, Pilot Covers Lvick County THE STATE PORT PILOT MHMRfl r t ,? Most of The News All The Time ^tEEN no ,0 ? ? A Good Newspaper In A Good Community - ? 6 pages today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, June 16, 1948 N published every Wednesday 91.50 per yeah ifltion Bible School Begins fhis Morning - ho0Ms" Pnmari'y Ch.ldren, f* Of Other De J^tions Welcome ?^ BV PASTOR ^jjions Will Be Held to announcement by ^ Rev L. D. Hayman, ?Ir Trinity Methodist begin Vacation Bible ?Wednesday), at 9 I'XWn of the church. ^ 15. have been pro i fyc M not in other church MZf be admitted, provided *,'h .nas no provision for fan, nature. The foliow will be taught: Begin with Mrs. Worth I i" ctifliffi- Methodist Text i *orU About Us". junior course will be j t, Mrs. M. R- Sanders, | it The Story ami Work I Methodist Church". The ^tes course will be j ?? Mrs. J. T. Denning, us tot book "Exploring The' jjHi intermediates" to '*tth pupils' individual text t Great Hymns and His '?il"k taught both Juniors fcermediates by Mrs. L. D. jj. raking use of instru i r.:usic. specially selected ii of the church and a his i these hymns. The pastor pre the course in Church ex and the Meaning 01 e Meniership. The text ?i will be "Your Church !k . And be out of stock, ok substitute will be used IL liiiuon to the teachers al iased. the following will inatti as helpers and assist it call: Mrs. Joe Ramseur, Bier. Lewis, Mrs.- R. B. i>:r and Miss Pat Arringt Son period will be ob it am day and at unan (?: s:wd refreshments will ewi The school will end By sorting. June 27th. with I r?s of certificates. The act I taching days are eight, inest have a record of five Itwtar periods to be eligi-1 ~ nrtficate. No exception i to sne can be allowed, and j isue-up days are provided. | nm dally from 9 o'clock * ^ with additional time Kation and the surprise te? periods. liriifHi Flath *? i ? b truss , aariy new home of O. B. J toy. at Boggie Branch on i 6 between Supply and j H '*13 destroyed by fire kfiii'moon. It is understood 'ttt contents were also lost. piS GRADUATION h C. Ed Taylor attended ??tt!T.ent exercises at N. C. 1 College Monday evening son. Edward Taylor, re- l * its ,;egree from the textile H Fft PICNIC P*1-' throughout Brunswick P Invited to join in a P W Wednesday afternoon I'?? B*ach honoring Mrs. Lou retiring county nurse more than twenty years the county in this cap- . F frervone is urged to at* r?4- to take a basket lunch. | I ? rtoSG BEACH. CAL. I?' *d practicing medicine for a good many P* and Mrs. M M. Rosen P?* within about 25 miles L .^c., They now live at P*4* rniy th;S time it is California, where Dr. I^1 ? practicing medicine F **ery. h^HlPMAN tRUISE j^1? HoWen, son of Dr. and t ' Golden, of Holden leaving Thursday by L &n Franciso. where PtW* .aS a Mil'sbipman on ? ^ Xavy Carrier Prince ly 1 t*o months cruise to ' ?ther islands. Mld ?rWwn 52 Universities are Ik, "'"?us carriers. Their K ^*111 include gunnery pra K.** and at a base ANOTHER CROP GROWING Beaches Of Brunswick Are Considered Safe Family Victim Of Flying Bug Air travel is a business ex pedient for R. F. Plaxco, mana ger of the Brunswick Naviga tion Company in Southport, but the Southport businessman con fesses that he likes to tly and has started taking lessons which eventually wi| lead to h h pilot ing his own plane. But the flying bug has bitten two other members of his fami ly, his daughter, Bess Miller Plaxco, student at Mary Bald win College and Frank Plaxco, Jr., student at Fishburn Mili tary Academy. Both the young sters want to join their father in flying lessions, and late re ports that soon the Flying Plaxcos will be three In num ber. Lengthy Docket Before Recorder Several Cases Disposed Of i Wednesday Before Judge W. J. McLamb With Others Continued For Another Week A lengthy docket was piled up for Recorder court officials here last week. Sveral cases were set tled, while others were continued for another week. The following dispostion was made: Peter Thurman Burbage, drunk-! en driving changed to reckless , operation, fined $15.00 and costs. James Dudley .assault with deadly weapon, continued to June 23rd. Hester Dudley, assault, continu ed to June 23rd. Maggie Foster, assault, continu ed to June 23rd. James Dudley, assault with | deadly weapon, continued to June 23rd. George Charity, Jr., assault with deadly weapon ,six months on the roads, suspended on pay ment of costs aijd good behavior for two years. , ' Frank L. Duggan, speeding, con tinued to June 30. i Louis S. Field, speeding, capi as. James Ernie Carswell, speeding, capias. Riley