locat- Be *d on the premises of the under- Be signed, where it can be inspected by Be interested parties. Said automobile Be Paving been confiscated and ordered Bh sc?ld by the court in case where Alex 1;? Porter was convicted for manufac- Br :uring and transporting materials Br used in connection with the opera- Br lion of whiskey still. Sale will be Br held on the premises of the under- Br signed in North West township. I Oil This July 30th, 1945. Ch O. W. PERRY Ch Rural Police Officer. Ch Ch 1 |? , \ K i ,N.Y. ~ ~~ " ' L U( tling Co.. of Wilmington, N. C HHBMHBHHBBHi <: Gc 5 FOR ? ill RINE ENGINES 1 :OOLED ENGINES Parts and Service il Pitch Propellers Shafting rOMOTIVE SUPPLIES tor Rebuilding Service SUPPLY CO. 1 t Beaufort Bridge k. t, N. C. g M - - - M M BmnMMHBHMHBI *SI OFFICIAL ION STATION I :s ANY WEEK DAY HURSDAY LANTON I M , N. C. g iTKOR TAXES ~ p tia <lay levied on the following deserib- L orate limits of the City of Southport, I thport for cash at City Hall door in i g ember 1ft, 1945 aw. Cost and penalties to be added. ? I. WEEKS, City Tax Collector, Southport, N. C. J? Of Property Total Tax gj ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! 9J;o i; - ? 42.60 I 39.06 g zzzzz zz z.'.z zzzz 1172 ? Sills. ? 40 ? lllliC 1140 g] Z ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZZZZZZZ b'oo i - ^.60 I isweii, 1 iot Burlington 18.40 | zzzz.zz.zz.zz.zzz: 3:041 35.52 | !izi.zzzz...zz..zz...zzzi vio j 2.00 V - 1.60 } 2.00 ? friZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...ZZ. 144 J Atlantic, 1 lot Dry 199.20 > ZZZZ^ZZZZZZZZ ZZ 3 04 v ITHPORT, N. C. FOR SALE: One mule, weighing a thousand pounds. C. W. i Leonard, Route 1, Box 31, Ash,', N. C, ' |j ~ON_VOUR WAY to Shallotte ' Point stop at Bob's Place. Open , all night. Plenty gas, no stamp!] lequired. fancy groceries. cold , drinks, and a welcome H. D. i( Williams, Shallotte. FOR SALE: At reasonable prices j for breeding purposes?30 head , of nice Hereford heifers. Most J of them have been bred and ] acclimated. Reason for selling: ] want to change to steers. Can i be seen any evening at 7 o'clock j at Oaks Plantation. J. J. Ram- , saur, Winnabow, N. C. FOR SALE: One Superfex oil \ burner refrigerator in good con- j dition. Can be seen at my i house any time. Harvey F. 1 Hewett, R 1. Box 47, Supply, 1 N. C. Vll.Ml MSTROTOK'S NOTICE State Ot North Carolina i ountv Of Brunswick Having qualified as Administrator ot ihe estate of Lithe Drew Furpless j deceased, lato of Brunswick Counly, North Carolina, this is to notify all ; persons having claims against the e tale of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport, North Carolina, on or before the i till day of September. 