IV pilot Covers l^vic-k '-<>untV THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The News All The Time Southport,~N. C.. Wednesday. May 26th, 1948 . published every wepnespai >i.so per veam IN NATIONAL CAPITOL TOURISTS?Members of the Senior Class of Bolivia j is shown a picture of the group, including the chaper . s tjol ;y...lie a trip to Washington, D. C., recently j ones, with the dome of the capitpl standing out promi !?:' tiK celebration of their graduation. Above > nently in the background.?(Star-News cut.) mg Prison Terms Given Men In Roadhouse Slaying ite Asks For Continuance ; n Case Or Captain E. I. looway; Many Other tatters Settled By Court ?i vti.'. men were found f c: xcor.'i degree murder in Brunswick county Super- j court Wednesday before [! John J. Burney, who sen le JtaruR George McDonald! trto from 12 to 14 years and ? iy : Davis, alias Woodrow j s. to 22 to 23 years, to be [ b. ir the supervision of State Highway and Public j ? Commission. Is m?r. were held in the base slaving of Leslie B. t:: Watsor Bolton man, suffered fatal knife wounds s affray at the Charlie Hat pace at Navassa in March. W of Captain E. I. Conway 14arge that inquires inflict-1 resulted in the death > '-ate Sheriff John G. White 1 ?.".tinned upon motion of state when one of its key ?ess was found to be un iia&. Waco King was found p ity of reckless operation. E. Privett was found '? " charges t public drunk 1; ^ judgment continued tha upon payment of I ? was found not ^ 1,1 non-support. B- Robinson pleaded nolo ??dre to two charges of dis ? if mortgaged property. ?' was taxed with costs wtinued on Page Eight* v hitfNewi flasha ^riM, flace To'"nS place for South 2 will be the . ' next vo*e's of P-eci , t No. l will to vote there. '? program ^ *?tal Woman's Club p. -, l11 v.:II be present Tfuit',-wtn,nK at 8 o'clock ? ? o'clock M ^ JlPfiotlist church. A tf^r r . '!*< 1)6611 Practicing III, A-ks under the di ^ in??rS" L>allas "'gott. and , ? "??''?cntal numbers on h> ,r"nn w'" feature the ^ A silver offering will Long Beach Pavilion Has New Ownership Lives Are Saved By Quick Action The prompt action of an em ployee of the Armour Fertili zer Works at Navassa probably saved the lives of six fellow em ployees one day this week. The men, Frank Gore, Richard Sanders and Fred Parnell, white; and Fred McKinnon and two other negroes whose names are not available, were mov ing a heavy piece of sheet iron and it came in contact with a live wire, carrying 440 volts. Another employee of the com pany, Lee Paden, was standing near the switch and he prompt 1 ly pulled it, releasing the men from the voltage. The four 1 above-named were all taken to i the James Walker hospital in Wilmington and treated for minor shock and burns. Fishing Party Has Good Luck Party Led By S. L. Braxton Of Whiteville Had Fine Luck Fishing From Moja, Of Captain Victor Lance Off Southport Monday Monday Captain . Victor Lance on the Moja reported a catch of 210 blues and mackerel. The! blues were medium in size, with ? a lot of large ones mixed in. The mackerel were all pretty large.! Guests on the Moja for this trip i were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brax-' ton of Whiteville; Mr. Roy E. Hoke, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Poe, Auburn, Ala., and Mrs. j Billy Evans of Maxton. The Idle-On, Captain Basil Watts, reported taking out a party of restaurant keepers of j Wilmington on its Monday trip. I This party got 152 bluefish, trout ? anil Spanish mackerel. J No reports were received from' other boats that were out. Asl a rule the Kiabab, Captain James Arnold; the Patricia. Captain Adanjs, and several other boats | have parties and report good catches almost daily. I The week end usually sees more parties than the boats can I handle. ' Carl M. Watkins And Eu-j gene Tomlinson Purchase Amusement Center From J. F. Garrell Of White ville NO BEER WILL BE SOLD AT PAVILION j Plans Call For Opening Of Some Facilities By June 5, With Dining Roam To Open June 12 The Long Beach pavilion has bought from J. F. Garrell of Whiteville by Carl M. Watkins,' Jr., of Norlina and Eugene Tom linson, of Fayetteville, who are j now rushing preparations fori opening for the summer. Mr. Tomlinson stated Monday night that the soft drink bar and dance floor will open June 5th j and the dining room will be open about June 12th. A feature of the operation of the business this year is that no beer will be serv ed at the bar. The new owners plan to give the best service and operate on a plan that will be a credit to the beach. They will have dances every Saturday "night with a good or-j chestra to furnish music. Dancesj will also be staged on other spe cial