I 1he pilot Covers I Brunswick County IfN^TEEN NO to [ape Fear Pil< Resumed t, Guard Returns Pilo ?at And Pilots An functioning As Befon War Started unTS SERVED AS jj?TOF COAST GUARC Of Members Of Asso !|tion Still In Service With the Navy, Others Carrying On s of the Cape Fea: . ition, a local organi A .. n handles practically ..nipping between th< ,;Vwr bar at Southport am l-ston have been releasee 1 iv -t Guard, with whicl * "av, been serving withou' , sir.ee the beginning of th< f the war. During thii \ . , understood that theii -.ition was the usua The pilot boat r- 'wis dso taken over am ; bv a Coast Guard crew B returned to the Pilots Friday -1;?1 of harbor pilot func J. at Wilmington and on th< over by the Coas' u- for the war period, war r-.si to the pilots Friday. A ] TH] ! 36 isWKi ***** * 3ts Have ' Civilian Duties _ Hurley Resigns ll( * * i 1 HIM I I i :^KlH r 101^^1 :, 'll. purchase or inc ngm g " There arc also no funds to pro- ( vide for payment on current used. This will be remedied the s first of the year when the town officials at that time begin the J j levying of town taxes for various j public, improvements and regular j f administration of affairs of the, . town. j y The street lights have been jr - badly needed and will be a dis- j J f tinct improvement. Shallotte is f I, on Route 17, also known as the:1 I) Coastal Highway. , Thousands of [1 c tourists ute thia j highway and jf tteiK who ^"6 Jbeai pacingp .. through at bight ^midget fctft a. V ic:*."/ t/.gle ii ths Ubigkt<;? toiiv.. j6 ' HCCOrulllg IU ill! air [ fiom the Sixth Nava jr.ot headquarters at Charles , all responsibility for pilotage jt:r. Wilmington and South s, c-:ase.t for the Coast Guard lit persent active members 01 ! Pilot's Association are J. I is, Harold St. George, Fret Killing and Robert Thompson Scuthport, and J. T. Sellers iVil-.nrrton. William Styror fe a leave of absence fron i u : iation at the beginning |ie > v to enlist in the Navy : vnich he is still serving. II . v, . "in 'ne will short : ve his is .large from th< a v ill rejoin the asso IV regular and reserve Coasl Continued on ?age 61 'resident Gives T. Committees Jmmittees For School Tear \re Appointed By Mrs. "ergus. New President Its L. C Fergus. recently h?- piesidcnt of the loca hv.-Tca.her Association, hai her committees tc 'lie remainder of this kel vcar They arc as fol *iv an Means?R. I. Mintz Kilpatrick. Mrs. Pierci r Mrs E. B. Brunson. rs G. 0. Rogers, Mrs Hoo.j, Mrs. Robert Willis bership Mrs. Otto Hick i: .Mrs. Bombcrgcr, Mrs r pson McRackcn. Cafcteiia Mrs. G. W. Mc iwiy. Mrs. Clayton Hickman *5- John Price Nram- Mr and Mrs. E. M M s. Robert Thomp ! riarry Carlette. H. F. Plaxco, R. C J Prcvatte. Mrs. James Harper. ief Ne ?J ashet HOME las been received her David Watson, son o: V. Watson, is on hii in from Australia. Hi rt' i ntiy promoted fron t. jgi. to Lieutenant. Kit CONFERENCE \"ni< M;?- Woodsidc, Su l"nt. ..f schools f" ek r.'oijuty. attended tli1 rr "t Oajnty Supcrinten in Raleigh for thro ,v Bt'NtNESS J"'v .. former Count; tire Warden, and. his. son %<! Jones, will shortl; furniture and electricaV ap : ""re at the junctiori| o road with No./74 The conctrnjwi J. O'r jiac'fc Win 14 ^:rri" ' Tizry .; < A i'ise.-/?xi E?eKHraeB3roaE*_ j t; 3 h ; BHMBWg^^ 1 p 1 v * 's i ^P^HHHHHi i if j WASHINGTON, D. C.?Patrick f b " J. Hurley resigned last week as t: ;! U. S. Ambassador to China with I f t a charge that professional diplo-! b 5 mats in the State Department are j t t sabotaging the basic principles ofi 1 " American foreign policy. I v I o : No Inquest In f Drivers Death t t 1 Killed At Wheel Of Speeding Car; Coroner Decides t j That Inquest Is Unneces- t i sary c r k Coroner W. E. Boll iuled last ^ week that no inquest was neces-1 sary in the case of the th of.. , William D. Justice, Jj-year-old j f * Wilmington man, who was killed j * in an automobile accident near J t Leland. All evidence indicated j that Justice was the driver of i the car in which he met his1 _ J..1U Tn,? PA.vmne olcn hold . ? | 111C V/VIVIICI atovs iiviu that all evidence indicated that Justice met his death as a rei suit of diiving at an excessive i ! rate of speed. | The car was owned by W. D. | | Ganey, of Wilmington, step-1 i father of Justice. While round-!F ing a curve at high speed, it is i1 said, it skidded and turned over!v i several times, killing Justice and ^ ! injuring the three other passen-; h J gers, Robert D. Sutherland. 