The Pilot Covers Brunswick County ^SIXTEEN NO. 12 THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The News All The Time 44-pages today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, June 26, 1946 91.50 PER YEAfc PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAT )nly One Upset Results In Second Primary Balloting In This County Saturday g CHinnis Noses Out L. r Tripp For Nomination L County Commissioner 01 f"? V?,e! rFSSION PRECINCT RESULTS PROTESTED | Kite Defeated Ganey, Mc- 1 " b Won Over Purvis ,nj Williams Led jtone; M?ntz High Commissioner v|r otie upset in the First I ?-V returns resulted from -day s Second Primary bal- > s ? Brunswick county, and "iras in the race for com ber where M. B. Chinnis| 5- votes ahead of L. C. ,f w become the third Demo r, nominee for the board, "protest charging irregulari- j ? - Secession precinct during ?^jay's balloting has been! jw with the Brunswick coun- j board of elections and a hear- i has been set for Tuesday,1 r o The protest was signed Diiion L. Ganey and L. C. n fc the race for nomination for r?. John G. White piled up' fiuvote lead over Dillon L. ity White led Ganey by only totes in the First Primary. SY J McLamb held a 300-vote id over Jesse A. Purvis in their s Primary race, and Saturday ujie:: this margin to 561 Eer.rv Williams defeated John Sone in the preferential votei r member of the Board of Edu Uon by 273 votes. It m s in the commissioners r that the only close contest r a cotcty office occurred. Steve to was out front in first ace by 122 votes and became ie attoc! man assured of a emcCTQC nomination as mem ,f ' zurd of conmiwn-. s. The contest between Chin bisd Tripp was nip-and-tuck, is the former finally finishing lai by his 5-vote margin. Iriif Newt Flashes It Ok STOLEN" ?iiie they were visiting rela ys in Asheboro this past week j wi Mrs. Alex Fox had their H true!; stolen from its park place. Up to the present ne they have been unable to law any trace of the machine. kbtlng pastor k' Melvin S. Risinger, who My graduated from the Duke freraty Divinity School, ar ,ft! at Shaltottc Thursday. For ? remainder of this summer he assist the pastor, Rev. 're"w H. Lewis, of the Shal !e Methodist churches. >ARD to meet ginning the first Monday in y members of the Brunswick Ent.v board of education will * the fjrst Monday night in ? month. The next meeting ' *' the time for naming a Wanic to serve during the 11 fiscal year. THVR.SU AY I Mood dance of the sea I be held at Long Beach pllion tomorrow (Thursday) J with music by Maynard I k and his orchestra. This I'-1 auw band that played \for ? opening dance two weeks ago Pmade such a favorable iro ?ssion. f AHARON ftayer meetings arc now be ? held each Thursday night at Ftori Methodist church in P*W> Kolly township. The fton chuich is on the Shallotte ru't The pastor. Rev. Clarence !?**?, has announce"} that bc | Thursday night, July I ' Mn S. Risinger will start I ; course for teachers in I ,ron Sunday school. This r will <? taught each Thurs I n af?er the prayer ser | throughout the summer. CONVENTION ??'?k of Court Sam T. Bennett I yesterday for Greensboro. lere ht is attending the annual I "1 ot Clerks of the Su ?* He expects to be ? his office Friday after t Duvin.g his absence the ?7' ? his office is being car Ejf- Assistant Clerk B. J. Official 2nd Primary Results PRECINCTS Hood's Creek Leland Town Creek . Bolivia Southport Mosquito Supply Secession Shallotte Fryingpan Grissettown .. Shingletree .... Longwood Ash Waccamaw .... Exum Sheriff Rec. ConimisMonerH B. Ed. <b G o w TOTALS 25 73 32 30 125 12 50 174 198 137 69 110 49 103 34 50 31 49 194 | 163 260 155 38 1 54 195 j 83 3 12 18 51 14 141 14 142 24 100 38 70 , 79 169 10 70 8 5 1271 1001 48 71 31 35 1374 31 17 781 128 104 | 135 161 22 228 / 3 16 63 57 46 35 25 11 101 12 15 234 7 41 1C6 91 75 53 82 36 64 19 13 813 1123 44 153 98 37 43 9 31 141 89 48 56 134 31 43 21 23 1001 8 84 70 18 198 7 33 40 130 111 64 34 21 129 19 30 996 11 107 196 56 85 0 10 10 25 17 20 64 11 29 10 6 20 102 122 30 191 12 45 121 161 137 49 24 14 120 15 22 657 j 1185 27 134 lis 3E 113 3 2C 6J 38 21 54 151 43 35 23 17 892 Court Adjourns Monday Until Wednesday Morning Trial Of Fergus-Wells Case Will Begin This Morning As Final Case Of Major Importance Up For Hear ing JUDGE HAMILTON PRESIDING JURIST rS**graf Divorce Cases Set tled And Docket Cleared Of Compromises And Continuances Mon day A special term of Brunswick county Superior court convened here Monday for trial of civil cases, and after several matters had been disposed of before Judge Luther Hamilton, he took a re cess until this (Wednesday morn ing. Scheduled to