The Pi!ot Covers grunswick County THE PORT PILOT OL. ^SIXTEEN NO. 7 A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The News All The Time 8-PAGES TODAY Southport, N. C., Wednesday, May 22nd, 1946 $1.50 PER YEA. PUBLISHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY i ? m i OfScooper Gqu^p /?? Ordered Transferred From iBrunswtck To New Hanover I. g H. Hunt Parker tfykes This Action After lgejnff Convinced That [fair Trial Impossible In Brunswick (L. v OTHER CASES OF MINOR INTEREST ? I Of Man Held For Jurder Of Shallotte Far- j mer Was Center Of I public Interest This I Week J--e :::ai f Leon (Schooper) ; r -hooting: of H. Jim [,* .so: Shallotte farmer, last tll;y was ordered by Judge Hunt Parker yesterday to be c:.vo : f:vm this county to New k:rsr. Parker, who is presiding f'ur a one-week term of Su 5vr court for trial of criminal Si listened to the motion of [ease counsel for removing this st upon the grounds that it, til be impossible to obtain a tan: impartial trial in Bruns t* county. then heard the argu k: made by Solicitor Clifton Meore ar..i counsel for private isaKon in favor of proceed l iv;:h the case. He then ex- 1 issei his own doubt that a ir trial could be held in the rnr where the murder was ?Eit:eJ. and directed that all ps. etc be tansferred to 1 J rt in New Han-' ft-::: at the trial may i tea there. Guise :s being defended by J. fcark. Southport. und Osmer it. Luniberton. R. I. Mintz _ been employed for private Mention of this case. It is I v known when this I tome up for trial. I Othe cues that were dispos al of tag Monday's session in | t.ahun P.ankel and John is i:iic in South Am- ! PCl" [Karon methodist AL 1?^'. O. I. Hinson. pastor of 1 ^'!'y M' 'i.o'list church, South-' Lr_ ? - : a series of Evan-] ' - at Sharon Meth yl n Monday night, May ' ar- S o'clock. Services will > Closing Exercises For Schools Begin Saturday Waccamaw High School Will Wind Up Current i School Year This Week, j Followed By Leland And' Bolivia SOUTHPORT SCHOOL CLOSES ON JUNE 1 Same Date Will Mark End Of School Year For Shal- | lotte; No Graduation Classes This Season Beginning with the Waccamaw I school on Saturday, May 25, the j closing of the Brunswick county | schools gets underway this week, and will follow through without fuss or fanfare. Except for a play or two, there will be little in the way of exercises and no graduates at any of the schools. Following the Waccamaw clos ing on May 25th the Leland school ends on May 29, Bolivia on May 31, and Shallotte and Southport will end their terms on June 1st. The colored schools also all close during the above period. The lack of graduates this year is due to the fact that the ! twelfth grade is now being i taught. Students who would have j graduated this year from the normal 11th grade organization will have another year in which J to complete their studies. This rule holds throughout the state and no high school diplomas will be awarded anywhere until the close of next session. The absence of graduating j classes, it is understood, is caus- ; ing all schools in the State to I present very abreviated closing [ programs or none at all. Next ; year will see commencements i back to normal with graduating | exercises and everything. Reidsville Man Buys Home Here L. C. Yount Purchases Old Hoyle Dosher Home And Plans To Remodel And : Move In L. C. Yount, of Reidsville, has purchased the old Hoyle Dosher home in Southport. It is stated that he plans to completely re model the building and will make his home here when the work is completed. The sale was made by D. J. Smith I'.ealty Co. Mr. Yount is a member of the widely known contracting firm ofi Kiker and Yount, of Reidsville. The firm is known throughout the state for its road grading, J paving and bridge building opera tions. During the past few months Mr. Smith has figured in real ! estate deals that are bringing quite a number of prominent up ; state residents to Southport. Cancer Control Quota Reached Glenn Tucker, chairman of th- Cancer Control Fund for Brunswick county, announced this week that t'le sum of $339.62 was realized as a re- | suit of the lecent campaign. This was $39.63 more than the quota assigned this county. During the campaign Bolivia school turned in $28.00; Leland $69.13; Shallotte $61.40; South- I port $71.10; VVaccamaw $10.00. Two special contributions that were mailed in were credited to the appropriate school re- i turns. Lester Davis Is Buried Monday Native Of Southport, But Death Occurred Last Week In Brooklyn, N. Y., Where He Was Making His Home Funeral services for Le3ter Davis, of Southport who died in Brooklyn, N. Y? were held Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock at St. Phillip's Episcopal Church in Scuthport. The Rev. Alexander Miller, rector of St. Paul's Epis copal church, Wilmington, offi ciated and burial followed in the family cemetery. I Born in Southport, he was the son of Mrs. Fannie G. Davis and the late Captain Dumbar Davis