1940. or this notice v ill he pleaded in bar of their , recovery All [persons indebted to the , estate will please make immediate j payment. , "tins till day of September. 194F1. IT,ICE FCRPLESS. Ad- ; ministrator of Lillle Drew , Furpless, Deceased. Sept. II?4 times. XOTH ? 01 8Ali l> DEB l! AIOKTGALK DEED ( Under and by virtue of authority , contained in a certain Mortgage Deed , executed by la. J. Bryant and wife, < Victoria Bryant. to J. W. Lancaster,', on the 14th. day of May. 1917, re-1 corded in Rook 51!. at page 450. Regis-! try of Brunswick County, North Car-1 olina, and same having been duly , assigned to (!. F. Kirby. default having been made in the payment ??i the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned ti. F. Kirby. Assignee.' will offer for sale, at public auction. . for cash, in front of the Brunswick j County Courthouse Door on Monday. ' October 1st. 1945. at twelve o'clock | noon, all that certain lot or parcel 1 of land located in Locks wood Folly | Township, Brunswick County, North ( Carolina, and described and defined j as billows: j Beginning at a stake in J. \V. Lan- | rasivr's line thence with Laneasters ? line to C. D. Bryants eorner on the I vwtki -siit.* of ihe Sermons road in i a bunch of live oaks; thence South i Kast to a light wood stump in a bay; i I hence about East to C. It. Bryants I corner, in the one air re tract of 'land; thence with said line to his corner. in I*. M. Bryants line: thence about' north west with said line to the be-' Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City fVauchlse Bottler:?Pepsi-Cola Bo; ? SEE UI CHRYSLER MA WISCONSIN AIR C Gasoline & Diesel Michigan Machine! Bronze ! MARINE, MILL & AU1 Machine Shop and Mo MACHINE & On Causeway Foo Beaufor THIS IS AN TIRE INSPECT 1 WILL INSPECT TIRE I EXCEPT T1 I ODELL B SUPPLY SAI.K OF LAN Notice is hereby given that. I have tl cd real estate situated within the corp> N. C., to satisfy taxes due .City of Sou said City at It A. B?, Sept iitilaco e nnniu- VArlommPi] si OiU iTfll 111? to I "" K. I Name Description Aldridge, .T. S., 1 lot Brown St. Aldridge, .Mrs. L. B.. 2 Caswell Aldridge, Walter L., 1 Caswell Arnold, James C? 1 lot Bay Arnold, J. J., 1 lot Southport Hghts. .... Arrington, E. II., 1 lot .Moore Atkinson, Mrs. Mae. 1 lot Southport H{ Autry, Mrs. Rebecca, 1 lot West & Atli Bank of Hanover. 2 lots No. 11 & 12 ... Bank of Southport, 1 lot Clarendon ? Bell, H. F.f 1 lot Atlantic Ave .. Boyett. Aletta & Ruth, 1 lot Lord Brown, Charlie. 1 lot Lord ! Brown, Dr. F. L., 1 lot Atlantic Caison. John G. & Wife, 1 lot Nash ... Carr, T. B. Est., 1 lot Burlington & C; Central & Commercial. 1 lot St. George Crawford, J. N. V.. 1 lot City ...? Dallas, Adria A.. 1 lot Bay Dixon* Lucy, 1 lot Southport Hghts Dosher, Miss Bessie, 3 lots Howe Dosher, Geo. Est., 1 lot West & Caswe! Dossier. Miss Margaret, 2 lots Caswell Drew. H. L? 1 lot Leonard Drumb, Albert A . 