begin this morn ing is the case of Fergus vs. Wells, a suit for possession of a local seafood packing house on the Southport waterfront. Hie matter of Hildebrandt vs. Reynolds was reported to the court Monday as having been compromised. The case of Sim mons vs. Scott was continued. Six divorces were granted Mon day. These were to Lillie Mae Williamson vs. Hollis Williamson; Eleanor McKeithan vs. B. L. Mc Keithan; Joseph Malone vs. Min nie Malone; Edith L. Thompkins vs. Franklin W. Thompkins; Lula Faulk vs. Herbert Faulk; John L. Galloway vs. Lillie Galloway. Southport Club Loses To Comets Whiteville Nine Slaughter ed Southport Pitching Sunday Afternoon To Win Second Straight Vic tory Southport was snowed under by a score of 20 to 6 Sunday af ternoon by the Whiteville Red Comets in a game played on the former team's home diamond. Cheshire started on the mound for Southport, and although he was tagged for a run in the opening round, it looked like a good ball game when the home team shoved over a tying mark er in their half of the first inn ing. In the second the Cbmets really teed off, scoring 5 runs before the side was returned. Jack Hughes. Southport's leading hurler. came in and got through one scoreless inning, only to have the Whiteville boys start bang ing away again in the fourth. He gave way to Nelson, who finally was replaced by Billy Hardison, who turned out to b? the most effective Southport pitcher for the day. Meanwhile, Roger Harwood was holding the Southport hitters safely in check to score his se cond consecutive victory. Not only did he enjoy a 26-hit batt ing attack for support, but his (Continued on Page 4) ! Paving Contract Let For County I The first Brunswick county 1 road paving contract let by the State Highway Commission, since before the war, awarded to the Towtes^Otoe Construction company Moiwlaj. The contract is for 3.86 miles ?f paving, beginning at IfcjUte 17 near the Brunswick River bridge and running down the River Road. It win serve the area in which the new slup lay-in basin is located. Tht ) contract price was $o4,444. _ State Convention Scheduled Here Court Reporters Will Hold Nineteenth Annual Con ! vention At Southport I July 5th And 6th The North Carolina Shorthand Reporters will hold their nine teenth annual convention here Friday and Saturday of next week July 5th and 6th. About 50 delegates will be present, ac I cording to Spurgeon Baxley Wilmington, president of the as , sociation. Dwieht McEween. Southport j attorney and shorthand reporter, is now awaiting complete m formation as to how many mem bers will attend. Like President Baxley. his best information * that there will be around 50. He expects to have a complete list of all who are to attend by Fn j day of this week, and when be , receives that information he will STSut U.C u* Ot UW rooms for all in homes in South II The meeting is scheduled to (Continued on Page &) Rufus E. Sellers Is Laid To Rest At Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville Rufus Earl Sellers. 61. for many years employed as engineer by ' the U. S Army Engineers office I in Wilmington, died in the Vete-. rans Hospital in Fayetteville bun day. He had been in failnig health for some time. J Mr Sellers is survived by his widow Mrs. Opie Sellers; three sons and one daughter, Burwin I Sellers. John Paul Sellers. Bail t or Sellers and Miss Ccllic Sel llers all of Supply. In addition two brothers and three sisters survive. They are Willie Selleis of New York, Charlie and Oscar 'Seller8, of Supply. Mrs. Homer Peterson, of Wilmington and ;Mrs. Annie Belle Fullwood of j* (continued on page two) Vacation Bible Schools Going On In County Baptist State Convention Assisting With Program Of Bible Training Schools For Brunswick Baptist Association SCHEDULE WILL COVER COUNTY Trained Workers Available For Conducting Bible Schools In Various Communities This Summer L. L. Morgan, State Sunday School Secretary of the North Carolina Baptist Convention, is helping churches of the Bruns wick Baptist Association this summer with their Daily Vaca tion Bible Schools. Through ar rangements with the state head quarters Mrs. Margaret Biggs, of Wilmington, has been engaged to help with this program in ! Brunswick county. 