of this city. j Surviving in addition to his mother are a daughter, Mrs. R. R. Shellhammer, Louisville. Ky., and her son, Robert Wesley; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie E. Aspinwall, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. S. L. Brinkman. Southport; and two brothers, J. M. Davis, 404 South l"th St., Wilmington; and W. D. (Continued on Page Four) Commissioners In Session Monday Jury List Drawn For The [ Special Term Of Court To Be Held Here In June; Action Taken On Howell's Point Road J Members of the board of com missioners for Brunswick county met Monday, and one of their chief accomplishments was the draw a jury list for the special term of Superior court that ha3 been called for June for trial of civil cases. The board took favorable ac j tion on a petition requesting the [ ^Continued on page 2) Land Bank Now Owned Entirely By The Farmers Federal Land Bank Of Co lumbia Now Owned By Loan Association Mem bers Of Third Farm Credit District INITIAL CAPITAL REPAID GOVERNMENT The Association Has Made Loans Totaling One -Hun dred-Sixt.v Million Dol lars To 70,000 Farmers The Federal Land Bank of Col umbia is now entirely owned by the farmer members of the 85 national farm loan associations and a small number of direct borrowers in the Third Farm Credit District, according to a statement received this week from Julian H. Scarborough, piesident of the bank, by DeWitt Carr, Secretary-Treasurer of the Clinton National Farm Loan As sociation. "The final payment of approximately $5,000,000 of the Government's investment was made on May I," Secretary Treasurer Carr said. The initial capital of The Fed e al Land Eank of Columbia of $750,000 was provided by the Government when the bank was chartered on March 16, 1917. This capital was gradually repaid as the national farm loan associa tions purchased capital stock in the bank and by 1928 all Gov ernment capital had been return ed. During the period 1932-38 the Government again invested in the capital and surplus of the bank to enable it to meet the tremendous demand for farm mortgage credit existing during that time. The bank has been paying off this Government in vestment as rapidly as possible and completed payment in full on May I. The bank has loaned more than $160,000,000 to nearly 70, Continued on page two Captain Bellamy Back In County Served As Master Of Dredge At Several Points In Pacific During War; On Leave For Time Be ing Capt. W. E. Bellamy of the U. S. Army Engineers returned home this week from 16-months of service in Honolulu, Guam and Okinawa. He was master of one of the big army engineer dredges during this period. Captain Bellamy, whose home is near Supply, has approximate ly 30-years of service with the Army Engineers and has had Masters rating since 1939. For two years, during 1942 and 1944, he was superintendent of the floating plant for the Wilming ton district. In town yesterday he stated he would be on leave from the ser vice for the present, subject to being needed by the Wilmington or other districts. W. B. KEZIAH Our ROVING Reporter Contractors have recently been heard to complain that there was j almost no deposits of brick clay j for the manufacture of brick in , coastal North or South Carolina. This belief is all wrong. Lying on both sides of Walden's Creek on the River Road, three miles above Southport there is an apparently inexhaustable supply of brick clay. Leaving off all guess work as to the quality of this clay, it is pointed out that practically all of the brick buildings at Port Caswell and many others in this section were constructed of brick imade on Walden's Creek. Much of this construction is now 49 and more years old and the brick is still in perfect condition. In the days of the Walden Creek brickyard, shipping by water and hauling by wagon were the only means of delivering the P'oduct. Hauling over the roads that existed in those days was about out of the question. Trans portation problems and very httle construction work in this area put an end to the Walden Creek brickyard 40 years ago. The late William Weeks, of Southport, was the last operator of the plant. Old residents state postively that the yard did not close owing to lack of quality of the product or exhaustion of the clay de posits. The bricks were No. I stuff and there are still thousands of cubic yards of the best brick clay on both banks of Walden Creek. Seems a strange thing that building contractors in Brunswick county who are now bewailing the inability to get bricks and other building material, are not calling the attention of brick makers to this local clay de posit. It is not too late for some of them to do that. The clay is still there. It appears that the North Car olina Department of Conservation and Development is very much in earnest with regard to doing something at Fort Caswell, if it (Continued on Page 4) Empty Coal Cars Await End Of Strike WILLIAMSON, W. VA. ? Some three thousand coal cars ? all empty ? await termination of coal strike at Williamson, W. Va., center of one of nation's richest bituminous coal fields. Loaded these cars would hold approximately 150,000 tons of coal. Converting U. S. industry used 1,000,000 tons of bituminous coal daily before strike. Inspection Party Pays Visit To Section Base Court Officials Good Fishermen Following adjournment of j I court for the day at 5 o'clock I Tuesday afternocn Judge R. ! Hunt Parker, Solicitor Clifton Moore, Clerk of Court Sam T. Bennett, Clerk of Court Elwin Faulkner, of Hendeiionvllle; Attorney F. J. Prevatte, Pro bation officer Woods and W. 1 B. Keziah went freshwater I failing. The party caught more fish than a group of twelve could eat at a big supper last night. Judge Parker was top man with a catch of II beautiful goggle-eyes. Keziuh didn't fish. He was watching to see no- i body exceeded his quota. This afternoon Judge Parker, Judge John J. Burney, Solicitor j Clifton Moore and Keziah are having a private and secret trial of the ability of goggle eyas to swallow live minnows. Raising Funds For Cemetery Perpetual Care Of Chapel Hill Cemetery Provided Through Donations Made By Shallotte Citizens Shallotte citizens are now in the midst of their annual May drive for funds for the year-round cleaning up of the Chapel Hill cemetery, burial placc for the Shallotte dead and for many from the surrounding community. It is doubtful if any burial place in Brunswick is kept more scrupulously clean than Chapel Hill. Recently Carl Goerch, pub I Usher of the State Magazine at I Raleigh, was driving by there, j Seeing it at a distance from 200 (Continued on Page 2) High Ranking Officer In- \ spects Installations At Naval Section Base With Idea Of Possible Use By j Coast Guard MAY NEED ONLY PART FACILITIES Department Of Conserva tion And Development Has Become Interested In The Possibility Of Acquiring Base An inspection party from Coast Guard headquarters at Norfolk visited Fort Caswell Thursday. The party included a high-rank ing officer in charge of bases. Previous to tuis inspection it was stated by a Navy officer that the trip would decide whe ther or not the Coast Guard wanted' CasWeTl as "a base. The same officer stated that while he was not a spokesman for the Coast Guard, it was his under standing that if the Coast Guard asked for and obtained the use of the base they would only use the docks and a few small build ings. It is believed that an announce ment will be made in a short time relative to whether or not the Coast Guard will take over the property. In the event they do not desire it, or if it is de cided that their needs will not call for full utilization of the facilities, it is likely that the Navy will turn it over to some agency for disposal. The North Carolina Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment has been acquiring in formation relative to the facili ties at Caswell, and last week a brief inspection went on record in favor of the state acquiring the property, when and if it be comes available. In the event it is taken over by the state it will become a tourist recreation camp as a part of the State Park sys tem. Saturday Will Be Poppy Day Mrs. William Kincaide Will Be In Charge Of Sale Of Memorial Flowers In Southport For Legion Auxiliary Saturday, May 25, will be Poppy Day in Southport and in thousands of other cities and towns throughout the United Sta tes. Millions of Americans will pay tribute to the nation's war dead by wearing memorial poppies. Millions will make contributions to aid war's living victims, and disabled veterans, and the famil ies of the dead and disabled. Preparations for the observance of Poppy Day here have been completed under the leadership of Mrs. William Kincaide, Poppy Chairman of Brunswick County Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. Volunteers from the Auxiliary will be on the streets early Saturday morning with baskets of poppies which they will offer to be worn in honor of the dead of both world wars. They will continue to distribute the little red flowers throughout the day, endeavoring to give everyone in the city an oppor tunity to wear a poppy in memory of those who gave their lives for America. No price will be asked for the poppies, but contributions will be solicited for the welfare and re ( continued on page two) Both Major Parties To Name Their Candidates In Saturday's Election Pavillion At Long Beach Is Sold This Week The pavillion, bath-house and hotel at Long Beach, near Southport, has been purchased by John F. Garrell, Whiteville businessman, from G. W. Mc Glamery it was learned today. This represents one of the largest realty transactions com pleted in B: unswick county re cently and was handled by H. H. Thomas, business broker, of Wilmington. Mr. Garrell declared this mottling that the beach busi ness will be under the personal management cf his son. Harry, who will start Monday cleaning up the premises and getting things