1 lot Cottage TCaman, T. M., 1 lot Howe Eskeldon, Percy, 1 lot .Southport Hghts Farledo. Mrs. Josie, 1 lot Southport Hi Flanner; 'Aridrew J . 4 lots Bay, 1 lot -Floyd* George.. 1 lot Dry Forester, Elmira, 1 lot Atlunlic H PAGE 5 - - ? , ' ii ' ench, Mrs. W. A., 1 lot St. George 1 ..... - 5.04 IIwood. W. T. Sr.. 1 lot Dry ?... ? 4.18 Jloway. Dr. W. C. Eat.. 1 lot Water-Front .. - ? }5 J0 iwett. Christine A Barbara Allen, 1 lot Brown ? ? ? 12.00 & \ ;wett. C. X.. 1 lot West .. ? ? 7.20 wett. John. 1 lot Howe ? ~? ? 7-20 iwett. W. Lee. 1 lot Xash .. - ?? 3* ?l^en. B. J.. 1 lot Caswell ? ? lift (LI ilden, L. S. A G. L.. h* int. lot Southport ? - -.if ,(l. 1. itton, S. M.t 1 City lot - ? ? 1*0 [ jj mes. W. G . 1 lot Moore - - ?.14.00 | | inerett. Mrs. John, 1 lot Atlantic - ? 200 ,1 !; :e!yn & Co.. 1 lot West .. l-OO hnson. Mrs. Lizzie, 1 lot Burlington - ? 8 00 ij l hnson, W. A & Wife, 1 lot Brown - 15.00 t nes, Geneva & Sons, 1 lot Southport Hghts -96 jjPJ | nes. Jo'nme, 1 lot Back Alley - ?... 3 04 nes. J. Percy. A H Borland, Wilton J Knight, 4 lots S. A W. ....' 4 SO rr. Charles J., 1 iot Atlantic ? 1 ?2 rsen, Peter. 1 lot Brown .. - ? ? ISAf wis. Frank Est.. 1 lot West - 3.60 wis. W. E, 1 lot Southport Hghts 104 .. ! wis. Warren F., 1 lot Dry - 19 20 If -Keilhan, .Mrs. A. T, 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Southport Hghts. 7.28 Millan. Finley, X. C. Fishers, 1 lot Howe 57 44 If rXair, S. P.. 1 lot Southport Hghts ? 3.04 . Racken. Robert. 1 lot Howe & Moore 40.00 irsh, L. A.. 1 lot Southport Hghts - ?. .30 ty. Mrs. Esther, 1 lot Howe ? 900 , 'ircer, A. B.. 1 lot Southport Hghts .80 |.i ller. Mrs. Gladys D.. 1 lot West ? 30.00 tore. W. B.. 1 lot Clarendon ...... -... ? 0.00 | ,r wton, Clyde, 1 lot Moore - ? 89.33 wton, Mrs. C. J., 1 lot Caswell - 21.00 wton, E. C., 1 lot Leonard - .80 |(v j cholson, G. W., 1 lot Spt. Hghts - 80 , ver, J. S.. 1 lot Brown & Caswell s - 15.10 i ?r rker. Mrs. Annie D.. 1 lot Lord .. - 23.30 rry, Nelson, 1 lot Spt. Hghts 3.04 illlps. B. R.. 1 lot City til iff ! ?ott. Glenn. 1 lot Howe - - ? 22.60 ice, J. E. E^t., 1 lot Lord 19.60 lly, W. D. 1 lot Atlantic 400 ese, Sam, 1 lot Dry 17.45 ynolds. Vance, 1 lot Lord A West ...18.00 ; ? odes, I. B. Est.. 1 lot Spt. Hghts 1.52 't ce, A. M., 1 lot St. George A Atlantic - 3.20 bbins, A. J.. 1 lot West. 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Xash. A Howe, 1 lot West ^ Dry. 1 lot Howe A Leonard, 1% lot Howe. 1 lot Lord, Owens A 4owe. 1 lot West A Howe, 1 lot Howe 176.00 binson, Harry, 1 lot Howe 60.28 * i urk. J. W, 1 lot Xash & Atlantic - 60.02 j ' llers. Mrs. F. E., 1 lot Burlington Ave ~ 7.52 errell, Homer W., 1 lot Atlantic .. 