Bolivia Divides With Southport Southport Boy#' Score Thril liiig One-Point Victory Over Visitor*; Local Girls Bow To Bolivia Cutting short a Bolivia rally which fell only one point short of tying the score in the closing seconds of the game, the South port boys scored a 14 to 13 vic tory Friday night in the first game of the Brunswick county basketball schedule. High man for the winners was Mollycheck, who made 4 field goals and two foul shots fvr a 10-point total. The entire team played aggressive, wide-awake ball throughout. Stone led the losers with 6 points, followed by Lewis with 5 points. In the girls' game Bolivia took charge of the scoring duties early in the contest and rolled up a 36 to 12 margin over the scrapping Southport sextet. McDowell, tall Bolivia forward, accounted to 22- ? points of her team's total. K. , McRacken led the losers with 6 points. The line-ups follow: Substitutes: Anderson (If) 4; Lancaster (If) 2; Potter (rf);1 House (eg). Girls' Game Southport R. McRacken Hickman R. McRacken Watts Fredere Price If rf cf eg Ig rg 0 2 6 0 0 0 Total BOLIVIA McDowell Caison lf Roberson cf Cunningham Long r& Skipper c& Substitutes: D. McDowell 2; Johnson (If; Phelps (cf); Gore, (cf); Watkins (rg); Willetts (If).1 Total 36 Boys Game SOUTHPOBT Mollycheck f McDowell f Swan f Swain f Stiller c Bowmer c Russ g Newton g Brock g Barker g Spencer g Total BOLIVIA Henry f Stone f Caison W. f Lewis f Ean> c Skipper c Gilbert c Caison G. g Burriss g Danford g Mitchell g Total 13: Shallotte Wins I Over Waccamaw Shallotte Boys Roll Up j Commanding 27-9 Mar gin; Waccamaw Girl# Go Down Fighting By 21 To 12 Count Shall?tte got off to a flying start in the 1946-47 basketball season Friday night with a double victory over the Waccamaw teams on the latter's home floor. In the first game the Wacca maw lassies made a fight of it all the way before bowing out to the tune of 21 to 12. R. J. Ben nett, Shallotte forward, made the difference with her 12 points. Leonard was next with 7-points. Gore led the losers with a 7-point tcftal, followed by Evans with 5-points. The Shallotte boys quickly took command of their contest and i wound up with a one-sided 27 to 9 victory. Gore led the winning at tack with 8-points, but each man in the starting line-up for Shal lotte scored 3 or more points. King with 3 points was the only Waccamaw player able to score more than 2 points during the game. The line-ups follow: Girls Game WACCAMAW Gore Evans McCumbee Babson Stanaland 7 5 F F F G G SOUTHPORT SCHOOL NEWS Junior Red Cross Monday of this week ended our school drive for members of the Junior Red Cross. The minimum enrollment fee per group is fifty cents for elementary grades and one dollar for the high school grades. The sponsors, of course, hoped for more from each group than the minimum requirement. The following sums were con tributed: First, 50c; Second, 92c; Third, $1.50; Fourth, $2.39; Fifth, $1.50; Sixth, $1.54; Seventh, $4.51; Eighth, $5.17; Ninth, $4.35; Tenth and Eleventh, $2.32; and Twelfth, 75c. Total $24.45. Mrs. Ruth Hood directed the campaign throughout the school. Happy Birthday SHALLOTTE R. J. Bennett 12 Frink 1 Leonard 7 Spivey Long P. Bennett Substitutes, for Waccamaw, Smith F; Shallotte, Leonard G. Galloway F-l, Phelps F. Skip per G. Waccamaw 12 Shallotte 21 Boys Game WACCAMAW King 3 F Bennett F Stanaland 2 C Smith 2 G Prince 2 G SHALLOTTE Stanaland 6 Gore 8 Frink * 4 Stanley 4 Milligan 3 Substitutes: Shallotte - Cheers. F, Tompkins C-2, S. Frink, G. Waccamaw 9 Shallotte 27 The prolonged theatre party given by Mr. Furpless honoring the birthdays of our school popu lation goes on apace. Since the Invitation was extended the fol lowing pupils have enjoyed his hospitality: i Jimmie Smith, Nov. 27; Dicky Marlowe, Nov. 28; Elizabeth Varnam, Nov. 29; Betty Todd Corlette, Dec. 1; Billy White, Dec. 2; Roy Daniel and Gene Watts, Dec. 4; Horace Sellers and Annette Howard, Dec. 5; Patricia Marlowe, Dec. 7; Eu lalia Atkinson, Dec. 8. An Excellent Picture Recently the school enjoyed a treat in the moving-picture "Swiss .Family Robinson." Based on the d ntrFk3 ? x ,w cmfwmf cmfpn classic by Johann Rudolph Wyss, it proved highly entertaining to NOTICE The public is hereby warned that any person or persons caught shooting fireworks on. other than their own property in the town limits of Shallotte, N. C., will be subject to arrest and a fine of not less than $5.00 or more than $50.00. The Chief of Police has been instructed to arrest all violators of this town ordi nance. This, Dec. 2, 1946. M. L. Galloway Mayor TOWN OF SHALLOTTE the student body. Hie adventures and hardships of this Swiss family held the attention of be ginners and seniors alike. This Beautiful