23-1c ' year-old veteran, Willie Monroe,,1 5; sailor,, and Wilson Snccden, 23, j h ' all of Wilmington. 9 It is said that young Justice; ' j was to have been married thisj" | past Sunday, December 2nd, to j JI a well known young Raleigh lady. ] * He is survived by his mother,'' j Mrs. Celia Ester Ganey, of Wil-1 ^ ' mington, his step-father; a bro-; ? * thcr, James C. Justice, of Jack- j Jj " son; a sister, Mrs. Peggy Peter- s son: two half-brothers, Eugene ' M. Ganey and Charles M. Ganey: e - two half-sisters, Mrs. Charlotte "" , Yopp and Mrs. Charles Disscl, of New Bern; and two step-brothers, * John D. Ganey. of Leland, and ^ . Paul Ganey, of Raleigh. May Get Lights jj By Christmas j Funds Now Available Fori Street Lights At Shallotte | And Material Has AM ready Been Ordered , y According to town officials, j Shallotte will have street lights, j possibly before Christmas. Private 0 sources recently raised funds for f the purchase of the lamps, wir- '' 3 Ing. etc.. and the material has, 5 already been ordered. : j 1 Although the town is ineor-1 j. poruted it has never levied any I r taxes and had no funds for the | j. - * * * MAO I _ est; A Good 6-PAGES TODAYUM * * * Work On Big J Ship Basin To Begin Soon Jfficials Of N. C. Shipyard Stated Last Week That Work On Basin In Brunswick Will Start Before ir January T ei 'H1LADELPHIA FIRM WILL DO THE WORK ? fi lasin Will Extend From Near Brunswick River si Bridge To Mouth Of Brunswick River n< t< Officials of the North Carolina 51 ihipbuilding Comapny in Wil- a: rington announced last week that he dredging contract for the ^ rierchant ship storage basin oh p, he Brunswick River, in Bruns- C( ,'ick River, in Brunswick county, j as been awarded to a Philadel-' _ hia Dredging company, and that 1 /01k will begin as soon as posible, not later than January 1st. The basin will extend from 250 eet below the Brunswick River iridge on Route 17 to near where he river empties into the Cape " 'ear, about three miles below the ridge. A channel will run from he Cape Fear into the basin, 'he basin itself will be 1,200 feet /ide and two and three fourths f a mile long. The estimates Cl re for 9,600.00 cubic yards of j d: naterial to be dredged from the w iasin. This material is to find ir isposal on Eagle island, between 1* Un Dminoiirinlr Diifor* and A llirno - ft! lie viuuonitn ivivci umu j ? or Creek. I tl Five hundred ships, the size of [ E -iberty ships, have been assigned! si o the basin and will be laid up' u here at an estimated upkeep \v ost of $5,000 each per year. To j p :cep them in icpair the North'rv (Continued on tage ti> Many Record js Their Discharges!; . 'w "wo Hundred And Sixty Six Brunswick County Veterans Of World War ^ II Have Recorded Dis- i. charges A check up at the office of tegister of Deeds Amos J. Walon, Monday revealed that 266 [\ eterans of the recent world war ave called at that office and ad their discharge papers rcorded. This may not represent he full number of men who have een discharged, as it very fre- ^ uently happens that service men orget the very important matter! f having their papers recorded. | n During the past week 21 men js' iled their papers with Mr. Wal-!B on for recording. They are: j ti Jlarcnce E. Hewett. John L. tl larlow, William T. Bowen, I n leorge W. Whitmore, George E.! p "hompson, James Lawrence High, | lr.. Earl Vane Weeks, Reese larnhardt Swan, Harry Pink iommcrsett. Hiram Thomas Sellers. George