occasions. Mr. Watkins comes here from the Hotel Norlina. He has been a regular visitor at Long Beach for the past ten years, as has I Continued on page five) Shallotte Will Close Tomorrow Graduation Exercises To Be' Held Oh Thursday Even-1 ing At 8:30 O'clock; Bac calaureate Sermon Heard j Sunday .Commencement exercises come to a close at Shallotte high school J tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o'clock with the graduation1 exercises, which again this year will feature talks by members of the senior class. J Salutatorian is Darius Stana land and valedictorian is Clarice Holden. Other high spots in the program will be the presentation of the Hamilton Mintz Memorial (Continued on page five) Carlyle Speaks To H>k$ftaol : Seniors Monday Solicitor Of Ninth Judicial District Was Principal Speaker At Graduation Exercises In Southport Commencement exercises for Southport high school came to a J close Monday night with an im-j pressive address to members, of the senior class by F. Carlyle, solicitor of the 9th Judicial Dis trict. He offered a challenge to the members of the graduating class when he declared that scientists have made the declaration that everything in the world is per fect with the exception of man. Mr. Carlyle recounted the various j factors which go toward influenc ing the development of the in-, dividual, pointing out that differ-1 ent reactions all along the line help to make create a citizenry with varied interests and varied abilities. Applying his thinking to one >f the major problems of the times, the speaker counseled his young listerners to lend their influence to a good and lasting peace, to the end that World War II may be fought. Mr. Carlyle was introduced by (Continued on page five) Umstead, Clark Break News Of Latest Action Telegram Received Wednes day In Whiteville Advis ed That Favorabla Re port Has Been Made On Preliminary Survey WOULD PROVIDE FLOOD CONTROL Project Has Been Pushed By J. P. Quinerly And J. E. Dodson, Who Have Had Strong Support Of Work Brunswick and Columbus spok esmen for the Waccamaw River! flood control and drainage project were advised today that Army Engineers had turned in a fav orable report on their preliminary survey of the proposed develop-*! ment. The news was received by the Washington offices of Senator William B. Umstead and Repres entative J. Bayard Clark and was in turn relayed to J. P. Quinerly of Whiteville and J. E. Dodson I of Brunswick. The following telegram was re ceived from Representative Clark (who rushed to Washintgon Tues day night for consultation with I War Department officials. "The War department has re leased to Senator Umstead and myself the following: 'Informat ion has been reived from the of fice of Chief of Engineers that ! Colonel Edward G. Dally, district [engineer, Charleston District, for warded his favorable report on a preliminary examination of the Waccamaw River, North Carolina, to Colonel Mason J. Young, divi sion engineer of the South Atlan tic Division, who in turn will for ward this favorable report to Washington for review by the Board of Engineer for River and Harbors. It is expected that this favorable report will reach Wash ington about June 1, 1948. The project under investigation in volves consideration of the pro blems of flood control and major drainage on the Waccamaw River. In the event that the Board of (Continued On Page Four> Health Department To Be Discussed An important meeting has been scheduled for Bolivia high school on Thursday night, June 3, at which time Dr. Wm. P. Richard son of the State Health Depart ment will lead a discussion of the need for a County Health Depart ment in Brunswick. With the resignation of the county health nurse, Mrs. Lou H. Smith, becoming effective with the end of this fiscal year, it will be necessary to consider plans for the continuation of health work in this county. Citizens and taxpayers are urged to attend this meeting. Our w. B. KEZIAH frot having seen him in siv-; eral weeks, we hardly knew our friend, State Highway Patrolman! Flowers, when he showed up htre j the past week. He had taken on so much weight and was other-( wise looking so healthy. When he was asked how come, he sfiid: "Well, I quit smoking and I drink a quart of milk a day". We have a pretty regular hab-, it of going to bed about the time the movies open each night. This is not because we have any brief against the movies. It arises purely out of the fact that we get up somewhere between three and five each morning. Early rising makes a corresponding de sire for early retirement. So, we had not been to the movies in fifteen years until last week roll ed around. Then Manager Bro man Furplus of the