T v pECEMBtft Ix""" " * : 4-H words In 0- .- " . i-'innie methods rth Carolina cl? , National 4-H Ci : ted by the sta Eurlingtou, I in the state I venieut activI i* year record ot I ,. i or mending I be S'11 als0. I r herself and I nB and three. I g|Tl friends as I Ora also made I I-., mo. The I . v. as obI .1 knitted . -fled,washed I , ciub CouI provided bv Bureau of the I 15, of Naah1 !r of lite 1945 I . ago Clnb I National 4-H I provided I ' c >rp. During I ib work the girl 9 I tups, jams and I I acinga on her i the iota! S ii project work I i I ijipant in tin I National 4-H I v. in whlch InI: Vi nPftViflW . boy's record . four years In produced 12 acres j',' :. je acres of corn and . i ! tobacco, returning f". . Jing $502.15 worth r used at home. He p* ei and applied the rs, treated seed and put into I activities were cot It- a Service of the State A I vc. : j to The Stat Persi-Cola Company, J B. - t'er ?Prjisi-( da !>< l I -yy^ I , \::ti%!es \"v i11 T >' eel ion I >IT * Xov Burglar, I . v!!l be Av I -v ; Business V/il.L RENT ACCC *G AT iJ.OO PER YEAF TO OPEi fcf.f or The Opt I < . please mail ap i first natk Ol- WHI' Why wait until the c ^'sr that leaking roof? COVER N I FORD C I L0CK-T1TE Fhe Shingles that K And The W I S*VE FUEL and REPAII I are gu Kg?- material and wo 1' ^ i* from?' I (ji"een. JAMES E, l< f Vicnt For Bri McIVER, 211 N. 6 I OISTR1 m -lisiimates fsfflNGLES I EEP the COLD OUT ARMTH IN. A RS IN YEARS TO COME I laranteed for 10 full years I rkmanship defects. Three I Morris blend, Blue-Black, I . PINNER, I mswick County I th St., Wilmington, N. C., ? BUTOR I Are Free? I in North Carolina clothing, canning. Held crops and lbmeembenrg194Lre lub Congress in Chicagl^TheVln dUb offlce* an<* brief outlines of Waiter Coatei Fr8nci, pressIy effect a desirable crop rotation, which resulted iu a considerable increase in crop yields on the tarm. Francis Tressly, H, of Stonv Point, received the Club Congress trip award tor his achievements in rhe Westinghouse 1H Better Methods Klectric award program. The boy has been a 4-H Club member tor tour years. Among his better methods achievements are Installing wall sockets and lights around the barn. He helped repair switches, and motors on churn, milker, and milk cooler. Francis took part in a community effort to get a rural electrification line, and aided in wiring the new Sunday School room at church. iducted under the direction of the agricultural College and USDA coc Port Pilot Today. fe. tops for tip? gjir lony Inland City, N. Y. ittliajj Co., tit M ilmingion, N. C. 'epos!! boxes FOR RENT >RD!NG TO SIZE?BECINl PLUS TAX. WE EXPECT N SOON. 'iting A nnouncement siring to have box reservplication now to? ONAL BANK IHVILI.E old winds start to blow to OW WITH vrmNE :s . DISPLAY jj ;h ! > jf( THE NEW |i GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigerator J j PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! I J City Git-Rate Siore ev.,.*i < M r I l ouuinpui i, ix. VJ. | 1 HHHHHHHHIUHi Postal Workers Say Mail Early Christmas Rush Can Be Greatly Alleviated By Cooperation On Part Ot Public Brunswick county postal workers have issued a joint appenl to tile public to do their Christmas : mailing enily For many months ' portal workers in the county like nil others have been overloaded and in many eases have fallen behind and delayed In delivery ot , mall. Persons mailing Christmas cards are reminded that all cards carrying a first class postage rate may be forwarded to addressees i who may have changed their adi dresses and left forwarding information with postal workers. rations of the Rural routes of ( , the county tan be of great help to their Ru.al Letter carriers by i purchasing their stamps in ad! vanco. atul affixing tliem to letteis .'id cards at the time they , are deposited in On r mail boxes. 'fhc Christmas season always I brings on suhsi.inti.il increases in | mail mutters handled by rural ' carriers and the increase added to already heavy leads taur.es many headaches for the letter carriers which can lie geatly relieved by a little thought on the part of patrons of the run! routes, i The public can lend greater coI operation to their carriers and postal workers can get an improved service that would Ire Impossible otherwise. WILL ENTER SCHOOL Leonaid M. Davis. Mo. M. M. t-, ! in the Navy Air Force, will re- p i ccive his discharge the first of g ! the year and return home. It is p j understood he plans to enter a p | school for mechanics. He is the j. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Davis r( of Southport and has been in the service about three years. 1 a RECEIVES DISCHARGE i ? j Cpl. William J. Shannon has re- t; eeived an honorable discharge from the Army Air Force and re- jturned home after 15 months overseas service at Saipan. His ^ last active service was in flying g over Tokyo and dropping food ^ and supplies to Americans in Japanese prison camps alter the ^ suriender. He wears three battle stars. Cpl. Shannon is the son of v 1 Mi s. H. M. Shannon and the late ? Mr. Shannon. His wife is the 1 former Miss Nannie Frazier, clerk (] to the Selective Service Board. j u RETURNS HOME John Simmons, who has been in the Coast Guard for the past! three yeais, serving overseas Palt'f( of that time, has received an hon-, ^ oiuoie uJ2>uiai^c ami iciumru iu ? j his home in Southport. He is ti tentatively panning to buy or F build a large shrimp boat and en-j si i gage in Shrimping | J| GOING TO HATTEi; AS Clarence Simmons, Homer Me- j g Kcithan and Stanley O'Neal are n leaving this week to fish off _ j Hatteras. They plan to use their, v trawls for croakers, trout, etc. PAROLE REVOKED 0 Governor Cherry last week or-1 ^ >1 MCUtfSb. nr ? NOW I 1 ON THE STATE rORT Science Banisbt nppp* The a^e-old problem of mould annually ruins at least 150,1 -pounds of bread in bakeries, stor homes, lia? finally been solved by the nation's foremost food scienti; Experiments conducted by V liam H. Cathcart, (inset) head Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea pany's national bakery laboratone succeeded in eradicating niould from broad by "broadcasting hi! quency heat through the wrapped Shown here are two of the have been conducted. The.loaf 01 the new method, showed considers The loaf at right, baked from the ally treated after baking, showed was photographed. The new process takes five s chemical retardants which now it formation of mould in bread ami c Installation of large-scale elec tion will begin in the company s 3 said. ercd the arrest and return to rison of Charley Brown, young outhport white man who has een on parole from one of the rison camps for some time. He ad been serving a sentence for Sbbery and a condition of his nrole was that he work steadily nd make regular reports to the arole officials. He failed to do ither of these and was returned r finish his sentence. LXPECTED HOME John W. Lancaster, Jr., son of lr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster of outhport, was one of the 2,000 igh point Navy veterans who arved in San Francisco the first f this month aboard the USS /est Virginia. The West Virinia left Pearl Harbor on Novmber 23rd as a pait of the Magic Carpet" fleet. It is unerstood that young Lancastei lit have received his discharge nd return home this v.aek. OW IN HAWAII Wan-en B. Phelps, of Supply, irmerly with the North Carolina hipbuilding company in Wilmingin, has been transferred tr 'earl Harbor and is now with the (upbuilding company in Hawaii. iNNOrXCE RIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watts ol outhport and VVhiteville, anounce the biith of a son at the (olumbus County hospital, Whiteillo Sunday, December P. IN MARS HII.L BAND Robert Brown, son of Rev. ant Irs. A. L. Brown, of Southporl as been selected as a cornctisl n the Mars Hill college band foi 9-15-46 at Mars Hill college. The and has 33 members and r liijorette. O RECEIVE DISCHARGE Homer W. Sherrill, S 1-c, ol outhport, is now being processor t Pearl Harbor for return to the 'nitccj States and a separatior enter, where he is to receive ar onorable discharge from thE favy. He is the husband of the armer Miss Margie Larsen ol outhport. We Have, When Availa LUMBER an SUP1 f-i T T . 