rt,e Pilot Covers ^nswick County THE STATE PORT PILOT ^SiXTEEN NO. 51 A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Southport, N. CM VVednesday, March *27th, 1946 Most of The News All The Time 6-PAGES TODAY $1.50 FER YEA.- PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Bolivia Girls And Leland Soys Winners In Tourney For County Championship ..?|y Favored Leland ujsies I" Championship jjotest Friday Night BRNAMENT was HIGHLY successful (jmort Boys Lost To Le ^ |n Thriller Friday Ijht As Teams Bat jed To Finish -.r-.v-t.-tling contests Fri -t ...tht to a close the -k County High [ Basketball tournament, j:.v .i srtrls and Leland _ championship titles. & :.:>t part of the champ header Bolivia a scrapping sextet [*]ar..: -6 to 23. Mercer and McDowell with v.e victor's scoring, while f up 13 points for i itp rt was unable to over 4e r'fects of a first naif pal inline, but the local raved a whale of a game l r. third and fourth quar i threaten Leland up to *rv end in the boys game, n ?. 21 to 17. The score 15? all with about three :;j to play, and at that Rourk. Leland star, flip e two one-handed shots ?tC out in the court to set s tear s winning margin, id (Girls) F.G.T. (F) 2 0 2 i IF) E3 |F) 2 3 8 r (F) (F) 3 5 13 s (C) 5 IC) tr, B. i G ) sin (G) i (G) r E. (G) TOTAL 23 Q (Girls) F.G.T. (Ft 0 5 10 BsU IF) 14 9 Weil i F) 0 12 (C) 12 5 ! (G) a:. (G) fcgham (G) TOTAL 26 Iport I Boys) F.G.T. Steele iF) 4 16 e (F) (F) 10 1 ?C (F) 10 1 is a tough assignment," he ! explained. "I'm out there watch :ing for infractions of the rules, and even though I have a close up view of all that goes on, it is hard for me to name five players and say these are the best; or to pick six others and say that here are the top per formers in the tournament. An other thing that makes it dif ficult is that the players arc under a terrific pressure. Once in a while you will see a good steady boy or girl become the victim of bucy fever and go far (Continued on page three) Governor Cherry Will Visit Orton Plantation Welfare Officer Coming April 1 At the regular meeting; of the I Brunswick county Welfare ' Board here last week Charles E. White, of Hertford, was named superintendent of public welfare. He succeeds Mrs. Maude Phelps, who resigned several weeks ago. The new welfare officer will begin work in this county on April I. A. P. Henry, the State's ap pointee, and O. P. Bellamy, ap j polntee of the county commis sioners, named George C. Swain as the third member of the ! Welfare Board. Mr. Swain will j continue to serve as the chair I man. Service Station Robbed Thursday l Jimmy Pemberton, Former ly Of Southport, Was Vic tim Of Hold-Up Men Who Visited His Place Early In Morning Jimmy Pemberton, operator of | the small but active filling sta tion nearest the Brunswick River bridge on Routes 74 and 17, was held up and robbed by two mask ed men at an early hour Thurs day morning. Pemberton, who is well known (Continued on Page 3) Winnabow Man Laid To Rest A. M. Beck Died At Home Of His Daughter last Wednesday; Was Widely Known Citizen Of The County A. M. Beck, widely known I throughout Brunswick county un j til a long period of failing health caused him to become less active, died in Wilmington at the home of his daughter. Mrs. H. R. Hin son, last Wednesday afternoon. Until he went to live with his ] daughter some months ago his | entire life had been spent in the | Winnabow community. He is survived by four sons, L. j A. Beck. Wilmington; A. W. j Beck, Newport News, Va.; Z. V. | Beck, Florence, S. C.; E. C. Beck, j Raleigh; two daughters, Mrs. H. R. Hinson, Wilmington; Mrs. E. (Continued on Page 3) Governor And Mrs. Gregg Cherry And Mr. And Mrs. A. H. Graham Will Attend Barbecue Dinner At Orton Friday AZALEAS SHOULD BE BEST THIS WEEK Weather Conditions During March Have Brought Gardens To Height Of I Their Beauty Earlier This Year Visiting the beautiful Orton Gardens Friday, Governor and Mrs. R. .Gregg Cherry and sev eral me: .teurs of the state high way and public works commission will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Sprunt. Highway Chairman aind Mrs. A. H. Graham will be in the party. Other members of the commission who plan to attend arc J. E. Bridger, of Bhidenboro; John G. Clark, Greenville; John N. Hackney, Wilson; and Dr. Henry