Aniuzu stop ped us and told us he had a spe-] cial fishing feature he wanted usi to see as his guest. It was' fine.' While farmers here and there are bragging about this or that thing they are growing and how advanced their crops are, it re mained for a town man to come to the top of tlie class with to matoes. Last week we were in vited around to see the six rows of tomatoes of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fraser in their Swamp Garden. Three of the rows were planted early and the plants are now well bedecked with tomatoes that arc as large as hen eggs. Always giving fine service at Southport, before and since the Installation of the dial system, the Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company is now well equipped to take care of all immediate needs for phone service locally. New (Continued on page six) Local Contests To Share Interest With State And National Races Saturday CLEARING AND PLANTING ON TURKEY RANGE COMPLETE Investigation Shows That Some Turkeys Already Using Orton Game Refuge AH immediate work in connec tion with the growing of food on the Orton State Game Refuge has been completed, and project leaders, Robert J. Wheeler, Jr., senior biologist, and Grover C. Quinn, junior biologist, left last week for the Unwharrie National Forest project in Montgomery county. They will return in the fall for further work. Mr. Wheeler stated that a careful check has revealed that wild turkeys are on' the five thousand acre tract. Most of these are hens, and with food provid ed and with protection from pre datory animals and hunters, there should be a substantial increase this summer. The men have cleared 25 acres at strategtic points in the big wooded area. This is for the purpose of growing food that will supplement the natural varie ties already there for the turkeys and other game birds. Of the 25 acres, 15 have been planted In Great Striata Crotalaria. This is to build soil. Neither birds or animals will eat the crotalaria. It reseeds itself and is a valu able soil builder. The land will be used later for food crops for the birds. Five acres have been put in German millett. This Is an an nual and is intended to furnish food, as are the 3 acres that were planted in chufas. The chufas re seed themselves. Wild turkeys are very fond of the chufa and eagerly scratch it up and devour it. The remaining 2 acres of clcared land will be used for ex t perimenting to determine what if any varieties of native grass is best suited to the birds. Eighteen tons of lime and 7 tons of fertilizers were used on the above crops. Ten acres of rye will be planted in the fall along with clover and grass crops. Beach Residents To Ask Route Extension English Vessel Here For Repairs Enrou te to Bermuda from England, the 90 foot ketch, Marta Catherina, with a crew of four and three passengers put >n at South [K) rt till.? morn ing for minor repairs to her en gine. A sailing vessed and amply to continue her voyage as she was if the winds willed, Captain decided to bring her in here and make r.-pairs be fore proceeding to Burmuda. Off Southport the winds, at which sport fishermen often i howl, played them a trick. They i were becalmed and had to lay to for two days until one 'of ? the big shrimp of Lewis J. Har- ! dee went out and towed them into port. The engine of the Maria Oath crina is used for various tasks, j operating the light plant, oper- 1 ating anchors and pumps and fnrnising the auxiliary to the sail power when entering and leaving harbors or when be calmed. Special Term i Set For July, Superior Court Judge Being' Assigned For Special Ses-' sion For Trial Of Crimi nal Cases; Date Is July 12th Two months ago the board of county commissioners, Solicitor Clifton Moore ar.d attorneys, re quested a special term of crim inal court for Brunswick county to handle cases that could not be disposed of at last week's regu lar spring term. At the time Governor Cherry's office advised that no judge could be found to hold the requested session. All were busy. This -week Clerk of Court Sam T. Bennett was advised by Mrs. Alma Corbett, Executive Clerk in Governor Cherry's office, that a Judge would be available for the week beginning July 12 and a special appointment will be made for him to come here at the time. This special session will permit the July trial of Captain Edward I. Conway on the manslaughter charge against him in the death of Sheriff John G. White last fall. It will also permit the dis (Continued On Page Four) Short Distance Added To Present Mail Route Serv ing Holden Beach Would Greatly Improve Mail Service PATRONS NOW MUST CROSS WATERWAY With The Present Rate Of Growth Of This Popular Resort Some Improve