-Trial Of Schooper Gause Is Ordered Transferred From -This Co. To New Hanover i Continued Fix m Pnae One> Mallard with murder was con tinued as the defendant is in Federal prison. A nol pros was taken against ,^'aul Brcwn for disturbing a cemetery. r The case charging Ronnie Varnair. with noil support was continued. In the case charging James "STcDaniel with murder, alias capias was issued and the case was continued. A not pros was taken against T. B. Edge, charged with reck less operation. In the case against William Shubert for abandonment and ncn-suppo.'t alias capias issued and the case was continued. The care charging Tobias j Simmons with trespass was con- 1 I tinued. .. 1 Rufus Sellers, chalked with ' reckless operation was called and ; failed. Capias issued and case continued. In the case against James Mc ; Neil and William King: for as sault and larceny the action was continued and capias was issued : tor King. Theodore Babson. convicted on two counts of theft of an auto mobile, was given 15-months in each case, sentences to run con currently. Geo.ge O. Lewis pleaded guilty [ to manslaughter. Given from 5 to 8 years on the roads, judg iment was suspended upon condi tion that the defendant pay the sum of $10.00 monthly for a period of 10 years for the sup po:t of the infant child of dead J man. The defendant is under a S2 000.00, must be of good be havior and must appear at the , Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N.Y. May term of court each year to prove it. LAND BANK NOW OWNED ENTIRELY BY THE FARMERS (Continued from page One) ] 000 farmers since it was or- ! ganized 29 years ago. Farm mort gages held by the bank approxa mate 540,000,000 at this time. ' Lean repayments have been at a rapid rate during the last three years with more than $3 paid to j eavh SI loaned. "The liberal re payment policy of the bank en courages boi rowers to make ad vance payments on their loans and pay them in full before ma turity which has enabled many farmers to own their farms and homes, free of debt, much sooner than planned, "Secretary-Treas urer Carr said. The Clinton Association has a farmer-owned capital of 526,635, all of which is invested in capital stock of The Federal Land Bank, j The of rice is located at Clinton and handles the making and servicing of land bank loans in Brunswick, Sampson, Duplin, Pen der, and New Hanover. RAISING FUNDS FOR CEMETERY (Continued from page 1) yards from the highway, Mr. Goerch was so struck with its evident care that he drove out to it. made pictures of the grave yard and published the pictures, j along with a feature story. It is the usual custom for each family that has dead buried at Chapel Hill to contribute SI. 50 yearly towards the upkeep of the cemetery. This yearly offering is often supplemented by dona- : tions from other interested par- j DESER VES Re-election The Congressional record of J. Bayard Clark is an open invitation to thinking men and women of the Seventh District to support him in the coming Primary Election. For 18 years Congressman Clark has worked at his job in Washington, with the emphasis always on work. He has represented his district ably, and has at the same time served his Nation with honor, dignity and efficiency. Through his years of service and his close application to his job he has reached a high place in the councils of his country. He has acquired invaluable knowledge of Congressional procedure and is rated as an expert in charting the course of legislation. Today he is the 37th oldest Con gressman in time of service and as such is now at the point where he will be called upon to assume a type of leader ship that will reflect great honor upon the State of North Carolina. Congressman Clark has served through one of the most critical and trying periods in our National history : Depression, New Deal, prepar edness, war and now reconversion. The citizens of the Seventh Congressional District cannot at this time afford to deprive themselves and the United States Government of the services of this able and diligent public servant. V Tfce Best Interest of Your County, Your Dis trict, Ycur State and Your Nation Demands The Rencmination and Re-Election of J. BAYARD CLARK UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN J. Bayard Clark tics. All donations are made during the month of May to a committee composed of Mrs. R. D. White, Mrs. Alvin Milliken and O. L. G:ay. This committee employs Tom Harper for con- ! stant care of the graveyard. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION MONDAY (Continued froii > pate Onei giading and improvement of the Howell's Point road from its in tersection with Highway No. 130. It has beeri recommended that the State Highway Commission take it over and keep it graded. The board sold the J. L. Phelps in Lockwoods Folly township t; Mrs. Geitie Phelps for S300.00. The board passed a resolution j permitting Earl Thompson to pay all taxes now due on the Vera Sessoms place on the basis of $5.00 per acre, and corrected I the acreag from 70-acres to 35- i acres. it The following men were drawn for jury duty at the June term of court: J. T. White, F. O. Sim- j mons, S. A. Sue, M. V. Skipper, j T. H. Wolf, Leland; W. E. Avant, j Longwood; H. H. Clemmons, ! Thomas N. Galloway, John S. j Grissett, Tommie Hewett, S. A. | Caison, J. W. Sellers, Jr., Elbert C. Phelps, Supply; Edward B. Smith, P. P. Formy Duval, H. L. White, Elda Millikin, R. P. Sim- ! mons. Ash; Bill Bowling, D. R. Mercer, E. M. Cox, Bolivia; J. P. Dosher, L. W. Sellers, W. E. Stanley, Southport; Dawson Bland, G. W. McLamb, Shal lotte Robert A. Little, H. J. Edwards, Freeland. SOUTHPORT NINE LOSES CONTEST (Continued from puge i) and twice he drove men across for scores. He also did , a nice job of receiving. Sharpe pulled a nice play early in the game when he caught a shoe-string drive in left, then threw to se- j cond for a double play. Southport journeys to Bladen boro Saturday afternoon to play the Spinners in their home park in this week's regular league game. Attempts are being made to schedule a game with Leland in the Legion stadium in Wil | mington for Friday night. HARRY L. MINTZ TO HEAD LEGION POST (Continued from page 1) j bership; W. K. Usher, employ ment. The Legion will hold ite regu lar meeting on Tuesday night, May 28. It is urged that all I members attend this meeting as business of importance is to come up. < DOCTOR LEAVING * J FOR ARMY DUTY (Continued from page 1) Corps.' The orders for him to , report for duty came most un expectedly. Dr. Swain is the son of lUr. and Mrs. W. L. Swain, of Fay etteville, formerly of Shallotte. Auto Loans ? FINANCING ? RE-FINANCING ? SALES FINANCED COLUMBUS Finance Co. Main St. at Franklin Second Floor Whiteville, N. C. Phone 8 AMUZU THEATRE SOUTHPORT, N. C. First Show Will Start at 7 p.m. Two Shows Each Night ? 1st show at 7:00 p.m. Admission 9c and 25c THURS., - FRI? MAY 23 - 24? "CAPTAIN KIDD" CHARLES LAUGHTON and RANDOLPH SCOTT ALSO ? Paramount News SATURDAY, MAY 25? "ONE WAY TO LOVE" MARGUERITE CHAPMAN and CHESTER MORRIS Also ? "Beer Barrel Pole Cats" 3 STOOGES MON., - TUES., MAY 27 - 28? "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS" JOAN DAVIS, JACK HALEY, and GENE KRUPA ALSO? "CANINE CADDY" WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 ? "GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST" RUTH NELSON ALSO? Chupt. 5?? "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" COMING:? "JUNIOR MISS" i Peggy Ann Garner, Allyn Joslyn Reaped in the Sh-allotte com munity he returned there to prac tice medicine two months ago. During that short time h* has built up a very active practice. M:s. Swain and their two children will continue their resi dence at Shallotte, for the pre sent at least. Dr. Swain stated yesterday that he would return and resume his practice just as socn as he is released from the Army. He has no idea how long that might be. SATURDAY WILL BE POPPY DAY ? 'nntlnurtd From Pa On??t habitation funds of the Legion and: Auxiliary. All money re ceived will be used for the bene fit of disabled veterans and fami lies of veterans. It will be ex pended largely in aid to needy veterans and families in Bruns wick county during the coming year. The local poppy workers will be part of an army of mott than 100,000 volunteers which will distribute poppies in the United States. All will donate their services for the day without pay. The only paid workers in the poppy program are the disabled veterans who make the flowers. The poppies to be distributed here have been made by disabled veterans of both wars at Fay etteville. i Mrs. Reid Hostess To Winnabow Club :l The Winnabow Home Demon stration Club met at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Reid Thursday af terrfdon. The president, Mrs. A. P. Herrfy, Jr., called the meeting to ordeh The hymn, "Day Is Dying In The West" was sung, and ( this was followed by the collect, j The secretary, Miss Josie Reid, read the minutes and had the roll called. Miss Reid gave the financial report. The poultry leader, Mrs. Ruth j Kye,' gave her report. The gar- j den leader) Miss Kate Johnson, j did likewise. A general discussion was had . about home freezing. Miss Mc- ; Lamb demonstrated ? "Work Sav- 1 in" Kitchens" by means of pic- I ture slides. She also showed by j means Of the slides best me thods of arranging the grounds around the home. Some slides were shown of the 4-H club girl's dresses. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson direct ed an interesting contest during , STOP SUFFERING FROM RHEUMATISM , LUMBAGO, SWOLLEN JOINTS ARTHRITIS. BACKACHE. NEURITIS Quick relief con now be yours. Thousands acclaim the wonderful nrw discovery ? 1 LAKEN'S t DROPS which has brought fhem ] relief they never thought possible. Get LAK?N'5 9 DROPS today on a , guarantee ol satisfaction or your money bock. IMlEto'S 9 DROPS On La c At All Drug Store:, LOOK! Big Square Dance FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 24th AT THE USO BUILDING In Soutbport MUSIC BY THE "Radio Pals" i ALL Electric String Band TIME; ? 8-30 'Till 11:30 Admission ? 50c Each First 15 Girls? "FREE" the rccreation period. Eight members were present: Mrs. G. T. Reid, Misses Bertha and Josie Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Kye, Mrs. A. P. Henry, Jr., Mrs. E. \V. Taylor, Miss Kate Johnson. Two visitors, Mrs. Hal B. Cooper and Miss Juanita McLamb, of Clinton, the latter a sister of Miss Alene Mc Lamb were present. The Misso.i Betty Flo and Jean Reid and Master Frank Henry were present also. 4 During the social hour ice tea, lemonade, ' salad and crackers i were served by the hostess and her daughter. The club adjourned to meet again in June at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson. Among some tribes of Am erican Indians, sticks given to witnesses . of a marriage aie broken in case of divorce. When the Stars and Stripes fly ever the White House, from sunrise to sunset, it indicates the The' Yancey County g Association recently soV: 5 animals of that bt? ( u average of $261 each. ATHLETES FOOT ^>1 HOW TO KlLlrP IN ONE HOUR if not ru' \ >kk i Ask any druu- ,.;i fungl<"^e' i i percent ?><- '?-. ' : : i Reaches ami . ? 1 faster. * WATSONS 1MI\UM\<T REPUBLICAN VOTERS . . . I want to remind you that it is our duty to go to the polls on Ma, 25th. and help to nominate the man who will represent our party ;n the General Election in November. When the Brunswick County Republican Convention was held at Supply last month, it was the decision of that body that we enter the May Primary Election. I urge you to look over the sample ballot reproduced herewith for your convenience and to chooss for yourself whom you will sup. port with your vote. ? Cast Your Ballot In The Primary Election W- A- KOPP, Chairman, REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SAMPLE BALLOT Official Republican Primary Ballot For COUNTY OFFICERS INSTRUCTION TO VOTER 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a cross (X) Mark in the square at the left of his name. 2. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it to the registrar and get another. For Sheriff (Vote For One) ? H. L. (Sinker) WILLETTS ? C. W. KNOX For Commissioner (Vote For Three) rn I. N. FULFORD ? FRANK M. NORRIS ? A. P. RUSS ? R. H. SELLERS ? J. THURMAN SKIPPER ? BAILEY KING (Vote For One) ? A. R. MOONEY ? C. 0. BLANTON For Board Of Education (Vote For One) ? G. BLAINE SKIPPER ? J. B. POTTER Primary Election, May 25, 1946 Chairman Brunswick County Board of Electioos. For Judge Recorders Court Thanks for the encouragement that the fit*01' people of Brunswick have given me in my cam paign for the nomination as Judge of Recorders Court. Thanks again for the splendid vote that was given me four years ago when I was a candidate for the same office. Thanks in advance for your vote and support next Saturday. My nomination and election, if you sec lit to place your trust in me, will put me in a position to help make Brunswick county a better placc i'1 which to live. I am a Democrat without being tied to any ring, clique or faction. J. WORTH STANLEY Democratic Candidate For Judge Recorder's Court J. Worth Stanley

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