totha Hickman, Robert Barr Tiompsan, John Clifton Skipper, tobert F. Higdon, Wayne Lewis, leorgc O. Gaylord, John H. Sloan, )onald Fisher St. George, Ste-1 hen F. Williams. Henry James nd Daniel Russell Clemmons. iuilding Blocks Coming Into Use ^re Being Substituted For Brick And Lumber Forjfi Construction Purposes |K Wth the. shortage of building i" latcrial and little hope for suf-! icicnt lumber being available forjb . long time to come, Robert ones and Charles Trott of South- 11 ort have ordered concrete block j" nachincry and arc expecting to|E ie manufacturing at the rate of |" 00 blocks per day by early in I 'sl he year. | The use of concrete blocks for:11 (Continued on Page Six) \Irs. St. George !? With Ur. Brown.? n Mrs. Thomas St. George, untt!]v ecently superintendent of the 0 . Arthur Dosher Merorial hos- j0 lital, is now with Dr. Landis G. j ^ 5rown as his office assistant. Dr. | }rown. has recently had his of-j ice completely renovated, includ-lT tig, the installation, rt separate [ laltiai roomf for i-.i o-ii-!c .rei jv ill I Newspaper In Southport, N. C., We Fro Standbys Back t Beautiful Oi ~ * hnall Docket !Br Heard Monday Only four small cases came up i the Recorders court Monday, he minutes show the following M> itries for the day: ( Annie Clemmons, assault, judglent suspended on payment of a Ga ne of $7.00 and costs. F Robert McRackan, violating :ock law, nol pros. Ben Clayton, abandonment and on support, defendant ordered > pay court costs and to pay ai 3.00 weekly to support of wife or nd child. w" Willie Parker, drunk on public, ljor ighway, judgment suspended on | a aymcnt of a fine of $5.00 and an[ osts. daj the Fax Listers To Start In January ^ of >oard Of County Commissi- eve oners Reappointed All gar Old Workers At Monday ciea Meeting Here dor At the meeting of the board of Pcr junty commissioners here Mon- 'he ay tax listers for the year 1946 "a? ere appointed. They are being 'n istiucted to be in readiness to egin their work on January 1st s'ei nd the work will continue j iroughout the month of January., _ ach tax lister will be paid the | LI jm of 55.50 per day and each | * ' ill be allowed one helper who ill be paid $3.00 per day. W. j . Jorgensen. county tax collector, j ill supervise the work. The tax listers are the same as lose who served last year. Most | f them have done the listing in I leir townships for several years nd all arc thoroughly experienced j i the work. The following wercj F ppointed: Northwest township, j *0(' t. B. Chinnis, Leland; Town ! (Continued From Page Six) !cot Sot i n . icon >ays Community \z Not All Leland i I con lorth West Township Folk Have Three Separate' got Communities Along High- bea way 74 ! Dr( : ! Sw, A continuous parade of new: vjn uildings, homes, and businesses,' CV3 re now linking three of the com-, Mo lunitics of North West town- j ard lip; Lcland, Woodburn and the' Pri runswick River Bridge communi-1 j es. From the bridge to Leland , bro ic distance is a little over five por lilcs and the whole section of j Ma lighway 74 is often referred to' Mr, (Continued on Page Four) ton ijmu; For two successive years be- ant ire the country went to war, of-|hac ccrs and directors of the Out-1 yea oor Writers Association of Amcr- yoi a came to Southport on hunt- go< ig and fishing trips. The last I me they wmc was just a month mo eforc Pearl Harbor and 26 na- fro onally Known writers composed wic ic party. Those boys were fix- he ig to put in some plugs for Tn irunswick county and its hunt- Jin lg and fishing, but the war twi topped things. We Now almost weekly some of rca ic men who have been here, and | her tilers whom they have told about ne\ . write us about the hunting the nd fishing. This week we had letter from Ray Lambert. Chair-: t ion of the Conservation Oom-'as nssion for the State of West! fre 'lrginia. Mr. Lambert is also! ccr ne of the members of the board Bri f directors of the Outdoors fre Writers. IJe wrote: has "Dear Bill: I feel as if I have six ??n?. ??? r.ft,-,? .41,., I .1.1 >IVV>II JUU (WHI (1|>UUUUIQ UIV, ?? **' ast week iplieaaaiit hunfuij Witli the imrey fcSt^bei* i c. er iiij tVpcci dr> fciiity, Ott;- Jimmy ii*:, tail- Ur/.o o? t?.a Wojsia.fu.: t-r.