Season (An Editorial) Fall is a beautiful time of the yepr. At this time everything seems to change, either to add color or to take it away. The leaves turn from their dark green to rust-gold, red, yellow, of bronze. The grass loses its rich green color and exchanges it for a dull, light brown. The air takes on a sharp chill. The wind sends leaves fluttering over the yards. It is a fascinating sight to watch the patterns that the leaves make as they dance and frolic about. Hie late fall flowers take on a brighter color. The roses at this season are more beautiful than in any other. They make a per fect setting, nodding with the cool breeie. Fall brings to mind the gather ing of nuts, the popping of pop corn, and the roasting of apples. All these things are done with glee. The little squirrels enjoy this season, too. They are skipping about, gathering nuts for the long 'winter months. There are mi yj things fall brings to mind, \jt they would fill a book. So, until I become a great writer, let your imagination help you out if you i have never seen the beautiful things that Nature has done. ? Dorothy Ward PITTSBURG, Dec. 9.? John L. Lewis' back-to-work signal to the United Mine Workers today pre saged a return to production in the nation's soft coal mines, end ing the :fast-spreading economic crisis that might have idled mil lions of workers within a period of several weeks. Industry was gearing sumption of normal w* which had been shackle wj 17-day walkout of 400, m? gers. Although some mine n.^1 ance crews already hufcij the pits, one coal operator J ed that the end of the rJ would not miraculously tlll J bins overnight. j The sudden ending of the m| brought a feeling of rdutj many mining towns wluch j experiencing a pre-Christa?|3 but feelings of individual jJ were mingled. * HEWETT'S FRUIT STORE APPLES . . . ORANGES . . . TANGERINES BANANAS, ETC. Wholesale and Retail . . See U# For Nice Fre?h Fruit HEWETT'S FRUIT STORE SHALLOTTE, N. C. CHRISTMAS NEEDS Don't get discouraged about your Christmas Shopping until you try our store. Maybe we can give you some good help with some prac tical gift suggestions from our stock. R. GALLOWAY General Merchandise SUPPLY, N. C. HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS We invite you to visit our store for numer ous articles that will help make Christmas Brighter for all the members of your family. FRUIT and TRINKETS FOR THE CHRISTMAS STOCKING ! Dainty Additions for the Christmas Dinner! C. A. MONTGOMERY GENERAL MERCHANDISE BRUNSWICK RIVER BRIDGE ONLY CHEVROLET GIVES BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST In fact, Chevrolet has the lowest-priced line of passenger cars in its field! Moreover, the new Chevrolet is the only car in Hs field that gives Big-Car beauty, Big-Car comfort, Big-Car performance, BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST in ail Hems of purchase price, oper ation and upkeep. Take it from any and every standpoint, Big-Car quality? low purchase price? low operating and upkeep costs? all tel! you to choose Chevrolet! Elmore Motor Co, BOLIVIA, N- C FOOD and FRUIT Christmas is a time for family gatherings, a time for feasting and rejoicing. Our shelves and our counters are stocked to help supply your holiday needs. A- H- GAINEY GENERAL MERCHANDISE LELAND, N. C. 7 \ ? TOY SI-TOYS! Bring your Santa Glaus list to our store and we will help you fill every need. We have many fine Furniture items that make ideal Gifts for Christmas ! ? Wood and Coal Heaters ? We have them in stock. Remember: We Offer Free Installation Service ! DIXIE FURNITURE COMPANY J. B. Simmons, Mgr. SOUTHPORT, N. G. ?FOR SALE ? One used six-cylinder Twin City gasoline driven power unit, suitable for saw mill. In excellent condition . . . SEE W B. TYSON I LITTLE RIVER, S. G. MATTRESSES We have just received a large shipment of innerspring and cotton felt mattresses. We want you to come in to see them. We still have a few Table Model RADIOS that will make Ideal Christ mas Gifts ! MINTZ 8C CO. HARRY L. MINTZ, JR., Mgr. SUPPLY, N. C. WE NOW HAVE A BIG STOCK OF Nice, Young TENNESSEE Mules and HORSES Good, Fresh, Well Broken! See Them Early ! Seth L. Smith & Company WHITEVILLE, N. c| Just Arrived Another Car Load Of BUCKEYE OIL TOBACCO CURERS first Come ? First Served ? They Are Becoming More Scarce Daily! Ellis Meares Hardware WHITEVILLE Gift Suggestions Pyrex Glass Cooking Ware Carving Sets ? Table Silver Sets Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons and Other Electric Appliances That Will Make Most Appreciated Christmas Gifts NEW TIRES I If you need NEW TIRES, we have several sizes now in stock . . . DON'T DELAY ! | ENNIS LONG SERVICE STATION OnU. s. No. 17 SUPPLY, N.