11.20 tith, Mr.v A. W.. 1 lot Clarendon. 1 lot Brown ? 14.93 lith, Isaac B. Est., 1 lot Moore - 40.00 lith, Johnie E., 1 lot Atlantic - _ ~ ?? 1.62 lith. W. L, 1 lot West ... .. .... .. .. ... 4.80 utherland, C. O.. 1 lot Water-FYont ~ ? 19.20 : ecialty Shop. 1 lot Moore 28.80 encer. Hugh. 1 lot Atlantic - #?|4 ;| j ; encer. M. C., 1 lot Brown ..... 25.76 encer, Ray. 1 lot Nash 73.40 k inley, Mrs. Margaret G., 1 lot Lord A Nash 24.00 ran, C. X.. l lot West ~ .. 30.00 'uj asey. Geo. <>. l lot Atlantic. 20 Swasey Add .. zo.80 George, C. B? 1 lot Spt. Hghts -80 1 George, C. B. A D. F.. 1 lot Xash A Dry 6.10 \ George. it. 14.. 1 lot Howe A West - ? 12.80 ompson. Mrs. J. W.. Sr., 1 lot Bay 68.00 ompson, J. W. Est.. 1 lot Swamp Garden. I lot Spt. Hghts 2.40 ompson. M. G. Est., 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Dry 23.38 ? stol. L. F.. 1 lot Howe 80 f: . [ atson, D. I. A Mrs. D. C\. Danford. 1 lot West ? 32.60 atson. Mrs. Ida M.. 5 lots Owens. 126 S. A W 55.44 alts, T. II.. 1 lot Brunswick 10.92 ills, Joe, 1 lot Spt. lights .. .**0 , i.M:ott, Irene Est., 1 lot West ?. ...?M f i lliamson. Charlie, 1 lot Howe - 9.80 >1 r'e, James, l lot West 14.'<6 h C'OLOKEI) 11. Flor.sie. 1 lot Caswell $ 5.52 llamy, H. v.. 1 lot Clarendon 10.36 . llamy, Jasper. 2 lots Clarendon 19.08 rry, Bertram. 1 lot Lord A Owens 23.44 J ' rry. Henry Fiat.. 1 lot St. George - 3.62 rry. Sam F'st.. 1 lot Swamp Garden, 1 lot Grid Iron 8.00 ilvell, Maggie. 1 lot Cottage .10 wen. James R. F'st., 1 lot West 2.00 i own, Olivia, 1 lot Clarendon ' 5.04 nun. W. ii.. l lot St. George, 1 lot Lord * 22.80 9Aft M I yant, Heneritta. 1 lot Howe - ? --yt . yant. Hanson. 1 lot Rhett - - 2.00 f yant. Wm, Henry. 1 lot Brown 7.60 iridy. Geo.. Sr.. 1 lot Owens & Caswell ? 6.48 irk. Gertrude. 1 lot Brown ~ 3.04 Yd', amnions. Allen, Jr.. 1 lot Cottage 2-00 * ?mmons, Israel, Jr.. 1 lot West ? - ...? 7.40 ? " tmmons, Annie. 1 lot Lord, 1 lot Brown ~ 10.00 MJL. minions, James. 3 lots Lord ? ?? 20.28 jmmons, John, 1 lot Brown - 9.00 ? j': tton, Sarah. 1 lot Lord & Brown 8.96 ivis, Alice, 1 lot Clarendon 2.80 \ I I vis, Anthony Est., 1 lot Rhett & West 18.00 M ivls. Henry O.. Est., 1 lot Clarendon ? ..... 2.32 ivis, Roscoe & Bertha. 1 lot Leonard 13.64 ivis. Thomas, 1 lot Rhett 7.44 J|Jc *ivls, W. I J.. 1 lot West 0.04 LI igles. Esther, I lot Caswell - ........ 4.80 r 3 ans, India, 1 lot Rhett 6.20 'mis, Hatty, 1 lot Smith & Weeks ... ............ ........ 7.20 aser, Roosevelt, 1 Near Calvin Brown 7.40 .J ink. Calvin, 1 lot Rhett & Brown ? .... 9.04 ink, Catharine, 1 lot Owens - 1.60 f 1$ ink, Charles, 1 lot Caswell - ~ -?? 