p pilot Covers i^vick County THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The New? All The Time _ A Good Newspaper In A Good Community -^ sl\iEtN 6-pageTtoday Southport, N. C, Wednesday, June 2371948 published every wednesdai ?1.50 per ycm Symphony ductor Now Long Beach And Mr*- Benjamin r Are Spending A; ""weeks Vacation At R"?rt ^MEMBERED here i a? Southport, ?te And Bolivia In ?^rtJ During Spring Concert Tour vrs. Benjamin Swalin,1 *1" here early in the year, * by the Little Sym-j Monday to spend j ">it the Arlington cot- j 't Long Beach. lin. conductor, was; pleased at getting back 'sUnck ju?t as he was ? Jt the nice reactions to ? %tra when it appeared -interview Monday after-, stated that the Greater | Carolina Symphony Or-j jnd The Little Symphony j _ nude "? appearances, I,- the state in the late ' Ih early spring. During | .elements 125.000 school: , attended and heard the, men on May 8th Tlie[ North Carolina Symphony a biggest audience when j Madcast a performance1 entire network. _ ? the fact that only a paiivelv small number of throughout the state can v&te the full orchestra. , it is desired to give all children an opportunity to j Dr. Swalin follows the j of taking the full or to the larger cities and j I :ices as have adequate p facilities. For the smaller 0 i-i consolidated schools he . ? small unit that is known f Little Symphony. This j t comprised of some of the ?tisclans in the full or rv The r. a.n rga'-'taUon its at the University while Lti" Symphony is on tour, teto: Swalin stated that wr-phony would start an 1 tour of the state in Jan ? "45 With the University K .* the fall much time 1 * spent In rehersals, etc.,! fe> ie symphony takes to I t i hoped that the symphony iwar ;n Brunswick county I K Southport again next t t raect'.or. with Conductor ife Swalin being now at 13each. it is interesting to Hat Dr. Thor Johnson, con- ? t of the Cincinnati Sym-' f :rchestra is scheduled to | !rneighboring Caswell c arlr in August. Dr. John-1 i a building lot at Cas-' ? k:it and it is understood > '?".II spend the summer a home there for his Cl hiiff/ewt Flashit R0AD &^ppiv" *T'S Cross * ^mpany -jl c?"' so 'i' stretch tettK^s ?i-ss%5r ? %3tte Tr Prapenetor of t-M t^ts ComPany. I '?rth?rn marif *W York and ' HC states fc^Ct IT* k; ar"J fall *ock of ?> Shaiiotte. 800ds ever '^"OllDAv Rt?*?- or coun. L Znaten ,session here L*> holiuaf0"^ Ju,y ht hLfor* re/ulJ 6 this ;.*H that meeting ft* the f ffSS10n Will r*!'July s ''"owing day, h ^gmfrTwick Coun(y ? at the R ,!nlisted in PH"r>1ingtonOC?lling Stat" k; C" week pL *-'ken ? J Miliken, P' ,j Fre, i ames E. l>? of an/1 and Rus R\*< 0f these RS? ii ??Se 0,6 lst Rj? 0f 'JutyPaA, f0r 8 r>h ere an ? 7' oth Ifc tour a,CCepted for a Ps. " <"% With the PRIMARY OPPONENTS CANDIDATES?Charles M. Johnson, left above, was the high man for Governor in Brunswick county fol lowing the first primary, but faces a run-off Saturday against W. Kerr Scott, right, who was only 8,000 votes behind him in the State total. Below are shown F. Ertle Carlyle, left, and Hargrove Bellamy, opponents for the Democratic nomination for Congressman from the 7th District. School Board Short Of Funds foK-County Need Joint Meeting Of School Body With Board Of County Commissioners Results In Grant Of One Half Total Requested SHALLOTTE NEEDS MORE CLASS ROOMS This Condition Also True At Waccamaw; Leland May Need More Room Un der Plans For New Departments At a joint meeting of the board of county commissioners and board of education last week, the board of education asked for $53 000.00 for various needs of the schools in Brunswick during the coming year, but the board of commissioners cou^i only see its way clear to appropriate $23, 000.00 of this requested sum. Some time back it was report ed by an official State Commis sion that the schools of the coun ty needed a million dollars for various uses of the schools. The sum requested at this meeting was for the purpose of I buying three new school buses at a cost of approximately $3,- j 000.00 each. Other needs are for | insurance and rentals, the part-1 salaries and travel allowance fori home and agricultural teachers and to repair nad maintain the j many buildings owned by the! board of education. Seven thous-1 and dollars was to be used for j debt service. Illustrating the great need of money for the schools, H. C. j Stone, principal of the Shallotte! high school and D. B. Frink, a1 board member, appeared at the | joint session and asked for class i room relief at Shallotte. They J (Continued on page rour) I Mt. Olive Is Host To Camp I Total Of 132 Attended Brunswick Baptist Asso ciation Camp; Meets j Next Year At Mt. Pisgah | _____ The Brunswick Baptist Asso- J ciation Camp met at