jfjc pilot Covers Mttfuaswick County WfsO. SIXTEEN NO. Kperior Crim I Term Ende< * Stevens And SoliciE. Moore Did Fine Work K Last Weeks Term Of fcninal Court IjLE TO FIVE YEARS pAVIEST SENTENCES; I, A Few Cases Were Etinued At Last Weeks K|| Term Of Superior Court L Stevens, of E and Solicitor Clifton E of Burgaw, wound up the rank, name, serial number, orancu of service and organization, A P. O. number and post office which will handle the mail. II the public follows instructions given by the Army, it's a prettj sure bet that the Christmas boxes will go through on time send reach the service men for whom It is designated. ?ryr term or oupenui umiFriday at noon. The .,-is i busy one. despite the there were no major p: cases : the court records were last Wednesdays . me -Minute Book shows iv-rj matters handled af: ,vpaper was publish,3:.. k> and Pat O'Quinn, r.cl pros with leave. ; War rape, r.ol pros with \ DeVane. drunk and disr: v.r for judgment con- j itwo years upon pay, ists and defendant to I ;.-od behavior. - r. 1 Bryan Hudson, drunk : r. resisting arrest, eight Is in jail, judgment sust of a fine of $50.00 and li-ri ef< rant not to violate j v . drink intoxicating 1 Pof.> r. assault with a h weapon nol pros with eBr: ks and Pat O'Quinn, ; : peace, nine months - . rent suspended on H.-t of i fine of $25.00 and i: It defendant and dees placed under probation fv: years. ts Brow:, larceny, three to yea: s ;. igment suspended akrr.g restitution, payests ar. i placed under pror f"r five years. tn: Young, murder, de-! let to serve not less than cr e than three yeais in i prison ry Gore speeding, defendant I costs. try Gore, non-suppoit, six fcs or roads, defendant to k00 each and every week fe support of his children and IM pai: Phrllis Gore by Clerk Etc : err cash bond Gore put trie awaiting trial. P. Lor; Earl Rhodes and *CV larceny. E. R. Long to.-, six months on the roads; IP" s. judgment suspended 1 -r. r'.ion that he be of good i" : two years; Long's per*, also suspended on his E' ~- ;h:1 for 15 days, pay> fir.? of $50.00 and costs. I Car dsic received twelve rr. State Prison, but was * ition for five years b '"c usual tor ms of proba bum . this time she is not ' riding around th any man except M.?ban<l. she was also re-: W to p i y costs. 'rHM : n, assault with inItw.'.tnueii on page two> hiefNews j Flashes ?- i ? ^VNCED TO COXSWAIN i Moore, of Route l.J tabo.v. h < been advanced to! " CSNR, aboard the deescort USS Halloram' 14 >s in the Pacific. He has B part in actions at Palau,' jhilippir.es. Iwo Jima and; - , . visiting FAMILY * B J. Mitchell, now at the ":r Officrs Training School; te'itico. Virginia, spent the ' tr.d he i. with Mrs. Mitchell ; then ):ttle daughter, who "K " ilh Mrs. Mitchell's I Mis Wm. Wells. . moving family L " 1 Herring, who has V''-'1'-' Washington forj P' spending a few days; his Wife and little ?--r a'- the home of Mrs. j o mother. Mrs. 1. B. BusMrs. Herring and little win accompany him ;-'j Washington and make c i?me there. . from overseas u Shannon, who has i .t " ^ f,,r over six months,] ami is spending a I - 'th his wife and mother, Mrs. h. m. i. w CP' Shannon Is one of K J'hers and sisters in serI . ' j TH 25 inal Court d Friday Noon Ensign Rogers On Famed Ship f _ * ? ^ \ X x "?: pwf iv ) >'< t * ,r' JQB&^ ' AOUAnu inr, uos jviisouun. IN TOKYO BAY?Ens. G. O Rogers, Jr., USNR, 301 Washing ton St., Whiteville, N. C., is play ing a role in a momentous even! of American history. Serving or this mighty battleship, he was present when the Japanese envoys came aboard to sight th< final surrender document. General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander; Fleet Admiral Chestei W. Nirnitz, Commander-in-Chiel of the Pacific Fleet, who signec the document for the United States; and other famous Americar military and naval chiefs wer< present. The 45,000-ton MISSOURI named for the home state ol President Truman, is one of the most powerful warships evei built. It is now the flagship ol Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander of the Third Fleet. Ensign "Rogers is the son ol G. O. Rogers, principal of the Southport High School. Regulations For Overseas Mail Is Like Last Year's Many Parcels To Be Sent Overseas Again ^ T h is Year; Early Mailing Is Assured ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 10?It's time to be thinking of mailing Christmas packages overseas. Army postal officers at Headquarters Fourth Service Command reminded the public that even though hostilities have ceased on all fronts, there are still many thousands of Americar troops who will spend theii Christmas in foreign lands anc these troops will be looking forward to packages from home. The regulations governing the mailing of overseas Christmas gifts to Army personnel remain the same as last year .... they must be posted between September 15 and October 15 .... one package a week may be sent (without a request) by any one person to the same serviceman ... the usual restrictions ai to size and weight of Christmas parcels applies?not more than fifteen inches long or more thar 36 inches in length and girth combined and maximum weight five pounds. Most stores have a stock of boxes approved by the War Department for overseas gift shipments. The Army asks that gifts be selected which a soldier is unlikely to find in the particulai area in which he is situated and xl L i ntnvioQ TV t C 1T1 to rememDer uiat mi?uiva??, ... flammable materials (such as matches and lighter fluids) and perishable matter are unacceptable for mailing. Families and friends of mer stationed in the China-Burma Theater, India Theater, the Middle East, or on the Pacific Islands are urged to avail themselves ol the early mailing dale to insure receipt of Christmas presents b> Christmas Day. It is suggested that parcels routed to these distant bases be mailed as nearlj as possible to September 15 and no later than October 1. Above all, don't forget the importance of the correct address: ? u est; A IGood Sout Encouraging L Beef Producrs ~ AAA Making An Effort To Aid Beef Raisers By Giving Subsidy Payments j Under Certain Conditions In an effort to encourage Brunswick County beef raisers to take advantage of the beef subsidy payments, C. O. Bennett, Chairman of the Brunswick County AAA Committee .urges producers to endeavor to get the price that will meet the minimum stabilization price that will make ! them eligible to leceive these payment. C. O. Bennett said that, "it1 appears that there are some feed-| ; ers in the county who do not i know that they are eligible for | these payments." Explaining the j requirements for eligibility, C. O. Bennett defined a "feeder" 8SJ any person who has purchased or raised a beef animal and sold such animal during the period May 19, 1945, and ending June ^ 30, 1946, to a legally authorized , slaughterer for slaughter or to another person who has delivered such animal to a legally authoriz- 8 ed slaughterer for slaughter with- k in 29 days after such sale but not later than June 30, 1946. The ^ payment rate is 50 cents per / " nundredweight for sales of good . j and choice cattle weighing 800 t pounds or more. 1 \ The AAA Chairman pointed out 5 the importance of producers keep- ~ - ing supporting evidence such as > invoices, sale tickets, account < - sales showing the date of sale,1 name of buyer, point of sale, num. ber of head, total live weight, i r price received and the name and; C address of the slaughterer to I whom the animals were sold for .! slaughter. "Such evidence," he ij added, "will be required by the II Brunswick County AAA Commit-1 ! tee before payments can be auth-! , I orized." EI The Beef Cattle Production j : i Payment Program was designed j : I to encourage greater beef pro[1 duction by giving the feeder high j er returns from feeding more | cattle and feeding them to heavier ? weights and to promote better I i distribution by directing more! cattle to authorized slaughterers ! who sell through regular trade 1 | channels. Mr. Bennett urges feeders to | I keep in close contact with the j j Brunswick County AAA office for' ( any assistance that will enable j them to receive the subsidy pay-! j | ments on their beef cattle. Aged Lady Dies f j At Mill Creek" ' Mrs. Nancy Jane Sellers sc Passes At Home Of Her m Son In Her Eighty Se- 1? cond Y ear 15 .1 lm j Mrs. Nancy Jane Sellers, aged1 !1 and greatly respected woman of!' I tVir. Will rvnnlr B?rtinn Hied Sat-1 | urday night at the home of herjvi : son, C. K. Sellers, of Route 1, j til Winnabow. Mrs. Sellers was 82 j a ' i years of age and was known and; 'esteemed throughout her section| . ! of the county. 