13.00 tfJwt ink, George, 1 lot Rhett - 8.00 JBB ink, John S.. 1 lot Clarendon ? ? ~~ 6.60 IT ink, Lizzie Est., 1 lot Caswell 7.04 Tf ink, Oliver, 2 lots Clarendon t 1447 illoway, Alex & Willie. 1 lot St. Geo.. 1 lot Lord & St. George 14.80 fit Llloway, Ben Est., 2 lots Brown ?16.60 1 |" illoway, Geo. A., 1 lot Caswell & Leonard 2.48 I ;i illoway, J. J., 1 lot Howe ?- 2.00 illoway, John W. Est., 1 lot Howe 8.00 illoway. Joseph, 3 lots Clarendon ?. 2.40 i illoway, Louvenia, 1 lot Caswell 1-60 illoway. Lucy. 1 lot Howe 2.00 illoway, Marlnda, I lot Cottage 1.68 J|:3S illoway. Oscar. 1 lot Caswell, 1 lot Owens, 1 lot Brown 12.00 bbs, Hannah Est., 1 lot Nash & West ( - 4.80 ' irdon, E. P., Est.. 1 lot Lord I.O4 irdon, Frank H. Est., 1 lot Boundary & Caswell 7.04 irrtoii, Maggie Est.. 1 lot Clarendon - - 2.00 ? ? irdon, Mary. 1 lot Lord 2.7? . 1 irdon, Peter, 5 lots Metts - 1.80 J-i? ire, Alice. 1 Next to Perry Price ... 80 ire, John M., 1 lot Caswell - o.ftl ire, Lillie, 1 lot Lord 7.9? Jtlj ire, .Martha Est., 1 lot St. George - - 2;00 een, Amelia Est., 1 lot Caswell - 4.00 een, Fred, 1 lot West 4.00 een. Joe, 2 lots Howe & Brown Caswell 14.04 1 iffin. Whitfield Est., 1 lot Lord & Leonard ? 6.00 lines. Daniel C., 1 lot Burlington 6.00 { inkins, Abe, J lot Hankinsville - ~... 7.62 d f inkins, Alice, 1 lot Cottage ~ ~~ ?- .48 inking, Ben Est., 1 lot Clarendon, 1 lot Cottage 17.28 < inkins, Franeenia, 1 lot Clarendon ? 4.80 pLJ inkins, James H., 1 lot St. George - ?? 7.86 inkins, John Thomas Est., 1 lot Cottage branch ? ........ 4.48 inkins, Lester Est., 1 lot Rhett & West ~ ?~~ 6.00 inkins, Mary Est.. 1 lot Cottage - ? l.Oi jf I , inkins. Sarah A., 2 lots St. George : ? ? ?? 2.04 &J:inkins, Wm. H.. Sr., 3 lots Cottage ? ? ?? 6.12 ewelt, Devone, 1 lot Lord - - ?~ .W Jilpv jwett, Irvin & Lucenthia, 2 lots Hankinsville .. 4.80 ?wett, Lula V., 1 lot, 1 lot Burlington ~ .. .. ? 16.48 swett, Olympus., Est 1 lot Burlington - 6.24 11. Geneva.. 1 lot Cashwell - - . 6.00 olmcs, Dora., 1 lot Cottage - 2.00 jj Dwe, Sarah A., 1 lot St. George 7.04 ckson, Isaac., 1 lot Caswell -. 7.60 ckson. John P., 1 lot Clarendon - ? 6.96 y hnson, Carrie.. 1 lot West - - . 1.04 yner, Henry., 1 lot City 7.20 .L, ?arney. Bessie., 1 lot Grid-Iron ? 6.60 f ;e, Charles W., 1 lot Caswell - - ........ 5.62 1 ,f ?wis, James., 1 lot Cottage - .... 1.04 l*i cCoy, E. E., 2 lots Howe ~. 88.26 cCoy, J. S.. 1 lot Howe .-...16.96 y , ' cCoy, Martha., Est 1 lot West 2.00 ji": cDonald, Elizabeth.. Est 1 lot Rhett ...? - ? ?? 8.20 cDonald, John H. Sr., 1 lot West - ?? 15.06 5 H cMillan, Wade.. 2 lots Hankinsville ..... - - ? 6J6 cNell, Alfonzo., 1 lot McNeil Est - - 4.20 cNell. Tom., 1 lot Cottage - 4.88 ills, Richard Sr., 1 lot St. George - - - 8.68 . rf'.i imms, Maryland., 1 lot Caswell - -? 16.44 i! J1 itchell. Geo.. 1 lot Abe Galloway ? - .64 Itchell. G. XV., l lot Southport ? ? ...