the Mt. | Olive Baptist church between Supply and Bolivia on June 11-i 12, with 132 in attendance. | Mrs. Alex Bogie, young peo- j pie's leader, was in charge. Folks i who came froln a distance and I who could stay overnight were assigned to homes by Mrs. Grace Green and Miss Annie Lou John-i son, who were also camp nurses. Special music was given by the Mt. Olive Sunbeams. Taking (Continued On Page Fowtf Another Big One Got Away I Fishing; in the Lockwood Folly Inlet, that divide* Long Beach from Holden Beach, Dr. R. J. Hyatt of Southport hook [ ed onto the daddy of all red j drum Saturday afternoon. The doctor says it weighed fully | 75-pounds. Alone in his boat. Dr. Hyatt I fought the fisih for over an I hour, brought it to the boat ' and while endeavoring to lift I it aboard his 63-pound new test i line snapped" off, the fish get j ting away. Dr. Hyatt has been getting a | number of large red drum in j the inlet. Saturday while he was fishing a party from Hol | den Beach came along with six red drum. The largest weighed 30 pounds and the smallest 12 pounds. Harnett Youths Have Adventure Three Lillington Boys Make 1 Trip From Lillington To Holden Beach Down Cape Fear And Inland Water way Traveling in a small open row boat that they say cost then $7.50 to build and in which the best they could do was to make four miles per hour, three adventurous 17-year-old Lillington boys touch ed at Southport for a brief while last week and were again con tacted when they arrived at Hol den Beach and spent some time. They started out from Lilling ton on June 8th and on the initial j 12 miles of their trip down the Cape Fear they capsized twice. Some of the crew narrowly escap ed drowning and they lost some of their supplies. When they arrived at Holden Beach and were interviewed by Bill Grady, storekeeper at that place, they figured they had traveled 200 miles and the total cost of the trip to that point was $15.00. The boys were Joe Gunter, Don May and Bobby Parrott, all of Lillington. Their boat was 14-feet | in length. In addition to their j oars they had a one and a half ' horse power motor that would carry the craft along about as [fast as the oars. They fished I some at various points . enroute, 'cooking and sleepihg on the sandy beaches. At Holden Beach they (Continued On Page Four) Market Opening 1 Dates Will Be Released Tues. Committee To Meet In Ral eigh June 29th To ' Set Dates For Opening Of Tobacco Markets TAUS ANNUAL MEET CLOSED WEDNESDAY i Marketing Committee To! Name Dates Is Composed Of Growers, Ware housemen And Buy ers VIRGINIA BEACH, Va? June 24.?(AP)?Opening dates of bright leaf tobacco markets will be announced at Raleigh, June 29 by a 15-man marketing commit tee, a spokesman for the Tobacco Association of the United States said Monday. J. Con Laier, executive secre tary of the ? TAUS, which held its annual convention at the Ca valier hotel, said the association will appoint a five-man commit-! tee to meet at Raleigh with a| similar committee representing growers and warehousemen. The Leaf Tobacco Exporters! Association, also in annual con- > vention, held its first meeting Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The TAUS held its first general session Tuesday morning. I Both groups adjourned Wed nesday after hearing talks by J. B. Hudson, president of Tobacco Associates, Inc., Washington, D. I C., and Rep. Harold D. Cooley. 1 Hilarious Time For Audience Womanless Wedding Here Friday Evening Was Me morable Event For Large Crowd In Attendance Southport citiaens laid aside their worries for an hour Friday evening while they had a hilarioji* | time at a Womanless Wedding sponsored by the Southport Bap tist church for the beneftt of the building fund. The tempo of the entertain ment is suggested when it is re vealed that G. D. Robinson was .the blushing bride who was given in marriage to the Rev. H. 'M. Baker. But to stop there would be to leave, o'ut some of the most distinguished characters | ever tb attend a social function in Southport. ? | For Instance, there was the I 'organist, Sam Bennett; the so loist, Edgar Finch; the grand mother, B. J. Holden; the city Cousin, Jimmy Radcliff; the old maid aunt, Carl Brock; the neigh bor, Ivan Ludlum; the baby bro ther, Joe Wilmouth; and the re jected suitor, Chas. M. Trott. I The mother of the bride . was Hubert Livingston; the mother of the groom, H. T. Bowmer. Brides maids were Prince O'Brien, Her bert Johnson, Lindsey Robblns and Floyd Dilsaver. Matron of honor was Jim Johnsoli; maid of honor, E. H. Arlington. The ! flower girls were "Jack Swan and Glenn Jones; the trainbearers, John Sanders and Austin How lard. Otto Hickman was the ring bearer. These were the characters who kept the crowd in a