-Ja i 'OR! A Good Comi idnesday, December 5 pTN \t The [ ton Gardens unswick County Beauty Spot Being Made Ready J For A Great Revival Of Tourist Travel \ny beautiful :amellias blooming rdens Regaining A Fine orce Of Workers; Miss Harrelson And Robert Godfrey Are Back )rton Gardens, one of eastern olina's biggest drawing cards tourists received only mainling attention during the war. th tire and gas rationing milis of beautiful flowers bloomed ctically unseen by the thousIs who saw them in pre-war s. This winter and next spring jy will bloom to be seen and at preparations are being10 de to see that all visitors are P e to see the full beauty of e gardens. li 'or weeks a good sized force I employees has been doing o rything possible to get the dens in tip-top shape. A vast | .1 of work still remains to be J le. Thanks to the more abunit supply of labor and trained sonnel to supervise the work, flowers, especially the camcli, are already showing much beautiful bloom. The number these blooming plants will -j adily increase until spring, (Continued on Page Six) letcher Wescott v Funeral Today a ell Known Smithville Township Man Died Yes-j terday Morning After | Fnnr Mnnth I llnp?<t ? */*? iTivia?a? m m aaav^M 'uncral services arc being held , Ci ay at 10:00 o'clock at Bethel ja otist church for Fletcher Wes-! P t, 76, lifelong resident of!" ithport and the Bethel church b imunity. Mr. Wescott died c ly Tuesday morning in thej" sher Memorial hospital after 81 illness of four months. I 0 Tie funeral sei"vices arc to be j n ducted by Rev. Stephen Mintz! I Rev. A. L. Brown of South- jl t. Burial is to be in the1 :hel cemetery. The active pall i rers arc Johnnie Drew, Jack a !W, Byron Drew, Herbert ain, Willie Guthcrie and CalWescott. Honorary pall bear- 1 are Charles Hickman, Joel ' ore, Edgar Jones. Boss LeonI, Bcnnie Price and Dillard ce. tr. Wcscott is survived by one 1 ther, S. E. Wcscott, of South- S t; two sisters, Mrs. Lillie rsh, of Pine Top, N. C., and s. Gtacic Roberts of Wilming??????? " o fi "I VING I i* \eporter ;? jg ? L 1 a. group of outdoor writers lI down there with you some a irs ago. Please tell me about v ir hunting and fishing. Is it os;v id as I have been told?" tr. Lambert went on to say a re about what he had heard A m the boys regarding Bruns- tl :k county. The Jimmy Stubcr a mentioned is the Secretary- J iasurer of the Outdoor Writers, h imy has been to Southportj cc and wants to come again.' I look to having him and a ) 1 gathering of Outdoor Writers c next fall, if we can get our v hotel built between now and n. | ; r Speaking about fishing, so farjp the present generation of t a sh water fishermen arc con-, f lied, next spring should see [ a inswick county having as good v sh water fishing as it ever 9 i had. Lasting until about p years ago Brunswick county! v s picked out from tiic rest of: f state to have a ton War-long t ijpell dry ipe!! uaathe | a feat fcrui mofct Severe th4t iv |r (Continued on Page Fob*) IS i ' PI1 munity 171945 VICT * * * Picket Line At lETROIT, MICH.?(Soum mt on sti'ike are shown f ;ates at Chevrolet Gear an d strike against General ast week when the Unite 'ulled 170,000 production f the nation's automotive Vlany More 1 Arri\ 'hirtv Or More Addition) Boats Arrived First C The Week To Take . Try At Shrimping VARM WEATHER RETARDS PRODUCTIO 1uch Small Unmarketab! Shrimp Caught Close inshore, Offshore Products Still Good About twenty shrimp trawlc amc in from Beaufort, Hatten ntl other points along the u er coast this week. Added lesc new arrivals are about : oats, belonging to Wiley at harles Wells, which have be< shing at Rockville, S. C., th ummer and fall. All returni lis