1? \ ' ^ee LJS ror iu SMITH BUILDH DIAL WILMING mnHaaBBHRn We Are A To Ser COME TO SI R- GAL] I SUPPL PILOT, SGUTHPQRT^ N. C!8 Brea^rfcroH j I (pPr ^C j ; which 1 I 30Q.00C f ' fr es and t ^ ?U cc 0ne 0f - '* many loaves on which experiments .' brown bread, at left, untreated by ' ible mould at the end of three days, same batch of dough, but electronic- : 1 no mould three weeks later when it econds and eliminates the need for verely slow but 'do not prevent the ither baked products. ( ' tronic equipment for mould preven7 bakeries in January, Dr. Cathcart Disease Losses E i Can Be Curbed " , ?? n. !!I Crop Losses From Disease In North Carolina Runs hr Into Many Millions ec al t Losses front diseases on the pt major farm and truck ciops of sli North Carolina lun into many sa millioits of dollars annually, and many of these losses can be to prevented or reduced with a great th 1 saving to growers says Howard pi R. Garriss, Extension plant path- ai ologist at State College. I sa He gives a good example of hi what may be done by citing the ai record of L,. S. Dilday or Alios-,? kie township in Hertford County,' ? who dusted 5 acres of peanuts unducted as a check in the same ( with sulphur to control leaf spot | di cBsr-s and left another 5 aures 1 field. | When yield records were taken, by Dilday, he found that the' dusted peanuts had yielded an i average of 2,142 pounds of nuts f per acre as compared with 1,491 i , pounds for the undusted area, a,! grain of 651 pounds of nuts per: 1 1 acre. ^ Garriss believes in being con- i set vative. In estimating what i S: may be accomplished in dusting peanuts in North Carolina, he j . says that if half of the peanut j \ acreage in the State were dusted j ^ J with sulphur to control leaf spot;" j diseases and if the gains were | obtained by Dilday, the result j only one-half as large as those 1 would be about 49 million pounds IJ of extra nuts, valued ot about 4 A . million dollars on the basis of j - October' 15 prices. ' \\ Garriss says that County Agent t J. W. Bailentine of Hertford and other county agents of the State I College Extension Service in the peanut area have done an ex, cellent job in calling the attention A of growers to the need for fight' ing icuf spot diseases on peanuts f ' and that their' work on this one I rron nlnnn is sn.vinp' thoir p*rnv 1 e:s large amounts of money. Tests have shown that the cost i ' of Justing can be paid for by ,, t the inci eases in the yield and | e quality of the hay. 1 I ble, A Complete Line Of | d BUILDING | PLIES I ur Requirements iRS SUPPLY, Inc. 2-3339 TON, N. C. HOHHHMKMHMni I |! Iways Glad ve You! EE US OFTEN I LOWAY ! ,Y, N. G. % 'ew Changes In j Produce Prices ????? tatisticians Department Notes Prices Being Paid For Farm Commodities RALEIGH?-The recent farm ice report released by the .atistics division of the State epartmenl of Agriculture shows at the average price North Carina fanners are receiving for nil dropped from $1.40 per buel to $1.35, while wheat adinced from the October price of J .70 per bushel to $1,72 and ts moved from 90 cents to 95 , nts per bushel. Prices for slaughter hogs re-' ained at $14.10 per hundred for j ;tober and November, but veal I Ives moved from $13.30 per indeed to $13.40 and sheep went j om $7 to $7.20, while lambs mained steady at $13. The aver- i ;e price for chickens dropped om 29.1 cents per pound to 27.5 nts and eggs brought 54 cents r dozen r.s against 51.C cents October. Baled hay went from $33.50 to r ton to $24. Cowpeas dropped om $4.15 to $! per bushel and ybeans dropped from $2.20 to \15 per bushel. Sweet potatoes 'eraged S1.90 per hushel for the . o raontlis, Irish potatoes went om $1.70 to $1.S0 per bushel, id commercial apples advanced i cents per bushel, from $2.90 $3.25. reezer Locker A dvice Given RALEIGH?Bo bcit S. Cuitis, ttlc marketing specialist with e State Department of Agricul . ne, advises farmers and others anning to invest funds in a eezer locker plant to "look into; ie situation carefully before talc- j g the plunge." He said that farmers should ivo satisfactory- slaughtering! (Uipment on the farm, or avail-1 lie at a convenient distance, ] linting out that this service j lould be made available in some | itisfactory manner. Farmers should have satisfacny arrangements made with, ie lo'ker plant to have meats operly cooled, cut into stand-1 d cuts for use at home or for i lie, and should be able to have j s meats salted, cured, seasoned. | id smoked according to his, ishos. AMUZU1 