W. Jordan, of Cedar Falls. The visitors are to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sprunt at a bar becue dinner. The visit of the State official party at this time is made in re cognition of the fact that the t nationally famed Orton azaleas will be in full bloom through the 1 remainder of this week and the first few days of April. During the past few days hun dreds of visitors have visited the ' Orton gardens, which now pre | sent a riot of color. The azaleas have reached their peak earlier i than usual this spring, due to the j unusually mild weather during | March. It had been predicted that last 1 Sunday would see the gardens at i the height of their beauty, but ! cool weather during the week Continued on page 3 Much Interest In Judge Race W. J. McLamb Has An nounced His Candidacy For This Office; Ward And Purvis Mentioned As Possibilities J. Worth Stanley, who last I week announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for I judge of the Recorder's court, | has at least one opponent, pos sibly two, as a result of this week's developments. W. J. McLamb has made form !al announcement of his intention 'to seek the nomination, and Mon ( Continued on Page 3) Election Board In Organization Meet Saturday David Rom Again Elected Chairman, R. S. Milliken Named Secretary Of County Election Body NEW REGULATIONS ABOUT ABSENTEES Application For Ballot Must Be Made In Person Or By Member Of Imme diate Family This Year The Board of Elections for Brunswick county met at the at the courthouse in Southport Saturday morning and after be ing duly qualified before Clerk of Court Sam T. Bennett immediate ly went into session. On motion of R. S. Milliken, seconded by L. C. Babson, it was . ordered that David Ross be re tained as chairman and R. S. Milliken, seconded by L. C. Bab son, ordered an adjourned session to be held on Tuesday, April 2nd, at 2:00 p. m. at which time the business of ^Iteration of precincts the appointment of precinct of ficials and such other business as may come before the board will be attended to. Chairman Ross is having pre pared the application forms ne cessary for obtaining absentee ballots for servicemen for the Primary Election. He points out that the application must be made by the wife, husband, bro ther, sister, parent or child, and then only when the voter is regis tered on the primary registration book, or on the chairman's spe cial absentee register used in the 1944 primary. The voter must be 21-years-of-age and must give his place of residence at the time of entering service. He must have been a resident of the State for one year and of the precinct for four months. Try Five Cases Before Recorder Monday Saw A Light Sess ion Before Judge John B. Ward In Brunswick County Recorder's Court Perhaps it is the present busy times reflecting itself in the be havior of Brunswick county peo ple, at any rate the cases before Judge John B. Ward in Recorder's court Monday ran small. There were few cases and almost fewer spectators. The minute books shows the following business handled: Lloyd Van Register, speeding, judgment suspended on payment of a fine of $10.00 and costs. Lawrence E. Hall, reckless op eration, judgment suspended on payment of a fine of $25.00 and costs. Charlie Howard Goose, reckless operation, continued. L. C. McGill, reckless operation, not guilty. Leroy Rourk, refusing to accept treatment for tuberculosis, con tinued. E. H. Ganey, rcckless opera tion, not guilty. Shallotte Man Died Thursday Reuben ? Hewett, Retired Farmer, Buried Saturday Afternoon At Chapel Hill Cemetery Reuben Hewett, well-known re tired farmer of the Shallotte sec tion, died Thursday following a brief illness. Mr. Hewett was 76 years of age. The funeral was held Saturday (Continued on Page 3) District Lions Visit Southport Southport Club Was Host To Meeting On Thursday Evening In Local USO Club Building j The Southport Lions Club was ? host Thursday night to a district I meeting of this organization at the USO Club here. Representa tives were present from White ville, Burgaw, Leland and Wil mington. E. M. McEachern, president of the local organization, served as i master of ceremonies, and after Paul T. Marchburn, of Wilming ton, had lead in singing one verse of "America," the invocation waa Continued on page S