ment May Be Work ed Out According to a Raleigh lady spending the past week at Hol aen Beach, the folks of that [ thriving beach community would be saved several thousand dol-' lars each year if U. S. mail Route I from Supply were extend ed 400 yards to deliver mail at or near the Holden beach hotel or at the J. & K. store. As things now stand, residents of the beach have to drive to I the ferry and cross it to get! their mail and to send outgoing mail. This means a trip for a lot of people every day and of ten a wait until the ferry goes or comes. Ofter the ferry has to make a trip carrying just one car or one person across and back to get mail. If the ferryman does not like to make a round trip for just one person on foot all that per son to do is to drive his or her car on the ferry, give it a free ride across and back, with no other object than to get or send mail. It seems to be just a matter of whether the mail carrier shall go in or a lot of people shall have to come out to meet him. The present status of things is that mail for Holden Beach is J (Continued on page five) Annual Meeting Of REA Members Meeting Scheduled For Wil-! liams School Near White ville On- June 9; Varied Program Being Planned The annual meeting of the Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation will be held at Wil liams Township School near Whitevllle on Wednesday, June 9, according ? to an announcement! from Manager E. D. Bishop. Entertainment, business and barbecue dinner are on the pro gram which begins at 10 a. m. I In calling attention to the as 1 (Continued on page five) Heavy Voting Predicted Officials For Saturday Primary Election In This County BOTH PARTIES TO NAME CANDIDATES Party Choice For Recorder, Representative, Register Of Deeds And Com missioner To Be De cided At Polls Brunswick county citizens are up to their biennial pasttime rf politicking, and for once the county ticket is being forced to share the spotlight with district, state and national candidates. Just as it promises to be everywhere else, the race be tween Senator W. B. Umstead and former Governor J. M. Broughton looks like a close con test in this county. There has been a lot of work done for botfc men. It looks like Charles M. John son should pile up a commanding lead over other gubernatorial candidate in Brunswick county voting, with the possibility that R. Mayne Albright may offer him the stiffest competition. W. Kerr Scott has a lot of strength, and if it gets together before Saturday may make a good show ing for the former commissioner of agriculture. Oscar Barker, W. B. Stanley and Olla Ray Boyd, the other candidates, are expect ed to pick up only scattered ?up port in Brunswiclc. There is considerable interest in the race between Hargrove Bellamy, F. Ertel Carlyle and J. Robert Young for the Democratic nomination of Representative from the 7th Congressional Dis trict. This is a hard one to pre dict, but it appears that Carlyl? has a good chance to lead th'e field. Bellamy, by virtue of hi? being a resident of Wilmington, has a good chance to be at or near the top, while Bob Young has some good strength in . some sections of the county. There will be plenty of interest in races for county offices, as both the Democrats and the Re publicans prepare to nominate their full ticket in Saturday's Primary Election. There has been little upon which to base an estimate of strength, so a full list of candidates are listed be low, and the voters may take their choice: For county commissioners Dem ocrats, R. L. Rabon, G. O. Jones, G. B. Ward, W. Herbert Brew, B. C. Williams, David Ross, J. Worth Stanley and Fred Allen." For county commissioners: Re (Continued on page five) Two Roadhouses Are Padlocked Charlie Hattem Place At Navassa And Charlie Robbins Place On U. S. No. 17 Are Closed By Court Order Two Brunswick county road houses were padlocked this past week by sheriffs officers in ac cordance with action taken again st them at last week's terra of criminal court. Both places were condemned as public nuisances. Hatten's Place, one of the pla ces closed, is located near Na vassa and has been (he scene cf various crimes, the most recent of which vas murder. Several years ago it was closed and the owner ordered out of the county. He went only as far as Wilming ton and continued the operation of his place through a manager. The scene of many arrests, It has become so notorious that resi dents of the community are aaid to be experiencing a sense of def inite relief at the padlock being put on it. The second place padlocked was the Charlie Robbins, Jr., dance hall and road house on Route 17, about a mile west of the Brunswick River Bridgfe [ (Continued On Pag?