I H E A T R E SOUTHPORT, N. C. Inns., - Fri., Dec. 13 - 14? "THE GREAT JOHN L." [.Influ Darnell - Greg McClnre Iso?PARAMOUNT NEWS aturday, Dec. 1">? "THE FIGHTING GUARDSMEN" IVtlliam Parker - Anita I/miso Iso?CARTOON [on., - Tues., Dee. 1" - 18? "THUNDERHEAD" ctlilv McDowell - Preston Foster Iso?Post-War Inventions 'eilnesilay, Dee. 19? "LAKE PLACID SERENADE" Vera Ilruba Ralston and Vera Vague Iso?CARTOON ... O M I N O :? "THE CORN IS GREEN" BETTE DAVIS CASH or T1 liWILI Vets Certificates Still Unclaimed 17,898 Bonus Certificate! Unclaimed Veterans Ad' ministration Says; Advis. es Victory Bonds The Veterans Admlnistratiol still has on hand 17,898 out ol a totai of 3,782,574 Adjusted 9er vice Certificates issued as r "bonus" to World War I vetC' lans, and it would like for th< owners to step forward and clam tliem so the "bonus accounl books" may be closed, Robert S Matthews, Jr., contact representative In Wilmington, announced today. These certificates have a face value of $17,517,152, although some 12 555 have loans against them amounting to $5,402,667, All have some value, however. Almost all of them matured last January I, and no longer pay Interest to their owners. Vet-rans Administration finance office..; said that deaths, disappear. mi i and forge:fulness are the : i easens the certificates remain unclaimed. It is very LO HOW MA NORTH CAROLINA As Telephone Tommy poini whale of a lot of talking fri of this year. Fact is, more were made than in any othi history of the telephone in We wish you could hav through our telephone excl lights dance across our swil sparkle as to turn the lights Vnn mi'orht Havf felt tfc handled, the telephone folk: of the war. The best way ft the company did not profit startling fact. And that is will be the lowest in the < the worst of the depressio: This is because our ex; materials, cost of servicesthan our revenues. Telephone people, howt handling North Carolina's c primarily with figures. In: Carolinians were concerne calls through and seeing t They knew their job was pleasant "thank you", E. H. WASSON, SOUTHERtl BELL TELEPHOI f N C O I aule: ERMS to MEET Y( JAMSON 8c alers In First Class A: SHALLOTTE. N. C ,|"||, r PAGE 3 'probable. they edded. that Ok at of tliein will never be chimed and the money set aside tor their I payment will eventually be return[ ed to the General Fund of the Treasury Department, i In most cases, no communlca tirms regarding- the certificates have been received since they were issued In 1925, or since the veterans borrowed up to 50 per 1 cent of their value, as authorized ' In 1921 by an Act of Congress. Tlie Treasury Department, like 1 tlie Veterans Administration, must keep records of the "bonus" pay( monts and is also anxious to close ' its booka Finance officers of ; both government agencies aug gested that owners of certificates claim them, cash them in and use 1 the returns to purchase interestbearing Victory Bonds. 1 fertilizer Sales Show Decrease RALEIGH?Pointing out that tag sales indicate only 63.291 toiis of fettilizer . were sold In November as against 106.068 tons t November a year ago, D. S. Coltrane, Assistant Agriculture Commissioner, urged fanners rci cently to place their fertilizer orders without further delay. : OK NY CALLS HIDE THIS TEAR ? V " I ts out, North Carolinians did a jm January through November local and long distance cails er similar period in the entire North Carolina. e seen the rush of these calls ranges. They made the signal rchboards with such speed and on Broadway green with envy. tat with so many calls being i were making money because >r Telephone Tommy to prove by the war is to tell you this "telephone earnings in 1945 :ompany's history, except for n yesrs". penses?wages, taxes, cost of ?increased at a greater rate ;ver, were glad to be busy alls. They were not concerned stead these 3,712 busy North d with service?getting your hat lines were kept in order, to serve you well and with a Carolinas Manager IE AM TELEGRAPH COMPANY POIATEI mwBMnaaBMsnHHHBHmmanammmsnBHmi ? ^ : j mules we sell are * ind of mules you They are the kind ive real service. i and look over : we have in our : 1 i es. : )UR NEEDS j COX j tules" :

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