'j Funeral services were held Mon- 31 | i day morning at Mill Creek Bap- bi ' I tist church with Rev. A. L. w ' | Brown, of Scmthport, in charge of|re ! j the services. Burial was in the;M '[Mill Creek cemetery. 1 Surviving Mrs. Sellers are a | j daughter, Mrs. E. R. Outlaw, of ' Southport; two sons, C. R. Sel'jlers of Winnabow and R. K. Sel1 lers of Southport. Fourteen ' grandchildren and four great' grandchildren also survive. Active pallbearers at the funJ eral were, R. H. Sellers, I. S. Wil; lets, Dewey Lewis, J. J. Parker, ' Layton Swain and T. Swain. Navassa Negro ' Accidentally Killed Ed Moore, Navassa colored man . who has been in the employ of vf the Armour and Company ferti- c, lizer works at Navassa for more he than twenty years, was instantly C|C ' killed last week when a fertilizer p, | freight train that he was operat- m ' ing fell 25 feet through a broken m | trestle. Coroner W. E. Bell in- 0f ! vestigated the occurance and held n ,' that Moore's death was accidental, ve I I ti< I Farmers Going For I1* [ Ground Limestone ?? ar i Brunswick County farmers are th .1 going out for ground limestone fo II this year. Orders for 1238 tons le jhave been received at the County Se | AAA Office farmyard deliveries j Bi > are expected to begin this week. | ti( , (Sept. 10-15). Contractors must te , have all orders at once so Sept- Gi i ember 15, 1945, is the dead line fo jjfor farmers to place their orders so ! I instead of September 30th aa was 19 ' previously stated. te ITE News paper I :hport, N. C., Wednes War Criminal* NURENBERG, GERM lie Palaefe of Justice in Ni he Nazi hierarchy wilT go o 'he courtroom is on the thi ;roup of American soldiers i luildine here. Trials will stai \11 Schools Be Fall Se I Judge Catches His Own Supper Surf casting on the point of Bald Head island yesterday afternoon Judge Henry L. Stevens Landed a 49-pound drum. Ten other drum, ranging from one small eight pounder up to the til-pounder were esuight by Judge Stevens and his companions, Crawford Rourk and Charles j Trott. The big fish was more than enough for the judge's sup- i per. He'll he telling about his Bald Head catch for a long time to come. And what's more he won't have to exaggerate to impress his listeners. rets Right Back Into The Service Cecil Elwood Hobbs, of Shaltte, has been accepted in the erchant Marine and with Mrs.' obbs is now in Charleston, S.' ? awaiting orders for sea duty.; Probably Brunswick's youngest j ildier for some years, Hobbs: anaged to get in the Army in! 138, at which time he was only i years old. He served in Panaa two years and nine months id was on duty with the Airjrne Infantry. After his ser ce in Panama ana on Demg re.rned to the States he was given medical discharge. With a great love for the serce he found civilian life unhappy id tried very hard to rejoin some! anch of the service. In this he! as unsuccessful until he was' cently accepted in the Merchant arine. ' w. B. Knuii J. M. Fields, vice-president and :ry active official of the Atlantic jast Line, spent a couple of >urs with us Sunday. (He came1 >wn to subscribe to the State art Pilot) Every time we see r. Fields we arc very much reinded of Carl Goerch, publisher' The State magazine at Raleigh, j ley are the same size and look !ry much alike, with the excepm that Fields is considerably itter looking:. Thinking it would interest us, id it did, Frank O. Sherrill, of e S. & W. Cafeterias sent us a ur page preview of the eight' ading articles appearing in the ptember issue of the Nation's isiness. The review of the at'- i tie to. which he called our atntion was captioned: Victory) irdens in the Sea, and was as Hows: "When we think of food urces we think of farmers. In 40 the average fanner contribud 34,500 pounds of food to thej i i / P0R1 n A Good Coi da)\ September > Face Justice j I ANY?An exterior view (if irenberg, where big-wigs of n trial for their war crimes, ird floor of the building. A in da jeep stand outside the rt probably by October 15th. gan ;ssion Monday Opening Thursday; No Session Was Held Friday Owing To Bad Condition Of Country Roads m * /\PT PriIAAIC LI A\/r 1V1U31 Jtnuwuj n?it, FULL FACULTIES Shallotte Gives Full List Of Teachers; Some Other Schools Still Short A Teacher Or