week and a sizable fleet ow operating off Southport. During previous years tl hrimping was usually over I hank3giving. This year, with >t of big boats to set the pa nd range far offshore, about tl I("Ymtiniipd on lae-e six) lieutenant Goley Injured In Japai on Of Shallotte Couple Ii jured In Some Way I Japan According To Me sage To Parents Mr. anil Mrs. George F. Gole f Shallotte, have received wo 'om the. Secretary of War thi heir son. First Lieutenant B on H. Goley, has been serious I in Japan since November 3r !o information was given bcyoi hat he is suffering from a fra ired skull. Lt. Goley is a graduate of tl It. Holly, N. J., high school. I fterwards attended Mcrrysvil ollcgc at Merrysvillc. Tenn.. at iter graduated from North Car na State College in chemical c inecring. Before entering the service Ictobcr, 1942, he was employ t the Baldwin Locomoti' yorks, in the Army Tank E ision. He trained for overseas du t Cany Hale, Colorado, fountain Artillery and fro here went to Fort Bliss, Texa nd thence overseas in Jur 943. While he was in comb e was selected for officers trai (Continued on Page 6) 'rink & Herring Form Partners/it Attorneys S. B Frink ai 'avis Herring have formed a la artnership. the firm to be knov s Frink and Herring, witll t iera over the Waccamaw Bai nd Trust Company. Mr. Frii ,-as admitted to the bar abo t years ago and had an extensi iractice before entering the s( ice with tjie Coast Guard. * tor ring wis admitted to t ,3r n." tijK shortly the! itter *htere^ the Mavy ! iije is the former Mits Itils * i > Of LOT $1.50 PER V^TUHUS ORT Motor Gar Plant "l * , 1 - ' ' dflMnr V 'J ^Br - , ^ _ 'M [1 photo) Workers who walkec orming the first picket at th< d Axle plant. The long expect Motors Corp. get underwaj d Automobile Workers (CIO) workers out of more than 10( plants. trawlers 'ins This Week ^ Supply Boy At *j Jap Surrender N Pfc. Hewett Was With De ! tail That Received Sur I : render Of Yamashita Serving with the 32nd Division j rfc. Dcmpsey L. Hewett, son o Mrs. Berta C. Hewett and th J late Henry W. Hewett. of Supply rs was in combat for the last fe\ 13 | months of the war and also pass P" j cd through the terrible typhooi to; of October 10th, while on his wa; 15 j from Luzon to Japan. 1(t1 Pfc. Hewett was in the Philip ;n | pine Islands campaign with th >3 32nd Division. Leaving Luzon fo ;cl j Japan they were overtaken by th *" Lj'pnoon. neweit wmra iium j that the most trouble his owi le ship had was seasickness amoni 'y j the soldiers. a When General Yamashita sen rc word to the officers of the 32m 1C j division that he was ready t ' surrender. Pfc. Hewett was on ! of the several men and officer : sent to receive his surrendei j They got him on a Sunday am j found him to be an amazing); j| I large man for a Japanese. After Yaniashita's surrendei Pfc. Hewett and five other Ameri 1- can soldiers were sent througi n j the Japanese lines to carry foot s- to a hospital for the sick an I injured. The nurses at the hos : pital showered them with pre v, I scnts. 1 rd The 32nd Division is said to b at I olafnrl ?-? laavA Ton>an in EV*h?iiirv y- j Pfc. Hewctt is a nephew an ly j namesake of the late Rev. Demj d. J sey L. Hewctt, of Shallottc. Hi id wife is the former Miss Odcss c-; Holden, of Supply. They hav four small children. S Leland Lions ?:j Receive Charter in Presentation Made Frida; sd At Meeting Of Organiza J.c tion At Leland Higl School I Tlio Leland Lions club had it in Charter Night last Friday nigh m in the Leland high school gym * nasium- At this meeting th ie' charter for the recently forme at organization was formally prt n' sentcd by Deputy District Go\ ernor W. E. Yopp. j Tlic presentation was precede I by a banquet at which many e j. I the members of the club and visil ' | ora were called upon for shoi ,' (allta. The officers of the clu ! are: iw l>n I Mack Jones, president; Glen ,f. i L. Tucker, first vice president 1lt Lucas Williams, second vice prcs .,)< I dent; H. O. Peterson, Sr., thil ut j vice president; Carl C. West, si ! rrnfarv- Hnnrv T T.puris trpaj vc - ' J ' ,r.! urer; A. H. Ganey, Lion Tame (r i and Thomas S. Slappey, ta I,,! i twister. t ! Four directors of, the club hai lis brer, nimed. for teVoi* eir tern neji. L :SSriirJ(fe iad H Me! i vOcaunued on page ?