fl,e Pilot Covers Lnswiek County ^SIXTEEN NO. 41 THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of 1 ne News All The Time A Good Newspaper In A Good Community 6-PACES TODAY Southport, N. C., Wednesday, January 21, 1948 fugusHED every wednesdai ?ij? per yea? tsvvick Farm Leau Elects Ifard President B-ood Farmer And E?e? Man Again Ejs Strong County Or Kation Of Farmers It DELEGATES W to CONVENTION I Organization Now lLrs 482 Members R Are Enthusiastic ? Over Program Of This Group I Brunswick County Farm r meeting at Supply Thurs Etit was well attended with II per cent of the 482 mem Insert L?st >'ear the or" ton had ??"! members. Se B, j. J. Hawes states that I-. ?rs present at the ty night meeting was a Epresentative tx*ly of citi" l o: all sections of the Lrs elected for the year K. toni T. Ward, incumbent, Er j J. Hawes. incum ? secretary-treasurer. Six di L Were elected, one from ?:;?nship. these are Jackson Winnabow: Charles W. t Leland: George Earl Co.".. Supply: W. Ernest End. Ash: C. Frank Lennon, E: and Elroy King, Free-1 L the State Convention at Asheville February Kveral delegates and alter-I Itere elected to attend and Lrt Brunswick. These are: ? Williams, delegate, Elroy j I alternate: Earl Thompson, l:e J. J. Hawes, alternate; ? 1 Brown, delegate, Carl1 Bird. alternate: Jackson B. Ir delegate, Sylvanus L. Pur Icerrate: W. Ernest Stana I elegate. Mannon C. Gore, t:e: Charles W. Harvell, k Paul Brown, alternate. It general discussion the fcrs were united m praise of i Ionization and its power for1 I In this county, as every I the Farm Bureau is strong fesbers, strong in leadership, fe.th a united front to fight1 Ik rights of each farmer to j v- his share of the national j I ir ages." said Mr. Hawes ; I American farmer has been , feast poorly organized pro- ? I in the country. Today, I fe to the Farm Bureau or-! fet:or. with its millions of fers. he has a voice and a j fes hand for better living." ; I litfNewi Flashd ?W)tS OPERATION W. R. Bomberger of; irt underwent an operation - U. S. Naval hospital in | w. Md., Monday. CRN FROM BOSTON and Mrs. Paul Fodale and a have returned home from t ?week's visit to relatives in Mass. ?S TO >1EET i regular weekly session of; SouthfNjrt Lions Club will