Two At the teachers meeting here Wednesday it was decided that inasmuch as all preparations had been made to open all of the Brunswick schools on Thursday, with the exception of Shallotte, which opening was delayed until Monday, a session would be held Thursday and following this all schools would open Monday. This plan, which gave the children one brief holiday, with no school on Friday, resulted from the very bad condition of country roads over which many school buses have to travel. Some of the bus routes were said to be Impassible for the heavy buses. Reports received Monday evening were that all schools had a good opening that morning, although roads were still bad and many students were unable to reach school. With not all of the schools having reported a list of their teach ers tnus tar, 11 seems uiui. uiere are still two or three teachers short in the county. Shallotte reports a full list of teachers, as follows: Principal, Henry C. Stone, Shallotte; Mathematics, Mrs. Edna W. Russ, Shallotte; English, Miss Frances Hill, Cedar Grove; Social Science and English, Mrs. Emma B. Tatum, Shallotte; Commerce, Miss Betty Wham, Mountville, S. C; Science, Miss Sarah Smith, Rock Hill, S. C.; Home Economics, Miss Margaret Hipp, Clinton, S. C.; Eighth grade. Miss Angelia Hubbard, ^Continued on I'age 3) - V- J WING Reporter nauon. But the average fisherman contributed 47,000- pounds. In 1944 both averages were higher, but the fisherman maintained his lead with 65,000 pounds. Commercial fishing still is a wet and salty business, but it has been a rich business in the war years, with members of fishing crews earning as much as $11,000 annually. The industry is organizing and -aims to double American fish consumption by 1955." Incidentally, three or four days before Mr. Sherrill sent us the above, we had a letter from E. T. Blair, purchasing agent for the S. & W. Cafeterias. He stated he would be down here with us next week for the purpose of arranging to buy Southport shrimp and other seafoods for the eight S. & W. Cafeterias, owned by Mr. Sherrill. Last Saturday was the first in two years, so far as we can remember, when we missed out on (Continued on Page Six) , . ft r piL mmunity -jXl945 ~ Jury Reports To Judge Stevens 1 Grand Jury Finds That Many Previous Recomj mendations Have Not Been Carried Out Many of the recommendations made by the grand jury at the spring term have not been carried out so far according to their re- t port last week. In its report the < I jury pointed to the inattention to c .these things, especially at the t J county home. Inquiry of those 1 | who are responsible for the carry- |\ ing out of the recommendations ^ of the jury has revealed that they j have done all they could under t esisting conditions. With the war now over it is hoped to soon be \rble to follow all of the recom- j j mendations of the jury. The following was the report . made to Judge Henry L. Stevens at last weeks term of criminal | court: . | "To The Honorable Henry L. { i Stevens, Jr.: We the Grand Jury of September 4, 1945 term of Superior I Court of Brunswick County, con- I ;vened in Southport on Tuesday, [September 4, 1945, respectfully Isumit the following report. We have had 15 bills of indict-: : ment handed to us. < We found 13 true bills and 2 bills were handed back to the court. We have examined 42 witnesses and have made an inspection of j the following county Duuaings ana; j wish to make the following re- j I commendations: We visited the County Home | and found that the recommends- j j tions made at the January and May terms had not been carried' j out. We ask that attention be ' pt<3 to same. In regard to the jail, we found j it in need of window panes as: some of the rooms have gotten all wet during the continued rains. j I Padded cells are needed for in- j sane inmates. We recommend that seats be' placed in the hallway of the j Court House for witnesses who have to wait until they are called by the Grand Jury. ( The Tax Office building, in gen- ( eral, needs a complete overhauling. The stairway is in a serious ' condition and the roof leaking ; badly. The following Justice's of then Peace have turned in their re-] ports for tills term or quarter:! i Coy Formyduval, H. Foster Mintz,! 