Vance Wilson, speeding, Mike Williams .assault with j deadly weapon, continued to1 June 23rd. Joseph W. Cunningham, speed ing, continued. William J. Stone, speeding, fin (Continued on page 21 ? ( Inquirly Reveals That No Drowning Been .Re ported From Brunswick Resort In Recent Years CONTOUR OF COAST ADDS TO SAFETY Location Of Brunswick Bea ches With Ocean To South Helps Beaches With Breeze A few days ago an inquiry was received regarding the fre quency of drownings at Bruns wick county beaches ,the inquirer wishing to know if condition were reasonably safe. Checking in order to be able to give an accurate answer re veals that no one here recalls a single case of drowning among beach bathers in twenty-five years or more. There have been the usual number of drownings in rivers, inland waterway .etc., but there have been no drownings of swim mers at bathing spots along the coast in a quarter century so far as anyone knows. The explanation is simple. The Brunswick county coast line runs in an east-west direction. Protect ed by land, the Brunswick coast line escapes severe storms and hurricanes which usually move in from a northesterly direction. As a matter of fact, the hundred (Continued on page five) Beach Property Changes Hands i About Thirty Lots Reported Sold At Long Beach Dur- j ing Past Week - End; j Building In Prospect About 30 nice lots changed hands at Long Beach Saturday and as a result of these and oth er recent sales a big step-up in new home construction is expect ed shortly. About 15 new homes are now in various stages of con-. struction. Bruce Cotton, Charlotte busi ness man who bought two build ing lots Saturday, stated that he would start construction right away. Others who bought also announced immediate building j plans. In addition to thenew buy-| ers of property many of the old owners of lots are getting set to build now or in the near future. ! There is no boom in progress.[ Building operations and plans for, buildings are just getting away for a good continuous stride along most of the entire 2 miles of beautiful strand and safe bath-! ing waters that make Long Beach' an appropriate name. FLOURISHING?Above is shown Everett Sheppard at his home in Shiloh, N. J. The lower photo shows Mr. Sheppard standing in a field of tomato plants which were produced in Brunswick earlier in the Spring. Present outlook is for a good crop. Express People Will Lend Hand Shipping Plants As a result of a visit here the past week the long arm of the Railroad Agency, with both air j and rail express, will reach out] to do all that it can to interest Northern plant and truck grow- J ers in the possibilities of produc-[ ing their plants*ii? Brunswick] county. G. K. Campbell, Washington, D. C., A. T. Johnson, Wilmington and C. R. Taylor, Charlotte, ffrmed a party headed by R. E. Burn ham of Norfolk, who spent the day here Wednesday. All are ex press company officials. Mr. Burnham, as traveling com mercial agent, was especially in terested in the tomato plant growing possibilities and also in the prospect for growing cabbage lettuce, beet, bell pepper and oth er plants for shipment. I With W. B. Keziah serving as a guide, the party drove seven miles out on the river road to inspect the tomato plant farm of E. H. Sheppard and discuss possibilities with him. Last year Mr. Sheppard pioneered tomato plant growing in Brunswick. He proved the plants could be grown here amply early for shipment to the fields in New Jersey, and that they were as good, if not better, than those grown at oth er points with a long haul having to be made to get them to the fields. i i Although Mr. Sheppard is out (Continued On Page 5) Revival Service Set For Local Baptist Church Rev. Herbert F. Baker Will Preach During The First Week With Visiting Min ister The Helping Second Week SPECIAL MUSIC FOR THIS MEETING Guest Minister Is Former Missionary To Brazil; Music Director Brother Of Local Minister Still using the high school audi torium for their worship pending the competition of their beauti ful new brick church, the South port Baptists are planning for two weeks of special services be ginning June 20, according to n nouncement made this week by the pastor, Rev. H. M. Baker. Rev. Mr. Baker will do the preaching for the first week and he plans messages aimed to deep en the spiritual thinking of the church members and all attend ing. For the second week he will have a guest minister who will do the preaching. This minister is Rev. J. R. Allen of Bello Hori zonte, Brazil. Mr. Allen is a graduate of Furman University and the Southern Baptist Semin