constant up jroar during the ceremony, but J the crowd had been conditioned for this by an earlier feature! j (Continued On Page Four) | Shallotte Lions Honor Mrs. Smith I Mrs. Lou H. Smith, who re tires as county health nurse at i the end of this month after 20 years of service, will receive a U. S. Saving Bond and an ap propriate letter of appreciation of her services from the Shallotte .Lions Club. | At their meeting on Thursday | the Lions Club voted unanimous ly to present Mrs. Smith with the .bond as a testimonial of apprc ! ciation. Beer Petition Is Presented For Board Approval Commissioners Forced To; Return Petition Calling For Special Election On Beer Question Because Of Error j T. T. Ward, prominent farmer j of Waccamaw township, appear ed before the board of county; commissioners Monday with a petition calling for a special) election to vote on the matter of| legal sale of beer in Brunswick | county. Inspection of the petition re vealed that it had not been pre pared according to law, and the county attorney gave instruction as to how this document pro perly should be drawn. It is sup posed to carry the signatures of fifteen percent of the voters who 'cast their ballot for governor in the last general election. | Other matters taken up be fore the board were of routine I Importance. The blind grant was increased by $30.00 following ap proval of a new application for assistance. Alden Hewett was re lieved of all taxes on real estate for 1938 and prior years because of double listing. The commissioners voted to de liver a deed for his property fore closed for taxes to George West on upon payment of $287.67, the amount now due for taxes and interest. A similar motion was taken to deliver to James Bryant a deed for the Moses Bryant land upon payment of $114.55. A third action of this kind would deed the William Loftin Estate lands to Gertrude Hickman upon pay ment of the sum of $138.00 in taxes and interest. Varied Matters Heard In Court Several Cases Covering Va riety Of Offenses Dispos ed Of Before Judge W. J. McLamb Wednesday A variety of matters were dis posed of here in Recorder's court Wednesday before Judge W. J. McLamb. The following disposi tion of cases resulted: Lester Benton, public drunk ness, 30 days on roads. D. M. Garrold, public drunk ness, 30 days suspended on pay ment of costs and good behavior for one year. Willie Randolph Bryant, speed ing, $10.00 fine and costs. Henry T. Lewis, speeding, reck less operation, fined $15.00 and costs. Leonard Gaines, speeding, ca pias. Bernice Coan, killing dog, con (Continued On Page u'our) W. B. KEZIAH Our ROVING Reporter This practice of naming babi es after fond papas, such as John Doe II, John Doe III, etc., has got us into trouble. When you j !want to say eleven you had bet-J ter write it out instead of figur ing it as II. In a story last week ; we described the beautiful 11 mile long stretch of strand at j Long Beach. Thee story came out, reading, "The beautiful 2 mile long, etc." It happens that Long, Beach folks are proud of their j long beautiful strand, running all the way from Lockwoods Folly, Inlet to Caswell. We are proud, of it ourself and there was no intention of saying that this, the longest strand we know of 6m-1 bracing a single beach, was only 2 miles in length. Vernon Jeter, son of Frank Je-, ter, who iS known throughout this I and other states for his agricult ural writings, spent last week at Long Beach with the Kappa Sigma from State College. Hav ing graduated at Duke, this che rublic youngster begins the study of medicine this fall. To us a remarkable thing is that during a full week we neveer once went to Mack's or the Pavilion at Long Beach withcyt Vernon showing us inside of five minutes. He al ways had a pretty girl along, sometimes 'half a dozen. Those Kappa Sigmas were pretty good company. "I like the way you folks here in Southport, especially the State Port Pilot, are cooperating with our Brunswick Beaches. You are doing a lot to help develop Bruns wick county and our folks at Long Beach are really apprecia (Continued on page fiv?