-. .10 itchell, Henry., 1 lot Howe - -?...? 9.04 itchell. Josie.. 1 lot St. George - - ?... .? 1,62 oore, Fred., 1 lot St. George ? ?? 6.48 oore, Fred D., 1 lot Lord .? ? - - ?. .............. 10.00 oore, Ilattie & Daisy Williams.. 1 lot S. & W .j .......... 6.40 oore, James., 1 lot Brown & Nash ? ? ? 20.64 1 [ core, Robert W.. 1 lot Burlington - ? .......... 4.20 oore. Willie Sr., 1 lot Lord. 1 lot Burlington ? 7.60 orris, Claude., 1 lot Rhett - 2.00 orris, Henry., Est. 1 lot Rhett - ? ? 4.00 'P.U unford. Herbert A., 1 lot Caswell ^10.00 Waiter 1 int IjQrd & Leonard 4.48 l|:l i arker'' Albert"A ." l" Tot Caswell A Leonard ?....?.. - - ? |uu , ) arker, George.. 1 lot Clarendon, 1 lot Caswell ??....? ? J.04 arker. Louvenia.. Est. 1 lot St. George - *$ ? ' arker. Wm.. Est. 1 lot Lord J-Jr? ! restridge. Aleathia.. 1 lot Nash ? - JH II rice. Anthony.. 1 lot Burlington rlce.Sam.. 1 lot City _ ? - J" eaves, Joe., 1 lot Howe - ? ? ? ? ?? ,51? eaves, Lizzie C.. 1 lot Caswell ..._ ? " J" eaves, Berry., Est. 1 lot St. George - ?jg ichardson, Susie.. 1 lot St. George^ ?... ? J-?* eaves. Saul., Est. 1 lot Howe A St. George ?-? ? 4.00 osoboro. Alberta.. 1 lot St. George ? 8.00 mith, Alex.. 1 lot Clarendon & Owens ? ? J-*? mith, Almira.. 1 lot Cottage ? ? mith. Florence M.. 1 lot Cottage ? ! mith. John Wesley.. 1 lot Caswell .?..? "00 mith. John Wesley Sr.. Est. 1 lot Lord & St. George 6.00 mith. Lorenzo.. 1 lot Clarendon A Lord ? ?.... 120 mith. Robert., 1 lot Burlington, 1 lot St. Geo. and Clarendon 12.40 ,, mith. Homey.. 1 lot Caswell ? ?. ? ?? 6-22 mith. Rosie., 1 lot Rhett .......... - ? 6.04 5 tratman, Joe.. 1 lot Rhett 4 Dry ?? 20.80 tratman, Willie.. 1 lot Nash ? ? _?...? 2.64 uggs. Annie Liza., 2 lots Rhett .......... . 8.48 wain, Ben., 1 lot Lord ? - - ?? ? 8.04 *j wain, Clyde.. 2 lots Owens ? 14.40 wain, Delia., Est. 1 lot Cottage ?..... 8.00 I wain. Ed.. 1 lot St. George, 1 lot Lord 10.88 wain. Ernest.. 1 lot St. George ? 16.24 watn. Mary.. 1 lot Clarendon ? 6.60 wain. Rose., 1 lot Caswell ? 4.00 . wain! Susan.. Est. 1 lot Clarendon ? , 81.88 > , wain. Wellington., 1 lot Clarendon ? ?? 18.60 ereen. Alva.. 1 lot Cottage ? ___ 8.88 1 'ereen, Nelson., Est. 1 lot Cottage ......... ........ .?... J .04 Harnett. Bertha.. Est 1 lot Howe , 8.86 .'arnett, Bradley., 1 lot Lord ? ? _ 8.44 i'arnett. Eddie.. 1 lot Burlington 2.00 I'arnett. John.. Est. 2 lots Clarendon ? 7.62 Carnett, LeRoy., 1 lot Geo. Swasey, 1 lot Clarendon 6.22 ' i'arnett, PhiUis.. 1 lot Caswell ? 2,00 ) farnett. William., 1 lot Brown, 1 lot Brown A West 28.88 I'ortham. Geo.. 1 lot St. George ... JJ2 I'orthjm. Sylvester.. 1 lot Lord ......... ... ; ? 7.40 i 1 ,

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