'M. B. Chinnis, G. F. Ganey, A.j W. Smith and L. H. Phelps. G. W. SWAliN, sec.; |v J. M. ROACH, Foreman'J Grand Jury. I, !l Promotion For r Sothport Man v i 6 Bryant Potter, one of the sur- t vivors of the Japanese attack on I Pearl Harbor and also of the i Cruiser Helena, on which he serv- c Jed from the time she was com- o missioned until the night she met,? a glorious fate in a fight with, the Japanese navy, was promoted to Boatswain Mate second class 5 on August 1. c Young Potter, who is only 26 t and who has five years of service ^ to his credit, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Potter, of ' Southport. f Potter attended the Southport High School and entered the service on March 12, 1940. He wears the Good Conduct ribbon, the v Navy Unit Commendation ribbon, ? American Theatre ribbon, Ameri- r con Defense ribbon with one star, p Philippine Liberation ribbon with ? one star, and the Asiatic-Pacific ribbon with sx stars. He is now / serving aboard the Cruiser Provi- ' dencc. -4*. Corporal Stone Served Six Years l Cpl. James I. Stone, son of Mr. and Mr3. John Stone, of Bolivia, was honorably discharged from the Army at Fort Bragg last week, after completing 18 months ; wun me Army Air r orces pnor " to that he had served 11 months 11 with the 872nd Airborne Aviation s Battalion in New Guinea and Aus- | tralia. He enlisted in the Army t on February 28, 1939. |S He wears the ETO ribbon with| | two battle stars, American Thea- a j tre ribbon and Good Conduct ii ! Medal. ? Cpl. Stone is married to the \ former Miss Louise Hickman of I Shallotte. The couple have two e children. B ' ii SECOND YEAR AT il W. C. U. N. C. h Miss Marie Moore, daughter of t Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moore, is J leaving on the 19th to begin her I second year of study at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. Miss Moore a graduated from the Southport J high school with the class of a '43. I OT [ $1.50 PER YEA* PUBLISH Tojo Declares Hist Change V Japan's War Premier And F Gives Interview; Korea Administrators; Qui Death; Congre Wain: TOKYO?Gen. Tojo, as Japan's var making premier and launcher, >f the attack on Pearl Harbor, i leclared in an exclusive interview, hat American victors now could 'ix responsibility for starting the var but history might disagree.^ ["he one-time terror of Asia, re-', 'used flatly to discuss such ques-1/ ions as whether he expected to ( je tried as a war criminal and vhat defense he was preparing, : >ut was willing talk of many hings, in moods ranging from ; mpassivity to laughter. TOKYO?Gen MacArthur's soft- j y firm control spread through ! he length of Japan and Southern Sugar Reminder Given By OPA Sugar Stamp No 37 Willi Not Be Used. Stamp No. | 38 Now Valid RALEIGH, Sept. 12?The Raeigh District OPA yesterday reninded consumers that Sugar Stamp No. 38 in War Ration ( look 4 is now valid. , "we nave a iut tu pcupic rriivp bought that Stamp No. 37 had] >een validated for this period, >ut OPA decided to skip 37 and fo to number 38," OPA said. |, The board chairman explained, hat last year many folks attach-1 id Sugar Stamp No. 37 to their j :anning sugar application, instead J >f Spare Stamp No. 37, and soi, ost that coupon. For that reason, OPA decided' .o go on to number 38, which j iveryone should have in his ration | look. Speculator Pays In Tobacco Deal Five Hundred Dollars And j The Coats Assessed By Lumberton Court ForTobacco Kiting H. W. Hood, Southport man vho is Inspector of Weights and j Measures, arrested N. O. Jack- , on, said to be a tobacco specuator on the Lumberton market, ast week. Jackson was charged vith making his own weight tickit and for raising the weight on wo piles of tobacco. On the specific instances of letection the ticket on one pile >f tobacco was raised four pounds | ind on another eight pounds.] Vhen it is considered that it is I ometimes possible for hundreds , if piles of tobacco to pass 1 hrough the hands of one man. ' luring a single sales day, it may 1 ie seen that the possibilities for ' raud are great. 