ready for opening by June I. Mr. Gairell stated that in addition to the pavillion, hotel and concessicns a high-class J restaurant, featuring seafood | dishes, will be operated. The young Mr. Garrell was discharged last fall from the ! U. S. Army Air Force after I serving for 5 years. Thirty- j months of this time was spent I overseas. Harry L. Mintz To Head Legion Post Shallotte Post, American Legion, Holds Election Of Officers To Serve During Coming Year - I The Shallotte Post 247 Ot the j American Legion held a meeting Tuesday night of last week and with 40 of its members present. I officers were elected to serve for| the coming year. The new officers are Harry L. | Mintz, Jr., first commander; Ed ward Redwinc, 2nd commander; Sam Russ, third commander; H. B. Usher, adjutant; D. C. An drews, assistant adjutant; Harold Holmes, finance officer; D. C. Andrews, service officer; Ernest Parker, assistant service officer; E. V. Gore, guard; H. B. Nobles, sergeant at arms; E. V. Gore, Jr., historian; Hubert Holmes, public officer; H. B. Usher, mem (Continued on page 2) Doctor Leaving For Army Duty Dr. W. E. Swain, Of Shal- 1 lotte, Has Received Ord ers To Report To Area Regional Hospital, Oak land, California Unless his orders are changed j or cancelled, Dr. W. E. Swain, I young Shallotte physician and, surgeon, will leave Friday of thisj week to report at the Oakland, Cal., Area Regional Hospital, for service with the Army. Dr. Swain holds a commission as first lieut enant in the Reserve Officers (Continued on Page 2) Material Placed To Build Bank Construction Work on Shal lotte Branch Of Wacca maw Bank & Trust Com pany Ready To Get Un derway This Week | Material is now being placed | I for the new brick building that i 1 will house the Shallotte branch | | of the VVaccamaw Bank and! (Trust Company and it has been! | announced that construction work| | will begin immediately. The building will adjoin the J Shallotte Drug Company and is j being built by R. D. White, who j also owns the drug company ! building. R. B. McRoy's of Whiteville, is doing the construc tion work. With Shallotte's extensive trad ing territory among farmers, fishermen and residents of its nearby beaches, banking facilities there will be in the nature of a God-send. No announcement has been made regarding when the 'bank will open for business but Jit is believed that it will be ready sometime during the summer. Interest In Saturday's Pri mary Heightened By Par ticipation Of Republicans Who Vote On Four Can didates CONGRESSIONAL RACE AROUSING INTEREST Large Number Of Demo cratic Candidates In Race For Office With Ten Seeking Vote For Commissioner Brunswick county voters will go to the polls Saturday to nom inate candidates to represent both major political parties in the General Election in Novem ber, for in addition to the usual race for Democratic nomination* the Republicans will name can didates for four offices. There is also considerable in terest in the Seventh Congres sional District race which finds Congressman J. Bayard Clark opposed by \V. S. (Billy) Britt for the Democratic nomination. The period preceding the Prim ary Election has been strangely quiet in contrast to the situation that usually developes during the heat of primary battles, but a large turn-out of voters has been predicted for Saturday. This will be the first Primary Election in which the Republicans have engaged for several years, and it remains for members of > that party to name their choice for sheiiff, members of the board of county commissioners, board of education and coroner. The Democrats must nominate their candidates for sheriff, mem ber of the house, commissioner, coroner, recorder and board of county commissioners, board of education and coroner. The Democrats must nominate their candidates foi sheriff, mem !>Ci of the 1 -a:. cn-1 Z'c, .;r, - coroner, recorder and board of education. A full list of candidates will be found in the advertising sec tion of today's paper. Southport Nine Loses Contest Bladenboro Spinners Scored Four Runs In First Of Ninth To Defeat Locals 8 To 7 Here Sunday; Play At Bladenboro Sat v urday A four-run rally in the first of the ninth enabled Bladenboro to score an 8 to 7 victory over Southport here Sunday afternoon. The locals were away to a three-run lead, which was wiped out by a four-run splurge by the Spinners in the first of the sixth. Southport came back to scorc four markers of their own to run the count to an apparently safe margin of 7 to 3. The first two men up for Bladenboro in the ninth were easy outs, then came the deluge ? and there went the ball game. Southport had a man on first and a man on second with one out as they made an attempted come-back in their half of the inning, but Manager Webb drove n the school auditorium. I Title of this year's production lis "Soup To Nuts," a three-act ' comedy that is guaranteed good I entertainment. I. l'rl. 1 .875 ?i ,777 3 .6J5 4 .555 5 .414 1: .3:13 7 .222 7