The Pilot Covers Brunswick County THE PORT PILOT Sixteen no. is A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The News All The Time 6-PAGES TODAY Southport. N. C.. Wednesday. August 7th, 1946 $1.50 PER YEA* PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDA1 lonial Beach it For Early Building Boom , Name Has Been Adop j By Owners Of Bel jpv-Robinson Land, Lo |Kd On Ocean Front ear Holden's Beach L'DE INTERESTS (buying priperty l(j To These Places Is As First Important ee(j For Development Of New Section Of Beach ?mned beach development tfte Bellamy-Robinson and .. is east of Shallotte In L'been given the official 0f Colonial Beach. tlv \v. E. Bellamy and L-er Robinson, owners of a ".:ac: of beach land on the ocean strand as Holden's V'soM a 2880-foot frontage, nearly a mile back to jijjj waterway, to the Pine Lumber Company -umber of prominent indi b of Spruce Pine, Asheville points in Western North jM This land was divided ? the lumber company and I others interested each get a frcr.tase of 240-feet and ie i?P' iss&Cv in this group of s 'we-e connected with M.ra Corporation in |r*'(irrar.rf?i