1 Tried in the Lumberton Record- ' rs Court on August 7, Jackson | ras found guilty and given a hree months sentence on the t oads. This was suspended upon ' iayment of a fine of $500.00 and ' 12.00 in costs. Serious Shooting In Saturday Row ? ?. ? Negro In Community nos- ; pital With Bullet Wound i Just. Under Heart, As-j; sailant Caught In Bladen H Lawrence Dudley, colored, Is 1 i a critical condition in the Com- 1 nunity Hospital in Wilmington, uffering from a bullet wound 1 ust under his heart. Reports are hat his chances of recovery are lim. Dudley was shot Saturday night ,t a filling station on Route 17 i lower Town Creek township, iunday night Rural Policeman O. V. Perry and State Highway 'atrolman C. J. Ferguson arrest- I d James Lee, also colored, in i iladen county, where he had fled 1 mmediately following the shootng of Dudley. Lee is said to ' .ave admitted the shooting and is ieing held in the New Hanover ail, pending the outcome of Dudley's injuries. Officers Perry and Ferguson lso arrested Arthur Lewis and 4. M. Salem, who are being held 1 .8 accessories to the shooting of Dudley. ?1 f Most of The News All The Time | ' ! [ED EVERY WEDNESDAY ; ory May erdict About War t 'erpctrator Of Pearl Harbor ns Rebel Against Jap sling Sentenced To ss To Receive right Korea today but his policy of retraining and using the existing Japanese government set sparks flying in Korea. Koreans demonstrated when Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge, whose 24th Army Corps landed at Jinsen Saturday, proclaimed that Jap administrative officials would continue In office, rhey expected quick freedom from the Nipponese. Hodge explained that Japanese staff would remain in office only to carry out Ameri can orders, and would exercise no independent action. LONDON?The Oslo radio announced today that Vidkun Quisling had been convicted on charges (Continued on Page 3) Wilmington To Gets OPA Office j j War Price Rationing Board At Southport Will Be Closed By The First Of The Year As Rationing Lightens Both the Pender and Brunswick county OPA boards will be absorbed by the New Hanover ' board before January 1, according to announcement made from Washington last week. This means | that all rationing for Brunswick people will be seived through the Wilmington office and the Southport office will be closed. The sub office for Brunswick county, at 1 Shallotte, was closed two weeks ago. Under the new set-up Whiteville will serve both Columbus and Bladen counties at Whiteville. The various consolidations, as announced, will leave only about a 85 clerks employed by January 1st, as aguinst a wr.r time T| of 540 and 290 at the present time. It is expected that even greater reductions in employees will take place in the near future with the removal of other rationing. It appears that practical- I ly everything will be removed . from the rationing list by the first of the year, except sugar, J j fats and oils. The Brunswick office has been ' served by four employees wun me additional employee at tho sub office at Shallotte. 4 Little Interst -f In Civil Court f| Civil Cases In Superior Court Creating Little Interest Outside Of Those Immediately Concerned The September term of Superior Court for the trial of civil cases, oeginning Monday with Judge Henry L. Stevens presiding, is .? lot drawing any great attendance y )r interest. This is mainly be- ( ' :ausc of the fact that some, very mportant cases, originally on the locket, were continued last week oy agreement of attorneys. '' Only one case had been tried jp to yesterday noon. The docket jti was arranged to run through Frt- || lay but it appears probable that ill matters that can be disposed if this week will be finished by rhursday evening. Davis Fish House Destroyed By Fire The shrimp and fish packing rouse of S. W. Davis and Brother, who operate at Beaufort and Southport, was destroyed by fire . j it two thirty o'clock Friday mern- ? . ing. TCie building was owned by R. R. Stone, of Wilmington, who [eased it to the Davis Brothers. . it has not been learned whether | }r not it will be rebuilt. ' ill. i Ration Pointers f! MEAT AND FATS: (Red Stamps)?V2, W2, X2, Y2, Z2 . .. now valid . . . expire September 11 30. Al, SI, CI, Dl, El . . . now valid . . . expire October 31."" Fl, Gl, HI, Jl, K1 ... now valid . . . expire November 30. LI, Ml, Nl, PI, Q1 . . . now valid . . . expire December 31. SUGAR: Sugar Stamp No. 33 J; . . . now valid . . . expires Dec- J . ember 31. SHOES: Airplane Stamps 1. 2, iji' 3, 4 . . . now good.

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