ary. He has been a missionary in Brazil for the past 28 years and will be returneing to that country in October. Most of his work in Brazil has been in the interior as an evangalist. Assisting with the the music during the full two weeks of the service will be Clifton A. Baker of Waco, Texas, a brother of Rev. Mr. Baker. A student at Baylor University where he is majoring in music, Mr. Baker was the star this spring in Mozart's Opera, "The Marriage of Figaro", per formed in Waco. During the past (Continued On Page Four) Says Sails May | Show Up Soon Capt. Victor Lance Reports Presence Of Plenty Of Bait Off-Shore And Pre dicts Early Sailfish Luck Captain Victor P. Lance, skip per of the Majo, reported Mon day that conditions offshore were getting very much better for sal fishing. He has seen a number of schools of bait, chiefly flying fish, and says that the sails should be showing up before long. Heretofore no attempts have been made at sail fishing off Southport until well Into the fall. Captain Lance, who is experienc ed with these fish and whose boat caught the first large one ever off Southport, sees no reason why j they should not be found and tak en in the summer as well as in the fall. In a trip to he gulf aboard the Majo with Captain Lance, P. G. Menzies and party from Hickory boated 61 large blues. One bonita was also boated, a barracuda was lost after being brought to boat, two amber jacks followed the bait (Continued on page Two) Our ROVING Reporter W. B. KEZIAH Saying that he did not think it was any of our business, but that he recognized the fact that we appear to be on good terms with State Highway Commissioner J. t A. Bridger, County Superintend dent of Schools J. T. Denning has j asked Us to pass along to Mr.) Bridger his compliments for the building of the short stretch of road from 130 to the Waccamaw school. As Mr. Bridger takes this paper and reads this column, he can accept this as thanks in full. ( To serve until he comes over, again to go fishing with us. We have often heard the old saying of "Be sure your sins will find you out." But we never1 suspected ' that the saying would apply to us personally. That is, j we did not suspect it until the! other day. At* that time R. E. Burnham, traveling commercial agent for the Express Agency, I came in with a big wad of news-' paper clippings of everything we j have written for this and the' daily papers, about growing to mato plants in Brunswick coun-1 ty. He and his agents had col-, lected them in some way and he! brought them here to confront' Express Agency officials here this week and interested in to mato plant growing, may mean a great deal. The company has contacts in every hamlet, village and town. With. Brunswick coun ty having lands and climate per mitting the growing of early farm and garden plants for the northern truck growers, the ex press people can be counted upon to aid in letting those truck growers know about K. With a good start already made, it can be put down as a certainty that this county is on its way to be filled with a very desirable class of land owners. As a newsman who recognizes that a lot of Interest centers on (Continued on page rour) Little Phil Among Guests At Opening Popular Little Former Patient At Dosher Memorial Hospital Is Now Up And About Mack's Cafe had its formal re-| opening Friday night, but there is a story elsewhere about that. Next day Mack said to a report er: "If you write anything about last night be sure and say that little Phil was here and look ing fine. His friends will be glad to know how he is now." The reporter thought that Phil's friends really would be glad to know he is. For 9 months two years ago while Phil lay on a bed at the Dosher Memorial Hos pital this reporter could not go anywhere in the country without people asking how Phil was. - Phil is the 9-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Yount who live in the Antioch church com munity. Christmas 1945 found him a very happy little boy. A mong things he had received a costume play suit, replete with fringes. Within a few hours his happiness turned to agony. Playing too near a blaze in the yard at his home the play suit I caught fire. The little man was horribly burned about the legs j and body. J For nine months he lay in the hospital, weak but always cheer ful, always glad to greet and talk to his friends despite the suf fering of his body. Hundreds of j people from all sections of the ; county went to the hospital for no otiier reason than to see and j talk cheeringly to little Phil. When folks from Southport hap ' pened to be anywhere in the coun i try an unfailing inquiry of them j was: "How is Phil"? The nine months in the hospital found him always holding his 'own, despite the fact that no one thought he could live. The nature ; of his burns were might help him. j So, Phil's parents took him to j Gastonia. | Before he left he asked this I paper to tell all of his friends j good by and how he would miss them. ! (Continued On Page Four) Extensive Paving In j Prospect At Shallottel Sotithport Lady Gets Orchid Lei The greatest profusion of orc hids ever received by any local person arrived airmail, special delivery, Monday morning for Miss Helen Fulcher. Her floral extravaganza was an orchid lei, made up of 25 perfect blossoms, which was sent her by . her brother, Robert Fulcher, from Hawaii. The post mark revealed that the package had been dispatched from the Pacific island Friday morning, thus completing the 5,000 mile journey in three days. The orchids appeared to be none the worse for their long trip. Services Close At Soldier Bay Revival Meeting And Vaca tion Bible School Held Last Week At Soldier Bay Baptist Church Soldier Bay Baptist church in Waccamaw township had an es pecially fine Vacation Bible School and revival last week. Attendance at both was good and some 20 persons joined the church as a result of the revival. The Vacation Bible School was held each morning, with the re vival services at night. Heading the school was Rev. Harold J. Stevens, assisted by Miss Irene Bonjours, of Orange, New Jersey, and Marion Martin of Conway. Local people also assisted.The average daily attendance was 126. The night revival services were conducted " by the Rev. Mr. Ste vens and Mr. Martin. Large crowds attended each service. Worms Destroy Brunswick Corn Army Worms And Bud j Worms Have Caused Un usual Amount Of Dam age To Corn In County This Spring Army worms and bud worms have caused considerable damage to the corn crop In places this year, and W. Claude Gore, of Shallotte, stated this week that he had to plow up five acres of his corn and plant the land in soy beans. More or less damage appears to have been sustained through out the county with few corn growers escaping entirely. The State Extension Service says that this year's damage isl general throughout North Caro- j lina. They attribute the cause to the cold winter. As a general thing the worms hatch out dur ing both the winter and spring. With the cold last winter the winter crop of bugs was late in hatching and when they did come on they found the young corn at just the right stage. Despite the damage by these pests the county appears set to < make a fine crop of corn. Many' fields are already laid by. Bruns-1 wick county grown roasting ears! (Continued on page 2) Several Roads Lying In Residential Section Of Shallotte Being Mad< Ready For Early Paving SHOULD PROVE AID TO EXPANSIOf With Improvement Of These Sections Of Road Travel About Shallotte Will Be Simplified | With practically all of the dis jtance lying within the corporate I limits of Shallotte, the ?tatej , Highway Commission is carrying on a road building program of I approximately three miles, all of which is to. be hard surfaced. This week W. R. Holmes, Shal [lotte citizen, asked a newsman to hop into his jeep and go over this 'road, which fills a big need and j should contribute greatly to the I expansion of Shallotte, especially the residential section. [ The road starts out between the brick buildings of the Shallotte Trading company and Waccamaw Bank building, passing several re sidences, including the George F. Goley home where Mr. Holmes was barn in 1882. It crosses Browning Branch, a never frying stream that is fed by a spring that was extensively used for j water in the old days. It passes the Fred Mintz farm and the Brunswick Cold Storage plant; the Methodist parsonage, the J. A. Russ farm and home, the R. D. White property and the W. R. Holmes home; the Olen L. Cox home and livestock sales stables. Turning at the stables the road goes about three-quarters of a mile, crossing Mulberry Branch and entering Route 130 about a mile west of Shallotte. From the Cox stables to the intersection with 130 the road passes the W. L. Swain farm, the E. D. Bishop home and farm the W. R. Holmes farm and another of the George F. Goley farms. Going back to the Cox stables a branch of the road runs straight out to the State Prison camp. The Sellers landing field adjoins the prison camp. Going back to the Cox stables, another branch of the road runs eastward to enter Route 17 at the (Continued on page five) Opening