1 Last week, assisted by Miss Minnie Creech, die held a Bible school at Bolivia. Next week Mrs. Biggs will be at Mill Creek. This week, also working under j the State Board, Firman Hall and Harry Mason are teaching a Bible school at Mt. Pisgah Bap tist church, Supply. Mr. Hall has finished his freshman year ;at Wake Forest and will be a sophomore next fall. Mr. Mason is a student at Bob Jones Col lege, Cleveland, Tenn. These two young men are serving in the place of a worker that was to be sent to county and the Bruns wick Association by -M. T. Hug gins in the place of a worker as ! an Associational Missionary. These Bible schools will con | tinue through the summer. Isaac Willetts, of Lebanon Baptist ? church, is the Associational Sun day School Superintendent of the j Brunswick Association, and is (heading up the Daily Vacation : Bible Schools in Association. If | there is any Baptist church in ' Brunswick that would like to have a worker for a week of Bible school it should get in touch with Mr. Willetts as soon as possible. Following is the schedule as it is now: Bolivia Baptist church, Bolivia, June 9-16 (already held); Mt. Pisgah Baptist church, Sup ply, June 17-30 (now in pro gress); Mill Creek Baptist church, Winnabow, June 24-July 7; Jennings Branch, Shallotte,] July 8-21; Elah Baptist church,) Leland, August 5-18; Bethel Bap tist church, Southport, August 19-September I, These churches are expected to have Bible Schools, but the dates have not been set: Lebanon Bap tist church, Winnabow; Leland Baptist church, Leland; South part Baptist church, Southport. Soldier Bay Baptist church had their school last week, led by three girls, Miss Florine Evans, superintendent, student at Mere-I dith College; Miss Wilma Phelps, | student at ECTC, Greenville; Miss Robbie Purvis, who has been at tending school at Rocky Mount. Dormitory Project Started By N. C. State College RALEIGH. ? Chancellor J. W. Harrelson, of N. C. State College is pictured here as he dug the first spade of soil in the construction of two new State College dormitories which will cost $1,100,000 and will have a capacity of 400 rooms with facilities for 1,200 students. The dormitories are being constructed from funds borrowed by the State College Foundation, Inc., from the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. Permission was granted to the foundation to do the work by the Council of State and the Board of Trustees of" the Consolidated University of North Carolina. Looking on as Chancel lor Harrelson, who is president of the foundation, digs the soil are, left to right, Mrs. Mary Beasley, secretary of the foundation; Wilzer Z. Betts of Raleigh, a director of the foundation and head of the State Division of Purchase and Contract; K. CLYDE COUNCIL, OF WANANISH, a director of the foundation and a prominent farmer and industrialist; and R. D. Beam of Raleigh, executive secretary of the State College Foundaiton. 25 Men From County Army Casualties Brunswick county lost 25 men in the U. S. Army during World War II. Of these 13 were killed in battle and the remainder met death in various ways. The list is being made public today by the War-Department ? In' booklets covering each state. In releas ing the list the War Department stressed the fact that another and final report will be issued later and that it may contain some correction. Brunswick's honored dead are listed below, together with their rating. Clyde T. Angel, Sgt.; Ellis Bellamy, Pvt.; Henry C. Bragaw, Capt.; Edward M. Brew, Sgt.; Norwood O. Brooks, Pfc.; LeRoy D. Burkett, Sgt.; Jacob L. Cai son, Cpl.; J. Harvey Cliff, Tec. 4; Charles M. Cox, Sgt.; Emilio Farioo, Pvt.; Clarence H. Hayes, Tec. 4; Edward L. King, Sgt.; Kenneth L. Kinsler, Colonel; May Ion M. Leonard, Pfc.; Barney J. Lewis, Pvt.; Joseph C. Lewis, Sgt.; William C. McGinnis, Sgt.; Roscoe S. Long, Pvt.; Albert L. Moore, Pvt.; Robert W. Ramsey, Sgt.; Calder B. Robinson, Cpl.; Edward Stanley, Cpl.; James C. Stanley, Pfc.; Bobart L. Sutton, Tech. 5.; Solomon I. Willetts, Pvt. Our ROVING 9 Reporter We will have to go fishing with L. C. Brown of Longwood. We were around his way the other day and the former county commissioner was showing us a part of a catch of 38-beautiful red breasts that he was keeping on ice. He had caught them the day before. We hesitated in the matter of saying anything in the paper about his catch, as 38 fish, all of one kind, is a rather large number for any game warden to hear about. The limit is only 20. While we were hesitating Mr. Brown explained that there was another fellow with him. The 38 fish were well under the 20 per day limit for two men. We had a big frog-leg supper the other night, about 60 pairs of them, and with 11 people sit ting in on the feast at the Camel lia Inn. If you have never eaten frog legs, this is to advise you here and now that they are jump ing good. Fried they taste like spring chicken and something better. A fully grown frog is four years old and they are usuaJ ly pretty big at that age. The 60-pairs of legs bagged by