> 1 Most of The News | All The Time | i HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Dp, j Victory Loan I j Goal Reached I In Brunswick I Efforts Of Local Banker H Brought About The Sud- I den And Unexpected Re- I suit OVER HALF QUOTA I SOLD IN ONE DAY Success Of The Drive 9 Snatched From Defeat fl By Yesterday And Last fl Night Sales By 9 O'Brien 9 At noon yesterday, Tuesday, it B seemed certain that Brunswick B county people would fall down on fl the job of buying their quota of B Victory Loan Bonds by the time B the drive is to close Saturday > fl | night. Last night Prince O'Brien, B , cashier of the Waccamaw Bank B ] and Trust Company, jubilantly B . announced that Brunswick had fl | topped its quota. B This whirlwind finish came fl ' through the personal efforts of fl Mr. O'Brien. After working at his B ' regular duties at the bank Tues- D day and despite a downpour of H rain and a lashing wind, Mr. B O'Brien got into his car and B drove to Winnabow, Supply and H - Shallottc, where he made good B - sales. Returning to Southport last H night he continued his efforts H here and sold $11,000 more in bonds. His days effort resulted in B sales of $4,000 over the E. Bond B * Series and enough over to cover B the quota for all other series. Brunswick county people may B still buy Victory Bonds until the B " | drive closes Saturday night, j Yesterday at noon less than half the Victory Bond quota had '' been sold. It seemed certain that the drive would fail in this c j county through lack of interest. J Grateful Friends Present Gift e1 ~ r Southport People Present e I Watch To Miss Elizabeth c Murray For Her Faithful i Service ?\ In order to express their deep t j appreciation for the many years jj she has faithfully served in the 0 Dosher Memorial Hospital. Southe port citizens last week presented s Miss Elizabeth B. Murray a bcau. I tiful wutch before she left for ,i her home in South Carolina. y Mi.ss Murray came to South-i port in 1930 and since that time H , has become well loved in the H .1 community that became her home H h for fifteen years. She attended , B d 1 St. Philip's Episcopal Church and B d was a member of the King's H >-1 Daughters B On Monday the Pilot rcccl^d B the following letter from Miss \ B c Murray, in Sumter. S. C.. which , | explains itself: H j "I wish to express my thanks and sincere appreciation for tho H s beautiful watch presented to mo r alby my friends in Southport, ami H c also for the kindness shown me B ! during the many happy years I B spent in your midst." B Miss Murray will be greatly H missed and her many friends B here hope tliat she will return to |H Southport for frequent visits. 9H Farm Loans Now I ; Are Available I l Announcement Is Made B That Crop And Seed H Loans Are Now Available B 0 For Farmers In Bruns- B d wick Emergency crop loans and B emergency feed loans for 194B B ;ire now available to farmers in Brunswieks County. Applications B , for these loans are being received I at Supply, N. C.. by R. D. Holder, Q - rtecemng agent tor w. u. tsranshaw. field supervisor of the Emergency Crop and feed Loan 11 Division of the. Farm Credit Ad; ministration. This early opening of the loan program in Brunswick d I County is for the benefit of those [ eligible farmers who need finan5* I cial assistance to' meet the emerr> genciea resulting from the recent j [storm and flood, as well as to | provide funds for financing tho re normal fall and early winter crop j island feed reyurementa of f&nngg i.| d'hs cir. establish eligibility, (Continued on P4ge oj

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