Dance Well Attended Large Week-End Crowd At Long Beach Enjoys Open ing Dance Of Summer Season At Pavilion Despite the fact that it is still only early June, a large crowd attended the dance at the Long Beach Pavilion Saturday night. Many couples were on the floor and the spectator crowd ap proached the overflow. The finest of order prevailed and Virgil West and his orchestra lived up to their reputation for fine dance music. It is understood that this orchestra is to furnish music for other dances during the summer and fall. Apart from the folks at the dance, Long Beach is said to have had all of its visitors re cords for June smashed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This week end is expected to draw even larg (Continued on page 2) REA Meeting Is Well Attended On Wednesday Gwyn B. Price, REA Chair man For North Carolina, Wai Principal Sueaker At Annual Meeting Of I 'ember* NEW DIRECTORS NAMED BY GROUP Di cuuion Of Plan? For Ex-, p ruion Reveal That Thi? County Is In For Bet ter Service Soon Some 350 members of the Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation attended the annual membership meeting at the Wil liams township high school In Col umbus county last Wednesday. F. D. Bishop, manager of the cor p ration, was ill at his home at f- and unable to attend. J i Mallard, Tabor City 1 who Is attorney for the ? ation, presided In the ab i .. of Mr. Bishop. Gwyn B. Price of Raleigh, chair man for North Carolina for the REA, spoke on the present over load the REA is carrying and the need of expansion. This need of expansion, it seems, is general without the Brunswick REA be ing included, a sthe expension work is already in progress In Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen counties. At the business ssslon W. A. Mintz, F. E. Lay, Foy D. Fowler, J. L. Robinson, Fronis Strickland, C. D. Branch, A. P. Henry, John B. Ward, W. N. Hewett, N. C. White and D. L. Mercer were elected directors of the corporat ion. This week Manager Bishop had about recovered form his illness. Referring to the expansion matter that Mr. Price spoke about, Mr. Bishop said that contract# would be let very soon for the remain ing part of the 470 miles of new distribution lines in Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen counties. Much of this mileage has been built and current is available for all lines as soon as the new trans mission lines from Whlterllle ar? completed and the sub-stations erected. Material for the sub-stations on route 130 six miles south of Whiteville and a mile west of Shallotte on the ground and the right of way is cleared. Two sep arated rights of way had to bo cleared between Shallotte and Whiteville as the interests of safe ty deman that distribution and transmission lines shall not be too close together. Mr. Bishop showed a newsman over the large new quonset ware house building at Shalllotte Sat-, urday. This building, located on a two acre lot on which a large brick office building will be built later, has emporary office quart ers that will be occupied within a few days. TTiese offices will b? used until teh regular office build ing can be erected. When the of fice building is built the entira quonset building will be used as a warehuose and shop. Mock Wedding Friday Night Was Principal Speaker Promised By WomanleM Wedding Being Staged In High School Audi torium ipusi v ri'lay^s W A Womanless Wedding undtf!^ auspices of Southport Baptist church will be staged Fridaj evening at 8 o'clock at Southp high school auditorium, with ceeds to go toward the buildin fund. While plans for this gala social event have not yet been complet ed, the names of many of the principals are familiar, and fri ends throughout the community are planning to attend the nup tials. The bride is to be G. D. Rob inson, and a tip received from the bride's dress maker reveals that a total of 16-yards of mat erial was required to make the wedding gown. The groom Is the Rev. H. M. Baker; the best man Robert Thompson; the maid of honor. E. H. Arrington; the,mat ron of honor, Jim Johnson; the organist, S. T. Bennett; the sol oist, Edgar Finch. Bridesmaids will be Prince O' Brien, Herbert Johnson, Lindsey Robbins and Floyd Dilsaver; the officiating minister will be Davis Herring; the bride's mother, Hub ert Livingston; the bride's father, Robert Johnson; groom's mother, H. T. Bowmer; groom's father, Claude Ford; the baby brother, Joe Wilmouth; groomsman, Rob ert Johnson; relatives, Jimmy Radcliff, Ivan Ludlum, Out (Continued on page fiv^

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