MlUl son and your reporter would run to about three years old. It may please the folks who like frog legs to know that there is an unusually large crop of the croak ers this year. If anybody wants a perfectly good (sound in body and limb, 4 and a half foot alligator? we do not know what sort of a dis position the critter has. except by guesswork) Ervin Brookq, one of our colored subscribers at Shallotte,- is prepared to sell the said alligator. Ervin tells us that he caught the saurian by lassoing him with a line. He is keeping him in good shape and uninjured for whoever comes along in the market for alligators, "rtiis is not exactly a free advertisement to assist Ervin in selling his alliga tor. He has a paid advertisement somewhere in the paper, offering to dispose of the critter. On se cond thought, we are not sure | whether Ervin's alligator is a hins or her or he or she ? which ever is correct Jenrette Farm Becoming Model For Modern Methods BULLETIN Announcement was made to- j day by Miss Annie May Wood side, county superintendent of ' schools, that David Watson ha-s been elected principal of South- | port high school for U?r> com- j ing; year- ) Watson is a native of South- I port and is a graduate of j Southport high school. He later ' graduated from Louisburg Col- | lege and East Carolina Teach- | ers College. He was prominent I in athletics at all three insti tutions, being a star basketball and tennis player. Watson was discharged early this year from the Navy with rank of lieutenant. He receiv ed his commission after enter ing service as an enlisted man, and served for more than four I years. He Is now employed in Ra- ! lelgh, but is planning to resign j and attend summer school at East Carolina Teachers Col lege. Tricky Fishing Off S. C. Coast Brunswick County Boatmen Cease Operations In Or-j der To Be Sure They Do i Not Fall Prey To Fisher ies Officials Many Brunswick county boats] that have been fishing in South | Carolina at Georgetown and j Rockville have laid off from work ' and returned home until after the first of July. "Jt is not due to the abscnce of shrimp," said one of the local boatmen last night, "it is just because wc arc liable to be ar rested and fined anywhere from $50.00 to $500.00. The way that things now arc the South Caro lina Fisheries people have a good business." They have a closed season which ends the first of July. At that time fishing licenses may be bought and boats operate with out molestation. At the present time while the closed season is on the boats may only operate outside of the three mile limit from shore, in what is known as known as United States waters and not subject to control by the State. The catch to this is that the fisheries officials use airplanes to sfiout around, and boatmen who firmly believe they are operating j well outside the three-mile limit have their names and numbers taken and find themselves charg ed with fishing inside the limit. I They may get off with anywhere j between $50.00 and $500.00 in fines. As there are no markers on the' South Carolina grounds or nearby the boatmen simply have no way of proving that they were not tresspassing. They pay up to' avoid the loss of their boats and1 (Continued on page 4). Kimball Jenrette In Charge Of Operations On Fath er'# Farm Near Long wood And Has Made Big Improvements PUREBRED CATTLE ANB HOGS RAISED Practically All Work Being Done By Machinery With Diversification Being Feature Of Farm Program The John Jenrette farm in Waccamaw township has always been just about the average for Brunswick county, but during re cent years, with Kimball Jenrette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jenrette, actively in charge, the farm has risen to far above the average in production and net returns. Kimball is a graduate of the Southport high school, where he was handicapped in his studies by increasing deafness. Never theless, he went through with honors and having got through he was faced with the realization that .his deafness was too great a handicap for him to make his way through one of the regular agricultural colleges. But there was another school from which he was not disbarred ??the collcgc of practical ex perience and hard work, And there was the farm on which he was born. One day this past week The Pilot's representative visited the Jenrette farm. With the power of a modern farm tractor Kim ball had just brought a modern, large-type grain combine to the yard for the purpose of oiling it up tfofore completing the task of harvesting this year's crop of grain. The job of oiling the combine was turned over to a younger hired helper while he took an hour off to show us Continued on page four Longwood Citizen Passes At Home Julius B. Hickman, Lifelong Resident Of Waccamaw Township, Died Monday; Funeral Held Tuesday Julius B. Hickman, 67, lifelong resident of Waccamaw township, died Monday afternoon at his home near Longwood. He had been ill for only a short time. Funeral services were held yes terday afternoon at the graveside in the Butler cemetery, at 4 o'clock. Rev. J. I. Milligan had charge of the services. Mr. Hickman was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hick man. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. -isadore Piver Hickman, Longwood: two daughters, Mrs. Bessie H. Smith, of Longwood, and Mrs. Edna H. Long, of Bla denboro; two brothers, John Hickman, of Longwood. and Forney Hickraan, of Bolivia, and one sister, Mrs. Minnie Long, of Ash. Development All Along Atlantic Coast In County Beginning at Caswell Beach And Extending To South Carolina Line, Marked Progress Being Made COASTAL POINTS ALL ARE GROWING Shortage Of Building Ma terials Appears To Be Only Factor That Is Holding Back Big Building Boom Things are now well filled up at all of the Brunswick county beaches, both those that are be ing developed and others that are in the raw and which still have roonl for a trailer. At Fort Caswell Beach all of the houses are said to be taken for both the summer and fall. This beach is now receiving con siderable advertising and Mana ger R. W. Powell says that everything is going fine with the sale of lots. As at other places development has been retarded by building restrictions, but Mr. Powell says that another year will see Caswell Beach blooming:. Long Beach, directly west of Caswell Beach, has suffered less from the building restrictions and inability to get building mater ials. Many nice homes have been built this year and these are all filled up as well as those that were built before the war. Even with more favorable build ing conditions there than else where, somewhere around a hun dred people who own lots and want to build have been unable to get material. Long Beach is on the books for big growth just as soon as folks find material with which to build homes. At Howell's Point everything - is also filled up. They are ex pecting a big season there, de spite the limited number of houses. For the first time in the history of the place they have a store and a small hotel. Holden's Beach, a long-time favorite for summer and fall vacationists, Is forging ahead this year with all homes In use b; owners or rented. Many new houses have been built there this year, many more are under con struction and still more arc being planned. The Shallotte Point section is getting a new road. It is like wise getting much in the way of new buildings and has need for still more. The Point is one of the Brunswick county coastal sections that is bound to develop. The Pilots representative has not seen or heard much of Gause | Beach lately. That is not to be taken to mean that things are not keeping up there. Just re cently Mrs. Guy Culpepper said th^t section was getting a great number of new homes and they expect real development there se cond to no other placc in Bruns wick. Seaside, Calabash and other points all along the coast are very much alive with people who can find no summer homes liv ing in trailers or whatever else they can find. Harry Aldridge Dies At Home Popular Southport Resident Died Monday Morning At His Home Following Extended Illness: Funeral Today Harry Bert Aldridge, 59-year old and lifelong resident of Southport. died at his homo here Monday morning following sev eral months of failing health. Mr. Aldridge had been an em ployee of the city for the past 30 years, serving as dty electri cian for the greater part of that lime. He was a faithful worker and was well known and was highly esteemed In practically every home in Southport and the surrounding county. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Mamie Fisher Aldridge; one son, Harold F. Aldridge; a step-son, Charles C. Poole, a slep-daugtj ter, Mrs. P. W. Larsen: one brother, J. S. Aldridge. of South port. and a sister, Mrs. C. N. Phillips, of Wilmington. He was a member of the Ma sons and Junior Order. Funeral services are being held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Southport Baptist church. Rev. A. L. Brown and Rev. H. B. Baker are In charge of the services. The burial Vtll follow in Northwood cemetery with members of Pythogoraa Lodge serving as pallbearer* . Use honorary pallbearer* win be the members of the Juatat (Continued on Pagw ?

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