| Plan Photo Story Of Shallow Depth Of Surf Broad Strand And Gradually Sloping Beaches Of Bruns wick Add To Safety For Bathers To show the beautifully slop ing nature of the Brunswick county beaches, a gradual shelv ing away from the strands that is said to account almost entire ly for the absende of dangerous undertows, arrangements are I now being made to measure the ! beach strands for width and also j to measure the water at low tide to show how far a bather can go without getting in water over five feet in depth. These measurements will be taken at Caswell and Long Beaches near Southport, at Hol den Beach at Supply and at Ocean Isle at Gause Landing, and will be used as data for a picture story to be sent daily, newspapers early in July. John Hemmer, crack State J News Bureau man, is scheduled to be here on a picture-making tour early in July. Along with the facts obtained by the meas urements it is planned to get sup porting pictures at each of the above places to go with the story. The safety of the Brunswick county beaches has never been given the consideration that it deserves. It is a matter of record that undertows have not in re cent years claimed the life of a single bather and it is hoped that such a record can be maintained. This is said with a full recogni tion of the fact where there is deep water some one is bound to be drowned at some time or other through their own carelessness or other circumstances. The point being stressed is that the Bruns wick beaches are the safest on the coast. Caswell Beach is owned by R. W. Powell and associates of Goldsboro; Long Beach by the Carolina Lands, Inc., of Charles ton; Holden Beach by Dr. R. H. Holden, Shallotte, Luther Holden, Supply, Mrs. Rhoda McMillan, Red Springs, E. S. Holden, Caro lina Beach and others. Ocean Isle is owned by D. Stowe Crouse of Myrtle Beach. Talmadge Page, principal of the Newton Grove school in Sampson county the past year, has been -elected principal of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Ruark Store Destroyed By Fire Late Saturday Nol Pros Taken In Conway Case A nol pros has been taken In the case against Capt. E. I. Conway, for whom a true bill charging manslaughter ?as re turned at the May term of court by a Brunswick county grand jury. Capt. Conway was arrested by Sheriff John G. White and Deputy Sheriff Daught Tripp a few days before his sudden death last fall, and it was charged in a warrant taken out for Capt. Conway that injuries suffered in a scuffle at the time of the arrest contributed to the cause 61 the death of the late official. A civil action In this matter is now pending. New York Men Purchase Home Long Island Truck Farmers Purchase Dr. J. A. Dosh er Home Near Southport; May Grow Plants Locally A deal was closed last week 'for the sale of the Dr. J. A. jDosher home and five acres of [grounds to Milton, George and Carl Lindner, of Long Island, N. Y. These brothers, extensive truck | crop growers or. Long Island, plan to use all of the available land for the growing of plants that will be transported to Long Island and set out on the farm there. Heretofore the brothers have had to depend largely on hot house grown plants for early truck crops. This was an expen sive procedure when they needed more than 200,000 early plants. J In addition, the hothouse grown plants lack the hardiness that is: to be found in those grown out-j doors. ] This spring the Lindners came I to Brunswick and grew their 'plants on the Thompson Mc Rackan farm on the River Road. Their plants grew so well and were so superior in all ways that the brothers decided to buy land ! (Continued On Page Four) Week-End Crowd Visit Beaches Crowds Comparable To Holiday Gatherings Flock To Brunswick County Beaches For Past Week End "About as big as the 4th of July," was the way that both Long Beach and Holden beach folks described their week-end crowds this week. With all houses filled to capacity on week days, both 'of these popular Brunswick county resorts are beginning to' see where they will be badly tax-] ed to handle things when the hot months of July and August bring, their week-end crowds. Although they had no schedul-, ed dance, the pavilion at Long { Beach has been having plenty of ( (Continued On Page Four) Well Known General Mer cantile Establishment In Southport Suffers Total Loss Of Building And Stock PLANS OF OWNER STILL INDEFINITE Good Work On Part Of Southport Volunteer Fire men And Men Of Sec tion Base Save Other Buildings The J. B. Ruark Co. store, old est business in Southport to be operated continuously by one family, was completely destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon as a result of an explosion of an - oil hot water heater used in con nection with the meat depart ment. Established by the late J. B. Ruark many years ago, it was operated by him until his death about fifteen years ago. At that time his son, Cronley G. Ruark, took over, later buying out the other Ruark heirs and continu ing the operation. A large wood en building, the store was carry ing about the largest stock of any mercantile establishment in Southport. About every line of goods was handled. The whole interior o? the build ing was filled with flames and dense smoke within a few min utes after being discovered. Some of the goods near the front were removed, but both building and contents may be described as having been a total loss. There was no insurance. In an inter view yesterday Mr. Ruark placed his loss at $20,000.00. Mr. Ruark stated that at pre sent his plans are indefinite, and (Continued on page four) I Fishing Parties Have Good Luck Report* Of Trips Outside During Past Few Days Indicate That Conditions Are Right For Good Fish ing Capt. Victor P. Lance of the fishing cruiser Moja has adopted the practice of keeping a daily log of his parties, number and kind of fish taken. His first such report is given herewith. Some of the other boats "have reports for one day. Moja?June 16?J. P. Erwin and party from Durham, 2 big barracuda, 3 big bonita, lost many others, a few blues and mackerel taken. Moja?June 18?Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Carroll and family of Hamlet, 60 blues, 2 mackerel, I bonita, two large barracuda. Moja?June 21?Jake Lackey and party of Myrtle Beach, 42 blues, I mackerel. Moja?June 22?H. T. Smith deal and family, Johnson City, Tenn., A. F.. Godston, Mrs. Fred Goldston, Lake Waccamaw, 77 blues. This was a morning trip, party had to come in early ow ing to seasick members. Moja?June 22?George W. Stowe and party, from Belmont, | 52 blues, 3 mackerel. This was a short afternoon trip after an (Continued on page 4) Voter Interest Growing As 2nd Primary Nears Close Race In Pro?pect Be tween Charles M. John son And W. Kerr Scott For Nomination For Gov ernor BRUNSWICK GAVE JOHNSON LEAD Another Close Contest In. Prospect Between F. Er tle Carlyle And Har grove Bellamy Brunswick county voters go to the polls Saturday to cast their ballots for a representative In the Congress of the United States and a Governor of North Carolina, and Indications are that there is a mounting interest in the coming; contests. F. Ertel Carlyle, high man In the primary of May 29, is being opposed by Hargrove Bellamy, Wilmington business man, for the Democratic nomination for" congressman from the 7th dis trict. Carlyle, who is solicitor of' the 9th judicial district, led a. three-man field last month by a six-thousand vote margin. Sinco that time supporters of both men have been busy about thfc district attempting: to line up new strength for their candidate, and the outcome of the voting Saturday will in a large measure depend upon the action of the large block of voters who sup ported J. Robert Young in the first contest. The race for governor is a fight to the finish, with Charles M. Johnson, high man by about 8,000 votes in the first primary, attempting to hold this advant age over W. Kerr Scott, the runner-up. This contest has been t a slam-bang affair from the start, and from all sections of North Carolina come predictions that the voting Saturday will be close. In the first primary Brunswick ' county gave Carlyle a small lead over Bellamy and Johnson a big lead over Scott. The polls will open at 6:30 o'clock in the morning and will close at 6:30 o'clock in the even ing. Eliminate Bad Detour On Road Visitors At Holden Beach May Now Reach Destina tion Without Hitting Im passable section Of Road The one bad detour on the new paved road to Holden Beach was definitely disposed of last week by the contractor. Their own asphalt plant having not yet ar rived, they bought enough as phalt from a nearby plant to pave a little less than half a mile of the new road from the ferry towards the Junction with Route 17. The detours through the woods on this short stretch of the road had become practically impass able. It is understood that the whole road, on which the grading is completed, will be paved in a very short time. However, with the detour as it was and the heavy volume of traffic, it waa decided that some emergency paving had to be done without waiting until the asphalt plant could be brought in. Traffic enroute to the beach now leaves 130 at the old post office building in Supply. It fol lows this road to the intersec tion with the new highway and there enters on the paving for the short distance to the ferry. Former Leland Resident Dies Stephen Alonzo Regan Died Last Week At Home Of Brother In Charleston; Burial In This County Stephen Alonzo Regan, former resident of the Leland section, died at the home of. a brother 4n Charleston, S. C., last week. His death followed a heart attack. The body was brought to Le land and intered in the Wil liams cemetery, following servi ces by Rev. J. D. Withrow 'it the Woodburn Presbyterian church. Active pallbearers were D. T. Brew, Arthur Sue, Bruce Rusa, Wilbur Gainey, Elite Gainey, and Emmett Gainey. ? Mr. Regan la survived by one daughUr, Mrs. Grace Thomas of Leland; five sisters, Mrs. W. A, Williams, Mrs. H. B. Williams, . Mrs. F. B. Russ, Mrs. C. ,H. Gainey, and Mrs. J. T. Gainey, all 01 Leland; also his brother] ?